Louis Scarcella and John Bunn who was finally freed 17 years after being framed by Scarcella (NY Daily NEws)
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Examine investigative misconduct involving NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella, focusing on cases of wrongful convictions and the impact on justice.
The Shadow of Misconduct: NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella
NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella’s name has become synonymous with investigative misconduct, casting a long shadow over the pursuit of justice. This page provides an in-depth look at Scarcella’s career, featuring an endless series of videos that explore the controversial cases he was involved in. Known for his questionable methods and unethical practices, Scarcella’s actions led to wrongful convictions, often leaving innocent individuals behind bars for years. Delve into the details of these cases, the systemic flaws that allowed them to persist, and the ongoing fight to rectify the damage caused by such misconduct.
De Schaduw van Wangedrag: NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella
NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella is een naam die synoniem is geworden met onderzoekswangedrag, wat een lange schaduw werpt over de zoektocht naar gerechtigheid. Deze pagina biedt een diepgaand overzicht van Scarcella’s carrière, met een eindeloze reeks video’s die de controversiële zaken onderzoeken waarin hij betrokken was. Bekend om zijn twijfelachtige methoden en onethische praktijken, leidden Scarcella’s daden tot onterechte veroordelingen, waarbij vaak onschuldige mensen jarenlang in de gevangenis zaten. Duik in de details van deze zaken, de systemische tekortkomingen die ervoor zorgden dat ze konden voortduren, en de voortdurende strijd om de schade die door dit wangedrag is aangericht te herstellen.
NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella was a controversial figure known for his involvement in numerous high-profile cases that later came under scrutiny and were overturned due to allegations of misconduct, corruption, and wrongful convictions. Some key points about him and the cases he worked on include:
Background: Louis Scarcella was a former NYPD detective who served for over 20 years in the Brooklyn North Homicide unit. During his career, he was involved in investigating and solving numerous murder cases.
Wrongful Conviction Allegations: Scarcella’s tactics and practices came under question, with several individuals claiming that they were wrongfully convicted due to his alleged use of coercion, manipulation of witnesses, fabrication of evidence, and reliance on unreliable informants.
Overturned Convictions: As a result of the doubts raised about Scarcella’s methods, a significant number of convictions from cases he worked on were eventually overturned. Defendants were either acquitted, had their charges dropped, or were granted new trials.
Exoneration Projects: Various organizations, such as the Innocence Project, played significant roles in advocating for the re-examination of cases associated with Scarcella. Their efforts led to the discovery of potential wrongful convictions.
Public Scrutiny and Review: The controversies surrounding Scarcella and the cases he handled prompted public outcry and the need for a thorough review of the criminal justice system to prevent similar issues in the future.
Internal Investigation: The NYPD conducted an internal investigation into Scarcella’s conduct and the cases he was involved in. The investigation aimed to determine if there were any improprieties in his methods.
1 John Bunn “A Voice 4the Unheard”
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23 jul 2019
A Voice 4 the Unheard
Is a movement focusing on today’s at risk youth, ages 19 and younger. Our Mission is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as responsible citizens through reinforcing the importance of education and strongly emphasizing positive lifestyle choices. Our goal is to provide the youth with essential life skills that will allow them to handle issues as such; Peer Pressure, Bullying, Racism, Police Brutality and Wrongful Convictions.
I plan to share my own personal life journey, in hopes of reaching at least one youth to show them that you can overcome adversity! At 14 years old, my life was ripped away from me. I was charged with 2nd degree Murder for the death of Rolando Neischer, New York City Correction Officer. I was taken away from my family and friends for a crime I did not commit. I spent 15 years in prison, always maintained my innocence!
In 2016, My conviction was overturned for the 1992 crime in which I was wrongfully convicted of. Today, I am stronger, wiser and more determined than ever to push forward. I hope that my story will inspire youth all over the world to never give in to adversity. To show all that no matter the obstacles set before you, you must remain positive and continue to strive for Greatness and Change! Whenever faced with adversity always remember Mr. Bunn’s story, I’m a living testament that over-coming the odds is possible.
