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NHS Infected Blood Scandal:
A Horrifying, Avoidable Tragedy
NHS and government led ‘chilling’ cover-up of infected blood scandal, inquiry finds
A five-year investigation has found that a ‘catalogue of failures’ led to the worst treatment disaster in NHS history
NHS en overheid leidden ‘angstaanjagende’ doofpotaffaire van schandaal met besmet bloed, zo blijkt uit onderzoek.
Een vijf jaar durend onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat een ‘catalogus van mislukkingen’ heeft geleid tot de grootste behandelramp in de geschiedenis van de NHS.

Christopher Marsh at his home in Ramsgate. Photograph Jill Mead The Guardian
Betrayal with Devastating Consequences
The NHS Infected Blood Scandal is one of the most devastating healthcare disasters in British history. Thousands of people—many of them haemophiliacs—were infected with HIV and hepatitis through contaminated blood products between the 1970s and 1990s. What makes this tragedy even more horrifying is that it was entirely avoidable. Warnings were ignored, risks were downplayed, and victims were misled for decades.
This page explores the full extent of the scandal, the systemic failures that allowed it to happen, and the heartbreaking personal stories of those affected. Through in-depth analysis and a collection of key videos, we uncover the truth behind the cover-up and ask: will justice ever truly be served?
Een Verraad met Verwoestende Gevolgen
Het NHS-bloedschandaal is een van de meest verwoestende gezondheidszorgschandalen in de Britse geschiedenis. Duizenden mensen—waaronder veel hemofiliepatiënten—raakten tussen de jaren 70 en 90 besmet met HIV en hepatitis door geïnfecteerde bloedproducten. Wat deze tragedie des te schokkender maakt, is dat ze volledig te voorkomen was. Waarschuwingen werden genegeerd, risico’s gebagatelliseerd en slachtoffers werden tientallen jaren misleid.
Deze pagina onderzoekt de volledige omvang van het schandaal, de systematische mislukkingen die het mogelijk maakten en de aangrijpende persoonlijke verhalen van de getroffenen. Aan de hand van diepgaande analyses en een verzameling essentiële video’s onthullen we de waarheid achter de doofpotaffaire en stellen we de vraag: zal gerechtigheid ooit echt geschieden?
‘A lot of people were aware, for a long time, about how appallingly victims had been treated’
Infected blood scandal: ‘A cover up’ and ‘a deliberate attempt to lie’
20 mei 2024
Clive Smith from the Haemophilia Society has told Sky News that conclusions of a cover up in the infected blood scandal is “not a surprise” to him.
It comes after a public inquiry found that the infected blood scandal was “not an accident” – and its failures lie with “successive governments, the NHS, and blood services”.
Report: “Downright deception” by NHS and Govts
Infected blood scandal “was not an accident”
Blood risks were known before treatment
Victims were “betrayed”
Educational: This video is essential viewing
Evans, now 34, told the BBC last week that the scandal had “blanketed” his entire life. He is one of many victims and their families whose stories were instrumental to the commissioning of the inquiry by Theresa May in 2017,.
Taken as a whole, their stories – many of them told in the Guardian – represent a dizzying account of loss. For the long read, Robert James wrote an extraordinary piece about how his HIV diagnosis shaped his life, and his experience of giving evidence to the inquiry and hearing others do the same – and how, “after losing 20 friends, I stopped counting how many had died”. Liz Hooper lost two husbands treated with contaminated blood. Christopher Marsh (pictured above) lost his two brothers, and lives with hepatitis C himself. Nicholas Sainsbury, who attended a specialist boarding school, Treloar, which was equipped to treat his haemophilia, has HIV and hepatitis C – and 40 of the 55 pupils who were at Treloar in his first year have died.
“There is no doubt that these stories have given the inquiry impetus,” said Owen. “The agony of their examples lends so much weight to the argument, and they have moved the dial on public sympathy. It isn’t hard to see how giving those people a platform helped force some of this out.”
