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Learn about human trafficking,
its global impact, signs to recognize,
and efforts to combat this grave violation of human rights and freedom.
The CNN Freedom Project – Children for Sale — FULL Documentary
(also mainly UK people trafficking)
The crime of buying and selling people, or making money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work:
International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering.
Cambridge Dictionary
Human Trafficking: A Hidden Crime in Plain Sight
Human trafficking is a global crisis that destroys lives and operates in the shadows of society. It is not just a crime that happens far away—it exists in cities and towns across the world, exploiting men, women, and children for forced labor, sexual slavery, and other forms of exploitation.
This page presents a collection of over 60 videos that examine human trafficking from every angle. You will find documentaries, survivor testimonies, expert analyses, and investigative reports that expose the networks behind trafficking, the failures of justice systems, and the ongoing efforts to combat this grave violation of human rights.
Understanding human trafficking is the first step toward stopping it. These videos reveal the harsh realities and challenge us to take action.
Mensenhandel: Een Verborgen Misdaad in Het Openbaar
Mensenhandel is een wereldwijde crisis die levens verwoest en zich in de schaduw van de samenleving afspeelt. Het is niet alleen een misdaad die ver weg plaatsvindt—het gebeurt in steden en dorpen over de hele wereld, waarbij mannen, vrouwen en kinderen worden uitgebuit voor dwangarbeid, seksuele slavernij en andere vormen van uitbuiting.
Op deze pagina vindt u een verzameling van meer dan 60 video’s die mensenhandel vanuit elke hoek belichten. U vindt hier documentaires, getuigenissen van overlevenden, analyses van experts en onderzoeksrapportages die de netwerken achter mensenhandel blootleggen, de tekortkomingen van rechtssystemen onthullen en de voortdurende strijd tegen deze ernstige schending van de mensenrechten in beeld brengen.
Mensenhandel begrijpen is de eerste stap naar het bestrijden ervan. Deze video’s laten de harde realiteit zien en dagen ons uit om in actie te komen.
Human trafficking is a heinous crime that involves the exploitation of individuals for the purpose of forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of exploitation. It is a complex and multifaceted issue that has grave human rights implications. Here are some key points about human trafficking:
Definition: Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of threat, use of force or deception, or other forms of coercion or deception, for the purpose of exploitation. It can involve both cross-border and domestic trafficking, and victims can be men, women, or children.
Forms of exploitation: Human trafficking can involve various forms of exploitation, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced marriage, forced begging, organ trafficking, and other forms of exploitation. Victims may be coerced or deceived into labor or commercial sexual exploitation, and their basic human rights are often violated.
Victims: Human trafficking victims can come from diverse backgrounds and vulnerable populations, including but not limited to, women, children, migrants, refugees, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Poverty, lack of education, political instability, discrimination, and other social and economic factors can increase vulnerability to trafficking.
Traffickers: Human trafficking is perpetrated by individuals, criminal networks, or organized crime syndicates who exploit vulnerabilities and profit from the exploitation of others. Traffickers may use force, fraud, or coercion to recruit and exploit victims, and they may operate across borders or within a country.
Impact: Human trafficking has severe consequences for victims, including physical and psychological harm, loss of freedom and autonomy, and violation of human rights. Victims may suffer from trauma, injuries, sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, and other health issues. Trafficking also undermines social and economic development, erodes human rights, and perpetuates inequality and injustice.
Prevention and response: Combating human trafficking requires a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach that involves prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership among governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders. This includes raising awareness, strengthening laws and law enforcement, providing support and services to victims, addressing root causes of trafficking, and promoting cooperation and coordination among countries and regions.
Human rights perspective: Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and security of person; the right to freedom from slavery, forced labor, and exploitation; the right to work in just and favorable conditions; the right to freedom of movement; and the right to access to justice and remedies. A human rights-based approach is essential to prevent and combat human trafficking and protect the rights and dignity of victims.
In conclusion, human trafficking is a serious crime that involves the exploitation of individuals and violates their human rights. It is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive response from various stakeholders to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute traffickers. A human rights-based approach is critical to combatting human trafficking and promoting dignity, freedom, and justice for all individuals.
