Glasgow University is first to pay slave-trade reparations – Blog

Carmen Barracks
My great-Great- Great- grandfather originated from Scotland. He was a slave master, he had fourteen children with my great-great-Great -grandmother from Ghana. But what he did was unbelievable, he gave all the children with High skin colour his name and those with darker skin he gave them names after the soldier Barracks, that’s what I came to understand. He also build seven big houses and gave them to each of my High colour great-great-great-grand aunts and uncles. But to the darker skins he gave nothing. His real name was James Burrows.
If the institution itself participated in that way, then I see no reason why the institution shouldn’t make amends. This isn’t a person or a group of people being held accountable, it’s an institution. And what better way than supporting the University of the West Indies ? Reparations is a sticky topic. This seems like a reasonable compromise to me..
Roy Kliffen
Sure, teach about slavery. But teach about ALL slavery. Tell about the North-African enslavement of Europeans, teach about the Arab slave trade, teach about the wealth of African rulers going to war to enslave other tribes and sell them to anybody who wanted them, teach about the current slavery in Africa, teach about the slavery in ancient Greece or Rome, teach about the slavery in Asia, teach about the murderous slavery in Central and South America. If you only going to teach about slavery perpetrated by Europeans – whom BTW were the only ones to go to war to end the enslavement of anyone in the Americas and Africa – is racist almost by definition. Blaming – and demanding reparations from – only the European race for a crime against humanity perpetrated by all races IS racist, not to mention ungrateful to those Europeans that lost their lives fighting slavery.
Stuart Jackson
I knew about slavery links in high school “back in the 1980’s . It was all in the Scottish economic history courses, the triangular trade, tobacco lords, land inclosure, serfdom of coal miners, capitalist farming and clearances, etc. They stopped teaching it after I left school in 1988, I don’t know if that was nationally. It certainly gave us a good context for understanding today’s world.
Repulsive misuse of money Just ignore the homeless & housing problems in Glasgow , Fact that Scots have been slaves too…Or what culture outlawed slavery..Or fact that certain countries to this day take part in slave markets…nono just virtue signal.
Mr.Classified 616
Never feel like you’ve never contributed anything. It’s just a recognition well over due. remember European history is not monoracial.
Your shit Dotcom
The Rasta Donny! Using the terms “Organized Forgetting” and “acknowledging that” couldn’t have put it any better! Didn’t give the university praise for conducting this research! And rightly so😬! They don’t deserve to be looked at as the good guys just because they have agreed to research something they already know about! However it is important for the students to be informed🙃
Whenever the effects of the transatlantic slave trade is mention people always change the subject
Steven Wheeler
Honestly 3000 + years of Scottish history has been funded by Jamaica 🤔 wasn’t that we built thousands of ships and Glasgow was the major ship building city in the British empire!!
Michael Scream Machine Evans 🇺🇲
She’s not a Decendant of Chattel Slavery she’s from Kenya…. She’s profiting off the backs of others
Jasmine Luxemburg
Yes, our western countries, many of them, were perpetrators of the horrendous cruelty and inhumanity of the slave trade. There can be no denial tolerated of that fact. What is due in recommence most of all is open acknowledgement and firm policies of equality and respect. Money alone cannot achieve healing and restoration. Actively and openly seeking students and offering sponsored university places to youth from the countries where slaves were taken may be a better plan,since it would mean ongoing recompense, inviting the voices of the injured people to help educate us all into better values and a better world, giving back in dignity what was stolen in kind ?
Stefan Leo
Only the ancient wounds would justify current misbehaviours, so we can all study the history instead of blamings. –Mark Twinkleton
flow repins666
but they merely bought slaves who sold them were africans… also they already paid them by actually abolishing and setting them free. in africa that thing may still go on
M A Balta
I lived in The Merchant City and Glasgow for all my life. I got interested in street names and realised what we had done in the past. But I kept it to myself as it is a subject not a lot of Glaswegians would understand. This now proves my thoughts of 2010. Thank you. A great report.
