This was a very interesting documentary. The fact that the documentary was relatively unbiased made it top notch.
No matter the country, it’s all about power and money. Each country just disguises the motivations differently. Good documentary. Thank you.
This is a good documentary, especially as many other documentaries on NK just repeat the same things. I was particularly impressed with the people they managed to interview and gain insight into the Kim dynasty rather than speculate with existing evidence. Good job National Geographic 

I have been skipping this great documentary for a week now, never knew it was interesting and insightful! I have finally watched it and wanting more of it. Thanks to the makers!
I’m impressed with the quality of the documentary. This is the kind of NatGeo I remember growing up watching on TV.
Good documentary overall especially as it’s free content to watch. Didn’t feel I learned anything new in the first half and was about to switch off but glad I powered through as the end was interesting and insightful
This was surprisingly good and insightful, even though the first half was boring to those who are familiar with NK history and politics. The dual leadership theory is spot on!
Props to the cameraman for literally putting his life on danger for us.
This is how I’m spending my Saturday morning, Nat Geo literally is the best. Great footage.
Great documentary. I like watching such investigations regarding North Korea, however I believe that one episode is not enough to answer this dilemma, hoping to see more in depth documentaries regarding the subject.
I’ll always remember a interview with a ex North Korean army soldier. When he came to the U.S. and went to a grocery store he couldn’t believe it he thought it had to be propaganda. Then he had them stop at another random store. He cried saying it was real because there’s no way of guessing he whould stop twice. He was just in awe. Very sad tbh.
The fact that he cant take a nice photo with someone without having someone break down into nervous sobs is both comedic and heartbreaking
Thank you National Geographic for this interesting documentary. Excellent quality and informative.
18:00 minutes in and it’s by far one of the most fascinating documentaries I’ve ever watched.
I was stationed in South Korea with the US Army, 2nd Infantry Division. Since that time I have tried to remain informed, watching and reading as much as possible. So excited to see this in my feed this morning. Great coverage! Well done!
Extremely good documentary. Very well done, high quality.
fantastic documentary. very accurate.
i liked when the person who want to school with him didnt just talked trash and say the things that people wanted to hear but rather spoke the truth about him
Very brilliant documentary. Loved every minute of it
No matter the country, it’s all about power and money. Each country just disguises the motivations differently. Good documentary. Thank you.
Thank you for a great documentary without the usual bias and the repeated things constantly recycled in other news stories and documentaries.
Great documentary, very well done nat geo! You always deliver the very best and most informative!
No doubt …. national geographic makes the best documentaries !!
If anybody actually believes the two girls story about a hidden prank show and they had no idea was real then they have a lot of learning to do. They were very well trained and stuck to the scripted “I’m clueless” act very well
i’m so impressed by National Geographic and their way to get information from such private communist countries
This was fascinating, thank you for this amazing insight into North Korea.
One of the best documentaries I have watched.Kudos NatGeo.
Great documentary, thank you National Geography. I have always been intrigued by what happens in North Korea
One question here: How did the two assassins not become affected by the nerve agent?
Thank you for this documentary, Nat Geo! I think I finally understand why Kim Yeojung is such a badass, and I was surprised by those many secret tunnels in NK. This video was very informative!
Huge props to the one who upload free documentary for us to spread wisdom!
Can’t wait to watch this with my 13 year old son later this weekend! I always try to watch good documentaries with him. Thanks Nat Geo!
I almost feel sorry for him and his sister because all of this was brainwashed into them from the day of birth. You almost get a glance of a personality he would have loved to have been.
This was great piece. I love anything about North Korea. I cannot wait for the citizens to be freed. I hope it happens in my lifetime. That’s sister seems like pure evilness. Something about her is downright scary.
I think its important to understand that Kim’s modernization efforts have been mainly within the cities like Pyeongyang, and not anywhere else, which is like 95% of the country.
I’m not gonna lie the beginning when he was riding on the horse I laughed so hard
One of the best documentaries i have watched
️ thank u nat geo 

