
1 At 14, he was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit

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Gepubliceerd op 12 sep. 2018

John Bunn was exonerated after 27 years of fighting for his freedom.
He says the power of reading saved him.
Now, he’s building libraries in prisons.

2 Cuffed Without Cause (Extra Scene from ‘Driving While Black’)

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Gepubliceerd op 20 apr. 2016
Watch the Full Length – http://bit.ly/1WDWBVr

A report from Seton Hall Law School Center for Policy & Research has found that in the majority-white municipality of Bloomfield, New Jersey, nearly 80 percent of traffic tickets are issued to African American and Latino drivers.

The report also found that most tickets were issued to non-resident minority drivers passing through town, suggesting a “de facto border patrol” policing policy is in effect.

The Bloomfield Police Department — which has begun collecting data on the race of drivers in traffic stops as of January 2016 — rejects the report’s findings.

Jason Castle is a councilman-at-large for the Township of Teaneck, New Jersey. In 2012, Castle was detained by New Jersey state troopers near Englewood after he pulled over to change the settings on his car’s GPS. His warrant stated that he had refused a breathalyzer test. Eight months later, Castle’s charges were dismissed when the state failed to supply evidence of an offense or provide him with a speedy trial. VICE News sat down with Castle to hear why he believes he was mistreated and denied his rights by law enforcement.

Read “Driving While Black: Cops Target Minority Drivers in This Mostly White New Jersey Town” – http://bit.ly/1QlaDDW

3 Brian Banks shares story with movie about his life set to premier

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4 dec. 2013

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. It stripped him of a college degree and a starting position for the USC Trojans as a middle linebacker. But, it did not strip his drive. Watch this video by Kevin Sully and share with your friends. Thanks for all your support!

4 Susan May documentary, Innocent as Charged – Dreamscope TV

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30 nov. 2013

Documentary covering one of the worst miscarriages of justice in British History, the case of Susan May. Susan was imprisoned for murdering her aunt in 1992 and, whilst it is blatantly obvious that she could never have committed this crime, didn’t succeed in clearing her name before she sadly died of cancer in October 2013. Dreamscope TV are putting this TV documentary online for everyone to watch free-of-charge because we desperately want her story to be known by the entire country. Let’s help clear Susan’s name and bring back some faith in our justice system.

5 Wrongly Convicted Richard Rosario Stuns Judge at Hearing | NBC Nightly News

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Gepubliceerd op 25 jun. 2016

Richard Rosario asked a judge not to throw out the case against him, telling NBC News in an exclusive interview that he is determined to expose how the justice system went wrong.

6 The children in prison for stealing vanilla – BBC News

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2 okt. 2019

Children accused of stealing vanilla beans in Madagascar can spend nearly three years in prison without trial.
The island is the world’s largest producer of vanilla beans, where a booming industry has led to rising theft.
But the conditions for child prisoners can be worrying, with some being given just one meal a day.
The BBC’s Southern Africa reporter Pumza Fihlani went to visit Antalaha Prison in Sava, one of Madagascar’s biggest vanilla-producing regions.

7 Jimmy Savile, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew Exposed.

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21 okt. 2019

21 okt. 2019
Former BBC journalist Anna Brees exposes the dark side of those in power. Click the link to watch the full interview https://youtu.be/Dhhtz0D_Kiw

8 What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s private planes | 60 Minutes Australia

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10 nov. 2019
Virginia Roberts Giuffre is determined that Jeffrey Epstein’s terrible secrets will not be buried with him.

