Two things are clear : 1. Even if you are a normal human being when you are young, the drug of having the power over the life and death of others is the most powerful drug. 2. He is indeed a master of survival. Everything he is doing is just to preserve his life and not finish it like his fellow dictators as Ceaușescu, Saddam or Gheddafi, just to name some of them.
the man with the baloons is such a hero! Hope he saves more lifes than he thinks and I hope hes safe.
Sad for the people of North Korea, the many starving to death and the many imprisoned as political prisoners.
I have a fascination with the “DPRK” and have read 10 books on the Hermit Kingdom . I am always excite to see a new Documentary.
What an awesome and inspiring leader! Already written a dozen books, operating submarines and flying planes! Where does he get the time to master all these things? I feel dumb now- before I saw this video I actually thought he was a narcissistic and petty psychopath that was starving his own countrymen while he leads a life of luxury….
It’s interesting because the individual North Korean people ALWAYS seem like just about the nicest, sweetest people you could meet. Naive in a very touching and innocent kind of way.
A couple of corrections. 1) More than one hotel in Pyongyang is used for foreigners (I have stayed in another, the Koryo). 2) It was his half brother, not full brother who was murdered in Malaysia.
It always bothers me when someone refers to him as “Un”. His surname is Kim, it would be like calling someone named Richard Smith “Chard”
45:25 she put him on the spot he was shook as fuck when she asked “you think its bullshit” lmfaoooo
The real depressing part is that ALL nations are naturally headed this way. its just how force works
Always nice to hear about the little rocket man 

You should rename the title of this video to clearly tell that you actually show a visit to Pyongyang, and what the process is like undercover. Youll instantly get 5x the views.
Considering the record of the US regarding tortures amd massacres, it would not be a stretch if indeed the stories did happen though not as gruesome and not as numerous.
I like that you don’t pretend to show a new report (for clicks) but that you tell the release date.
Life have no meaning, when it can be taken away in a second. We are all under control of the part you choose not to agree upon.
Tour guides are soo kind and friendly!!!
Being a tourist in North Korea means giving money to the regime. I refuse to go there. How about you?
Well Kim Jong Un is smart in his ways. The moment he lays down his weapons is the moment the US will destroy his country. I hope I may one day visit North Korea. I find it beautiful.
South Korea is incredible to handle North Korea Amazing diplomacy
I really really want to know what they did with otto and what lead to his death. I also want to know why his parents lied about his teeth and continued too when proven wrong. Un definitely knows English and it is sadly a smart move for him to never be seen speaking it.
The absolute control of the country is astonishing. That they honestly have what America wants to achieve
Very informative video about the North Korea.
Knowing the history of the US army and some of the conflicts it’s been involved in I would not be suprised if Kim is correct about the atrocities
44:19 ‘And they use it as football’ The imagination right there is beyond laughable. Like, from the many psychos out there, who the heck plays football with a born baby’s head? But most importantly, hiw did they chop it off?
Very interesting video. Well done!
Life have no meaning, when it can be taken away in a second. We are all under control of the part you choose not to agree upon.
Me watching a different documentary about North Korea: Camera guy: Recording video N.Korea waiter: No picture sir, no picture Camera guy: No pictures, I record video N.Korea waiter: Okay fine Me: 

Will save money to visit there someday. Interesting video. 

I always cringe whenever i see the North Koreans “scripted crying” . 

how in the world you only have less than 20k subscribers when a farting cat has 2 millions? hope this channel will grow asap. great contents.
These guys have balls of steel
Still can’t understand what on earth the young American was thinking by going to North Korea. Honestly, there’s HUNDREDS of countries in the world to visit, yet you’ve to choose North Korea…
Those obedient foreign tourists are forced to buy costly flower for N.Koreans godly dictator’s statues as a way to show respect, so the tour guide would not report to the police of tourist disrespecting her great leader to warrant arrest. Very smart way to earn more foreign currency by Kim regime. 