I hardly ever comment videos, but this was so well put together, and surprisingly for american media quite unbiased in my opinion. I myself am fascinated by the country, and their ability to stand their ground be it though quite unconventional and frowned upon means as may.
amazing documentary and insight of National Geographic – thank you!
Wow. Thanks for this posting. I learned way more about North Korea than I would have otherwise. I always loved National Geographic and this is why…
I love how the CIA who is literally having contacts with his brother calls their target “paranoid”
She’s a liar. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she got something for someone that made it worth it.
If Kim could kill his own brother heartless and inhuman, just imagine what he can do to his people. I wish to see the day when north Korea and it’s citizens are free from Kim’s rule.
Kim Jong Uns weakness, low self esteem and lack of confidence is what led him to become a dictator. I believe he wanted to change things at one point but he gave into the pressure
I sort of get Stalin vibes from his sister, like her body language is very similar in a way also being that close to the top is reminiscent of how Stalin was a quite person that no one really payed attention to despite being the general secretary of the party. If there ever was a female Stalin then she would be perfect for the role.
Seriously I can’t go first 8 sec without laughing, Kim riding a horse 

One of the best documentaries about North Korea.
I like how the whole documentary about an adversary is painted in dark colors, eerie music, and clips and images without ever allowing us to even hear the guy speak.
Makes me sad to think the people are isolated in there own country 

Dang I didn’t know anything about his brother being assassinated. What a jewel YouTube put into my recommendations 

Truly sad and cruel to see a country with no freedom of speech or anything at all but isolation
Those in power have everything in life they could ever wish for. There would be no motive for them to change anything.
Amazing documentary! After all hes not as evil as he looks! I always thought hes big dictator , there is nothing modernize in his country! And he loves to keep his people as poor as possible ! Never thought that he created so many great things for his country to develop
If someone suggested that plan for an assassination, I’d laugh at it, as ridiculous and impossible to execute.
Unbiased & well-directed documentary
the way how they got his brother was genius they trained 2 unknowing assassins without them knowing
The horse had me laughing already, that poor thing omg🥹

Does anyone know why the brother assassins weren’t affected by the nerve agent on their hands, and it killed him?
Surprisingly, the makers of this documentary, missed the most important explanation to continuous existence of Nort Korea as a counterweight to the Western military and economic interests in Asia. Mainly support from China and Russia. Furthermore, Ghaddafi fate, showed ruling family and elite, futility and danger of acquiescing to Western demands. Hence, Nort Koreans, will continue to build and improve their nuclear arsenal, as an insurance , and in furtherance of their country, political and military interests.
I can’t imagine that not one person in his circle who has seen the outside world and knows that what is happening in his country and to their people who suffer and starve, wouldn’t step up and with one effort, change for the best the fortunes of his people.
Is there other episodes ??? About maybe another dictator ???? THIS WAS AMAZING
Accidentally clicked on an watched it to the end. Well done
I’m so accustomed to documentaries on North Korea that do not add any new information to what we know. But perhaps the pandemic and famine in North Korea in the past couple years is actually changing things enough to make watching a new documentary worthwhile. Lets see if Nat Geo actually does a decent job … Edit: Unfortunately, this documentary adds very little new information. There is the first time interview of one of the assassins of Kim Jon Un’s brother, but she doesn’t really say anything not already known. There is the revelation of a former CIA asset in North Korea. And quite a bit of speculation about the role of Un’s sister with some unsurprising tid-bits of info about specific actions she is thought to be responsible for.
Still speaking bad on him after he inherited a problem that was started by those in power today it is really sad to still talk down on this young leader that really just want to protect his culture that he knows will be threatened I feel for his dilemma that’s a real problem to have in life other than which year car u have to have or how how your clothing cost
His school was actually in gumligen a suburb of Bern, I went to the private school down the street with his dead brother. Truth is stranger than fiction.
This dude is hilarious dangerous funny to look at and incredibly scarry at the same time ….
These always make me so sad. NK is a beautiful place, with deep natural resources and strategic geography. Under a non-dictator, the country would be vibrant, free, culturally rich, wealthy, and liberated.
For some reason, that sister of his make me worry about his own safety. If she’s given too much leeway, she’ll do away with him in a second. I don’t trust her at all. She’s a snake.
Good stuff
. We need more of similar contents.

