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Examining the critical failures that led to the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, from unsafe cladding to ignored warnings and systemic neglect by authorities.
The Tragic Failures Behind the Grenfell Tower Fire
The Grenfell Tower fire, which claimed the lives of 72 people, stands as one of the most devastating tragedies in recent UK history. The disaster was not just a result of a single failure but a culmination of systemic neglect, poor decision-making, and ignored warnings. From the choice of highly flammable cladding to a lack of proper safety measures, the failings that led to this horrific event are still being felt by survivors, families, and the broader community. This page examines the critical errors, both human and institutional, that allowed the Grenfell Tower fire to unfold, and the lasting impact of these failures.
De Tragische Fouten Achter de Brand in Grenfell Tower
De brand in Grenfell Tower, die het leven van 72 mensen eiste, is een van de meest verwoestende tragedies in de recente Britse geschiedenis. De ramp was niet het resultaat van één enkele fout, maar het gevolg van systematisch verwaarlozen, slechte besluitvorming en genegeerde waarschuwingen. Van de keuze voor brandbaar gevelmateriaal tot het ontbreken van de juiste veiligheidsmaatregelen, de fouten die leidden tot dit vreselijke evenement zijn nog steeds voelbaar voor de overlevenden, families en de bredere gemeenschap. Deze pagina onderzoekt de kritieke fouten, zowel menselijk als institutioneel, die de brand in Grenfell Tower mogelijk maakten, en de blijvende impact van deze misstanden.
Keeping Up Appearances – Children In Need Special 1995
4 sep 2024
What does justice look like, when so many lives have been lost, countless others changed forever?
Accountability is key – from a government so in thrall to deregulation, questions around safety of life were ignored, to “systematically dishonest” companies, who knew how dangerous their products were, but sold them anyway.
A local authority which, having failed to keep its residents safe, couldn’t even treat survivors with basic human decency.
The report confirms what the people of Grenfell said they’ve always known – they were second class citizens in the richest borough in the country. The indifference and disregard towards them – quite simply fatal.
Consider this small detail – the one fire assessor in charge of Grenfell (and hundreds more properties) was a man who simply drifted into the role, the inquiry said. Many of the qualifications he claimed were simply “made up”.
So will the people of Grenfell get the justice they want?
Scathing Grenfell Tower fire report condemns “incompetence”, “dishonesty” and “greed” | BBC News
4 sep 2024 #BBCNews
The deaths of 72 people in the Grenfell Tower fire in London were the result of “dishonest” and “greedy” companies, decades of failure by successive governments, and incompetence and chronic lack of leadership by the fire service, a damning inquiry report has concluded.
The residential high-rise tower block in west London was engulfed by fire in June 2017. Highly-flammable cladding had been installed on the block in a recent renovation.
The report said that all deaths in the fire were “avoidable” and people living in Grenfell Tower were “badly failed” by those responsible for their safety.
The inquiry Chairman Sir Martin Moore-Bick said those involved bore different levels of responsibility, with failings in most cases attributable to “incompetence” while others were due to “dishonesty and greed”.
Manufacturers of the building’s unsafe cladding engaged in “systematic dishonesty”, the Chairman said. He also accused them of misleading customers about their products’ safety.
The report found that the fire was preceded by “decades of failure” by the government” and the building industry to act on the known dangers of flammable materials on high-rise buildings.
It also identified a “chronic lack” of leadership at the London Fire Brigade and an “attitude of complacency”.
Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Tom Symonds and Lucy Manning.
Educational: This video is essential viewing
Educational: This video is essential viewing
The man who predicted the Grenfell Tower fire: first in-depth interview
21 mei 2018
Eddie Daffarn wrote a blog post predicting the Grenfell Tower fire seven months before it happened. He lived on the 16th floor of the London tower.
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Those who survived the fire will also be heard later in the inquiry. One person whose evidence will be closely listened to is that of Eddie Daffarn. An activist in the tower, his Grenfell Action blog warned of the tower’s mismanagement and neglect.
Shockingly, he warned seven months before the disaster that it would take a fire in a tower block like Grenfell to bring the negligent guilty to book.
The Grenfell Tower fire (Disaster Documentary)
12 jun 2021
The in-depth story 2017 Grenfell Tower Fire in West London.