2 The Innocence Project: The Disgraced Cop
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3 Louis Scarcella Back On Stand In Another Wrongful Conviction Murder Case
4 Scarcella Testifies
5 États-Unis : Le super flic était un ripou – L’Effet Papillon
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6 Retired NYPD detective’s tactics under scrutiny as man seeks exoneration in murder case
7 Convicted killer cleared, set free after 23 years in prison
8 Key witness in conviction of Brooklyn drug lord says his testimony was coerced by disgraced former d
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9 Notorious drug lord could walk free because of disgraced former NYPD detective’s role in case
10 Overturned murder conviction after 22 years
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11 Brooklyn DA: Was David Ranta wrongly convicted?
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Man released after more than 20 years in prison
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Freedom for man convicted of killing NY rabbi more than 20 years ago
(22 Mar 2013)
1. Mid of Judge Miriam Cyrulnik delivering her verdict to David Ranta who was jailed in 1991 for murder UPSOUND (English): “The defendant’s motion to vacate the judgement of conviction is granted.”
2. Pan to Ranta embracing lawyer, police officer removes handcuffs
3. SOUNDBITE (English) John O’Mara, Prosecutor, head of Brooklyn District Attorney’s Conviction Integrity Unit:
“Well there are a number of things that were wrong with the case. It was basically cumulative. There was new evidence which was developed which caused us to believe that the foundation of the case has been so degraded that we can no longer be confident that a jury would render verdict of guilty of this defendant, nor are we confident that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.”
4. Wide of O’Mara surrounded by reporters
5. Mid of Judge Cyrulnik offering apologies to Ranta UPSOUND (English): “Mr Ranta, to say that I’m sorry for what you have endured would be an understatement and grossly inadequate but I say it to you anyway.”
6. Mid of Ranta UPSOUND (English) Judge Cyrulnik: “Sir, you are free to go.”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) David Ranta, exonerated prisoner:
“I’m overwhelmed. It’s interesting and I would just like to say ‘thank you’ to each and every one of you for supporting me today on this. As I said from the beginning I had nothing to do with this case.”
8. Mid pan of Ranta’s family
9. SOUNDBITE (English) David Ranta, exonerated prisoner:
“Right now I feel like I’m underwater, swimming so I can’t really just be honest with an answer because this is overwhelming.”
(Reporter: “Do you have any one thing you want to do?”)
“Yeah, get the hell out of here maybe.”
10. Mid of Ranta hugging family members in court
11. Zoom into Ranta’s sister and family members leaving court. UPSOUND (English): Reporter: “It must have been amazing.”
Beverly Maccheroni, Ranta’s sister: “Yes it was, it is, and we can’t wait to get home with him.”
Unidentified family member: “We’re just overwhelmed and we just want to get to go now, sorry guys.”
12. Mid of Isaac Abraham, a close friend of the murdered rabbi, Chaskel Werzberger leaving courtroom
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Isaac Abraham, close friend of murdered rabbi and Jewish community leader:
“Disappointment is not the word, it doesn’t do much. It doesn’t do much. Where’s the killer? Who’s the killer? Who botched the case? And who’s going to be responsible at the end of the day?”
14. Mid of Ranta walking out of courtroom
15. Tracking shot of Ranta walking past photographers to get to vehicle
A man who spent more than two decades behind bars for the cold-blooded slaying of a Brooklyn rabbi was released on Thursday into the arms of his weeping relatives after a reinvestigation by prosecutors cast serious doubt on evidence used to convict him.
“Sir, you are free to go,” Judge Miriam Cyrulnik told a smiling, white-haired David Ranta moments after prosecutors announced they supported tossing out the 1991 conviction.
Ranta’s pregnant daughter – a two-year-old when he was jailed – sisters and other supporters burst into applause and swarmed him as he walked out of the courtroom.