This documentary was amazing, I almost cannot believe it was free.
The dictator learned reformation from the West. Interestingly, most of the dictators study in the West.
NG doing non animal related stuff is new to me…great job!
I remember watching this on TV like 2 years ago I think? Such a good series I’m glad it’s on YouTube now. I really liked the intro with the guitar too 1:08
“And his time in Switzerland left its mark on the supreme leader.” I guess that mark did not include the whole Swiss direct democracy thing…
That is very smart of Kim Jong-un he’s played a good cop while his sister plays the bad cop. He gets to look reasonable while his sister gets to flex her power.
Never knew about Kim’s aunt & uncle abandoning him or NK’s tunnel system. Amazing stuff.
Really enjoy documentaries, thanks for the YouTube uploads
I’ve never clicked on a video so fast. A new North Korea doc, THANKYOU National Geographic. Let me be fascinated again. What a footage/info! Masterpiece.
Wow. I learned a lot of new information with this documentary. I’m impressed.
Really enjoyed this great documentary, thank you
I watched a defector overwhelmed with all the west had compared to the people In North Korea. They felt as if they had “too much” compared to their family members who still lived in NK. They became depressed and eventually did everything to make it back. Truly remarkable we don’t realize how good we have it in the west. I for one take so much for granted and sometimes have to smack myself and remain grateful 

“He really has to show an improvement in the standard of living inside North Korea”. No. Obviously not.
A remarkable documentary. Thank you.
The fact that we get free documentaries on Youtube by National Geographic is truly a gift
Kim cannot become a ‘soft dictator’ as you put it. It’s the very nature of the entire system. That would be perceived as a weakness within the hierarchy and any kind of weakness is something Kim dares not show. The second he shows any kind of perceived weakness it’s pretty much game over for him.
Note that he actually requires the other officials to actually take his every word in Dictation.
A friend of mine travelled there once. I thought he was bonkers, but he said the country is beautiful, very clean and the people are friendly.
I have to agree with NewYorkerJoe.These National Geographic docs are some of the best. BBC does some really nice animal documentaries, you know with the old Btitish guy. Have been watching The Story of God with Morgan Freeman. Love Nat Geo! Thank You!
Thank you for this video. It was very informative.
The fact that Kim’s barber is still alive is beyond me 

What a fascinating documentary, Thank you National Geographic
This is my kinda staff, love it.

Wow I feel so bad for those girl’s!!
I hope there okay!!!

are we going to ignore the agileness and percision of his old bodyguard, that was impressive!
I hope this will be a continuous series here and not just a single episode
What a documentation 

fascinating but out of date news as ive seen this stuff and much more years ago in documentaries. still nice for a reminder of how many messed up things are going on in the world
Thank you for this documentary about North Korean leader.. I really enjoyed it until the end ..

I gotta give it to them, the prank stuff was genius. Except, so many spies at one place? They were bound to be captured – that part was silly.
I’d love to see the “Inside the Mind of International Conglomerates’ Owners”
Strangely his attention was attracted by the sweet little girl who didn’t cheer for him. He is obsessed with control and power. Seeing someone who doesn’t beg for his attention is unexpected.
Excellent report. Thank you.
The fact that his aunt left him without even saying goodbye I think was felt like a betrayal and then when his brother became an informant that had the same taste. What the word family mean after that!!! You trust someone with your kid and she feels like you are going to kill her

Seeing those little children jumping, clapping and crying with fear…and the leader is smiling is heartbreaking….!!!
They took ” Its prank,… Look at camera ” to the next level 