On June 13, 2017, a warm, quiet night in the North Kensington area of west London looked far from turning into a chaotic one. Residents of the lower-income Lancaster West Housing Estate were sound asleep. In one flat on the fourth floor, a strange smell from his kitchen woke up a tenant. When he went to check it, he saw smoke coming from the back of his refrigerator. The fire quickly spread across the poor man’s kitchen, who immediately raised the alarm and called the firefighters. The fire seemed like a challenge London firefighters were facing every day. However, once the fire went out of the kitchen window, it turned into a blaze that not even 250 firefighters could extinguish for the next 24 hours.
But how come that a thing like a refrigerator burned down a 24-story tower?
The Grenfell Tower fire was a devastating fire that occurred in London on June 14, 2017, at Grenfell Tower, a 24-story residential building in the North Kensington area of West London. The fire resulted in 72 deaths, including those of residents, and dozens of others were injured. It also displaced many survivors, leaving them homeless.
Key Facts About the Grenfell Tower Fire:
Location: Grenfell Tower, a social housing block, was built in the 1970s and was originally 21 stories tall but was later increased to 24 stories with renovations.
Start of the Fire: The fire began in a flat on the 4th floor of the tower around 12:54 AM. The fire was believed to have started due to a malfunctioning fridge-freezer in the apartment, which ignited and spread rapidly.
Fire Spread: The fire spread incredibly quickly, with the exterior cladding of the building, which had been recently refurbished, acting as a conduit for the flames. The cladding was made from flammable materials, which allowed the fire to spread vertically across the building, making it difficult for firefighters to control.
Cladding Issue: The cladding used in the refurbishment, which included Reynobond PE, was highly flammable and failed to meet safety standards. The material was a major factor in the rapid spread of the fire. There were also concerns about the building’s internal fire safety systems, such as the lack of sprinklers in individual apartments.
Evacuation: Due to the fire spreading so quickly, many residents were unable to evacuate in time. Emergency responders, including the London Fire Brigade, were overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster. Some residents attempted to escape by jumping from windows, and others tragically perished inside.
Casualties: 72 people died as a result of the fire, including children and elderly residents, making it one of the deadliest fires in the UK in recent history. The exact number of injuries remains unclear, but it is estimated that more than 70 people were injured.
Aftermath and Investigation: In the aftermath, there was widespread criticism of the handling of the fire and the building’s lack of fire safety measures. Public outrage was directed at Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council, the building’s landlords, and other authorities for neglecting fire safety issues and failing to act on warnings from residents about the safety of the building.
A public inquiry was launched into the fire, and it found serious failings in building regulations, fire safety procedures, and the treatment of Grenfell Tower residents. Many survivors and victims’ families continue to fight for justice and accountability.
Media Coverage: The fire was widely covered in the media and brought attention to the broader issues of housing inequality, social justice, and the treatment of low-income residents, many of whom were from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Long-Term Impact: The Grenfell Tower fire prompted a reevaluation of building safety standards across the UK. It led to calls for a national review of cladding materials, fire safety protocols, and the treatment of vulnerable residents in social housing.
In the wake of the fire, there were efforts to provide support to survivors, as well as promises for stricter building regulations and improved safety standards. However, it also highlighted the disparity in how certain communities are treated, particularly in the context of social housing and public safety.
De Brand in de Grenfell Tower
De brand in de Grenfell Tower was een verwoestende brand die plaatsvond op 14 juni 2017 in Grenfell Tower, een 24-verdiepingen tellend woongebouw in de wijk North Kensington in West-Londen. De brand resulteerde in 72 doden, waaronder bewoners, en tientallen anderen raakten gewond. Velen van de overlevenden werden dakloos.
Belangrijke Feiten over de Brand in de Grenfell Tower:
Locatie: Grenfell Tower, een sociaal huurgebouw, werd gebouwd in de jaren 70 en was oorspronkelijk 21 verdiepingen hoog, maar werd later verhoogd naar 24 verdiepingen tijdens een renovatie.
Begin van de Brand: De brand begon in een appartement op de 4e verdieping van de toren rond 12:54 AM. De brand werd vermoedelijk veroorzaakt door een defecte koelkast-vriezer in het appartement, die vlam vatte en zich snel verspreidde.
Verspreiding van de Brand: De brand verspreidde zich ongelooflijk snel, waarbij de gevelbekleding van het gebouw, die recent was vernieuwd, als een kanaal voor de vlammen fungeerde. De bekleding was gemaakt van brandbare materialen, waardoor de brand verticaal over het gebouw kon verspreiden en het voor de brandweer moeilijk was om controle te krijgen.
