His whole life is based on deceit, with his wives, employers, and voters, especially Brexiteers which he doesn’t have strong views about EU membership at all. It was just something to get himself into number 10
It is very sad to see that lying is acceptable in today’s politics. God help us.
Bozo’s school report in 1982: “Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies . . . Boris sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility (and surprised at the same time that he was not appointed Captain of the School for next half). I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else.”
“It didn’t happen” “I was not aware of it” “I was told it was within guidance” “I was not there” “I was there, but didn’t know it was a party” He can say all that in parliament… but MPs can’t call him a liar..
Why is Sue Gray appointed by Boris? This is disgraceful. Apparently he felt he was apologising for someone else’s mistake. The man is allergic to taking responsibility

Knowing his father’s history Boris should not of even made it in to the position
It’s no secret Johnson has a habit of lying . The public were well aware of this when they voted for him but many voted Conservative anyway. There are many reasons for this ranging from policy agreements, a majority seeing him as the lesser of two evils, an opposition that was in disarray etc. but make no mistake: this was and is well known about this man. He became PM in spite of these things. The only thing that has changed is that by lying about this particular incident he has shifted the public’s perception of him towards one of a hypocritical elite who dines on wine and cheese while a pandemic is happening in the country, which wasn’t the case before.
Because of his eccentricities people are led to believe that there must be some underlying intellect, (it takes a wise man to act the fool etc.). It’s becoming more and more evident that he is the buffoon he portrays. As for the lies, he just can’t help himself.
INTERVIEWER: Prime Minister, what’s your favourite lie? JOHNSON: I don’t tell lies. INTERVIEWER: Ha Ha, that’s my favourite as well.
I trust Putin more than Johnson. And I would not trust Putin for a second.
We’ve always known that Boris was a liar and a cheat, even his family wouldn’t try to deny that. But at last, even the most self-seeking of his supporters are starting to realise that his behaviour is unacceptable in every way.
Spoilers: Yes! He’s a habitual liar. It’s public knowledge.
We should also remember that even after the Brexit vote he was saying anti-Brexit things….until he saw that being pro-Brexit was a route to number 10. Opportunist to the core.
He just thinks he’s so clever and the voters are too stupid to see what he’s doing.
This is spot on. To see it laid out lineally, it’s appalling to think he got in. Part of the blame lays at the door of the prats that voted for him, considering how often he has been proven to be an habitual liar.
And he’s always got away with his lies. Can’t blame him if he knows he’ll always get away with them. It’s all a bit of a laugh to him. He’s always got a half smile on his face as he gets confronted with his lies.
He shouldn’t resign, the government should be kicked out of office, lies and corruption by the whole party. A General Election should be forced.
‘Boris Johnson is less fit to be primeminister than my labrador’ is an out and out slur to all dogs
His school teacher said that Boris thought rules were there for everyone else.
Boris always looks after Boris BUT he’s going to have a problem with this one
Look, let’s get one thing straight: Johnson has been lying since 19th June 1964…
Johnson’s contempt for the law, and his willingness to ignore and break it when he doesn’t agree with it has put the health and lives of all people in the UK at risk. More than fourteen million people to date have been infected, of whom 150,000 are now dead. Including Tim Brooke-Taylor, and Norman Hunter. The ditch is waiting.
He’s lied in very job he’s had his own daughter called him a creep he’s been fired from his jobs his bosses sead he’s a total liar
He cannot help himself. He has no morals, ethics and integrity whatsoever. Quite how any right thinking people could have put him where he is, is beyond belief. He and his cronies are also a real danger to the Union which as someone living in Scotland is very concerning.
Folllow Dawn Butler, Brentwood East MP. She was the bravest to call out his lies in parliament, and was sanctioned for it.
Nobody is talking about the court ruling that said the PPE contracts were unlawful!
Boris believed in his own invincibility that’s why he didn’t respect rules but his cowering performance in PM question time indicated that reality has dawned on him that he’s playing on a sticky wicket.
Try following politics in Denmark these days. I never thought it would look like Johnson and Trump. A former minister is jailed for 60 da and thrown out of parliament for not following the laws of ministerial responsibilities. It’s so oddly dramatic for Denmark.
He is caught out whatever line he takes, if he says he did know, then he’s a proven liar, if he says he did not know, then it proves his incompetence, I think he is both of those things.
One wonders how he could have been elected since everyone seemed to know he was a pathological liar. Of course, we had the same problem here in the US not only with our president but with his entire party. Those that elected these two are the prime problems. Jane, Philadelpha
The reason this lie will most probably hit home is that a lot of those that voted blindly for him are also monarchists and saw their precious queen alone at her husbands funeral.
The problem with this behaviour is that it’s so consistent that people grow a thick skin about it. “The PM is lying, yeah what’s new”, esp. when the lying can be construed for “our benefit”. This time it is awfully difficult to explain this behaviour as for even his supporters’ benefit. Will he still be able to weather this?
The man is despicable, number 10 needs a grown up in charge. The UK must get rid of this hapless media man.
Exactly; but as long as he told lies that people wanted to hear (about Brexit and how important we are in the world) people liked those lies. Then to object to his lies about Downing Street gatherings seems like the public are a bit selective. A liar tells lies. You can’t complain if some of the lies are one you don’t like.
Amazingly he calls Kier Starmer, captain hindsight, yet in his so called apology, he kept using the phrase ” in hindsight ” several times. Even his cabinet ministers and party toadies, in trying to defend him, have all been using it , incessantly.
There is something seriously suspect about the education this man received. There seems to be a common thread associated with Tory politicians and the school they attended. What exactly goes on there?
What about Darius Guppy??? Why has that incident been forgotten ? It’s hard to forget a name like that
Remember that if youre an elected MP confronting Johnson in the House of Commons youre still not allowed to call him a liar.
They might not like it but Ian Hislop and Paul Merton have a lot to answer for making Bo-Jo so popular and affable appearing 

You forgot about the lies Johnson created about the EU having legislation on the shape of bananas, the color of sausages and kipper packaging. Other than these being left out a very informative video – well done.
Terence Fletcher
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