His parents died while he was in prison.
“I’m overwhelmed,” the 58-year-old Ranta told reporters. “I feel like I’m underwater, swimming.”
The dramatic turnabout came after the Brooklyn district attorney’s office filed paperwork on Wednesday saying it supported a defence motion to vacate the murder conviction and dismiss the indictment.
He was sentenced to 37 and a half years in prison.
David Ranta’s case is a high-profile example of a wrongful conviction in Brooklyn, New York. Here are the key points:
Conviction: In 1991, David Ranta, an American man, was wrongfully convicted of the 1990 murder of Rabbi Chaskel Werzberger in Brooklyn. He was accused of shooting the rabbi during a diamond heist gone wrong.
Lack of Evidence: Ranta’s conviction was largely based on eyewitness testimonies that were later found to be unreliable. There was no physical evidence linking him to the crime scene, and the case against him was weakened by inconsistent witness accounts.
Investigation Reopen: Over the years, there were doubts about the validity of Ranta’s conviction, and new evidence emerged that raised questions about his guilt.
Retrial and Overturning of Conviction: In March 2013, after spending 23 years in prison, David Ranta was released from custody on a judge’s order. His conviction was overturned, and he was granted a new trial.
Prosecutorial Misconduct: During the reexamination of the case, it was revealed that prosecutors at Ranta’s original trial had failed to disclose crucial evidence that could have exonerated him.
Wrongful Conviction Lawsuit: After his release, David Ranta filed a wrongful conviction lawsuit against the city of New York for the years of wrongful imprisonment.
Subsequent Developments: David Ranta’s case brought attention to issues of wrongful convictions and the need for criminal justice reform. It also led to a reevaluation of other convictions based on questionable evidence.
David Ranta’s case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of a fair and just criminal justice system, the need for thorough investigations, and the consequences of wrongful convictions on innocent individuals and their families.
12 NYC man put away by disgraced detective fights to have murder conviction overturned
13 One-On-One With Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson
14 Stolen Time: Injustice In Brooklyn
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26 aug 2016
Wrongful convictions are plaguing the criminal justice system: there are currently more than 100 cases under review in Brooklyn, NY alone. We talked to three men whose lives were upended by wrongful convictions about the impact that prison had on their lives and the challenges they faced in picking up their lives after release.
Produced By:
Alyona Minkovski
Milos Balac
Kathleen Osborn
Hosted by:
Alyona Minkovski
Edited By:
Maria Tridas
Terence Krey
Milos Balac
Dan Fox
Maria Tridas
Milos Balac
Sound mixing and scoring by:
Daniel Brantigan
15 Brooklyn man’s murder conviction overturned after almost 25 years in prison
20 nov 2019
After spending close to 25 years in a prison cell, Eliseo DeLeon’s murder conviction was overturned by a judge in Brooklyn Tuesday.
DeLeon sat in his tan prison jumpsuit with his hands clenched under his chin, crying as the judge announced the conviction was getting thrown out.
The 42-year-old was convicted of killing Fausto Cordero during an attempted robbery inn 1996 while walking home with his wife and friends in Brooklyn.
Read more: https://7ny.tv/2KzWjiQ
16 Disgraced NY detective did what??!
2 jun 2023
John Bunn and Rosean Hargrave were only children when they were #wrongfullyconvicted of a crime. Disgraced NY detective, Louis Scarcella set them up to be jailed without a single piece of evidence tying them to the crime. They were the 12th and 13th Scarcella related exoneration. Settlements related to his “work” have surpassed the $100 million mark (and still counting).
Former NYPD detective sent 13 wrongfully convicted people to prison, but insists, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’
Scarcella, 61 and now retired, denies ever having used unethical tactics to secure a conviction.
Over the years, Louis Scarcella developed an impressive record of nabbing killers and doing whatever it took to get suspects to talk.
