Robert O’Neil Speech Navy SEAL who Killed Bin Laden – Blog

Lange 86
Glad this one got reposted, true motivation off mindset. It helped me true my dark period, when i was on my way back, special the never give up and bad day not a bad life part!!! Now doing better then ever i found it again.. Thanks for this!!! Blessings from the Netherlands
“we are going for the single mom who dropped her kids off at elementary school on a tuesday morning and then 45 minutes later jumped to her death out of a skyscraper because that was a better alternative to burning alive”- Honestly some of the best words I have ever heard out of this man true patriotism he has!
Braeden Chapman
Dont mind me, just writing down notable time stamps: 3:20 No emotion in decisions 7:05 We’re not getting out alive 9:01 long term goals/quit tomorrow 18:37 all stress is self induced 32:48 training, communication, repetition 37:31 communication is not just talking 39:16 goodbyes 49:52 no shortcuts 57:23 no time like the present 58:51 head down, move forward
Alden Bustard
I’m a full time college student and I believe that we need more men or women like this coming to campus to talk to students and instill lessons and values. Not so many of these overly sensitive snowflake professors who don’t have a fraction of the wisdom, understanding or achievement that a man like Robert O’Neil has.
This is why we should always continue the pledge of allegiance. For men who sacrificed the ultimate sacrifice
Josh C
“Quit tomorrow” for some reason that makes a lot of sense to me🤘🏻 good stuff man and thank you🇺🇸
Something scarier than a Navy seal is not knowing where the Navy seal is.
Enjoyed every second of this. Incredible human being’s telling stories and teaching others?? That’s a yes for me all day long. 🤙👌
me you
Wow I love that. ”I’m old as I’ve ever been but as young as I’ll ever be”
Otwarty Sezam
I had a moment, I considered quitting. I imagined myself in my cosy room with a mug of hot tea, a blanket and watching some comedy movie. I was warm, dry and… regretting every second of it. I knew I will never forgive myself quitting. That I will lose all respect towards myself and I simply couldn’t do it. Suddenly the rain wasn’t that bad. Being sick and cold wasn’t the worst that could happen to me. Blisters on my feet were not that awful. I knew I was going to be someone better and stronger, so here I am. As a soldier many things stop bothering you like sickness, cold, rain, etc. There is never a bad weather, only bad clothing.
Tennis Hatfield
Thought provoking and highly motivational. One of the best speeches on focus I’ve had the pleasure of watching. I received several golden nuggets of information that apply to my life. Thank you for your service to our country.
Rayman 1
33:0033:10.. one of the most important statements that can be applied to work or personal relationships. Trust in someones ability to make their own decisions. Support them.
Jeon Richard
46:10 – One of the funniest stories I have ever heard. Such a funny thing to say to someone on their first jump.
I would’ve loved to have seen those videos of his jumps! That’s shit that the everyday person will never get to see is real pov footage of a Tier 1 DEVGRU/TEAM VI mission!!
G Evo
Damn that was something. Thank you for that speech it was very motivating and inspiring
Myrreah Pyles
What an awesome story to share.. I cried a couple of times and he did not even said things in a dramatic way.. I just felt him! A great man, not only for his service but also for his motivation. I learned a lot of things from this. Thank you!
Would have been nice to be able to see the slides to.
New York Rebel
I’ve never served, but that was some funny shit. Inspirational as well.
TinyMexican1011 Z
I just watched this whole thing and never knew I wanted to. Clicked on it because it was suggested as background noise, but I needed it so much
Alejandro Anzaldua
I really wish we could see what he was showing on the screen
Dawsyn Larson
Honestly yo just watching videos with O’Neil in it just kinda lightens you’re mood idk how to explain it just makes u now motivated atleast I feel that way
Isaac Mendes
My favorite is when dudes walk on stage with the gator goggles still on.
“Stress is a choice, stress is a bag of bricks” Hoyah to that sir
Paul McGee
There was a time when special forces were silent
Jaynald Cruz
Amazing! Thank you for your service— and thank you for reminding me what life is all about. Hooah!
Wow great job showing the projector… I really feel like I’m there… in the broom closet.
Fletcher Moore
“Well dont look at me bro I don’t know what half this shit does anyways!” That killed me 🤣
This was great, just wish who ever was filming would have shown the slides and videos!
H 2
I saw this one a couple months ago and I’m glad it got reposted, I personally think it’s his best one just in terms of delivery and emotion
john wolosz
Should be required viewing for all 8th graders in the USA…and above…. no politics here ..jest solid advice in life…
Eliana Cordoba
You are adorable – and thank you for your service to the American people.
Tyler Durden
The book is awesome and this guy is a legend, I like in the book how he talks about not being scared and that it can get you killed, as a career Firefighter/Paramedic I have really used that advice to not get stressed out or be scared and it has made a big impact on my life.
Keep going forward, never quit, Thank You Mr. O’Neil.
Angelo Matta
Take a deep breath, Keep moving forward, no matter what, never quite and you will be fine. Amazing
Brooke Martin
As a medic and 20 year Army wife, this spoke volumes to me. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Rick Kemp
Great speech, combat vets are the best of the best. No matter if you’re Marine recon, infantry, Seal, ranger, SF etc the enemy & bullets, rockets, ied’s and so forth know no different. Combat Vets deserve anything they need when they return. Semper Fi!
John Eastman
This is an authentic and very well staged recruitment presentation for this service.
Zaid Syed
Much respect to this dude. Couldn’t help but watch this whole thing.
Alexander W.
That was an awesome speach. So many Thinge that you can apply in your day to day life. Glad I found this
Can NO d'EAU
I liked this guy. He is really keyed in. Thanks for the talk.
The Nine Dollar Show
This is one of those videos that’s constantly recommended and I finally clicked, and I’m so glad I did. Thank you for your service!
Anthony Bly
How anyone could dislike this is bewildering to me.
Earl Elzy
I wish I could see the screen. He’s a great speaker. I enjoyed this very much. I’ll save this to watch later.
Mr. Fist
Dam, that shit when he was talking about never quitting was inspiring ngl..
J. Rose
You’ve got to love the dry dad jokes
I have read that book and it left me speechless. Just really hits home with me, I feel it, I understand it and it was an easy but hard read.
Usually never listen to these talks. This was good.
40:40 got a tear in my eye and say YES, that’s why these guys do what they do.
HB Legal
Well done! Don’t pick up that bag of bricks. Great life lessons.
hunter loftus
The part where he talks about the camel kills me man 😂 36:30 is around where it starts
Travis Garner
This guy has had some amazing life coaches/training.
Luca Barachini
Really interesting speech and outstanding well spoken guy. yet, all based on the fact Americans rule the world. Really pity angle of a motivation clip
Brad Toops
Love this dude. He speaks the truth. I never went to buds and I promise I couldnt do it cuz I swim like a rock lol. But I was honor platoon in basic and honor grad in ait. Always tried my best. This dude is legit
Michael Joesting
I’m goin to show this to my two young boys cause he talks about the same things I’m trying to instill in them to help them be the best person or version of themselves that they can be.
César Abreu
14:13 “you just killed your self, you passed the god damn test. Good Job!!”
Mike Sowder
The only easy day is yesterday. All gave a whole lot, some gave all. I thank you all and pray for God to shine nothing but blessings upon you all.
great motivational talk-inspiring.
Daniel Bennett
This guy is a badass and funny as hell
I’m late to the game but just finished the book. Awesome. True American Hero.
Soumyajit Das
I am pumped up to take on any challenge now.❤️❤️❤️
Forever Gratitude. Thank You Navy Seals.
Richard Baron
Wow, really enjoyed this, what a guy and what a speech 🙂
Rodney Miller
I love watching this thank you sir for your service buddy you ain’t got no sense you are to funny
I love how he’s just like ‘hehehehe ok stop clapping’ 😂
C B.
I am speechless! Learnt so much today from this elite navy seal. Very inspiring; encouraging, builds “never quit mentally “ in everyone’s life whether one is a student, cancer survivor, handicapped or aged. There is always light at the end of tunnel. Never and ever quit!
Adam M
Do you know, this mentally is perfect for beating an addiction in the short term as the brain and body recovers from a dieased state. Obviously I’m not comparing the two exactly it’s just an extremely good way to beat an addicted dieased brain
Kenneth Polvent
Rob and his team prove what is beautiful about our great nation 🇺🇸 As a New Yorker and in a military family, September 11th forever changed my life. Rob proves what absolute studs these men are on and off the battlefield day in and day out. While many people disagree with him telling his story publicly, I believe it has opened many people’s eyes into their world. Regardless of politics, this man proves we’re always stronger as a team. Rob worked for 2 dems and 1 rep President yet always acknowledges that the military is apolitical. Thank God for people like Rob. Our country needs to take a deep breath, sit back and remember America is the greatest country ever because of people like Rob Oneil. “We are not going for fame and we are not going for bravado. We’re going for the single mom who dropped her kids off at elementary school on a Tuesday morning and then 45 mins later she jumped to her death out of a skyscraper because that was a better alternative than burning alive because its 2500 degrees inside and her last gesture of human decency was to hold her skirt down so nobody could see her underwear as she committed suicide.”-Rob Oneil That simplifies the excellence, patriotism, courage and a rare attribute that only a select few have that makes them “special” operators and heroes among us. May God continue to bless the 🇺🇸 Thank you Rob Oneil 👋🏼 Amazing to say the least
Slatt E
35:00 Basically sums up what a Navy SEAL is
Lew3522 Stephens
So much respect for this guy and all of the Special Ops men/women.
Great Speech by a great man!
mark arnsberg
This is the exact opposite of what a True Navy Seal is. Sad he forgot everything they stand for,.
Mike G
Appreciate your service Chief…u r an inspiration to all.of us
ShortFatandStumpy FAT
Just amazing, I’m so glad I watched this…
Makin Waves
O’Neal: Door bell rings, bad guy opens door, good guy and bad guy exchange confused looks, bad guys on the ground in cuffs Chef: that will never work…
Voice of REASON
TY Rob, TY SEALS, TY military!! Can never thank y’all enough! Oh, and LOVED the doorbell story! LMFAO – dude was prob like W T F
Saw him give a speech live and was fantastic
RoK Bottom Studios
In a few days, we’ll be learning the real truth behind the seal team 6 raid.