“ makes Children quiver with emotion” NO SHIT THERE AFRAID OF HIS ASS 

Kim Jong Un is leader of the world. Leader of North Korea, for North Korean people. He is more powerful than lightning, more stronger than thunderstorm and he shines brighter than sun. Glorious dear leader, marshal Kim Jong Un.
Politics aside, but I think it is amazing what NK has been able to achieve on a technical, educational and economical level considering the embargos and agressions they are facing and the fact that they are forced to maintain an autarcy in a land with very few natural ressources.
But why should one go to N Korea , and what happens if the supreme leader changes his mood and forbids all to leave the country including tourists ??!
Governments and Leaders are in power because usually there are people allowing them to be in that positions. People like the generals his father tried to appease with all the military spending during his life. The military spending was not just for defense it was because the generals wanted it.
I take it throwing an egg at one of the statues would land you in a spot of bother.
I love your level of sarcasim!

I bet his books are not sold on Amazon where can I get one?
Sending out some mixed signals there Un. You put on the most American Korean concert ever for yourself.
What I don’t get is Americans are NK’s biggest ‘enemy’ so why are Americans allowed to visit NK?
Also, if Photography and filming are not allowed in NK how the hell did they make this documentary?

There must be more ‘undercover’ western journalists in North Korea than Koreans 

Jesus said“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Watching theese North Korean videos I noticed two things: 1. Nobody’s fat (except one man) 2. There is no dogs or cats on the streets… :((
He’s probably really fun to drink with. But I’d be terrified to say something that would offend him.
Lo-key, Kim John Un wants to go to the US
I wonder if those buildings actually have floors. Or if there hollow?
52:18 Brilliant. They should use cheap, disposable rc drones. They will not be able to be tracked or traced back to any one person.
I feel for the people of North Korea,
5:05 Dude the elevators are bugged, and have been for decades 7:32 Didn’t Obama do the same thing in his rain? 8:05 I’d like to see him do that with his sister. See how that works out. 10:00 Where do the people think the Lincoln town cars come from? Do they know they come from the great Satan? 15:14 Humble? Bwahahaha 22:22 Bootlicker or CIA asset? You make the decision. 45:35 I vote for bullshit 47:47 Donald Trump’s button is “bigger“ then Kim Jong in’s button.
“‘Anything to declare?’ Yeah, don’ go to North Korea.”
Everything being done was actors really. I mean the dancers across the river were all pointing directly at the one tourist hotel and obviously putting on a display purely for them. That dance festival at the end, every person was dressed the same and they were all similar ages, heights etc. You cant blame them though for speaking up for the country that is all they know and they have been told that it is great since they were in kindergarten.
Wow. That first Nprk female expat they showed. Look how wonderfully happy she looks! Her smile is from ear to ear, she has a look of genuine content and her cheeks are full and round like she has been properly fed. Happy for all the expats.
Cried at his fathers funeral, he must have an emotion chip somewhere on his ample frame. Must be the only case of obesity in the country. Rocket man, You’d need some rocket to get him of the ground.
Kim should be supreme leader of Seoul
Nice documentary!North Korea now was in dilemma,if kim jung-un establish relations with USA, for their development,he must lose his power. If he stand with China,China doesn’t want to see North Korea’s growing and to be prosperous, cause a powerful North Korea will be a threat to China. Kim also can’t count on Russia. If he rely on himself,he has no technology and capital,so it’s a dilemma.But, anyhow, Kim is a smart man.
Definitely a clean country, having nothing with what to litter sure gives an edge there. 

I really don’t think they tortured otto…he had been bed bound for many months and he had not so much as a single pressure sore. At least in his infirm state he was well taken care of. It’s hard to prevent sores on someone bedridden, even if they’re well cared for. It just happens….to prevent them would require meticulous care
Mr. Lee the Balloon man is such a Badass.
Ah yes, America’s favorite pastime, making a football out of a newborn baby
At 1,080 feet, North Korea’s Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang is the tallest unoccupied building in the world, according to Guinness World Records. Construction on the “Hotel of Doom” began in 1987. As 1989 came and went the building remained under construction, and the pace slowed to a crawl. By 1992 all work stopped. 2008 the building was covered in glass panels at a cost of $400 million dollars, but the renovation was only skin-deep. The interior remained unfinished, and it was still years from opening to the public. At the time, it was estimated that the cost of completion was close to $2 billion dollars, or close to ten percent of the nation’s GDP. Cut to 2021 and the hotel has yet to be finished and its nickname has become the ‘Hotel of Doom’ as well as the ‘Phantom Hotel’ and the ‘Phantom Pyramid’. I recall the lift shafts were built skew. LOL
44:10 seems like an interesting sport.
“it is liar it is bullshit” 

