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Explore the Post Office Horizon scandal and lessons on investigative integrity. Learn about incompetence, bias, and the importance of questioning data.
Unveiling the Cracks: Lessons from the Post Office Horizon Scandal
The inquiry into Angela van den Boghaert’s role in the Post Office Horizon scandal reveals a troubling narrative of investigative failure and misplaced trust in flawed technology. At the heart of this crisis lies a fundamental breakdown in integrity, both at an individual and institutional level, with devastating consequences for society.
Alan Smith, a seasoned investigator with over 40 years of experience, provides a compelling analysis of the scandal. His insights highlight the absence of investigative gut instinct, a reliance on uncorroborated data, and the destructive power of bias in driving flawed outcomes.
Where was the courage to question the system? How could pillars of the community be accused without doubt, even as evidence failed to align with common sense? The Post Office’s unwavering faith in Horizon technology led to a cascade of miscarriages of justice, leaving countless lives shattered and public trust eroded.
This page invites you to explore the systemic errors and lessons from this scandal through text, analysis, and video content. Together, they underscore the urgent need for accountability, courage, and reform to prevent future disruptions of society on such a scale.
Het Blootleggen van de Barsten: Lessen uit het Post Office Horizon-schandaal
Het onderzoek naar de rol van Angela van den Boghaert in het Post Office Horizon-schandaal onthult een verontrustend verhaal van onderzoeksfalen en blind vertrouwen in gebrekkige technologie. Dit schandaal toont een fundamentele inbreuk op integriteit, zowel op individueel als institutioneel niveau, met verwoestende gevolgen voor de samenleving.
Alan Smith, een ervaren onderzoeker met meer dan 40 jaar ervaring, biedt een overtuigende analyse van het schandaal. Zijn inzichten leggen de nadruk op het ontbreken van onderzoeksintuïtie, een afhankelijkheid van niet-onderbouwde gegevens en de destructieve kracht van vooringenomenheid bij het sturen van verkeerde uitkomsten.
Waar was de moed om het systeem in twijfel te trekken? Hoe konden pijlers van de gemeenschap worden beschuldigd zonder twijfel, zelfs toen het bewijs niet strookte met gezond verstand? Het onwankelbare vertrouwen van de Post Office in de Horizon-technologie leidde tot een reeks gerechtelijke dwalingen, waardoor talloze levens werden verwoest en het publieke vertrouwen werd ondermijnd.
Deze pagina nodigt je uit om de systematische fouten en lessen uit dit schandaal te verkennen via teksten, analyses en videomateriaal. Samen benadrukken ze de dringende noodzaak van verantwoording, moed en hervorming om toekomstige ontwrichtingen van de samenleving op deze schaal te voorkomen.
Please enjoy.
Wise words, drawn from experience and expertise:
Investigative Integrity in Crisis: Lessons from the Post Office Horizon Scandal
Like most of the country, I find myself spellbound and appalled in equal measure by the extent of the very topical Post Office Horizon scandal.
As a career investigator with 40 + years of criminal and industry experience, what personally and professionally intrigues me most is the scale of apparent investigative incompetence. It appears there was blind faith in the Horizon technology data, which led to a raft of miscarriages of justice.
Rule 101 of investigations is never to rely on a single source of evidence, no matter how compelling. This provides the basis for confident and robust decision-making and assures the crucial element of corroboration.
However, there’s something else to consider. As a young investigator, I recall an experienced detective counselling me that whilst forensic science and technical data, such as DNA/CCTV, for example, was compelling for the jury, I should never underestimate the importance of what he called ‘gut instinct`. It’s difficult to articulate what this is precisely; however, we will all have experienced when something doesn’t feel quite right or seems a bit off.
Where was the investigative gut instinct?
It is this aspect which troubles and disturbs me most in this saga. I’m trying to place myself in the position of the Post Office investigation team and find it impossible to imagine that at some point, gut instinct didn’t kick in.
Driving away from having interviewed these model citizens, pillars of the community, and having accused them of horrendous criminality in the face of denial, surely some in the team must have questioned the integrity of the Horizon technology data. It was the classic single point of failure.
The apparent financial discrepancies must have screamed at odds with the profiles and backgrounds of those decent people they were accusing, not to mention the very obvious question…why do we have such a sudden spike in postmasters and postmistresses turned criminals?
