Everybody knows this …. yet a lot of big companies enforce that employees use HSBC accounts as salary accounts, and nobody can raise an objection…
I used to work in this bank in Mexico, and yes… it’s a rotten nest of corruption and money laundering.
For an in-depth behind-the-scenes of the laws, rules, Bank of International Settlement’s power and an understanding of why HSBC and the other listed too big to fail banks are untouchable by global rule making watch “All the Plenary-s Men 2017–The definitive HSBC Scandal Documentary still on Youtube.
Not just HSBC 匯豐銀行 has the Money laundering and Financial related problems other major banks do such as JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, Wells Fargo , Australia CommonWealth Bank ,Westpac , NAB, ANZ etc.
And yet as an employee we have take several e-learning courses about AML its mandatory to pass and the culprit is in higher management
Have to disagree with Elizabeth Warren here… The regulators did as much as they could within the constraints of the laws written by the people on her side. And simply “shutting down a bank” is not possible. If she wants executives to be thrown into jail for these crimes, then the system/laws have to be set up that way!!
All major banks are involved in dirty money, so we can’t single out HSBC. If we are so certain about such a magnitude of crime being originated via HSBC, why are we still allowing them to operate in our shores. Hypocrisy at its best…
I do not know why everyone is so shocked at this. If you actually know the history of Hong Kong and its true origins and about the so called “Noble Houses”, you would know that HK had been birthed from pirates, scoundrels and not the most moral of people. That has not changed, this is coming from one of the decedents of one of those groups.
Yeah. That is where the bulk of dirty money goes. Governments suggestions that they need to control Bitcoin to prevent money laundering is pathetic at best.
Amazing docuemntary, so informative.
I would like to have learned more about laundering drug money and financing terrorism rather the constant harping on about tax evasion. If I was the boss of HSBC and had the opportunity to legally claim my residence as Hong Kong in order to avoid my salary being stolen by a wasteful UK exchequer, I would grab it with both hands. I’m pretty sure that most of us would do the same.
Intrinsic in finance. The question to ask isn’t “should we do this?”, but “how much money can we make?”. They do ask, “for how long?”. Until we don’t make any more money.
Very smart people. The financial center in London known as The City of London even has its own laws. The drug dealers & Mafia end up in jail. These banksters end up with a minor fine and are then allowed to walk away scot-free.
Even USA based bank such as JP Morgan Chase has been under investigation of Financial related problems ,breaches and Money laundering .
in conclusion it is ultimately the guys from london who is still orchestrating the whole thing
the history lesson give at the beginning is not exactly accurate shortened for western tv, as Westerners have become famous for wanting the McDonald’s’ version of everything + sanitized.
Why impose a fee when they can just make up the money? All you are doing is sharing the dirty money. Oh, your doing something bad, give me a cut. Collapse the bank and put tight controls on them to document where the money is coming from. But if you did that, then you wouldn’t be getting your cut.
If only the documentary could be made more Chinese phobic and more honest to expose corrupt.
It must have stop
to this end people work so hard to make ends meets no supporting mafia and money laundering that should never happen work acceptable and appropriately to make a better lives .

@18:15: “amicable settlement” translated means “give us our cut.” where do “fines” go anyway? Into whose coffers? Think about it!
And not a single prosecution of an executive
Well HSBC knows its everyones money and once you know that you are the King and HSBC is King
The penalty should be twenty times of the money they laundered. This is peanut , this is only 1 year of their profit.
They were at the beginning of drug money and still in it ! I knew this 30 years ago. Where have you been ?
I believe that HSBC 匯豐銀行 could of exit and put out Mexico bussinese and market.
Wow… TQ for this documentary. Appreciate.
of course the banks knew it was criminal money and didnt report it. the criminals are among their best customers. like the sinaloa cartel. they are probably one of hsbc banks best customers
What does HSBC stand for.and why should they get leniency.
I like this bank they do your laundry for you it’s such a nice thing to do
So, people who keeps money in this bank should leave this bank?
“And people blame crypto”
God! Step in and take them all down…
Old video with new narrative all banks equally involved in such activities
Sounds like every big bank out there, they are all the same.
These are not bugs, these are features
Macau is the money laundering center, all supported through Hong Kong. The Macau currency value difference from the HK$ is the vig
Croocks,fooling,croockers,that’s beautiful.

Why no level of the Governments go after – Dirty Money ???
Money isn’t real so no crime to see here )))
Opem never been grown in India 

Working at HSBC in the Investment Banking team and say what you want, we are the coolest bank on the street haha
You own the politician you’re free to rule
Whod thoght a chinese bank could be trusted. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree
But, but….I thought only bitcoin was used by the badguys
The sub titles are totally different to the narrators words. And the drop down for bio does not drop down…
This video could be about Great Britain Plc.
ohhhh HSBC better get with the program its business model is going out of style.
I want to work there
HSBC should be closed down. Why they can get away and other cannot.
The Panama Papers. Look that up
bushit,hsbc is a good bank
Since the Opium wars 1800’s
Horrible company.
How to open a bank?
yo pido una tarjeta de hsbc also youtube :
It is British !!!
dont forget UBS!
Chyna bank, of course I am not surprised! 

Why single out only one bank, all major financial institutions are doing the very same thing, some benefiting from instability in South America and Africa, some benefiting from world crisis and more, no one of them is 100% clean.
I have HSBC debit card
Crypto currency is the future
Think Long Indeed…
I worked there its terrible company it made me ill
Sons of Smeagol!!!
Ridiculous bias senseless documentary
Mr Bagly or El Chapo or George Osborne
Thats Triad money
This documentary fails to make any case against HSBC. A bunch of unsubstantiated assertions without evidence is why no one was prosecuted individually on the board.
HSBC is a British bank.
Ho land. Pricing.
HSBC Hongkong Shanghai British Corporation
What you have documented so far in this documentation is just lies after lies…
Good job HSBC. Its business. Why are people worried. Just mind your business. That should be the rule
Nothing new
That’s why Bitcoin is necessary.
Mary Libron
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