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Learn about Islam’s core beliefs, practices, and history.
Explore its teachings, cultural significance,
and impact on global civilization.
The Muslim religion, and the people and countries who believe in it
Followers of Islam are known as Muslims, or Moslems.
In Islam there are five essential religious duties, called the Pillars of Islams.
The religious studies course covers Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism.
The name for God in Islam is Allah, proclaimed by Mohammed as the sole God, the creator and sustainer of all things.
Most of the students at our school practise Islam as this is a largely Muslim community.
Cambridge Dictionary

Afghan boys read the Koran during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, 17 July 2014. Muslims all over the world are observing Ramadan, which prohibits food, drinking, smoking and sex from dawn to dusk. EPA/SAYED MUSTAFA
Some key points of Islam, which is one of the world’s major religions. However, please note that Islam is a diverse and complex faith with variations in beliefs and practices among different regions, cultures, and sects. Here are some general key points of Islam:
Monotheism: Islam is a monotheistic religion that teaches the belief in one God, known as Allah in Arabic. Muslims believe that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is his final prophet.
Five Pillars: Islam has five pillars, which are considered the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and practice. They are: (1) the declaration of faith (Shahada), (2) ritual prayers (Salah), (3) almsgiving (Zakat), (4) fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm), and (5) pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) for those who are able.
Quran: The Quran is the holy scripture of Islam, believed to be the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is considered the most important source of guidance for Muslims and covers various aspects of life, including theology, law, ethics, and social norms.
Hadith: Hadith refers to the collection of sayings, actions, and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. It serves as a secondary source of guidance for Muslims, providing insights into the Prophet’s life and practices.
Sharia: Sharia is the Islamic law, which is derived from the Quran and Hadith. It covers a wide range of topics, including family law, criminal law, commercial law, and ethics, and serves as a guide for Muslims on how to live their lives in accordance with Islamic teachings.
Community and brotherhood: Islam emphasizes the importance of community and brotherhood among Muslims. Muslims are encouraged to care for and support one another, and to participate in communal activities such as congregational prayers and charitable deeds.
Moral and ethical teachings: Islam places a strong emphasis on moral and ethical values, including honesty, compassion, justice, humility, and respect for others. Muslims are encouraged to strive for personal excellence and to live a righteous and virtuous life.
Judgment and afterlife: Islam teaches that there will be a Day of Judgment when all humans will be held accountable for their actions in this world. Muslims believe in the concept of heaven (Paradise) and hell (Hellfire), and that one’s actions in this life will determine their fate in the afterlife.
Diversity: Islam is a diverse religion with followers from various ethnicities, cultures, and countries. There are also different sects within Islam, such as Sunni, Shia, and Sufi, which may have varying beliefs and practices.
It’s important to note that this is a general overview of Islam and that there may be variations in beliefs and practices among different Muslim communities. It’s always best to consult authentic sources and seek guidance from qualified scholars or experts for a comprehensive understanding of Islam.
Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century CE. Here are some key points of Islam:
Belief in one God: Islam is based on the belief in one God, known as Allah in Arabic. Muslims believe that Allah is the only God and has no partners or equals.
The Quran: The Quran is the holy book of Islam and is considered to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It contains guidance and teachings for Muslims on how to live a good life and worship Allah.
The Five Pillars: These are the five basic acts of worship that are obligatory for all Muslims to perform. They are: Shahada (declaration of faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
Prophets of Islam: Muslims believe in all the prophets of God including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). However, they believe that Muhammad was the final prophet and his message is for all humanity.
Islamic Law: The Shariah is the Islamic legal system that provides guidance on how Muslims should conduct themselves in all aspects of life. It covers areas such as worship, family law, criminal law, and business transactions.
Importance of community: Islam emphasizes the importance of community and encourages Muslims to live in harmony with their neighbors and to help those in need.
Resurrection and Judgment Day: Muslims believe in the resurrection of the dead and the Day of Judgment, where Allah will judge all people based on their deeds.
These are some of the key points of Islam, but there are many more beliefs, practices, and traditions associated with the religion.
