Page Description
David versus Goliath”
is a well-known story from the Bible
that represents a metaphor for
an underdog defeating
a seemingly invincible opponent.

David hurls a stone from his sling and hits Goliath in the center of his forehead, Goliath falls on his face to the ground, and David cuts off his head. The Philistines flee and are pursued by the Israelites “as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron”.
David and Goliath: A Fight for Truth Against Power
In every era, stories of resilience and courage remind us that even the mightiest institutions can be challenged when injustice prevails. The Post Office scandal stands as a modern-day David and Goliath tale, where ordinary individuals – armed only with truth and determination – took on a powerful establishment. Against overwhelming odds, they revealed the cracks in a system designed to suppress dissent and protect its own interests. This is their story – a testament to the power of persistence and the unyielding pursuit of justice.
David tegen Goliath: Een Strijd voor de Waarheid tegen de Macht
In elke tijd herinneren verhalen over veerkracht en moed ons eraan dat zelfs de machtigste instituten uitgedaagd kunnen worden wanneer onrecht zegeviert. Het Post Office-schandaal is een modern verhaal van David tegen Goliath, waarin gewone mensen – gewapend met niets anders dan de waarheid en vastberadenheid – het opnamen tegen een machtig establishment. Tegen alle verwachtingen in legden ze de scheuren bloot in een systeem dat was ontworpen om afwijkende stemmen te onderdrukken en eigen belangen te beschermen. Dit is hun verhaal – een getuigenis van de kracht van volharding en de onverzettelijke strijd voor gerechtigheid.
David and Goliath | Stories You Thought You Knew [Sermon]
“David versus Goliath” is a well-known story from the Bible that has come to represent a metaphor for an underdog defeating a seemingly invincible opponent. The story tells of a young shepherd named David who defeated the giant warrior Goliath with a single stone from his sling.
The key points of the story are:
David was a young shepherd who was not trained in warfare, while Goliath was a giant warrior and champion of the Philistine army.
Goliath challenged the Israelites to send out a champion to fight him, but nobody was willing to face him.
David volunteered to fight Goliath and was initially ridiculed by the Israelites for his small size and lack of experience.
David had faith in God and believed that he could defeat Goliath. He chose to fight Goliath with a sling and five smooth stones.
When David approached Goliath, the giant mocked him, but David remained calm and confident.
David struck Goliath in the forehead with a stone from his sling, causing the giant to fall to the ground. David then killed Goliath with Goliath’s own sword.
David’s victory over Goliath was seen as a symbol of the triumph of the underdog over the powerful and the importance of faith, courage, and determination.
The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell
30 sep. 2013
David and Goliath (Biblical Stories Explained)
A legendary tale about how one can overcome their problems, no matter how big they are.
The Complete Story of David: King of Israel
David & Goliath | Billy Graham Sermon #BillyGraham #Gospel #Jesus #Christ
22 jun 2023 Billy Graham Sermons
Let the word of God bless your life with the Lord’s goodness.
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, always! Amen.
The story of David vs. Goliath has been told and re-told for generations.
The story of David vs. Goliath has been told and re-told for generations.
As the Biblical story unfolds, the Philistine army is gathered for war against the Israelites. The two powerful armies are camped for battle across a steep valley. Every day, a giant Philistine named Goliath crosses the valley and challenges the Israelites to fight.
The Israelites were understandably intimidated. Goliath was massive, fierce, and skilled at battle. Who in their right mind would challenge such a beast?
But while most of the army cowered, one young Israelite, David, refused to back down. Instead of dread, David had confidence. Instead of fear, David had resolve. Why?
Rather than focusing on the overwhelming terror of Goliath, David focused on his own strengths. He focused on his own strategy. He was no physical match for Goliath but he was incredibly skilled with a sling shot. And he knew a well-placed shot would spell victory.
All he needed to do was take action. The rest is history.
Het verhaal van David tegen Goliath is al generaties lang verteld en doorverteld.
In het Bijbelse verhaal staan de Filistijnse en Israëlitische legers tegenover elkaar, kampementen aan weerszijden van een diepe vallei. Elke dag daagt een gigantische Filistijn, genaamd Goliath, de Israëlieten uit om te vechten.
De Israëlieten waren begrijpelijkerwijs geïntimideerd. Goliath was enorm, angstaanjagend en een doorgewinterde strijder. Wie zou het in zijn hoofd halen om zo’n beest uit te dagen?
Maar terwijl het grootste deel van het leger sidderde van angst, weigerde één jonge Israëliet, David, zich terug te trekken. In plaats van angst kende David vertrouwen. In plaats van vrees voelde hij vastberadenheid. Waarom?
In plaats van zich te richten op de overweldigende dreiging van Goliath, richtte David zich op zijn eigen krachten. Hij richtte zich op zijn eigen strategie. Hij was fysiek geen partij voor Goliath, maar hij was buitengewoon bedreven met een slinger. En hij wist dat een goed geplaatste slag de overwinning zou brengen.
Het enige wat hij moest doen, was in actie komen. De rest is geschiedenis.
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