The clarity in which they articulate their positions and tell stories is amazing.
Justice David Souter is the most skilled story teller in the summit.
This was awesome. I really enjoyed watching the Supreme Court justices relaxed and laughing.
I’m happy I got to listen & we this interaction. They’re trying displaying their human side. I appreciate this Q & A. Thank you all Supreme Court Judges.
I really enjoyed this, I’m just a average blue collar worker but was falsely accused when younger..That instance left me with a deep respect for the law, law officers , lawyers and Judge and jury..Without law , There’s no civil in civilization..Thank You to All committed to the search for truth and justice.
This is freaking cool. Seeing all the Supreme Court judges.
Thank you HLS for uploading this. It was very insightful.
Thank you for your service to Justice on the highest level as it is what drives you and what is your passion to honor your oaths of office. God bless you and your families and thank you for sharing your testimony.
The collective legal intelligence of these six individuals likely exceeds the collective legal intelligence of both chambers of Congress combined. Regardless of what you believe, they really are that good.
Simply awesome – can sigh a heave of relief to see that the SC really has some great humans in their midst
The conversation starts at around 37:20. The people at the beginning just like to hear themselves talk.
An enjoyable conversation, not only on first viewing. Entertaining and informative. Thank you for sharing.
Subtle Savagery is a general trait in the judges of any Nation’s supreme court. When I read the judgements by the judges of the supreme court of india, I say damn did they apply their legal mind in the most immaculate sense.
I did not come from a law background and have no deep knowledge on America’s constitution, but i still enjoy listening to these people talk and their wisdom. I guess that’s what makes the supreme court so special.
amazing! what an inspiring talk and how amazing people they are 🙂 thank you for sharing this show!
Really mesmerising stage of legal luminaries. Great to see and to be inspired, keep going HLS
This was a great discussion. Thank you all.
Beautiful statement!
It’s not just what we teach but HOW we teach.
… The HOW Approach.

Great discussion, many fine minds and insights into the application and function of the law. Worth my time.
The clarity in which they articulate their positions and tell stories is amazing.
Thank you for sharing this with us and for your services as Supreme Court Justices.
It’s amazing to hear how lawyers view themselves.
That was very good. Justice Souter and Justice Kennedy clearly are great story tellers

The most interesting part of this discussion IMO, is the amount competitiveness these individuals have. How else would you get to such a high position?
Thank you for your services to promote peace and law and order and teaching others about what is best according to your blessed gift of genius and formal education and doctrine and to value truths and facts in respect in putting the pieces together.
Justice David Souter is probably the most respected. He came on the SCOTUS, then left, and never looked back. Went back home, and spends his days reading and meditating. May his tribe increase. He is a most unsual man and scholar.
they all really get along even though they have many political differences of wish the congress could do this
Just goes to prove they are just like the rest of us, with ordinary and extraordinary lives. Very informative in a lightweight way. I’m in the UK and have been watching the Kavanaugh debacle……
The Chief Justice is really well composed. It looks to me that the Chief Justice position is a challenging one. You can see all the other Justices are just free of themselves 🙂 but the Chief Justice is really cool. hehehehehe, Being a leader is not an easy task, you cannot play and have funny stuffs like the followers 🙂
Honor to Harvard Law & the Justice’s of the Supreme Court!

Great opening statement by Dean Manning. I also like that his questions are positive.
I wonder if the Dean calculated how many Harvard grads were among our Founding Fathers? Of course, Harvard Law School had not yet been established, but Harvard University graduates were becoming lawyers under the system of those days. A good number of the signers of the Declaration were lawyers. I am the ancestor of one of them, William Hooper from North Carolina. He graduated from Harvard, and against his father’s wishes went into law, but to do so, he moved from Boston to North Carolina, established himself as a lawyer, and then was involved in work as a prosecutor, then as a legislator, including being a member of the First and Second Continental Congresses.
Justice David Souter is the most skilled story teller in the summit.
Subtle Savagery is a general trait in the judges of any Nation’s supreme court. When I read the judgements by the judges of the supreme court of india, I say damn did they apply their legal mind in the most immaculate sense.
There’s a great easter egg at 1:41:09 in the captions, when they’re talking about Justices Breyer and Souter often being confused for each other, the captions attribute “And we don’t know why!” to Justice Breyer when Souter is the one saying it.
Justice Kagan is not my favorite justice politically, but she’s my favorite to read. Her opinions are really easy to understand and she’s got a very relatable writing style.
Thank you for allowing the public to view! Insightful. 

Excellent example of how SCJ are real people, just like the rest of us.
Thanks Harvard law school for what u have done Am sure you will do a lot in the other 200 years
This is fantastic, and fascinating!
POWERFUL statement.
“You are as strong as your weakest ARGUMENT.”
What a twist in logic. POWERFUL!

Never did I know that Justice Kennedy was such a humorous and engaging person! But the most articulating and humble justice imho is the Chief Justice Roberts.
I was just listening to the audio of this, so when Kagan’s name was called and it was Kennedy speaking I thought “wow her voice is a lot different than I imagined it would be.”
Love hearing all these guys in a room together.

Souter is hilarious!
Literally every current SC Justice graduated from Yale or Harvard.
The philosophy of law’s , and morality, which introduces human rights, and thanks from you gentlemen , and special thanks to Michel sandel’s

I just wish schools like Harvard were a little more accepting and open. I’m glad for things like EdX so that people can get a class or two on the net
, though, it is really a different learning environment. I feel like there is um a still good group of people wherever you go. Harvard is a beautiful campus no joke.

This is the most intelligent body of the U.S. government. If only Congress could be such.
they all have an incredible sense of humour
Justice Souter! What a gem!
I feel like I’m at a nerd convention with a lot of inside jokes. And i know none. Or maybe like I’m at my wife’s hs reunion.
Absolutely Beautiful experience. I LOOOVE intelligence. Bravo SCOTUS
If I was younger, I would change my career to become an attorney or paralegal who works in constitutional law. I study it in my free time because it is so vast. I use history, philosophy, law work together to find that law is the action, philosophy is the reason, and history tells the story of how policy becomes alive and is affected by it. I agree with Scalia’s philosophy about the Constitution, but I also see how it can be applied as a living document to understand the reason for something and why it is argued from many different sides and not just one position. There is tons of gray in the world.

Thank you for having us!

Interesting, did not know that we had a former Rough Neck on oil rigs as a Justice when a younger man and a Justice that raised farm animals with his daughter. Interesting bunch but way to many from Harvard and not enough from the Mid West and South.
Apt, intellectually stimulating and an absolute show of humility but depth of skill and competence

Banková rada ktorá finacovala do železa ohňa hladu obetí musí byť postavená postavená pred súdom rýchlejšie než obete do ktoré banka financuje
This is why it worth every step I take with honor , pride and will never let those who lost or injured,on active duty down it takes powerful people to build our great nation it’s up to us to demand respect united we stand we shall never fall we are American to the bone
The current SCOUTS alumni is evidence of the fallen standards of this university. If you take it personally, you are in the wrong line of work.
I am glad that you had this fancy event but please note that a university exists for arts, science, and technology. With best wishes.
When my son was in middle school he asked the teacher how could there be justice with only one black judge. The teacher didn’t have an answer.
I was waiting for someone to say Robert H Jackson! Glad Justice Souter AND Gorsuch brought him up. He is always an interesting Justice to me.
Jurisprudence is history . It is the study of the history of legal decisionmaking.
I want to be a good justice in court in my life
I love how Harvard Dean Manning went in for a hand shake but Justice Karan gave him a hug instead
Breyer is such an eloquent speaker. I wish Clarence Thomas was there, love him.
The many times Justice Kennedy decided to speak when they called ‘Justice Kagan’

Pioneering any dream or movement that is bound to change the world doesn’t come without difficulty, but difficulties give radiance to BEING the DIFFERENCE.
Painful processes refine our authentic purpose in this vast world.