Did Catholicism Create Islam ? The True Origins of Islam Revealed I The Islamic Connection
This topic has puzzled numerous expositors: how does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political or religious conflict, or both? What is Islam’s origin and what are its goals? How does it impact ecumenism and the doctrine of salvation in Christ? Can we find evidence that the Catholic Church created Islam or helped them grow? Find out in this informative video. A clear line is drawn through history, showing that the reality is more startling than the theory. This presentation includes a look at some powerful Islamic leaders past and present, a comparison of Catholicism and Islam, and a discussion of Islam and Mary worship.
Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture:…
Islam is exclusive [1:14]
Who and what is Islam? [1:50]
Who is Mohammed? [2:28]
Symbols of Islam [3:57]
Who is Allah? [4:08]
Crescent moon/sun worship [4:52]
Papacy also uses these symbols [7:03]
Romanism came before Islam; Rome, an ancient occult religion [8:25]
Mary worship, moon connection [10:52]
Mary in Islam, caves, and mountain shrines [11:41]
Moon & sun worship [13:09]
Half moon symbols [14:03]
Catholic cathedral in Aman [14:15]
Muslim mosque [15:10]
Islam dress = nun dresses [15:47]
Damascus mosque [16:01]
Islamic all seeing eye [17:53]
Luxor temple [21:00]
Baal temple [22:12]
Inside Catholic cathedrals [22:46]
Roman Catholic cathedral built like a Phoenician ship [24:38]
Inside knights templar temple [25:22]
Star of Islam and Star of David shape explained [26:02]
Alberto Rivera testimony [26:20]
Walter Veith’s speculation on this testimony [26:51]
Fatima connection [29:05]
Map with how Islam spread [30:12]
Secret societies/system of control [32:24]
The assassins [33:30]
The Fatimites [35:08]
The men of Islam [37:03]
Morals and dogmas [38:25]
The Deadly Deception on Freemasonry & Islam shrine explained [39:46]
Islam in Freemasonry [44:18]
Tower of Babel & Mary [46:21]
Mary in other countries/religions/Mary worship [48:12]
Genesis 3:15 [53:19]
Catholic doctrine on Mary [54:17]
Catholic article on how Muslims worship Mary [57:16]
What does Freemasonry teach regarding Mary? [1:01:18]
Text from the Quran [1:03:36]
Home Missionary on Islam’s denial of Christ [1:09:41]
Story of Islam convert and difference between Jesus and Allah [1:11:18]
Quotes for various sources [1:14:48]
Passion of the Christ [1:15:58]
Protestant preachers on Islam [1:18:20]
Pope kissing Quran [1:21:39]
Revelation 18:4 [1:21:57]
6 okt. 2011
Who and what is Islam? [1:50]
Who is Mohammed? [2:28]
Symbols of Islam [3:57]
Who is Allah? [4:08]
Crescent moon/sun worship [4:52]
Papacy also uses these symbols [7:03]
Romanism came before Islam; Rome, an ancient occult religion [8:25]
Mary worship, moon connection [10:52]
Mary in Islam, caves, and mountain shrines [11:41]
Moon & sun worship [13:09]
Half moon symbols [14:03]
Catholic cathedral in Aman [14:15]
Muslim mosque [15:10]
Islam dress = nun dresses [15:47]
Damascus mosque [16:01]
Islamic all seeing eye [17:53]
Luxor temple [21:00]
Baal temple [22:12]
Inside Catholic cathedrals [22:46]
Roman Catholic cathedral built like a Phoenician ship [24:38]
Inside knights templar temple [25:22]
Star of Islam and Star of David shape explained [26:02]
Alberto Rivera testimony [26:20]
Walter Veith’s speculation on this testimony [26:51]
Fatima connection [29:05]
Map with how Islam spread [30:12]
Secret societies/system of control [32:24]
The assassins [33:30]
The Fatimites [35:08]
The men of Islam [37:03]
Morals and dogmas [38:25]
The Deadly Deception on Freemasonry & Islam shrine explained [39:46]
Islam in Freemasonry [44:18]
Tower of Babel & Mary [46:21]
Mary in other countries/religions/Mary worship [48:12]
Genesis 3:15 [53:19]
Catholic doctrine on Mary [54:17]
Catholic article on how Muslims worship Mary [57:16]
What does Freemasonry teach regarding Mary? [1:01:18]
Text from the Quran [1:03:36]
Home Missionary on Islam’s denial of Christ [1:09:41]
Story of Islam convert and difference between Jesus and Allah [1:11:18]
Quotes for various sources [1:14:48]
Passion of the Christ [1:15:58]
Protestant preachers on Islam [1:18:20]
Pope kissing Quran [1:21:39]
Revelation 18:4 [1:21:57]
Victim blaming in Pakistan, women ‘for sale’ in India: Misogyny in South Asia | DW News
