We, at home, periodically check our wardrobes to collect the clothes we don’t wear anymore and either donate them if they’re looking new enough or mum uses them as cleaning cloth for floors, windows etc. Often we switch stuff between siblings and sometimes cousins. The only cases where mum’s willing to throw something are underwears and the stuff which are damaged too much to reuse for anything. It’s some kind of habit mum inherited from their economically struggling days but is still valid. Even now she checks the fabric, sewing and print (if any) qualities to find the best possible price/performance product. In summary it’s sickening to see these fabric dumpsters, knowing the labour in production :/ Also just remembered there was a store in my city which would collect the “unwanted” clothes those big producters* wanted get rid of (from small mistakes in sewing to big mistakes) and I’d get even cheaper Alexander McQueen, North Face, Armani etc
it was actually a good way to reuse stuff *(in Turkey, probably most of them were collected from the textile factories here)

The good thing is not all ppl are “addicted” to shopping trending fashion, some love “pre-loved” clothing…
The latest fashions are what is most profitable for companies like Zara, not because it looks good or has any quality.
The people making these clothes don’t have proper clothes to wear themselves at times. It’s honestly infuriating when educated people promote these brands without having any empathy for the people producing them. I have studied fashion in Paris and haven’t been able to move on as a creative person knowing that there is such a big problem with the system and my country (India) is also a victim of it. Money makes a man blind in morals, and that’s so evident here. The main problem is the psychology that needs a major change. I request to anyone watching them if trends are really more important than people’s livelihood and the environment being at stake. Your void is never going to be filled by fast fashion, they thrive off your self-esteem and try to keep it low for this reason by always showing you that you need to be someone else through their clothing. Please reflect and stop making excuses because there is a multitude of alternatives and options out there that you can implement.
That’s why I stop shopping at these brands like Zara. In fact, I rarely buy clothes anymore because it is very difficult to avoid fast fashion nowadays.
I’ve told my grown up children to stop being wasteful. Buying clothes they wear for a couple of months sometimes not at all and out it goes. I’ve rescued quite a lot gave 3 big bags to a friends granddaughter and even got myself into a couple of bits including a scarf I love
this documentary should be shown in every school around the planet! And on each social network! This planet is collapsing and all that young people worry about is cheap fashion???? Most of us know which impact cheap clothes have not only on the planet but also on wages… or do we know? And these influencers make it even worse!!! Kids demonstrate for this planet and its future -but do they know what impact their clothes have? I seriously doubt it….
This is heartbreaking! So much waste for so little value! Why are companies doing this? How can we make companies responsible for this? 

As much as I dislike thrifting becoming “trendy” when it’s sometimes the only thing some families can afford, that’s truly where’s its at. Look hard enough and you build a wardrobe that is cheap, your taste, and reused. Also, keeping and wearing articles of clothing as long as you can.
Let’s call the clothes manufacturing in Leicester what they are – sweat shops. Lived in the area ten years ago and everyone local knew about them. Those I encountered were also all from South Asian community, vulnerable and of course paid below minimum wage. It seems naive to ask if they pay taxes. Why is this being allowed to happen for literal decades?
This reminded me of the time I used to work at a clothing factory in the 1980’s in Syracuse New York. We got paid per pieces, there was this 1 day that I made$4.25. I felt like I was doing marathon all day doing my work…. very exhausting. I was very tired exerting too much energy, I was under weight. Then the orders slowed down because many companies were shifting their work to China.
It all comes down to exploitation of poor people. It’s the heart of fast fashion.
“we want to be more than a fashion website, we wanna be a lifestyle brand, we wanna give good meaning to the customer, you know, good values… if you have a daughter… eehm… PLT should inspire in the right way….” Thanks to your great contribution of values to our planet while not paying minimum wage 

