EXCLUSIVE FULL INTERVIEW: Obama on the World | The New York Times – Blog

After hearing President Obama discuss world issues in such depth and clarity it is literally a miracle that we all survived Bush’s presidency.
Great interview! It is so good to see a politician, especially the president, in an earnest long conversation like this, not in some sensationalized debate or 30 second cut.
Amanuel Reda
Many thanks to the New York Times for posting great interview. It attests the level of wisdom, calmness and far sightedness the Whitehouse occupant ought to have. The president clearly stated “The biggest impediment for the United States is not external but internal.”
There’s no way – even on his “best” day – you’d get an interview like this with Obama’s successor. Could you IMAGINE him delving into these issues with this much depth, background and articulation? Sigh….. I MISS having a president who knew what he was talking about, and sounded like it.
The TalkShow - JACKIE S. CHAN
The New York Times is one of my favorite papers, and President Obama is my irreplaceable hero.
Eric Jung
no man has ever nodded more than thomas l friedman
Atest Zen
I didn’t vote for Obama and I don’t particularly care for much of what he does, however, he is a much better President than he is given credit for.
Anders Larsen
You have to respect this guy. He’s smart and reflects on his own answers.
It is unbelievable how much of a Long breathe this guy must have. I wouldn´t wanna do this Job. Ripping yourself apart w the, literally, weight of the World on your shoulders and still be cool about it.
Jack Manuel Desinor Hernández
Another brilliant mind for us to appreciate, admire, and compete with; as young ones! We have to set the bar higher 🙂
I miss having a real president. Thank you Obama.
Pual Kkl
“They actually have agency” — please let American policies hold on to that (late) insight! …imagining the “hugest” egocentric conman in the White House leaves one anxious in that regard.
Great interview! The President has one of the toughest jobs by far.
Rohini Thapa
Excellent sir really appreciated ur awasome out of this world wonderful personality I solute u even being an indian m ur great fan
King Sheegadorah
surprisinngly insightful talk. obama showed he had a clear understanding on the issues and knew what to do right…but politics is more than just one man knowing what to do right sadly
In the thumbnail it looks like Obama is interviewing himself.
he is an extremely intelligent man
Give me a break
NPR Interview also very interesting
Avi D'araujo
You go ! President Obama a true beacon of democracy ! God bless you and your family for your service and sacrifice , thank you Mr. President .
Can you imagine Bush saying these things? Lmao
Eva Srt
A very good interview, enjoyed it.  I think Obama has the right values and I think he is a good person with good intentions. … Let’s start giving him the credit he deserves, since he holds the most impossible office in the world. !! #GoObama  
AttorneysKillList Made4Hollywood-Take2
If the US didn’t have a cool-headed realist for president during this onslaught of shitstorms, i think we’d all be dead by now.
Jeremy Smith
Anybody other than Tom Friedman and I would have watched this.
Ernest Lane
The President’s early comments apply to the USA today — Feb 207.
Terrill Crookshank
A very rocky path to my college graduation of my eight college semesters it was. I remember being in 31 flavors ice cream parlor when I was 17 years old during my senior year in high school buying some rocky road ice cream knowing that is was going to be (J)ust (T)hat. No need to bring in and ” I never would of made it with out you” words of that cool gospel song. But inspirational I find in doing so. Comes to mind here from this good discussion. Terrill TC!.
Obama respect from England make sure you yanks get Hilary Clinton is next time for 2016 and we will get America going the right way . Please forget USA right wing republicans they will hold America back and America can be a part of advanced western politics as a super power making peace .
Gabe H
I admire Obama but this ‘interview’ was a monologue of his as the interviewer did nothing but nod…
Foster Dwamena
Foster Dwamena, I just like  president Obama…….He is a had working Guy..””
Jaime Patino
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Bobby Rios
What does climate change due to Middle East?