Jeffrey Epstein Death: Medical examiner says prison death was homicide

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5 nov. 2019

Millionaire financier #Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest on federal sex trafficking charges in July drew worldwide attention because his social circle had included Donald Trump and Bill #Clinton. Then in August, #Epstein was found dead in his jail cell. New York City’s medical examiner called it a suicide. But now a legendary forensic pathologist says Epstein was murdered.
One of the two guards on duty at the time of Jeffrey Epstein’s death was reportedly a substitute who didn’t typically work as a corrections officer. This comes as Congress, the Justice Department and FBI launch investigations. CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman joins CBSN to take us through the latest developments. 
CBSN is the first digital streaming news network that will allow Internet-connected consumers to watch live, anchored news coverage on their connected TV and other devices. At launch, the network is available 24/7 and makes all of the resources of CBS News available directly on digital platforms with live, anchored coverage 15 hours each weekday. CBSN. Always On.
So many people are going to get away with these heinous crimes and we as regular people get judged so harshly because of trivial stuff like traffic tickets.
Resist the Plan-demic CON-VID evil.
Sad part is this guy was just a scratch on the surface. Far worse evil lies underneath, powerful forces.
Found dead, cameras went down and no one was watching him….sounds like MURDER!!
J K.
Police / Guards: We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and found no foul play.
The simple fact that he was placed on suicide watch in a cell which did not have a functioning camera tells you immediately that this was not a suicide.
David Griffin
The guards everyone in the building are suspects. They know what’s going on. They do sleep in the towers during work. I used to work on the federal side as a co1. But we always had cameras and back up cameras going on in every section from a to d normally timed. Every thing is timed. Periodically checked to be sure everything is were it should be. The time frame is very short in between those times. And usually 2 officers to each section. I’m telling you that guy should of been watched. Unless they were totally incompetent. Knowing the guy was on supposedly suicide watch. No bedding and nothing to hurt yourself with. I do believe he was murdered.
Patricia Hamilton Kephart
No one’s surprised that the camera’s weren’t working that night and no one saw anything or noticed the guards weren’t making their normal rounds. We have the utmost confidence in the FBI and trust that they will get to the bottom of all this .Yeah.
So sad to hear the the medical examiner died tomorrow
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” said Trump in a 2002 New York magazine profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
He knew too much and was better to get rid of him. You do not need to be a scientist to figure it out.
Great reporting! Keep this nastiness front and center. Thank you.
We already know it was not suicide. We are just waiting for all the dirt to come out about his murder. It just takes the ones in charge to decide how long the truth will be hidden.
Yep. Ofcourse he was murdered. He was going to talk and had to be silenced by someone…
I remembered the good old days of YouTube when there were entertaining conspiracy videos on every topic. So I tried a YouTube search. Nothing but main stream garbage. Seems we’ve veen silenced. Who else thinks we need a new platform so we can express ourselves without censorship? I feel like our internet is as bad as the Chinese just low key censorship instead.
Breaking News: Multiple respected medical examiners committed suicide all in the same night
This suicide always had strange loose threads. Why did Barr visit the jail shortly before his death? Why were both guards on break at the same time? Why were both cameras malfunctioning? And why did Barr transfer the head of the jail a few days after his death? Seems like a lot of strange coicidences……….Just sayin……..
Hilary: Must protect Bill at all costs!
Did you hear the guard that was guarding him had a fatal car crash tomorrow.
Is it normal for the chief to sign the death warrant labeling it suicide without actually seeing the body or doing autopsy herself?
Nothing like a good cover up we American people realize how corrupt it really is
That guy had a long list of people, including Trump, he could have given to leverage a deal with the prosecution. There is no way a guy like this would committed suicide.