15 jul. 2021
1 President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt
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4 jun. 2009
2 Islam : The Untold Story (Tom HOLLAND) [sous-titres français par youtube]
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8 aug. 2015
[ACTIVER LES SOUS-TITRES : clic en bas à droite de la vidéo]
Documentaire de Tom Holland pour la télévision Channel 4, diffusé en aout 2012 (tous droits réservés Channel 4)
Tom Holland pointe le “trou noir” des origines de l’islam et enquête comme un détective sur les incohérences des sources musulmanes, l’absence de sources anciennes, l’absence de mention à Mahomet ou à La Mecque avant la fin du 7e siècle, le caractère très tardif de la 1ere biographie de Mahomet date de 200 ans après sa mort … Il rencontre les spécialistes, les chercheurs et archéologues (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Patricia Crone, Guy Stroumsa, Fred Donner et Tali Erickson-Gini), visite les lieux, contemple les vestiges pour confronter le matériel historique au discours islamique.
Pour aller plus loin : la synthèse des dernières recherches historiques sur les origines de l’islam (dont celles de Patricia Crone), pour comprendre enfin d’où vient l’islam, comment il est apparu, pourquoi il est comme il est.
Documentary film by Tom Holland for Channel 4 television, broadcasted in August 2012 (all rights reserved to Channel 4)
Tom Holland points to the “black hole” of the origins of Islam and investigates as a detective on the inconsistencies of muslim sources, the absence of ancient sources, the absence of any mention of Muhammad or Mecca before the end of the 7th century , the very late nature of the 1st biography of Muhammad (dated from 200 years after his death). He meets specialists, scholars and archaeologists (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Patricia Crone, Guy Stroumsa, Fred Donner and Tali Erickson-Gini), visits the sites, contemplates the vestiges, looks for historical material, which he confronts with the Islamic discourse.
HM King Charles III on ‘Islam and the West’ (1993 lecture)
HM King Charles III (as The Prince of Wales), Patron of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, delivered a lecture on 27th October 1993 at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford.
The introduction was given by Dr Farhan Nizami, Director of the Centre. The then Chancellor of the University of Oxford, the Rt Hon Lord Jenkins of Hillhead delivered the Vote of Thanks.
KING CHARLES III – The Most PRO-ISLAMIC Monarch in British History!
17 sep. 2022
Recently Liz Truss took over as Prime Minister of what many consider to be the most Islamophobic government in British history.
A government that refuses to engage with the largest representative body of British Muslims and has designed a vicious security regime that is against them; in which one minister was dismissed because her “status as a Muslim minister caused discomfort among colleagues”. The government was accused this week of treating Muslims as second-class citizens.
Two days after Truss became prime minister, King Charles III ascended the British throne. A careful man, he studied Islam thoroughly, even learning Arabic extensively in order to read the Quran.
The new king is the most Islamophile monarch in British history. The contrast with his government is stark.
Let’s find out what will this mean for the United Kingdom, but before we move on, let’s hit the like and subscribe button and never miss new exciting stories on Planet Explore.
0:00 – Intro
1:00 – An electrifying speech
3:15 – Sympathy for Palestine
5:28 – Devout ‘Traditionalist’
8:14 – Brutal criticism
9:50 – A bold statement
Prince Charles- Follow Islamic ‘spiritual principles’ to save the World
3 aug. 2010
Prince Charles has urged the world to follow Islamic ‘spiritual principles’ in order to protect the environment.
In an hour-long speech, the heir to the throne argued that man’s destruction of the world was contrary to the scriptures of all religions – but particularly those of Islam.
He said the current ‘division’ between man and nature had been caused not just by industrialisation, but also by our attitude to the environment – which goes against the grain of ‘sacred traditions’.
