Huge Mistakes


An action, decision, or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result:

I’m not blaming you – we all make mistakes.
[ + to infinitive ] It was a mistake for us to come here tonight.
This letter’s full of spelling mistakes.
I’ve discovered a few mistakes in your calculations.
Why am I under arrest? There must be some mistake.

A mistake

Mistake It was just a silly mistake – no need to apologize.
Error He admitted that he’d made an error.
BlunderThe company was struggling after a series of financial blunders.
Slip It was an understandable slip.

Mix-up There was a mix-up with the bags at the airport.
Gaffe I made a real gaffe by calling her “Emma”, which is the name of his previous girlfriend.

Cambridge Dictionary

1 Man Sent To Jail For Murder But After 20 years Found Innocent

Gepubliceerd op 25 jul. 2011

2 No DNA to Test: The Wrongful Conviction of Dwayne Provience

Gepubliceerd op 17 nov. 2009

Dwayne Provience spent almost 10 years in prison for a crime that he did not commit before the Michigan Innocence clinic won his release.

3 Wrongfully Convicted of Murder and the Path to Acquittal

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Gepubliceerd op 9 jun. 2014

The Illinois Innocence Project hosts David Camm, a former Indiana State Trooper who was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and children. We hear from Mr. Camm, as well as Gary Dunn, a former FBI agent turned private investigator hired by Camm’s legal team. Mr. Dunn recounts the negligence and overzealousness of the authorities involved in prosecuting Mr. Camm.

4 Center on Wrongful Convictions

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Gepubliceerd op 16 nov. 2008
Since 1998, the Center on Wrongful Convictions has been dedicated to identifying and rectifying wrongful convictions and other serious miscarriages of justice.

Narrated by the Center’s co-founder and executive director, Rob Warden, this short video highlights the Center’s past accomplishments and points to the future of reform.

Video by John Maki

Footage from Laurie Feldman’s documentary The Innocent, and Rob Hess and News@Northwestern.

Photo credits: Loren Santow, Jennifer Linzer, and Mary Hanlo.

5 The Innocence Project

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No deprivation of liberty is more total than what can be imposed by the criminal justice system. Tragically, America’s system is deeply flawed, producing, in staggering numbers, the ultimate miscarriage of justice: wrongful convictions of the innocent. Since 1992, the Innocence Project has fought to exonerate the wrongfully convicted and implement reforms designed to reduce the number of wrongful convictions and impose accountability on a system that regularly produces them. Since then, the Innocence Project has freed 232 people who were falsely convicted and collectively spent 3,555 years behind bars for crimes that they did not commit. In 2021, the Innocence Project was awarded the biennial Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty. The Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, named in honor of perhaps the greatest champion of liberty in the 20th century, is presented every other year to an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to advance human freedom. The late Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman agreed in 2001 to lend his name to the prize, which has become the leading international award for acknowledging contributions to the promotion of individual liberty. In a statement at the time he said: “Those of us who were fortunate enough to live and be raised in a reasonably free society tend to underestimate the importance of freedom. We tend to take it for granted. It has made us in the West more complacent, so having a prize emphasizing liberty is extremely important.”


Gepubliceerd op 12 nov. 2009
By conservative estimates, some 87,000 people in the United States are wrongfully imprisoned. Not only are the lives and families of innocent people being ruined, every taxpayer is absorbing the considerable expense of keeping these people behind bars. Meanwhile, the real criminals remain free. But what can be done? The University of Michigan Law School’s Innocence Clinic—the first of its kind at any American university—is addressing the problem. Will they succeed in their first–ever case?

6 The Sick, Twisted Reason This Man Lost 24 Years Of His Life

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Gepubliceerd op 10 apr. 2014
“In 1989, Jonathan Fleming was convicted of a Brooklyn murder that from day one he insisted he did not commit. After nearly 25 years behind bars, Fleming is now a free man.

Fleming explained to HuffPost Live’s Alyona Minkovski that a recent reexamination of the case revealed two key pieces of evidence that led to his exoneration: one being a receipt and another being eyewitness testimony — both of which confirmed his alibi that he was in Florida, not Brooklyn, at the time of the murder.

While Fleming says that he isn’t bitter about his wrongful conviction, and is only focused on moving forward with his life, he still wants an apology.”* Steve Oh, Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show), Gina Grad (Gina Grad Show, Pretty Good Podcast) and Dave Rubin (The Rubin Report) break it down.

*Read more here from Kira Brekke / The Huffington Post:…

7 How DNA Freed This Inmate After 37 Years

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Gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2015

8 Wrongly convicted man set free

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Gepubliceerd op 21 mei 2013

Thomas Kennedy and Audrey Edmunds share their stories of spending time in prison for crimes they did not commit.