Sounds and looks like Victoria Australia, the schools are like UK primary schools making children in masks chant how good it is to wear those rags around their thoughts. We are going to be the same place in very few years. We will however have a much smaller and devoid of older people, population
This is one crazy country indeed, everyone seems to have been brainwashed.
“… the Pen of the Centre of the covenant[Abdu’l-Bahá(The servant of the glory of God)]has repeatedly prophesied the intolerable calamities which must beset, this wayward humanity ere it heeds the life-giving Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh(The promised one of all ages).” “Chaos and confusion are daily increasing in the world. They will attain such intensity as to render the frame of mankind unable to bear them. Then will men be awakened and become aware that religion (The Bahá’í’ Faith) is impregnable stronghold and the manifest light of the world, and its laws, exhortations and teachings the source of life on earth.” (Shoghi Effendi-Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 126)
I really want people from free countries to stop going there. We will never understand their way of thinking or life and my heart goes out to that guys family but at the same time he should have never did that or went there. It’s on the people of North Korea to rise up and fight for themselves or escape. People visiting from the free world can do nothing so I don’t see the purpose going
There was NO autopsy performed on Warmbier. His parents wouldn’t permit it.
Imagine NEVER to be able to have freedom of yourself everyday of your life.
3 holes in one mini golf is pretty good i must admit
He’s an exceptional leader. America should be ashamed.
“Who is Kim Jong un?” Not this guy …..hahahaha
Only Trump knows how powerful America 🇺🇸 is 

KIm Jong-un, just a boy with a dream. He could always get a job at CNN if things go south !
The west’s complacency about the welfare of the North Korean people is a disgrace. Given that China is the lifeblood of the North Korean regime, western countries should impose on China high tariffs, tariffs that hinge directly on how North Korea treats its people. To the extent North Korea begins treating its people better, the sanctions drop to that extent. If North Korea later regresses to a degree, the sanctions rise to that degree — in lockstep. As things stand now, China may feel that it benefits in some small-ish, intangible way from North Korea’s oppression of its people. The west can readily change China’s calculus. Through sanctions we can convert North Korean oppression into large, tangible costs for China. China can avoid these costs by forcing reform in North Korea, which is easily within China’s power. We have a responsibility as human beings to the fellow human beings suffering in North Korea. Let’s act already!
Dennis Rodman should have sang like he was Marilyn Monroe to Kim on his b-day
My goodness, the Kim’s make the Castro’s seem like Thomas Jefferson.
show me another leader in the world history who can ride a horse, drive a car, fly a plane, guide a submarine.
This is beyond crazy……
“It was you Fredo, you broke my heart!”
That’s what can happen when people are dishonest and stupid. America is under the same threat too.
The subway tunnels are so deep underground or the reason to be used as a bomb shelter in case of war.
Saddam Hussein is nothing compared to this man
The paranoia is epic. Cut the lock off the guys suitcase and search through his toothpaste and deodorant. What audacity. What balls. Scared of their own shadow. This is where that gets you. How can any race of people be so threatened. So paranoid. Sickening
“A European leader”
I guess Stalin qualifies as European…

“And we will defend our campaign from the U.S………. Or something like that.” Even shes strugglin to keep up wit spitting out all the propaganda

Really nice 

billions spent to build airports everywhere. security cam footage is always from 1998..
Dennis Rodman wanted his own Marilyn Monroe moment.
53:00 yea it doesn’t look fake at all !
Forgiveness in North Korea? Nada!
9.46 not an actual tear shed 

I know I shouldn’t put laughing faces at any person’s death but in truth there is a few acceptions to be allowed…… What was that all about 11.58

Thank you Brother 

I’m gonna wake up tomorrow and go “ LETS GO TO NORTH KOREA 🇰🇵

15:27 imagine if NATO dropped a airstrike .. problem solved and fixed who agrees?
The regime considers Japan and the US as enemies, yet Kim Jong-Un loves NBA and I saw a Casio keyboard.
the guide: ” and we will defend our country from the US .. or something like that”. Is she still alive?
the two young girls said that they were told they were chosen to participate in a prank TV show, and to go rub this stuff in this ransoms guys face. they thought it was for TV.
You get to the 5th floor by pushing the highest floor button because the highest floor button doesn’t exist
But if he is their God how can he die!!!! Come on NK think!!!!!
American Lincoln continental drove him to his grave.
Kim jong un we love you power men