Charles, who is a practising Christian and will become the head of the Church of England when he succeeds to the throne, spoke in depth about his own study of the Koran which, he said, tells its followers that there is ‘no separation between man and nature’ and says we must always live within our environment’s limits.
The prince was speaking to an audience of scholars at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies – which attempts to encourage a better understanding of the culture and civilisation of the religion.
His speech, merging religion with his other favourite subject, the environment, marked the 25th anniversary of the organisation, of which he is patron.
He added: ‘The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason – and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us.
‘Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation.’
7 nov. 2010.
4 Wat zegt de Koran echt over de hoofddoek van een moslima? | Samina Ali | TEDxUniversityofNevad
10 feb. 2017
5 Matthew Handley | Islam Is A Peaceful Religion | Oxford Union
3 jul. 2013
Matthew Handley started the debate by grounding it in recent events, deploring the previous day’s “reprehensible act in Woolwich”, a sentiment that he was sure would be shared by Muslims around the world.
Handley continues by separating the religion of Islam from the individuals who “violently hijack faith for violent and maniacal ends” and maintains that the Qur’an has an “overwhelmingly peaceful character.”
In the light of the “decade long surge of violence and aggression” against Islam since 9/11, he summarises the debate as a choice between “love and hate and rejection, peace and conflict” and concludes: “I hope you make the right choice.”
Yes’s: 286
No’s: 168
Filmed on 28/02/2013
Studies History at Oxford University and is a mentor for the Debate Mate programme.
The Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
Rights managed by Oxford Media Associates
Filmed by Oxford Media Solutions
6 Islam and British values – The Big Questions with Adam Deen
31 jan. 2016
The Big Questions, BBC (31/01/16)
7 Islam is a Religion of Peace
21 jul. 2011
8 Mehdi Hasan | Islam Is A Peaceful Religion | Oxford Union
3 jul. 2013
Muslim journalist Mehdi Hasan, political editor of the Huffington Post, warns Anne-Marie Waters that her “astonishing claims” might endanger her future as a Labour Party candidate, but assured her “don’t worry, the BNP will take you”.
Hasan asks why, if Islam is “responsible for killing,” such a tiny percentage of believers actually participate in violence. He asks the audience if they really believe that 1.6 billion people are all “followers, promoters and believers in a religion of violence”.
Hasan urges them not to “fuel the arguments of the phobes and bigots and legitimise hate”, but to “trust the Muslims that you know and that you hear.”
Yes’s: 286
No’s: 168
Filmed on 28/02/2013
MEHDI HASAN is Britain’s most prominent Muslim journalist. He recently moved from the New Statesman to become political editor of the Huffington Post. He has appeared on Question Time five times, and is hosting Al Jazeera’s ‘Head to Head’ series at the Oxford Union this term.
The Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
Rights managed by Oxford Media Associates
Filmed by Oxford Media Solutions
9 The truth about Islam: bigotry vs. facts
10 What is wrong with Islam today? | Head to Head
13 mei 2016
11 Is it alright to be gay and Muslim – Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam
2 mei 2014
12 Islam Unveiled (Religion Documentary) | Real Stories
29 mrt. 2017
13 Mum, I’m a Muslim (Religious Documentary) | Real Stories
14 Turning Muslim in Texas (Religion Documentary) | Real Stories
30 sep. 2020
15 Islam: Facts & Fictions
26 mei 2017
16 Islam Through Western Eyes
10 apr. 2012
17 Rescuing Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam
10 feb. 2016
18 Richard Dawkins on Islam, Jews, science and the burka – BBC Newsnight
19 King Charles III’s attraction towards Islam
10 sep. 2022
HM King Charles III inaugurates the new building of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
9 sep. 2022
HM King Charles III on ‘Islam and the Environment’ (2010 lecture)
HM King Charles III (as HRH The Prince of Wales), Patron of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, delivered a lecture on 9th June 2010 at the Sheldonian Theatre, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Centre.
In this lecture on ‘Islam and the Environment’, HM King Charles discusses how we must recognise our shared responsibility when it comes to actively addressing environmental issues. He emphasises the value of drawing upon spiritual and practical values, and explores how traditional arts and methods serve to keep alive a vital relationship with nature.