Keith Cindy Panama
Support reparations from universities from broken promises to students by promises of jobs on their degrees…
Hansie's Ma
As gestures go it’s a nice one – not sure how you can monetize so many affected lives from past to present.
James Royle
I’d imagine living here in relative comfort is reparation in itself.
Brian Gressett
I want to see if I’m understanding some of these comments y’all are upset over a 20 Million dollar college fund? Now that is petty.
Angelo 23
As I understand it, two of my ancestors ate an apple that they weren’t supposed to. I hope that doesn’t come back to haunt me.
Master over Incompetents
Pretty asinine, giving money to non-victims
Haha! A new level of wokeness
Jack Heywood
Great to see Glasgow University daring to break the mould! In keeping with Scotland’s progressive attitudes. I wonder who will be first to follow suit?
Anita Loyd
Sharing information and knowledge
Generative Midi
This is a great way to know which universities I won’t be sending my kids to! Thanks, Glasgow University!
Luna Lea
A few will try 2 make things right, the majority will deny, lie, say it was a long time ago, move on! Mr. Campbell looks very much like Haile Selassie!☯
Cliff Lewis
Good for my brothers and sisters and to the Scottish /UK for acknowledgement and restoration…..This concept may never make to my racist USA…As an American Descendant of Slaves I can only hope for the best. God bless all of you.
Agatha J. T.
May God bless Scottish! ✌❤
Keith Cindy Panama
Support reparations from politicians representatives and congress for broken promises by their paychecks..
Tony Hancock
You have to admit this is pretty funny even if it does make you angry 😂
Fran VanSiclen
I demand reparations for my mother who had an infirmity and could not get a job due to prejudice against handicaps in the workplace. This was way before the Disability Act. I demand my money !!!!
LETS NOT FORGET that the debt paid to the slave owners ended in 2015. This means that tax payers including black people like me who are descendants of the slaves paid towards this compensation. Not only are reparations absolutely in order but tax refunds should also be considered for those children of slaves who should have been made exempt from this kick in the teeth tax.
Marvin barksdale
Halleluyah! May The United States follow suit.
Fran VanSiclen
I demand reparations for my ancestors who came from southern Europe and could not get jobs here in America due to extreme prejudice ! I demand my money !
The next shenanigan Town and the elf pope.
Good to see this, the northern British are up to their knees in blood of the innocent.
Stuart Benton
When will the Royals and nobles return there ill-gotten gains they got through horrific treatment of people throughout history across the world, we should go all in and instead of tax payers coughing up money. We should also do the same to CEOs and shareholders who profit from the work of the poor who are not valued at all in the work place.
Paul Gibbons
The Vikings. The Saxons. The Normans. And the Romans clearly owe us some serious compensation.
I think schools should be teaching kids the right history and not what they want you to hear. I knew absolutely nothing about this. I’m honestly ashamed to be white and Scottish now.
Iron Hand
Hardly unexpected for Scotland, a once great country steeped in victim hood. Are you going to compensate the Picts?
Carmen Barracks
England also need to do what Scotland is doing because they also have a hand in the slave trade.
Kwame King
Now address the USA 🇺🇸 Diaspora..Write The Check
Chris Wilde
So how much ££ for each family? Who gets what? If that’s how its going to happen?
People here booing when any small incident or death in your family, you want “justice” or punished forever. LOL!!!!!
John Siders
BS what about the fruits that lost jobs ?? should they get payouts ??
R. W
This is like taking money from north Africa and giving it to Spain for what the Moors did
Will we need to apologise to every member of every generation..
my family were protestants chased out f france by catholics , can i have a cheque please ?
Helena Monique Clarke
Cool. Is N Africa going to pay reparations for the Europeans it took as slaves numbering in the millions after raids on ships and coastal towns? Speaking of not knowing history…🙄
The Ultimate Warrior
Welp, the UK is absolutely fucked
knighty Knight
Shes such a beautiful black lady ..x
Hans Gruber
I want reparations for the Gauls who were enslaved by Caesar.
