Forced into Prostitution

Migrant children forced into prostitution

Migrant children forced into prostitution

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Examine the harsh realities of being forced into prostitution, including the exploitation, psychological impact, and efforts to combat this serious issue.

Forced into Prostitution: The Tragedy of Exploited Lives

Reporters – Morocco: the hellish world of sex tourism

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1 Forced into prostitution: To hell and back | DW Reporter

30 jan. 2016

Camilla from Nigeria wanted a better life in Europe – but people traffickers forced her to work as a prostitute for their profit. After seven years she was discovered by the police and deported. Back home, it’s been a big struggle returning to normality.

2 The Dark Underworld of Sex Trafficking in Holland

16 dec. 2016

In the Fusion docu-series “Traffickers,” host Nelufar Hedayat explores the complicated, illegal and dangerous worlds of black markets.

3 Know The Signs – Emma’s Story – A Victim’s Perspective of Child Sexual Exploitation

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11 okt. 2013

“Know the Signs – Emma’s Story” is a victims perspective of Child Sexual Exploitation.

Filmed by West Yorkshire Police with pupils from Airedale Academy “Emma’s Story” is part of the the West Yorkshire Police Child Sexual Exploitation ‘Know the Signs’ campaign. The film shows a victim’s perspective of CSE and aims to highlight the signs to anyone who may be at risk.

This video was originally released in four short parts and published online over four separate days. Each section of the video showing changes in the victims appearance and behaviour.

Read more about the West Yorkshire Police “Know The Signs” Child Sexual Exploitation campaign at

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• I was just hanging around at the park with my friends when I met Dave.
• I’d seen him driving around a few times, he was really good looking.
• I couldn’t believe it when he came over to talk to me.
• He offered to take me for a drive in his car, said it was cooler than hanging around the park with my friends all night.
• We had a laugh and got on really well. He said I was different to all the other girls he knew.

• He started to turn up every night, he’d take me out in his car, he’d go for pizza or we’d just sit and chat.
• Dave was so generous, he was always buying me presents like a top up for my phone, he said he wanted to make sure I could always ring him if I needed to.
• My friends were really jealous, I started hanging round with them less and less, because I had so much more fun with Dave.
• He’d text me and email me all the time, he was really interested in what I was doing and who I was with.
• My mum was being really nosey, she was always wondering who I was texting and why I was on the internet so much. She was so over overprotective, having a go at me just because I was a bit late home.
• I really liked Dave, he really understood me, and he was always buying me new things, new clothes and jewellery.
• My mum said I was acting different, but I just thought I was a bit more grown up.
• Dave liked me to dress a certain way but I didn’t mind, I just liked to keep him happy.

• He took me to really cool parties with all his friends, they were all really nice and I had a really good time.
• Dave even gave me beer and vodka, but he said it didn’t matter, he said I was mature for my age. He said it would make me have a better time.
• My parents used to go mad that I didn’t come home until the next morning but I didn’t care, I wanted to spend all my time with Dave.
• Sometimes I’d stay at Dave’s for a few days, we’d just hang around his flat, my mum even reported me missing to the police once but I thought she was just over-reacting.

• But after a while things started to change. Dave started to get really jealous if I spoke to anyone else or wanted to see my friends.
• He said they didn’t understand me like he did and that they didn’t really want to spend time with me.
• But he bought me a brand new phone, but only he had the new number and he kept my old sim card.
• I thought because he loved me so much that he wanted me all to himself.
• But one day Dave asked me to do something, he said he owed his friend some money but if I was nice to this friend he would let him off.
• I wasn’t sure what he meant but something just didn’t seem right.
• Then I realised he wanted me to have sex with him, I didn’t want to, but Dave said it would be ok.
• He said it would really help him out, and I just wanted to make him happy.
• It was awful, I just cried and cried and was so relieved when it was over.

• But it didn’t stop there, Dave changed he became really aggressive and I was scared that he would hurt me so I just did what he said.
• I had to drink to block out what was happening.
• I just didn’t know what to do.
• Dave said there would be no point telling anyone because they wouldn’t believe me and he said I would get in trouble for making things up.
• Things just got worse and worse, I felt so worthless and alone.
• Dave started getting violent and even punched me in the face, when I asked why he was being like this.
• I couldn’t believe that someone that I thought loved me could turn into a monster and treat me like this.
• Look I didn’t want to go to the police, I was scared they would say it was my fault and I was so scared what Dave would do if he found out , but my Mum called them for me.
• The next day an officer came to my house, she was really nice. She didn’t judge me and was really understanding. She told me none this was my fault, I that I was a victim of child sexual exploitation and they would help me.
• My mum felt really bad that she hadn’t realised what was happening, she said she knew something wasn’t right but she never imagined things could be as bad as they were.

4 Uncovering Iraq’s religious front for child prostitution | Iraq’s Secret Sex Trade | Full Film

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This powerful investigation into Shia clerics in some of Iraq’s holiest shrines uncovers a network of exploitation of young women and girls, trapped into prostitution and pimped out by a religious elite. For the first time the clerics’ secret sex trade has been captured on camera. Undercover filming and victim testimony reveal how they procure young women for male clients, and are prepared to conduct ‘pleasure marriages’ with children.

5 How a woman forced into sex slavery escaped her captor | 60 Minutes Australia

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28 sep. 2019

Chances are you will find this story incredibly hard to believe. It’s confronting and confounding, but it really happened. Raised in middle-class Sydney, Katie Lang’s future was almost assured – exciting and prosperous. But her big mistake was to fall in love with the wrong man. Katie thought Damion Baston wanted to be her boyfriend. What he really wanted was to be her pimp. He used violence to control her, turning her into a sex slave and trafficking her around the world. But what this monster didn’t anticipate was Katie’s strength, and when she was finally able to escape his abuse, she set about plotting her revenge. 
Taken (2016)
For forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Allison Langdon, Tara Brown, Charles Wooley, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.

5 Inside Iraq’s secret shelters for women – BBC News

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13 dec 2018

In Iraq, where nearly half of the female population has been exposed to violence according to the UN, women activists have established a secret network of shelters for the survivors of honour killing and sex trafficking.

It’s a job that can get their safe houses attacked any day, as the government provides little protection for victims and most of the time they contact families that women are trying to escape.

Part of the 100 Women season, the BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil has gained access to one of the secret shelters, and met women who live with threats to their daily lives.

Reporter Shaimaa Khalil and producer Dina Demrdash

6 Yellow Car Paint Prank

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28 mrt. 2011


Some random painter dude asks people going into the store what shade of yellow they prefer. When they get out of the store, they see their car getting painted in the exact shade of yellow they chose. Given such a kind act on his part, it’s hard to understand why people would get mad at him.

A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!