Directeur adoptieorganisatie stapt op na intimidatie
21 aug. 2009
$ex Slaves THAILAND Human Trafficking of 21st Century Extraordinar Documentary
1 Sex trafficking in Nigeria | DW Documentary
21 aug. 2020
Nigeria is plagued by human trafficking. Young women are lured to Europe by false promises. When they get to the EU, they are violently forced into prostitution and kept in debt. An escape is almost impossible.
Many young Nigerian women are drawn to the European Union by promises of good incomes and secure work, but they often pay a high price. The young women and their families go into debt to pay human traffickers for the journey. Once they are in Europe, the women are forced into prostitution rather than working as hairdressers or maids. The organized crime cartels behind this grim trade not only coerce the women and force them to work off their debts, they also threaten to kill their families back in Nigeria. But human rights campaigners say that the trafficking could not survive at all without willing customers.
DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.
2 Imported for my body: The African women trafficked to India for sex – BBC Africa Eye documentary
In première gegaan op 16 dec. 2019
Ontvoerd voor de ogen van zijn tweelingbroertje, en dan als weeskind naar België gebracht
Dit is het verhaal van een schandalige kindersmokkel naar België. Van jonge kinderen die ontvoerd werden uit hun gezin in Congo, en als weeskindjes hier ter adoptie werden aangeboden. Ze leven nu al acht jaar in België, terwijl hun ouders in Afrika niet weten waar ze zijn, en alle contact voorlopig verbroken is. Afgelopen week werd duidelijk dat Julienne Mpemba, de Waals-Congolese juriste die de grootschalige adoptiefraude zou hebben georganiseerd, een strafproces wacht. In afwachting daarvan doet reporter Pieter Huyberechts het hele verhaal uit de doeken.
3 Human Trafficking: Lives bought & sold – BBC News
1 aug. 2015
4 China’s Huge and Hushed-Up Child Trafficking Problem (2009)
21 jun. 2016
5 The African women trafficked to Italy for sex work
10 apr. 2018
6 Trafficked into prostitution with black magic – BBC News
12 feb. 2019
7 Human traffickers lead young Nigerians on a dangerous path
31 jul. 2018
8 Sex trafficking of African migrants in Europe is a ‘modern plague’
1 okt. 2016
9 Sula Skiles shares her sex-trafficking survival story
26 mrt. 2013
10 Sex Trafficking Survivor Speaks Out!
12 apr. 2016
11 Human Trafficking, a KGUN 9 Special Presentation
12 – 7791 nations Welt Al Jazeera Pakistan traffickers prey on the young and unemployed
Pakistan traffickers prey on the young and unemployed
30 aug. 2015
8 aug. 2016
14 Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
13 jul. 2015
15 Human trafficking — Stop the silence | Catalleya Storm | TEDxDayton
20 jan. 2015
16 Walking Merchandise – Child Trafficking and the Snakehead Trade
10 jan. 2013
17 Child trafficking in China | DW English
6 jan. 2018
18 China’s government trafficking babies from poor families
19 Stolen Innocence India’s Untold Story of Human Trafficking (Documentary)
27 okt 2020 UNITED KINGDOM
Stolen Innocence India’s Untold Story of Human Trafficking (Documentary)
Published on 27 Oct 2020
Stolen Innocence delves into a hidden world; the untold story of young women captured and forced into a life of sex slavery. Without a choice, these girls are violently trafficked into the worlds largest sex ring. This groundbreaking 90-minute documentary uncovers the worlds fastest growing criminal activity. This film takes an honest look at India, a country known for it’s peaceful spirituality and traditional values. But there’s a dark secret, covered up and hidden from the world. Girls are disappearing and being forced into the sex trade every 4 minutes. This film tackles the issue directly, traveling undercover to locations in India and Nepal, infiltrating human trafficking gangs to understand it’s deepest secrets and why it’s growing so quickly, nu-interrupted by the police or the government, and the factors behind the rapid growth of the trade.
4 dec. 2019
Stolen Innocence delves into a hidden world; the untold story of young women captured and forced into a life of sex slavery. Without a choice, these girls are violently trafficked into the worlds largest sex ring.
This groundbreaking 90-minute documentary uncovers the worlds fastest growing criminal activity. This film takes an honest look at India, a country known for it’s peaceful spirituality and traditional values. But there’s a dark secret, covered up and hidden from the world. Girls are disappearing and being forced into the sex trade every 4 minutes. This film tackles the issue directly, traveling undercover to locations in India and Nepal, infiltrating human trafficking gangs to understand it’s deepest secrets and why it’s growing so quickly, nu-interrupted by the police or the government, and the factors behind the rapid growth of the trade.
