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Explore the inconceivable tragedy of forced adoption and child trafficking, revealing the devastating impact on families and the systemic betrayal behind it
Adoption and Child Trafficking: A Hidden Systemic Betrayal
The inconceivable tragedy of forced adoption and child trafficking is a reality that many families have faced, yet it remains hidden in plain sight. Lives are shattered, not by chance, but by a systemic betrayal that exploits the most vulnerable. Children are torn from their families, and mothers are denied their most basic rights, all under the guise of protection. This page exposes the devastating consequences of these practices, sharing the untold stories of those affected and the systems that enabled their suffering. It is a story of profound injustice—one that is impossible to ignore, and one that demands accountability.
Gedwongen Adoptie en Kinderhandel: Een Verborgen Systematische Verraad
De onvoorstelbare tragedie van gedwongen adoptie en kinderenhandel is een realiteit waarmee veel families geconfronteerd zijn, maar die vaak verborgen blijft. Levens worden verscheurd, niet door toeval, maar door een systematische verraad die de meest kwetsbare mensen uitbuit. Kinderen worden van hun families gescheiden, en moeders worden hun meest basale rechten ontzegd, allemaal onder het mom van bescherming. Deze pagina onthult de verwoestende gevolgen van deze praktijken, door de onbekende verhalen van de getroffen mensen te delen en de systemen die hun lijden mogelijk maakten. Het is een verhaal van diepe onrechtvaardigheid—een verhaal dat onmogelijk te negeren is en dat om verantwoordelijkheid vraagt..
Push for WA inquiry into forced adoptions to address ‘dehumanising’ toll on survivors |ABC News
Mothers pressured to give up their babies have joined adoptees in calling for an inquiry into their treatment saying it was similar to baby trafficking.
The women haunted by forced adoptions looking for answers | ITV News
9 jul 2024
In the decades after the war, nearly 200,000 unmarried women were forced and shamed into giving up their babies for adoption in England and Wales.
This is the harrowing story of mothers still traumatised by the cruelty they faced for getting pregnant out of wedlock, and their decades-long search for justice.
Between 1949 and the mid 1970s, thousands of women were sent away to mother and baby homes run by churches and the state – places of secrecy, cruelty and even abuse – where babies were put up for adoption or died through poor care.
ITV News has investigated one home in south Cumbria. Burial records obtained through a Freedom of Information request revealed that 45 babies are buried in unmarked graves close to the institution.
Street Babysitter Prank
A girl asks people to watch her baby while she goes to the restaurant and has a good meal with her husband. A good daycare is so hard to find, this method is much easier – and cheaper.
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