I can’t remember the last time I shopped for myself. I stopped buying clothes I don’t need.
Thank you for this eye opening piece, I appreciate all of the effort and research done by the DW team. Thank you.
This is why we can’t win! Whether you thrift or buy fast fashion or extremely expensive clothing. People are just greedy. They’re hard to stop from buying and people on top will keep getting richer and richer. Just be smart who you support. Yes, I still have my uniqlo shirt from 2019. That was the last time I bought from a fast fashion. I will try my best to stop myself from buying.
How can you help? It’s really easy. Don’t buy new clothes. Most Americans and Europeans have sufficient clothing to last for the next ten years. Why do girls want jeans with holes? Just make it fashionable to wear a pair of pants until it wears out. When your friend see’s you and notices that you are wearing the same pants, shirt, jacket that you wore yesterday and the day before, this is fashionable because you are aware of the suffering that buying new clothes is causing. You are thinking, those poor people had a happy life before “Gap” or whatever factory moved into their village. But now it will take time until people can have a safe environment again. In the end it’s population that causes suffering. 1 billion people, 8 billion people. Now people suffer 8 times more than 100 years ago. The most important thing is to just stop buying product. If you don’t need it DON”T BUY IT.
The most wasteful brands are also the ones you see most regular through social media influencers. These guys are on top of their marketing game.
This is why i stop shoping. Isnt it time that we should care more for our world?
This has been eye-opening! I’ll be wiser when it comes to shopping for new clothes! I love this channel!!!
I’ve been buying my clothes from thrift stores since high school and I have always liked doing it. We waste so so much.
As someone who has worked in the textile industry, I’m glad this fast fashion documentary finally talks about how bad the textile side is and not just the garment side.
Quote @ 02:52: “It is very typical for the fashion forward buyer to never wear an outfit that they purchased”. Well, in the old days we would say that people who show this kind of behavior suffer from an addiction to buying. The question is why. Maybe this professor should draw the conclusion that this kind of consumer behavior is a clear indication that (parts of) society is going in the wrong direction and that some groups of consumers are possibly on a path of urgently needing psychological treatment.
Great work to the documentary creators and DW for publishing this. It needs to reach more ears everywhere. Awareness and knowledge can start sowing seeds in people’s minds (Even if they don’t buy into it yet). I am not well off but I have look for clothes in thrift stores or keep my purchases to the absolute bare minimum to do my own part.
The same topic keeps being recycled on media, but nothing has been done to stop the pollution and the exploitation. Brands now slap on a “sustainable” label to their lines of clothing. Nothing about it is sustainable.
and here’s me still using clothes I had since I was 18, people need to realise that they have more than they need
Very scary to live now. We are the worst creature. We will pay back soon to the nature.
Judging by the comments, the people watching this video already shop second-hand, wear their clothes forever, and generally do everything they can to avoid fast fashion. I used to think that was enough, but lately I’ve begun to wonder about my complicity in other people’s fast-fashion addiction. For example, should I like or compliment a friend’s new outfit if they churn through a lot of cheap clothes? It’s almost automatic–and it feels like a nice thing to do–yet it reinforces behavior that causes untold harm.
Can DW show how much polyester fabric is still being processed into fast fashion???? Be brave and show it.
Whenever I purchase clothes, I am always on the lookout for these following brands (I am a plus sized woman): Catherine’s, Woman Within, Faded Glory, Ava and Viv, and other clothing brands that make clothes for plus sized women such as myself. I am no fashionista, but I wish that people would only purchase clothing that they are going to be wearing for awhile instead of throwing them all away in the trash. As I previously mentioned, I do not considered to be a fashionista, but I prefer clothing that does not feel and look cheap, looks comfortable, and if I love the pattern or patterns on the particular item or items that I am looking to buy, I will buy it. I live in the United States, and people donate clothing that they do not want anymore to places such as garage/yard/church sales, Facebook Marketplace, and thrift stores. Finally, I love DW’s documentaries! Please keep up the great work!
I still have some clothes made for my grandmother in the 1930s-1950s and their quality is incomparable to the contemporary things. They are very durable, natural fabrics, beautiful textures and are very sophisticated in their cut. Some of them I wore when i was a teenager, i.e. after my granny and my mother used to wear them, and they look ok (not for my size, though). And, simply on a personal level (a small addition to the magnitude of the eco and social problems caused by the fast fashion), the nowadays clothes upset me, they are worn out very quickly (I actually wear them until they get unpatchable holes), while I get used to an item and find it complicated to look for a new one…
This world is so depressing.
Everything I own such as home decor, dining wear, clothes, etc. I try to buy second hand because it’s better for the environment and overall better, in my opinion. I can’t remember the last time I bought new clothes, probably seven years ago.
These small brands should take the fight to social media.
I still have my clothes from more than 10 yrs ago.. still looking good. Im 28 and my weight is pretty much the same so everything fits. Ppl get tired of the same things too easily and that has to stop bc our natural resources are limited. We gotta think of our planets future!! That feeling of NEED to have new things is whats wrong with us
Awesome good documentary. Please continue with your job, this is the only way to create awareness.
I buy clothes once a 3 year, still have and wear 8 year old shoes, anyone like me?