Evans, nu 34, vertelde de BBC vorige week dat het schandaal zijn hele leven had “overspoeld”. Hij is een van de vele slachtoffers en hun families wier verhalen ertoe hebben bijgedragen dat Theresa May in 2017 een onderzoek liet uitvoeren.
Als geheel vormen hun verhalen – waarvan er veel in de Guardian worden verteld – een duizelingwekkend overzicht van het verlies. Robert James schreef een buitengewoon stuk over hoe zijn HIV-diagnose zijn leven heeft gevormd, en zijn ervaring om te getuigen voor het onderzoek en anderen hetzelfde te horen doen – en hoe, “na het verlies van 20 vrienden, ik stopte met tellen hoeveel er gestorven waren”. Liz Hooper verloor twee echtgenoten die behandeld waren met besmet bloed. Christopher Marsh (foto boven) verloor zijn twee broers en leeft zelf met hepatitis C. Nicholas Sainsbury, die op een gespecialiseerde kostschool zat, Treloar, die was uitgerust om zijn hemofilie te behandelen, heeft HIV en hepatitis C – en 40 van de 55 leerlingen die in zijn eerste jaar op Treloar zaten zijn overleden.
“Het lijdt geen twijfel dat deze verhalen het onderzoek een impuls hebben gegeven,” zei Owen. “De lijdensweg van hun voorbeelden geeft zoveel gewicht aan het argument en ze hebben de sympathie van het publiek vergroot. Het is niet moeilijk om in te zien hoe het geven van een platform aan deze mensen heeft geholpen om iets van dit alles naar buiten te brengen.”

Jason Evans, founder of the Factor 8 infected blood campaign group, pictured after an interview with the PA news agency in Coventry. Photograph: Jacob King/PA
British Government Promises Compensation for All Victims After Contaminated Blood Scandal
Article by Stef Van Chaze
There is great outrage in the United Kingdom following the publication of a damning report. It reveals that between 1970 and 1991, more than 30,000 patients were given blood contaminated with HIV and hepatitis. This ultimately led to the deaths of approximately 3,000 people.
Blood was allegedly collected for years from prisoners and drug addicts and then used in British hospitals. According to the report, the dangers were known to the British government and the National Health Service (NHS), but they were deliberately ignored.
“A day of shame for the United Kingdom,” said British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in his apology, who had already announced that the victims would receive compensation. Now the Prime Minister is following through on his promise.
“All victims will receive full compensation by the end of the year. Whatever the cost, we will pay everything,” said Sunak.
£10 Billion
The total amount of compensation is not yet known, but it could reach £10 billion (€11.7 billion). On average, each victim could receive €2.5 million to €3 million, according to the British public broadcaster BBC.
British Finance Minister John Glen has meanwhile announced that some victims will receive interim compensation of €245,000 starting this summer. Payments will be made to both those directly infected and other affected individuals, such as partners and children.
Some victims received an initial compensation of around £100,000 (€117,000) in 2022.
Scottish First Minister John Swinney has also apologized on behalf of the Scottish government. About 3,000 people in Scotland were infected as a result of the blood scandal.
“People who contracted HIV or hepatitis as a result of an NHS treatment have endured unimaginable suffering,” said Swinney. He promises that the Scottish government will work with the UK government on the compensation scheme.
Britse regering belooft compensatie voor alle slachtoffers na schandaal met besmet bloed
Artikel door Stef Van Chaze •
Grote verontwaardiging in het Verenigd Koninkrijk na de publicatie van een vernietigend rapport. Daaruit blijkt dat tussen 1970 en 1991 meer dan 30.000 patiënten bloed toegediend kregen dat besmet was met hiv en hepatitis. Dat zou uiteindelijk geleid hebben tot de dood van ongeveer 3.000 mensen.
Er zou jarenlang bloed afgenomen zijn bij gevangenen en drugsverslaafden om het vervolgens te gebruiken in Britse ziekenhuizen. Volgens het rapport waren de gevaren bekend bij de Britse overheid en de nationale gezondheidsdienst NHS, maar werd er bewust niet naar gehandeld.