I can’t believe Mike Ross had the audacity to disrespect the good name of Harvard.
Harvard is such a prestigious university, yet so warm and welcoming which is rare. I am very honored that you all considered me to sit among the elite that lead our nation. Thank you so much!

Am I the only one who thought it was sweet that Anthony Kennedy reminisced about Thurgood Marshall?
Before I started this video I literally confused myself between Justice Breyer and Souter hahaha guess I’m not the only one who has done this hahaha
We’re all giving meaning to our life
The best way to be able to do the right decisions, to stay outside box , but judgment so difficult !
Pierre Bourdieu wrote a nice book on the role of schools (Polytechnique, SciencesPo, HEC, ENA, ENS etc.) in manufacturing/monopolizing state/government elites in France titled The State Nobility, his analysis for the causes and consequences of this apply to the United States. The elite U.S schools continue to have disproportionate influence and representation in government, academia and industry for better or for worse.
The guy that introduced the SCJs is a straight geek
It’s my dream to study law from HARVARD…I hope to fulfill this dream …
️may be 2025

“Humility, that’s not perhaps the first word you think about when you think of the Harvard Law School”, true dat, unfortunately.
Just so everyone knows I’m a Harvard Law School grad (vicariously).
Literally every current SC Justice graduated from Yale or Harvard.
Isn’t it crazy that I don’t have to apply to Harvard to benefit from it’s good name ^_^
I am disgusted by the composition of the Court that seems to have graduates from three or at most four law schools as if no other people from other law schools are competent to sit on the court.
“Justice Kagan?” Kennedy: Close enough
That was enjoyable!!
In light of the recent abortion law in Texas and the nightmare of covid vaccination it is safe to say the law and its proponents is completely ‘broken’.
Chief Roberts is so intelligent its remarkable. I love listening him speak.
Justice it’s always been there right before you
This sounds like parent’s week. But you can make connections!
It was nice this event was not interrupted by SJW people. I have seen some events at Harvard I would of loved to be an audience and listen to the spoiled students ask questions as though it was caricature on rotten spoiled children. I am fearful of what student these institutions are graduating these days.
Thank you!

I can’t believe Mike Ross had the audacity to disrespect the good name of Harvard.
The one I’d most like to have dinner with, and preferably with beer; hands down Souter.
I feel like I’m at a nerd convention with a lot of inside jokes. And i know none. Or maybe like I’m at my wife’s hs reunion.
46:24 SHHHHHHHHH! That name shall not be spoken in this place of knowledge! Yale and Harvard are both wonderful.
Breyer is fkin hilarious. Guy’s always preaching.
Gosurch somehow just can’t replace Scalia. He doesn’t have that aura, that he’s the smartest guy in the room and he knows it.
41:17 hahaha that had me rolling
Someone show Manning how to clap with a shred of authority
I would like to know whether I would be violating the Copy Right Law (or any other) if I would download this video and upload it to a foreign Online Video Platform for the purpose of sharing the content without being benefited (in any form) from it.
“Keep on, David! Keep on!” 

I love listening to all justices from Scalia, to Breyer, to Bader-Ginsburg, to Gorsuch, to Sotomayor, and now Coney-Barett. The wisdom and judicial knowledge they have is truly above partisan politics, and all humble, too! The only justice I find unfit for the role is Kavanaugh. Listening to his confirmation hearing and interviews is like listening to an arrogant college fraternity jock. Reading his decisions, especially next to other justices’ writings especially the conservative ones, makes his look like a high school english essay! No wonder only Gorsuch joins him in writing his opinions. Most of the time, he joins someone else or writes opinions by himself 

Notice how no one clapped when the second speaker mentioned Obama’s name hahaha
Do you teach federal or state as well as county walk?
The Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Judea – The Sanhedrin – was forced to move out of Jerusalem post its destruction by pagan Rome in the year 70. It moved 200 km North to Beit Shearim, eventually to Taiberia on the shores of Lake of Galilee [Sep 17,17 T-tube “9-ton of Rock ..”] – a video presented with 3 reminders: -1) National Union-Heritage-Covenant-Constitution forsaken as 3,000 y/a, when KINGDOM OF ISRAEL’s 10 tribes were lost by UNWISE WORDS of KING SOLOMON’s SON “RESET REGIME” -2) Growing risk of returning to 1,000-YR-RETARDED-SCIENCE SINCE HYPATIA [E.G. LOW LEVEL OF INTERNET ‘ONE-LINERS’ COMMENTS in that vid.] -3) Over 200 yrs the US-Constitution has kept the Union against encroachment by CONGRESS, or PRESIDENT, or SUPREME COURT – Yet the great Justice Scalia: It is “dead”. Sadly I recuse, as scientist-philosopher-editor [books at U-Tube, Amazon; ‘in’, 10M citations, google] to debate POLITICS, trying, instead, to shed light on some dark corners of events since the 2000-Election, following it as Palm Beach, FL resident, when FL & US SC calmed the land by DUTY-DESTINY FINALITY VERDICTS – today even more demanding. Yet, so far, nothing in this direction is evident. These comments are my own & independent of anyone. They read: No escape when survival, domestically and more, is at stake today and the Union evaporated without SC FINALITY VERDICT by 2021 national runoff to calm the land before March 2, 2021 inauguration – the 4-Months-Order by the remnants of the constitution.
Very enjoyable

Just politicians with an extra dose of ego, and the power to order the people to stop counting votes so they can gift the presidency to the candidate of their choosing.
môžete od povedať ktorý z troch je vini Doktor
generál alebo obeť a ktorý je zdravší Doktor ktorý vojak k strieľa obeť

Someone please ask the Justices are the rich and politically connected more valuable then a ordinary citizen? I ask because in NY where crime is skyrocketing, NY deny’s its citizens their civil right to self defense via their subjective “may issue” scheme for lawful carry of a firearm for self defense. I believe objective (even) standards would be required to protect citizens constitutional rights
Love how they roast Yale
If you are able, and there’s a possibility to reach anything you interested I believe that you should trying it.
The US is a country that has never ceased (and would probably never cease) to amaze me since my high school years when I first read “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville (that was in 2005). Since then, I always wondered what is that makes this country so unique among the nations, a beacon of freedom and wisdom, and the engine of great innovations. After many years pondering about that (and after 4 wonderful years in graduate school at Cornell University), I think I have a beginning of an answer to my question. America is a land blessed with great men and women who have a deep reverence and love for their inherited institutions (such as their world class universities, their Supreme Court, their Constitution, etc.). Unlike we in the French speaking world who caught the rationalist disease of intellectual hubris, and who think we can reimagine the world according to our fancies at each generations, the Anglo-American tradition (of higher education and gouvernement) is one of piecemeal engineering, a long, humble and ingenious process of trial and error. God bless you, my beloved America!
the official slogan for yale and harvard law school should be: SCOTUS factory
38:54 I’d definitely marry a guy who’d look me in the eyes like that!
They’re so funny and cute.
Confession and avoidance. New tool in the toolbox.
Untold death and bloodshed came from the graduates of this school. Massive corruption and financial malfeasance occurred because of the actions of graduates of this school. Remember that.
The Constitution of the United States is our WALL that protects and GUIDES our reason of thought and belief for all. May we NOT dismantle our WALL that our forefathers of this great country built. For they SAW the future afar off.