The introduction was given by Dr Farhan Nizami, Director of the Centre. The [then] Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Professor Andrew Hamilton, presided over the lecture, and delivered the Vote of Thanks.
20 Why was Salman Rushdie attacked? | The Hindu
18 aug. 2022
The award-winning author has spent over three decades looking over his shoulder, going into hiding, and later making public appearances
But the threats to his life hadn’t stopped. Now, he is battling for his life in a US hospital.
On August 12, Rushdie was stabbed several times at a literary event in New York. He suffered severed nerves in an arm, damage to his liver and is also likely to lose an eye.
Salman Rushdie was born in Mumbai in June 1947. He studied at Cambridge in England, before he became a full-time writer
Rushdie shot to fame for his book Midnight’s Children. The magic-realism novel won him the Booker Prize in 1981.
In 1988, Rushdie published his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses. Some Muslims considered the novel disrespectful of the Prophet Mohammed.
The novel sparked a fatwa, or a religious decree. The Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini called for Rushdie’s death
This led to violent protests in Tehran, Lebanon, England, Pakistan, and India. On February 24th, 1989, twelve people were killed in Mumbai when police fired at protesters
Some of his publishers and translators were also attacked and killed. Rushdie was forced to go underground, as a bounty was put on his head, which remains till today.
He was granted police protection by Britain and he spent nearly a decade in hiding. In 1998, Iran declared it would not support his assassination.
However, the fatwa failed to stifle Rushdie’s writing. He went on to write several internationally-acclaimed books.
Writers, activists, and public leaders have criticized the latest attack on Rushdie. The Iranian government, however, has denied any involvement in the assault.
Voiceover: Kanishkaa Balachandiran
Production: Kivleen Kaur Sahni
Thank you for watching our video!
21 The attack on Salman Rushdie, and on free speech
14 aug. 2022
22 Salman Rushdie: The 60 Minutes Interview (1990)
16 aug. 2022
12 feb. 2019
24 Salman Rushdie & ‘The Satanic Verses’ : Whose Freedom? Whose Speech? (1989) – The Fifth Estate
9 mei 2017
25 What is so offensive about The Satanic Verses? | Why was Salman Rushdie targeted?
27 Full Salman Rushdie Live in Conversation at The Banff Centre
6 okt. 2015
Listen to them discuss his new book, the fatwa that took over his life for a decade, and why he’s so fascinated by genies — with many laughs and poignant moments along the way.
Salman Rushdie visited The Banff Centre as a guest of Literary Arts.
If you prefer a podcast version of this Banff Centre Talk, you can find it at, on SoundCloud and iTunes.
Salman Rushdie – Writing under death threats | DW Documentary
15 aug. 2022
In 1988, Salman Rushdie’s novel “The Satanic Verses” was published. A year later, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini issued a “fatwah,” or death sentence, against the British-Indian author. Now, Rushdie was critically injured after being attacked at a reading.
[This documentary was originally released in 2018]
For more than a decade, the author was a fugitive. He had to go into hiding, was under police protection, and had constantly changing identities and homes. The reason was the order to kill Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini that came after the publication of his novel, The Satanic Verses. Khomeini declared the work blasphemous, and Rushdie a heretic. At the time, Islamic fundamentalism and its violent and deadly consequences were not on the agenda yet. Rushdie lived in constant fear and survived 20 attempts on his life.
The film is a portrait of a man who uses calmness and humor as weapons of resistance. The portrait includes interviews with Rushdie and also features archive footage that show the violent reaction and mood after The Satanic Verses was published. They show how pop singer Cat Stevens called for Rushdie’s execution – which Cat Stevens would later deny. The film also draws attention to those who should have protected Rushdie, but abandoned him – from Jimmy Carter to Prince Charles. But there are examples of instant support too, like Isabelle Adjani, who read from The Satanic Verses at the César award ceremony. In New York, the author looks back on his life and his most famous novel, which has lost none of its importance. He speaks about his life, his childhood in Mumbai, Donald Trump and literature, of course.
28 India Today Conclave 2012 : Salman Rushdie Session
23 feb. 2017
29 India Today Conclave: Q&A With Salman Rushdie
28 feb. 2017
30 Caught Cheating With Sexy Girl Prank – Just For Laughs Gags
3 jan. 2012
Alexander Alexander
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