His not only a brave man but his a very human man. He loves his prison brothers that he was in there with them
Very informative and still relevant 30 years later. Thanks for resharing!
What a brave man. Thank you for resharing this.
So very sad. I’d rather do without than aide in abusing people by buying their products….no matter which country. Heart breaking

Back when 60 minutes could be trusted
I use YouTube to educate myself keep the videos coming

I boycott many companies and that includes not buying anything made in China. I buy American or products made by many other countries. It does cost a bit more, but we need to go back to manufacturing in the USA.
America needs to develop its own everything! We need to quit relying on other governments.
“Are the Chinese keeping their word?”, lol, was that supposed to be a joke?
You can tell there’s a combination of irritation and being two-faced when the Chinese minister speaks with Ed Bradley. Unfortunately since then, both the forced labor and being two-faced has only become more prevalent.
Excellent coverage. Excellent news media contributions. One more reason why we must bring our stuff back.
I think products made by prisoners is never acceptable and it also happens in the US. It is how private prisons make money!
A brave soul to travel back to the prison that held him with no political protection.
That is literal slavery.
This is GOLD! Thanks for reposting. Nothing has changed over the past 31 years.
One reason perhaps how Walmart can sell their Chinese-made goods so cheaply; free labor.
It’s much worse now; than when this aired in 1991
300 years ago, if you had something that was made in China, everyone would be really impressed.
30 years of knowing about this and we did nothing. Now it has gotten worse and we are still doing nothing about it.
What a G, nothing but respect for MR.Wu
When it comes to the world of investing,most people don’t know where to start.fortunately,great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance
We must not support the Olympics. These people are human like us.
Harry Whoo is a hero!
They should show off the prison labor in the U.S too
The Chinese are famous for their puppet shows but this one is very elaborate and terrifying. “The cut-out shapes of the puppets sometimes include translucent color or other types of detailing. Various effects can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source. A talented puppeteer can make the figures appear to walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.”
They ought to do a follow up on these people to see where they are at now.
Yes many prisoners in western countries perform work. They are convicted, sentenced and adjudicated, not like these in China who are political, religious or cultural prisoners and many of whom have not been tried or convicted of anything. In the west they are also not systematically tortured or starved. Yes, our criminal justice system needs reform, but you cannot equate the two. This is a Human rights situation on a massive scale — worse in China now than it was 30 years ago. Look at what the Uighur are experiencing.
This is still happening in China today.
These people are real HEROS !
I just read an article about nba players sponsored by Chinese brands and they want to be over here talking about rights I think rights should go to all humans not just ones that look like them
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy – Welcome To The Revolution is a song everyone needs to hear and Tom MacDonalds inspirational controversial music.
News reports since 1991 and still happening.
President Biden should not condone such practices, but neither should we. American prisons did and continue to have forced labor.
Many American companies who receive these products, know where they came from and don’t care. It’s all about money.
why it’s wrong to force prisoners to work,since they are forced to be in the prison and lose their freedom? I think the crucial question is how to force them without forcement and avoid put innocent people in prison.
Funny that this is basically what the US does with prisoners, oh but they get paid 25 cents an hour. UNICOR baby!
Interesting how 60 Minutes is highlighting labor camps like some of America’s corporations don’t use and benefit from prison labor as well.
OMG wow Im not buying nothing made in China anymore 

Whats wrong with prisoners working? I’m 100% certain they’d rather be working than sitting in a cell doing nothing for the rest of their lives.
What happened to this type of journalism?
Maybe the US should start doing this with prisoners
That’s 30yrs ago. What’s going now, omg
This production is from 1968 (did you catch the jimmie carter statement?) and 1988-1989. Things have changed a great deal since then and China has “refined” it’s procedures of deception.
Reminds me of what human traffickers tell the trafficked to say. Chinese hierarchical indoctrination.
14:30 The quotation at the end “business is business”
i mean. we do this in america. this same thing happens in america. we should get rid of forced labor here at home before we go criticizing others.
They need to put the prisoners in the US to work. Make them useful and not lazy.
Anybody else remember how everything used to have that gold “Made in China” stickers?
Are prisoners in USA forced to make license plate?
How much did you pay him for pulling this 007 stunt? Way to go 60 minutes. Like you really cared about his well being. How many of his kind you haven’t rescued yet? Speed up mate!
At least things have improved 