i stopped buying clothes after high school because it was not a priority for me with my work. Im glad it turned out that way because this is is insanity.
Billionaires is just another word for exploiters.
At 37.20 and that’s it…Tears rolled down…I have taken a vow to stop myself from becoming prey to any form of over-consumption, Be it be clothes, footwear, electronics, food etc. Mahatama Gandhi said, ‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. We have to search for sustainable ways to become happy…Thank you DW…
We can all say this is bad but at the end we’re still going continue to buy this. There’s not much we can do when the general population wages cannot afford sustainable clothing. Wages need to increase globally and “sustainable” companies need to lower their prices.
Fashion depends on the pathetic narcissism of the buyers.
We’ve come a long way since I was a child. If I was bought a new coat (only when needed) I’d get hit. I dreaded it when I had to wear new shoes to school bec I knew I was in for a beating. So I’d try get them scuffed on the way but my wonderful dad polished them for the next morning. My heart sank
Don’t forget your fave celebs bark about the environment, labor, pay, etc. but will sit at fashion runways, gawking at models with wallet ready at hand.
It’s a madness. I only shop rarely from second shop – i end up wearing a handful of them.
Same things can be said about electric cars. They are not environmentally friendlier than gasoline cars if all the manufacturing processes are considered. Maybe even less green…
problem is not juts cheap cloths . problem also luxury brands who burns tons and tons of cloths every year instead of sell or give away to poor. recently who did it was British brands. burning all last year and year before.
No one wins the fast fashion debate. As long as people are exploited and the cost of living goes up, nobody wins.
I refuse to buy any clothing that isn’t going to last me for years, and I try to only buy clothing that is not made by exploited workers in some sweatshop. I may look outdated, but I feel better about what I buy and wear.
Those workers being paid so little don’t have any better options and will probably be worse off without the jobs. Environment wise is the main issue that should be fixed.
DW posted about fast fashion 5 months ago or something. I am happy that DW is stressing about disadvantages of fast fashion.
the worst about fast fashion is the scale… I mean, even the more expensive clothes are built like that (branded clothes). It’s awful. This industry must be changed into its core
Truly this is all part of the power of distraction. Be it sports, entertainment or other nonsensical manipulation. We don’t need fancy clothing, humanity needs work wear, and lots of it. Then, we need to put it to use trying to save OUR world, not just from ourselves, but those we’ve allowed to destroy it. BIG business and their evil cohorts, governments.
I like clothes that last years…today are hard to find and ridiculously expensive.
About 95% of the items that brands tout as “sustainable” are recycled polyester. I can’t stand new polyester or any synthetics, why would I buy recycled? I’m still waiting for real improvements, like offering sustainable viscose, linen and cotton. Recycled polyester might be good for non-clothing uses like awnings, patio furniture, etc.
I want to buy more clothes when I need to buy them from eco clothes stores, however I often find I don’t like the styles and a lot of the ones I’ve seen have clothes that don’t suit my body shape too. I will continue to hope to find more of these brands though and that they will make more clothes to my liking and shape.
Ever walked around a shopping centre and looked at all the clothes shops and thought “nobody actually friggin needs this much” ? brings my piss to a boil!
I’m all for fashion and buying clothes at a reasonable prices. But…I am against taking advantage of the little guy and filling up landfills to do it. I think ALL sewing plants (big and small) should be inspected to make sure they are paying their workers a decent wage and aren’t harboring and taking advantage of illegal immigrants and desperate people. All brands should have to prove where all their garments are made and efforts should be made to make sure EVERYTHING is on the up and up. If it means paying a little more than so be it. Keeping everything on the level (without over-inspecting) will keep people at decent wages and keep the fashion industry going. Also, more shops should be set-up to sell the excessive leftovers a few seasons later and rejects at discounted rates, instead of throwing the clothes away. What can’t be sold should be recycled in some way. Fabrics can now be re-broken-down into fibers again and re-mixed with other materials and new fabrics made again. Also, rags, curtains, rugs, bags, and many many more items can be made from the other excess clothes, that can be re-sold and re-purposed. So….if a brand wanted to, they could get into the whole realm of making and re-making of their goods, or hire good sub-contractors to handle the second part. Imagine how much money could be doubled and tripled by a brand if they did that and set up some of these other shops to deal with the re-purposed products. Less landfill and more fat pockets.
Nobody cares about environment or employees pay or work condition, it is all about money to the companies. One hand, young generation can’t spend much; the solution buy cheap and low quality clothes on line. On the other hand, the traditional chic brands are expensive and not everyone can buy it.
This is why I give new life to old clothing and repurpose them. I thank my mom who taught me how to run a sewing machine.
After covid I’ve been wearing same 4 pairs since 2020 and i feel the same I missed out nothing 

