Ex-Pope Benedict XVI admits false statement during abuse probe testimony | DW News – Blog

Maju nair

It’s sickening when one realise that the excuse & shield as always is to spread their version of Christ’s teaching. It’s as if all crimes of churches are just unfortunate and no justice or punishments. Shamelessness at its heights.
facite non victimarum
I would think you’d have to memorize the Ten Commandments before becoming Pope. There are only … eh… TEN of them, and the one about bearing false witness is number Nine. But maybe the job requirements are a lot easier now.
the Branch7757
lol. “quite shocking”?? C’mon. How can any of this be shocking at this point??
Shahzada Zulfiqar
Respect The Anchor Who Talked About The Punishment To Child Abusers. 🎉🎊🎀🎁🎊🎉
For how much longer can people continue to claim being “shocked”
But we’ve been told FOR MILLENNIA these men in dresses that they have a direct line to “god” and are infallible.
Marc Pagan
“When you’re 15 years old, any sex that doesn’t result of you limping out of a Catholic church’s rectory is perfectly acceptable” Greg Giraldo RIP
Keep Children safe and away from the evil Catholic Church and its predators
J Lee
Pops Francis needs to clear out half the College of Cardinals, especially those appointed by Benedict and John Paul II, whose role has avoided scrutiny so far but was documented to have been complicit.
Testing testing
Editing oversight? Try obstruction of justice.
Rose 2/25
Um … I believe when Benedict gets to the pearly gates St Peter will say “Um…the BOSS wants to see you.”
Arsalan Mirza
Christopher Z
He should say, like some hell’s kitchen contestants did, that he just gave a wrong answer. Simple like this. He should be prosecuted!
Timmy on the go
For some reason child sexual abuse is tolerated by society when it comes to religious organisations, any other organisation in the world would be shut down and its members put in prison.
Katharine Larkin
The hypocrisy of this man who wears shoes and sunglasses that cost thousands and makes a public pretence at celibacy.
This keeps getting better
346 Jasmine
of course, as a human humble beings, if you had committed a sins you asked forgiveness from the above. also avoid sinning by repentances. but once we had sins we have to pay, this payment take place, and they called it karma.
Joe O'Neill
“An editing oversight”? He lied! I am a Catholic and this guy should be charged and jailed.
Vonda Hartsock-Oneil
Just don’t leave your child alone with ANY church member, K? It’s not just the Catholic Church…trust me.
Its all politics even religion sadly to say its about power and money ..they stick by there’s in rite or wrong ..
Layla Lovely
Benedict takes no responsibility for his actions. Surprise, surprise – so sick of the leaders of the Catholic Church never taking responsibility for destroying the lives of so many children.
Richard Monroe
Why anyone’s a Catholic is puzzling
Hank Terreros
Don’t worry, He has “indulgence insurance”
Francis Lim
“Let him who has no sin cast the first stone”
JDoc Fitness
*Pretends to be shocked*…..oh no!!
Michael Brueckner
The German Catholics knew this for many decades. Shame, they didn’t leave and decided to exist as sheep. The wool is being sold for best market prices, BTW. I left with John Paul II.
Krakkruk Kiko
Jesus pay the price for his act
Throw him behind bars are throw away the key. No hiding behind religion and age. He’s just a person, a guilty one. Religion holds too much power in this world.
Dennis Chipsen
Church of Christ gets stronger by the day opening up and letting the light into all the accusations and supporting victims with new controls to prevent reocurrences and holding up to the principles of the Church unchanged and in a perennial way.
Keep children AWAY from all religions!!!
Finz 99
“If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days.” (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
humble Pius peter
Let us all pray for Benedict to give forgiveness for his sin
😱 no, not really… was to be expected.
Kelechukwu Anozyk
Pope Benedict XVI should ignore all these crazy people and their questions. Let the abuse victims go and meet their victims. Pope Benedict XVI did not abuse anyone
Lone Lugger
I knew there was more to the story when he “retired”
Sorry about all those over 2000 boys and also their families, I hope this agenda normalising this gonna fail
Mark Garin
Thou shalt not fib… Shame the Roman Catholic church doesn’t have a patron saint for abused children…it would be a conflict of interest.
Oh wow – did he commit perjury or worse a sin? And how should he be punished?
Sea Wizzy
God will judge them. If god exists. And if “god” judges organic things.