“Een dag van schaamte voor het Verenigd Koninkrijk”, klonk het in excuses van de Britse premier Rishi Sunak, die al aankondigde dat de slachtoffers een compensatie krijgen. Nu voegt de premier de daad bij het woord.
“Alle slachtoffers krijgen tegen het einde van het jaar een volledige schadevergoeding. Wat de kosten ook zijn, wij zullen alles betalen”, aldus Sunak.
10 miljard pond
Het totale bedrag van de schadevergoeding is nog niet bekend, maar het zou kunnen oplopen tot 10 miljard pond (11,7 miljard euro). Gemiddeld zou elk slachtoffer 2,5 miljoen tot 3 miljoen euro kunnen ontvangen, klinkt het bij de Britse openbare omroep BBC.
De Britse minister van Financiën John Glen heeft intussen wel aangekondigd dat sommige slachtoffers vanaf de zomer tussentijdse compensaties van 245.000 euro zullen ontvangen. Er zullen zowel betalingen worden gedaan aan mensen die direct besmet zijn geraakt, als aan andere getroffenen, zoals partners en kinderen.
Sommige slachtoffers kregen in 2022 al een eerste schadevergoeding van ongeveer 100.000 pond (117.000 euro).
Ook de eerste minister van Schotland, John Swinney, heeft namens de Schotse regering zijn verontschuldigingen aangeboden. In Schotland raakten ongeveer 3.000 mensen besmet door de gevolgen van het bloedschandaal.
“De mensen die hiv of hepatitis hebben opgelopen als gevolg van een NHS-behandeling hebben onvoorstelbaar lijden moeten doorstaan”, aldus Swinney. Hij belooft dat de Schotse regering samen met regering van het Verenigd Koninkrijk aan de compensatieregeling wil werken.
The NHS Blood Scandal, also known as the contaminated blood scandal, is one of the most significant public health disasters in the UK’s history. Here are the key points:
- During the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of NHS patients were given blood transfusions or blood products that were contaminated with hepatitis C and HIV.
- Most of the affected were hemophiliacs who required regular blood products, specifically Factor VIII, which was sourced from high-risk donors including prisoners and drug users in the US.
Scale of the Scandal:
- Approximately 5,000 people were infected with hepatitis C.
- Around 1,200 were infected with HIV, with many contracting both viruses.
- Thousands of those infected have since died as a result of these infections.
Government and NHS Failures:
- There was a significant delay in screening blood donations for these viruses.
- The government and NHS continued to use contaminated blood products even after risks became known.
- Lack of adequate response and compensation for the victims initially.
Legal and Financial Consequences:
- Victims and their families have campaigned for decades for recognition, compensation, and accountability.
- The UK government has been criticized for its slow and inadequate response to the crisis.
Public Inquiry:
- In 2017, a public inquiry was launched to investigate the circumstances surrounding the scandal.
- The inquiry aims to uncover how the infections happened, the government’s role, and the response to the crisis.
- It also seeks to provide justice and compensation for the victims and their families.
Impact on Public Health Policy:
- The scandal has led to significant changes in blood donation and transfusion practices.
- There is now rigorous screening and stricter regulations to ensure blood safety.
- It has also raised awareness about the importance of transparency and accountability in public health.
The NHS Blood Scandal remains a poignant reminder of the need for rigorous safety protocols in healthcare and the impact of systemic failures on public health.
BBC Panorama: Infected Blood : Time for Answers – 13th May 2024
13 mei 2024
BBC Panorama: Infected Blood : Time for Answers – Monday 13th May 2024
Between 1970 and the early 1990s more than 30,000 people in the UK were infected with HIV and Hepatitis C through contaminated blood products and transfusions. It has been described as the worst treatment disaster in NHS history. Since then, around 3,000 of those infected have died, but many of their relatives have yet to receive any compensation. A public inquiry opened in 2018 to discover what really happened, and on May 20th 2024, it will deliver its final report.
Reporter Jim Reed meets the families of some of the 380 children with bleeding disorders who were infected with HIV and talks to them about what they have lost, their campaign for justice, and what they hope for from the inquiry.