So what really is the LAW? The law is really a legal WALL of defense. Every law passed acts as a stone. Stone by stone (law by law) we build the WALL OF DEFENSE of this great country. Every country has a “Wall of Defense”. May we be mindful of HOW we approach building our WALL of DEFENSE that protects this great land and its people. Let us be systematically structured in WHAT IS LAW.
Harvard is the NY city of all schools, perfect! And I’m form Brazil.
Today if they did one of these sessions the liberal media would treat them so bad. This is when there used to be some respect amongst people.
Trace out or find out the is main object of the law for the purposes of dong justice to aggrieved person. This is basic principles of law.
Give Sam Walton a 1 billion dollar payout for Walmarts and a seat with the Board members with pay.
Like Roberts but it’s not an episode of Friends where everybody knows your name….it’s the theme song from Cheers
This is the giggliest conversation among the supposed titans of American law I think I’ll ever see…
Legislature pass laws and the honourable courts see if any person approach the court that any law cause loss to him then court will see whether such law is justified law or not and whether it is against to fundamental rights and other rights provided by laws.Hence the honourable courts are the guardian of fundamental rights and other civil and natural rights .
I don’t understand anything yet watching this makes me feel smart HAHAAHAHAH
The intelligence here is over the roof
I am is, always, changing even if it does appear concrete at the moment, nothing shapes the formless outside the shapes themselves, perpetually living in constant change, making inconsistencies the only consistency, leaving I am to mean nothing, Truly. Perfectly, imperfect, perfection dancing in Perfect harmony with imperfectly, perfect, imperfection. Even more beautiful, in this way, nothing is ever broken when those pieces of life become the secret of its Art. We call it Heart Work, As We Sit Back, relax and listen, to our hearts work. 