Kia Morgan-Smith May 21, 2018
By all accounts, former NYPD detective, Louis Scarcella, is a crooked cop who framed innocent people. And, even after the recent case of John Bunn who was finally freed 17 years after being framed by Scarcella, he still maintains his innocence.
“I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. I stand by my cases a hundred percent,” Scarcella, who retired in 1999, said outside his Staten Island home, reports the New York Daily News.
The difference is now Scarcella’s cases are falling apart.
Evidence showed that Bunn and another man were framed for the killing of Rolando Neischer by the former New York City detective. Bunn was only 14-years-old when he was convicted and jailed, reports NY Daily News.
Scarcella, was on the force for nearly three decades, stationed in Brooklyn. Over the years, he developed an impressive record of nabbing killers and doing whatever it took to get suspects to talk. As Sean Flynn reported in GQ magazine, the heavily decorated Scarcella received Chief of Detectives’ Award for Outstanding Police Investigation for the cases he purportedly solved.
Well-respected and even legendary, Scarcella investigated 241 murders — many of them high-profile and in the media — and even served as an expert, appearing on the Dr. Phil show, in 2007 to discuss false confessions from the police perspective. As was reported in The Village Voice, Scarcella told Dr. Phil that he never had a confession that did not corroborate and turned out to be false.
“I will do whatever I have to do within the law to get a confession or to get someone to cooperate with me.”
It was later learned that Scarcella had in fact used phony witnesses to get the job done, and even beating some suspects into false confessions. Hundreds of his cases have been under review and have led to several convictions being overturned, the NY Daily News reports.
READ MORE: Man framed by police cries as he’s exonerated after 17 years in prison
Bunn was convicted in an August 1991 killing, largely based on evidence planted by Scarcella. He lawyers always maintained that he was framed.
“There were problems with this case that were very obvious,” said defense lawyer Glenn Garber. “There was no probable cause to make an arrest.”
Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Shawn’Dya Simpson, who overturned the conviction based on the evidence, was overwhelmed with emotion herself because of the circumstances that led to Bunn being jailed at such a young age.
“I am more than emotional about this day,” said Simpson. “You were 14 at the time. This shouldn’t have ever happened.”
“The revelation of Detective Scarcella’s malfeasance in fabricating false-identification evidence gravely undermines the evidence that convicted the defendants in this case,” Simpson wrote in her decision.
Bunn cried and was overcome with emotions.
While Bunn can’t get his 17 years back, Scarcella walks away unscathed with this pension still intact.
“I have a great life,” Scarcella boasted.
“My dad was a homicide detective. My brother was on the job for 26 years. My daughter’s a district attorney. This job was my life.”
In Brooklyn in 1988, a Vietnam veteran, Barry Gibbs,
is convicted of murder after an eyewitness names him as a woman’s killer.
The veteran does not understand the conviction or
how he came to be involved in the case at all.
17 – 17 Years in Prison: War Veteran Falsely Accused of Murder (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
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15 mei 2021

Vanessa Potkin, Barry Gibbs and Barry Scheck
Transcript: at minute 22 of the video above
They started a meaningful investigation into Barry’s case. And they went in to speak to Peter Mitchell, the eyewitness who had identified Barry, the man who was jogging by Belt Parkway that day. And almost immediately in a very dramatic turn of events he just broke down and confessed and said that Eppolito had coerced him into identifying Barry at a lineup. You know, he had been waiting for this moment for years to come because he had been carrying the weight that he identified somebody that he knew was totally innocent because he had been threatened by Loui Eppolito.
And they raided Eppolito’s home in Las Vegas. And when they raided his home, they found the original police file from the Barry Gibbs case, which was missing and we could never find, right, from the New York City Police Department. He literally took that file.
Investigation seem to reveal that a member of the mafia to which Louis Eppolito belonged, committed the crime. So the officer tried to cover up the murder by arresting a random person near the crime scene, Barry Gibbs and extorting a false testimony from the runner, Peter Mitchell. For somebody to be so outright framed, this doesn’t happen.