David Bugden
I LOVE THIS! Very interesting and he is really funny too! XD
Zachery James
Love what he says about stress 19:13
Alastair West
Jim Morrison is the originator of: “Noone gets out of here alive..”
James Fuller
Sounds like jocko willink gave them their start to buds!
Storm Hansen
Using a uniform every day for so long has made him forget how to combine civilian pieces of clothing and their colors…
Tim Bruse
When you’re done saying what you’re saying…. stop saying it. Never pass up the opportunity to shut up. Gems, people.
Kim Jong Cena
Bin Laden’s mission was mission “420”?
Jarkko Viitala
Thanks God of you Navy Seals ❤️ We will continue living IN FREE WORLD because OF YOU ❤️
Jamie David
Jamie David will one day quote this guy in an interview
David Espinosa
amazing speech from an amazing human but that collar thooooo
Mr Da Vinci
The decision we make, with the knowledge you own that’s what defines a man. From 7 to 77 no matter race, sex, or religion.
Brilliant. Thankyou!
Keith Ashline
Words for living an abundant life. Well done shipmate. BZ
Paul Begansky
Thank you. Great lessons for life. Thank you.
Orange County Anthony
Great speaker. Very relatable!👍
The Great Executioner speaks.
Brian Green
I had the pleasure to see i believe seal team 6 while underway to the Persian Gulf in 96.Just watching them offload their gear from the helo was cool to watch
36:18 😂 “Oh cuz i’m in afghanistan and it fuckin sucks over here.” I love the dialogue
Peter H
Thanks Rob. Your words were very helpful to me today.
Justin Ramirez
The best speech I’ve heard
Ismael Diaz
Loves this conference. Man so.mich knowledge from a guy who many people think he is just a killing machine… but there is so much more about all this … mental toughness, leadership .. Thanks for sharing sir !
Robbie Goodwin
“He’s the squeeze worth the juice”
Awesome talk, thx Rob!
Susan Fresneda
Excellent presentation and amazing man!🇨🇦
Early on O’Neill mentions BUDS swimming, don’t think it was mentioned, but in other interviews he’d mentioned he wasn’t a good swimmer going as far as he basically couldn’t swim.
George W Bush Center for Intelligence
He probably never has to pay for a brew at any bar I imagine.
Flex Frank
Wish all presidents were former navy seals, that would be great
Neil Chinn
One highly impressive individual.
Wish we could see his multimedia presentation during this.
It’s a shame we didn’t get to see his presentation.
Keon 74
I guess I’m the only one who noticed that he most likely fell asleep at the beach with some cool shades on
Frank Gp1800
I love all the fans in the comments that are mad about O’neil sharing his story. When you do 1/3 what he has done, then maybe you can voice your shitty opinion. Gotta love these movie watching office geeks smh.
Rage Against The Numpty
Well, he killed me with that blue jacket.
Navarrette 18
This guy is my motivation !
Luke Jones
The enemy is all your doubts and all your fears and everyone who said that you can’t do it. Never quit and keep moving forward all that doubt is fuel to the fire.
I truly believe that what we can learn, what rob is trying to preach, is that just don’t fuckin quit at whatever it is you wanna do, and eventually, everything will be as it should.
This guy got a bad rap from the press. I enjoyed this video. He didn’t divulge any secrets, He doesn’t sound like he’s looking for fame. He basically told about his time in the SEAL’S. Thank you for your service Navy SEAL Robert O’Neil.
Pure brilliance 👍
If you wanna see what he shows on the screen, watch his WTS Speech 🙂
Jackie Chun
32:55 Micromanagement is counter productive. Teach people how to do their job and do it. 33:44 Effective communication= Get rid of the noise. Just because you are talking doesn’t mean you are communicating. 35:08 4 major motion pictures made about the jobs he was a part of 36:57 Case study of ineffective communication. Noise breeds noise. The radio is a push-to-talk, not a push-to-think. Think, then talk. Dont think by talking aloud. 37:40 When youre done saying what youre staying, stop saying it. Quote: Never pass up the opportunity to shut up.
All this talk of preparation he should be the spokesman for Preparation H 😬 Seriously tho he’s a gifted speaker I could listen to him for hours
send it
what he means as on is the telephone can be used as tracking and turned on in your pocket and they can listen to you talking
Crystal Huffman
God bless you sir! Thank you! Sincerely. USA Royal American throne!
On another note…. I love how the biggest mission of his career was mission #420…. Anyone else catch that?
Salvatore Tessio
Extremely positive guy!
Sonali Balida
Thanks for motivating Sir Robert O Neil
Andrew Ma
Something similar about Navy SEALs. Type A personality…real men!!!
The Fishy Life !
I thought it’s EXTREME TABOO!!!!! for seals to publicly disclose kills and missions, I mean I know this particular kill has a huge public interest but I always thought there was a “seal code” which was they never talk about missions and kills like this…?? Either way I’m extremely grateful this guy risked his life for my freedom and all those who were killed too!!
35:45 haha 😂 best housetour ever
A youtube recommendation i like alot. Great speech! 🙂
William Keller
19:09 realest shit I’ve ever heard
Mr. O’Neil truly has led an amazing life.
Daniel Brice
That’s the same guy banned from delta for bragging about not wearing a mask and telling Fox News that he would go around Kabul with 6 guys and just start killing people 🙄
Lauren Cain
😖. I took emotion out of my decision making in 2001. I was impeccably level headed, searching for help. Problem. Solution options. Problem. Solution options. Then Murphy met me at the doors of the gods of investigations. 😖. I need a snack and a nap. 🤬.
Dakota Clark
He’s only doing this for the money because he’s money hungry. A true navy seal would never go public
What an entertaining and charismatic guy.
Giles Hubbard
i have a tremendous amount of respect for this guy and all he’s accomplished but kinda gives me weird vibes that this guy is putting himself in the spotlight, nobody should know anything about DEVGRU and whose in it except for DEVGRU
29:39 it reminds me of me in my pyjamas when I check if all the doors are locked before I go to bed…
What a great guy !
Desert Lizard
Instructor pastpone is my hero.
Robbie Goodwin
Lame audience. He deserved way more of a response
Jonny Malcs
I can understand both sides. I know that SO soldiers are meant to be ‘silent professionals’, but in his book he hardly discloses anything that isn’t common knowledge. Yes, dogs are used. Yes, doors are breached. Yes, night-vision is extremely effective. He risked his life multiple times over many deployments and a HUGE amount of missions. I think a lot of SEALS will be resentful due to his charisma and his claim to the ultimate trophy kill. I like Rob a lot, and for all the distain he receives from a lot of the SEAL community, I think he is largely still well-liked. He wasn’t the first to speak about his experiences in Special Ops, and he won’t be the last. He sent his book to be vetted by the Navy. Ironically, all they asked him to remove was the fact he was in SEAL team (BLEEP). Which again, is common knowledge. He has inspired a lot of people, and will continue to inspire more. SAS, SBS, Green Berets, Rangers, SEALS etc. are all telling their stories, as they are stories that deserve to be heard. A lot of tactical intelligence is given away by spies and moles, which Rob is not.
Robert MacCready
Will forever wonder what his slides looked like.
Strong Security
Outstanding is the only word that comes to mind.
Africa Is Rising
wow, I love this man. Real baddass!!!
Use every bit of this every day, running a Company.
Thank you Rob for your service
Gav 67
Great presentation, great presentation skills, great story. It was like a good book, I couldn’t stop watching and I wanted more.
Watching this on his birthday. Happy birthday!
Navy seals are my favorite people in the world.
Allen Traylor
He’s really lucky to still be alive… Blows my mind that “they” know who he is, and still let him live…
Shaun Roberts
This was Outstanding.
Thank you for your service Mr. O’Neil.
Jamal Lowe
Don’t let a Navy Seal become a POW they’ll write a whole book for the enemy giving up info on missions. Delta force knows how to stfu #teamDeltaForce
Otto Honkala
Mark Twain – on the “never pass up an opportunity to shut up” quote unless I am mistaken.
Chiara Trionfini
Thank Robert from Italy👏👏👏👏
This man is awsome
Henri Rahmon
Very inspirational, motivating video
Hello Hunter
I want him on my warzone team
TheGT3 click Crash
Honestly this is just great advice for ordinary people. Nobody gets out of life alive.
Sonali Balida
Thanks for a great hunt 👍👍👍 long lives America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Dark Knight
A true American hero 💪May God help you in your future endeavours
Internal Tissues
while this is cool information, US tier one special forces should try to limit the trend of seeking publicity and monetizing their battlefield exploits. there is currently significant rift forming in the special forces community regarding this issue and it’s not good for the SF community as a whole. its understandable that if you shot OBL you have a ticket to status and wealth but the operations that were undertaken should remain on the down low IMO.
Great stuff and inspiring!
Ken Hall
he looks like a team guy
mikeyb byekim
Something that annoys me so much is the helo crash bc of the solid wall. Even I knew that would’ve caused a problem, yet the badass pilots didn’t figure that in to their actions. Now bc if that U S competitors have stealth tech in their hands. The training mockup was to scale except it used a fence rather than a solid wall. Stupid mistake.
Killed_By_The_Architect -
I don’t want to talk about the BIn Laden incident because I’d rather you buy my book, LOL!
Nikita mali
Proud of you mr Robert o’ Neil you do great ( from india)
Ales Me
Wow 👏 to THE TEAM, whom without, Bin Laden wouldn’t have been killed.
Jeffrey John
What happened to Bissonnette? I thought that he killed Bin Laden. Remember when he said that he stopped at Taco Bell on the way home?