The Pervasive Impact of Investigation Bias
When that gnawing question of doubt creeps into an investigator’s mind, it takes courage to raise your hand in the room and voice your concerns. I’d be amazed if hands weren’t raised in this case, but were they listened to? From the outside looking in, those driving the investigation had already decided its destination and would strive to make the evidence fit the perverse outcome at all costs—investigation bias at its most rampant and destructive.
There is then the danger of reaching the perceived point of no return. Occasionally, and I have observed this several times, it may seem at the outset that the outcome of the investigation is clear and obvious. We have apparently solid data pointing in a single direction…what else could it possibly be? Time and resources later, when that initial confidence is challenged or dented by countering or conflicting evidence, it can be hard to accept and tempting to ignore.
It takes courage to accept and change investigative direction. In this case, I wonder if those at the top lacked the moral courage to admit they got it wrong and ploughed on regardless of the human misery and injustices they were causing. They had passed the point of no return! Continuing momentum when nagging doubt is often described as ‘dysfunctional momentum’; it doesn’t feel quite right, but we’ll continue because we’re all invested, and so are all of our reputations.
Hopefully, the forthcoming public enquiry will reveal some of the answers to these questions, but it reinforces the wise words of my detective mentor and is a lesson for anyone performing the role of an investigator. If you are relying on key technical data or output that seems at odds with your gut instincts around human behaviour or performance, do pursue that second (or third) opinion.
Don’t be the silent one in the room and have the courage to voice the question, ‘Have we got this right?’ This courage can turn a ‘critical step’ into an effective ‘critical stop’ for all involved to reorientate and consider whether to continue the current momentum.
Alan Smith Head of Investigations at STC INSISO
Alan Smith
Head of Investigations at STC INSISO
Gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2024
Onderzoeksethiek in Crisis: Lessen uit het Post Office Horizon Schandaal
Net als de meeste mensen in het land, ben ik in gelijke mate betoverd en geschokt door de omvang van het zeer actuele Post Office Horizon schandaal.
Als een carrière-onderzoeker met meer dan 40 jaar aan ervaring in de misdaadbestrijding en industrie, is hetgene wat mij persoonlijk en professioneel het meest intrigeert, de omvang van de schijnbare onderzoeks-onbekwaamheid. Het lijkt erop dat er blind vertrouwen was in de Horizon technologie data, wat leidde tot een reeks van gerechtelijke dwalingen.
Regel 101 van onderzoek is nooit te vertrouwen op één enkele bron van bewijs, hoe overtuigend ook. Dit vormt de basis voor zelfverzekerde en robuuste besluitvorming en verzekert het cruciale element van bevestiging.
Maar er is nog iets anders om rekening mee te houden. Als jonge onderzoeker herinner ik me een ervaren detective die me adviseerde dat terwijl forensische wetenschap en technische data, zoals DNA/CCTV, bijvoorbeeld, overtuigend was voor de jury, ik nooit de belangrijkheid moest onderschatten van wat hij ‘onderbuikgevoel’ noemde. Het is moeilijk om precies te verwoorden wat dit is; echter, we hebben allemaal wel eens ervaren wanneer iets niet helemaal goed voelt of er wat vreemd uitziet.
Waar was het onderzoeks-onderbuikgevoel?
Het is dit aspect dat me het meest verontrust in deze sage. Ik probeer me in de positie van het Post Office onderzoeksteam te plaatsen en vind het onmogelijk om me voor te stellen dat op een bepaald moment het onderbuikgevoel niet opspeelde.
Wegrijdend nadat ze deze modelburgers, pijlers van de gemeenschap, hebben geïnterviewd en hen beschuldigd hebben van vreselijke criminaliteit, ondanks ontkenning, moeten sommigen in het team toch de integriteit van de Horizon-technologiedata in twijfel hebben getrokken. Het was het klassieke enkele faalpunt.
De schijnbare financiële discrepanties moeten hebben geschreeuwd tegen de profielen en achtergronden van die fatsoenlijke mensen die ze beschuldigden, om nog maar te zwijgen van de zeer voor de hand liggende vraag …
waarom hebben we zo’n plotselinge toename in postmeesters en postmeesteressen die criminelen worden?
