Let us realize: the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards JUSTICE
Page Description
Life Is Not a Joke:
Emphasizing the seriousness
and significance of life’s challenges
and experiences, beyond mere triviality.
The true lesson Martin Luther King teaches is
the exact opposite of what many take away from hearing the words
“The arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends towards justice.”
Because that arc does not bend on its own.
It takes effort. It takes action.
It takes speech after speech, and march after march.
August 28, 2013
Het moreel universum is de rode draad doorheen de website.
Er wordt nagedacht aan de hand van elementen die een mens beroeren, raken en aanspreken.
The moral universe is the common thread throughout the website.
It reflects on elements that emotionally move, touch and appeal to a person.
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2 The Most Inspiring Speech: Don’t Be Afraid To Fail – J.K. Rowling | Study Motivation
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3 Paying it forward, changing a homeless man’s life forever for just $20.
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4 Innocence Project – Jerry Miller
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5 The 4 Brothers Who Were Nearly Starved To Death By Their Parents | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN
The 4 Brothers Who Were Nearly Starved To Death By Their Parents | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN
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6 “I’m A Criminal,” Said Indian Transgender Activist. Barack Obama’s Response
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28 aug. 2017
8 Ben Ferencz: The Only Surviving Chief Prosecutor from the Nuremberg Tribunals
26 jan. 2015
9 Benjamin Ferencz ’43, Receives HLS Medal of Freedom
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10 Ben Ferencz, the last living Nuremberg prosecutor, turns 100
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11 Face In The Microwave Prank