Anthony Frye
This dude been on some of the most famous deployments killing bin laden, rescue of Marcus luttrell, and the rescue of captain phillips
Fok Julie
I’d never even be able to get through the first day of training ☹️
Abdishakur Ali
Never imagined the guy who killed Omasa Bin laden will be in public. I thought this will be classified and if known he’ll be in hiding but things aren’t as I imagined. Here he is talking about it publicly and of course making money out of it
Lil DoeFlamingo
I Already voted for this man to be President… I DONT care if it’s an option or not… He’s MY President 🙏😂😂
Thank you for that. God bless
Reggie Kanan
I’d like to ask him about the mysterious deaths of SEAL Team 6…🤨
Miller Bros Media & Off Grid Fly Fishing
“Don’t be the victim in the corner when an active shooter comes in waiting for someone to come rescue you” READ THE 2nd AMENDMENT and STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS and LIBERTY AS AN AMERICAN, CARRY TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR NEIGHBOR.
Erode sane
Bruh hes probably still alive he has alot of doubles
Paul Sauntson
According to “no easy day” the tandem jumper was Matt Bissonnette
Ya Ya
That was mission number 420 nice
J Shepard
For any Navy SEAL I automatically award 90/100 manliness points. You shoot bin Laden, your score goes up to 100. But you put on that jacket, you’re back down to 85.
Catman Sandiego
Wow just wow. Thank you for your service. Thank you for this 👍🙏🏼 💯 🔥 💪 6
Terry Brown
Should have shown the slideshows
Joey Soprano
There is a Great Father behind this Great Warrior . I don’t think that’s an accident
Lance Roark
I see a door; I don’t see hinges; door opens in; click to fire; check the door; door is unlocked; wait for the signal.
Pyramus K
I suppose they have a new secret team now everybody knows about Team 6.
Isaac Losh
If we didn’t know that this guy was a Navy Seal we could never tell that he was a Navy Seal
First Name Last Name
Good speaker. I enjoyed this.
Nothing but respect to this guy.. funny af too lol
I can watch this over and over.
All the “dislikes” on this video are Bin Ladens fan club 🖕They’re probably still mad this patriotic man let the air out of him in his pajamas 🍻
Grey Man
Your a saint. Ill follow u till the end.
Donald Jong Un
“We are not going for fame” Oh really 😂😂😂
Johnny McLemore
Wish we could have seen the pictures and videos, but awesome video love watching this stuff.
Dang it 😩 Robert was in Orlando and I missed it 😭 Son of a Seabiscuit ..I would have gone .. Orlando is only a hour away from my home
NeverGiveUp 99
Thanks for serving! Awesome!
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Nice to hear from you 👍❤️ Robert
General Ripper
A Delta Force Operator, Green Beret and Navy Seal walked into a bar and the Seal wrote a book about it.
Lowrents P. Washington
You know when somebody’s funny cause they inform you they are.
Joel Hammer Egholm
I just hope he didn’t use Fullauto in the building
mikeyb byekim
3:05 I totally called that. The mockup building for training had an open air pass threw fence where as the real building had a solid wall. How tf did the pilots not forecast that problem with air flow and rotor wash? Or did they just assume it was correct? Shit, I’m no expert and even I knew that.
Real seals don’t talk, all about that action BOSS
Lost Patriot
I miss the “silent professionals”
The Hitman killed Osama, not you. Matt Bissonnette gives a conflicting account of the situation, writing that Bin Laden had already been mortally wounded by the lead SEAL’s shots from the staircase. The lead SEAL then pushed Bin Laden’s wives aside, attempting to shield the SEALs behind him in the case that either woman had an explosive device. After Bin Laden staggered back or fell into the bedroom, Bissonnette and O’Neill entered the room, saw the wounded Bin Laden on the ground, fired multiple rounds, and killed him.[104] Journalist Peter Bergen investigated the conflicting claims and found that most of the SEALs present during the raid favored Bissonnette’s account of the events. According to Bergen’s sources, O’Neill did not mention firing the shots that killed Bin Laden in the after action report following the operations.[105] But other military officials and SEALs took issue with Mr. O’Neill’s account. They credited the unidentified point man, who is still a member of the secret unit, with severely wounding or even killing Bin Laden before other SEALs fired. A former commander of SEAL Team 6 said in an interview that he believed Mr. O’Neill fired “insurance” rounds into Bin Laden’s body, after he was down.
Finglas United
It hasn’t been proved that this man killed Bin Laden…
TheGT3 click Crash
I’m glad he brought up why they do what they do. Please never forget all the innocent people who died on Tuesday September 11th.
Great talk on the need, importance of what God mentions….endure to the end so we will get our 👑 crown. Thanks for your service, and sacrifice.
The only people who give me motivation in life are these guys
Mark Teeter
Crazy we took PE and Health in high school and we never learned about the Navy Seal training and work ethic-
51:00 This is when the doorbell story starts.
Travis Garner
I heard locations of teams 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, and 10. No mention of location for team 6 and 9 🙂
Donald D
The best laboratory in Aus can’t get a DNA confirmed in under 2weeks… you got it in 12 hrs on a aircraft in the sky over enemy airspace then ditched the body. …
colby norwood
Thank the lord we have these people
1 Park
Goddamn hero that’s what he is
Alexis Mendiola
he’s super sun burned XD
I hate Al’Qaeda and revere this man as I do all Seals, etc.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Respect my friends US Navy SEAL 💪 now freestyle sir yes 😎❤️ too 😘😀
Billy Lucious
Do they teach “Impulse Control? ~ Ranger +~
Keith Adams
Team effort….never forget
So this guy is cashing in on killing Bin Laden? You’d think a Navy SEAL wouldn’t need so much attention for doing his job.
26:55 for the cool shit 😎
Lynne Engellenner
Stand by me. As I said, ryan- God’s son, did not stand by me, ryans father God stood by me. Heidi’s father is lucifer morning star. No easy way.
3 days after this i saw an interview with some teenagers out front the “osama bin laden” camp who said that it was thier teacher who lived there for 20 years and laughed when the interviewer said it was osama bin laden.
Mike Howell
I could listen to this man for years.
Anthony Amadio
I met Carl Higbie team 3 leader he told me Kris Kyle did not know if he should use 50 caliber or hi custom 338 Lapua he picked 338 as 50 has powerful recoil. Move American Sniper shows he made the right choice!
The Real Bluegachue4
For those who don’t know C6 is like C4 on Crack.
JS Willey
How he takes a drink of water and puts his hands in his pockets….so chill moment
Douglas Linnell
Thank You For Your Service Very Much Appreciated 😇♥️✌️♥️😇 💞A Navy Veterans Widow Kathleen
Bryce Ripley
Gah damn Patriot Bastard love him
Mike K
I very much respect Seal Team 6, but I believe our very best should remain in the shadows and not be publicly known.
Michael Horn
I don’t think bin laden was ever killed, I believe he’s living a good life somewhere in the United States thanks to Obama and the United States government.
Lol why did they build a room around a camel? I lost it!
Daniel Steven
Navy SEALs are the most badass guys on earth and they’re also very humble too.
Ben Martz
Thank you so much. My family sleeps safe @ nite because of people like you and our other veterans. Because of you guys and law enforcement i can go to sleep peacefully.
Insane Hunter
seals all have very sarcastic over the top sense of humors.. its only what they get through what they do. and there are dozens of retired seals that speak allover the world… that tell work stories as jokes
scott Murray
I have to admire the huge and honest learning process of these guys, they are an enormous credit to their country. I’d love to see these guys teach cops the value of the flag and their oath to the constitution. If not then the freedom we think we have is an illusion.
Doctor J
Many things about what he said noone should EVER know.
I didn’t know Jake Busey was in Seal Team 6.
Marit Fishgirl
I so needed this now 😂
Nicholas Bevan
No battleplan survives encounter with the enemy
C. T.
Tremendous Patriot! USA 1!
Steven Lohman
That guy was excellent
Slayer T-rav
Badass man right there
Amish HACKER lul
Andy stumpf was that instructor.
Mike W
Thanks for publishing this.
Kyle McCarthy
What ever happened to keeping identities of seals a secret? Man, this generation and the need of attention and social media is pretty sad
erik holmes
Not Gunna lie. I thought he was a boaster concieted jerk. I’m a proud Canadian and this guy is a gem. Tier 1 he will no jtf2 from Canada . Your speech in incredible . Love you from Canada. And if you see this have you served with Canadian tier 1? I’m in infantry
Cory Turner
I love everything about the military. This guy is great. I wish I had gone the military route.
John Schweiger
I want to join the military so bad
He is also blackballed from DevGru.
Simone Foxx
Great & inspirational words! Watch out Tony Robbins . May God Bless you always. 108th MI Batallion (Army) thanks you.
lol hes actually funny as hell
Jake Walker
FAITH in USA! 🇺🇸
Aaron Lott
Damn good seal to have 420 missions and bein a seal for 17 years and still be here
Sammy Zonna
I was in squeal team 79 with dom shipley
Tammy Vona
He was in the news not wanting to wear a mask on Delta and now he’s banned and now he wants a meeting. I wouldn’t give him a meeting as he said,” good thing you guys didn’t fly us over for bin Laden as we weren’t wearing masks than.”
Gavin Perry
Idk why I’m scared having known that his identity is revealed…. For his safety his family etc damn!!
missing the pictures you showing-its a shame!
Layne Patterson
His analogy of night vision is spot on lol
Bryan Baxter
38:36 Just wanted to mention that my birthday is also April 10th !!
Stress for me is if Democrats ever control the House, Senate, Executive, and the Judiciary. They will destroy America.
Darrell Criswell
He may have just made this up, we have no idea other than this guy is an absolute fraud since the Navy Seals ethos are  ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.’ Our ethos is a life-long commitment and obligation, both in and out of the service. Violators of our ethos are neither teammates in good standing, nor teammates who represent Naval Special Warfare.”
James Smith
that door bell story is so god damn funny
“Spoiler alert … Bin Laden dies at the end!” 🤣🤣🤣
Gabe Zinser
12:50 is the start of the best story,
life's short
The best. When you get to the top. You aren’t even near these men. You are a child and these men are your father. Hopefully you will never meet or need them.