Broadcast time: 20.00 BBC1 – Duration: 28.41
Infected blood scandal ‘not an accident’ with ‘catalogue of failures’, public inquiry finds
20 mei 2024 #skynews #infectedblood #inquiry
The infected blood scandal was “not an accident” – and its failures lie with “successive governments, the NHS, and blood services”, a public inquiry has found.
From the 1970s, 30,000 people were “knowingly” infected with either HIV or Hepatitis C because “those in authority did not put patient safety first”, the inquiry’s report said. Around 3,000 people died.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak offered a “wholehearted and unequivocal” apology to the victims of the infected blood scandal, saying it was a “day of shame for the British state”.
Infected Blood Inquiry: Will the victims finally get justice?
17 mei 2024 #inquiry #skynews #uk
Thousands of people died after being given infected blood transfusions by the NHS in the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
They were people with haemophilia, women giving birth, and cancer patients who died after contracting HIV or Hepatitis C from infected blood.
Over the past six years an inquiry has been studying millions of pages of evidence from hundreds of sources and witnesses.
Infected blood victims to be offered £100k in government compensation
Government to reveal infected blood compensation scheme
21 mei 2024 #skynews #infectedblood #scandal
The government will outline how it plans to compensate the victims and families of the infected blood scandal when it makes a statement in the Commons later today.
It will fall to Paymaster General John Glen to reveal what compensation package those impacted will now be entitled to.
LIVE: Final report of the UK’s infected blood inquiry is published
The chairman of the Infected Blood Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, gives a press briefing on the findings of the report on the scandal, widely seen as the deadliest to afflict Britain’s state-run National Health Service since its inception. Around 3,000 people are believed to have died after being infected with HIV and hepatitis from transfusions of tainted blood and blood products in the 1970s and 1980s. Read more here:
Infected blood scandal: Government was warned years before taking action
17 mei 2024
Victims of what’s been described as the worst scandal in NHS history are finally due to get some answers.
On Monday, the inquiry into what happened to some 30,000 people given blood products contaminated with HIV or Hepatitis C – during the 70s and 80s – is due to deliver its final report.
But one victim dies every four days, so many have not lived long enough to see it. And those who have will still have to wait even longer for compensation, which could run into billions.
1 NHS Infected Blood scandal: how ‘horrifying’ tragedy happened
20 mei 2024
“Whatever the cost we will pay it”: The words of the Prime Minister on what he described as a “day of shame.”
The scandal had already been called the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.
Today we learned it could largely have been avoided.
The inquiry chair, Sir Brian Langstaff, pointed to the sheer scale of the tragedy, calling it “horrifying”.
At least 30,000 people were infected with Hepatitis C over the 1970s and 1980s. And 1,300 were infected with HIV, including 380 children. More than 3,000 people are estimated to have died from infections attributed to blood or blood products, many of them haemophiliacs, given tainted blood as part of their treatment.
2 Infected Blood scandal: How UK failed on a global scale
20 mei 2024
The inquiry into the infected blood scandal has issued its final damning conclusions, prompting Rishi Sunak to issue a “wholehearted and unequivocal” apology on what he called “a day of shame for the British state.”
The infected blood scandal is not unique to the UK.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s many other countries also passed along contaminated blood to thousands of unsuspecting people.
But in most of those places, the reckoning came earlier – with compensation payouts and even criminal convictions secured years, and sometimes decades, ago.
Opportunities missed by successive governments of all parties here in the UK.
Educational: This video is essential viewing
3 Rishi Sunak makes statement after infected blood scandal report
After the Infected Blood Inquiry reported a cover up at the heart of the NHS and government over the infected blood scandal, Rishi Sunak made a statement to the Commons.
4 Chair of infected blood scandal inquiry speaks to Sky News
5 Police and CPS should investigate infected blood scandal, senior MP says
20 mei 2024 #skynews #infectedblood #scandal
Dame Diana Johnson has told the Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge that the police and CPS should investigate the infected blood scandal.
The senior Labour MP said there are “real questions about whether there’s some criminal activity in this, and whether the police and the CPS need to look at what happened”.