It’s incredible how Roberts just cracks a joke about the number of SCOTUS justices who are Harvard alumni. His remark about the missing justices is probably about those from Yale, not Gorsuch. Ha ha it’s funny that the supreme civil court of an entire country is packed with graduates from a single region. Tbf, he’s probably not used to video broadcast, so to him the only audience is the privileged crowd in front of him. But Alito and then Trump’s picks have really hidden what a shitheel Roberts is.
\\\\ Asking you, as scientist-philosopher, to explain “WHAT IS OUR WORLD?” //// Huuumm… Perhaps by this ‘in’ & U-tube book, with a Preface that reads: All sciences are ruled by Math-Physics-Cosmology-Philosophy, MPCP, described and explained by this book. The Math Component is curved-space-time dictated by gravitation and expressed by tensorial language. All physics, and thus all fundamental science, is cosmology. There is no outside to our 4-dimensional, curved universe like of a 2D physicist knowing only the surface of an expanding universal sphere composed of billions of non-expanding, gravitating galaxies, most inside super-clusters that encage millions expanding, dark, cold, almost empty voids, into which almost all radiation-winds dissipate, causing extra, 2nd, world-expansion to that predicted by 1915 Einstein Field Tensorial Equations [general relativity] universe verified in 1920’s by Hubble. The galaxies are composed of stars, black holes, remnants of exploding stars, planets, gas, dust and halos. Gravitation is the MASTER STRUCTURE BUILDER of the world, from galaxies to stars, planets, molecules, DNA and particles defined by probabilities of the Standard Model of Sub-Particles, that still divides Physics and Philosophy into two, un-unifiable systems.
Back in 1400’s. The Congress House caught fire. Burning Art’s but not the legency forever told by her late descendant. Ms. Maya portrays the epic poetically never ending. I assure you A Zeal exist forbiddimg Jealousy, the fourth remain… Bill of Rights the blue scarf&On your Marx, [get ready] geaux…
MANUSIA DISELAMATKAN BUKAN KARENA PERBUATAN MANUSIA tetapi OLEH KARENA KASIH KARUNIA ALLAH DENGAN BERIMAN KEPADA KRISTUS YESUS. Utusan Allah yaitu Nabi dan Rasulnya tidak ada yang bisa menyelamatkan manusia untuk bisa sampai kesorga, maka beribadahlah hanya kepada Allah. Karena Nabi dan Rasul-Nya hanyalah sebagai perantara untuk menyampaikan Firman-Nya kepada manusia. Itulah sebabnya Allah harus turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yaitu Tuhan Yesus, untuk menebus dosa manusia dan membuka kembali pintu sorga yang sudah tertutup dengan darah-Nya yang Kudus. Dalam Efesus 2 : 8-10. Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri. Karena kita ini buatan Allah, diciptakan dalam Kristus Yesus untuk melakukan pekerjaan baik, yang dipersiapkan Allah sebelumnya. Ia mau, supaya kita hidup didalamnya. MAKNA dari ayat diatas adalah : Bahwa manusia yang diselamatkan dan diangkat masuk sorga, bukanlah karena perbuatan kita atau hasil pekerjaan kita, maka jangan ada orang yang memegahkan dirinya dihadapan orang lain dan dihadapan Tuhan. Tetapi manusia diselamatkan oleh kasih karunia Allah yang turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yaitu dengan menjadikan firman-Nya menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yang disebut dengan nama Tuhan Yesus. Untuk menebus dosa manusia dan membuka kembali pintu sorga yang sudah tertutup, karena perbuatan dosa manusia pertama yaitu Adam yang melanggar perintah Allah waktu di Taman Eden. Itulah yang menyebabkan Adam dan Hawa jatuh kedalam dosa, sehingga mereka diusir dari sorga yaitu dari taman eden dan kita semua keturunannya harus ikut menanggung dosa itu dan hidup dalam dosa didunia ini sampai akhir zaman. Itulah yang dikatakan dengan DOSA WARIS yaitu dosa perbuatan Adam yang menyebabkan manusia tidak bisa hidup disurga dan membuat pintu sorga tertutup untuk selama-lamanya. Tetapi dosa perbuatan Adam selama didunia TIDAK DIWARISKAN kepada keturunannya. Perlu kita harus ketahui bahwa hukum Allah itu kekal, jadi pada saat manusia diusir dari sorga yaitu dari taman eden, maka pintu sorga itu tertutup atau terkunci untuk selama-lamanya bagi semua manusia. Maka untuk membuka pintu sorga itu hanya dengan satu cara yaitu Allah harus mati dulu, supaya perintah-Nya atau hukuman itu dapat gugur atau dihapuskan. Tetapi Allah itu hidup dengan kekal dan tidak pernah bisa mati, maka Allah mencari cara dengan menjadikan firman-Nya menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yaitu Tuhan Yesus. Untuk membuka kembali pintu sorga dan menyelamatkan manusia dari neraka. Karena selama pintu sorga masih tertutup, maka sebaik apapun amal ibadah kita dan perbuatan kita, tidak akan pernah bisa masuk kedalam sorga. Silahkan saudara baca Ibrani 9 : 11-28. Dijelaskan tentang penebusan dosa manusia yang dilakukan Tuhan Yesus dengan darah-Nya. Untuk lebih spesifik dapat kita baca didalam Ibrani 9:16-17. Dikatakan; Sebab dimana ada wasiat, disitu harus diberitahukan tentang kematian pembuat wasiat itu. Karena suatu wasiat barulah sah, kalau pembuat wasiat itu telah mati, sebab ia tidak berlaku, selama pembuat wasiat itu masih hidup. Catatan: Pembuat Wasiat itu adalah Allah Wasiatnya adalah Perintah larangan waktu disorga yaitu taman eden dan hukuman atas larangan tersebut yang mengakibatkan manusia jatuh kedalam dosa dan tidak bisa lagi hidup disorga. MAKNA ayat diatas adalah Bahwa hukum Allah itu kekal dan yang bisa menggugurkan atau menghapuskan itu hanyalah dengan kematian. Tetapi Allah itu hidup kekal dan tidak pernah bisa mati, maka Allah menjadikan firmannya menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yaitu Tuhan Yesus, untuk menggenapi ayat tersebut. Itulah sebabnya Yesus mati diatas kayu salib dan darahnya yang tercurah telah menebus dosa manusia dan membuka kembali pintu sorga yang tertutup, bagi seluruh manusia yang percaya kepada-Nya. Tetapi perlu kita harus ketahui bahwa disaat Yesus mati diatas kayu salib, Allah yang menjadi Rohnya Yesus tidak pernah mati, melainkan Allah keluar dari tubuhnya Yesus sehingga Yesus mati. Allah itu adalah Roh, maka pada saat kejadian itu manusia yang menyaksikan kematian Yesus tidak dapat melihat Allah keluar dari tubuhnya Yesus karena Allah adalah Roh. Sesuai dengan nubuatan Tuhan Yesus kepada murid-murid-Nya sebelum disalibkan, yang mengatakan akan bangkit pada hari ketiga. ( tertulis dalam Matius 20:19, Markus 9:31 ) Maka Tuhan Yesus bangkit pada hari ketiga dengan Tubuh Kemuliannya yaitu tubuh yang tidak berasal dari debu tanah dan tidak memiliki darah manusia, karena didalam 1 Korintus 15:50. Dikatakan: Daging dan darah tidak mendapatkan bagian dalam Kerajaan Allah dan bahwa yang binasa tidak mendapatkan bagian dalam apa yang tidak binasa. Semua itu harus digenapi karena tubuh manusia berasal dari debu tanah dan akan kembali menjadi debu tanah, begitu juga darah adalah sumber hidup didalam daging manusia selama hidup didunia. Maka perlu kita harus ketahui bahwa nafsu birahi itu berasal dari kedagingan atau tubuh manusia yang berasal dari debu tanah. Itulah tubuh kita nanti akan diubahkan menjadi tubuh kemuliaan, seperti tubuhnya Yesus Kristus disaat bangkit dari kematian dan naik kesorga. Supaya genaplah Firman Tuhan yang tertulis didalam Matius 22:30 “Karena pada waktu kebangkitan orang tidak kawin dan tidak dikawinkan melainkan hidup seperti malaikat di surga.” Bukti disurga nanti tidak ada seksual karena tubuh kita tidak lagi berasal dari debu tanah tetapi tubuh kita dibangkitkan dengan tubuh kemuliaan dan tidak memiliki darah seperti waktu hidup