3 Dengz
obama become older and older
Barack Obama is at his zenith when he is speaking about people and bringing two divided sides together. My hope is that when he leaves the Oval Office, he will work on Civil Rights in America. I believe that he would be magnificent as the next Martin Luther King – as the next true leader and the dynamic impetus behind a cohesive, true ”Movement”. He’s the most natural presence in whatever room he happens to be in, he commands respect wherever he goes and people have confidence in his views, opinions and decisions.
Jason Caputo
Important to remember a time when a President could intelligently and openly (extremely) discuss and explain the complexities of the world without pushing their personal political agenda. Especially support his view that “our goal is, among other things, to help set up international institutions and norms.”
Brandon Lately
Way too smart for most people, the Americans basically dumbed it down
All that house of cards speech skills….Obama is really good….
Eldar Kersebaum
Why are there no subtitles? It is quite difficult to follow politics in English.
35:50..with the ukr… ah ah.. with the European around the Ukraine 
the interviewer said he is against neto expanion and Obama looked at him
St C.
Just another very smart guy with next to none common sense
The Senate
The US, UK and Australia invaded iraq and practically made the whole nation a lot worse than it was by using excessive military force. Now Obama is trying to fix it with this with only using limited military force by just trying to slow down the isis advance through iraq. He is allowing to the Iraqis to establish their own government without too much military intervention
 The how and the why the Jews, are alive and doing well today. Can be easily understood and remembered, by the memorial, that the people of Israel, built after the waters stood on heaps. While the safe passage was maintained across the river for the Jewish people.                                                      Thanks Ronald, Amen.  
Thach Huynh
Whether you like OBama or not, he has a profound understanding of the world, that makes me believe he’s a better president than the guy who don’t even know why his troops still in south korea right now.
Stella Wright
President Barack Obama is what a president should be.. So intelligent, so knowledgeable, so deeply in touch with what’s happening not only in America but in countries all over the globe… Not to mention his being so articulate & good looking …Please another run in the White House..Please Mrs Michele Obama, allow him to do that!! Eight years is not enough !!! He is the BEST U.S. president ever!!!
Ho i need subtitle in English please.
Jackson Michael
Natalia Jackson vous demande de tenir au courant Paris Jackson funk you 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Obama’s comment on China as freerider is just a bypassing and harmless comment . He has not meant to criticise China but stating as a fact that the world does not look to China for leadership in tackling world crises.
Soma Chakraborty
America hesitated Obama’s long-term political stay, too much scholar in reality of discipline in politics stated fear in the hearts of then America, they failed the glamour of the talented Barack Obama. I don’t like Duck tales. At least Obama is required by me in India.
AttorneysKillList Made4Hollywood-Take2
When Israel shuts down the Mcdonald’s that creates the fat in their ears, Israel will be a better place to live without McDonald’s.
Jaime Patino
No we can’t!!!!!!!👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
My grandmother could do a better job.
Right,Obama. One example of your ideas of democracy is South, in Mexico. Before Pena Nieto was even confirmed by the results, you called to congratulate him on his victory. What does this mean?  The election was riddled with irregularities, vote buying, immersive funding by illegal sources, and NGO’s observing the election report illegal practices that anyone in the U.S. would recognize as an antidemocratic processes. Why does Obama and the U.S. support this? Because it follows the U.S’s neoliberal economic model…
✰ Truther ✰
Friedman is licking his what?…
And Thomas Friedman should get a friggin shave…
critical observer
a swiss bank account hahaha
Jackson Michael
Natalia Jackson reprendra le ranch d’Amérique de Michael Jackson pour le business pour le futur MJ 2 maxi funk you 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖 Natalia est passé il y a 15 jours en Amérique le ranch de Michael Jackson je voudrais que vous leur baptiser pour le futur c’est important pour le roi de la pop le King pop pour le futur 3 top show du siècle le roi de la pop fera son show en Amérique avec Natalia Jackson et ensuite top chaud du siècle en France top chaud du siècle en Afrique mes frères black le sang black américain funk you ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ David Jackson du futur 2060 le top chaud du siècle plein aux as millionaire en Afrique pour mes frères pour mes fans funk you 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
What a pathetic question about Israel from Friedman.  The better question would be about Palestinian survival, not Israel survival.