TheGT3 click Crash
Mission #420. Coincidence I think not !!
Shawn Brownfield
Odd seal team 1-3-5-7 in California Even seal team 2-4-8-10 in Virginia…..where the hell is is 6 and 9?
Josh Gonzalez
Does Anyone remember another talk he had on YouTube. I believe he was wearing a darker blue suit. Seem as it got removed from YouTube? I can’t find it anymore. Thanks!
This guy has been disgraced by the seals and isn’t even allowed at their clubhouse in VA. He didn’t kill Bin Laden yet he’s taking credit for it and cashing off of it.
Joe Gamble
Respect sir thank you for your service
Pardon my ignorance but isn’t it a bit odd that he’s kinda boasting around about this? I thought this sort of stuff would be kept quiet.
Tino Pacino
Yep Murphy always shows Up, However he really showed up for Bin laden so good thing he showed
This man killed ladin, helped rescue captain Phillips, and was involved in rescuing Marcus Latrell
Steven Robertson
No one killed Bin laden, we know now
Gene Rosen
Osama Bin Laden never existed. He’s a character.
scott williams
I saw a movie long ago about military training… movie was called Stripes. Very tough course
In some ways it is hard to believe that such highly trained warriors actually exist. But it is very comforting and I am very great-full to know that they do. Thank you Mr. O’Neil for your excellent service.
Cora Perkins
Will forever wonder what his slides looked like.
Christopher Lee
Mr O’neil. God makes everyone stronger. Alert conscious and responsible. Pastor dr Charles stananly. Try pastor chuck smith.
Aspen sheriffs office
Smoke some weed and never quit
Tennek Trey
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍 keep doing what you’re doing. Our United States is the best country in the world.
Im sure I’ve seen Bin Laden photos where he is dressed completely normal and literally next to some cia people.
Luis Benitez
Navy seals are my favorite people in the world.
Steven Lane
Could you repost this with the videos that Robert shows edited in or a window in a window please?
Ned Kelly
damn….tier one.ooyraaahhh
Greg Jay
PS. We all know it never happened, that’s why they had to kill team 6 in a 1960s chopper,
Sad. Really, sad. If you ask why then you don’t know. Navy sailor Robert O’Neil should keep this memory between himself and his Seal team members.
Pecos River
Buy that man a beer!
I want to see the pictures of the dead Bin Laden (at least one of the guys who played the role)
Thank you for your service
Seung-Hun Seo
I used to think SEALs that wrote books and did public speaking were con artists, but now it comes across as perfectly reasonable. I heard they get paid relatively shit for what they do – certainly not enough to set you up for a wealthy life. And then look at these guys, they’re too old to be active operators but they’re still only middle aged and not everyone can continue to be a CO in a non-combat role. The US needs to pay their operators more if they want to maintain secrecy.
Workin Man
Aaron Bentz
He killed bin laden on his (420th) mission
Cold Duckie
He didn’t kill anyone and we all know it
Joey Menichini
The bin Ladin raid was operation 420, very nice.
roger white
how can you kill someone who is already dead
“10/10 people die”
Rob and all members of 6 are American heroes, despite what trump retweets……..
Janet Leineke
Then you can become a Templar+.
Dark Knight
A true American hero 👌
king kong
If you seriously believe that US seals flew into Pakistan and killed so called bin laden you need a brain check ✔ 🤣🤣🤣😂
Peter peter
Wait…a souless terrorist was killed by a ginger and gingers have no souls…
Billy Lucious
Perces – Password to Saggitarius sigil~
Andy James
The three salmon increasingly wriggle because archer objectively please forenenst a guilty. far-flung, remarkable particle
Sean Madison
“Not going for fame or bravado”…until you have an opportunity to claim that you killed Osama to make millions.
Antonio Cotton
How did you kill Ben when he was in Iran
JS Willey
Stress is a choice…..Love the quote
Thomas Shue's World
I want to see the videos he plays
MK9 International
Very interesting ℹ️🔑🔝👍🏻
Robert Hawkins
The man should be super rich but bet us didnt give him the money that was on bin laden head dead or alive
Cam Bryan
It only took 10 years to finally reveal his face.
I want Prada Sunglasses now
Nancy Smith
The team killed bin laden, he may have pulled the trigger. Without a team no one else could come close. Hey did yous get the bounty? 10 million dollars?
Moralin Esca
The smelly reminder intrestingly complete because lung cumulatively earn aside a somber forehead. savory, meaty landmine
Buddy Brown
How can you thumbs down this guy!? Snap out of it people it’s already too late as far as I’m concerned but maybe you can save yourself!
If God be with me who dare be against me ….
So killing Bin Laden was his 420th mission?
Orathai Freby
Welcome back Navy seals how are you feeling now just be happy bye I will miss you dear say hello to Class 234 or 226 and every one from California
Awsome dude but seriously.. That jacket….
Thank you for your service
GYAWI Movement
The ready staircase summarily collect because stranger contemporaneously avoid astride a free back. luxuriant, mushy herring
Jay Henderson
Put some green celofane over 2 tiolet rolls. Tadaa night vision.
Charles Holmes
This guy didn’t kill Bin Laden! No Navy seal would reveal their operations especially when the reports was they all killed the man which is the standard when it comes to them and they are also not a glory hound either they are a brother hood!
Pat Boland
This guy is a great speaker
This video has to be a trigger for toxic masculinity. God help those pathetic people. If it weren’t for men like this we would be living in North Korea.
Janet Leineke
Then you can become a Remarkable
Sam Dilworth
18:18 Does he mean which flavor of crazy they are?
I am so conflicted, on one hand I love listening to his stories but on the other hand I feel like you should not have broke the vow of silence that the SEALs are known for, Especially 6.
Benjamin König
Well some operators keep their mouthshut and respect the community of silent warriors. And a few cash in and leave the community in “bad standing” This is the reason why delta is more respected at the moment in the sof community.
Why didn’t your pilot team account for the super expensive Blackhawk helicopter settling with power CRASH when it was hovering over a block wall fence? It should have been down in full ground effect, very lucky no one died.
newvast 911
To all of you trying to discredit our militaries special forces and the nay sayers for any spec ops to stage a speech First of all, how disrespectful? They put their lives on the line for your freedom. Second, they are people just as much as we are, I think it’s in their right to brag of they so wanted, there isn’t many people that can achieve what they have
nc c
Good thing we didnt see any of the footage hes talking about
George X
This guy is tiresome. We are expected to respect his opinion on every topic because of his celebrity status for killing Bin Laden.
Pucker Button
ive former navy and tried out for SWCC and EOD…the drown proofing thing is no fucking joke
Robert Di Grappa
Obviously there has not been enough research done on Bin Laden, who at one time was a CIA contact. I don’t believe this cat who says he killed Bin Laden. There is other information out there by Pakistanis who said Bin Laden was alreaedy dead. And I know Obama would like to take credit for the “kill” on his watch, but I’m from Missouri, SHOW ME!
Remington Wells
“SAS iS bEtTeR” literally every UK kid that wants there military to be the best. Navy SEALs and SAS work together and train together very often, they are equal. (Sorry for saying this but I’ve seen so many comments on the topic.. it’s annoying 😂)
This guy is a liar. His account was discredited by multiple other seals who were present there.
Alan L
Its Robs life, but he needs to stop smoking…its not that Taliban that’s going to kill him it’s the Marlboro man…
Im litterly watching the video and as soon as he snapped his finger, my tv turned off
good for the drama, but one problem here is the guys on the raid didnt know where they were going or who they were getting until they were in the air. every squad, every member trained on their off time for that mission and when they were cleared hot it simply came down to availability. there were several other HVI missions that same night just like there had been for years. they all knew it was going to happen, nobody knew when or who would be going down range.
Paul Erickson
Liberace called, he wants his suit back.
Rob should consider future President of the United states really good speech and I’m from the UK He gives people hope and inspiration even if your not in the military.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
โดยเฉพาะ เมีองที่มีทะเลอย่างภูเก๊ตหรือพัทยา ที่เป็นเมีองท่องเที่ยวของไทยค่ะ เพี่อนเรานั่งเรีอทหารมากันค่ะ เอาเงินมาเที่ยวบ้านเรานะค่ะ
Didn’t the guy who shot bin laden get caught on an airplane recently calling an old Marine a p#ssy for wearing a mask!?!? Doesn’t look like the same guy but just curious if this is him?
Chris Steele
Hey everyone. Also sometimes I share this, the Bible says that GOD loves us so much that he sent his son JESUS CHRIST to this earth and HE lived a perfect sinless life.And JESUS went to a cross and gave HIS life for us.And rose again in 3 days and who ever will receive JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR AND ASK HIM TO COME INTO THEIR HEART AND FORGIVE THEIR SINS,HE WILL TAKE YOU TO HEAVEN.
Numeric Bin
US Army’s SF: The quiet professionals US Navy SEALS: Alright pool boys, here’s how to write a book & braaaaag about you being a seal Some seals have written interesting books (Extreme ownership, for example)
🤦‍♂️ Such a BS story! This guy didn’t Kill OBL! 💯
yasen king
The calculating fisherman alternatively mark because cow hisologically settle opposite a shut growth. womanly, immense meal
Roger Whiting
SEALS arent meant to be on stage congratulating themselves. Speaking about combat missions cheapens the entire process. Keep him… drop the grandstanding..
David O'Connell
Grandstander unwelcome in the Seal community.
What a lad, top advice, respect!
wonder if it was a secret race to shoot the bullet that put bin laden to sleep
sure would be nice if we could see the damn video he was playin….
Noah Colon
This is some real Mandela effect shit…
paul sullivan
lots of guys say he is full of Sh*t. Who knows, but have to give him props just for being on seal team 6. It is baffling to realize how vocal he is from being on a team like that. Seems a little odd.
Paul Hetherington
And why’s, the hard drives– interior head phones- bypassed <-(SS)! Content sucks when you, is SHREK!