Why would a billionaire with the connections he had take his own life ? He had clearly become a liability to one of his allies and someone decided enough was enough. Look at the inordinate lengths the palace is going to, to kill this story in the UK.
What some people, including me, have said in the beginning, somebody got paid off in the prison, i. e. the guard(s).
My recommended list after watching this was scandalous oil changes and boot camp training stuff that I would definitely click to take my mind off of this subject. Kind of weird I’ve never seen a recommended watch after watching a video like this completely off topic
Thanks for bringing this back to attention
I didn’t know Dr. Baden was on the DEFENSE team of the O.J. Simpson case. That changes things for me a bit.
This is like the Breaking Bad prison killings only occurring in 1/3rd of the jails and consisting of 1/10th of the victims
Yall acting like we didn’t already know this
All eyes on him, and then whoops, the entire monitoring and suicide watch system fell apart for a small enough period to allow him to “commit suicide”, then it went right back to normal afterwards.
These people have to be careful, or they will end up like him
Have you heard of the new death metal band HC/BC. Their new album “Arkancide” kills me and the song Epstein didn’t kill himself is so captivating.
I noticed around 2012 that the boy I met when I attended the Yosako Isoran Festival in Japan in 1993 and 1994 became a singer. I was sent a support email and was stalked collectively. Then, I investigated myself about organized crime in nine years, and learned that Koreans with Japanese names are involved in a lot of entertainment in Japan, and that the money is used to fund gangsters. I didn’t even know that Japanese gambling and pachinko parlors often sponsor TV shows. The Yosakoi team in Kochi, who spread the Yosako Isoran Festival throughout Japan, was owned by a pachinko parlor. He was not Japanese. I’m also examining drugs, but the main offender who seems to harass a scary collective stalker is the president of a Japanese dance music company with drug rumors. Not only in Japan, but also in the United States and Hong Kong, I am interested in the connection. 私は1993、1994年頃参加した日本のヨサコイソーラン祭りに参加した時に出会った男の子が歌手になっていることに2012年頃に気づいた。そして応援メールを送ったことがきっかけで集団ストーカーされた。 それから九年組織犯罪について自分で調べて、日本人の名前をもつ韓国人が日本のエンターテイメントに多く関わっている事、そのお金が暴力団の資金源になっていることを知った。 日本のギャンブル、パチンコ屋はテレビ番組のスポンサーになっていることが多いことも私は知らなかった。 日本中にヨサコイソーラン祭りを広めた高知のよさこいチームはパチンコ屋がオーナーだった。日本人ではなかった。 私は薬物に関しても調べているが私が怖い集団ストーカーの嫌がらせをしていると思われる主犯格は薬物の噂のある日本のダンス音楽の会社の社長だ。日本だけではなくアメリカ、香港なども視野にいれてそのつながりに興味を持っている。 eddiee55h/why=yhwh=360°
It doesn’t add up if you are assign to watch high-profile person who attempted suicide how do you fall asleep as a guard & the servilance video not working give me a break. Something fishy about this case
How does a high school math teacher become this rich?
“The cameras on the jail cell and the hallway weren’t working”… Uh huh… OK. I’ll be yer huckleberry.
His head was stepped on, or he’s still alive. The photo of his body shows an obvious boot print across the face at the ear. It was claimed there was squealing coming out of his cell. At the same time, this could be the conclusion they want us to come to, if he was alive. There are some differences in the body image to his body in life. The nose is different. I can see why the ear is different, the head is caved in. No one ever mentions the obvious cave in and shoe print. The heel is on the ear. That’s not all I know though, I have direct information on the island, from someone that frequented the spot. JK. Everyone related to King Henry II just dropped their marbles for a second.
My bet is that he neither committed suicide nor was he killed. I think he is alive and well, enjoying a protected and anonymous life with the help of his friends. Yep, this is all circus, as usual…
Even Stevie Wonder can see there was foul play here.
No! he was extracted from his mission, that involved many countries he operated with great protections.
He was murdered to keep from talking because he knew, too much.
It’s strange, the MSM isn’t even replying on this, and the select few companies that are are only getting a few thousand views 🤔
Why would Epstein say “an inmate attacked me” if that really didn’t happen.
He had valuable information to incriminate the royal family
Maybe shuffled out the back door by his rich crony’s and changed his name and appearance things you can do when you got money …
:47 “she agreed at the end” 😁
Epstein didn’t kill himself. I am smh-ing rn😶
No Cameras . Airway was blocked too low for a hanging [Below the Adams Apple]. Both Guards Get Disciplined along with The Warden And Have Been Relocated .