Kanal7 Movies
Pope I’m ashamed and angry at u!! As a Catholic 😡😰
lol. they believe in a false statements. they think there’s a man in the sky looking at us all, and another man under the ground living in lava. weirdo’s
Mystery Everlasting
The Pope didn’t lie, did he??? It had to be a mistake. The Pope wouldn’t lie, now would he?
Ram Rk
“editing oversight” 😂
Alexandras Vulfgang
“False Statement” or lie?
Rules for thee Not for me A Pope must always uphold the 10 Commandments! Francis is no better.
Susan King
The only justice for us is that the Lord see alls and knows all and we can not judge them but the Father shall when they pass from this world.
so he lied, anybody wanna remind him of his sects 10 commandments? 🤣
Michael Forde
Seeking absolution in his final years , too little too late
Jiffy Chacko Chacko
Listen when ex pope was cardinal he investigated but he didnt find any proof thats y he thought those priest was not suspect and ex pope knew he cant improve the problem thats y he resingned pls dont blame him he tried his best
A false statement is a lie. And a lie for a Cardinal is a grave sin
Dhruba Maharjan
Isn’t that a Historic Shame for The World? (Capital letters for emphatic expression.)
They have pressured him to own the falsity now that their hold is slipping.
Pat Bhukkanasut
Lying is not a sin for the Pope. Rules are not rules with the Vatican then. Neither is pedophilia it seems.
He was a religious leader?
Vainer Gutierrez
O inferno está forrado de boas intenções!
What, he admitted…??? After all that denying?
CAS Smith
No forgiving you….NO. Live with your lie.
CD_ Promo
Jeez, for a moment there, he looked like Nosferatu.
4% of 450.000 is 18.000 would any other business on earth still be open if that many monsters worked there..
Ex pope is above prison 😤😤😤
Michael Jeffrey Banzali
lying under oath . thats the catholic church for you.
Matej Lieskovský
Why do I suddenly have a Tim Minchin song playing in my mind?
Amen holy profits the real religion
lol …. geeez … where is the news in that??? … that a pope would lie? … 😂🤣
Religion, cult, there is no difference
And I should pay a church tax
Iain Rae
Is anyone really surprised anymore by the latest criticism of this corrupt institution?
Martien Tegelaers
nothing happens to Benedict, meaning he won’t declared holy
Rj Clue
India 🇮🇳 Phillipines Australia 🇦🇺 Canada 🇨🇦 Needs justice. They using poor and homeless. They are not good ppl.
Luminous Fractal
Editing oversight😕…..500 hail Marys 😑
Fun Gi
Catholics- what more can you say
Put them all in jail
Chris Distant
Whhaaaat? He liieedd? But but moral authority etc yadda yadda!?!? I’m so confused! 🤣
Luck M
Thou shalt not bear false witness?
When will people finally stop supporting this criminal organization.
😒 surprise surprise. “Religious” men
5 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers, and Bob’s your Uncle.
Charles Joseph
These guys name saints… Why not name criminals first?
Tsiyane Bantu Ndlovu
🤣🤣🤣📖💣💥🔥a pope lied🧐, that’s a first.
Bob Guerrero
Happy ex catholic here
Hilda Elson
I knew this one was up to no good. Good riddance when he went. I never liked him as the head of our Church.
Elsie Mckenzie
John 3;16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son whosoever believe in Him shall not perish have eternal life. Repent of your sins and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and life.
But that was before he became infallible and the voice of God. That is lucky because it would be tough charging God with perjury. They might even have to quit using that old saying. God loves the lil’ chidrens because that hits a little close to the bone.
andy tran
Keep giving your money to the church.
sounds like he isn’t actually the representative of god on earth. Guyys I think maybe the whole church ting Is not what it seems 🤔☺☺
Patricia Ochman
He should join the Republican Party.
Who knows maybe he one of them
Red Sable
Got no use for religion at all…
I wrote this
Not shocking anymore
Matild Lukacs
Judgement is in our LORD Hands!!!
God is a volcAno and she is comin. Sound is consciousness
Vessie Taylor
This is no surprise
Michelle Acledan
Shameful behavior and dishonors the Lord Jesus Christ
👎… disgustedly disgusted.
Markus Schipke
Da ‘Benedetto’ a ‘Bugiedetto’…
Dat is Opus Dei. How may other former altar boys are watching?
Baltazar Gąbka
This is what happens when you make a former Wehrmacht member the Pope.
Renatas Bikmetov
Religion is a business.
Chris Distant
Don’t worry guys, Jesus died for his sins too, so it’s cool!