Injustice in the Name of Justice

Keep away from the edge of the cliff – you might fall.

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Discover how justice systems fail, from wrongful convictions to abuses of power, and explore the human cost of injustice in the name of justice.


Justice systems are designed to uphold fairness and protect the rights of individuals. However, even the most robust systems have their weakest links – whether it’s human error, flawed procedures, or systemic biases. These shortcomings can lead to grave consequences, including wrongful convictions, unchecked abuses of power, and a lack of accountability for those in authority.

Often, the weakest link is not the law itself, but the way it is applied – where assumptions, prejudice, and institutional interests can override fairness. In these instances, justice is not only compromised but perverted, turning a system meant to protect into one that causes harm.

Justice systems and institutions often rely on the integrity of individuals to function effectively. Yet, what happens when those entrusted with power – be they judges, academics, or officials – abuse that trust? Like the case of Diederik Stapel, a celebrated academic whose entire body of work was built on lies, we find that appearances can be deceiving. Status, prestige, and reputation can conceal the truth, creating a façade that hides unethical behaviour.

The real danger lies in how these façades prevent scrutiny. When the behaviour of powerful individuals goes unchecked, the system becomes complicit in perpetuating injustice. It is not just the flaws in procedures or laws, but the actions of those who hide behind their titles and manipulate the system for personal gain. This is the weakest link: when human deception, rather than truth, drives the very system meant to protect fairness.

1 Examples of Injustice

Something unusual happened in the most unexpected way. It’s the kind of situation where your gut feeling tells you that something isn’t right. This is especially true when it involves someone known to be of good character. Take, for example,
the case of Liam Allan. Nobody asked Liam if he did it, because they knew he wasn’t that kind of person. Everything that happened to Liam Allan was illogical; none of it can be rationally explained. It was a false accusation. Liam should not have been prosecuted. The evidence was on the DVD with the download from the phone of the girl who accused him, but it was never reviewed.

The Justice Paradox

2 The Common Denominator

The term “common denominator” refers to a shared characteristic or factor among different elements or groups.

There is something abnormal and completely incomprehensible about how young people can be taken out of their normal lives, completely unrelated to any wrongdoing, and without reason, have their lives ruined. Shocking cases like those of Brian Banks and Ryan Ferguson, who both spent years in prison before being exonerated, highlight this injustice.

Andrew Makinson – wrongly imprisoned for 17 years – unsafe conviction

Raphael Rowe

3 The Role of Power and Influence

Prosecutor Jerry Hayes
In court, Liam was supported by 15 people who had even taken a week off from work. In contrast, there was no one there for the other party.

A Perversion of Justice

4 The Human Toll

Systemic Issues:

  • Liam’s case illustrates the broader systemic problems within the justice system, such as failures in evidence review and the rush to judgment. The human toll extends beyond individuals to encompass the families and communities affected by these systemic failures.

The possibility of ending up in prison.

Please listen the video below

Liam Allan – Behind the breakthrough: pressure and trauma


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6 jun. 2019

The publicity around Liam’s case was perhaps the single biggest corner turned so far in the fight against false accusations and police failures.
Liam’s fresh faced appeal gave him a media platform and showed his apparent confidence to the world. Few saw the trauma fears and difficulties that came with presenting his innocent student’s story to TV journalists, and dealing with the reaction.
Now well into the journey of organising a successful series of conferences on the “Innovation of Justice”, Liam’s promise, to never stop fighting to get some return to sanity in the processing of rape/sexual assault cases, has inspired hundreds and made his face well recognised across the world.
pushing this and the main film, “We Believe You” can help the raised awareness and to restore justice

please share. and join in the discussion at

At minute 9: eventually go to prison
At minute 16:
Gerry Monahan
Well done Liam for working to restore some balance to the current state of injustice for the huge growing number of falsely accused people.
I was falsely accused of rape in 2019 and I understand everything Liam went through
Thank you, Liam. (I can’t say more than this)
Kyle MacDonald
I was accused over 4 years again still a mess with no help
Ophiophagus H.
Why doesn’t this have a million views?
People need to find out who that chick is and blast her name for everyone to see
Criminal Justice Natters
I recently spoke to Liam Allan about his experiences in the criminal justice system, you can view it here:
The police investigate this case for a whole year and fail to find these crucial messages? That says something about what efficient investigators they are.
Patrick Graham
all police forces across the country – still doing this – as Mark Pearson points out – every time they are exposed as criminally perverse, they say “lessons will be learnt” – they never are.
Khan’s Clothing Blogs
Thsi happened to me but hopefully due to new evidence I can atleast press charges and clear my name
Patrick Graham
 @Khan’s Clothing Blogs  I wish you the best of luck – the police are extremely resistant to pressing charges against false accusers – because they are complicit at the very least themselves. and the CPS are as separate from the police as a foot is from a leg.
5 Conclusion: A Call for Accountability

In light of the injustices faced by individuals like Liam Allan, it is imperative that we hold the justice system accountable for its failures. The profound human toll of wrongful accusations and miscarriages of justice not only devastates the lives of the accused but also undermines public trust in the very institutions designed to protect us.

Accountability must extend beyond individual cases to encompass systemic reforms that ensure transparency, thorough evidence review, and adherence to due process. We must advocate for a justice system that prioritizes truth and fairness over expedience, recognizing that the stakes are far too high when lives and reputations hang in the balance.

This call for accountability is not just about seeking justice for those wrongfully accused; it is a plea to protect future generations from the same fate. Only through rigorous scrutiny and reform can we hope to build a justice system that truly reflects the values of fairness, integrity, and respect for human dignity.


The situation in which something is helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable

Cambridge Dictionary

It captures the idea that something may be practical or beneficial in a specific context, even if it lacks ethical justification.
In many discussions, especially related to justice, the term is used to critique decisions or actions that prioritize short-term convenience over long-term fairness and morality.

Example in Context:

In the context of a justice system, expedience might refer to the tendency to rush to a conclusion or to prioritize efficiency in handling cases, potentially at the expense of thorough investigation, due process, or the rights of individuals involved.

This aligns with your previous discussions about advocating for a justice system that values truth and fairness, emphasizing that expedient decisions can lead to serious injustices, such as wrongful convictions.

6 That’s a Bit Oversimplified

JERK pops little kid’s balloon

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8 dec 2013
This inconsiderate human being is going around popping little kids’ balloons for no reason at all. Does he not remember what it was like to be a child?
A presentation of Hidden Camera Classics, the official Just For Laughs YouTube channel from the 70s and 80s! These pranks are from the series known as “Just Kidding” and “Only Joking”. Some of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious… and some terrible, hidden camera pranks from the past!