She went on to say such action should be considered, pointing to boys being experimented on in a boarding school, which is “a criminal offence”.
“Doctors were playing God with children’s lives,” she added.
6 Infected blood scandal: Victims set to receive billions of government compensation
19 mei 2024
They’ve waited for decades – many losing their lives, loved ones or livelihoods along the way.
Tomorrow, thousands of victims of the infected blood scandal will get the final report of the inquiry into what happened to them. The government is also expected to approve more than ten billion pounds of compensation this week.
Our Health and Social Care Editor Victoria Macdonald is outside Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, where the inquiry will conclude.
7 UK government covered up infected-blood scandal which left victims exposed, report finds | BBC News
20 mei 2024 #BBCNews
Authorities in the UK covered up the infected-blood scandal, knowingly exposing victims to unacceptable risks, a report has said.
The five-year investigation accused doctors, the government, and the NHS of letting patients catch HIV and hepatitis.
More than 30,000 people were infected, from 1970 to 1991, by contaminated blood products and transfusions, and about 3,000 have died.
Sir Brian Langstaff, who chaired the inquiry, said the scale of the scandal was “horrifying” and the authorities had been too slow to respond to the risks.
8 Infected blood scandal: Victims set to receive billions of government compensation
19 mei 2024
They’ve waited for decades – many losing their lives, loved ones or livelihoods along the way.
Tomorrow, thousands of victims of the infected blood scandal will get the final report of the inquiry into what happened to them. The government is also expected to approve more than ten billion pounds of compensation this week.
Our Health and Social Care Editor Victoria Macdonald is outside Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, where the inquiry will conclude.
9 ‘I am truly sorry’: Sunak apologises for infected blood scandal and its ‘chilling’ cover-up
21 mei 2024
ITV News Health Correspondent Rebecca Barry breaks down the key findings from the report
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has apologised to the victims of the infected blood scandal and their families, saying “on behalf of this and every government stretching back to the 1970s, I am truly sorry”.
Delivering a statement to Parliament in response to the release of a damming report into the scandal, the PM said there had been a “catalogue of systemic, collective, and individual fauilures, amounting to a calamity”.
10 Blood Scandal: ‘We’re the Last in the World to Sort This Problem Out’
20 mei 2024 #GMB #nhs
It’s been described as the worst treatment disaster in NHS history. And today, the Prime Minister will apologize to the tens of thousands of people given infected blood between the 1970s and 1991 and the families whose lives have been utterly devastated.
Sharron Davies’ mother developed liver cancer in her 40s after being given contaminated blood during an operation to treat gallstones. Then she contracted Hepatitis C. Lauren Palmer was orphaned when her parents died from HIV eight days apart after her father was infected by contaminated blood. Jason Evans, says that he can’t remember a time before the blood scandal, his first memories of his dad, Jonathan, were of him dying from AIDS in 1993.
Broadcast on 20/05/24
Educational: This video is essential viewing
11 “People Were Institutionally GASLIT!” – Blood Scandal Report Finds Victims ‘Failed Repeatedly’
20 mei 2024
Talk’s Ian Collins is joined by author and journalist Cara McGoogan who says people were “institutionally gaslit” about the infected blood scandal.
The scandal “could largely have been avoided” and there was a “pervasive” cover-up to hide the truth, an inquiry into the biggest treatment disaster in the NHS has concluded.
Deliberate attempts were made to conceal the disaster, including evidence of Whitehall officials destroying documents, the Infected Blood Inquiry found.
Patients were knowingly exposed to unacceptable risks of infection, the probe found.
The 2,527-page report documents a “catalogue of failures” which had “catastrophic” consequences, not only among people infected with contaminated blood and blood products, but also their loved ones.
More than 30,000 people were infected with deadly viruses while they were receiving NHS care between the 1970s and 1990s, in a disaster described by inquiry chairman Sir Brian Langstaff as a “calamity”.
Infected blood: Labour quizzed over role of Blair & Brown during scandal
21 mei 2024 #skynews #labour
Shadow Cabinet Minister Nick Thomas-Symonds is quizzed by Sky’s Kay Burley over the role of former Labour prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown during the infected blood scandal.