Now we have our own prison work force in the US. Hypocrisy
If the Item says Made in CHINA…. That tells me that item will break and not last very long… Made in America is what I look for🇺🇸

So how is this different than when US businesses use prisoners for cheap labor to make products to sale? Is it bc they’re technically getting paid something no matter how small? Hypocrisy at its finest.
As long as we buy the respective goods from China, nothing will change. Index these goods
So they want to use the term forced labor instead of slavery. Even if they committed a crime its still a form of slavery no matter what country you are in.
The man’s a heroo
According to Chinese Customs data released on Friday, China’s exports to the US increased by 27.5 percent in 2021, while imports grew by 32.7 percent, reaching $179.53 billion. hahahaha.
12:40 “Yo His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin’ What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won’t come out He’s chokin’, how, everybody’s jokin’ now The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow”
Real reporting
How about an update on todays version of this.
This Vice minister Tong guy reminds me of Shultz from Hogan’s Heroes, “I see nothing! I know nothing!”
I miss real Hong Kong !
America USE to have a sense of decency and a pair of balls
Um, what about all the goods and services provided by the US incarcerated population

This was 1991. Thing are so different now in 2022. Why are ppl still showing videos of China from so long ago. The world is evolving including China. Things have changed so much since.
At least they’re making something, what are they making in America’s indefinite detention and torture camp at Guantanamo? Certainly not knock-off electronics
Hmm this a little weird being shown again 30 yrs later and when china is about to hold the Olympics.
In 1991 Mr. Wu has video camera and allowed to visit where he was “imprisoned”???
where in Shanghai was that factory located?!?! 

Yes we have to declare it
what about goods made in your prisons by cheap prison labour how much do you pay them
As long as there’s money to be made nobody from anywhere will do the right thing.
Too bad my favorite news magazine joining the campaign to paint the next evil empire , and turned into a propaganda machine
There from prisoners thats not hard labor breaking rocks 14 hour days is hard labor
Prisoner in US do labour too. And everywhere else. Whats new?
The date on the VCR showed 1991? 

Just think, back then they were escaping to Hong Kong. Little did they know what would begin in 6 years.
32 years old docu.
Like America can talk about how many prisoners they have amd guess what they have to work in jail/prison too.
History repeating itself again
“Business is business”… Sing the Chinese communist and American vulture capitalist in ghoulish perfect harmony.
This is back in 1991. How much worse it by now?
This video is from 1991 !!
And then Bill Clinton outsourced everything we make. Because, you know, ….capitalism.
So very sad. Nothing has changed since 1991. It may have gotten worse for these people. We the American people are all about stuff. Build bigger and fill these bigger homes with crap from china.
Ok they did not claim to be tortured they WERE tortured
I hope the United States armed forces and their NATO allies liberate
Lol… two pts: 1. it’s IMPOSSIBLE to stop nor verify any so called “ questioned production” 2. Anyone will do anything to make money
Looks like a 30 years old movie
30 years ago – pay attn!
WILL you have similar done in the Israeli prisons?????
Don’t be stupid, if it was a labor camp then how come those laborers can afford Tesla
We should have that
i Like china
That Chinese guy is looking at this black guy like, wtf? You were also enslaved
neng pian jiu pian = if you can cheat then cheat, its part of their current culture.
Haven’t we learned from the past eg aushwitz etc etc
Business is business he don’t give a monkeys such a liar 

The Anglo Saxon race said do what I say but don’t do what I do.
Corporate greed is Scary.
United States prisoners make products for America car tags soap
Now do Australia.
Who believes the chinese? Then or now?
I wonder what President Biden and his dad Joe think about this
Welcome Walmart Shoppers !
Mr.Chung is a very nervous man. wonder Why? oh i know… Communism
One child only from now on
Lets not forget zyckerberg…bill gates ..faucci….
Business is Business
What is about guantnamo????
Really old video to spread hate
All BS
Don’t US inmate make goods as well?
Nothings changed OMEGALUL
Guantanamo camp #hesaidshesaid
World don’t care!
And now it’s over a million Uyghur’s in prison camps! Disgusting and disturbing!

Pretty sure the U.S. does the same thing to its prisoners
Yeeeeaah. Nobody cares.
Well, all countries & govt’s & people’s concerned could solve this by: not buying/demanding the products they make?!!!
Richard Saunders
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