It is interesting to visit in NK but i love American 

You have H bombs but you have no food. How you fight a war with no food? you gonna eat the H bomb?
She killed him in the airport????? How come no body moved???? Or saw her?????
Kawawa ung mga nasa county side ung gutom at malnourished people
Funfact:- his maternal ancestory is from India…. (Maternal as in mother side ancestory)
Answer: He’s the one who eats all the pies whilst his country starves. He’s the only fat one in his country.
Otto shouldn’t have been over there stealing posters or whatever it was that he did. You don’t visit a country like that and disrespect it. He was stupid.
38:51 Look at that flat screen TV! I’m in America and still have old, chunky CRT TV. That school is more modern than my apartment.
Rocket Man !!
North Korea is right to be strict
I thought Kim was 37 yrs old?
How is that photo of his brother at the airport? he was wearing a gray suit and then blue shirt and jeans?
You’re not allowed to take a guidebook? Wow
No one can go into north korea, but windows 98 already there! Bill Gate should be proud!
You just KNOW those hotel rooms are bugged!!!!
nice doku but i stopped watching half way through , way to much ads
F North Korea, R.I.P Adam W.
I don’t know he won’t send a plane for me
No wonder Aliens don’t make contact with us.
Who is to be blame when YOU are kidding wihout thinking with the regime
Otto was dead before he arrived to the U.S.
I do not put what SOME of the things said about the us army did in the war.. But openly harm children is where I don’t believe. 95% of them were fathers.. A selecte few are sick enough to harm children but very few and others would speak against it.
30:43 a stretcher ?? looks more like a brown leather chair to me.
This man’s obessesing with messilles and nuclear weapons.
Is this really only a week old ?

His crazy sister is still alive. And I bet she’s worse than him.
In your cells you see robots that look a little like us: homo sapiens. Their Earth was annihilated. We may be next.
He must go
The family name is KIM and not “UN”.
you disobey and you’ll pay for it..
The state television also captured that Lincoln Continental hauling his exalted dead ass all over Pyongyang.
Aaaaaaagh!!!!, who Kim is–i don’t know ,care less and do not want to know about souls like that

Are these people allowed to travel to other countries or not?
It’s good to see Independent culture but Boring outdated same scientology
Good tour 

He is Zeuss 2.0 :-)))
Singing and starving to death
Bombs with empty stomach you cant defend !
I think he is getting a bad rap, been there two times. Great place.
Probably that nokor lady is facing a serious problem the moment someone from the leadership finds this video
What I don’t get is the many NK that work overseas and go back home to NK don’t tell they’re family and friends??
I don’t believe he just took a poster
Only 5000 Otto wormbeer seem too much theatrical it brings me much doubt of real identity America brought Ship to Korea in 1863 without permit How can we keep each other progress
This is so sad. Praying this evil regime falls quickly and it’s people can be freed of this nonsense.
Does anyone have any informaton on kim jong un?
he IS another demon on Earth
request release any recent video. They are saying that James bond video is not you. Atleast one minute recent video.

He is a GOD
3:58 very nice country giving clean bottle of water for traitor
the people arnt crying over the death of kim there celebrating it’s party time in n korea tonight
European leader? What
I knew I should never trust the swiss
Who is Kim Jong un -. Me
Future America !!
Otto Warmbier should’ve said he wanted to take the poster to promote the North Korean system and it’s leadership…
Daddy didn’t care, to take me to fair, it seems he doesn’t care, Daddy wasn’t there. Kim Jung crybaby
To love our ways is to love our country so kim jong-un you love Americans our ways our government everything about us you love

Those probably empties buildings
The leader of North Korea???
How come these people cried for the lost of their leader since they don’t have good life in their country
poor followers

