Playing to the Gallery

To behave in a way intended to make people admire or support you:

Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than exercising real influence on world events.

Cambridge Dictionary

Play to the gallery

To perform in a manner that will make people admire or support you.

“Politicians have to play to the gallery to Gain the vote from citizens”

Page Description

Watch Bram Bakker & Diederik Stapel
discuss psychological insights in
‘Playing to the Gallery’ and explore
‘Kijken in de ziel’ with scientists
in episode #4

Play to the Gallery: The Art of Performance and Public Perception

The idiom “play to the gallery” is often used to describe behavior or actions that are meant to gain attention, approval, or support from a particular audience, usually at the expense of substance or authenticity. Here are the key points of this idiom:

  1. Seeking attention: “Playing to the gallery” means deliberately seeking attention or trying to impress a particular group of people, often by using showy or exaggerated behavior.

  2. Appealing to popular opinion: It can also refer to catering to the opinions or tastes of the masses, rather than taking a principled or genuine approach. It may involve adopting popular ideas or opinions solely for the purpose of gaining popularity or approval.

  3. Sacrificing substance for showmanship: “Playing to the gallery” can involve prioritizing style over substance, focusing on outward appearances or superficial aspects, rather than providing meaningful or thoughtful content.

  4. Audience-centric behavior: It implies tailoring one’s actions or behavior to please a specific audience, rather than staying true to one’s own beliefs, values, or principles.

  5. Potentially insincere or manipulative: “Playing to the gallery” may have a connotation of being insincere, manipulative, or opportunistic, as it often involves trying to win favor or gain advantage through calculated means.

  6. Contextual dependency: The meaning and implications of “playing to the gallery” may vary depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to behavior in various settings, such as politics, entertainment, advertising, or social interactions.

In summary, “playing to the gallery” typically refers to behavior or actions that are designed to gain attention, approval, or support from a specific audience, often at the expense of authenticity or substance. It can imply insincerity or manipulation, and a focus on style over substance.

1 Kijken in de ziel – Wetenschappers #4 – Over de schreef

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6 jan. 2021

Uitgezonden op 19 augustus 2016.
At minute 28: affaire Stapel, minute 31 detail

2 Bram Bakker in gesprek met Diederik Stapel, over Stapel

28 okt. 2015

Een open en kwetsbaar gesprek met voormalig hoogleraar Diederik Stapel. De ontmaskering van Stapel als wetenschapfraudeur heeft zijn leven verregaand op z’n kop gezet. Bram loopt met Diederik door de verschillende fases na de val. Stapel staat inmiddels model voor een hele reeks andere rommelende en frauderende wetenschappers. Hij lijkt daarbij wel het zwaarst getroffen. De gebeurtenissen hebben de band met zijn gezin versterkt en zijn vriendschappen verstevigd. Met Anton Dautzenberg schreef hij het boek “De Fictiefabriek”, maar hij verlangt nu inmiddels wel erg naar nieuwe kansen.

(NL23 TRIO 0390 4379 13 tnv Coöp Weltschmerz, Amsterdam)

01:20 Intro Diederik Stapel
02:50 Geen baan
04:05 Waarom Stapel onvergelijkbaar gestraft?
07:15 “Vloeken in de kerk”
08:30 Oordeelmachine
09:50 Beter geworden in het vak
11:00 Zingeving en spiritualiteit
12:30 Terugblik
14:50 Zelfmoord
17:25 Slachtoffer van eigen daden
18:40 Karakter duiding
20:15 Waarom frauderen?
22:40 Complimenten
23:45 Sociale onthechting
25:20 Aandachtsverslaving
27:00 Nieuw boek; een oefening in eerlijkheid
29:25 Geloofwaardigheid
32:41 EINDE…

3 Teleportation Gone Wrong

27 mei 2011

Mad scientist made astonishing breakthroughs in teleportation. He invites people to check out his experiment for themselves in his evil lair. Unfortunately he hasn’t learned any lessons from the movie “The Fly” and goes in one of the pods while holding a cute, fluffy, white bunny… but what kind of abomination will come out of the other side?
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!