Fujitsu’s Europe chief, Paul Patterson, giving evidence at the Post Office scandal inquiry at Aldwych House, central London. Photograph: Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry/PA
Very bad
Appalling weather
The drive home was appalling.
Shocking and very bad
Appalling injuries
Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions.
Fujitsu’s Role in a Devastating Miscarriage of Justice
On 19 January 2024, Fujitsu’s Europe chief, Paul Patterson, faced the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Under questioning from lead counsel Jason Beer KC, Patterson admitted that it was “shameful and appalling” that courts were not informed about the 29 critical bugs in the Horizon system—some of which were identified as early as 1999.
Fujitsu’s role in the scandal extended far beyond technical failures. Evidence revealed that the company withheld crucial error logs, while witness statements were edited to support wrongful prosecutions. These actions contributed to the devastating miscarriage of justice that saw innocent subpostmasters wrongly convicted, financially ruined, and, in some cases, imprisoned.
In his testimony, Patterson conceded that Fujitsu had failed society and expressed regret for the company’s role. However, his words could not undo decades of suffering inflicted on those falsely accused. The scale of Fujitsu’s negligence and complicity in the scandal remains a stark reminder of how corporate and institutional failures can destroy lives.
Below, you can watch key moments from Paul Patterson’s testimony, where he answers questions about Fujitsu’s actions and its failure to prevent this disaster.
Schandalig en Verbijsterend
Op 19 January 2024 verscheen Paul Patterson, de Europese topman van Fujitsu, voor het Post Office Horizon IT-onderzoek. Onder ondervraging door hoofdadvocaat Jason Beer KC gaf Patterson toe dat het “schandalig en verbijsterend” was dat rechtbanken niet werden geïnformeerd over de 29 kritieke bugs in het Horizon-systeem—sommige al geïdentificeerd in 1999.
Fujitsu’s betrokkenheid bij het schandaal ging veel verder dan technische fouten. Uit bewijsmateriaal bleek dat het bedrijf cruciale foutlogboeken achterhield, terwijl getuigenverklaringen werden aangepast om onterechte vervolgingen te ondersteunen. Deze acties droegen bij aan de vernietigende gerechtelijke dwaling, waarbij onschuldige subpostmasters werden veroordeeld, financieel geruïneerd en sommigen zelfs gevangen gezet.
Tijdens zijn getuigenis erkende Patterson dat Fujitsu de samenleving in de steek had gelaten en betuigde hij spijt over de rol van het bedrijf. Maar zijn woorden konden het decennialange leed van de slachtoffers niet ongedaan maken. De omvang van Fujitsu’s nalatigheid en medeplichtigheid in dit schandaal blijft een huiveringwekkende herinnering aan hoe institutioneel falen levens kan verwoesten.
Hieronder kunt u belangrijke momenten uit de getuigenis van Paul Patterson bekijken, waarin hij vragen beantwoordt over de acties van Fujitsu en het onvermogen om deze ramp te voorkomen.
Post office scandal: Fujitsu boss admits ‘shameful’ omissions during inquiry
19 jan 2024
Fujitsu staff knew of bugs from as far back as 1999, the firm’s Europe boss told the inquiry.
Paul Patterson has described the fact that known glitches were not included in witness statements used to prosecute sub-postmasters as “shameful”. During this morning’s hearing, Fujitsu’s Europe director was taken through examples of bugs cited in his 193-page witness statement.
It showed Fujitsu staff were aware of various bugs, errors and defects as far back as November 1999 – when the rollout had only just begun. Mr Patterson’s statement, which is built on documents sourced from Fujitsu, suggests that the Post Office was informed of most of the bugs soon after their discovery. It was a point the inquiry’s chairman Sir Wyn Williams wanted to clarify.
Post Office deleted ‘bugs and errors’ references from witness statements, Fujitsu boss claims
19 jan 2024
The Post Office deleted references to bugs and errors from Fujitsu witness statements, the director of Fujitsu has claimed.
William Paul Patterson said that Fujitsu witness statements submitted to the Post Office to use in court proceedings against accused subpostmasters had been tampered with when they appeared in court.
Mr Patterson made the claims whilst giving evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry, which is investigating the miscarriage of justice of more than 700 subpostmasters being wrongly convicted of fraud due to a faulty IT system.
Post Office: ‘appalling’ that courts not told of bugs, Fujitsu boss admits
Europe chief of tech firm embroiled in Horizon IT scandal tells inquiry that bugs were identified as early at 1999
Fujitsu’s Europe chief has admitted it is “shameful and appalling” that courts hearing cases against post office operators over missing funds were not told of 29 bugs identified as early as 1999 in the accounting system it built.
Evidence was heard on Friday at a public inquiry into the scandal of a reluctance at the Japanese software company to make the Post Office aware of a “known error log” chronicling all the Horizon system’s defects.
When bugs were acknowledged, witness statements from Fujitsu staff due to be heard in court were then edited by the Post Office as it sought to maintain the line that the system was working well as it pursued innocent people through the courts.
Paul Patterson agreed that both organisations had failed those accused. “I am surprised that that detail was not included in the witness statements given by Fujitsu staff to the Post Office and I have seen some evidence of editing witness statements by others,” he said.
Asked by the lead counsel of the public inquiry, Jason Beer KC, whether he agreed that this was shameful, Patterson, who has worked at the company for 14 years, said: “That would be one word I would use. Shameful and appalling. My understanding of how our laws work in this country, is that all of the evidence should have been put in front of the subpostmasters that the Post Office was relying on to prosecute them.”
