Ontdek waarom het rechtssysteem zijn grenzen moet erkennen wanneer bewijs niet strookt met beschuldigingen. Een reflectie op eerlijkheid, onschuld en de essentie van rechtvaardigheid.
Page Description
Explore how justice must recognize its limits when evidence fails to support accusations. A reflection on fairness, innocence, & the true purpose of justice
When Justice Falters: The Line Between Fairness and Injustice
The justice system is meant to uphold fairness and protect the innocent, but even impeccable individuals can find themselves entangled in its mechanisms. In such moments, lives can be irrevocably changed in the blink of an eye. As the French say, “un accident de parcours” – a simple misstep or misunderstanding – can lead to devastating consequences for those who do not belong in the halls of justice. It is precisely in these moments that justice must rise above the chaos and recognize when it has no rightful claim. When evidence does not align with the accusation, when the very foundation of guilt crumbles under scrutiny, justice must stop. For to continue otherwise is not to serve justice, but to commit an injustice of the gravest kind.
Als het niet klopt, moet je vrijspreken”
Het rechtssysteem is bedoeld om eerlijkheid te waarborgen en de onschuldigen te beschermen, maar zelfs onberispelijke mensen kunnen verstrikt raken in de mechanismen ervan. In zulke momenten kunnen levens in een oogwenk onherroepelijk veranderen. Zoals de Fransen zeggen, “un accident de parcours” – een simpele misstap of misverstand – kan verwoestende gevolgen hebben voor degenen die niet thuishoren in de rechtbank. Juist op zulke momenten moet het rechtssysteem boven de chaos uitstijgen en erkennen wanneer het geen gegronde zaak heeft. Wanneer bewijs niet strookt met de beschuldiging, wanneer de basis van schuld onder nauwkeurige blik ineenstort, moet justitie stoppen. Doorgaan zou namelijk niet het recht dienen, maar juist een van de ernstigste vormen van onrecht plegen.
The Long-Lasting Effects of Being Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault | Denver Criminal Defense
5 aug 2022
Accusations of sexual assault can ruin somebody’s life, especially when the accused is innocent. Not only can these accusations follow them for life, but they can also turn their family against them, or ruin their family member’s reputation for associating with them. It can also lead to them confessing to being guilty, when they aren’t, just to avoid extended jail time.
Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Doug Richards discusses his own experience defending a college student who was accused of sexually assaulting a drunk college girl. The case was a high-stress situation because the boy didn’t do what he was accused of and understood the extreme consequences it would have on his life if he got a guilty verdict.
Killing in the name of justice, the end of the line for Ohio’s death penalty? | Beyond Borders
26 sep 2024 OHIO
A lack of lethal injection drugs means Ohio’s death row inmates are waiting years to find out their fate. Now a new controversial killing method, described as “cruel and unusual” by critics, is being considered to clear the backlog: Nitrogen gas. The state of Alabama has already used it to kill convicted murderer Kenneth Smith, who witnesses said writhed in pain for 22 minutes. We meet one man who’s been told the day he is going to die, while he fights to clear his name and another who narrowly avoided the death chamber, who now fights to end the practice in the United States. Is it time for killing in the name of justice to end?
Beyond Borders is a location-based documentary show telling the human stories at the heart of the trends shaping our world.
00:00 Intro
01:48 Death Row inmate Keith LaMar
04:08 Death Row exoneree Derrick Jamison
06:30 Justice for Keith LaMar campaign
07:55 Phone call with Keith LaMar
10:25 Issues with lethal injection drugs
12:15 Death row prisoner executed by nitrogen gas
13:25 Mask used for nitrogen gas execution
14:20 Worth Rises campaign
15:50 Former head of Ohio Prisons
18:35 Son of murder victim
20:10 County prosecutor
22:15 Death Penalty Action campaign
23:15 Ohio law professor
24:40 Ohio State Senator
25:35 Credits
Million Dollar Ticket Prank
22 mei 2011
Drivers are given a free scratch to win instant lottery ticket, a million dollars, but before they get to scratch it, a sneaky cop shows up to give them a parking ticket. The cop offers to rip up the ticket in exchange for their scratchy ticket. Everyone obviously takes the deal, thinking this cop is crazy – but when the cop scratches the ticket and actually wins a million dollars, the prank victims can’t believe their bad luck and try to switch back! Read his lips, a deal is a deal!
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!
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