9 Life Without: The Questionable Conviction of David Robinson

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Gepubliceerd op 9 mrt. 2017

David Robinson has served 16 years of a life sentence for the murder of Sheila Box. But did he do it? Two witnesses have recanted, and another man confessed to the murder. As Robinson’s appeal has now reached the Missouri Supreme Court, Robinson continues his “Life Without” freedom, his family and … parole. Watch our exclusive investigative video series and examine the details of this perplexing case at
What a disastrous case. Who knows how many innocent people have had their lives ruined for nothing through inconsistent and unfair, prejudiced systems. I just read about David’s fortunate release on the BBC. Wholeheartedly wishing him a joyful future. If I were in his shoes, I’d probably seek prosecution of any officials responsible – taking 18 years off a man’s life is unacceptable and irreparable. David, I trust you’ll be strong and do exceptionally well from now on. Best regards from Finland.

10 Robinson’s release

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15 mei 2018

This video documents the emotional roller coaster during David Robinson’s final day in prison, as his attorneys fight the Missouri Department of Corrections for his release. Monday was a long day for David Robinson’s family. They left Sikeston at 8 a.m., and were in Jefferson City when word came from the Missouri Attorney General’s Office that it was recommending dismissal of charges, effectively ending the state’s legal fight in Robinson’s exoneration. That’s where we begin Monday’s journey in the video posted below. For much more information, including a video documentary, please see

11 Forensic Sciences and Miscarriages of Justice – Part 1 of (5)

Gepubliceerd op 18 aug. 2010
Miscarriages of justice have been linked to Police Forensic laboratories. unethical people can often claim scientific matches in a book of evidence that one might later discover to be untrue.

This indepth series is one of the more compelling and exciting look into criminal forensics. The ground breaking research that was conducted includes commentary from Witness Experts and the FBI that help uncover the myths about forensic science.

Miscarriage of Justice cases: Cameron Tom William and Michael Behn with commentary from the people who cracked these cases: Fire Investigator John Lentini and FBI Forensic Metallurgist William Tobin; and Sociology Professor Jacqueline Behn; and commentary from Barry Scheck Director innocent Project

Further commenatry from Nancy Gertner US District Judge and Wayne Niemeyer GSR Analyst; and … Ronald Singer Crime Lab director and; Stephen Hill ATF Fire Reseacher and Stephen Avato ATF Fire Investigator .

Information about miscarriages of justice:

A miscarriage of justice primarily is the conviction and punishment of a person for a crime they did not commit. The term travesty of justice is sometimes used for a gross, deliberate miscarriage of justice. Miscarriage of justice” is sometimes synonymous with wrongful conviction, referring to a conviction reached in an unfair or disputed trial.

Causes of miscarriages of justice include:

Plea bargains that offer incentives for the innocent to plead guilty
Confirmation bias on the part of investigators
Withholding or destruction of evidence by police or prosecution
fabrication of evidence or outright perjury by police (see testilying), or prosecution witnesses (e.g. Dr Charles Smith)
Biased editing of evidence
Prejudice towards the class of people to which the defendant belongs
Poor identification by witnesses and/or victims
Overestimation/underestimation of the evidential value of expert testimony
Contaminated evidence
Faulty forensic tests
false confessions due to police pressure or psychological weakness
Misdirection of a jury by a judge during trial
perjured evidence by the real guilty party or their accomplices (frameup)
Perjured evidence by supposed victim or their accomplices
Conspiracy between court of appeal judges and prosecutors to uphold conviction of innocent

12 Forensic Sciences and Miscarriages of Justice – Part 2 of (5)

18 aug. 2010

Miscarriages of justice have been linked to Police Forensic laboratories. unethical people can often claim scientific matches in a book of evidence that one might later discover to be untrue.
This indepth series is one of the more compelling and exciting look into criminal forensics. The ground breaking research that was conducted includes commentary from Witness Experts and the FBI that help uncover the myths about forensic science.
Miscarriage of Justice cases: Cameron Tom William and Michael Behn with commentary from the people who cracked these cases: Fire Investigator John Lentini and FBI Forensic Metallurgist William Tobin; and Sociology Professor Jacqueline Behn; and commentary from Barry Scheck Director innocent Project
Further commenatry from Nancy Gertner US District Judge and Wayne Niemeyer GSR Analyst; and … Ronald Singer Crime Lab director and; Stephen Hill ATF Fire Reseacher and Stephen Avato ATF Fire Investigator .

13 Forensic Sciences and Miscarriages of Justice – Part 3 of (5)

18 aug. 2010

Miscarriages of justice have been linked to Police Forensic laboratories. unethical people can often claim scientific matches in a book of evidence that one might later discover to be untrue.
This indepth series is one of the more compelling and exciting look into criminal forensics. The ground breaking research that was conducted includes commentary from Witness Experts and the FBI that help uncover the myths about forensic science.
Miscarriage of Justice cases: Cameron Tom William and Michael Behn with commentary from the people who cracked these cases: Fire Investigator John Lentini and FBI Forensic Metallurgist William Tobin; and Sociology Professor Jacqueline Behn; and commentary from Barry Scheck Director innocent Project
Further commenatry from Nancy Gertner US District Judge and Wayne Niemeyer GSR Analyst; and … Ronald Singer Crime Lab director and; Stephen Hill ATF Fire Reseacher and Stephen Avato ATF Fire Investigator .