Stop buying things we don’t need…. only buy when we need it.
For years I’ve been buying my clothes only in charity shops. Since the pandemic started I haven’t bought anything as I realised I have more than I can ever wear out.
Now you wonder yourself why is it so hard for western companies to get out of china, india ?. The answer is this video.(“cheap labor”).
I am a man and I can say I’ve never bought an item of clothing I’ve never actually worn. Craziness.
Me laughing looking at my wardrobe with still well maintained 8-9 year old items , it’s a mad World , Fast fashion sucks !! Invest in quality and sustainability 

I’ve got a sweater from PLT and quality is sh**. It was my first thing and last from this online shop. But I didn’t know the truth…now I know what the reality is…what a shame, awful 

Fashion may be one of the most vacuous and wasteful sectors within the arts. The product life cycle in fashion has always been relatively short, and the social and environmental costs are high. Perhaps if we didn’t socialize or encourage such blatant narcissism in our societies, people would have more resources to share for the basic necessities of life for all.
I’ve always wondered how Pretty littlething and bohoo made money selling their garments so cheap, now I know and its disgusting.
Again an extraordinary documental. Your channel is the best way to know the hidden true behind industries. At the end you point out an excellent re-election:, growing or sustainability. I’m the process of having a minimalist style of life, and trying to buy from local and small companies. Although it’s not an easy task.
It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. – Ansel Adams
Oh no.
Dude has guts confronting the ceo with facts. Bravo. I know fast fashion and most fashion isn’t great but damn, no more pretty little thing and boohoo for me now for sure smh. I didn’t know about viscose…
. I hope that company and any like it get brought to justice. Shame on them.

Why do people need that many clothes? Or why buy that often? I have 7 trousers, a skirt, 9 tops and 3 dresses, and those are plenty. My pjs came from the lot of clothes I used to wear as outdoor clothes in my teens and I have them repaired when needs be. After the PJs phase, my clothes become dog bed stuffing.
Believe it or not, despite all the technology, it’s BOREDOM. People are bored. No one reads, does arts and crafts, no one has a hobby, that’s why. We grew into a passive society. People who waste money like this, will have major problems as they age. There won’t be enough money for living and care. They will be the ones who you see with shopping carts on the street. It’s happening now. This is going on for decades. Look at some elderly people . Some of them are already experience the results. The young generation is not seeing this. Time will tell. In the U.S. it’s houses and cars, the same way. Why do you think , millions of people are homeless? It’s part of the reason. Their sign says, I was like you before. I have seen it.
I literally could not care less about fashion. I’ve got a few good clothes that I like for when I go out and one or two nice coats etc. and I use those for years and years. People are like “oh the environment what do we do 
” yet their whole personality is literally based around shopping and buying clothes lol. Wasteful