of course he knew too much, he had cameras set up everywhere, how do you think he got rich? the rich business men paid for his homes and found out he had videos of them with the young girls… it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this one out
Hmm no camera,sleeping guards,broken bone’s,must have been Russia. Lmao
Let’s see here, a high profile multimillionaire prisoner in a heavily guarded federal prison with no camera and incompetent guards??.. smh
Who saw this coming………oh yeah EVERYONE!🤬
Latest News: A large truck hit and killed the medical examiner, then lightning hit him, followed by a shark tornato. 🙁 What? Not yet. Sorry. :/
He didnt die wheres his funeral at?
It was an accident. Sleeping guards and broken cameras are all the proof we need. I bet he was just trying to stay warm and overwrapped a blanket around his neck then slipped off his bed. They need to look at it that way. (Sarcasm of course)
I can’t imagine how someone would want to kill a guy that f*** a little kids. I am so baffled by this concept. The next sentence out of my mouth is going to be I was raped at 8 years old by my own brother so I know quite a bit about this subject You never get over it You get better but it never goes away and I’m not going to pretend that it ever will.
Would that be the same type of cctv cameras that were fitted in the tunnel where Princess Diana had a fatal “accident”
Time to clean up that prison. Guards on up.
What does it matter? They will all get away with it. Smh
Absurdity run a amuck and than thrown in your face as reality
Wrong wrong wrong he dont sappouse to die in this way.there are alot of ppl who have commit a major crime than him. This is not justice.😪😪😪
finally after months y’all admit Alex Jones was right
He was an Agent. Allegedly.
Duh… Can we get past the obvious and start working on getting a coherant big picture drawn up here?
America can read a licence plate from outer space, but we can’t film a man in a tiny box that we control 100%.
Follow the money……who at that prison went on a shopping spree? Or….who at that prison killed themselves like Epstein. Where is the prison video?
He was murdered by an inmate the number on person that is hated in prison are child molesters he got what was coming to him prison justice.
Are we all gonna forget?
We can all rest easy the FBI is on the case
It was a inside job 🤣🤣
He had carrier pigeons with videos and documents ready to give everything he knew to his enemies in order to bring down his cabal if they turned on him..which they did. “If i go down u go down” kind of thing. Im sure some of this evidence was dropped off at the nearest post office after his death. Now the question is…how brave are his enemies who are now sitting on this information that was sent to them. Im sure they fear for their lives for having such material. But anyone who uses a cement truck to destroy underground tunnels and rooms at his island…most definitely had a death insurance plan. Hence..carrier pigeons
The Public has been saying this. I knew he would not have liked himself. He knew too much about too ma y powerful people.
Was he related to Theo Epstein? HAHAHA
Sounds like Doctor Kelly, here in the UK….
1:02 figure#2 How was that image taken, x-ray or ?
Of course he was murdered
Yikes!!😬 I’m calling the mossad on this one!!💀👀
Kmft what do these people take us human beings for some idiots??
In todays age of tech just the fact the camaras were not working is enough to say its murder.. M6 for sure..
69 knows what happened hes in fed custody to!
Duhhhhh!! He was Murdered
Hi yes he was taken out by powers on top, please wake up people.
The question is who organised the hit.
professional killing exactly what I said day of. not your regular hitmen. these people are ninjas.
I know him he’s on a beach reading your comments
I say this man didnt suicide he was killed. Cos he now to Many information about políticos. Too much information.
Are we really that upset that hes dead?
The brother is not talking about the charges, is he part of the sex trafficing.
This will be a good one for the member berries later on in life
A guard was paid to kill him.
On a beach Two 17yr olds on each side of him Tel a Veev
Guards fell asleep? Cameras out of order??? Sounds like 9/11 all over…
“câmeras weren’t working” prince Andrew Clinton Obama trump and others must the laughing.
He was murdered by the palace in the queen.!
Lies he didn’t kill himself
He investigated jfk death and still no answers to that so…….. Lol
It’s not safe to be a FOB (friend of Bill)😲
So convenient the cameras didn’t work
So is he really dead?
Another notch on Clintons belt !
Sick of living in Zio Paradise
What if he isn’t even dead?
He would have took them all down. Had to get rid of him.
Nothing to see here keep it moving
murder by suicide
It’s a royal mess