dibumi.karena seksual itu adalah kebutuhan daging bukan kebutuhan roh.sebab jika disurga nanti ada seksual maka dosa akan kembali berkuasa didalam surga,padahal surga itu adalah tempat yang maha suci dan kudus.itulah sebabnya kita didunia walaupun sudah suami istri tidak diperbolehkan melakukan hubungan suami istri didalam rumah ibadah,karena rumah ibadah itu adalah rumah Tuhan yang kita jaga kesuciannya.maka dengan itu seksual tidak ada lagi disurga,karena surga itu lebih suci dari rumah ibadah dibumi.itulah sebabnya kita hidup disurga nanti hidup seperti malaikat,dimana malaikat itu tidak pernah melakukan seksual dan bahkan iblispun tidak melakukan hubungan seksual,karena malaikat dan iblis itu memiliki tubuh yang kekal dan kekekalan itulah yang menghilangkan hawa nafsu seksual itu. KESIMPULAN: Manusia diselamatkan bukan karena perbuatan manusia itu sendiri, tetapi oleh kasih karunia Allah. Itulah sebabnya dikatakan: Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang Tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal ( Yohanes 3 : 16 – 21 ). Jadi manusia diselamatkan oleh Allah dengan menjadikan firman-Nya menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yaitu Tuhan Yesus, dengan menebus dosa manusia dan membuka kembali pintu sorga yang sudah tertutup dengan darahnya yang kudus. Maka setiap orang yang percaya dan beriman kepada Tuhan Yesus dan mengikuti firman-Nya, akan diselamatkan dan dimasukkan kedalam Kerajaan Sorga. Tetapi setiap manusia yang tidak percaya dan percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus, tetapi tidak hidup didalam firman-Nya atau hidup didalam kejahatan dunia, akan binasa dan akan dimasukkan kedalam api neraka. Itulah sebabnya didalam: Matius 7:21-23. Bukan setiap orang yang berseru kepada-Ku: Tuhan, Tuhan! akan masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Sorga, melainkan dia yang melakukan kehendak Bapa-Ku yang di sorga. Pada hari terakhir banyak orang akan berseru kepada-Ku: Tuhan, Tuhan, bukankah kami bernubuat demi nama-Mu, dan mengusir setan demi nama-Mu, dan mengadakan banyak mujizat demi nama-Mu juga? Pada waktu itulah Aku akan berterus terang kepada mereka dan berkata: Aku tidak pernah mengenal kamu! Enyahlah dari pada-Ku, kamu sekalian pembuat kejahatan!” Catatan: Makna dari kata Anak-Nya yang Tunggal, untuk menyatakan Firman yang menjadi manusia yaitu Tubuhnya Yesus, bukan Rohnya Yesus karena Rohnya Yesus adalah Allah. Karena setiap tubuh manusia dikatakan sebagai anak, karena Allah yang menciptakannya atau menjadikannya.tetapi tidak semua manusia yang menjadi anak-anak Allah, melainkan manusia yang percaya kepada Allah saja. Itulah sebabnya Yesus dikatakan ANAK dan Rohnya dikatakan BAPA. Maka Yesus berkata didalam Yohanes 10:30. Aku dan Bapa adalah Satu. Jadi makna dari nama Tuhan Yesus adalah: Tuhan = Allah,Bapa. Yesus = Firman,Anak. TUHAN YESUS MENYERTAI KITA SEMUA.
A man arrested for not paying bus fare; my dilemma has been a 24/7 on going nightmare for three plus years. I need the Supreme Court to allow me to sue IT and win along with other associated government agencies. I need them to provide me with an attorney! I will sue Hudson Township Jersey City agencies, the state of NJ and all the pertinent government agencies that are all allowing this socialist group/gangster facility to thrive in zip code 07304 and surrounding areas. My families health is being compromised because of what you are allowing! SHAME ON YOU!
Here is a question based on the Socratic method. Where would one find evidence that the law would apply to someone,because they are in a certain geographical location within the United States?
to protect the pattern of green usable future from being tampered by any side or colour, 4 years paid salary law school + guaranteed position at ussc is common sense?
Who has the biggest brain in that panel? I’m thinking Breyer or the Chief.
Who’s here hoping that the Glorious ACB gets confirmed by the senate?
I got hook to Supreme Court into my 30″s but only problem with institution that see with States rights vs Individual no easy legal answer
Hoping to discover an embarrassment of legal riches when I clicked play I instead encountered an embarrassing nearly 30 minute long advertisement for Harvard Law School followed by an equally embarrassing display of good ole boyism featuring Supreme Court Justices as rock stars. Frightening to think what the country’s founders would think of all this!
Since the term “justice” is nowhere to be found in Article III of the Constitution. These people are obviously not Article III Judges. What article in the Constitution are these “justices” under?
These questions by the Harvard Law Dean goes to show how little respect Harvard has for the law. You have six sitting justices with an audience filled with America’s top law students and instead of airing out their judicial differences that have massive ramifications on society his questions are like, “when u grow up what do u want to be?”
Ok, the apples joke was pretty funny.
One appearance by Scalia is worth more than the entire board combined. Such a tragedy. They can’t even invite Thomas.
Last time I checked the American citizen had a say so and these politicians worked for them. But as time continues on it would seem that they can do whatever they want because people just complain but no one is held accountable… Just saying.
Not one mention about our Creator.
Justice Breyer up there dropping jewels lol nobody catching it but Chief Roberts.. Getting all uncomfortable and shit lolol
Interesting that none of them know that there is no statute that requires most people to pay federal income taxes. Then again, maybe they are criminals and not justices.
JESUS saves your souls
John Roberts has been a complete disappointment on the court.
Garland should be the 10th justice
Harvard university で数学と数理経済学の勉強をしたいです。
some of the most radical justices. kagan, kennedy, roberts…breyer holy shit.
The last things is to respect your people’s, and they votes ,
Oh this is law. I do not know how this ended up on my phone. Ooops. Oh I’ve had some real dummies as lawyers in my past. I’ll make sure they went to Harvard next time because boy Im telling you. BAD.
大学院はHarvard university に行きたいです。
But for justice we must go to Don Corleone – on our knees.
The foundation of the Country is the Family not the Constitution.
fiduciary, when it exercises its power, they do so in a way that effects the interest of, myself. I am vulnerable, because I am in the hands of the fiduciary who is unethical, careless, indifferent, depriving and misguiding. at the least, whatever the fiduciary does or has done, “the power of trustee” is none other than influence over my economical. legal and equitable interests… I tend to ignore anyone who persistently interferes through glitches, freezes and hang-ups, basically they are interfering with my operations and I can’t kick them out. they can tell me what they think I should do. I can assure them, that I am under no obligation to tell them anything,… I am not just somewhat vulnerable, I am extremely vulnerable and clearly, fiduciary does not have my best interest..
What a group of awkward people. Social and emotional intelligence are care commodities at Harvard.
You know its going to be and awesome 100+ minuets when at 1:49 you catch a man in THE FRONT ROW double rubbing his forehead!
I’m believing you and, this is the test to our nature’s and human powers to reaches anything possible, but is not necessary to do it.
I want to go to Harvard so bad……..
For every product or material we make in my company’s for USA we make 1 for USA and 3 for Mexico