All of our clients believe they were framed because if they’re wrongfully convicted, they have a belief that they were framed. The system set them up. And in almost all of our cases, there is some level of misconduct, but Barry’s case stands out in that he actually was a 100% framed. And that’s very rare.
Out of all the Innocence Project cases, I think that Barry Gibbs is the one instance where a police officer just literally picked out somebody and said, “We have to frame him.”
It’s one of the things that you have to understand about Barry, as opposed to so many other people. It’s completely crazy and irrational you could be framed for this murder out of nowhere. It’s terrible, terrible.
But came though, he’s free.
I’m a survivor, I’m survived.
The case of Barry Gibbs.
It was all wrong
Eppolito and another former NYPD detective have since been convicted of eight murders and several other charges based on evidence that they plotted and carried out murders on behalf of the Mafia.
In 2005, the eyewitness who had testified at Gibbs’ trial that he had seen the perpetrator while jogging in the area recanted his testimony. He said Eppolito had threatened his family if he didn’t identify Gibbs in the lineup and again in court.
Based on the witness’s recantation, Gibbs was freed from prison in 2005 and cleared. He had served more than 17 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.
In 2010, Gibbs settled a wrongful conviction lawsuit against the city of New York for $9.9 million. He later settled with the state of New York for an additional $1.9 million.
Gibbs died in March 2018.
The case of Barry Gibbs is a tragic example of a wrongful conviction. Here are the key points:
Arrest and Conviction: In 1988, Barry Gibbs, a Vietnam veteran, was wrongfully convicted of murder in Brooklyn, New York, based on the testimony of an eyewitness who claimed to have seen the perpetrator while jogging in the area.
Mafia Ties of Detectives: In the years following Gibbs’ conviction, it was revealed that the detectives involved in his case, including Louis Eppolito, were corrupt and had connections to the Mafia. Eppolito and another former NYPD detective were eventually convicted of eight murders and other charges for their involvement in Mafia-related crimes.
Witness Recantation: In 2005, the eyewitness who had testified against Gibbs recanted his testimony. He revealed that Louis Eppolito had threatened his family, forcing him to falsely identify Gibbs in the lineup and in court.
Exoneration and Release: Based on the witness’s recantation and other evidence, Barry Gibbs was exonerated and released from prison in 2005. He had served more than 17 years for a murder he did not commit.
Wrongful Conviction Lawsuit: In 2010, Gibbs filed a wrongful conviction lawsuit against the city of New York, seeking compensation for the years of wrongful imprisonment. He settled the lawsuit for $9.9 million.
Additional Settlement: Gibbs later reached another settlement with the state of New York for an additional $1.9 million.
Passing Away: Barry Gibbs died in March 2018. His life was deeply affected by the wrongful conviction and the years spent in prison for a crime he did not commit.
This case highlights the grave consequences of wrongful convictions and the importance of seeking justice and reform within the criminal justice system. It also sheds light on the impact of police corruption and the potential manipulation of witnesses in criminal cases.
18 NYC man put away by disgraced detective does not get murder conviction overturned
19 Judge rules against exoneration, retires after Alzheimer’s diagnosis; man behind bars has questions
21 Defense To Reargue Motion To Overturn Scarcella Case
22 Sundhe Moses: Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated After Serving 18 Years in Prison for Murder in BK.
6 aug 2020 BROOKLYN
Live from the notorious Fort Greene Projects in Brooklyn, NYC, Sundhe Moses takes us through his story of being wrongfully convicted for the murder of a 4 year old girl in 1995. The incident has ties to the infamous East Coast vs West Coast Hip Hop Feud and other notable NYC street figures; which ultimately led to Sundhe being innocently tied into the vicious crime that he had nothing to do with. After surviving and growing up in prison from his late teens to mid 30s, Sundhe was finally released in 2013 after his case was investigated due to the involvement of an infamously crooked NYPD detective. He was later exonerated for the murder in 2018
Listen at minute 20 about NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella
The key points of his story:
- Sundhe Moses was wrongfully convicted for the murder of a 4-year-old girl in 1995.
