Poor kids,it never goes away. My dad hated the nuns and priests,we live in the U.S. they weren’t much different.
This is torture to watch. These poor little kids at the mercy of monsters! How can we ever make up for this?
Dreadful times- an absolute nightmare when kids mothers died in those days- the backward thinking at the time was that a man couldn’t look his own kids (particularly if they were working class or poor) and they’d be put into these hellholes.
These poor people! I don’t understand how anyone can support churches.
May peace be with these victims my heart goes out to them.
Parents MUST watch their own children!!!!!!! Do not trust strangers with your children!!!!!
What was wrong with these people? It takes more effort to be cruel than it does to be decent. Were they all psychopaths? Why did they hate the children in their care so much? There is something deeply rotten at the heart of the Catholic church that this kind of abuse and torture was condoned for so long.
Yes, in the school I went to we had a few violent nuns. I was afraid of them also but fortunately didn’t have as teachers until the age of 12. They were cold and mean and yes, violent. One of the violent ones ended up leaving the convent. I guess she was just miserable and frustrated.
I survived adoption through the Catholic church in America, the abuse never goes away.
I went to Catholic school and when a nun was mean, it was usually to the core. I think these women were forced to enter a convent when there was no chance of unloading her on a suitor/husband. I think they had cold or mean parents. Anyway, they were not spiritual and in love with Jesus like you’d think a nun would be (Ingrid Bergman in Bells of St Mary’s kind of thing). They were pissed off at life and they took their frustration and anger out on anyone they could. It’s very sad to hear some of what these innocent children had to endure. I hope they’ve gotten past their bitterness but maybe they saw or felt the pain was too much. I wish them all peace.
Every childhood lasts a lifetime. You can see the trauma that still exists in these survivors’ faces. It’s horrific to think what these women had to endure for years.
Evil demons ! God bless these women xx

I was brought up Catholic, and I was so terrified of the Nuns who taught us. After reading the stories of The Magdeline Sisters, I am in awe to think these brutalities happened or continue to happen. Why don’t The Nuns teach us about God And Jesus as a loving and forgiving God. Mixed messages for sure.
How truly awful and degrading for these innocent children to have been put through , all these vile nuns and priests should be bought to justice for thier horrendous crimes against the innocents , they should hang thier heads in shame.
Watching this makes me feel sick. It makes feel so ashamed that I believe in God. All this pain and suffering in the name of God.
And these were the people we relied on for our moral and religious teaching Ireland 🇮🇪 was a lunatic asylum and nobody will be held responsible……we as Irish people should be on our knees begging forgiveness. Shame on us.
A similar story happend to the native people, but only they were trying to kill the native inside them and as a result they actually killed the child. But there are survivors to tell more of the story. To find out more type “we were the children” from there you will see some videos.
So sorry for these women who endured the abuse by these evil nuns. The Catholic Church is so disappointing now to learn of the evil, harsh abuse by the nuns. Worst yet the sexual abuse the children received from the priests. My faith in Almighty shall never be moved. But institutional religion is questionable right now.
I made sure my catholic mom saw this!! No More money for the church she is pissed!!Lol
There was a hierarchal ladder in Goldenbridge. Those like Mary and myself who were on the lowest rung of this particular ladder were called out of the so-called *INTERNAL* school class-room – manned by untrained *JAM* teachers, every single day and made to do most degrading jobs of the aforementioned type, Mary mentions, in the institution. The rods used by us to clean sewage filled blocked shores and the gigantic heavy sweeping brush were of the kind grown men use in industrial work settings.
People that truly love Jesus, DO NOT do this, poor women, their childhood was definitely stolen, I think that child abuse is the worst crime there is, I pray that they will never loose hope that one day, their pain will be gone, amen.
These are brave women. I’d be doing time if anyone abused me like that.
Survivors like Mary, Valerie, Pamela, Anne and innumerable others like ourselves on lowest rung of GB ladder, not only received inadequate education. We also had to stand by every Wednesday night in the ‘REC’ to watch ‘specials’ doing their routine Irish dancing steps. The latter ‘chosen dancing’ children were invariably mostly those who also spent afternoons’ studying in St Philomena’s, after attending outside National/Secondary school. La La’s also got posh visitors, irrespective of background
Pour children, not even education, how wrong.
We hear of so many good, bad and indifferent stories of industrial school-children who were adopted. But those who were sexually abused take the biscuit altogether. it’s weird really – as children who never set foot outside Goldenbridge, always envied those who got selected to go out with host families. Invariably, they were mostly the same girls who also had educational opportunities outside the institution. There are many who’d have loved to have been adopted, just to get out of the hellhole.
Yes there is a loving God ,I would put my life on it.Miracles happen and are documented.The Mass is a beautiful thing.What happened in those institutions was wrong-evil.I admire those brave people who spoke out .
I think they’re wicked because celibacy makes people strange
How come in all my years of learning history I’ve never ever heard anything good about the nuns , only motherTreasea , so meny bad things I’ve always heard about nuns , and now there are not very meny around,or they just don’t wear THIER habits any more ! Does anyone no anything about the nuns , are they still around as much as before ,and we’re they nasty because of the time , or are they still nasty , I guess they are around , they just don’t wear a habit no more ? .? I don’t no but I would love to no ? Where are that at now ?
It sounds and reminds me of the Holocaust in Germany with the German officer’s in charge. Doesn’t it? As if the children were Jews.
