we never stopped being a slave country. As per the 13th amendment loophole, we now have millions of slaves in prisons, unsurprisingly overrepresented by minorities and people born into poverty. There are things we must change: change the 13th amendment so that no one may be enslaved, and ideally force prisons to pay prison labor the minimum wage, and while we’re at it everyone should have the right to vote if they are a citizen. If the prisons have to pay prisoners the minimum wage, it completely dismantles the economic incentive to get more people in prisons and keep them there since the business would no longer be making money off of prisoners but losing money. It should be disincentivized to imprison and enslave people, obviously. Prisons would still exist for people who commit heinous acts, but many of the imprisoned committed fairly innocuous crimes such as drug possession and acts of desperation. If you had investment into your community regarding education, jobs, etc do you think people would be less likely to commit crimes of desperation such as robbery? Note also that the vast majority of theft is wage theft, completely dwarfing petty theft
The evil that has been played out is horrifying
I literally became ill to my stomach listening to the description of what happened to Kato (i.e. skinned, strung together, etc.), just sick
violent and sad

Harvard pays no taxes, let that sink in.
I’d like to know more about UVA’s slavery ties.. I know the Rotunda etc was built using slave labor etc., but given the extent of this Harvard report, it would seem there’s a lot more to uncover
thank you Amy for always keeping it real

Harvard endowment 53.2 billion USD. Harvard thinks that spending 0.19% of their endowment is good enough?
This is not a surprise as slavery was the norm. I think the academic conversation (not in this chat section) needs to be broadened to the relationship between liberalism and nation-state minorities. Liberalism originates and is intended for the majority population (homogenous group) to accrue more rights for the majority itself away from nobility.
I’m from the Caribbean and this is interesting I’m from the island where Alexzander Hamilton was born..to think these rich institutions endorsed slavery to such an extent
I highly recommend a video by Knowing Better called “The Part of History You’ve Always Skipped: Neoslavery.” It blew my mind.
This is such an insightful interview!
These people have over a 40 billion dollar endowment. Here again is the insulting slap in the face not only this institution and but the country as well, has toward those descendants and the forefather’s of our forefathers. The addressing of the holocaust did not warrant giving thought of the restitution. It was immediately addressed and it was not some pittance. Germany to this day is still paying restitution. As well as, the taxpayers of the United States who many are ADOS decedent’s. This is becoming shameful. And people of all nations never understand why this is so upsetting to many of us who have had fore parents and being descendants of those who have suffered through so many subjugated forms of mistreatment from slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, systemic drug infiltration in the black community and dealing with a prison and judicial system that has never and still is not shown any equality. Now they throw peanuts as though they are at a circus. This is insulting and disgusting. This is not just about those that worked on the university grounds. But of all the other factors that have raised this university and the city up to the status it is at, to this day. The deaf ear of this nation is frightening. One has to ask. Why is this hatred so ingrained?
British was the leading seller of opium to China 1773. It was an easy business than hard work being a slave master. Therefore the first “Pivot to China” started with the slavery abolition 1833. Because China would not comply with free trade of opium, the “Opium war” 1839-42 made the profit of opium over slave possible for many years to come.
you should talk about wells Fargo, AIG, and other major companies today that profited off slavery as well.
Hi Professor Wilder


It’s only truth that sets a human soul free. The alternatives are lies and deceptions. Your freedom begins by embracing truth and that is what educational endeavours try to achieve.
Whenever I hear the words ‘pledge’ ‘funds’ ‘donations’ my radars go up, who’s going to actually count that 100 million. I know it’s =SCAM
Knowing this history I find the Harvard graduates should feel ashamed to their skeleton.
This is a damn shame for these University libraries to have my ADOS/DOAS MELANATED AMERICAN people remains still in them. Grotesque and very disturbing!! REPARATIONS NOW!!!
With a 40 billion endowment, 100 million is chump change for Harvard…it stirs the brew, provides token
and sits back and chuckles when the little guy gets a bill for reparations