- The murder case had connections to the East Coast vs West Coast Hip Hop Feud and other notable NYC street figures, which somehow implicated Sundhe Moses in the crime.
- Sundhe spent a significant portion of his life in prison, from his late teens to his mid-30s.
- In 2013, his case came under investigation due to the involvement of a corrupt NYPD detective.
- Sundhe Moses was released from prison in 2013 after his case was re-evaluated.
- He was later exonerated for the murder in 2018, indicating that he was found to be innocent of the crime he had been imprisoned for.
This case highlights the impact of a wrongful conviction on an individual’s life and the importance of a thorough and fair legal process in ensuring justice.
23 Horrifying scandal of forensic doctor never qualified to be one | Under Investigation with Liz Hayes
23 feb 2023
For thirty years and in over 400 criminal cases, Dr Colin Manock was South Australia’s Chief Pathologist, without a single specialist qualification to put him there. How did it happen and why was he allowed to operate for so long?
Under Investigation puts the career of the disgraceful Dr Manock under the microscope. Our experts examine his tragically inept findings in four specific cases and the shocking injustices that resulted.
24 Forensic Pathologist RUINS Multiple Major Crime Cases | Australian Crime | TCC
26 feb 2023
This is a story a state government would like buried, along with the bodies. South Australian authorities employed, as the state’s chief forensic pathologist, a man who may not have been qualified to do the job. He conducted over 10,000 autopsies and his evidence was used by Police, Prosecutors and Judges to secure some 400 convictions over the 28 years he held the top job.
25 How A Crooked Cop Went On A Talk Show & Was Caught By His Victims Mother | Our History
New York cop Louis Eppolito wrote a tell all book named ‘Mafia Cop’ in 1992 which was a hit. On the proceding press run tour, he was noticed by a crucial viewer as being invovled with her sons murder. Her information sparked the investigtion that finally brought him down.
26 Mafia Cops Interview – Louis Eppolito on the Sally Jesse Raphael show
9 mrt 2015
In 1992, former NYPD Detective Louis Eppolito appeared on the
Sally Jesse Raphael show promoting his recently released autobiography, ‘Mafia Cop’.
Watching the televised appearance was Betty Hydell, mother of missing Gambino crime family associate Jimmy Hydell.
Betty Hydell recognized Eppolito as one of two men looking for her son on the day of his disappearance six years prior.
After reading ‘Mafia Cop’ she would identify the second man present that day as Stephen Caracappa, Eppolito’s former partner in the NYPD.
What followed was the beginning of both state and federal investigations that would open the lid on police corruption, multiple murders and culminate in the famous ‘ Mafia Cops’ trial.
27 A Secret FBI Alliance Allowed Whitey Bulger To Become An Untouched Crime Boss | Our History
25 dec 2021
In 1995 ruthless murderer and Boston crime boss James ‘Whitey’ Bulger flees Boston to escape an impending arrest.
While on the run an alliance between Bulger and the FBI is exposed. The revelations are hugely embarrassing for the agency, but they are determined to repair the damage. The FBI join State police and US Marshals in an international hunt for this violent fugitive. But as each year goes by there is a growing fear Bulger will never be found. In 2011 the FBI and US Marshals hope changing the focus of their search will finally see Bulger put behind bars.
This film was first broadcast: 2015
28 Kid Steals Police Officer Wallet Prank
2 mei 2011
Sneaky little redhead kid shows people sitting on a mall bench next to him his bandaged hands. A police officer comes up, and next thing you know, the ginger boy thief has stolen his wallet and shows the prank victims next to him! The cop realises he is missing his wallet, but the kid blames the prank victims on either side of him – after all, it couldn’t have been him, his hands are hurt! Not only does this kid have the audacity to steal the policeman’s wallet, but he also swipes his gold watch too, getting these prank victims into a lot of trouble.
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!