De alomtegenwoordige invloed van onderzoeksvooroordelen
Wanneer die knagende vraag van twijfel het hoofd van een onderzoeker binnensluipt, vergt het moed om je hand op te steken in de kamer en je zorgen te uiten. Ik zou verbaasd zijn als er in dit geval geen handen werden opgestoken, maar werden ze gehoord? Van buitenaf gezien hadden degenen die het onderzoek leidden de bestemming al besloten en zouden ze zich inspannen om het bewijs te laten passen bij de perverse uitkomst, ongeacht de kosten – onderzoekvooroordelen op zijn meest wijdverbreid en destructief.
Er is dan het gevaar van het bereiken van het waargenomen punt van geen terugkeer. Af en toe, en ik heb dit al meerdere keren gezien, lijkt het aanvankelijk alsof de uitkomst van het onderzoek duidelijk en voor de hand liggend is. We hebben ogenschijnlijk solide data die in één richting wijzen … wat zou het anders kunnen zijn? Tijd en middelen later, wanneer dat initiële vertrouwen wordt uitgedaagd of beschadigd door tegengesteld of tegenstrijdig bewijs, kan het moeilijk zijn om te accepteren en verleidelijk om te negeren.
Het vergt moed om de onderzoeksrichting te accepteren en te veranderen. In dit geval vraag ik me af of degenen aan de top de morele moed ontbraken om toe te geven dat ze het mis hadden en hoe dan ook doorgingen, ondanks de menselijke ellende en onrechtvaardigheden die ze veroorzaakten. Ze waren het punt van geen terugkeer gepasseerd! De gang van zaken met aanhoudende twijfel, wordt vaak beschreven als ‘disfunctioneel momentum’ of ‘disfunctionele gang van zaken’; het voelt niet goed, maar we gaan door omdat we er allemaal bij betrokken zijn, en dat geldt ook voor onze reputatie.
Hopelijk zal het komende openbare onderzoek enkele antwoorden op deze vragen onthullen, maar het versterkt de wijze woorden van mijn detective-mentor en is een les voor iedereen die de rol van onderzoeker vervult. Als u vertrouwt op cruciale technische data of resultaten die in strijd lijken te zijn met uw onderbuikgevoelens over menselijk gedrag of prestaties, zoek dan een tweede (of derde) mening.
Wees niet de stille persoon in de kamer en heb de moed om de vraag te stellen: ‘Hebben we dit goed?’ Deze moed kan een ‘kritieke stap’ veranderen in een effectieve ‘kritieke stop’ voor iedereen om zich te heroriënteren en te overwegen of het huidige momentum moet worden voortgezet.
The message about the lack of moral courage
and the persistence in a direction despite doubts and consequences.
Please listen to the video’s by Nick Wallis, video 1, 3 and 4.
1 Nick Wallis talks about Angela van den Bogerd – Post Office Scandal the tour on till mid May…
Back to menu IMPORTANT CONTENT Very shocking content Must listen
2 Trouble at Post Office – Panorama – 17th August 2015
Back to menu IMPORTANT CONTENT Shocking content Must be seen
How could Angela van den Bogerd claim that Panorama is misleading when the 30-minute broadcast is essential to understanding the British Post Office Scandal?
3 Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its court defence was false – BBC News report, 28 March 2024
2 mei 2024
A draft report uncovered by the BBC shows the Post Office spent £100m fighting sub-postmasters in court despite knowing its defence was untrue.
The document reveals the Post Office was shown evidence by 2017 that losses could be due to errors in the Horizon IT system or remote tampering.
But it kept arguing in the Bates v Post Office Ltd case that theft or mistakes by sub-postmasters must be to blame.
The Post Office said it would be “inappropriate” to comment.
4 “VERY Clever Woman” | Ex-Post Office Boss “Doesn’t Recall” Being Told About Fault
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25 apr 2024
A former top Post Office executive has claimed she forgot about an email in 2010 saying that cash balances in subpostmasters’ branch accounts could be remotely accessed.
Angela van den Bogerd had earlier told the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry in central London on Thursday that she never “knowingly” did anything wrong in the scandal.
However, Ms van den Bogerd, played by Coronation Street actress Katherine Kelly in the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, was asked if she had “airbrushed” from her mind the fact that Horizon developer Fujitsu had remote access to accounts.