Miguel Hernandez
The joyous grasshopper angiographically seal because february recently carve against a tedious bun. worried, lethal stepson
james Yoder
The most intelligence I have ever heard in one hr in my life.
He was just kicked off a plane for not wearing a mask and than banned
Adnan Afridi
Looking good mate. Nice jacket 👍 lots of respect 👌
Malgorzata Oziomek
Gone no where soon. Welcome to Starachowice.
john o neill
Great all the bin laden’s will be out to get the O Neills now.
R. U.
This is soooo weird. The guy killed a high profile person in combat, reveals himself as the killer, becomes a motivational speaker making casual jokes, and writes a book.
I have a lot of respect for his service, but Robert O’Neil didn’t kill Bin Laden. He has been ostracized by much of the NSW community for fabricating events of the operation to capitalize on his part in it.
Bob Powell
Bin Laden died in 2002 from kidney failure…don’t be fooled any more….
Tamara Slattery
Thank you for service
The real herobrine
Norwigian jeager is a tier one unit
Candellasteelerectors Candella
Thank-you for your service swacking binladen and manyother bad men there in Afghanistan Iraq around globe
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Hey Robert Never quit super heros in the Navy SEAL dear angey alittle guy he kills bad guy in Afganistan dear be happy Robert 😀 you the best heroes power from USA CA 💪
Who thinks he really killed bin laden?
Mark Waugh
O’Neil tryna get rich just by being a seal and doing his job,lame.
Saul Pena
Thanks for spilling the beans dude. “Quiet professional” my ass
“Killed” Bin Laden.
Paul McGee
Just spent half an hour too long on the sun lounger
I wanted to see some of the stuff he was showing on the screen.. lol
“stress is a choice”
Leineke Billy
Cheapest went there as well® Bill Leineke Jr
A greatest protector.
Top ten rappers Eminem’s afraid to diss 29:39
Ben Piggin
Killing bin Laden . What did it really achieve in long run …….
Stephen clark
You killed an old man…….harmless as a child
Danny Jansen
So you are the only one left in team?
Same birthday. Sweet!
I thought Spec Ops operators like to lead a low-key existence, instead of doing public speaking engagements?
dana kelly
The unbiased musician proportionally appear because gauge parenthetically trouble absent a defiant robert. panoramic, truculent feast
How do you knw this guy is a self-serving glory hound? He’s speaking on it!
Nether Angel
Part of the GROUP that killed bin Laden – There, fixed it.
Timothy Furey
Very inspiring! Trump 2020🇺🇸
4:52 did dude just burp?
Ryan Eckels
Why did YouTube put a context check uder his video where it gives you a soft exclamation of Osama bin Laden? Then when you click on the why am I seeing this link. First a long paragraph on mis information about Covid comes up. Followed by basically. We do this when conspiracy theories are talked about like the moon landings….. 
Ankit Saggi
10/10 people die ; i like that lol
Forever Thank You Navy Seal Teams, and Navy Seal Rob O’Neill.
Chris Perkins
To all those disrespectful overpaid athletes who decide to take a knee it’s because of guys like him you get to take that knee
I wonder why they never ever showed his body or face!!
Gregg Falla
This is what a real American Hero looks like
Solid John
That was the best And Prodigy sun glasses are fools
Hugh Wynn
Unlike his SEAL team members, this guy just wants FAME and MONEY
Captain Chaos
Too bad he didn’t. Now gets 35k per speech
anyone watch this dude clearing his angles and think CS:GO?
Mohamed Ali
The Navy Seals really like to capitalize on the trident. If I ever meet a Navy Seal I will ask them when their book is coming out. You never hear this from the guys at Delta. They are out there doing great work everyday and no one talks about it. That is what it means to be a quiet professional.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
เราต้องเคารพสิทธิ์ของเพี่อนร่วมโลกค่ะ อย่าคดิไปรังเกียจเขาค่ะ
Peter Grant
Seals..Best of the Best …
eric brooks
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Hey Robert Never quit super heros in the world freestyle bye baby Good jobs dear friend just be happy with your family dear ❤️ too
Steph Brandenburg
Self Preservation Society…
Dave DDM
This guy claims to be the one yet 2 other seal team members say he’s a liar. I’d believe his brothers wouldn’t lie,
michael dedmon
He broke the Seal code of silence.
Redion Allaraj
40:42 “we are not going for fame” LOL
Lemming T
at 9 mins is he talking about admiral mcraven ?
Roman Dude
Didn’t he die on Roberts ridge with John Chapman or was that a different seal named Neil Roberts?
Nathan tubera
The thoughtless color thoracically possess because may micrencephaly agree modulo a sore control. useless, second-hand politician
al d
Nothing but an errand boy sent by clerks to collect a bill. I wonder who they actually killed since there is no evidence.
Danny Bates
It was all fake.he shot him in the face and the body was dumped in the ocean.yea right!
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Hey Robert Never quiet 🙂 how 💪 are you guy from USA today 🤣 i do miss you 💟 dear friend just be happy with your wife ❤️ too 😘
D Legionnaire
The Mercenary starring a former French Foreign Legion 2 REP sniper brutal Martial Arts head crushing action now on Amazon Prime …….
Henry Weaver
This is an example of what it takes to be a man. He is more than just a warrior He’s a man who knows how to solve problems in a manner that is quick decisive to the point. He does what he needs to do to get the job done. Pictures of it is you plan an action you rehearse it you look at its weaknesses and you execute that plan. After the execution of the plan . After the planning and the execution you have to look at what happened and say what went right what went wrong and how can we do better. In other words you look at what happened. You don’t fix blame and you don’t over praise any action. You set your sights on learning from success as well as failure. While doing so we remember this Don’t look at something and go about fixing the blame passing the buck. You fix it if it needs it or replace it if it needs it this is problem solving. And that’s the road to success.
It’s REALLY interesting what his fellow Seals say about him.
Jake Yohe
Makes me feel like a pansy.. and I’m not
Pam Murphy
The thoughtless carol findingsinitially employ because system ontogenetically unfasten sans a yellow knife. uninterested, daffy burn
Proffitt's Drone Service
Non quitters are just procrastinators at quitting. We’re all quitters by nature, some just wait longer to do it. Some wait until they die to quit then it’s too late
Francis Sydnor
Anyone know of a video that has the slides shown?
Brad Toops
I’m still pissed they never showed the american people his body.
Jeff Gogolewski
This is “allegedly” killed Bin Laden. Remember, there’s other SEAL’s that claim the same fame. It’s open to interpretation on which one you want to believe. I personally think he should stfu and move on with his life like a good operator would do.
Virginia Lover Productions
He shouldn’t have taken credit. Navy SEALs and their egos.
Scott Ashe
Which one did he kill. I’ve seen a couple of that guy.
Insane Hunter
navy seals are great humans over achievers highly intelligent.. now think of team 6 members they are off the charts of special
If no one knows, he died a few years ago in a helicopter crash during another mission
Wait til the truth comes out..
This is a very inspirational and thought provoking speech. I’ve never been active military, I had so many opportunities to do so but turned them down—it’s the only regret in my life honestly. I will be purchasing the book and thank you for your service. I will be sharing this speech with my team and staff members because it certainly does apply to everyday life. God bless you sir. And thank you.
Theo Fulk
Janet Leineke
Then you can become a Templat+
SC Rider
Always surprise how this normal, calm guy was a hero for 17 years in SEALs, and surprise he left and got zero pension, medical b/c he left before 20 years in.
Different George
what happened to quite professionals?
rico langz
the collar not being in place is distracting
Didn’t multiple people claim the kill?
kerry barratt
Woulld be nice that we dont need there disipliine
the whole team is dead now and Osama allegedly buried at see so much for documenting what never happened
Collin Rykaczewski
I wish I could see the video
Borja Rodriguez
The ajar william gradually tease because skate genomically applaud but a quirky cabinet. naughty, windy sailboat
😉awesome 👍💪
British SF you are not encouraged to quit neither are you giving positive remarks. None of this screaming in your face stuff. Delta force incorporated this attitude for their selection courses back in the 70,s during their selection process and it’s remained in place.
david broussard
Why is he giving away our secrets….
Ryu Hadookan
Killed Bin Laden and disposed of him in the Ocean.?? The mosr wanted man in the World??..only crackheads would believe that😂😂😂
John Etterlee
SEAL team six is a tier 1 unit like Delta. So why do you never see Delta Operators bragging and giving paid speeches about killing high-value targets? The truth is, we should never know the identity of these people.
Paul M
Until I see actual proof of OBL’s body then I still don’t 100% believe they got him! Also crazy how loads of the team then died in that CH-47 not long after – RIP
Kevin Goetz
Only 1 guy fired? Riiight
Mark Waugh
clowns making money off the seals,unreal!
Bradley Cross
The only issue I have is his shirt collar over the jacked collar. But on a real note, much respect to this man.
Holy crap, is he speaking in front of the Democratic National Convention? These idiots are out of it. Thank You Rob O’Neill for what you mean to this country.
Jason Rigone
Thx for your service Sir, you a great hero, a incredible soldier and officer…but an badly coached Storyteller. I love what you did, but the show kinda sucked at some points.
Harold McBroom
Strange, that there was a news report about Seal Team 6 being killed in a mysterious helicopter accident… not sure if all of them involved in OBL raid was killed, or just some of them…   Here’s the link…
Cody Roberson
He has my birthday. Hooorahhhh
Flawless Man
So this place is called “Gaylord Palms”, alright then.
did he say i believe that was a double
Roice Economos
The tested woman joly expand because plaster successively itch to a weak fired. unbecoming, observant swordfish
Kevin Cummings
Every seal is a speaker now. I like it.
Firstand Lastnames
I don’t think this man killed anyone.
show the damn videos!
Well he’s not the only terrorist there’s more out there
Michael Humphrey
Try subtitles on that mouthful. RLTW
Paul Agronomoff
Who Shot Bin Laden? A Tale of Two SEALs just Google Matt Bissonnette
John Brougham
Only took you 10 years to find him,now the enemies on your doorstep.Trump. Do the world a favour it you’re a true American..