Excellent programme. It is dated 2021. It is from before covid 19 which has had a dire dire impact in in NK as Kim closed the borders and illegal bribes and trading are what feeds many families in NK. It got so bad even the middle class in the capital have had trouble getting all the food they need. My second comment is I think he had an uncle killed which might have been worth covering and finally his mistress is quite prominent I think too as well as his wife and of course his sister. I remember the only person to escape across the militarised zone – a soldier. He was so ill once recovered from being shot by North Koreans (he made it) and had a massive worm inside his intestines poor chap.
This is such an incredible documentary.
That was pretty cool but the ending left me feeling like there should of been a part two.
“He commands the world’s fourth largest military”… says who? Maybe the fourth largest manpower, not military. Manpower of mostly 5’1 under fed men and women. They didn’t even have an airplane to bring him to Singapore. He had to borrow one from China. North Korean soldiers who defected said they’ll be lucky to even fire 10 rounds in practice with their rifle during their entire military career.
Just another example of when human beings lose all respect for humanity.
thank youu National Geo for such amazing Doc,this is waaay better than netflix or other platforms
Love to know how the Covid situation was there. So hard to get in to the country wonder it they even heard of it yet alone got it.
For everything he has, he seems genuinely bored and unenthusiastic. He lacks a soul and believes everything materialistic.
A weak leader deals in fear and misery. It takes a strong leader to pe courage free speech, freedom and innovation. This boy was born into being a dictator that has no clue of real leadership.
The whole family was obviously trained at the Bond villain academy.
Ahhh the fact that north Korea really believes they are even remotely a threat to the U.S. is just so hilarious
I’m not sure I buy that those girls didn’t know what they were doing. The way she ran full speed to the bathroom to wash her hands followed by running to the getaway vehicle seems really suspicious.
That was an epic documentary !
Ok so let’s get this straight: they have these “secluded,” vacation homes, he’s a huge hemorrhoid on the world and our SEALS or DELTA can’t take them out? Sure…. Maybe he’s politically significant alive. That seems to make more sense
I know for sure if “James” failed his mission he would’ve been executed when he came back to North Korea. So it was either him or Kim’s brother.
we want more of this
Amazing documentary. Crazy to think about him wearing Jordan’s and living in Europe.
Scary place. Everyone acts robotic out of fear, seemingly every moment of their lives. Zero free thought or free speech. I could never visit, because I’d be thrown into a prison camp in about 14 seconds.
Please…. ALWAYS include the original air date in the video or the description…
THE best North Korea 🇰🇵 documentary. Thank you!
By far the best North Korean documentary I’ve seen.
I didn’t believe that they didn’t know but when I saw her crying it was inevitable that she was a pawn it’s heartbreaking
Quite interesting, and interesting especially how his sister runs the brutal backside so to speak of the country, whilst having kim be the outside face and leader.
What a documentary..

This was so good! Thanks for this

Excellent glimpse inside the forbidden, thank you!
When will it be on tv? It’s just that it looks a lot more entertaining when televised.
Now I am curious, when they attacked Kim Jung Nam wit the checmical poison, it seemed as he reached out for help immediately, and went to the medical center at the airport, but they could not save him? Perhaps, they didn’t know the cause that delayed the golden time, or did they know the posion but couldn’t do anything regardless..?
Hands down the best NK documentary I’ve watched on youtube. National Geography stays winning.
How did the nerve agent not harm or effect the girl playing the “prank”? Also, where did the second girl fit into all this, what was her roll? Why are those details not included? Not to be critical, it just seems strange to skip over those seemingly important pieces of information.
“Live. Laugh. Love.” -Kim Jong Un
What defines a legitimate country? Does western terminology determine what’s legitimate or not? I don’t understand how we use words to subtly undermine and minimize a country’s existence and efforts to stay on it’s own and do its business its own way.
Such fascinating country but I wouldn’t trade my life for any of the North Koreans with all the respect.
Fabulous documentary 

There is absolutly nothing wrong with staying an independent country from the USA. North Korea hasn’t invaded one single country in the past 70 years. The USA has invaded numerous countries at the same time. Of course the people in Norrh Korea don’t live the best life but if North Korea wasn’t isolated by the west then it could be much better off.
When I see North Korea president He reminds me of one my science teacher. He does look like him. And whenever I attended my that teacher class I don’t know why I can’t stop my laugh 

They can never settle their differences until the US leaves, but neither side wants us to leave because that would threaten the people in power, and our presence enriches them. So watch both side go crazy when the US finally announces it’s withdrawing.
It’s so amazing how Kim ascended from the clouds as a god, and we’re still relying on corporations and the electoral college to help us determine our US President
Clapping for their life 