We are bombarded with trends, overconsumption is consuming into the brains who care less about specificity but opt for superficial stuffs- their values decrease in a short span of time. In fact fast fashion trends lost its value and it’s hype in just a one Instagram post. People who really loves fashion to the core or real fashion peeps aren’t actually effected by trends or hype, in fact built their styles over the time which is quiet slow but honestly people who opt for slow fashion are more confident to the fact that their styles are not determine by “what’s in / what’s out” but the feelings and emotional connection they acquire overtime with their wardrobe gives them a certain aura which you just can’t connect at a glance makes them the most interesting people you will ever find.
I made up my mind to reduce the shopping mentality
Very sad information but is pure true congratulation for this channel
When you have style you don’t need to follow trends.
Children at my school would say I was a snob if I had so much as a new blouse. I hated it when mum had to buy me one
Influencers should be confronted about what they earn their money on to a greater and more intense degree.
Brand should have to focus on Recycling and production without harming environment rather than focusing on reducing price of product as a customer I will be happy and prefer to buy little bit costly product if it is made in the view of safe environment prospective
There are many artisanal “slow fashion” brands, if one knows where to look.. and are willing to pay a premium for the clothing.

Love these dw docs 

It is sad to see how addicted fast fashion is. The fashion influencers are ‘complicit’ in some way, how they help selling the fast fashion. I make my own clothes and proud to wear them. They are cheap, good quality, and long lasting. But if you can not sew, it is the choice you will make. To buy fast fashion or sustainable fashion.

Going on 2yrs shopping from Thriftstores… They are cheaper, environmentally better and quality of clothes are so much better than these “new” trendy clothes… Maybe some thriftstores charge more than getting new ones from some of the said sites here, but trust me if u really look at the brandnames they sell at so many thriftstores, these are quality items that u can pass down to ur great grandchildren.. There’s no need to pollute the planet by making more and adding more. We already have options that didn’t have to be produced from scratch. More thriftstores IF YOU WANT TO or REALLY HAVE TO. because it won’t disappoint you.
I can’t always resist fashion fashion purchases, but I only buy natural, biodegradable fabric /material items. At least they’ll break down when eventually discarded and not linger around for thousands of years. They also have more intrinsic value for reuse, unlike plastic fabrics (synthetic fibers) which have little if any value to a second user. I keep my clothes, footwear, etc., for ever, until it wears out, or rehome it.
I’ll stay with my regular brand then Ralph Lauren and Ann Taylor, good quality and it really lasts longer (Pricey but worth it)