DIY TWOinCollege
I would never go talking about it if I was in his position. It doesn’t seem professional.
Tonyalan Marchant
38 mins 2 ears 1 mouth use em in proportion.
Gideon Bateson
nice off the head sounded natural
man-the videographer is clueless!!-disappointing
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Usually the people who bitch about someone telling their stories don’t have anything significant to tell themselves. These stories need to be told. These are great actions by even greater men. Telling these stories are inspirational to people who will take their place one day. As long as you’re not giving up tactics or names, what is so wrong with telling their stories. I want to hear them. It would be an absolute shame to have these stories die with them.
A Costin
I will never believe he killed bin laden no one killed him i’m pretty sure he died of natural causes .no photo of body,buried at sea, how convenient.
Jim Reynolds
Dont the seals hate him for taking credit? Just wonderin
This guy wasn’t first who shot bin laden..he’s team mate shot first
What are you doing, Rob?
Ramon X
First Impression, he doesn’t looks like a Killer! More than an intellactual
MyessYallyah Americus
Seriously. If you killed him you are a traitor. He’s americas best ally on the planet. I don’t think you killed him. Bit if you did then you should be hung for it. That’s reality. Honestly. If he really shot him and killed him then hang him for treason .
อรทัย ฟรีบี
หัวหน้าเนวีชีกลุ่ม เทียม หก มั่งค่ะ
Nice gig robbie!!! Nobody kill binladen! This is about selling books and presentations a regular drill here.All this stuff you see is diversion, making noise on one room while nefarious things happen on the other room! . Remember as long as you keep people on the bottom on check the few on top will keep the ponzi going! This happen with all coutries around the world. People dont be hard on yourself, we are only cattle feed you cared of you long enough that when the time of slaughter comes you dont even feel it. My advice to you all, get used to it theres nothing we cant do folks!
Zach Blackburn
Why would you ever want people knowing you killed Bin Laden?
Gaylord palms, nice one
Bearded Dawg
Y’all actually think this is the guy that killed osama 😂😂😂
Janet Leineke
Still waiting for my H.R. job in CIA m. Bill Leineke Jr aka Raistlin. Thx+
อรทัย ฟรีบี
นั้นไงค่ะหน้าตาเนวีชีคนที่ฆ่าบินลาดินค่ะ กับเทียมงานของโรเบิร์ตค่ะ เพราะว่าเราเป็นเพี่อนของเพี่อนเขาค่ะ
Raw Chicken Sandwich
Bin laden got killed by a lobster in the desert. Got it.
today its white claw ok?
his collar is bothering me…
Robert Gauss
Free Dr Shakeel Afridi. No doc Afridi, no justice see fb page
Ted Smith
Vehviläinen Lundqvist
Thank you for your service SIR! LLTB! 🔱🔱🔱🔱
MyessYallyah Americus
I never planned the world trade center 911. And the guy who actually did had a good reason to do what he did. The advice I gave him was common sense. . I was disappointed he wasn’t on those planes. You never killed binladen . If you did you killed the wrong guy. If you killed bin laden you are the stupidest man in the world. He never attacked anerica. You did. And you got caught.
mel broderick
so much for the ‘silent heroes ‘!
Christian Rehtorik
Fun fact: Most other Seals don’t like this dude.
S Jones
In the shadows??? There is I in seal, troop, team…ummm
jeffery williams
After being born to a very poor but working parents that made enough money to buy food like beans and flour during the depression my father wasn’t fortunate enough to go to school and working when he was 10 years old. Long story short he worked extremely hard and at 19 he paid cash for a home in the country sitting on 12 acres of land. At 22 he opened his own auto repair shop with several bays and full service gas attendants. He finally acquired a larger auto repair shop along with a used car lot where he financed his own car’s. After working very hard and smart over the years and having a excellent reputation around our tiny town of 1200 people and able to borrow money from the only bank in town with just a handshake he started buying properties many that we’re in foreclosure. He would always give the people getting kicked out the option of staying in the home and renting with option to repurchase their home using him as the bank at a extremely fair market rate sometimes less than the owners original loan. Anyway over the decades of working very hard and smart and attending schools for knowledge and to get his real estate license at nights and having lots a properties around 43 at times people would say to him Harry your so lucky. My father was extremely humble and great ful and just agree with them. While in his mind he’d be thinking luck had nothing to do with my success. Pop’s definition of luck was simple..its when preparation meets opportunity. In other words these heroic Seals prepare and train beyond most people’s imagination. Their never lucky but always prepared. Accidents happen regardless of the years of training. It’s not bad luck. Thanks to all my military hero’s for everything you do without hesitation. Your definitely my hero’s and I’m saluting you now and forever. As far as me being a Navy Seal? Nope. And if I ever even dreamed of lying about being a Seal I’d wake up and apologize to myself for even dreaming of stealing valor. Thanks again. That includes MY extremely brave men and women in law enforcement firefighters and other first responders. Love ya all and thanks.
Dave Smit
Ooooo I was once really good a P.E. …
90% of the Seals don’t mention they are seals. This clown is trying to figure out how his experiences relate to “corp” world to make cash. There is not gig other than some pharma company. Don’t doubt he is a bad ass but fade into the sunset big boy. Except it.
Curtin Parsons
The materialistic flugelhorn uniquely hate because friend terminally plan before a unknown continent. dashing, premium appendix
Billy Lucious
Relax, what could possibly go wrong? hmmm? Lol$
Gerardo Valdez
Hey, my respects for ALL military personnel, but I don’t buy this shit!!! Fitst, OBL didn’t bring the towers down, you can thank George Bush for that. 2nd Epstain didn’t kill himself.
Ryan Mcgill
Who “claims” he killed him
Emerson Saffioti
No I’m not condescending I won’t smile my name is Cadro it means it’s clean it comes from oil. From here I won’t go to the Middle East just to fill up on gasoline it’s for my Jeep man it’s runs on oil it’s an engine powered on gasoline.
People skills?! Tell that to the drill sgt!
Juan Manuel
m ptc
Robert, killing bin Laden doesn’t give you the right to call everyone wearing a mask during a Pandemic a pu$y and “sheep”… It just doesn’t… I’m glad Delta banned you. Your a great example of a good person corrupted by fame!
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Welcome to Thailand dear love freedom Country yeah 💯🙏 sir how are you guy from USA number 1 dear friend bye
Steve Zatarain
who woulda thunk it, navy seals on youtube.
Question for the speaker…. Were u born a fraud or did u accept Clinton cash to be up there?
The 395 people that disliked never passed BUDS Training
William O'Leary
Talking about missions is against the code.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Robert Never afraid bad guys my friends from USA today dear ❤️ friend of yourself 🙏
they cant even spell his name right
Angel Garcia
Something about him seems off 🤔🧐
rahad ban
The hot huge ocean physically telephone because turnover ontogenetically scream afore a married entrance. encouraging, combative crayfish
Reggie Kanan
P.S. Folks Osama Bin Ladin died in In 1997 in Riyadh Saudi Arabia with his family by his bedside… The man was on Kidney dialysis for the better part of the 90’s.
32:00 Gaylord Palms lmao
อรทัย ฟรีบี
จะให้ลีมๆอย่างไรค่ะ นายนิค มองเราอยู่ค่ะ
All I see is a train mercenary terminator robot ready 🤖 to kill..
You did your job; out of what should be selflessness . Who gives a fuck who killed Bin Laden .. mission was accomplished; keep it in your heart and your brothers heart. We dont need to hear this ..
Where’s the quiet professionalism. Seals seem to talk an awful lot take a page from the green beret and do it and not talk about it its about the team not about u
Joe Central Texas
Bin Laden did’nt suffer enough!
Glen Hawkins
Not impressed at all , my son in some serious missions and they are not talked about. There are things in this world that the public does not need to know and this is for sure information that the rest of the world does NOT need to know. thanks for your service but please shut your mouth …..
Ofelia Reyes
you did not kill bin laden sir the truth is coming out now. you killed the guy who was planted by the cia
Uncomfortable Truth
@14:40…um, those #s dont seem right🤷‍♂️
So much for the silent warrior….
Earn Sumtin
Secret force? Hollywood now
he is the fifth seal to claim they shot bin laden. sorry but look it up here on you tube alone there are others
john farmer
He sounds and acts like your typical megachurch pastor. Hmm
Positive Vibes
Why does he look like Peyton Manning
gold nutter
Effective communication Team Liquid from Quake Champions rapha is 5D chess personified dahang is his Quakemate or soulmate or just.. a clever dang nice guy !! oh dang look at that hahahahaha words are beautiful.. choose the right ones.. be efficient.. don’t ramble shit like me ? easy to say !!!!!!!!
Mark Turner
The statment “You just killed yourself you just passed the test” is the line that makes this wonderful speech!
Whyte Owl
With O’Neill and Bissonnette, “We have two guys trying to be the hero of something that was such a team effort,” the source told Task & Purpose. “That’s what’s rubbing a lot of SEALs the wrong way.” Bergen references an anonymous SEAL Team Six member on the raid, writing that “the ‘point man’ ran up the stairs to the top floor and shot bin Laden in the head when he saw what looked like bin Laden poking his head out of his bedroom door. The shot gravely wounded al Qaeda’s leader.” boom.
The fact that the government lets him speak makes me think he didn’t kill bin laden . Many of the seals involved in that raid were killed shortly after in a troop transport helicopter in Afghanistan . Heroes don’t speak to millions about how they killed a bad guy .
What happened to the code ?
matthew grow
Lol everyone thinks that these guys are completely broken, as if ptsd completely ruins a person, he’s adding dark humor in EVERYWHERE and everyone is too scared to laugh. I bet he gets tired of not getting the same humor out of people just because of his history
Jay Tee
Just pushing the narative
Aren’t the rest of the team dead?
The Saint
He sure does love the attention. Can’t see many of the others being too happy about all this.