Director: Chris Davis
Producer: Casey Allred
Director of Photography: Chris Davis
Lead Cinematographer: Lindsay Daniels
Editor: Max Tersch
Assistant Editor: Lindsay Daniels
Narration: Anoushka Shankar
Fixer and Line Producer: Uday Sripathi
Production Assistants: Jonathan Malaer, Rocky Prajapati, Ashim Pradhanang
A Film By:
[Additional credits in film]
20 Nefarious: Merchant of Souls | Human Trafficking Documentary – Full Movie
In première gegaan op 17 jan. 2020
2 apr. 2020
22 Human trafficking – 21st century slavery: Faridoun Hemani at TEDx SugarLand
1 okt. 2012
23 Sex traffickers prey on children in Cambodia
5 okt. 2007
Stop the traffick, 2001 – Cambodia – Sex trafficking of women and girls all ages is fuelled by mass poverty and lack of work.
For downloads and more information visit:
Thirty years of war left Cambodia ravaged and poverty-stricken.
Since the end of the brutal Khmer Rouge rule, poverty, corruption and global tourism have all made it particularly vulnerable to the child labour industry. Children are trafficked into cities from rural areas to become sex slaves or sex workers, or trafficked out to comparatively wealthy Thailand to work in Bangkok as beggars, domestic workers, or labourers on construction sites.
Produced by TVE. Ref – 2344
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
24 Real Stories: Child Exploitation in Cambodia | World Vision
10 jun. 2013
25 Rick Campanelli’s before-and-after story in Cambodia | World Vision
28 feb. 2013
26 The Real Sex Traffic (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
12 okt. 2017
An estimated half million women are trafficked annually for the purpose of sexual slavery. They are “exported” to over 50 countries including Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Israel, Turkey, China, Kosovo, Canada and the United States. Misunderstood and widely tolerated, sex trafficking has become a multi- billion dollar underground industry. According to the International Herald Tribune, human trafficking is the fastest growing form of organized crime in Eastern Europe. Kidnapped and/or lured by those who prey on their dreams, their poverty, and their naiveté, Eastern European women are trafficked to foreign lands — often with falsified visas — where they become modern day sex slaves. Upon arrival, they are sold to pimps, drugged, terrorized, caged in brothels and raped repeatedly. For these women and young girls, there is no life, no liberty and no chance for a happy and meaningful future.
The Real Sex Traffic takes us to “ground zero” of the sex trade – Moldova and Ukraine – where traffickers effortlessly find vulnerable women desperate to go abroad and earn some money. The film focuses on the remarkable story of Viorel, a Ukrainian man on a mission to find his pregnant, trafficked wife in Turkey. Our hidden cameras follow Viorel as he travels to Turkey; his only lead the telephone number of the pimp who, he believes, has Katia in his possession. To secure his wife’s release, after days of desperate efforts, Viorel poses as a trafficker and sets out to buy his wife back. We follow Viorel to his meeting with Katia’s captor and from there into the world of trafficked women.
Interwoven with Viorel’s story, we meet other victims, traffickers and the families that have been torn apart by the trade in human flesh. This film is the first film to have a convicted trafficker talk openly about how trafficking works, and how women are coerced into sexual slavery. With hidden cameras, we watch as traffickers move people across borders with impunity and expose how easy it is to purchase a modern day sex slave. Sex Traffic also takes us to England and Canada where we find victims who tell harrowing tales of being repeatedly sold from country to country. Hiding her identity to protect her life, “Natasha” shares her heart wrenching story of being bought and sold from Romania to Italy and on to Germany and Belgium. Her final stop was Britain where she was put to work in a north London sauna. “Natasha” was finally freed from her nightmare in a police raid, a year after her abduction. For her part, “Eva” thought she was getting a job as a nanny in Toronto until her handlers took her from the airport to a strip club and forced her to work off her “debt”, i.e., her purchase price, before she could be set free. Sex Traffic explores the global trafficking problem through personal stories and unfettered access to traffickers and the people they use as human chattel. The documentary captures both the investigative story and the human story behind the headlines. From the villages of Moldova and Ukraine, to underground brothels and discotheques, we witness firsthand the brutal world of white sex slavery.
