That kenyan woman deserves a medal n alotmore She’s an angel !!!!
The solution is very simple, do not go to those countries
Such a touching story… l like the passion that Emma Mbura has for humanity. Her concerns are genuine.
“I don’t think there is a human right in this world, maybe in Europe, but not in the middle East”… This statement gave me instant chills.. wowww! What! 

This is a very moving story. How long will the government keep a deaf ear. Our girls are taking themselves to the slaughter house and the government continue to sign agreements. I wish those girls would be taken for psychotherapy treatment
May God protect all ladies working in the middle East countries
Thank you fue raising up the voice for those who can’t.
Thanks for spotting the light into this important issue that many prefer to turn blind eye
We accept so much that is wrong. Indefensible. We as women should value each other.. Stand up for each other. African men. Should value us more too.provide for us. Cherish us.
Unfortunately in our world many people are yet to evolve as human beings. Majority of such are in the middle East, where prehistoric culture abounds.
This got me crying

Why is the mom packing the bag of a fully grown man?? At that age we should be the ones looking after our parents.
God bless this senator from Kenya.
There are poorer countries in Europe than some African countries but you will never find their citizens going to any of those God forsaken countries to work as a maid.
To the Jordanian dude at 34:26: Let her finish her sentence and stop being so condescending. She knows she’s not a doctor or an engineer and probably understands the question better than you do.
I thank the almighty God that i was never in a position to be at the mercy of these monsters
This guy is insane! Can u imagine how is laughing reading the statistics that 2 per week died from abuse either by jumping. God judgement will come upon u speedily. Indeed, you guys are devil.
This child is so sweet, intelligent and funny
Most of Saudi Arabia treat our maids really good. The people who treat their maids bad are mostly the rich people. And + mostly uae 🇦🇪 and others treat their maids bad sadly. And the population of Saudi Arabia is 36 million and not all of us are rich. But honestly it’s sad how people treat their maids and acts like their non human like tf it’s terrible. We are all human.
Wow, they are too poor to pay $150 a month but they want a maid…
I’m from the West and I occasionally engage in business with a few Lebanese dudes over hear. Let me tell you this, They are pure cutthroat. The difference between me and these poor woman is, That I’m on a level playing field with them.. I couldn’t imagine being under their control. It’s truly hell on earth for those poor women and my heart goes out to them. Shame on all those who take advantage of these ladies.
The world is full of evil people.
I wept watching this ….. Lord! How can a human being be so cruel to another human ??????
So sad. The agent manager strikes me as arrogant and cold.
This is so heartbreak seing how our sisters are being toachered and killed in the middle East!!! shame on Kenyan government failed to follow up Mary’s case. dear young Africans please stop putting your lives in danger going abroad by being promised that you’re going to work there it’s better to do whatever possible in your countries than going to die in the middle East.
It’s quite shocking, they think that in this century there can be slaves to work freely for them. This is not a gulf issue only but even an internal issue in Kenya. Foreign House helps in Kenya get mistreated by the owners and this goes unpunished. This is a vice that if someone is rich, they have superior powers over the poor. This needs to be condemned whether it’s happening to East Africans in Kenya, Kenyans in the middle east, or anywhere. We have to make sure everyone is treated in a rightful manner. I am speaking from a perspective that, I have employed house helps and I value each one of them, I treat them as my sisters as I was taught by my parents. The ladies mostly from Coast…. Uarabuni is not a solution. You can work in Kenya and improve your life. The agent says he fears Kenyans because they are educated….we need to build our country….Lebanon is just a small insignificant country to help Kenya in anything and mutual respect between countries should be practiced.
Thanks for posting this video it need to go viral
LORD, AFRICA, save our women and girls!!!
A kadama can be crazy and surely became insane if employer treat them badly.
It seems the way the 2 man laugh at their agency, it’s like evil not sincere,just sayin…
Caritas.. i would will a plan for languages printed that maids arrive to the airports in many countries.. aim for safety signs posters into the female bathrooms at these locations maids go through… tell them the safety phone numbers , prepare these women for the way ahead…share with these women the best sense of rights or practices to protect themselves… SPEAK TO THESE LADIES
I dont know what to say but its painful and the problem is there is no extablished grounds to help out
The same Arabs who go to Europe and bark about human rights. How rich.
I worked also as a maid in KSA but alhamdulillah i passed the two years without going holidays.
this fool, he’s enjoying selling these poor girls. what about she was his girl instead
How do I get in contact with the Senator Lady in Kenya…. I wish to be in touch with her…
The devil comes to kill steal and destroy. The devil doesn’t have horns
Thank you so much.
Twisted world and people indeed !
This man can’t even stand up and get his own lighter to smoke ?
How can thise people then neel down and prise ALLAH.
Slavery has returned again 