Waste generated from apparel is actually double that of amount sold if you account for the pre-consumer waste.
Love your work. Thankss for informing us.
ironic we develop so much waste in favor of a fashion that is generic and tasteless anyways…
This is a good reason to not spend money I don’t have on things I don’t need.
the waste clothing could be shredded and used as stuffing in pillows and stuffed toys won at carnivals
In the last 2 years i only started buying shoes and clothes from expensive brands. They are good quality i’m pleased and now i’m not buying often.
Minimalism is so satisfying …I love my spiritual instead of materialistic life….
me who only have 10 clothes and never buy a new one almost about 7 years, when watching this documentary “How? can be so can be this many?”
Its all hype, you make your own fashion. Personally I dont conform to any kind of fashion as I dont really truely believe In It
Noholita looks like the kind that buys online, take pics for insta and then send the clothes back
Me with 4 favorite shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, one suit that comes out when someone dies, and as someone who lounges around the house in the same 2 sets of pjs every day: Excuse me wtf.
well i still have my dads crate full with brand new jeans from the 80’s in their original packaging… should last me 10 more years…
I love Zara and h and m .. I have around 300 dress I have never worn .maybe I’ll just throw away next year when new models come out
Better buying better quality clothing that will last in my opinion. I’ve got levis 15yrs old and still in great shape. Following the cleaning guides and look after things. Same for most things, so wasteful.
Thank you for challenging me to think differently now.
Whenever a teenager gushes her climate hate out, show her this!!!
Designing jeans or pants is the dumbest thing anyone has ever made up, to feel important about themselves. What design is necessary? Real genius it must take to say to your self, I’m going to do two legs this time, and every time!
Should be considered during production cost estimation.
Adapting them onto cheaper versions is just like what China has been doing for so long.
Soooo,… At the end of this sad doc. we learn that nothing will change in the near future. …. Fantastic -_- (Great film, well done for making it!)
This is way I’m wearing the same pair of Jeans from 5 years ago…don’t worry I still wash them from time to time.
I read that rayon manufacturing uses a much less toxic process than viscose, but I’m no expert.
The last time I bought a new cloth was before the end of 2019.
Please dub this episodes in regional languages all over world. First in Hindi.
Same will happen to electronics
I hate to admit it, but low working standards is the only way to stay competitive in this business, there are only a few high-margin types of clothing, like tailor-made clothes or formal blazers. I think maybe a tax or mandatory standards like the cloth has to keep its integrity after n washes or time worn, because I highly doubt the consumer can do anything, it has to come from the government. The only factories that I have seen that have a formal contract with the worker treat their employees like literal garbage, with lots of pressure, almost no resting time, and unrealistic goals. Lots of workers end up burning out
Do not ask what the earth can do for you, ask what you can do for the earth. “We preserve pockets of nature in our urban centers and large expanses of nature in our national parks because of the magic we feel in its presence. It reminds us of our smallness and calls us back to a deeper, quieter part of ourselves. When we honor nature by being respectful in its presence, we honor the mystery and wild beauty of our origin. “ Respecting Wildlife, MADISYN TAYLOR If humans are ignorant & careless then we will of course end up with the results of our decisions … naturally, and the Earth will say hallelujah. “Whatever evaluation we finally make of a stretch of land, however, no matter how profound or accurate, we will find it inadequate. The land retains an identity of its own, still deeper and more subtle than we can know. Our obligation toward it then become simple: to approach with an uncalculating mind, within an attitude of regard.”
Me wearing a fake Gucci jacket and chilling down and watching this videos 

I could have swore than when I first started watching the first two minutes of this documentary 20 minutes ago, a male voice was narrating this documentary. I shared it to my Facebook group, came back to start watching it from the beginning and a female voice was narrating the documentary. Weird.
To think how people lived in times of the past, how they wore their clothing till they had holes in them…how when a woman got a new dress, she felt she was happiest woman in the world and her husband got a new shirt as a birthday gift, still wore it 20 years later……and all their family’s clothing fitted in one small closet. We surely have advanced… and never were people so confused, empty and miserable as today! the earth is weeping for what’s happened to creatures walking upon it!
Just start watching. I hope you guys talk about Shein.
Not just the highlighted brands Primark too and there are many Asia and Africa cheap labour made copies of brands. But then, not everyone can afford luxury at it’s price right. And not everyone is conscious of their carbon footprint. And we are in a world of abundance of everything.

The lower classes of the west are very rich compared to these over seas workers who have also lost their environment ..I am sickened by the “me me I must have ” mentality of the west . You only have to walk past the stores that stock these goods and the stench of chemicals is there ..Thanks but no thanks ..Most of the fashion seen was tarty looking ..
It’s likely not going to change because those that purchased it (middle to lower income young people) don’t care much about social/environmental issues at that age.
Most of the dust we inhale in our lungs daily is made of acrylic an polyester microfibers.
I think this is disgusting. I’m guilty of this one because quality is gone clothes no longer last.
This clothes thing is one of the reason why I’m wondering why young teenagers are in the first row when there is any demonstration about climate change. Teenagers buy clothes every week, not the older 40+ generations. My mom is 70+ and she sew her clothes if needed and buys 1-2 new clothes each year, no more than that. Teenagers want the governments to do something against CO2 but what if governments ban buying new clothes, or just 2-3 each year? I guess teenagers would demonstrate again if governments control their life. So funny
Me who wants to buy a proper wireless mechanical keyboard and mouse even though I still have both still functioning well but they’re not wireless just because I want something new and tries to buy it online using credit 