Anchor’s complaints over network killing Epstein story ‘ring false’

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8 nov. 2019

Sky News host Andrew Bolt expressed scepticism about U.S. news anchor Amy Robach’s complaints her employer quashed her reporting on accused sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago.
Ron M
I remember when journalism was a respectful occupation.
Aussie Gypsy
Thank you Andrew & Sky News Australia. Keeping hope of justice alive.
so what exactly “rings false”? The anchors claim of having the story years ago? I don’t get the title in comparison to the info in this report…. o_0
Victor Thurse
She could have released the story online and started an independent channel. She would have done well and given everyone else an earlier start at unravelling this corrupt web of abusers.
big boy
They told me when i was young that the cream rises to the top but i have learn that scum can rise with it.there seems to be more scum then cream at the top than cream these days.
Rosie Rosebud
im in america and i love your show….. just found you recently and am telling my friends about you <3 keep up the good work … only fox tells us some of the things going on here.. and sadly even they have started having a very left twist… no longer fair and balanced
Monster Mash
It bothers me that she is more upset about not getting the credit of exposing this, then actually doing something about it. She could of gone to the police or at least say she spoke to them.
gail boyle
This story must be kept in the news, it should never be put to sleep and hidden away. I was abused when I was young and it ruined my life. THEY ALL MUST BE OUTED NOW.
Jay Morgan
You put things in perspective. Thank you sir.
gordon geasland
From America: Mr Andrew Bolt is an exceptional news commentator & reporter and I tune him in via the internet on a daily basis—thank you Mr Bolt for your public service. Yours truly Gordon Geasland
Charlie Brown
OMG!! THANK YOU ANDREW BOLT!!! Finally a real journalist reporting the truth! I hope you’re also following #Q and will be the first here in Australia to report on it seriously. #TheStormIsUponUs #TheGreatAwakening #NothingCanStopWhatIsComingNOTHING 😆😆
S Duncan
This is great that it’s finally coming out. Thank you
Cosmic Buddhi
”Did she resign in principle perhaps.” WHY? After spending years trying to get this onto the networks agenda to then loose her credibility by resigning and getting further backlash from that selfsame network which do doubt keeps a record of all her work which she might then lose access to, not to mention the leads which she might otherwise be able to use if the network supported her!
Canada needs an few Andrew Bolt’s to speak some truth on air !
Travis Keith
Thank you for some real news for a change.
מיכאל מרטין בנדיקטוס
I love Bolt. The delivery at 0:15 was just genius
Andrew thanks for the report..& we all have our own camera’s now so msm don’t stand a chance..🇦🇺
John Griffiths
Actually it was project veritas that exposed it.
John Andrew Devita
Tbh Amy Robach seemed more angry about not being the one the break the story rather than the abuse of the young girls
All need to be arrested and investigated like 3 years ago when it all came out already!!!!
What a legend!
Phyllis Davies
God is sovereign over these news networks and they will all be brought to account .
Marcia Uter
Thank you for all you are doing the people of the world who care will share you I will we need security children are going missing monotonously iv counted 11 in just one week that was posted to me on Facebook thank you so much for all your work to expose them
She didn’t say this accidentally it was deliberate. Look at her shifty eyes and body language. WHY? Because they want a controversy over suicide vs homicide when the truth is HE IS NOT ACTUALLY DEAD. That’s what they don’t want us to figure out!
Pierre Negre
I wish they would put your show on in the uk but I don’t think the corrupt MSM here would stand for it I mean a news Chanel that tells the truth oh my god what would the people say 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Robach appears to care more about the prestige loss than the actual victims. No wonder she didn’t come out with the story sooner. She wasn’t trying to change the world for the good, she was looking for a raise.
Dinush Blau
Happy to hear that AGAIN President Trump is proving himself how good and smart man he is!!!
jean myers
This is appalling
Daniel Guaracha
Every other country: Ppl must know the truth!! America: Sorry folks, nothing to see here.
We need a Martin Luther King. Not just for religion, for journalism, for climate science, white supremacy…..
Shaun Fox
No doubt Andrew Bolt has dirt on rich influential people he’s not divulging to the public for the benefit of his life and career, speaking out would be suicide and he knows it 😉
Mainstream journalism has failed
Savah Bejin
I hope Farrow is watching over his shoulder. These people are powerful and accidentally suicide a lot of people.
Vlado Parenzan
No wonder Bolt Report gets only 20.000 viewers. 4 Corners has millions of viewers
true reporter true reporter
Help🙏🏼 I seen a movie once where a guy is let in a cell hangs prisoner and walks out. Job done ✅
Steve Holmes
At the time of my comment 3 friends of Epstein disliked this video and if that reporter didn’t like it why does she still work there or rather did
Anita Zondagh
Thanks for talking about this
The Flat Rock