Trying to save folks from their own stupidity is a task indeed!
Re: Goldenbridge Shores. I absolutely concur with Mary G – as I too also cleaned with her the filled to overflowing, stinking, sewage shores down at the end of GB prison yard. We were specifically chosen for the most menial dirty tasks on a continual basis at the institution. The nun invariably stood by, with white frilly add-ons attached to sleeves in order to protect them from getting dirty, but she needn’t have bothered, as she mostly only supervised us in the despicable and unhealthy action
My heart breaks for these innocent victims at the handa of these so called women of god .Those women had no compassion or empathy for those poor girls and were treated little more as slaves . I hope the nuns and the priests who also abused young boys in their care also physically mentally and sexually that if there is a god that they wefe punished for the horrific sins they commited to these young helpless children .
..”Stolen Lives” are really wonderfully charming “Promotional” videos for Ireland aren’t they..who would resist a vist there! You show your hand plainly.. and again your stratedgy of “self protective ignorance” is not to Own Up to any of It but to Blame & Villify everybody else!
I was in Catholic school. Very expensive tuition. My father used to tithe a $1,000 DOLLARS A WEEK. I think we wasted fortunes on this institution.
I was replying to nobilclinton/ i have every sympathy for these poor girls and after having watched “magdelene laundries” my heart bled for all of them
Disgraceful the way these people were treated shame on all who were involved in this
The final investigations were blocked at every step, the person in charge of investigating resigned as a protest. The person taking over was met with the same walls of silence. Eventually 120 mil was agreed to be paid by the Christian brothers in reparations, the Irish tax payers paid the additional 900 million. Most people abused haven’t been paid or had a fair hearing in court because there were so many. A large number committed suicide or lead to self destructive ends without proper mental health care. A lot of the abusers were not given jail time or even named, that was part of the stipulations of the reparations. They were never punished, evidence was destroyed or “lost”. The government grants meant to pay for little kids food was sent directly to the Vatican. So all food and clothes were produced on site at Althone industrial school by the boys themselves in labour camps, with most being sold off for profit leaving them malnourished. The education they were given was purposely limited to lower grades. They were neglected with a lot dying. 1 shower a week in cold with a wet towel to dry on while being beaten. Absolutely savage beatings disfigurments and humiliations constantly for no reason, a lot of whippings snd beatings performed publicly while they were naked. All letters out censored and any complaints met with more beatings. Rape and molestation on an enormous scale, they also encouraged bullying by kids. There were multiple suicides within the facilities and actual murders too. The Christian brothers would move priests to other facilities when investigations got close to them. Constant denials of seeing anything. A lot of these kids were straight up orphans… sheer horror for an entire childhood and essentially unpunished. The kids were dehumanized and given a number. Were basically concentration camps to sexually, mentally and physically abuse children, thousands died in there. Again, most of the abusers are protected and unnamed, didn’t serve a day in prison and were still paid a pension.
“So much evil! They were cold and cruel. Not just in Ireland, it seems that there was a policy within the Catholic church to abuse and demoralise wherever they could . It came from the top, they will never be allowed to do that again!.they have lost their power hopefully.
In the end it will between The Almighty and the people that have committed these atrocities.
Some of those monsters may still be alive. They may still be walking around and having full use of their limbs. Why?
I agree.
The Catholic Church will go down! It’s in the scriptures.
Nuns are sick
the irish gulag system
To those surviving victims. We are sooo sorry for what happened to you all. The church should be put on trial for that cruelty. Just like the priests abuses the altar boys and girls. Am a Catholic and sooo disgusted for what’s happening in the churches. Pope Benedict who resigned is truly right. The filt didn’t come from outside but it comes from inside. He is one Catholic priest who has the balls to leave the church. Everyone that gone thru the gruesome suffering should speak up. MAY THE GRACE OF OUR FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN BE WITH YOU ALL!! WE LOVE YOU.!!
Shameful disgusting behaviour by nuns.
We had Black Marias in Australia,I know I have been in one,and our homes were no better.
yep cuz it is free to supply kids with school books teachers and supplies as well as feeding them…
Absolute power corrupts absolutely I am so angry and sad for these poor ladies and I despise those who did that to the children
a fish stinks from the head down
How did I not know about this.
why??? do you not have a heart????
So, you ‘believe’ in spin, what a good little mind controlled subject you are. Please source your spin media and we will take it apart piece by lying piece.
…Thats RIGHT…Keep On Blaming Everybody Else…Except Yourself!!!
I guess many of the nuns in earlier times were ubused themselves when they were kids and fled into monastrys at a young age to escape from their hell at home.I knew personal a women in the hospital i worked. She escaped for becoming a nun at the age of 15 because her father wanted to sleep with her, she told me.At the age of 30 she stopped being a nun and began working in the hospital, were i met her.She died in a young age from cancer.That was in Germany. The devil tries his best to destroy katholik curch by tempting priests and nuns and specially bishops and infiltrating vatican because he knows that it is the only true church, given from Jesus himself to the apostels before he rose to heaven.This is the only goal of the devil, so try to forgive all your evil doers.There are also very good priests. I met some.
THIS proves there is NO GOD!
I really don’t believe in these stories,in Africa we are beaten strongly by our parents but we have never considered it an abuse….but sincerely speaking Irish people u will have to regret for the future ur building for ur children and grandchildren
Jivan D
3 jaar geleden