It comes after a public inquiry found that the scandal was “not an accident” – and its failures lay with “successive governments, the NHS, and blood services”.
12 Infected blood: ‘It should never have happened’ says paymaster general John Glen
20 mei 2024 #skynews #conservative #uk
Paymaster general John Glen MP discusses the infected blood inquiry report, Rishi Sunak’s feature on the 2024 rich list and the death of the Iranian president.
Speaking on the infected blood report, he says “we will be taking the report of Sir Brian Langstaff very seriously” and “we recognise that what has happened should never have happened”.
13 Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips: Grant Shapps, Wes Streeting and Jim Ratcliffe
Live gestreamd op 19 mei 2024 #Westminster #TrevorPhillips #Sunday
Join Trevor Phillips on our flagship weekly programme that aims to set the political agenda, delve deep into the big stories and hear from news-making guests.
Today he will joined by defence secretary Grant Shapps, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, Jim Ratcliffe and the government’s independent adviser Lord Walney
Tap the ‘Notify me’ bell button to be reminded when the show goes live and make sure you don’t miss anything ⬆️
14 Blood scandal public inquiry: What are the key findings?
21 mei 2024 #skynews
Sky’s Science and Technology Editor Tom Clarke reflects on the key findings from the blood scandal public inquiry.
Inquiry chair Sir Brian Langstaff put the blame firmly at the door with “successive governments, the NHS, and blood services”.
He also made clear that the response of the government and NHS had “compounded” victims’ suffering.
15 Infected blood disaster that destroyed lives ‘was no accident’ #news #politics #currentaffairs
21 mei 2024
It’s been a day of reckoning for those involved in the infected blood scandal, the country’s worst healthcare tragedy.
Between 1970 and 1991 more than 30,000 people across the UK, including three thousand in Scotland, contracted HIV and Hepatitis C after being treated with contaminated products.
A public inquiry report found the tragedy was ‘no accident’ but the result of a catalogue of shocking failures.
Scotland Tonight examines the key points of the report and asks what happens next?
16 The faces and stories behind the infected blood scandal
20 mei 2024 #inquiry #skynews #uk
More than 30,000 Britons were infected with HIV and Hepatitis C from contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s in what has been called the worst treatment disaster in NHS history.
The Infected Blood Inquiry is set to publish its report today on one of the biggest scandals in NHS history.
17 Death in the blood: The most shocking scandal in NHS history | Stories of Our Times
20 sep 2023 The Story | PODCAST
From the 1970s onwards, an estimated 5,000 NHS patients were given contaminated blood products, which contained deadly diseases like hepatitis and HIV. Today, half of those infected have died. How did this happen? As her new book is published, we hear from the Sunday Times journalist who unearthed the story, and followed it for 20 years to get answers.
Guest: Caroline Wheeler, Political Editor, The Sunday Times.
18 Rishi Sunak avoids committing to compensation for Infected Blood scandal victims in inquiry
26 jul 2023
A week of cross-examination of past and current members of the Treasury is underway at the Infected Blood Inquiry. The inquiry has been set up to establish delays in compensation for victims who were treated with infected blood in the health service in the 1970s.
Rishi Sunak was in front of the inquiry today, where he gave little away on why compensation hasn’t been given, and when victims and their families will be compensated.
19 UK: Government and NHS carried out ‘cover-up’ of infected blood scandal, says report | WION News
20 Victims of hepatitis and HIV infected blood scandal speak on ‘damning’ report | BBC News
21 mei 2024 #BBCNews
The UK government will set out details of the infected blood compensation scheme on Tuesday.
30,000 people were infected with hepatitis and HIV while receiving NHS treatment between the 1970s and 1990s – and 3,000 have since died.
On Monday, a public inquiry said victims were repeatedly failed, with evidence of a cover-up.
Roger Newman, who discovered he was infected with HIV and hepatitis C as a teenager, said, “We were also all so aware of so many that couldn’t be there because they were either too ill or already passed away.”