All the recordings showing the rich raping have never come to light, all under the carpet. Guards turned a blind eye while the killer entered and was escorted to his cell. $$ talks.
We all knew this 3 years ago posted the shit out of it everywhere but all ignored!!
Pelican Bird
Resign out of principle?!! Are you nuts?! 👍
james Honeysett
Lol she admitted she was too scared to talk about Prince Andrew as they were scared they couldn’t interview will and Kate haha! Popularity is more important than truth apparently and journalist wonder why they get a bad name.
Scott Phillips
‘Allegedly.’ [The key word here…]
clayton delanie
ABC knows and ain’t telling anyone.
Craig Walker
I cannot believe how many vids that overlay subtitles over their banners making the subs illegible . Pick up your game Sky
1 1
Are these jokers at sky serious! We all know he dident kill him self!!
Michael Glynn
What is the ultimate objective of main line media
robach should have gone to the new yorker like ronan farrow did
How can the Brit Royal Family do Jack Shit to a Major US News Company?
Lynn Cuthbert
Evil has ruled everything. That is now finished. He has named them all.
storm le cat
Shes pissed wtf what about the last 3 years worth of children victims she didn’t help cover it up
sikander Shah
And the Sky stable aka the murdoch school of journalism is the epitome of journalistic ethics?? Give us a break and get off your wobbly high horse! Strewth!
Lucky the Lemur
Wait…🤔 so this guys point is A. must be fake because he feels B. is fake, even though A. was NOT aired by the mainstream news and B. was aired on the mainstream news. (And then he goes to C. Journalist was cool but not A. Journalist) 🤔 well, thats a bullshit switch-a-roo of a logical fallacy
Nick G
did she take it to the fbi? no. accessory after the fact
Ethan K
Epstein is still alive lol
You think they”” can’t shut you up? Careful Bolt, many arms and no morals…
God's Will
People wonder why America is so divided. You have two sides the informed and uninformed. Guess who votes Democrat?
Nah she was mad to not get the credit
Clinton Ortiz
WHO’S saying this story rings false? YOU? Hmmm.
Karen M
Epstein strangled himself LOL
Edwin A
instead of extradite JULIAN ASSANGE we should extradited PRINCE andrew who know how many girls are hiding in fear or been killed to keep quiet we need to protect journalist
sam kim
They killed him he didn’t do suicide
Dirty Gumbo
She was mad that she didn’t break the story and seal her career… Otherwise why not tip the cops anonymously? 3 yrs of kids…
what flew behind him as he was talking about sex networks
Youre bought and paid for too. 😂
Jake Pell
Amy robach didn’t kill herself
Ropate Opi
No Me Too movement around to fight for those girls
Annette Kelly
I do not believe he killed himself too much of a coward.
R. William Comm
Don’t know why this guy has a problem with Amy Robach. She tried to put a story on the air & her network wouldn’t approve it for whatever reason.
Fahad Bawany
The fucking irony of this video.
John Locke
Hes mad because she didnt do it sooner or quit out of principle, but its better late than never.
Keithroy Martin
So when someone is chatting about the wickedness that Andrew do to them, here in the uk ,they turn off the chat, the lady in the video I am chatting about is saying that she dances with him,and he sweat a lot,and he smells,that’s because he is a gay of course, is like u never know that .
Christine Holloway
I agree with the other comments
I note 60 minutes turned off comments on their YouTube Epstein vid ……curious 🤫
Nikki Dolce
Who the hell is Epstein? Never heard of em. That’s a stupid story
So, ok…what now?
Allen Wilbur
This title is confusing. It doesn’t match the video contents theme.
Hope any doesn’t die Pizzagate is real!! Bring back crazy Alex Jones atleast he had the guts to call you out years ago!!!! Now we might find Maddy
Rathnait Mullen
Who are you exactly, and what the hell is your point?
The original source is project veritas. NOT the maimy herald.
attack helicopter jr
and his name is EPSTEIN DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF!!! Tantananan…tantananan
Lilo Leist
Three years ago was 2016 and the presidential election with Trump and Clinton…
Farrow looks like a female version of Frank Sinatra.
Clinton Body Count just got +1
bill hanna
What AIPAC wants ???
Soldier of GOD
Qanon is starting to look good to Normies! Wwg1wga!!
david husband
lucifer black and jack richardson, absent from the comments section. why? still watching abc,and have no idea who epstein is.
Share this video.
That’s the most happy “pissed” face i ever seen …
digging my own rabbit hole
Building 7 did not commit suicide.
Sorry Bolt you are making yourself look like a a goose and a globalist shill here mate. It’s all coming out buddy
scott left
Roses are red, Violets are blue, and Epstine didn’t kill himself.

9 The Story Of The Frog – You Give Up You Die

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In première gegaan op 17 jun. 2019

The Story Of The Frog – You Give Up You Die A story about friendship, loss, and never giving up by Dare to do.
Motivation Listen to your heart…be happy…don’t give up and always believe!

10 Crashing In Police Car

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8 apr. 2011


Old woman asks a pedestrian to help park her car but the car doesn’t work and backs away crashing into the a police car.

A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!