Glory & victory Russia 🇷🇺 On April 12, 2022 President Putin ordered the increase of Russia’s minimum wage, pensions & other social benefits.
Still waiting since 1964 to have my adoption nullified and take back my legal birth certificate. And not have that authority or custody be given back to my biological relatives or their relatives. As a child I was legally removed from one group of abusive and dysfunctional group of people. And placed into another group of abusive and dysfunctional group of people. I am in need of a lawyer to represent me. I am okay with going to the United States Supreme Court. This is as important as: Brown vs The Board of Education. There should have been federal legislation written centuries ago; that allowed adopted people to help their adoption nullified. There should have been legislation in the United States Constitution, or in the Bill of Rights, or in the Ammendments; that allows adopted people to have their adoption nullified. Regardless of their age. Several law enforcements, the AG of CA., and the ACLU are a few organizations that have been informed. Why doesn’t my birth certificate have the word: Adopted? This should be mandatory for all adopted people. The United States government and judiciary system failed to inform adopted people; upon being adopted their legal problems would begin.
The lawyers are going to have a great time if we go back in history and start suing anyone who was involved in slavery. Because the lawyers will have a claim against everyone!!
A debt is owed and the bill is due
Charles Darwin would not have approved of this! He said that there is only one race of humans. Homo Sapiens. All of us, black, brown, and white, we are all just one species. We are all decendant of Africans. Our ancestors came from Africa over a hundred thousand years ago. All of us. Black or white. We are all Africans. Also, listen to the lectures of Cononial Robert Green Ingersoll. LibriVox Audio Books.
At least 70 individuals were enslaved by Harvard University leaders, donors and staff members in the period before slavery was outlawed in Massachusetts in 1783, according to a report the university released Tuesday. So much for you PWI and institutions of “higher learning” and prestige 

Famously the radical abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner not only famously attacked Harvard and criticize them in his speeches but was actually rejected from being made president of the college due to the fact he was an abolitionist. With the college famously saying “ we do not want to disturb or bother are students from the South about The peculiar institution a practice “ notice how they say peculiar instead of what Sumner would say . For example Sumner would say brutal , wicked and Abominable to describe it .
it’s mind-boggling how white people believe slavery was a long time ago when they have grandparents great grandparents who owned slaves. I am 35 my grandmother was a slave in Texas. she was born in 1932 her parents both were slaves and died in 1984 two years before I was born. just because slavery ended on paper in 1865 does not mean it ended at that time. it was not called slavery at that time it was sharecropping. they worked for the farmer and the farmer allowed them to live on the land in a shack and let them eat some of the crops but would pay them very little because the excuse was that they allowed them to live on the land and eat the crops they grew.
Genesis 15 12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. 13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed (Deut.28:15-69) shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs (Deut.28:36), and shall serve them (Deut.28:48-50); and they shall afflict them 400 years. 14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. ~ 2nd Exodus
There have already been taxes for other cases in modern slavery and genocide. So don’t other people get their reparations when it has happened in modern history? Exactly how that is implemented is indeed a complex solution. Has reparations helped?
Could that be why “The Lincoln Manifesto To Free Slaves” did not include Northern states who did not choose to leaving the Union?
Until there is equal wealth every person is a slave, including the rich people! There should be equal wealth worldwide!
One wracist howls, “The lawyers are going to have a great time,” as if that’s reason enough to prolong ongoing atrocities.
“Reparations were given to the most unlikely of benefactors, 900 slave owners, per the Compensated Emancipation Act allowed for for these former slave owners to be paid more than a million dollars in 1860s currency for loss of property” (St. Louis American, 2022). “When people have a discussion about reparations for slavery, it’s a false debate, because reparations have already been paid – to the slave owners” (Robinson, 2018).
This action is probably well intended. However, some context is indicated. Slavery was the dominant form of economic organization for ten thousand years. It persists, mostly illegally, today. It lasted until it was supplanted by more efficient organizations and infrastructure. Said another way, it persisted until the world became sufficiently wealthy. The founders and governors of Harvard and Georgetown worked within the system as they found it. They did not originate it, bore no responsibility for it, could not have changed it had they wanted to, felt no ethical qualms or guilt about it. The present governors of Harvard can tell the truth but they cannot alter history. As the founders did, they should accept the world as they found it. They did not inherit any guilt or responsibility for the “peculiar institution.” To think otherwise is sophistry. It would be nice if this effort will leave the world better than it found it.
These monsters has not changed. 1600 to this day. Nothing has changed.
the government needs to pay reparations that was promised to ADOS in 1865
Reparations = eat the rich The controllers have used their power for far too long without real progress.
wow. hes got a lot of books
My ancestors need justice 