At minute 10: absolute shocking
21 Watch live: Govt to announce details of a compensation scheme following infected blood report
Heeft 101 minuten geleden live gestreamd
The government is expected to announce details of a compensation scheme for those affected by the infected blood scandal following an inquiry’s report published on Monday.
The inquiry found that British authorities and the public health service knowingly exposed tens of thousands of patients to deadly infections through contaminated blood and blood products and hid the truth about the disaster for decades.
An estimated 3,000 people are believed to have died and in total 30,000 were infected after receiving blood or blood products tainted with HIV or hepatitis in the 1970s to the early 1990s.
22 Infected with HIV and Hepatitis C as a Child
21 mei 2024 #GMB #infectedblood #nhs
Politicians, doctors, and the NHS conducted a “subtle, pervasive and chilling” cover-up of the “worst ever” health scandal which saw more than 30,000 people infected with incurable blood diseases, a landmark inquiry has ruled.
As a child, Richard Warwick was infected with HIV & hepatitis C during experimental trials when he was a pupil at college. Richard says he will ‘fight to the bitter end’ to do what’s right for the other pupils who died after being given infected blood.
Broadcast on 21/05/24
Educational: This video is essential viewing
Absolutely shocking
23 Infected blood: Final compensation payments for victims to begin by end of 2024
21 mei 2024 #skynews #infectedblood
Paymaster General John Glen has told the Commons that final compensation payments for infected blood victims will begin by the end of the year.
He also confirms payments of £210,000 will be made to “living infected beneficiaries” as well as those who register with a support scheme.
It comes after a public inquiry found that the scandal was “not an accident” – and its failures lay with “successive governments, the NHS, and blood services”.
24 How UK doctors infected patients with HIV
20 mei 2024
The NHS infected blood scandal had already been called the worst treatment disaster in the history of the UK health service.
Today we learned it could largely have been avoided.
The inquiry chair, Sir Brian Langstaff, pointed to the sheer scale of the tragedy, calling it “horrifying”.
At least 30,000 people were infected with Hepatitis C over the 1970s and 1980s. And 1,300 were infected with HIV, including 380 children. More than 3,000 people are estimated to have died from infections attributed to blood or blood products, many of them haemophiliacs, given tainted blood as part of their treatment.
Absolutely shocking: Prosecutions should follow
25 Infected Blood: Lessons From The Treatment Scandal | Bloomberg UK Politics
21 mei 2024 Bloomberg UK Politics
A seven-year inquiry into the infected blood scandal says the deaths of more than 30,000 people infected with viruses whilst receiving NHS care were preventable. But how did it happen and what can those in charge do to stop something similar happening again? Bloomberg’s James Woolcock and Cara McGoogan, author of a book on the disaster, join the podcast to discuss. Hosted by Lizzy Burden and Yuan Potts
26 Infected Blood Inquiry live: chair Sir Brian Langstaff gives statement after damning report
Live gestreamd op 20 mei 2024
The Chairman of the inquiry will make a statement on the report.
for latest breaking news from the UK, US and around the world, plus podcasts and features.
27 A bloody disgrace: a full timeline of the Infected Blood Scandal | The Story
21 mei 2024
After decades of buck-passing and over 3000 deaths the infected blood inquiry published its final report finding that patients were betrayed by ‘cover-up’.
The chairman of the inquiry said the ‘scale of what happened is horrifying’ and the prime minister has apologised.
So, as ministers prepare to pay out billions of pounds in compensation, will this be enough for the families of those affected? Has justice finally been achieved? We ask Sunday Times’s Caroline Wheeler, who helped bring the inquiry about.
This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today:
Guest: Caroline Wheeler, Political Editor, The Sunday Times.
Host: Manveen Rana
Clips: Parliament TV, Sky News, ITV, 5 News, Infected Blood Inquiry, World in Action, Lord Mayor of Treloar.
28 Watch live: PM Rishi Sunak delivers statement after infected blood scandal report
Live gestreamd op 20 mei 2024
Watch live from the House of Commons in central London where the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is delivering a statement, after the infected blood scandal report was released today.