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries?
Click here:
28 Iana’s Story Human Trafficking in Romania YouTubevia torchbrowser com
30 Human Trafficking: A Personal Story
3 mrt. 2016
31 Woman Reveals How She Was Trafficked By Her Own Boyfriend At Age 18 | Megyn Kelly TODAY
23 jan. 2018
33 How A 17-Year-Old Girl Was Nearly Lured Overseas By Stranger She Met Online | Megyn Kelly TODAY
15 nov. 2017
15 okt. 2016
35 Short Docs: Surviving Sex Trafficking – Shandra Woworuntu’s story
19 okt. 2017
36 Sex Trafficking: A Family Business
30 nov. 2017
37 Human Trafficking Survivor Story: Dellena, California
20 jun. 2012
Add your name to support the CASE Act against human trafficking and online predators:
In California, many vulnerable women and young girls are held against their will and forced to sell their bodies. The victims are often girls as young as 12 who are sexually exploited for the financial gain of human traffickers. They are afraid for their lives and abused — sexually, physically, and mentally.
Human trafficking is said to be one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the world — and it is taking place right here in our own backyard. Three cities in California — San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego — are recognized by the FBI as high intensity child sex trafficking areas. In addition, a recent national study by a victims’ rights group gave California an “F” grade for its weak laws dealing with child sex trafficking.
The CASE Act, a partnership of California Against Slavery and the Safer California Foundation, will protect children in California by:
Increasing prison terms for human traffickers.
Requiring convicted sex traffickers to register as sex offenders.
Requiring all registered sex offenders to disclose their internet accounts.
Requiring criminal fines from convicted human traffickers to pay for services to help victims.
The CASE Act has also been endorsed by organizations representing over 90,000 rank and file California Peace Officers, advocates for the protection of children, including Marc Klaas and the KlaasKids Foundation, and victims who survived sexual exploitation when they were children.
38 Child Sex Trafficking: A San Francisco Survivor’s Story
2 aug. 2013
39 I was sex trafficked in the suburbs.
7 jan. 2019
40 Sex Trafficking: The Silent Victims
22 dec. 2018
41 Selling Boys: The other victims of sex trafficking
30 okt. 2017
42 Trafficked and sold: Sky News investigates Romanian sex trafficking
30 jul. 2019
43 Canada a target for human traffickers
28 nov. 2017
44 arrested, 300 charges in Ontario-based sex-trafficking operation
16 okt. 2019
26 dec. 2017
46 Romania’s sex trafficking trade: ‘There is no other life they know’ | ITV News
47 Why you should care: the human trafficking footprint in the U.S. | Ryan L. Brooks | TEDxJerseyCity
.30 mrt. 2015
24 mei 2018
49 Life After Trafficking: The Bridge From Trauma to Triumph | Yolanda Schlabach | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
14 dec. 2017
50 Escaping the Pain of Human Trafficking | Markie Dell | TEDxDownsviewWomen
5 feb. 2019
51 From Child Sex Slavery to Victory – My Healing Journey | Anneke Lucas | TEDxKlagenfurt
26 jun. 2017
52 Hiding in plain sight – modern day slavery in the heartland: Kris Wade at TEDxWyandotte
7 apr. 2014
53 Modern Day Slavery: Tony Talbott at TEDxCincinnati
4 mei 2013
54 Enslaved: from victim to victor: Jessica Minhas at TEDxFiDiWomen
8 feb. 2013
55 Kindertransport: A Journey to Life [2012] – Newsnight
1 dec. 2015
Newsnight meets some of the children who came to Britain on the Kindertransport scheme, over 75 years ago.
The Kindertransport (Children’s Transport) was a unique humanitarian rescue programme which ran between November 1938 and September 1939.
Approximately 10,000 children, the majority of whom were Jewish, were sent from their homes and families in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia to Great Britain.
This film, produced by Maria Polachowska, contains one of the last interviews with Sir Nicholas Winton, who for nine months in 1939 singlehandedly rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia, bringing them to the UK and thereby sparing them from the horrors of the Holocaust.