Steve Everett
My feeling is it’s kind of disrespectful to have those extreme odd closeups of the President of the United States.
I think Obama had the wrong job. He would’ve done better as a Supreme Court judge or secretary of state.
Randy Tasajaya
Wow Indonesia comes to Mr. President’s mind in his first sentences!
Andrew Fisher
At about 2:50 is he referring to a new world order?  Just listen.
Tommy Holiday
Brash Jr. was the first president in history to take office with charges of a DUI and Cocaine Possession
Vickie Garri
Talking to the Devil….
Mark Pritchett
From a President who wants nuclear arms banished; he gives a deal with Iran! Your weakness is showing Mr. President
Jackson Michael
Natalia Jackson pendant qu’elle était sur scène top show Michael Jackson monte sur scène pour faire son nouveau pas de danse MJ 2.MAX. a eu un accident s’est blessé au genou opération des croisés gauche du genou funk you Natalia Jackson 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖✌🏿✌🏿✌🏿✌️✌🏿✌🏿✌️✌️✌️✌🏿
Any chance disarming Irsaels and Americas Nuclear bombs remind us again obomba who the only nation in world are that used Nuclear bomb on civilians
His ears are very distracting!
Eid Ali
What happen after all.why Afrika investment go to United nations.china is nice that dag.😁
Allan Herrera
You can tell that Obama isn’t talking to Friedman but to the Iraqis and Kurds. I think that these are things that the President has told them in private, maybe through diplomats, and that this interview was to show that he means it. This is achieved by Obama coming out public and essentially “burning the bridge” of the idea that the US will always bail them out. That’s why he chose to do the interview with this gentleman, Friedman, someone who’ll let Obama speak and will be compliant.
George Fortune
A man doing nothing for the peace of this world, but still reward for a Noble Peace Price,
Syed A. Hossain
From the look on his face it appears that either he is under fed or under slept or may be both. If he sleeps less than his brain is supposed to function less. An American new president gets a 4 year term,where he remains an apprentice for 1 to 2 years depending on who is holding the top job. I think it is time to think whether the US can really afford this in this fast & complicated world
Siphan Sourapha
you can look at the body language, when he talk he look straight to the eye. he has no clue what is he talking at all
Pinol Acleo
President Obama is right. Why are American people so eager for the U.S. to use military force. The military should be the last resort to solve conflicts.
He can talk all he wants, but his legacy comes down to 3 words. Syria Libya ISIS.
give me my hour back i was wasting watching this crap interview.. close guantanamo, bring back the troops stop the violation of the 4th amnendment.. what about that? stop spying other countries and their citizens, close the nsa, cia and all the other agencies. dunno whats in obamas brain.. must be the same thing leaving my ass…
black diamond stone of wisdom
Barack Hussein Obama II. lies.
America Barack Obama President Thank you very much Today health happy smile ★♥★♥★ President admire💝🎈🎈🎈💝
My god. The head bobbing is actually really distracting and annoying. Why do this??
In the end none of this matters. This is all about power! America is the most powerful country in the world by far but ask yourselves this, how many countries are getting sick and tired of America doing what ever they want when ever they want? In the end there is only death. Why spend the precious little amount of time you have here on earth fighting!? REDICULOUS! But that’s just my opinion, I’m entitled to it just like you’re entitled to yours!
I can’t believe how cynical obama is. “We are the sole major power”, “We are the most powerful”, power power power…
Jan Hoogendijk
Great man Obama but history tell us now many people die bycaus this wrong doing. The USA shoult not leave Irak alone on that moment.