You could make a documentary about the mind of a democracy and there would much much more material depending on how you want to spin it
i always consider his father to be the more evil one
That part were it said something like ” the u.s.a should expect a x mas card from the sister” was pretty freaky for real
This was very interesting!Wonder what would have happened if his Aunt and Uncle didnt abandon him.. Would he have stayed in the West?
This documentary it’s so beautiful crafted! Thanks!
“My sons are all idle blockheads, my daughters have the heart and intellect”… no wonder most people think his sister is the real power.
It’s not the most horrific thing I’ve seen or heard about North Korea, but forcing that horse to carry the great weight of Great Leader is still quite cruel.
You have to admire the resilience of NK. Despite all the sanctions against them,they’re not doing bad at all
you didn’t shadow his moves you just stalked him thats stalking imagine a job where you try to peep in at people and stalk them well done
Thanks to Kim Jong Un for providing such a great material for documentary.
That assassination plot was brilliant. Get some younger naive girls and groom them in a playful way.
Such a great documentary. Tyvm for this 
No matter the country, it’s all about power and money. Each country just disguises the motivations differently. Good documentary. Thank you.
Excellent documentary!
He always looks like he’s on the verge of tears
It’s scary how easy someone could have been tricked into killing someone
This is so interesting, especially the parts between the ads.
Amazing documentary

Those clips of him on the horse are amazing
This is one of the best documentary
Dam it’s amazing how this doc made a homicidal maniac look like an angel compared to his sister
I would like to travel to North Korea one day! 10/10 seems like a nice place!
Great documentary 

After having a partial view on TV channel, l tried to get the full video searching many times on YouTube. But I was not able to get it. After many days it has been uploaded on its YouTube. Thanks a lot!
There is no dilemma…. he has already made his choice…
I think Kim had a decent vision for his country but overtime got mad with power.
I have newer expected this documentary. Newer. Thanks God I can watch it today.
to be honest you gotta feel for these people who have the corruption forced on them. it’s either do it or die.
Why is it so surprising that there’s escape tunnels in North Korea? Nearly every president/ prime minister/ dictator in the world has them
He’s a legend
The height of hypocrisy and the double standard. Do as I say, not as I do.
1. Usually when playing pranks you are humurous beforehand. She looks apprehensive. 2. When something bad happens during the “prank”, you dont run off like that if you’re trying to exit. You break out full speed.
Having genuine friends probably would have saved the soul of afew dictators
That poor horse had to carry a 4 thousand pound monsters Edit: I like how he’s the only one on horse back and his people have to walk

Keep your enemies close, and your enemies closer. He knows his sister is gunning for his position.
Not gonna lie, I always thought National Geographic was just about the wild animals. I giggled when I saw they posted a documentary of Kim Jong Un – In his natural habitat as a wild animal!
When Kim is older than me by two years, I feel old.
Those North Korean Body Guards ain’t no joke. Imagine facing off with one of them in a skirmish you’d better be sharp.
Great documentary!

21:28 I like how the third guy to the left of Kim (Kim’s right) is holding his pistol. Also how most of them are still flagging each other and the second guy to the left of Kim is just about aiming at Kim’s crotch.
We all know I know how the person he is in reality nobody can see the other side of him he is not a evil not only this kind of personality coz the world can see you with their greedy eyes they can never see the sufferings and sacrifices of all of your grandparents and yourzzzzzzz I Respect YOUUUU alotttttttttt dear 

you are a true king and will always be like that yes ……. Be happy always

WOW the documentary was Amazing! Let’s go Nat Geo!

The part on Kim’s aunt and uncle can’t be real.. I doubt they would take such risks
I didn’t even mean to watch this until the end. This was very interesting.
he is at the forefront of crimes against humanity in the camps so he could’ve stopped that a long time ago so I don’t believe a word, especially after killing his own family
One of the best documentaries about North Korea.

