Disruptive and Insane


Causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual:
His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.

BUSINESS specialized
Changing the traditional way that an industry operates, especially in a new and effective way:
Disruptive technologies

Cambridge Dictionary
Loosening the reins

1 Are these photographers CHEATING?

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15 dec. 2018

Are these photographers CHEATING? // What constitutes cheating in photography? How much image manipulation is allowed before an image becomes a lie? Is anything game in these days of advanced post production? In this video I look at photographs that walk a line between truth and lies. Some have caused much controversy, some have been accepted as fine. What is it that really matters in photography? Are our expectations of ‘truth’ too high?

2 The David Beckham Statue Prank

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11 mrt. 2019

As the Los Angeles Galaxy prepare to honor legend David Beckham with a statue outside the stadium, James Corden and the club assemble an intricate plan to prank David with, annoying fans, a half-hearted highlight reel and a statue that falls incredibly below the mark.

3 Hyacinth Causes Trouble at an Exclusive Kitchen Store | Keeping Up Appearances

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Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2019
While shopping for a new exclusive range kitchen worktop, Hyacinth carries out a spillage test.

4 New video shows allegedly intoxicated pilot trying to board plane l ABC News

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Gepubliceerd op 19 sep. 2019

New surveillance video shows what Delta pilot Gabriel Shroeder did just before boarding the plane that made airport security officials suspicious.

5 One Universal Lesson from a Famous Failure | Jay Shetty | Goalcast

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11 jan. 2019

In this candid speech, former monk and internet guru Jay Shetty reflects on his sacred tenure and finds the one universal lesson that he learned through his years of struggle. ►
Watch all Goalcast inspirational videos: https://www.goalcast.com/epic-inspira…

6 Violent Scarecrow Prank

19 mei 2011

Nice drivers pull over to help a hot girl whose car broke down on the side of the road. They’re in the middle of a corn field, all alone, with only a scarecrow watching them. As they go to fix her tire, they keep getting pelted with corn, but they don’t know where it’s coming from. Each time they look back, and see nothing – but then BAM, they’re hit with more corn! Little do they know that this sneaky scarecrow is ALIVE and likes to throw things.