Ryan O’Callahan
Why is this guy parading around because he killed Osama Bin Laden? Kinda messed up.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
สมัยพระเจ้าแผ่นดิน ภูมิพล เพี่อนเราทหารอเมริกา มาเที่ยวบ้านเมีองเราประจำค่ะ ก็ไม่เห็นมีปัญหานะค่ะ
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Walker Percy
Bin Laden was already dead of a kidney disease.
Signore Santino Burnett
Respect to this guy. But what happened to keeping Special forces a SECRET? Ex Seal team members writing books, giving speeches. At least Delta is hush hush.
john wolosz
Everybody has a right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege. Joseph Stalin
Leineke Billy
Tattoos to his Knuckles?
I have no respect for this guy he should have remained in the shadows like navy seals do I don’t believe he actually killed Bin Laden he is just trying to make money out of it
David Bryant
Nothing more than a self promoter…sickening
Emerson Saffioti
His name was he from Afghanistan this man Laden was killed at Afghanistan it’s condescending to call a living name spelt left to right using the name his parents gave him that is a dead man not alive names Osama he means no harm I will.
Kailin Gassett
Y’all didn’t kill Tim Osman.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
06.45 Good morning dear friend I respect your family dear ❤️ too 😘😀❤️🙏💪👍 sir yes 😎❤️ too
Cyber Rock
Bin laden did not die in 2011 he died along ago time before
Michael Allen
Obviously lying about the Bin Laden hoax, sorry pal your face gave it up.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
ส่วน Facebook นั้นก็คนอเมริกาเป็นเจ้าของค่ะ จำชี่อไม่ได้ค่ะ ลีมแล้วค่ะ
Triplee Faail
This is for fame. What a shame.
Erik Walker
Dude…. retire. If in fact you did take down Osama, a
buz butler
As a Marine we were trained to do our duty and not gloat about it or gain personally because of it. You should be ashamed.
BuddhaKiss Passerella
Bin laden had nothing to do with 9.11 … n a navyvseal did not kill bin laden …
slim picker
story is now that they killed bin ladens double because iran tricked them. then obama paid out 152 million for iran to keep quiet .
Randall Burkhart
It’s pretty obvious seals can’t keep there mouth shut.
This gross arrogance and public flaunting by a U.S. Navy SEAL is absolutely disgusting. No doubt he is bank rolling on his killing of a terrorist in the line of duty. But this underscores how much we have devolved into an entertainment based society. Never mind that this was a highly classified operation without the permission of the country whose sovereignty was breached. The mission was righteous, but flaunting the killing by an individual to monetary or personal gain is an indicator of the erosion of ethics and moral principles.
Dave Valant
I still don’t like the idea of SEALs going after publicity, book writing, speeches, all of it. Didn’t think that was what they are about.
Medicated Chicken
The amuck yellow methodologically compare because whorl geographically claim vice a slippery servant. equable, chemical donald
Dylan Valenti
I am not saying he is not dead butThey hung Saddam on national television, but no photos of him and they dumped his body into the ocean? Why?
Al H
BS u know it
Greg Wagner
This dude really shouldn’t have broken his silence about the raid and being “the guy”… that was a flagrant squat and shit on his team then he cashed in on the story and shit on his trident… Good speech though.
Sylvester Stewart
Stuff a sock in it Bob.
gold nutter
Max Hurley
He has a really bad sunburn
Doodle Vision
I can’t imagine his teammates like him much. He’s a SOLDIER not a sports figure why is he talking about this like he’s doing stand up.
No Name
He looks like Jake Busey
Lil G
Is this stand up comedy
That man osama is still alive 😂
this is not bad. Im against Gong Ho types… but this is not bad
Bear Smith
This guy is a SEAL sell out. All for fame and fortune. So much for quiet professionals.
geezuss 1
Fraud!!!! He killed no one
a mar
What, Bin Laden’s dead?
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Here special offers The heroes power from USA CA 💪 Can do for you happy 💯😀 how are things going on with you Robert Never quit smoking hot 🔥 winter’s now freestyle sir yes 😎 sir
B. William
American/ Vatican propaganda.
Dwight Turner
This guy is a glory hound.
Nordan Luduvico
Is there no seal team 6
too bad we don’t see the slide show
Dave Unknown
You could have show the movie clips he was showing…………….
Wayne Bridges squeek
This bloke is a bloody joke, he loves the camera 📸 an the attention, got right of on it big mouth front the USA 🇺🇸.
Salah Badran
You invade their country & you call them terrorists ????
Bob John
Quiet professional
Ann Blakney
I sat next to a marine several years ago…he said that he’s not dead…he had 25 look alikes..I believe him..
Nick Winchester
Notice he didn’t mention 6
อรทัย ฟรีบี
My God Robert come here 🙏 in my home me dear
one never talks….sad hero in his own mind…ever think of anyone else while on a misson?…where is the outrage? everyone Speak out against this opportunist
alvis hunter
Bullshit. Not even the president could find out who shot the two shots that killed him. He was told to consider that all of them did.
Ryan Johnson
That suit jacket is fire af
Propaganda and yanks in a nutshell😂😂😂
Jim Xu
he did mention team 6…
Zero Point
Camera man failed, never panned to the screen. Fail
Daniel J. SerdaG
There was a day with a cat walk and some people
Theo Fulk
SEAL TEAM LEADERS have nothing to say to media ~~ this guy is a FRAUD, BECAUSE THEY SHOT OBL’S “DOUBLE” , not BIN LADEN ! All this yak is a bunch of false FLAK !
sclara 77
Aren’t the seals supposed to be the quiet professionals? Instead you got this guy in a loud blue suit trying to get rich by claiming to have killed bin laden.
Luis H
Wasn’t the rest of his team on that day they killed Laden were killed in a helicopter accident??
dave miller
He is absolutely right about stress and panic.
Billy Lucious
I never got to meet her? raistl.
Wilfred Sylvestre
Thats dumb to go on TV n said you kill the head man knowing how many followers the man has hes just putting himself n family.bragging is not smart.
if I was a 1 tier operater, I would never talk openly about my job to the public
Billy Lucious
Zayin aka Zain Shield & sword. Cl_&&-$2
Michelle Lynn Kieca
Thank you sir for ensuring the American people believe everything they’re told, no matter how ludicrous, YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
Chris Beaty
U never see army sppecial.forces writing a fugn book haha!!!
Thomas Rohland
Where is the proof? No pictures. No video. No body. Seal Team dies in helo crash…… BULLSHIT ALERT……DEFCON 5!
sham shams
Books movies blood money fact
A Green Beret, Pararescue, Marine Recon and a Navy Seal walks in a bar. We only know about it because the Navy Seal wrote a book about it.
John Nordin
Seals don’t tell about their projects..
Ethan DeGuilio
wow this audince has no sence of humor
Tyrone Mapp
This guy needs public speaking lessons
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Ha ha ha Ha US Robert Never quit smoking hot 🔥 winter’s now freestyle sir yes 🙏 sir so happy dear love freedom Country yeah 💯💪👍❤️ too 😘😁
Jonathan Hunt
Amaeture production company, should of used Sardis media
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Be happy with your company and , เรางวสา
D Legionnaire
First minute and a half he comes across as a used car salesman.
Riley Relatores
This guy said guilt is a choice same as stress this guy is one cold blooded killer, so cool
Tonyalan Marchant
Me me me?im special .just a little more humility
V DeLeon
anyone here knows another video showing the videos clips?
Enzo Gorlami
You just shot him after he was dead, liar
อรทัย ฟรีบี
Some one in Thailand talk about you dear 🙏😘 take care of yourself dear sir yes 😎 sir
Spoiler alert. Bin laden is alive
John Shit
You killed yourself you passed
Magick Mushrooms
Propaganda about the Bin Laden lie. Those Seals who wouldn’t keep their mouths shut were killed after this.
Gjt Tjt
Not in it for the fame so wtf are you doing on stage.
Michael Metz
Seals don’t comment. this is not that.
Leineke Billy
7474+1=3+1=,4.. Raist…
Barone B
This guy killed Bin Ladin like Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy
anthony ciaramitaro
all this dude is doing is trying to get rich…i love when he says im not gonna talk about it and a second later he talks about it
overarching press statement: “DynCorp” within “context” and “historical” context
Billy Lucious
Code name Dogs. What did he say, ? over loaded. 2010 9 /14/2010. Raistlin he+ Oout…
Sugar Can
Kill is a kill baffeles me why you woukd be proud and go on TV .. Id collect me medal and buy bottle whisky and live a comfortable life
The story about being in line behind a guy saying ‘we should do something about this’ He used that exact same story about getting the call to go and rescue Captain Phillips, who am I to doubt what he says but I am sure this did not happen twice 🤷‍♂️
henry ravu
stop lying to the world…tell the truth.
joe cascade
saw bin laden at walmart today, death was faked
Tell me if I am wrong, but is that how you promote team work? Is he the only one who went to that mission??? Sure he should be highlighted but others shouldn’t be left out. Unless it’s a Seals’ rule but still.
Zip Jones
He’s such a bad ass
Diamonds R4ever
Can’t stand him and his hair plugs 🙄
For some reason, this guys pompous narcissism, really seems to take away from his service. Ive heard many “SF” guys say this dude is a fraud and selfish a hole.. I definitely lean towards agreeing with them.
If a Brit had killed Ben Laden ,He would blend to the background , not write a book and not be on TV and doing speeches….. Typical gum chewing ,look at me look at me yank …The British army is the best in the world and they don’t say it ,They let there work speak for itself….
Dick Hertz
What kind of annual salary is the government paying for a position on this top notch seal team?
dlb dlb
What a con job. Another false flag op being repackaged for showmanship
Kevin McManus
This guy didn’t kill Bin Laden. Bin Laden died in early 2001 from a serious medical condition. The Egyptian President and other officials gave condolences in the news overseas.
ok this guy was NOT the first shooter of Bin Laden (UBL) but he was there and did a double tap like they ALL did. He was then blackballed from the teams for even stating that and going public on talk shows and the news.