this is a beautiful documentary
As curated as this is – it’s still a good piece.
15:50 That was so funny when CNN lost him and he turned out to have been on holiday at the beach. Lucky he’s a little bit plump. If he was very skinny what would they do?! 17:06 Well I don’t know about Kim’s personality, but it explains a lot about the U. S.’s personality! Specially now that they have the new tech that can see what’s below ground. 17:32 But how can anyone not be paranoid with U. S. spy satellites? 17:57 Well ok. Food, brandy and Bond. Is that so unusual? What were American men into?
National geographic keep the documentary coming
two billion dollars in illicit trade doesn’t sound like much compared to what’s going on throughout the americas and europe
I’m so happy to see a new documentary about NK is being put out. I’ve watched all the others !
This deserves more views

21:34 if they accidentally shot they’re guns… only him and a few would survive: that’s how responsible his close military staff is.
they got something wrong in this video, Kim jong-un went to a private international school in Bern, not a regular “public” school
Haha, i bet you feel the presure of youtubers, who make better docu’s than we get on the telly. This one, was pretty nice aswell 🙂
I really like this documentary you really did a good job
Help the poor horse, he’s being tortured. He can’t hold the weight of Kim
A brother sister tag team: keep the family business rolling.
Imagine this guy, just comes out and do a 360 on everything, economy, resources, farmland booming, no hunger, hold on that military and do your country, invite other leaders to prosper, and actually be alive to see it.
Here is when I appreciate my right to insult or mock any president of the united states 

He would do well to read and understand Ecclesiasties…..just for the story and lesson of it.
“The young women have no idea what they’ve done” Yeah right. A prank show with an escape vehicle? Yeah, that’s suspicious.
That evil eats his way right thru his people. He belongs in prison.
What a documentary. And we came to know many new things that are unknown to world

It amazing what some people put up with, That side of the world is just so used to being controlled and treated as pheasants.
Omg!!!! its really a documentary about North Korea!!great documentary.
I’m 100% convinced that the interview movie is a documentary
This is literally the exact MO, rare chemical agent, tactic, setting, story, and even appears perpetrators of the attack, their origin and it appears even footage of an identical attack on a vocal and popular opponent of Putin’s who actually barely survived… What in the world
Thank god the 2 girls were set free, hopefully they truly didn’t know anything
I never believed for a second they didnt know what they were doing. What normal person would smear cream on a strangers face in ANY situation?
IT’s classic documentary

Such Fantastic & Insightful Content & That Too at No Charge, Wow!!
I thought Kim Jong Un looked evil. Then his sister appears!
This is a great documentary
Those poor women. Lives ruined. Two years in prison. We must be so vigilant in every interaction because bad people will use you and discard you. I hope their lives are in a good place now.
Great doc 

Why would any self-interested person like Kim Jong Un (according this doc) want to end his regime and become a modern leader? I feel like we just assume North Korea has to do something in order to survive when it is clear that they will be lasting indefinitely.
I dont understand how the girl didn’t suffer from any of the effects of the oil on her hand, while the same substance killed the target. Not one touch to the face or even mild symptoms?
He’s not giving up that power at least not without a fight but he is more like his grandfather than his father but bottom line he doesn’t care about the people his sister might sign off on a lot of things but the final order come from him
He had really crossed the line
With me recently becoming interested in the DPR of N. Korea, this is perfect and perfect timing on my day off 

I need a vacation. I was thinking of North Korea. I hear it’s beautiful this time of year and I hear the DMZ is a big hit with the kids, fun for whole family. I also heard the gift shop at the DMZ is amazing. I really want a Kim Jong-un bobble head. If anyone else wants one let me know they may let me send it by way of ICBM. Lol 