Do you wear clothes for physical need or esthetic appeal ? The attempt of Adam and Eve to covered their nakedness after the fall has only grown in leaps and bounds. Indeed, what a fall it was.
It’s all bad if you ask me. An old coworker said he bought knockoff nikes from the Nike website. Then you have the issues in the makeup industry. It’s all a collective problem of a joke, right? Like I say, maybe one day I’ll be able to live up to the women in my family who’ve passed and be able to make my own clothes. Maybe. Flashing logos, name brands…it’s an important part of culture these days. Even if you accidentally buy knockoff. 

Conglomorate oligarcs are the worst things this world could ever ask for! Patheticly sad!
Vicious Circle of Fast Fashion with livelihood 

capitalistic greed is destroying our very existence. as marcus aurelius once asked: why seek the approving opinion of people you don’t even like?
Just wanted to say that I’ve seen plenty of older populations buying new clothes. Teens aren’t the largest group. I’m from Midwest U.S. I’ve got kids that range from their 20s down to the 2 year old. Honestly, it’s 30 to 40 year Olds who buy a lot new.
It’ll costs a lot for us in the future
This makes me want to bin my clothing even faster, so i can buy some new clothing faster than i can bin the former
i very shock even Zara copy other ppl pattern n ppl think they smart wear branded in de end extra pay for model, brand name only,
They act like the working conditions are terrible, but this is average garment workers conditions. Any other Fechheimer people out there? Remember how they used to tell us to learn as many skills as possible so if your line gets done early, you can go to another line to keep working and earning? Production rate of 1,500 a day. Same conditions. But we did have minimum wage.
I had no idea that feminine vanity was so destructive.
Until the day when these counterfeiters, exploiters and authoritarians are convicted, they will plunder countless money, but the poor will go to hell and miserable fate, then the case is closed
Wanting new looks is very normal, the metaverse could save physical waste
There is a deep rooted problem in the present economic system which engenders such tragedies.
hmmm i still using cloth around 4 years ago, its torn, still wearing it…. for me, appearance is not that important
Then fast forward to my eldest granddaughter who played me up for the latest fashion every couple of weeks and pose in front of her phone for videos and photos.
Better to buy the clothes when necessary.
Build MORE thrift shops
Plastic toys, world is swamped with plastic toys.
Here in Guatemala. Zara, Bershka, Stradivarius and other stores are not cheap! Prices are high and quality is not so good! There is the secret too!
Love your channel guys
People, it is simple. Just don’t buy anything that support these abuses. PrettyLittleThing, you are going down.
One word “Primark” 

37:18 my god thats terrifying
Stop following the trends people.

It’s allowed because of Greed.
In the metaverse, there will be no waste
Congratulation for this channel congratulation information is very important
Puts a different spin on “evil corporations”….
Meanwhile the owners of these chains are in Dubai having a ball! Living it large.
Indians exploiting Indians even in UK…..In New Zealand we have op shops which are second hand stores. Many people donate their clothes and household goods they no longer need, and so many people buy from them The money goes to charity. Its very popular here.
Why do we need clothes anyway we are the only beings on this planet that need clothes
There is no hope for humanity.
Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man. – Stewart Udall
Depressing and feeling hopeless
Fashion industry is mainly based on women’s dresses. In east or west men’s dresses r added with women’s. Most dresses have left decency. Showing flesh and curves r basic of female fashion items.
The dark side of cheap fashion…… implies a bright side of expensive fashion…..yet both are the same. capitalism business
Someday you’re going to run out of cheap countries to get this stuff made in and there won’t be enough people making enough money to buy clothes and then where will you be
i work in brands of inditex. i notice that they are copying different brands
Nylon microplastics in the air everywhere. I think I’ll keep the mask on thanks.
great video thanks

