Extremely surprising and difficult to understand or imagine
She was paid the mind-boggling sum of ten million dollars for that film.
Cambridge Dictionary
Page Description
The shocking unsafe conviction of Jimmy Dennis,
sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit
Learn about his journey to justice in this compelling story.
This website is about things that cannot happen.
Liam Allan is a simple example:
- someone with a good character whose life
- completely changes from one moment to the next,
- in an extreme way, over a period of two years.
- Liam finds himself in a situation where he clearly does not belong.
- It should not be allowed to happen to anyone.
- When you end up in an impossible way in a legal bubble, an event where one thing leads to another.
- A false accusation example and where everyone knows there is no common ground (as with Liam Allan).
- When you have to deal with the weakest link in the justice system, the issue is simply not looked at.
- Justice is on a leash, for whatever reason.
- Or the scales are broken or suddenly don’t work.
- When entities do not notice that we are dealing with a pretext and it is very clear that it is not about that.
- The meaning of justice disappears.
- Justice becomes a substitute without content or meaning.
- Honesty is thrown overboard.
- Justice is just a packaging.
- Anyone could use someone to do something in a completely insane way.
- You do not have a society where people speak to each other in a normal way.
- The word justice is a tainted word.
- It is the pattern of a Jeffery Epstein-type event.
Examples in the menu under ‘Mind-boggling examples’ make you think,
just like the video below concerning Jimmy Dennis.
Saying justice has decided, legal truth is reality is sometimes short-sighted.
As with Liam Allan, the most unthinkable is possible.
The justice system:
It happens that justice cannot be reconciled with representation.
Under the Baflling menu there is an endless series of similar cases,
30 or so web pages with series of examples,
not understanding that it can happen.
Hundreds of examples.
One cannot imagine it
One can simply use justice!
to inflict terrible misery on innocent people.
The fact that there is a loophole in the justice system is, of course, an intrinsic responsibility of the judiciary.
De website gaat over zaken die niet kunnen gebeuren.
Liam Allan is een eenvoudig voorbeeld:
- iemand met een goed karakter wiens leven
- van het ene moment op het ander compleet verandert,
- op extreme wijze, gedurende twee jaar.
- Liam komt in een situatie waar hij duidelijk niet thuishoort.
- Het zou iemand niet mogen kunnen overkomen.
- Wanneer je op een onmogelijke wijze in een juridische bubble terecht komt, een gebeuren waar het een het ander in de hand werkt.
- Een valse beschuldiging voorbeeld én waarvan iedereen weet dat er geen raakpunten zijn (zoals bij Liam Allan).
- Wanneer je te maken krijgt met de zwakste schakel van justitie, namelijk dat het issue domweg weg niet wordt bekeken.
- Justitie loopt aan de leiband, om welke reden dan ook.
- Of de weegschaal is defect of werkt plots niet.
- Wanneer entiteiten niet merken dat we te maken hebben met een voorwendsel én het erg duidelijk daar niet over gaat.
- De betekenis van justitie verdwijnt.
- Justitie wordt een substituut zonder inhoud of betekenis.
- Eerlijkheid wordt over boord gegooid.
- Justitie is alleen een verpakking.
- Iedereen kon iemand gebruiken om iets te doen in een compleet gestoord gebeuren.
- Je hebt geen samenleving waar mensen op een normale wijze met elkaar spreken.
- Het woord justitie is een bezoedelt woord.
- Het is het patroon van een Jeffery Epstein-achtig gebeuren.
Voorbeelden in het menu onder ‘Mind-boggling examples’ doen nadenken, net zoals onderstaande video betreffende
Jimmy Dennis.
Zeggen justitie heeft beslist, de juridische waarheid is werkelijkheid is soms kort door de bocht.
Zoals bij Liam Allan is het meest ondenkbare mogelijk.
De justitieleemte:
het gebeurt dat justitie niet te rijmen is met de voorstelling die men maakt.
Onder het menu Baflling is er een eindeloze reeks gelijkaardige cases,
een 30 tal webpagina’s met reeksen voorbeelden,
niet te begrijpen dat het kan gebeuren.
Honderden voorbeelden.
Men kan het zich niet voorstellen
men kan domweg justitie gebruiken!
om onschuldige mensen vreselijke ellende aan te doen.
Dat binnen justitie er een leemte is waar justitie ontspoort is uiteraard een intrinsieke justitie verantwoordelijkheid.

Justice is just a packaging.
Justitie is slechts een verpakking.
Please pay attention to the video 1 below (21 minutes) to illustrate the text on this webpage
1 Wrongful Conviction: Jimmy Dennis Was Sentenced to Death | NowThis
9 okt. 2019
Jimmy Dennis is a man who was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. Here are some key points about his case:
Crime and Conviction: In 1991, a 17-year-old high school student named Chedell Williams was shot and killed during a robbery in Philadelphia. Despite having no physical evidence connecting him to the crime, Jimmy Dennis was arrested and charged with murder based on the testimony of two eyewitnesses who claimed they saw him at the scene.
Sentenced to Death: In 1993, Jimmy Dennis was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death. However, there were serious flaws in the case against him, including the fact that one of the eyewitnesses later recanted his testimony, saying he had been coerced by police.
Legal Appeals: Over the years, Jimmy Dennis and his lawyers have fought tirelessly to prove his innocence and overturn his conviction. They have presented new evidence, including DNA testing that excludes him as the source of forensic evidence found at the crime scene.
Release from Prison: After more than 25 years on death row, Jimmy Dennis was finally exonerated and released from prison in 2017. The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office dropped all charges against him, citing the lack of evidence and the fact that the prosecution’s case had been based on unreliable eyewitness testimony.
Activism and Advocacy: Since his release, Jimmy Dennis has become a prominent advocate for criminal justice reform and wrongful conviction cases. He has spoken out about the need for police and prosecutors to be held accountable when they make mistakes or engage in misconduct, and he has worked to support other exonerees and fight against the death penalty.
2 Case dismissed against USC student accused of campus dorm rape
3 Interview with Acquitted Student SUING Yale & Accuser in a massive $110M lawsuit.
Saifullah Khan is suing Yale, the administrators, and his accuser in a massive $110M lawsuit. How a Yale Student’s Rape Accusation Exposed Her to a Defamation Lawsuit.
He Said, She Said | Testifying at a Sexual Assault Trial
A special report from the fifth estate on sexual assault and what it’s like to take to take the stand against an accused
Prosecuting Sexual Assault
2 Dumping Funeral Ashes, Bearded Lady, Blind Man Puts Iron On His Face Prank
14 nov. 2017