Journalist Nick Wallis joins TalkTV’s James Max to discuss thus further.
5 “She Didn’t Take Any Responsibility For Her Actions!” Former Post Office Exec Refuses To Apologise
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26 apr 2024
A former top Post Office executive has refused to apologise for her role in the Horizon IT scandal, insisting: “I didn’t knowingly do anything wrong”.
Angela van den Bogerd began her evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry by saying that she is “sorry for the devastation” wrought on subpostmasters and their families.
But when pressed by Inquiry counsel Jason Beer KC, Ms van den Bogerd insisted she had been unaware of critical flaws in the Post Office’s IT system.
“You make no concession or admission that you did anything wrong”, said Mr Beer.
Ms van den Bogerd replied: “I didn’t knowingly do anything wrong.”
TalkTV’s Dr David Bull and Sarah Hewson are joined by journalist Nick Wallis to discuss.
6 Long-serving Executive A Vd Bogerd left the Post Office in 2020
Post Office IT scandal executive forced out of job at Football Association of Wales
www. computerweekly. com/news/ 252498141/ Post-Office-IT-scandal-executive-forced-out-of-job-at-Football-Association-of-Wales
Angela van den Bogerd has left her role at the Football Association of Wales, following criticism of her part in Post Office IT scandal
By Karl Flinders, Chief reporter and senior editor EMEA
Published: 19 Mar 2021 9:45
Controversial former Post Office executive Angela van den Bogerd has left her job at the Football Association of Wales (FAW) after mounting pressure over her involvement in the Post Office Horizon scandal.
Van den Bogerd was a central figure in the Post Office Horizon scandal that saw subpostmasters blamed for accounting shortfalls which were actually caused by computer errors. As a result, many were prosecuted for financial crimes, with some even sent to prison.
During a 2019 High Court trial where subpostmasters were suing the Post Office, High Court judge Peter Fraser criticised Van der Bogerd’s evidence for the Post Office’s defence, saying she sought to mislead him.
Van den Bogerd left her position as a Post Office director quietly in May last year after many years of service.
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7 Ex-Post Office executive Angela van den Bogerd refuses to apologise for role in Horizon IT scandal
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25 apr 2024
A former top Post Office executive has refused to apologise for her role in the Horizon IT scandal, insisting: “I didn’t knowingly do anything wrong”.
Angela van den Bogerd began her evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry by saying that she is “sorry for the devastation” wrought on subpostmasters and their families.
But when pressed by Inquiry counsel Jason Beer KC, Ms van den Bogerd insisted she had been unaware of critical flaws in the Post Office’s IT system.
“You make no concession or admission that you did anything wrong”, said Mr Beer.
Ms van den Bogerd replied: “I didn’t knowingly do anything wrong.”
8 Post Office Scandal: what did top executive know?
17 apr 2024
She’s been described as the Post Office executive who knew more about the Horizon IT scandal than anybody else. (Subscribe:
Angela van den Bogerd personally oversaw complaints about Horizon problems since 2010 and was part of a mediation scheme that was supposed to get to the bottom of why so many subpostmasters were being accused of theft.
But she defended the Post Office until the bitter end, even as late as 2019, during the High Court class action which Alan Bates and his group of fellow postmasters won.
9 Horizon IT Inquiry: Former Post Office executive says she never ‘knowingly did anything wrong’
25 apr 2024
Ex-Post Office executive Angela van den Bogerd refuses to apologise for role in Horizon IT scandal
Angela van den Bogerd began her evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry in central London on Thursday by saying she was “truly, truly sorry” for the “devastation” caused to wrongly convicted subpostmasters and their families.
10 Ex-Post Office chief denies cover-up over remote access emails
25 apr 2024
Angela van den Bogerd has told the inquiry into the Post Office Horizon scandal she did not recall receiving emails warning her that software maker Fujitsu would remotely access the accounts of sub-postmaters.
Ms van den Bogerd was the former people services director at the Post Office and handled complaints about the Horizon system.
A fault in the company’s software led to dozens of sub-postmasters being wrongfully convicted in connection with missing funds.