* THIS FIRST AIRED IN THE SUMMER OF 2012, and has been shortlisted for the IWM Short Film Festival 2016 *
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
56 The Billion Dollar Industry Of Sex Trafficking (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
12 okt. 2017
An estimated half million women are trafficked annually for the purpose of sexual slavery. They are “exported” to over 50 countries including Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Israel, Turkey, China, Kosovo, Canada and the United States. Misunderstood and widely tolerated, sex trafficking has become a multi- billion dollar underground industry. According to the International Herald Tribune, human trafficking is the fastest growing form of organized crime in Eastern Europe. Kidnapped and/or lured by those who prey on their dreams, their poverty, and their naiveté, Eastern European women are trafficked to foreign lands — often with falsified visas — where they become modern day sex slaves. Upon arrival, they are sold to pimps, drugged, terrorized, caged in brothels and raped repeatedly. For these women and young girls, there is no life, no liberty and no chance for a happy and meaningful future.
The Real Sex Traffic takes us to “ground zero” of the sex trade – Moldova and Ukraine – where traffickers effortlessly find vulnerable women desperate to go abroad and earn some money. The film focuses on the remarkable story of Viorel, a Ukrainian man on a mission to find his pregnant, trafficked wife in Turkey. Our hidden cameras follow Viorel as he travels to Turkey; his only lead the telephone number of the pimp who, he believes, has Katia in his possession. To secure his wife’s release, after days of desperate efforts, Viorel poses as a trafficker and sets out to buy his wife back. We follow Viorel to his meeting with Katia’s captor and from there into the world of trafficked women.
Interwoven with Viorel’s story, we meet other victims, traffickers and the families that have been torn apart by the trade in human flesh. This film is the first film to have a convicted trafficker talk openly about how trafficking works, and how women are coerced into sexual slavery. With hidden cameras, we watch as traffickers move people across borders with impunity and expose how easy it is to purchase a modern day sex slave. Sex Traffic also takes us to England and Canada where we find victims who tell harrowing tales of being repeatedly sold from country to country. Hiding her identity to protect her life, “Natasha” shares her heart wrenching story of being bought and sold from Romania to Italy and on to Germany and Belgium. Her final stop was Britain where she was put to work in a north London sauna. “Natasha” was finally freed from her nightmare in a police raid, a year after her abduction. For her part, “Eva” thought she was getting a job as a nanny in Toronto until her handlers took her from the airport to a strip club and forced her to work off her “debt”, i.e., her purchase price, before she could be set free. Sex Traffic explores the global trafficking problem through personal stories and unfettered access to traffickers and the people they use as human chattel. The documentary captures both the investigative story and the human story behind the headlines. From the villages of Moldova and Ukraine, to underground brothels and discotheques, we witness firsthand the brutal world of white sex slavery.
57 Nameless: a Documentary about Child Sex Trafficking
In première gegaan op 22 nov. 2019
58 Inside the Nepalese Human Trafficking Industry
12 jul. 2020
Note: Ms. Nirmala Thapa at 15:19 minutes was credited incorrectly. She now goes by Nirmala Paudel** Click here to subscribe to VICE:
About VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don’t even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE.
China’s Trade in Babies
13 jan. 2012
59 Darlene’s Story: Trafficking Survivor
24 jun. 2019
60 The Face of Human Trafficking | Megan Rheinschild | TEDxSantaBarbara
18 dec. 2017
61 Amsterdam’s infamous red-light district under threat
20 okt. 2021
62 In the Philippines, a Fight to End Human Trafficking
18 okt. 2012
63 In the Philippines, sex trafficking of young girls moves online
24 mrt. 2016
64 Exposing an international human trafficking ring hidden in plain sight | 60 Minutes Australia
30 okt. 2022
65 Cracking down on the human trafficking of women in Iraq | People and Power
7 jul 2022
The trafficking of young women for prostitution is a problem across the world.
But in Iraq, it has reached such proportions that a special police unit in Baghdad is now dedicated to bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Filmmaker Simona Foltyn went behind the scenes to meet some trafficking victims and those trying to end this exploitative trade.
65 Hot Bikini Girl Disappears Under Umbrella
31 mei 2011
Hot girl with a broken wrist (how she hurt her wrist, nobody knows) and decides to sunbathe her sexy body on the beach. The sun becomes too much for her to handle though, so she asks prank victims to help her with her giant umbrella. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows the umbrella on top of her. Beach goers rush to pull the umbrella off of her, but they become very confused when they realise that the cute bikini girl has instantly disappeared!