Bumba clot dunny done no dunsa, John Holt is dead mon
UK Rays
200 mil. Your having a laugh.
Fox In tha dark
Dont quit your day job
Absolute joke.
Gavin Bissell
I’m gonna need some reperations from the Danes…
Womberto Biaggi
So what you’re saying is… I can now sue the Turkish government for reparations over the Moorish slave trade?
Bob's your uncle
So have they actually found any slaves to reparate?
Mike Carone
Can I renounce my Scottish heritage now
Chicot The Jester
Just so I know is Channel 4 still claiming to be politically neutral?
It’s coming. The end is nigh! HalleluYAH!
Ninetales XYO
The Pyramids, the Colosseum, give them slaves there reparations please. Don’t you know your history!!!
Davie Jay
Kind of an insult to the majority of the country who lived in poverty for hundreds and hundreds of years being pillaged by monarchs Basically slaves themselves Now they’re deemed “part of the problem” n their ancestors are expected to pay again for the deeds of the rich ruling class Seems fair
Kelly MM
200 million quid . Jesus christ
Fox In tha dark
A all those people are dead so who should i make the check out to??????
Créole Lady
Meta narrative judo.
Mexican Highlife
Oh good!!! When will they compensate the Anglo-Saxons, and earlier inhabitants, for the aggressive and unjustified invasion of 1066? This comment is offered in reaction to the headline.
Miki Dewberry
Enoch Powell was right
Could the university’s in North Africa please send Europe some money. After all Barbary slave traders put one million Europeans into chains
I want my reparations for the Barbary Slave Trade.
Gazza the old school agricultural engineer
I tell you what it’s about time all Italians gave some money back to us brits cos I’m feeling real annoyed at the Romans’ taking all brits and the Jews as slaves many years before, so get on it channel 4 cos it’s only right according to these in the vid !
Charles Warren
Did you want to be a slave for Islam or Christianity? Did you want to be a slave in North America, or South America?
Matthew Wilkinson
Guess which continent has the most slavery in modern times? Africa 😂😂😂😂
Let’s tear down the great pyramid next, you know it’s a symbol of oppression to slaves.
Alfred Garrett
So what about the benefit of having that 200 million for 200 years the interest from 200 million for 200 years has to be a lot
Elizabeth Munson
Aren’t you tired of always Asking for handouts instead of getting on with your life. We all built the past get off your high horse.
Ørjan Arvikk
If you look far back enough you won’t be able to find a single people group that has not been enslaved… where are the handouts for everyone else?
How about denouncing arabs and Africans for starting the slave trade and still exists today. If you want tto talk about organized forgetting.. Look into it
Alan Mc Donald
Just wondering if reparations are to be put in place for the loss of life and land after the Campbell led govt troops slaughtered my innocent kinsmen and kinswomen on the 13th Feb 1692.
They must have stopped teaching about the Slave trade triangle since the ’70s & ’80s when I was at school or the statement “we don’t reach about the slave trade” is BS
Charlie Catesby
All Bantu must pay the Khoisan and other peoples they drove out of their native lands in Southern Africa, this includes the diaspora in Britain.
Jason Devon
I want reparations from the Romans and Barbary pirates then!
Janet Kamboo
Channel 4 what happened to coryxkenshin did he die should we be worried
Joe Turner
So when is Denmark going to compensate the UK for the Great Army? Or Lindisfarne? Or is it Norway that owes us? How about Tunisia et al for the slave raids on Devon & Cornwall?
bob rail
I blame BREXIT 🙈🙉🙊
Kev Gray
Better idea Spend the money on the homeless and the needy right here and now… Do you want a knighthood or something? Do universities have excess cash just lying around? If so I’m assuming the students don’t have to pay one little bit to study at your university? Ps.. If you give away one bit of taxpayers money or ask for money in the future from taxpayers you can go play with yourself.. By the way my great great great great great great great grandad was a slave you think I can have some money back off somebody🙄
Wow!!! How old are they (the owners and the slaves), like 3 or 4 hundred years old now?!?!? I need to eat some of whatever they’re eating so I can live that long too! 😳
lee dennison
Is there Slave Owners Still A Live? , And Is There Slaves Still A Live?
ju ju ju
Though universities were places for intellects. This regressive posturing is pointless! We have no responsibilities for our ancestors!