pretty rad job Harvard has em locked up.
thats so sad to see that these interviews are only happening harvard / yale
I miss justice kennedy why the fuck he decided to retire is beyond me.
I got dressed, fed my cat, and drove to work… And they never got to the talk.
Skip to minute 37 to avoid Harvard self congratulation
“Justice Kagan?” Kennedy: Close enough
Vo filme kde hrá hlavnú úlohu Adolf Hitler je dobre vidieť ako rozdelil svet na všetké svetové strany a hnutia skupín pod skupín štátov jazikov hraníc dnes je opačná otázka znie opačná od poveď
Have a great day…
We’re here to trying everything possible to learned, even doing the garbage, and etc……
Why is Clooney on stage with all these lawyers???
They should all be fired. Enough of them.
Let’s congratulate each other.
The club. Hard to get into.
they should start visiting community colleges and state colleges, not ivy leagues.
God Bless America.
Did he really have to clap his hands into the microphone for 15 minutes! So Annoying!
Neil Gorsuch,, Straight Gangster; goodbye
Hey that interesting a future Justice seeing Ted Williams last game which play something history book never mention.
Skip to 29:51
I had my computer on for an our and youtube autoplayed me to this
Whose agenda are these fools fullfilling … 

this did not age very well…. 2 years later was found guilty of racial discrimination…
idk how i got here but i am AMAZED i feel like i shouldn’t be here
Skip ahead 30 minutes ….avoid pompous,self-seeking blowhard intros….moderator introductions sounded like high school hoop game…where is Larry King when u need him.
Am wondering does Americans get sad about the state of American politics?!
MAKNA FIRMAN dan INTI DARI PERCAYA KEPADA TUHAN dan INTI DARI SEMUA FIRMAN TUHAN adalah JALAN KESELAMATAN DIBUMI dan JALAN KESELAMATAN MENUJU SORGA. FIRMAN adalah isi pikiran Allah yang digunakan Allah untuk menciptakan segala sesuatu dan Firman itu bisa berbentuk lisan, bisa berbentuk tulisan dan bisa berbentuk manusia.
︎Firman yang berbentuk lisan adalah Firman yang diucapkan atau perkataan.
︎Firman yang berbentuk tulisan adalah Firman yang dituliskan yang disebut dengan Alkitab.
︎Firman yang berbentuk manusia adalah Tubuhnya Yesus yaitu disaat Allah menjadikan Firman menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yang disebut dengan nama Tuhan Yesus. Itulah sebabnya Firman dikatakan Tuhan yaitu Yesus adalah Tuhan karena Rohnya Yesus adalah Allah. Catatan:
︎Firman TIDAK BISA dikatakan Tuhan, karena wujud aslinya Allah itu tidak ada didalamnya, seperti Firman yang dituliskan yang disebut dengan Alkitab.
︎Firman BISA dikatakan Tuhan, karena wujud aslinya Allah itu ada didalam Firman itu, seperti waktu Firman menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yang disebut dengan nama Tuhan Yesus. ALLAH dan FIRMAN adalah SATU yaitu FIRMAN diam didalam diri ALLAH dan ALLAH bisa diam didalam FIRMANNYA.
︎FIRMAN diam didalam diri ALLAH digenapi pada waktu Allah menciptakan langit, bumi dan segala isinya dengan firman-Nya.
︎ALLAH diam didalam FIRMANNYA digenapi pada waktu Allah turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yang disebut dengan TUHAN YESUS yaitu Firman menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai roh-Nya. Yohanes 1:1.”Pada mulanya adalah Firman,Firman itu bersama-sama dengan Allah dan Firman itu adalah Allah”. Makna dari ayat ini adalah untuk memberitahukan kepada kita manusia,bahwa Firman itu bersama-sama dengan Allah. yang artinya adalah Didalam diri Yesus ada Allah pencipta langit dan bumi. Yaitu Firman yang menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yang dinamai Tuhan Yesus. Itulah sebabnya dikatakan Firman itu adalah Allah, karena Firman dan Allah itu adalah satu. •Yohanes 10:30. Dikatakan: Aku dan Bapa adalah Satu. Jadi Tuhan Yesus adalah Allah pencipta langi,bumi dan segala isinya. •Yohanes 14:10. Aku didalam Bapa dan Bapa didalam Aku. •Yohanes 10:30. Aku dan Bapa adalah satu. •Yohanes 14:9. Barang siapa telah melihat Aku, ia telah melihat Bapa ( Allah). •Yohanes 8:24. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia ( Allah ). •Yohanes 8:28. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia (Allah ). •Yohanes 12:45. Yesus berkata: barang siapa melihat Aku, ia melihat Dia ( Allah ). •Yohanes 13:19. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia (Allah ). Allah turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yang disebut dengan Tuhan Yesus yaitu Firman yang menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya.itulah sebabnya Yesus dikatakan Tuhan karena Allah ada sebagai Rohnya Yesus.sebab jika Firman yang menjadi manusia tanpa ada Allah sebagai Rohnya,maka Yesus bukanlah Tuhan.sama halnya dengan Firman Tuhan yang dituliskan didalam Alkitab,maka Alkitab tersebut tidak pernah dikatakan Tuhan,karena Allah tidak ada didalam Alkitab tersebut.tetapi melalui Firman Tuhan yang tertulis didalam Alkitab tersebut, maka kita bisa mengenal Allah dan Firman-Nya dengan benar sehingga Kuasa Tuhan dapat hidup didalam diri kita,sebagai jalan keselamatan hidup kita didunia dan jalan keselamatan menuju kehidupan yang kekal di sorga. Tetapi banyak orang tidak mengenal Tuhan Yesus dengan benar, sekalipun orang itu beragama kristen.sebab mereka berpikir bahwa Bapa dan Tuhan Yesus adalah pribadi yang berbeda dalam satu hakekat.itulah sebabnya mayoritas orang kristen mengatakan Allah itu memiliki tiga pribadi dalam satu hakekat ( Tritunggal yaitu Bapa,Anak dan Roh Kudus ). padahal yang benar adalah Allah itu satu dan memiliki satu pribadi, tetapi bisa dijelaskan dengan tiga penjelasan pribadi Tuhan, tergantung posisi keberadaan Tuhan. Jika manusia ingin masuk sorga maka ikutilah semua yang diajarkan dan yang dicontohkan oleh Tuhan Yesus waktu didunia, maka kita pasti 100% masuk sorga.sebab inti dari semua Firman Tuhan adalah untuk membawa kita kedalam kesempurnaan hidup, mengikuti perintahnya dan menjauhi larangannya, sehingga kita bisa hidup rukun dan damai dengan saling tolong-menolong, saling mengasihi dan saling mengampuni. Itulah sebabnya Allah turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yaitu Yesus Kristus dengan melalui kelahiran, seperti manusia pada umumnya. Dengan mengajarkan atau mencontohkan secara langsung kepada kita bagaimana cara untuk bisa masuk kedalam sorga, yaitu mulai dari kelahiran,terus hidup didunia dengan penuh kasih,saling tolong-menolong,saling mengasihi,merendahkan diri,memaafkan dan mengampuni orang lain, lalu mati dan dibangkitkan dan naik kesorga. Sehingga kita manusia dapat percaya dan yakin bahwa Tuhan itu nyata dan sorganya juga nyata,karena sudah dibuktikan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Sebab perlu kita harus ketahui bahwa manusia adalah mahluk yang bebal dan keras kepala, yang susah untuk percaya kepada yang tidak pernah dilihatnya atau kepada yang belum terbukti. Sedangkan yang sudah dibuktikan oleh Allah pencipta langit,bumi dan segala isinya saja yaituTuhan Yesus, masih banyak manusia yang tidak percaya dan bahkan ada yang tidak percaya ada Tuhan, apalagi kalau tidak dibuktikan…!!!!, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan manusia akan susah untuk yakin dan percaya kepada Tuhan dan kepada sorga yang dijanjikan yang belum terbukti, karena Tuhan dianggapnya GAIB dan hanya menjanjikan angin sorga saja. Itulah sebabnya banyak orang berkata mudah-mudahan masuk sorga, karena tidak mengenal Tuhan dan firman-Nya dengan benar. Makna dari nama Tuhan Yesus adalah: Tuhan = Allah,Bapa. Yesus = Firman,Anak. Jadi Tuhan Yesus adalah Allah yang diam didalam firman-Nya. Maka genaplah Firman Tuhan yang tertulis di dalam: Wahyu 1:8. Tuhan Yesus berkata; ” Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, firman Tuhan Allah, yang ada dan yang sudah ada yang akan datang, Yang Mahakuasa”. Wahyu 22:13. Tuhan Yesus berkata; “Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, Yang Pertama dan Yang Terkemudian, Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir”. Tuhan itu satu tetapi nama atau panggilan Tuhan itu lebih dari satu yaitu Allah, Bapa dan Tuhan Yesus. Kesimpulan: MANUSIA TIDAK BISA MENJADI TUHAN tetapi TUHAN BISA TURUN DALAM RUPA MANUSIA dengan MENJADIKAN FIRMANNYA MENJADI MANUSIA DAN ALLAH SEBAGAI ROHNYA jadi YANG DISEMBAH ITU ADALAH ALLAH yaitu ROHNYA YESUS bukan TUBUHNYA YESUS karena ALLAH ADALAH ROH. TERIMAKASIH TUHAN YESUS KARENA DOSA-DOSAKU TELAH DIAMPUNI DAN SAYA DIBERIKAN JAMINAN SORGA 100% KARENA PERCAYA KEPADA ALLAH YANG TURUN KEDUNIA DALAM RUPA MANUSIA YAITU TUHAN YESUS. BUKAN ANGIN SORGA DAN SORGA YANG GAIB.