Probleem met de Gevelbekleding: De gebruikte gevelbekleding, bestaande uit Reynobond PE, was zeer brandbaar en voldeed niet aan de veiligheidsnormen. Het materiaal was een belangrijke factor in de snelle verspreiding van de brand. Er waren ook zorgen over de interne brandveiligheidsystemen van het gebouw, zoals het ontbreken van sprinklers in individuele appartementen.
Evacuatie: Door de snelle verspreiding van de brand waren veel bewoners niet in staat om op tijd te evacueren. Hulpdiensten, waaronder de London Fire Brigade, werden overrompeld door de omvang van de ramp. Sommige bewoners probeerden uit ramen te springen om te ontsnappen, terwijl anderen tragisch omkwamen in hun appartementen.
Slachtoffers: 72 mensen kwamen om het leven als gevolg van de brand, waaronder kinderen en oudere bewoners, wat het tot een van de dodelijkste branden in het VK in de recente geschiedenis maakte. Het exacte aantal gewonden is moeilijk te bepalen, maar het wordt geschat dat meer dan 70 mensen gewond raakten.
Nasleep en Onderzoek: In de nasleep was er veel kritiek op de manier waarop de brand werd aangepakt en op het gebrek aan brandveiligheidsmaatregelen in het gebouw. Er was publieke verontwaardiging over het Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council, de verhuurders van het gebouw, en andere autoriteiten die faalden om brandveiligheidsproblemen aan te pakken en de waarschuwingen van bewoners over de veiligheid van het gebouw te negeren.
Er werd een publiek onderzoek ingesteld naar de brand, en dit wees op ernstige tekortkomingen in de bouwvoorschriften, brandveiligheidsprocedures en de behandeling van bewoners van de Grenfell Tower. Veel overlevenden en familieleden van slachtoffers blijven strijden voor gerechtigheid en verantwoordelijkheid.
Media-aandacht: De brand kreeg uitgebreide media-aandacht en bracht bredere kwesties aan het licht over huisvestingsongelijkheid, sociale rechtvaardigheid en de behandeling van bewoners met een laag inkomen, van wie veel afkomstig waren uit etnische minderheidsgroepen.
Langetermijneffecten: De brand in de Grenfell Tower leidde tot een herbeoordeling van de veiligheidsnormen voor gebouwen in het VK. Het leidde tot oproepen voor een nationale herziening van gevelmaterialen, brandveiligheidsprotocollen en de behandeling van kwetsbare bewoners in sociale huisvesting.
Na de brand waren er pogingen om overlevenden te ondersteunen, evenals beloften voor strengere bouwvoorschriften en verbeterde veiligheidsnormen. Het bracht echter ook de ongelijkheid aan het licht in de manier waarop bepaalde gemeenschappen worden behandeld, vooral in het kader van sociale huisvesting en openbare veiligheid.
Grenfell: The Fire of London
Surviving the Inferno: Escaping Grenfell Tower
Here are the key points for “Grenfell Tower: The Failings That Led to Disaster”:
Systemic Neglect and Inadequate Safety Measures:
The failure to implement proper safety measures in Grenfell Tower was a significant factor in the disaster. Fire safety regulations and guidelines were either ignored or poorly enforced, leaving the building vulnerable.Flammable Cladding and Unsafe Renovations:
The choice of highly flammable cladding during the renovation of Grenfell Tower in 2016 contributed directly to the rapid spread of the fire. This decision, motivated by cost-cutting measures, ignored the potential risks to residents’ safety.Failure to Listen to Warnings:
Despite numerous warnings from residents and fire safety experts about the building’s safety risks, authorities failed to take appropriate action. Concerns about fire hazards and the building’s preparedness for a fire were disregarded.Inadequate Emergency Response:
The response to the fire, including the speed of evacuation and firefighting efforts, was also inadequate. There were delays in the fire service’s intervention and confusion surrounding evacuation procedures, which contributed to the high death toll.Institutional Accountability and Inaction:
There was a widespread lack of accountability among those in power, including local authorities, the building’s management, and contractors. Many failed to take responsibility for the dangerous conditions that led to the fire.The Ongoing Impact on Survivors and the Community:
Survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire, as well as the families of those who lost their lives, continue to suffer from the emotional, social, and economic aftermath. The disaster has sparked ongoing debates about housing inequality, social justice, and government responsibility.Legal and Public Inquiry:
The Grenfell Tower fire led to a public inquiry that sought to uncover the truth behind the failures and hold responsible parties accountable. While some progress has been made in terms of raising awareness and reforming safety regulations, many victims feel justice has yet to be fully served.