Tens of thousands of people in the 1970s and 80s were infected with Hepatitis C and HIV after being given unscreened blood, and thousands of people have died as a result.
29 Infected blood scandal: Mother of victim demands justice | Denise Turton
21 apr 2024
“Justice for us would be seeing the truth in black and white on paper, because… we’ve always been lied to”.
Denise Turton’s son was a victim of the infected blood scandal. He passed away in 1992. Denise asks for those responsible to be “held accountable” for the deaths of children who were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in the 70s and 80s.
30 Infected Blood scandal: compensation for victims within months
21 mei 2024
First, the vindication, now the compensation: the victims of the infected blood scandal have suffered for decades.
Now the government is promising urgent payments this summer for people living with infections, and the first full payments for those infected and affected by the end of the year.
Of the 30,000 people given contaminated blood, more than 3,000 have already died.
31 In Cold Blood – Infected Blood Scandal Documentary – Biggest UK Medical Treatment Disaster
In Cold Blood: Contaminated Blood Scandal documentary.
This feature-length International Emmy Award winning documentary examines the biggest treatment disaster in NHS history. Directed by Grierson Award-winning and BAFTA-nominated documentary maker Marcus Plowright, this film tells the story of how thousands of British haemophiliacs were infected and died from HIV and Hepatitis C after being prescribed infected blood products by the NHS. This landmark film offers viewers a vivid insight into the scale and impact of the tragedy.
iNews: “It is to Marcus Plowright’s credit that his forensic documentary on the subject conveys not just the scale of the injustice but also the sheer human suffering. In Cold Blood was a difficult watch. But it was also a powerful act of bearing witness to lives ruined and futures stolen.”
0:00 – Intro
3:00 – Jason Evans
6:55 – The Impact
8:46 – Haemophilia
9:22 – Cryoprecipitate
10:04 – Factor VIII
14:34 – Hepatitis
18:27 – Barrie & Debs
19:16 – Treloar
20:37 – NANB Hepatitis
22:10 – AIDS
35:00 – No Conclusive Proof
38:01 – Heat Treatment
46:19 – HIV Testing
54:40 – The Fall-Out
58:05 – HIV Litigation Begins
1:00:30 – Ken Clarke Lies
1:04:39 – Hepatitis Waiver
1:14:25 – Covered-Up
1:19:36 – A New Campaign
1:26:58 – Infected Blood Inquiry…
At minute 13: Give people the motive to lying.
11 mei 2017
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Contaminated Blood: The Search for the Truth – BBC Panorama
It has been called the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS. More than 2,400 people died and thousands more were infected with HIV and Hepatitis C after being treated with contaminated blood products. All the victims were infected over 25 years ago, but even now new cases are still being diagnosed. Survivors and their families are trying once more to persuade the government to hold a UK public inquiry.
Panorama examines recently released documents, and asks if the government could have done more to save lives. The film hears the heartbreaking testimony of some of the victims and their families and explores the dilemmas of doctors who had to carry on treating their patients through the unfolding crisis.
First broadcast: 10th May 2017 9.00pm – Running time: 58.01
Educational: This video is essential viewing – Detailed
Educational: This video is essential viewing
33 Infected Blood Inquiry – Andrew Gwynne addresses the House
20 nov 2024
Yesterday in the House, in my role as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, I took the time to address and update the House on the infected blood inquiry.
I am personally, and my department is collectively, sorry. We have let down the infected and the affected in this terrible scandal. We must never, ever, let anything like this happen again.
Educational: This video is essential viewing
34 Cartoony Prank
20 mei 2011
20 mei 2011
What happens here is hard to explain. A thief steals a bag near a prank victim and a high speed chase ensues. While a police officer is running after the thief, they stumble onto a Scooby Doo movie set and do the whole “people running after one another and coming in and out of different doors routine” – to the amusement of the prank victims watching on. But how can the thief and cop be running in and out of the doors and hallways so quickly? It’s revealed that the prank victims are actually seeing double – there are two twin policemen, and the thieves are also twins. All four of them have been running all over the place, adding to the confusion!
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!