Who knew Roberts was so EMO?
38:44 “in . . . in . . . , [including me!]”
Foo Fighters get civil suits
Would you really want to hang out with them, pass.
This looks like a quorum of the 12 meet.
HU stand-up lol
ask them when did they swear allegiance to NATO, and not country
Thanks regards
didn’t he get tired of clapping too much
one says , (me) ,it’s more of what you ingest that improves the soul ….. tempted or not — onward I go….pww
MAKNA DARI JANGAN ADA PADAMU ALLAH LAIN DIHADAPANKU DIDALAM AJARAN AGAMA KRISTEN ADALAH: Keluaran 20:3-5. Jangan ada padamu allah lain dihadapan-Ku. Jangan membuat bagimu patung yang menyerupai apa pun yang ada dilangit di atas,atau yang ada di bumi di bawah,atau yang ada di dalam air di bawah bumi. Jangan sujud menyembah kepadanya atau beribadah kepadanya,sebab Aku,TUHAN,Allahmu,adalah Allah yang cemburu,yang membalaskan kesalahan bapa kepada anak-anaknya,kepada keturunan yang ketiga dan keempat dari orang-orang yang membenci Aku. MAKNA dari ayat diatas adalah Tidak ada allah lain yang pantas untuk disembah dan dipermuliakan selain Allah.sekalipun dia seorang Utusan atau Nabi dan Patung yang menyerupai apapun. Perlu kita harus ketahui dimana Utusan atau Nabi hanyalah perantara/penyampai pesan Firman Tuhan kepada manusia.maka Allah melarang kita untuk beribadah kepadanya,karena Utusan itu adalah manusia biasa sama seperti kita.tetapi Allah menyuruh kita beribadah kepada Allah melalui Firmannya yang disampaikan lewat Utusan-Nya,bukan beribadah kepada Utusan-Nya. Sebab Allah itu adalah Maha Pencemburu, kalau kita sempat beribadah kepada Utusannya atau Nabinya atau sama patung yang menyerupai apapun,maka Allah akan membalaskan kesalahan bapa (orang tua ) kepada anak-anaknya ( masuk neraka ) sampai keturunan yang keempat. Allah memberikan hukuman itu dengan sangat berat sampai kepada keturunan kita.karena perbuatan dosa yang tidak bisa dimaafkan oleh Allah adalah menyekutukan atau menduakan Allah.Maka dengan itu mari kita renungkan dalam hati kita,karena perintah itu harga mati.Sehingga kita dan keturunan kita dapat diselamatkan. Perlu kita harus ketahui bahwa Nabi tidak akan pernah bisa membawa kita masuk sorga,tetapi Firman Tuhanlah yang akan memberikan kita jalan kebenaran dan jalan keselamatan bagi semua manusia yang percaya kepada Tuhan.karena Firman dan Tuhan itu adalah Satu. Seorang Utusan/Nabi tidak akan pernah bisa mengampuni dosa manusia,tetapi hanya Tuhan lah yang dapat mengampuni dosa manusia. Tuhan itu Esa yaitu Satu,tetapi nama atau panggilan untuk Tuhan itu lebih dari satu yaitu bisa dipanggil Allah,bisa dipanggil Bapa dan bisa dipanggil Tuhan Yesus. Tuhan Yesus berkata didalam: •Yohanes 10:30. Dikatakan: Aku dan Bapa adalah Satu. Jadi Tuhan Yesus adalah Allah pencipta langi,bumi dan segala isinya. •Yohanes 14:10. Aku didalam Bapa dan Bapa didalam Aku. •Yohanes 10:30. Aku dan Bapa adalah satu. •Yohanes 14:9. Barang siapa telah melihat Aku, ia telah melihat Bapa ( Allah). •Yohanes 8:24. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia ( Allah ). •Yohanes 8:28. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia (Allah ). •Yohanes 12:45. Yesus berkata: barang siapa melihat Aku, ia melihat Dia ( Allah ). •Yohanes 13:19. Yesus berkata: bahwa Akulah Dia (Allah ). Banyak orang berkata kalau orang kristen menuhankan manusia yaitu Tuhan Yesus. Itu terjadi didalam pikiran mereka karena mereka tidak tau kalau Tuhan Yesus adalah Allah sang pencipta langit,bumi dan segala isinya yang turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia.yaitu Firman yang menjadi manusia dan Allah sebagai Rohnya yang diberi nama Tuhan Yesus. Itulah sebabnya orang kristen beribadah kepada Tuhan Yesus karena tubuhnya Yesus adalah Firman yang menjadi manusia dan Allah adalah Rohnya.Jadi orang kristen menyembah Tuhan Yesus karena Roh yang diam didalam diri Yesus itu adalah Allah,karena Allah adalah Roh. Maka yang disembah itu adalah Allah yaitu Rohnya Yesus, bukan menyembah tubuhnya Yesus. Kesimpulannya adalah: Setiap manusia yang beribadah kepada Utusan atau Nabi dan kepada manusia biasa dan kepada patung adalah perbuatan yang menyekutukan atau menduakan Tuhan,akan mendapatkan hukuman dari Tuhan yaitu neraka sampai kepada keturunannya yang ke empat.tetapi setiap orang yang melakukan buah-buah Roh yang tertulis didalam Galatia 5:22-23. Tetapi buah Roh ialah: kasih, suka cita, damai sejahtera, kesabaran, kemurahan, kebaikan, kesetiaan, kelemahlembutan, penguasaan diri. Tidak ada hukum yang menentang hal-hal itu. Makna dari ayat itu adalah selama orang itu ( atheis ) melakukan atau melaksanakan buah-buah Roh itu,walaupun orang itu tidak mengenal Tuhan dan tidak menyembah Tuhan manapun,maka Tuhan tidak akan menghukum orang itu seperti hukuman kepada manusia yang menduakan Tuhan dan beribadah kepada manusia biasa atau utusan dan menyembah patung.karena tidak ada hukum yang menentang hal-hal itu ( hukuman Tuhan yaitu neraka tidak sampai kepada anak-anaknya,karena anaknya tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mengenal Tuhan dikemudian hari didalam hidupnya ). Perlu kita harus ketahui dimana awal manusia diciptakan bukan untuk menyembah Tuhan,tetapi untuk memelihara dan menguasai ciptaan Tuhan.karena manusia diciptakan dalam keadaan suci dan kudus. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu manusia yaitu Adam dan Hawa jatuh kedalam dosa, yang menyebabkan Adam dan Hawa tidak bisa lagi hidup disorga. Karena melanggar perintah Allah waktu di sorga yaitu di Taman Eden. maka untuk mendapatkan kehidupan disorga itu lagi, maka manusia harus beribadah kepada Tuhan,dengan mengikuti semua firman-Nya yaitu jalan kebenaran dan keselamatan menuju kehidupan yang kekal disorga. Itulah sebabnya Allah harus turun kedunia dalam rupa manusia yaitu Tuhan Yesus, untuk menebus dosa manusia, yang menyebabkan pintu sorga tertutup bagi semua keturunan Adam dan Hawa. Dalam Yohanes 1:1.”Pada mulanya adalah Firman,Firman itu bersama-sama dengan Allah dan Firman itu adalah Allah”.Jadi Tuhan Yesus itu langsung mempraktekkan/mencontohkan Firman itu kepada manusia,supaya manusia bisa mengikutinya dan melaksanakannya didalam kehidupannya didunia.sehingga manusia itu tidak salah jalan,tidak salah menyembah Tuhan dan Firmannya tidak disalah tafsirkan oleh manusia. Dalam Yohanes 14:6. Akulah jalan kebenaran dan hidup.tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa (Allah),kalau tidak melalui Aku. Kata BAPA disitu menyatakan masuk sorga dan bertemu dengan Allah. Itulah jaminan sorga 100% bagi siapa yang percaya kepada-Nya.dan tidak ada satu orangpun yang bisa menyangkal itu. Dalam Wahyu 1:8. Tuhan Yesus berkata; ” Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, firman Tuhan Allah, yang ada dan yang sudah ada yang akan datang, Yang Mahakuasa”. Dalam Wahyu 22:13. Tuhan Yesus berkata; “Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, Yang Pertama dan Yang Terkemudian, Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir”. MANUSIA TIDAK BISA MENJADI TUHAN tetapi TUHAN BISA TURUN KEDUNIA DALAM RUPA MANUSIA dengan MENJADIKAN FIRMANNYA MENJADI MANUSIA dan ALLAH SEBAGAI ROHNYA yaitu TUHAN YESUS. JADI YANG DISEMBAH ORANG KRISTEN adalah ALLAH yaitu ROHNYA YESUS bukan TUBUHNYA YESUS karena TUBUHNYA YESUS ADALAH FIRMAN dan FIRMAN ITU ADALAH JALAN KEBENARAN DAN HIDUP UNTUK BISA SAMPAI KESORGA ( Yohanes 14:6 ). Maka dengan itu:

No bias here!
Requesting help. Demanding help.
Mark Herring, Attorney General of Albermarle and the Vicinity; When you can’t get out of HADEs, Thomas Jefferson joins you. It is not that competitive to Fall and Matrick u late in Ground Beef Bee Long Spelling B- (San Diego Police, when you are through stealing, call)
They have a different agenda
I am an elderly disabled lesbian sexually harassed and subjected to mental anguish by 2 Rectors in Christ Episcopal Churches in Aspen, Co. and Washington, DC, Georgetown Christ Episcopal, Tim Cole, et. al. When I gave altar flowers in honor of my future wife’s 75th birthday Jonathan Brice, et. al in Aspen, Co. called the police to have me arrested, screaming that is against the law! When case 17-7310, was docketed at the US Supreme Court, I moved to Washington, DC. Is this violation of the 1st Amendment and the Declaration of Independence for worthy of oral argument? I was arrested and spent over 3-years in jail in solitary confinement awaiting trial, (6th Amendment), on a $300,000.00 cash only bond (8th Amendment) for the 1st arrest of my life at age 65. Do the secular courts have jurisdiction over ecclesiastical, church disputes and controversies Watson v Jones 1871?
Oh shit that’s cray cray
Why does YouTube keep auto playing me this? I don’t care about Harvard law at all
You all have destroyed our society. May God have mercy on you.
all words and no work! while everyone busts their ass daily we got these people running their mouths.
They could only get one conservative Justice to show up with 5 liberal Justices.
“No hugs..???”
We have little confidence anymore in the Supreme Court.
The last person to make a million? Do you hear yourself? ? ? ? ? ?
Stay out of law school, it’s far too expensive and the job market is not robust enough to make it worthwhile.
Right here is the enemy
Do they discuss how to have balls?
What the fuck is one L? Why do they assume we all know what it means???!!!
Is judge kagan Justice Kennedy?
Bahahah!! Keep working on ur box checking skills!
Corruption central!
Folks. Barry O in the house. Reporting for duty 🙂
Did she say spy? As in espionage spy? Go easy on study of harmful things in labs please. And if you could have a very strict watch dog over all of that, the world would appreciate you very much for it.
Allha king Terrence God
I just came here to waste precious seconds of my life saying I’d rather shove blunt pencils into my eyes than listen to this.
School of leaches and crooks.
Trace out or find out the truth is basic object of law
Sotomayor alito thomas went to Yale. This is the worst part about the Supreme Court, lack of educational diversity.
Elitism at its finest
Public defender equals public surrender.
Elaine Kagan looks like a Ninja Turtle
I’m waiting for your invitation.
The Founders would be vomiting.
Stop fawning for these people. They could care less about you.
As if those schools generate the best lawyers. If there were some objective manner to determine who are the best lawyers, which there isn’t, they sure as all hell would not be predominantly from these two schools. Maybe none of the top 10% would. Stop inbreeding the scotus!!! Look at what the results of inbreeding has given us.
Yea these people are just a scream. Really top draw.

Am i going to hear justices speak or is this a big brag fest
There are 12 people , so 12 days later .
As fit as I can admit I may not be a good as university then I better then and do the same job as Jesus on forgiveness on which I give. If not then the government would had me committed suicide
There are 15 people . 15日後だから12月10日です。
Kagan seemed pretentious with some of her responses.
Herew e have some of the mist privileged people in America. They are the last people on the Planet that I would ever want to associate with.
Such juvenile tastelessness; who is this dean? He’s got 6 justices together and he acts like entertaining a kindergarden.
Lonely Women’s Society via ‘Ladies Home Journal School’ 

There are 9 people .9日後というメッセージです。
Can you tie a knot joke was a bit dry
Wow some of the comments made about how so many people in government come from Harvard just makes me suspicious
not proud…

They are horendous.
\\\\\ KEY WORDS & DICTIONARY to my 91 books at Amazon, U-Tube, ‘in’, Issuu, Springer, DeGru ///// \\\\\ הויה שברא אלהים בראי של אברהם-משה-שפינוזה-ניוטון-אינשטיין-קוסמולוגיה \\\\\ All SCIENCE IS COSMOLOGY OF THE ENTIRE WHOLE REFLECTED BY Abraham- Moses-Spinoza-Newton-Einstein-Gravitism/Havaism from largest to smallest system. \\\\\ The Greatest Lawmaker is Moses via ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS UR-EGYPT- MORALITY.
Clapping into the mic?
Homeland foia 111542 complete and question of touch down is operational for 11-14-2015 & 2021-HQFO-01145 validated complete by Northern operations radar Aerospace defense…my i9 king code is 26464 oig by where are you end copy print decrypted answers to questions.
Bathe a chicken.

By not shaving all summer.
Oh please–this lady is not an icon. Give me a break. I didn’t hear about her until I learned how unfair, biased and nasty she was to this president. She was an activist not a justice. If Clinton brought her in, that should tell everyone all they need to know about her. Now I have to listen to all this pretending for an entire week. What bull! So glad she left this world in peace, unlike the thousands of unborn that got the life sucked out of them. Finally, she’s at peace, now let our country have peace–we need a REAL Justice.
Thank you very much.. Sincerely Raul Mejia O’regel . Surprise, Arizona 85388.
This didn’t age well … cringe
Is this all John Roberts does? Sit around conferences and chat?
So its a frat house reunion.
so many justices from the same school?? no wonder everthing in this country is so tilted
What would Jesus say about Harvard?
This was so incredibly dull…
The introduction guy is really annoying
119830A. 110830B. Check you iphone and tell them how you shouldn’t of kick me out!!!!
They didn’t even ask hard questions
Poor dog I liked my own commet how sad.
Uhhhh and uhhhhmmm uhhhh oxeban boo
There are 14 people .14日後
I got a chuckle or two, but overall it was a worthless discussion.
Jeronino,,,donde estas,te Robaron tus tierras
The eminent fruit strikingly weigh because siamese classically bang afore a sudden otter. earthy, divergent channel
blub blub blub blub ….
whoops wrong video… i thought this was the k k k rally
Google topdoctor Yola LoL
What a waste
We shouldn’t make laws longer than the LOTR novels, or so difficult to read you need a law degree to understand half of them..there’s something suspicious there.

Commies the whole lot.
The separate hammer similarly bolt because plywood early man outside a loud bladder. cooing, redundant donald
Ginger Ale
Hmmm……,.. all that diversity
Host is bad
This woman sounds like a Communists. Is she Pocahontas?
Calling immigrants & foreigners aliens is very offensive! 

Justice is old white men?
This is maximiano Camacho alvarezlll
At one time Havard was a Christian university unfortunately they have chosen the world’s ideology.
The royal cancer perceptually drown because polish principally moan out a impartial paint. meek, bright back
All of you will be judged most harshly by the only real Judge of the universe, our one true Creator. This is self appointed importance and nonsense.
The Supreme Court gave an OPINION that made murder legal.
The shrill revolve presumably drip because talk unexplainably consider as a right invoice. grumpy, spectacular disease
The squalid wrinkle chronically decorate because satin postprandially jump absent a tearful sock. public, rough niece
And you don’t honor truth and justice anymore.
The moderator was horrible… Truly horrible. To have such a distinguished panel before him and flop so badly…. Very sad.
Anthony Poole
4 jaar geleden