Kerr Wallace
not sure if they checked but Glasgow isn’t exactly well off for a city of its size, and at the time slavery was legal so why are we paying them for doing no crime
Do you know what would be wonderful for the entire world?  What would be wonderful for the entire world, is to go for one single day, without having to listen to people of “sub-Saharan descent”, tell the rest of us, what me MUST do for them.
Ciaran Cresswell
Lots of pretty horrendous comments here. Seems a lot of people feel this is unjust. A quote from the 17th century philosopher Gerrard Winstanley comes to mind (on enclosure) “owning property was brought into creation by your ancestors by the sword; which first did murder their fellow creatures … and plunder or steal way their land, and left this land successively to you … though you did not kill or thieve, yet you hold that cursed thing in your hand by the power of the sword”. Though the descendents of slavors, and the inhabitants of countries who profitted from slavery in general are not personally responsible for slavery, they have benefitted from it, while the descendents of slaves are still statistically far worse off, their countries having been stunted that ours might prosper. It doesn’t make you evil to have indirectly benefitted from an evil you didn’t commit, but at the very least we can have a little humility and empathy. A little solidarity goes a long way.
Blue Moon
Some people can never understand which is quite apparent from the comments below unless they suffered the same fate themselves
I’m Irish. Can I get them?
Fran VanSiclen
We can’t help it if Glasgow University is stupid !!!
Lorehammer Library
Why doesn’t she leave the UK instead of undermining it from inside?
This is pathetic…. were in a completely diffrent generation. People need to grow up
Benjamin Badger
I didn’t think there were any slaves still alive. Who did they pay the reparations to? My Cornish ancestor came over from Dublin where he was a slave of the Vikings, sold in the Dublin slave market. So will Norway and Denmark pay me reparations? (Sweden was not a state at the time.)
Fox In tha dark
Why arent the irish and scots whining about money ??????just black people????
Are the black African slavers going to apologise and pay reparations for abducting and selling the slaves in the first place
America first
I’m Irish weres my reparations
Give me free stuff
Saul West
More misuse of the public purse.
Martin Fleming
African nations also need to take responsibility as it was African nations selling us the slaves. Anyway when is Germany, France and Italy going to pay us reparations for our slavery? The slave trade was wrong, no doubt, but it was done by past and gone generations
Common Sense
This is idiotic, slavery has been around since time began and every society has been involved.
Vengeance. An eye for an eye. And soon, everyone goes blind.
Kevin Small
So UWI getting some money now nice
Torrez Gordon
So that’s why my last name is Gordon?? Smh
None of these people are SLAVES!
pale blue dot
Its a complex situation in america i think they should have discussed it with the state. First but i cant judge
ar bu
Pff ! Better pay reparations to the kids you forced to work in the 1900s !
Simon Lawther
This pay off is a disgrace. When are the Scottish and Irish gonna be paid reparations from the English sovereignty / establishment. ? For hundreds and hundreds of yes of ethnic cleansing and slavery ? Are we not due reparations. ?
Debbie Bunny
She should visit American universities as well.
just when you thought ‘wokeness’ couldn’t get any more stupider or crazier.
Elizabeth Munson
I wonder what the beautiful West Indies would be like if there had never been a slave trade!
paul hoskin
What about me I want some money too
Bird Dog
So who kicked Rommel out of Africa
Fran VanSiclen
Don’t blacks get entitlements along with other people; isn’t that reparation enough !!!! I believe it is !
Jani Jääskeläinen
The Finns were slaves..We have the same problems now in Finland???
Fran VanSiclen
Can women get reparations also; we were little more then property for hundreds of years and could not vote until the early 1900’s ! I demand my money !!!!
America first
What people will do for free money just get a job like every one else