Despite how bad this country is, Pyongyang is actually a very pretty city
“ they say we are dangerous and unpredictable but it is the US Regime that has attacked more than 30 countries during the last 50 years! We have attacked NON! They are afraid of us but we are not afraid of them” North Korea
Kim Yo Jong scares us all so bad. Brrrrr. I couldn’t imagine how badly we’d lose if we went to war with these powerful people.
When videos like this are released all I wonder is why? Some of these people might die tomorrow for this.
What was good for the goose will be good for the gander. Eye for eye, I hope Kim is outed the same way.
A great documentary
i actually feel bad for this dude. He doesnt want to be in the spotlight and he probably doesnt even want to do this but is forced to. Probably lives a really depressing life.
Congrats national geographic, as in viewing this video you are at 19.9 million subs!
I could watch this all day. Great job!
This is not the first time on television. I saw the “assassin” interview years ago
We feel like we are in ancient era where the king and kings family,so fascinating.Good to see different world.
Well done , l am obsessed with documentaries…is he going to rule forever??
Ok code name Grandpa for the team leader is such a soothing and badass nickname. I would feel more confident in a assassination with grandpa as my fail safe.
The best documentary I’ve so far
i think the NK ‘bubble’ of commoners not knowing life outside the country was well broken by the mid 00s. After the 90s I think most NKs realized that other countries were not like theirs, that NK has serious problems. But I think younger Kim has a good chance to slowly revitalize NK, improving lives of everyone, not just the elite, and even the elite sometimes suffered from lack of food and stuff in the 80s/90s. Bradley Martins ‘Under the Care of the Fatherly Leader’ is a great book. He visited NK 3 times I think. 70s, and twice in the 80s IIRC, so he saw changes and all that stuff. Published in 04 I think, so I’ve been hoping he’ll go back to NK and write another book of what life under the younger Kim is like, and how much the cities and rural areas have changed. I also wonder what the defect rate is like now. more people? less people? it skyrocketed during the 90s famine, but if things really have gotten better then I would think there would be less defectors.
High quality doc
I think Declaring the person as dictator in the introduction is really a judgemental/polarising move
just imagine being north Korean watching this outside north Korea
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content 

Long Live Supreme Leader Marshal Kim Jong-un 🇰🇵 He is the greatest leader of human history very kind, caring & generous very polite, care for his people and love them.
Very interesting documentary 

I don’t think he’s a dictator, rather a general of a war country, who don’t know what they are. Instead of fighting him, use what he’s good at. Him and his country should be the world police for the most violent criminals and gangs. They should house the world’s worst in their own way. They should have a seat at the table. They should be understood as what they are. Of course the crimes he’s doing should stop.
These documentaries about Kim always forgot/ignore to mention that he studied in Switzerland ( Bern ) and that he was a fan of the Chicago Bulls at that time. They present him like if he never went outside of North Korea.
Its harder to be corrupt and rich when there are less people like you in the country. Way more scrutiny. In the US, most everyone in power is a crook and getting rich yet nothing is said because there are so many of them.
It would seem Un has embraced his Father and Grandfathers ruthlessness and disregard for His People!
Great and fact ful documentation
Am I really supposed to believe she didn’t know she was an assassin
So in my understanding for what it’s worth. The video footage of the chemist in the North Korean Embassy … someone western intelligence) had managed to record video and voice of a private secure room within the (my own speculation) North Korean Embassy discussing discussing with the chemist of the asssination team, the North Koreans in thier own Embassy get this footage out or was unaware of being recorded in what they thought was Private North Korean sovereign territory. Please disagree with or agree with my assessment on that part of the story and your comments.
Thanks for the upload National Geographic channel
this is more interesting then reading the magazine 

He mabe untouchable but his health is catching up to him just like his dad
Even in a Dictatorship, Power is always given by others. Radical Changes always create Opposittion, and as a dictator that could mean your death.
This documentary exist and is online for free thanks to Kim, it was one of the prerequisites to let them shoot video in North Korea, everything coming out of north korea has to be approved by North Korean government no exception.
I lost it at the horse scene 

It’s not that rare that treason is punishment by death. From a different perspective he committed treason to that regime.
The Supreme Leader could in an instant have her disposed of. At the same time she must be living on her nerves not knowing when he’s going to flip.
I’m always excited to know about him and his country………..
Super creepy. I hope North Korea can start feeling safe soon and refocus their efforts on public health. The dystopia they are creating will outlast the Kim dynasty and have long-lasting repercussions world-wide.
I find a bit a weird that the guy at 20:50 talks about food inspections and portable toilets as if that’s somehow an unusual thing to do for world leaders. This is what every major country does.
I feel Kim pain himself is his enemy and the outside world is also his enemy.
Very informing. 

What are the odds that he’s having a Cersei and Jamie type arrangement with his sister?
NewYorker Joe
Muzni Mubarak
4 dagen geleden