14 Forensic Sciences and Miscarriages of Justice – Part 4 of (5)

18 aug. 2010

Miscarriages of justice have been linked to Police Forensic laboratories. unethical people can often claim scientific matches in a book of evidence that one might later discover to be untrue. 
This indepth series is one of the more compelling and exciting look into criminal forensics. The ground breaking research that was conducted includes commentary from Witness Experts and the FBI that help uncover the myths about forensic science. 
Miscarriage of Justice cases: Cameron Tom William and Michael Behn with commentary from the people who cracked these cases: Fire Investigator John Lentini and FBI Forensic Metallurgist William Tobin; and Sociology Professor Jacqueline Behn; and commentary from Barry Scheck Director innocent Project 
Further commenatry from Nancy Gertner US District Judge and Wayne Niemeyer GSR Analyst; and … Ronald Singer Crime Lab director and; Stephen Hill ATF Fire Reseacher and Stephen Avato ATF Fire Investigator .

15 Forensic Sciences and Miscarriages of Justice – Part 5 of (5)

18 aug. 2010

Miscarriages of justice have been linked to Police Forensic laboratories. unethical people can often claim scientific matches in a book of evidence that one might later discover to be untrue.
This indepth series is one of the more compelling and exciting look into criminal forensics. The ground breaking research that was conducted includes commentary from Witness Experts and the FBI that help uncover the myths about forensic science.
Miscarriage of Justice cases: Cameron Tom William and Michael Behn with commentary from the people who cracked these cases: Fire Investigator John Lentini and FBI Forensic Metallurgist William Tobin; and Sociology Professor Jacqueline Behn; and commentary from Barry Scheck Director innocent Project
Further commenatry from Nancy Gertner US District Judge and Wayne Niemeyer GSR Analyst; and … Ronald Singer Crime Lab director and; Stephen Hill ATF Fire Reseacher and Stephen Avato ATF Fire Investigator .

16 Steven Avery: Inside the Case Files

A WISN 12 News special – Following the released of the “Making a Murderer” series on Netflix, WISN 12 takes you Inside the Steven Avery case files with reporter Colleen Henry

17 Ray’s Story: A Death Penalty Mistake

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Gepubliceerd op 3 apr. 2012

Ray Krone was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. He has been proven innocent and exonerated, and now helps other “exonerees” share their stories of unjust sentences and close calls with state-sanctioned death penalties. Ray works for Witness to Innocence, which receives support from Atlantic, toward abolishing the death penalty throughout America. Atlantic is the largest funder of work to abolish the death penalty in the U.S. For more info see:…

18 Innocent Man On Death Row Released After 30 Years

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Gepubliceerd op 12 mrt. 2014

There are many ways to measure 30 years, but for Glenn Ford, the yardstick is simple. “My sons — when I left — was babies. Now they grown men with babies,” he said, speaking as a free man for the first time in nearly three decades… Read More At:…

19 – 100 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit

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Gepubliceerd op 2 feb. 2016

In their first joint interview, Mariana Atencio spoke to three innocent Ohio men wrongfully convicted for a 1975 murder that remains unsolved.
wow thank God for those Law students, i would give each of those students the biggest hugs for doing an incredible job
gregory alderete
once again Bad cops like always

20 Man’s life changed forever after police arrest wrong-man

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Gepubliceerd op 11 nov. 2015

It’s a fear we all have, being arrested for a crime you did not commit. What if the crime was murder? It’s been said that our justice system while imperfect is still the best on Earth, but as you’ll see mistakes do happen. One mistake cost a valley man his freedom and destroyed his life.

21 Target 8: Right name, wrong arrest

Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2015

When Bradley Scott Johnson was pulled over for a broken tail light, he thought he would just get a ticket. He was wrong. (Sept. 10, 2015)

22 Woman mistaken for suspect, cop sorry

Gepubliceerd op 1 nov. 2010

Michelle Selbee was ripped from her car by her hair, then handcuffed by deputies, who thought she was a suspect in a police chase that spanned three counties.

23 News update on Brooklyn Mailman False Arrest

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Gepubliceerd op 5 apr. 2016

24 Michigan Judge tells cops off who beat up black man

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Gepubliceerd op 21 mrt. 2016

We need to see more judges pissed at these actions. Sentencing is on this video.

25 Wrongly accused woman freed from death row

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Gepubliceerd op 16 mrt. 2014

Gloria Killian served nearly 17 years for murder, eventually, charges were dismissed. Hear about her death row ordeal. CNN’s Paula Hancocks reports. More from CNN at

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26 Andy Fox investigates man charged after cops went to wrong home

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Gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2014

Andy Fox investigates man charged after cops went to wrong home

27 More Members Of Corrupt Baltimore PD Task Force Sentenced

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Gepubliceerd op 30 jan. 2018

Detective Rayam was asked about overtime abuse and crashes intentionally caused by the unit.

28 Garbage Keyboard

12 apr. 2011


People enlisted to watch over a busker’s keyboard are a bit stunned to see it taken away by a garbage truck.

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