This is mortifying!! These people are so diabolical!!
All these universities are ‘ivy’ leagues for a reason , next time an Indian- American boasts about getting into Harvard. I’m gonna show them this report but it’s not just Harvard is it ?!
Don’t you on Democracy Now understand or remember what started the democracy structures to fail totally. While you on democracy now still try to lean on them structures for support… Can’t you see that it’s all coming down. The society structures are crashing down now.. There is no longer a way to change it.
“$100 million for a fund for scholars to continue to research the topic”<=== Always research, never anything about paymnt(s)!
$100 million! Is it enough to buy redemption? Let’s see.
ONLY 100 MILLION DOLLARS!!? No question there MUST be ETERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS starting in elementary school.
Harvard university can keep her reparation. Judgement on America is here.
This is why reparations is LONG OVERDUE
Sounds like Harvard owes Black folks some Money.
So Havard University 1- Used and benefited from slavery from inception 2- Tried and went on to erase this from their history And this is a ‘prestigious ‘ educational institution ….Goodluck
$100,000,000 NO! They have an endowment in the billions—sticke’em b*** the rents due!
The education system is corrupt to the core, and it is not any better now. There are way too many PhDs in the country. And not because they are training people for any jobs, but because being a PhD candidate IS a job – they can use you for teaching, researching, peer-reviewing, etc. essentially as unpaid labor. It has the added benefit of increasing the supply of qualified teachers so much that they now can pay under minimum wage, pay per course, and refuse to give any benefits (i.e. adjuncts). All schools, even public, have been under assault by becoming increasingly privatized, getting rid of the arts and humanities (which might criticize those private interests), and even getting rid of vital programs like nursing (there is a shortage of nurses) because they can’t make as much profit from nursing programs. Schools are predatory towards their students. Govt guarantees student loan repayment even if the student can’t pay, so all loans are risk-free. Schools invest more in “perks” than teaching you anything to entice students to join so they can get that sweet student loan money. And that is debt that will follow you for life – you cannot cancel it or declare bankruptcy. They can and will garnish your wages forever to take all your money back, making you their debt slave. What saddens me is that most students think arts and humanities are a joke – they have been so indoctrinated into thinking that a degree only means something if it can help you get a job. And they aren’t wrong… (b/c otherwise you will be in debt forever). With the current state of affairs, we no longer have (did we ever have?) education – we only have job training. And if it’s job training, why are the workers footing the bill?
Where are our reparations? Can you all do a segment on the holdup with hr40?
The word of the Lord. ” Do you hear them? Are you listening to their words? This is what I hear them say. ” You see there is no god, So if there is no god, lets see if the Other-one hears Us.” The Other-one is here and Indeed the Other-one has heard your words that Spew out of your mouths. The Other-one hears the words of the World, see how they embrace evil.” Watch and Pray.


Wonder why report only went to 1783?
Reparations are way overdue
100 million dollars for research? FOH
Who is scared of CRT?! 

Expose the damned demons.
how about looking at me meical records and talking about modern slavery going on now
Half of Netflix is still about Holocost, terrible incident happed for five years but how many movie do you count about slavery that lasted 400 years?
Harvard currently discriminates against Asian students.
Nothing new B/A been knowing this

how does establishing a relationship with colleges help close the white-black wealth gap? once again i watch a video talking about slavery and don’t say anything about fixing what was done expect build a relationship
The slave name was JUDAH, not Juba…..
Will the barbarism ever stop??!!
It is Balah, she is Bilhah which most likely Arabic word which means one unit of Date. because she is a female, she is Bilhah. For male, it is Bilah
Nothing new under the sun…
I sure he was murdered .
If you was involved in slavery. You can’t own a business.
Too little too late.
Ebony & Ivy is a book about the history of slavery and the Ivy League.
The man’s name is the Moor………. History all fucked up yo.
What awful people.
Amy are you well ?

All I can say is … Well I can’t say it here . I live in Boston area and ADOS . The details ,the record keeping. Just makes you want to know what there doing Now .
Let’s not forget that the indigenous also owe blk folks reparations because they also had slaves as well
These United States truly owe compensation to the American Blacks that can trace their Ancestry back to the Slave Ship. The more history I learn about our people the more painful it is and yes we are told to get over Slavery…. My ancestors were treated worse than you treat an animal. Everything was stolen, our soul, spirit, language and most of all our names. What type of life did we have before our ancestors were stolen…Can somebody tell me who we really are????
Where is Geronimo’s skull.
Venus, Bilhah, Juba….REPARATIONS

We are the natives
Harvard is loaded…should other less loaded entities have to pay reparations?
Glory .& victory Russia 🇷🇺
This story history should be left in the past to educate not raise it back up as a tool of getting rights that they don’t have… Those dead people knows the real truth…they are just dead history this channel and others loves to give life and add bs to it to give it power that lies eventually have none
How about checking today’s slavery around the world. I did not own a slave. Quite a load of of BS. Let everybody get out and earn their living like I did! Yes, so what. I have some African DNA.
Omar bday
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