Why do they need a kidney test that’s a red flag lol…
Sad sad sad every where i look is a tragedy
There was a woman from Uganda I think . She had her kidney removed without knowing only to find that out when she was was paralysed. My fellow East Africans should never go there
Those agents are creepy especially tha one from Saud
It seems Jahiliyya culture is well and alive in Arab society….
Even if you give free visa to that country I don’t need it at all
Arabians No one day you will be judged harshly and rem who laughs last laughs best.
Arab when u hear that run run pls African stay away from them
You wonder fellow Africans still believe in Islam see the people who prays 5x aday

Ignorant people treating them like slaves is a shame
And they called themselfs Muslims hope this ramandan they think about their sinns
There is not human rights In Arab world..scary to me..
Hope I saw this before I come
U are not helping making someone a slave is not helping u must stop
Start been a better human being then god will bless y with what u deserve
Theres no justice. African and Asian countries should ban Saudis taking maids from their countries. They should truly protect these poor women. Poor people are easy to convince to believe in empty promises. It’s 2022 and humanity is in this level. Very very sad 

how will black man help you while they are trying to be like these people
The worst thing Kenyan government is to crap when they discussed about domestic violence in Saudi. Expect many more wonders. To my own thinking the government has made a hard decision having treaty . Whatever happening to our girls the government should be responsible. How will they withdraw this. Government must watch. May all those behind the scenes take us where we are going. A tree will be known with it’s fruits. Mary her soul rest in peace.
This is so sad. These girls are so naive and ignorant. That’s the only reason these agents take advantage of them
Yes y getting bigger on peoples misery but alah don’t sleep one day y will be judge and he will me mercifull and just with y so I hope u start showing this people dignity and honesty. There 8s judgement day inshala
Why is that guy laughing.
Why AFRICA for GOD sake, who have we offended? Is it before the world was created? What unforgivable sin did black Africans committed against this world that no nation think we deserve to live?
this is painfull
Mungu na yeye ni Nani.
Some humans are just useless, can’t even get his own suit case in his own bedroom, now I shall always look at an Arab with this documentary on my mind
Hajui kuandika
Until Africans put higher values over their lives than money these unfortunate incidents will never stop.
Guys is me the maher doumit yes i know very well that this docm show me as a devil and i agree about this docm before they launch it. Be sure i did not get paid any panny as i heard people sayig this about me .be sure that my goal was to show the world that their is no humanty any more in this world and governments dont care at all about their people . Also with all mybrespect and love for senator emma she is deploying for me all.kind of skills and unskills and hous keepers until this day we or making good recruting and find good job for many people already after she know the good way i treat my applicants from low level postion that they apply to the high level educated postion jobs i know many hate me in because of my work but this life guys and i habe pace of mind because non of my applicants over years ago get hurt because i follow the. All the contract period from my office c u soon with new decommantry for new busness i am into now by the way the producers of this documentary they earn to much money and dont think they made it to help this poor house maids we just lose in this life because we dont lie we just say the truth and what happen that europian and american and gulf arab countires governments spent billions to make war again each other and they nerver helped poor countries i belive in karma and inwas roight wheb insaid no humanty in this world any more
Silvia Dyanna
11 dagen geleden