These points encapsulate the core issues that led to the disaster and the continued fallout.
Hier zijn de belangrijkste punten voor “Grenfell Tower: De Mislukkingen die Leidden tot de Ramp”:
Systemische Vernedering en Onvoldoende Veiligheidsmaatregelen:
Het falen om de juiste veiligheidsmaatregelen in de Grenfell Tower te implementeren was een belangrijke factor in de ramp. Brandveiligheidsvoorschriften en richtlijnen werden ofwel genegeerd of slecht gehandhaafd, waardoor het gebouw kwetsbaar werd.
Brandbare Gevelbekleding en Onveilige Renovaties:
De keuze voor zeer brandbare gevelbekleding tijdens de renovatie van de Grenfell Tower in 2016 droeg direct bij aan de snelle verspreiding van de brand. Deze beslissing, gedreven door kostenbesparing, negeerde de potentiële risico’s voor de veiligheid van de bewoners.
Het Niet Luisteren naar Waarschuwingen:
Ondanks talrijke waarschuwingen van bewoners en brandveiligheidsexperts over de veiligheidsrisico’s van het gebouw, slaagden de autoriteiten er niet in om passende maatregelen te nemen. Bezorgdheden over brandgevaar en de paraatheid van het gebouw voor een brand werden genegeerd.
Onvoldoende Noodhulp:
De reactie op de brand, inclusief de snelheid van de evacuatie en brandbestrijdingsinspanningen, was ook onvoldoende. Er waren vertragingen in de interventie van de brandweer en verwarring rondom evacuatieprocedures, wat bijdroeg aan het hoge dodental.
Institutionele Verantwoordelijkheid en Inactie:
Er was een wijdverbreid gebrek aan verantwoordelijkheid onder de machthebbers, waaronder lokale autoriteiten, het beheer van het gebouw en aannemers. Velen weigerden verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor de gevaarlijke omstandigheden die leidden tot de brand.
De Aanhoudende Impact op Overlevenden en de Gemeente:
Overlevenden van de Grenfell Tower brand, evenals de families van degenen die hun leven verloren, blijven lijden onder de emotionele, sociale en economische nasleep. De ramp heeft voortdurende debatten aangewakkerd over huisvestingsongelijkheid, sociale rechtvaardigheid en de verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid.
Juridisch en Publiek Onderzoek:
De brand in de Grenfell Tower leidde tot een publiek onderzoek dat probeerde de waarheid achter de mislukkingen te achterhalen en de verantwoordelijke partijen ter verantwoording te roepen. Hoewel er enige vooruitgang is geboekt in het verhogen van het bewustzijn en het hervormen van veiligheidsvoorschriften, voelen veel slachtoffers dat gerechtigheid nog niet volledig is gediend.
Deze punten vatten de kernproblemen samen die leidden tot de ramp en de voortdurende nasleep.
Grenfell: The End of an Experiment?
The Long Way Home
Following the fire at Grenfell Tower, Anthony Wilks investigates the culture of Kensington and Chelsea Council and where it came from.
The film accompanies a written piece about Grenfell and its aftermath by Andrew O’Hagan for the London Review of Books. Read it here:
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Correction: At 20:02, the figure ‘8,840’ should read ‘6,840’.
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Grenfell Inquiry in full: Report findings state deaths were ‘all avoidable’
Live gestreamd op 4 sep 2024 #fire #grenfell #inquiry
Grenfell victims have demanded that manslaughter charges be brought against those responsible for the tragedy.
Their calls came as the final public inquiry report into the tragedy in June 2017, which claimed 72 lives, was released on Wednesday.
The chair of the seven-year-inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, met with survivors and the bereaved on Tuesday and told them: “The deaths were all avoidable.”
Grenfell Next of Kin, which represents the families of almost half those killed, said: “The Grenfell Tower Inquiry report is hard hitting and the Chair does not mince his words, but the sad truth for us the families of the deceased is will there be manslaughter charges?”
In a statement, a spokesman added: “All those mentioned in the report have blood on their hands but it fails to identify who can be charged for manslaughter and that is what justice means for us.”
Keeping Up Appearances – Children In Need Special 1995