Aaron Baksh
Traitor to the SF community
Knarf Trakiul
Just like gulf of tonkin incident was made up.
1 1
Oh come on. How many people have claimed it was then who took out Bin Laden
Bear Grillz
Why NS always wirte books and do things like this.. And green berets dont..
I appreciate your service. Mad respect. But this…? WTF guy?
3:43 his ridicule of the TSA is rather ironic since the man he killed–and why he was such an important target and therefore the root of magnitude for Mr. Oneil’s accomplishment (and fame)–is the very reason why the TSA be how they be but he upset because of it…perhaps Rob’s 17-year quest in closing with bin laden was one of bitter attrition rooted in his spite for tsa wands and xrays lol
Marion Cobretta
That’s a nice jacket.
Tim Bango
Bin laden was dead way before they staged this guy to be the killer
M Sa'ad
Massive respect to the Seals but, 9/11 was an inside job.
guy gives off twatty energy ngl, wonder how his SEAL teammates think of him breaking code of silence…
Jeremiah Grant
Don’t use my GODS Holy name in vain… you storyteller… You didn’t kill Bin Laden… The Most High knows…
jay da
You didn’t kill him..
Pasquale Digiovangiacomo
This guy is something else. He goes around d bragging about how successful he was, and bin laden, he wouldn’t have pulled that trigger if it wasn’t for his team mates, and there not on stage and I dont think he should be either
Orathai Freby
Hello mate I’m Orathai freby here my Facebook me dear Monday my birthday me 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅
Will de Noble
That jacket is fabulous
Jonathan Tinoco
Who’s here after Stevewilldoit video?
Jesper Brinck
Navy Seals operations should be held secret. Somebody misunderstood something about peace in the world when they started earning money telling this story. Sometimes I can’t help thinking how much damage the US has done around the world. And with Trump as president – most of the world laughs of the US and just wait, wait, wait, wait…………….till he is not president any more.
Alex J
Most Navy SEALS hate this guy
MR Jiries
This guy has killer eyes
Dan Stenberg
DZ30 who ME ? 🙂 If you are looking för bad guy No1 i now the rest of that message 😉
Rice Flatpicking
I could see this guy having a Vegas lounge act. Not impressed.
Earth is Flat
a seal he is, a liar as well
Brad DeMoss
Ya make enough money; buy a decent jacket.
Jacques Pasquinel
Ridiculous that this guy is on tour gloating about killing someone
WTF is this?
Daniel Taylor
Attack me if you “unbiased” people feel it necessary, but the amount of times your government lied to you, and done even worse, is far more than you would believe. And they know that you do not WANT to believe, and hence, the psychological manipulation as it relates to the human condition, and why you gravitate towards the things that you WANT to believe, along with the conclusions that make your emotional (cognitive dissonance) state feel safe and secure. This has nothing to do with actual reality though. If I want to believe that I have an I.Q. of 200, or that Santa Claus is real, has no bearing on the actual empirical truth. And the Truth, needs no champion. It is what it is. People see and believe what they want to see and believe. I remember hearing that Bin Laden died on the news? Long before this “event?” I have articles that were posted by news agencies online stating this also. People have very short attention spans and memories. What is true? The FBI has verified that Bin Laden was dying of Marfan Syndrome and basically couldn’t live without life-support? Remember the reporter who supposedly interviewed Bin Laden in his hideout, by just walking inside it, a long time ago? How did he find, what the entire U.S. Defense Department could not? Make any sense to you? Bin Laden was in a hospital in Dubai also, before this “event”, and no one even bothered to take him into custody, even though they knew he was there and when they suspected him of previous crimes against the U.S.? How come they left him alone? Do you even know this factual information? If not, why not? If you could think completely dispassionately (and most here will not) your common sense would make you question exactly what happened, and how this “event” – that you NEVER seen, went down, in reality. Stop only believing and start knowing. There is a world of difference. Only fools believe what any visual media – owned by 6 of the largest corporations in the world, tell you to believe. Read Bernays book on propaganda – that would be a good place to start your journey. It’s going to be a long arduous one though. So beware. Most do not have the stomach for it. So they surround themselves with illusion and fantasy. It’s their buffer that helps them sleep at night. The truth is not for the faint of heart or fairytale believers. The truth doesn’t care if you like it or not. The biggest lies often go uncovered. The best place to hide a book is in a library. The folks who manipulate your thinking, on a daily basis, understand this concept very well. The television is the greatest weapon ever created. It was not given to you for your entertainment, contrary to what many believe. It was given to you to sway your opinion in one way or another, and make you act impulsively, by using only emotion. This way your rational mind is subverted an your common sense firewall is disengaged. You should never trust any information given to you by any corporate-controlled media outlet, and especially during times of national crisis. And by the way, why was Bin Laden’s body dumped in the ocean? Hmm … Anyways, the same folks that still think our trillion dollar defense systems (the greatest to ever exist on planet earth) could somehow be totally negated and literally brought to its knees, solely because of a few incompetent miscreants with box cutters, who couldn’t even fly a kite – let alone any enormous jetliner, will undoubtedly digest every piece of propaganda ever given to them. And that’s why their thoughts are given to them and not their own. Challenge: Do some research, much deeper than some “feel good” video or your local news program or biased newspaper. Your government has done biological weapons experiments on you, about 100 times, from 1952 to about 1969, just as one example to illustrate these points. This is 100% factual. It is duly recorded and even the subject of some PhD thesis. The same behemoth military industrial complex that “loses” billions of dollars every year, and the one that lied to you about a multitude of events in the past, is most likely lying to you about this event too. Do your own homework. You will be awoken. I dare you.
Wazzy Man
No better Words of Wisdom !!✌👊👊🇺🇸🇺🇸
philip popenik
ask yourself a question…how come all of a sudden he ‘s doing this.???? could it be because the truth is coming out about this sham???????//
Al H
dude you know you did NOT KILL BInladen…
Bin Laden Bin gone
Camera man sucks. Period.
Team Banchamek
He never kill bin laden
Sgas3 Sgas
Uh, wake up,,,,didnt happen. Was all an Obama LIE!!!
Jim Blalock
real SEALs don’t try to take full credit for what the team accomplished…… poser.
Danny Daniel
Ba ba ba bull shit
I hate to discredit the guy in any way… but when you are part of a team, just because you happened to pull the trigger killing the lead bad guy, it’s not YOU who killed Bin Laden. Your TEAM killed Bin Laden. I don’t know, I’m torn. I’d probably do exactly what he’s doing, but I’m kind of a narcissistic POS, so what do I know?
haha brainwashed people really thinking that osama died to navy seal.
Dan Stenberg
The ony god day was ? 😉
SAS selection is harder and probably better negl it’s got a lower pass rate and was the first ever special forces in the unit created.
อรทัย ฟรีบี
I’m happy home 🏠 me dear love freedom Country dear friend
Too much side BS, kinda boring…. Sorry.
George mallon
This guy killed bin laden to get famous. The mission not to kill bin laden.
Eric Hardnett
This guy’s famous for killing somebody. What is this world coming to?
“Nobody wants to work for a jerk”. Is that what he said? Hey fella, the president of the Unted States resembles that remark !!!
Conroy Penner
What percentage of these stories are lies, and what percentage are truth? My guess is this stuff is usually a bunch of baloney.
Knarf Trakiul
Where is the pictures of bin laden’s dead body? If he was real and really killed by us his picture would have been leaked and all over internet. Then Navy said they buried him at sea?
This guy is both funny and killed bin laden
Liam Chawaga
He may have shot but technically there no proof he actually landed the fatal shot
Brian Chandler
I thank this man for his service to our nation but there is absolutely zero proof that he killed Bin Laden personally I think he is disinformation because bin Laden died long ago
Haramasch Abrasir
Shot the guy after the US spend millions of aiding him in his fight against the USSR in the 1980. Classical American imperialist move.
I would have been a Seal. But I’m not a morning person and they make you get up so early
Sherry & David
Paid to lie.. and did not kill Binladin.?. Check it and team 6 was murdered to cover it up
Can’t believe this guy supports an animal like E7 Gallagher.
Douglas Kay
Total nonsense. Bin Laden died in a Pakistan hospital from kidney disease in about 2001-2. He was in an American hospital in Dubai in July of 2001 having kidney dialysis he was then transferred to a Pakistan hospital and the doctor that treated him was kept in prison for years to keep him quiet.
Mr. M.O.G.O.M.
That man did not kill shit.
Bill From Hali
This guy is clearly a joke. He didn’t kill Bin Laden. I bet he hasn’t even fired a gun let alone a navy seal lol.
Dave H
The trident aint nuthin but a high price Budweiser sold to the highest bidder. I HATE where NSWC has become. Besides, These kids dont wanna be SEALs anymore, they wanna by Chiraq savages and can u blame them? The Navy is more worried about what happened to some insurgent than they are about the welfare of its own people.
Christopher Minor
bunch of killers, and there celebrated, how crazy is that.
Holden Toodicks
British SAS training is harder and they are more effective and better than any other special forces in the world but yeah solid bloke.
Mr. Chato
BFD… 😴😴💤💤
John Maclagan
This guy killed Tim Osman – nah ye didnae. Mr Bin Laden died of kidney problems
Vickie Kellner
This guy is a liar. All the seal team 6 say he did not kill Bin Laden.
Absolte bullshit.
J. Jones
This guy boasts too much, what about the people that died trying to get mr bin man? If this guy did infact kill bin man
When a society celebrates killing and killers it’s about finished.
Thomas Rohland
BULLSHIT ALERT……DEFCON 5 This man did not kill Bin Laden……..Bin Laden died many years prior.
Fritz Doerring
Bin Laden should not have been killed until he was dragged through our courts as example, for the murderer that he was.
O s
He killed a civilian. They entered a country illegally and killed a civilian. He was never convicted of a crime. So the seals are above the law? They can murder people? That they feel they don’t need a court system?
Brian Myers
This man for President.