11 Top Boss provides No Answers at Post Office Scandal Inquiry
26 apr 2024
The Guardian
Former Post Office executive gave ‘false’ evidence at high court, inquiry hears
Angela van den Bogerd questioned over 2018 testimony about remote access to Horizon IT system.
.3 hours ago
Sky News
Post Office inquiry latest: ‘Truly sorry’ former executive insists she didn’t attempt cover up but admits missing key emails
Angela van den Bogerd, former people services director at the Post Office, is giving evidence at the inquiry today over failures that meant…
.6 hours ago
Post Office inquiry: Chief ‘misled High Court about Horizon’
The Telegraph www. telegraph .co .uk › news › 2024/04/25 › pos…
6 hours ago — The revelation provides further evidence that the former top Post Office executive misled High Court judge Peter Fraser in the 2019 case.
Horizon scandal: Ex-Post Office executive ‘doesn’t recall …
ITVX www. itv. com › news › former-post-office-execut…
6 hours ago — Ms Van Den Bogerd told the inquiry she left because of delays in compensating sub-postmasters, saying she was “disillusioned” with the process.
Angela van den Bogerd ‘does not recall’ being told IT firm …
BBC www. bbc. com › news › live › business-68893655
14 hours ago — The inquiry is back and Angela van den Bogerd, a former senior director in the Post Office, is still giving evidence. Stay with us as we bring …
Post Office Horizon Inquiry LIVE: Angela van den Bogerd …
YouTube · The Mirror
41.4K+ views · 6 hours ago
The inquiry will hear evidence from the former people services director at Post Office Ltd and programme director for the branch support …
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12 Post office boss says she is “truly sorry” | Jeremy Vine
26 apr 2024
Post Office boss Angela Van Den Bogerd told the inquiry that she was “truly sorry” for what happened to sub-postmasters.
Jeremy Vine on 5 is on television every weekday at 9:15am until 1:30pm on Channel 5.
13 Live: Angela van den Bogerd gives more evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry
2 uur geleden begonnen met streamen
A Post Office boss will give evidence to the Horizon scandal inquiry on Friday a day after she was accused of misleading the High Court.
Angela van den Bogerd, who was in charge of handling complaints about Horizon from 2010, told the High Court in 2019 that she did not know subpostmasters’ branch accounts could be accessed remotely before 2018.
Testifying under oath in March 2019, Ms van den Bogerd told the court in the case of Mr Bates vs the Post Office she had first become aware transactions could be inputted without a sub-postmaster’s knowledge the previous year.
14 Angela van den Bogerd – Day 128 PM (26 April 2024) – Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry
15 “She Is LYING!” – Solicitor Reveals Post Office Scandal Victims’ Reaction To Testimony At Inquiry
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26 apr 2024
A former top Post Office executive has said she never “knowingly” did anything wrong in the Horizon scandal.
Angela van den Bogerd began her evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry in central London on Thursday by saying she was “truly, truly sorry” for the “devastation” caused to wrongly convicted subpostmasters and their families.
Ms van den Bogerd, who was played by Coronation Street actress Katherine Kelly in the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, later said: “I didn’t knowingly do anything wrong, and I would never knowingly do anything wrong.”
Jason Beer KC, lead counsel to the inquiry, pointed out that she had not apologised for her own role in the scandal in her witness statement.
Ms van den Bogerd replied: “I’ve reflected on this quite a bit and the disclosure that I’ve seen through this process, there are things that, documents that I’ve seen that… clearly knowing what I know now, I would give further weight to some of those documents than I did at the time, so they would have more significance.
“So things that I might have missed at the time I really regret that and wish I’d been able to see that back then.”
Mr Beer pressed again, asking: “You don’t apologise for anything that you did wrong, do you?”
She responded: “I apologise for not getting to the answer more quickly. But with the evidence I had and the parameters of my role at the time, I did the best I could to the best of my ability.”
Solicitor Albert Harwood says Post Office scandal victims were “shocked” at Angela Van Den Bogerd’s testimony at the Post Office Inquiry.
“We already know what her credibility is like, she is lying… She refused to give a full, proper apology. It was meaningless in a sense!”
16 LIVE: Post Office Inquiry – barrister who advised on Horizon case gives evidence
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17 Octopus Shoots Out of Man’s Mouth Prank
20 mei 2018
Disgusting! Why would anyone eat octopus at all? You heathens.