Patterson said Fujitsu had “let society down” and that the company would contribute to a fund to compensate “victims of this crime”, although he admitted to not having met a single post office operator as he had not believed it appropriate.
There has been slow progress in compensating victims of the scandal. On Friday, it was reported that Ben Tidswell, a former lawyer with the international law firm Ashurst who became a director of the Post Office in July 2021, had quit a board overseeing payments to operators just a year into a three-year term.
About 900 post office operators were convicted between 1999 and 2015 on the basis of shortages falsely recorded on the Horizon IT system, which was said repeatedly by the organisation inside and out of court to be unimpeachable.
The Post Office has also been asked by government to examine whether its previous accounting system, known as Capture, also led to false convictions after earlier potential miscarriages of justice came to light.
The public inquiry, led by the retired high court judge Sir Wyn Williams, heard that 29 bugs and defects in the Horizon system were identified from as early as November 1999 and they led to false records being posted.
Patterson said there was “evidence” that Fujitsu employees had a “don’t share with the Post Office” approach to a document chronicling the known errors in the system.
He said the “vast majority” of bugs, errors and defects (BEDs) in the Horizon system were shared with the Post Office contemporaneously.
But post office operators were neither informed about known errors nor provided with the accessible raw data. Patterson admitted that Fujitsu’s witness statements in support of Post Office cases in the criminal and civil courts had been misleading.
Fujitsu has admitted to a failure to provide the level of information it should have in a range of cases including that of Lee Castleton, who was made bankrupt after being ordered to pay a £25,000 shortfall that did not exist and £321,000 in legal costs in 2007 when the high court ruled in the Post Office’s favour.
Asked by Beer whether he agreed that this was a “startling admission”, Patterson said: “I agree that it is. But importantly it is the truth.”
The company was paid £850,000 a year to provide data used for prosecutions and further funds for the provision of witnesses.
The inquiry heard that a former software support centre worker, Anne Chambers, had in 2007 set out a list of concerns internally relating to the case against Castleton, now 56, including that Fujitsu had made a “major legal blunder” by not disclosing all the “relevant evidence that was in existence”.
Beer said that the evidence suggested she had been given a “pat on the head” but that it was “business as usual”. “I would agree – these are missed opportunities,” Patterson said.
Fujitsu had previously described its audit data as “gold standard”.
Pressed on this, Patterson responded: “No, it wasn’t.” Offered the alternatives of “bronze standard or copper standard”, Patterson said, “I wouldn’t use that characterisation at all”. Beer responded: “Pewter?”
Patterson, the most senior Fujitsu Services Ltd director, who started his career at the company in sales, had opened his evidence with an apology to the men and women pursued by the Post Office with the assistance of his company. The highest-paid director in Fujitsu Services Ltd was paid £409,000 last year and £1.3m in 2022.
Patterson said: “To the subpostmasters and their families, we apologise, Fujitsu apologises and is sorry for our part in this appalling miscarriage of justice.
“We are determined to support this inquiry and get to the truth, wherever it lies, and at the conclusion of the inquiry and the guidance from this inquiry engage with government on suitable contributions and redress to the subpostmasters and their families.”
Post Office Inquiry: Fujitsu boss labels editing of witness statements in prosecutions ‘shameful’
19 jan 2024
Fujitsu’s European boss has described the editing of witness statements to defend the Horizon IT system that were used in the prosecutions of subpostmasters as “shameful”.
Paul Patterson told the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry that he was “surprised” that details of bugs, errors and defects (BEDs) in the scandal-hit software were not included in witness statements for criminal proceedings against subpostmasters.
He admitted that BEDs had existed in the system for “nearly two decades” and said the “vast majority” had been shared with the Post Office contemporaneously.
Fujitsu boss cornered over Horizon scandal at Post Office Inquiry
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After sitting in front of the Business and Trade Committee earlier this week, director of Fujitsu Services Paul Patterson was at the Post Office inquiry this afternoon getting grilled yet again over his company’s faulty Horizon software.
Rethinking The Norm- Is Normal | Paula Vennels | TEDxBedfordSchool
22 feb 2017
On this talk Paula Vennels shared her idea on how thinking outside the box and going against the norms that were set by the society can carry us to success. She tried to convey the idea that we should be brave enough to take on unprecedented challenges against the beliefs of the society.
Paula has worked for Post Office Limited since 2007 in a number of senior roles, including Managing Director, becoming Chief Executive on 1 April 2012. Prior to Post Office, Paula spent five years with Whitbread plc, latterly as Group Commercial Director. She began her career with Unilever and L’Oreal and has held directorships in sales and marketing with a number of major retailers, including Dixons Stores Group and Argos.
Paula is a Non-Executive Director of Morrisons plc, a Trustee for the Hymns Ancient and Modern Group and a member of the Future High Street Forum.
Fujitsu and Post Office KNEW Of Missing Critical Data
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6 feb 2024
Fujitsu and Post Office KNEW Of Missing Critical Data and the lack of integrity in the data that was provided in the Post Office prosecutions of subpostmasters as the lawyers Hudgells, representing many convicted subpostmasters summarise in their Phase 4 Closing Statement to the Post Office Inquiry.
A lack of motivation towards the truth and instead protection of the brand of both Fujitsu and the Post Office are cited as reasons with the main focus her being on the lack of understand from investigators of key audit data or indeed even what data was available to them.
Nail Gun Gone Wrong
OUCH! This gag has got random people shooting nails into a construction worker’s foot!
Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre…