“When I was 14 years old, I was wrongfully accused and conviced of
a crime I had no knowledge of, I had nothin’ to do with.”
The story of being brought in for a lineup and being chosen by a single eyewitness.
Despite age, skin colour and body size clearly did not match the offender’s details!
Page Description
Learn about John Bunn,
wrongfully jailed at 14,
and his fight for justice
and exoneration after years
of wrongful imprisonment.
John Bunn: Wrongfully Jailed at 14, Fighting for Justice
At just 14 years old, John Bunn’s life was shattered when he was wrongfully convicted of murder in Brooklyn, New York. Based on unreliable evidence and systemic failures, he spent 17 years behind bars and on parole for a crime he didn’t commit. Despite the unimaginable injustice he endured, Bunn emerged as a powerful advocate for criminal justice reform, dedicating his life to ensuring others do not suffer the same fate.
This page tells the story of John Bunn’s resilience, his fight to clear his name, and his ongoing work to challenge wrongful convictions. Through text and video, explore his remarkable journey from a teenager robbed of his freedom to a beacon of hope and change in the justice system.
Op slechts 14-jarige leeftijd werd het leven van John Bunn verwoest toen hij onterecht werd veroordeeld voor moord in Brooklyn, New York. Gebaseerd op onbetrouwbaar bewijs en systemische tekortkomingen bracht hij 17 jaar door achter de tralies en onder toezicht voor een misdaad die hij niet had gepleegd. Ondanks het onvoorstelbare onrecht dat hij heeft doorstaan, groeide Bunn uit tot een krachtige pleitbezorger voor hervorming van het strafrecht, en wijdt hij zijn leven aan het voorkomen dat anderen hetzelfde lot ondergaan.
Deze pagina vertelt het verhaal van John Bunn’s veerkracht, zijn strijd om zijn naam te zuiveren en zijn voortdurende inzet om onterechte veroordelingen aan te vechten. Ontdek via tekst en video zijn opmerkelijke reis van een tiener beroofd van zijn vrijheid tot een baken van hoop en verandering binnen het rechtssysteem.
14 year old John Bunn was framed for the killing of Rolando Neischer
by a corrupt former New York City detective
Louis Scarcella and spend 17 years wrongfully in jail.
It happened at 4 in the morning,
he was sleeping at home when it happened.
John Bunn was arrested at the age of 14 in 1991.
He was accused of murder and spent more than 16 years in prison before new evidence emerged,
leading to his exoneration in 2006.
The case highlighted issues of wrongful convictions and the need for criminal justice reform.
This Man Was Wrongfully Jailed, and What He Does To The Judge Made Her Cry…!
21 aug 2024
John Bunn was just 14 years old in 1992 when his life changed forever. Detective Louis N. Scarcella accused him of murdering an officer — an accusation that would haunt him for decades. Despite not matching the description of the real culprit, John and another teenager were arrested, convicted, and sent to prison. John was an innocent boy forced into the brutal reality of prison life.
John Bunn is known for the following key points:
Wrongful Conviction: John Bunn was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1991 when he was just 14 years old. He and a friend, Rosean Hargrave, were accused of killing an off-duty correction officer in Brooklyn, New York.
Arrest and Trial: Bunn’s conviction was based on questionable evidence, including a coerced confession that he maintained was forced by the police. Despite the lack of physical evidence tying him to the crime, he was found guilty and sentenced to prison.
Release from Prison: In 2006, after spending 17 years in prison, John Bunn was exonerated and released from jail. His case drew attention from advocacy groups and the public due to concerns about the reliability of the evidence used to convict him.
Involvement in Criminal Justice Reform: Following his release, Bunn became an advocate for criminal justice reform. He has been vocal about issues related to wrongful convictions, police misconduct, and the need for changes in the justice system.
Focus on Helping Youth: Bunn has particularly focused on helping young people who have experienced similar situations to his own. He has worked to support and mentor at-risk youth and to raise awareness about the challenges faced by those who were wrongfully convicted.
Philanthropy and Activism: John Bunn has been involved in various philanthropic efforts and activism related to criminal justice reform. He has shared his story in interviews, speeches, and public appearances to raise awareness about the flaws in the justice system.
Give it a chance
Start by watching and listening to video 1
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1 At 14, he was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit
2 JOHN BUNN x I AIN’T MAD (official video)

John Bunn was brought to tears as he finally received justice and was freed 17 years after being framed by police and convicted of murder. New York Daily News
“They won’t admit I’m an innocent man,” 41-year-old Bunn said in a Brooklyn courtroom, flanked by his attorneys.
“Y’all had the wrong man this whole time and you have [someone] out there running free and y’all had no right to do what you did.”
Evidence showed that Bunn, who was 14 at the time, and another man were framed for the killing of Rolando Neischer by a corrupt former New York City detective Louis Scarcella. Bunn was only 14-years-old when he was convicted and jailed, reports NY Daily News.
Bunn was convicted in an August 1991 killing, largely based on evidence planted by Scarcella. He lawyers always maintained that he was framed.
“There were problems with this case that were very obvious,” said defense lawyer Glenn Garber. “There was no probable cause to make an arrest.”
Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Shawn’Dya Simpson, who overturned the conviction based on the evidence, was overwhelmed with emotion herself because of the circumstances that led to Bunn being jailed at such a young age.
John Bunn cries after being exonerated by Supreme Court Justice Shawn’Dya Simpson for murder he didn’t commit 17 years ago thegrio.com
New York Daily News
“I am more than emotional about this day,” said Simpson. “You were 14 at the time. This shouldn’t have ever happened.”
Simpson said the legal process failed him.
“This case was tried . . ., a jury was picked, testimony was given and it concluded all in one day,” said Simpson. “I don’t consider that justice at all.”
Bunn is optimistic about his future ahead.
“I don’t know how I made it this far, but I believe I am here for a purpose,” said Bunn.
“I just want to be proven innocent. . . . I didn’t want to be in the dark side of the shadows they (the prosecutors) tried to put me,” said Bunn.
“Move forward,” the Judge Simpson told Bunn. “Keep me posted.”
5 John Bunn Talks About His Exoneration After A 17-Year Sentence For A Crime He Didn’t Commit
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6 Man wrongly jailed for murder as teen in 1991 is exonerated
7 The emotional moment a man gets his life back
After nearly three decades behind bars, a judge threw out John Bunn’s 1992 conviction.
8 – 27 Years Wrongfully Convicted: The John Bunn Story
16 sep 2022 #crime #justice #wrongfullyconvicted
In 1991, John Bunn was convicted of a crime that he didn’t commit. He spent 17 years in prison and 27 years fighting for his innocence. Despite the trauma that he had to go through, after being exonerated, John has devoted his time to help his community and wants to spend the rest of his life encouraging inmates to read.
He founded ‘A Voice 4 the Unheard’, an NGO in Brooklyn, New York centered around literacy and urban youth: https://www.avoice4theunheard.org/

John Bunn, 14, right, and Rosean Hargrove, 17, arrested at the 77th Precinct in Brooklyn in August 1991. NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella (open jacket and loose tie) holds Bunn. – Dan Godfrey/New York Daily News/Getty Images

It is a red flag: Detective Louis Scarcella was investigtated for 46 of his cases.
9 For The Culture Ep. 5: “Life After Exoneration” with John Bunn Hosted by Mysonne #BreakfastClub
2 aug 2018
For The Culture Ep.5: “Life After Exoneration” with John Bunn Hosted by Mysonne
In the 5th episode of Mysonne’s show “For The Culture” he sits down with recently exonerated now activist John Bunn. John Bunn has a triumphant story where he was wrongfully charged and convicted for a crime he never committed in Brooklyn, New York. That wrongful conviction would have him fight for 27 years, 17 that were served in prison. The strength and faith he shows in this episode shows how much sheer-will he had during that time. He also shares the work he’s doing in the community to create change and improvement. Mysonne and John have similar stories so this is a powerful show you don’t want to miss!
10 He Was Wrongfully Convicted for 17 Years, Now He’s Helping Others be Heard
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11 Exonerated – John Bunn, Wrongfully Incarcerated At 14 Years Old And Spent 17 Years Behind Bars
2 jaar geleden
5 mei 2021 #Exonerated
John Bunn was charged and convicted of murdering an off-duty correction officer and spent 17 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. In this interview he talks his arrest, surviving prison and sexual assault behind bars.
Instagram: @claycane
Twitter: @clayane
12 Louis Scarcella Back On Stand In Another Wrongful Conviction Murder Case
13 John Bunn tells his story on how he was wrongfully convinced
John Bunn was accused of a murder he did not do, he tells his story of what happened on the day he was arrested 😐 and why the police 🚨👮 arrested him, John Bunn took a high school diploma in prison and he graduated, now he is selling books to immates 📚 plus having a better life 😉
15 WCoY Series :The Extraordinary Spirit Of John Bunn- Convicted At 14
17 Exoneration of John Bunn, Bier Wax and Brooklyn Phono | 112BK’s 100th Episode!
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18 John Bunn “A Voice 4the Unheard”
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23 jul 2019
A Voice 4 the Unheard
Is a movement focusing on today’s at risk youth, ages 19 and younger. Our Mission is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as responsible citizens through reinforcing the importance of education and strongly emphasizing positive lifestyle choices. Our goal is to provide the youth with essential life skills that will allow them to handle issues as such; Peer Pressure, Bullying, Racism, Police Brutality and Wrongful Convictions.
I plan to share my own personal life journey, in hopes of reaching at least one youth to show them that you can overcome adversity! At 14 years old, my life was ripped away from me. I was charged with 2nd degree Murder for the death of Rolando Neischer, New York City Correction Officer. I was taken away from my family and friends for a crime I did not commit. I spent 15 years in prison, always maintained my innocence!
In 2016, My conviction was overturned for the 1992 crime in which I was wrongfully convicted of. Today, I am stronger, wiser and more determined than ever to push forward. I hope that my story will inspire youth all over the world to never give in to adversity. To show all that no matter the obstacles set before you, you must remain positive and continue to strive for Greatness and Change! Whenever faced with adversity always remember Mr. Bunn’s story, I’m a living testament that over-coming the odds is possible.
It is unbelievable, there was no case against John Bunn,
his records did not fit the case in the slightest,
almost nothing had been investigated and
it was a particularly short trial that took just 1 day.
19 – 4 Reactions of INNOCENT Suspects SET FREE
Innocent people’s reactions to getting exonerated after spending many years in prison for someone else’s crime
In Court
Number 4 – John Bunn
When many people think of the legal system, they probably think of justice. But the justice system isn’t as straightforward as it ideally should be. Since 1973, at least 340 innocent people have been executed. A 2014 study estimates that 4% of inmates on death row might be wrongfully convicted.
Wrongful convictions ruin peoples’ lives. John Bunn lost almost three decades of his life when he was arrested for homicide at age 14. His story chronicles the tragic results of an irresponsible trial and an inefficient justice system. Learn the story of John Bunn, how he struggled, and how he recovered.
#incourt #courtcam #sentencing
📺 Watch the entire video for more information!
This video is not legal advice. This video is for entertainment purposes only.
20 Opinion | The plea bargain trap
Imagine you’re a public defender in a criminal justice system that penalizes people who want their day in court.

Good morning class
21 John Bunn spent 17 years in jail for a murder he didn’t committ
22 Patreon Exclusive | Pressure Makes Diamonds feat. John Bunn | The Joe Budden Podcast
10 mei 2022 Patreon Exclusives | The Joe Budden Podcast
On this Patreon episode, Joe welcomes a very special guest, John Bunn. John opens up about his rocky childhood. Details his unjust arrest and conviction for homicide. John details his time in prison, how he adapted to life outside of prison, and his exoneration. John also talks about his efforts to share his story and wisdom for the youth through his organization “A Voice 4 The Unheard” + more!
23 The Innocence Project: The Disgraced Cop
24 The System – Prosecutorial Misconduct
20 feb. 2015
25 Man wrongfully convicted of murder files $125 million lawsuit
A clear case of faking the evidence.
26 Exoneree sues Detroit Police after 16 years in prison
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29 jun 2023 #Detroit #Michigan #News
Kenneth Nixon is 37 years old – but spent almost half of his life behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit. Now, with a lawsuit filed against the officers involved in his conviction, he hopes to change the way prosecutions are undertaken.
FOX 2 Detroit is working for you and delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from Detroit, Michigan, and across the nation.
27 The Judge who was also a Mobster Top 10 Most Corrupt Judges In History
3 jun 2023
Prepare to be captivated as we delve into the intriguing world of the top 10 most corrupt judges in history. In this eye-opening video, we uncover the shocking stories of judges who, entrusted with upholding justice, instead succumbed to the allure of power, money, and corruption.
Join us as we explore the cases of these infamous judges, revealing the extent of their illicit activities and the consequences of their actions. From accepting bribes and manipulating court proceedings to abusing their authority for personal gain, we’ll take you on a journey through the dark underbelly of the judicial system.
Throughout the video, we’ll examine the societal impact of judicial corruption, the erosion of public trust, and the efforts to combat and expose these corrupt practices. We’ll also shed light on the challenges faced by those seeking justice and the long-lasting repercussions of these unethical acts.
By shining a light on the most corrupt judges in history, our aim is to raise awareness about the importance of integrity, transparency, and accountability within the judicial system. We hope to stimulate discussions on the need for robust safeguards and ethical standards to ensure a fair and just legal system.
So, if you’re ready to uncover the stories of the top 10 most corrupt judges in history, join us on this captivating exploration of the dark side of the judiciary.