Rocket man like cheese and wine za while his peoples are hungry, what a disgrace,
I wonder how the food is on Air Koyro
51:50 the video no longer loads
Talks about there propaganda while this video spreads propaganda
Rocket man
The 5th floor is where staff sleeps.
Excellent doc. Kim Jong Un for World President! If we need one. Him & Trump same mind set, crazy hair..
I love northe Korea
Kim Jong won help it Show live rad
This is also a propaganda piece in itself.
don’t get sent to the cornfield bruh
n korea’s main export is sand & dirt and 8 potatoes with a cup of rice gross economy is about six bucks
Here’s everything is abnormal & no freedom’s even individual personal -ities ones minds too
WTF is that tour in the classroom?
What is in the fifth floor?
Life became chasier like ads they have live also same pride like everyone. To what tk many thing ????
– whom is Kim Jong-un – is easy – on this way about some two three years press conference on tv – my folk I have something to say My granddad my dad and I we with us three are smarter as all usa presidents ever – and then welcome back my folk otherwise a hell and we are still stable _ and there is nothing about to do _ USA food shortage China power supply GB and power supply and fuel – congratulations with yours nonsense co2 you have almost reach level of North Korea – so much you are smart
Anyone want to try that hair style on next visit to beauty shop
WOW, this is Trump’s dream. Maybe we should ship him to North Korea. How horrible for these people.
LOL !!!!!
Im actually a citizen and he can enforce my rights he doesn’t hold north Koreans hostage
Bit stupid sending email they will trace it
Try wear Chicago white Sox uniform in New York worl around night club see what happens Why should north Korea forgive or be nice
Tl;dr he’s a clown.
North Korea vs USA Indonesia support north Korea

his bff is donald. And his favorite adult toy is melania. They both speak russian.
7:12 Christmas card
i know what on the 5th floor freddy krueger
Why go there
Kim Jong Un Studied in Switzerland ! Where he developed Love for Swiss Cheese ! 

Why go there? Hhh…
His smug face doesn’t scare anyone, except those who live there! The Kims need to disappear!
Kim Ding’A’Ling
He’s a dork nice hair cut ha ha
Those schmucks don’t know about photography.
I bet anyone who wants socialism and comes out with stuff like “eat the rich” would love to live here.
Omg ! Talking about BRAINWASHED! Baaawwwhhh
subtitles are so annoying… discontinued watching.
We have funnelweb spiders I wouldn’t Nuc them we can allways send them same presents
Usually I despice America but they should drop some democracy and freedom on North Korea
I love Kim Jong Un
That’s why dictate wannabe trump has the North Korean president’s picture hanging at Mara logo
First for one time -!
North Korean propaganda? Let’s see… you’re on a tour, and tours usually take you everywhere nice! I’ve been on tours in the US (factories, schools, museums) and everything is staged nicely.
What a depressed and terrible place ugh
The other
it is one pork
Fake news
North Korea is not as bad as its made out to be. They have a beautiful hard working culture and they are also beautiful people. Yes there is poverty and corruption but I would urge you to name any country on our big beautiful planet that does not. I am an American man. I believe that North Korea has every right to own nuclear weapons to defend their territory as the USA Russia China Great Brittan France India etc. How can we demand that they give their weapons up while we retain ours? I suggest you study history to understand what it means for a sovereign country to give up its nuclear weapons. For those who wont. Let me tell you. USA will invade. USA will bomb and kill civilians in the name of freedom to achieve another foothold on its next target. As an American man you may be asking why am I saying this? The ANSWER IS SIMPLE. It does not promote our life style at home. It only promotes the rich. Americas conquests puts a heavy tax on its population. We continue to conquer. Nation after nation falls to our great military. Yet the people do not see the benefit. We are only taxed more so the government can pay companies like Lockheed Martin to build more weapons to attack more countries. It is Capitalism at its best. The hard working people of our country do not see the riches of our conquest. Only the rich. United States of America. The so called Greatest super power of the planet can not even provide healthcare or dental for it’s hard working civilians unless they pay 10 to 100 times more than the price of other nations. I can go on. I am disgusted with my country and I welcome any invitation to find a new home. Or a new GOVERMENT.
before yall crticize north korea, ask yrselves if yr own government provide basic healthcare to all? Lets start from there shall we?
North Koreans don’t look poor to me.
But the world’s problem is Saudi Arabia 

Donald Trump actually improved relations with NK.
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