the discourse should not be limited to the evils of fast fashion..there are deeper questions to be asked here- why is it so popular, fast fashion may be the only fashionable clothing most middle income group can afford especially in developing countries. Should fashion be only accessible to the kardashians of the world. What about people who can only afford fast fashion? When will luxury brands be held accountable? If gucci sells $2000 bag and there’s zara selling something similar for $20 can we really blame the consumers (mostly consisting of hard working, underpaid, working class people). Why is the onus always on the working class and not on billionaires exploiting the planet in every way possible?? We are asked to stop using fast fashion, stop using plastic straws, and for what, for the billionaires to exploit our labour, our resources and our planet to enjoy a ride to space. We work in overworked underpaid jobs for these same billionaires and sometimes a nice piece of clothing from zara is the only momentary happiness we can afford. High time we hold the right people accountable!
And then we have too many humans in the planet earth.. We need yes, a new world order with new type of society, new politicians, new independent justice courts, protection of nature and under species not destroying everything around us.. With no oxigen to breathe, no water to drink, no soils to plant, no oceans nothing will be possible live.. Then burn all money to our specie survive.. I’m just a foul, right.. Just look around you how people behave.. Nice documentary Respect Peace
fast fashion is real fashion. Fashion should change, sometimes rapidly, just some neo con fashionada that wants to slow it down
Pretty Little Thing sounds like a name for a porn company. The sleazy looking CEO isn’t helping. I don’t even have kids but when he looks at the camera and says “if you have a daughter…” it triggers some kind of latent protective instinct within me.
Here I am, reusing my plastic bag. 

Time to recycle clothes.
Boycott Boohoo and prettylittlething
Clothes are made terrible nowadays. The material is thin and terrible. The designs are terrible. And truly why does anybody need so many clothes.
ive bad the same 3 t shirts for the past 10 years lmfao
Quilts should be made out of them cloths
Whene are we allowed to say we have enough?
No buyer no seller.
Very eye opening
Thats mini pakistan in Uk lol All the best 

Please mute other languages in videos
DW is becoming more and more prejudiced. @17:45 it says “developing world” and then starts showing some Indians. A few months back also I saw a biased doc.. It seems someday sooner these will have to be brought into the notice of Indian Government.
I buy used clothes on ebay
I got a Shein ad at the end 

Hm ! Knew more about Aditya Birla Viscose machine ! Watching from Nepal !
1:02 very questionable camerawork but thanks for the documentary lmao
I take it that Leicester Council will be shutting this factory down then?
There is nothing to research. People go for more flashy and superficial things when they have shortcomings in other areas to get attention or is too greedy for attention.
What is an influencer? Is it a real “job”? They also become responsible for this cheap clothing, and the result of waste clothing that’s not sold too. IMHO.
Ironic how I got Shein ads while watching this video
donate them to africa as per usual
3£ per hour, quess it is not make you much better quality of life than in Asia.
This seems more like native advertising than reporting. What about the human trafficking and the governments involving themselves? What about the human cost and the environmental cost? Who really cares about the economic cost to the evil bastards who exploit human life. What are you doing here? I’m so confused, you are usually spot on.
Why can’t the clothes go to different towns and city’s to people that needs clothes or to different charity’s am sure people would be grateful for free clothes to wear that hasn’t got much money
Nowdays i only wear our african prints

my roots

Pleass subtitle language indonesia.
The truth hurts
Capitalism at its finest. 

Save Our Planet
England going strong haha i mean…
24.18 very funny. Pakistani people coming to England to. Employ English. Sat slaves labor. The irony of it and allowed to Do it.
Geez,thats disgusting. Stop buying many clothes and wear them until ripped.fashion is just an illusion.dont be a victim of it and stop using our resources
And Instagram promoting fashion.
Buy Hemp clothing. Check out THTC. Better for the Earth. Better for your soul 

I will wear clothes until they look like rags.
gross, shallow world
I have no idea what I just watched… What was this?
Churchill would be disappointed to see this,
is that his granddaughter or wife?
is this documentary are an reupload?
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