Page Description
Explore the complexities of cruelty and compassion in human nature. Uncover the ethical dilemmas, choices, and systems that shape acts of harm and healing.
Cruelty is often seen as something distant – an abstract force or an inhuman act. Yet, when we look closer, we find that its origins lie within us. Cruelty wears a human face, driven by fear, ignorance, power, or indifference. This truth is as uncomfortable as it is undeniable: behind every act of harm, there are choices, decisions, and actions made by people, often in the name of justice, order, or survival.
This webpage delves into the complexities of cruelty in the human experience, exploring the moral and ethical dilemmas it presents. Through stories, historical examples, and philosophical reflections, we examine questions such as:
- What drives people to commit acts of cruelty?
- How do systems and societies enable harm under the guise of authority or tradition?
- Is compassion the antidote to cruelty, or is it merely another facet of human nature?
By understanding the human heart’s capacity for both harm and healing, we aim to uncover not only the roots of cruelty but also the potential for change and redemption.
Join us as we navigate this intricate and deeply human subject, seeking answers that challenge our assumptions and deepen our understanding of what it means to be human.
Wreedheid Heeft een Menselijk Hart: Het Verschijnsel Mens
Wreedheid wordt vaak gezien als iets dat ver van ons afstaat – een abstracte kracht of een onmenselijke daad. Maar wanneer we beter kijken, ontdekken we dat de oorsprong ervan in onszelf ligt. Wreedheid draagt een menselijk gezicht, gedreven door angst, onwetendheid, macht of onverschilligheid. Deze waarheid is zowel ongemakkelijk als onontkoombaar: achter elke daad van kwaad schuilen keuzes, beslissingen en acties, vaak gerechtvaardigd door een beroep op rechtvaardigheid, orde of overleving.
Deze pagina verkent de complexiteit van wreedheid binnen de menselijke ervaring en de morele en ethische dilemma’s die daarbij horen. Aan de hand van verhalen, historische voorbeelden en filosofische reflecties onderzoeken we vragen als:
- Wat drijft mensen tot het begaan van wreedheden?
- Hoe stellen systemen en samenlevingen mensen in staat om kwaad te doen in naam van autoriteit of traditie?
- Is mededogen het tegengif voor wreedheid, of slechts een andere kant van de menselijke natuur?
Door de menselijke hartslag van zowel schade als heling te begrijpen, willen we niet alleen de wortels van wreedheid blootleggen, maar ook de mogelijkheden voor verandering en verlossing ontdekken.
Ga met ons mee op deze complexe en diep menselijke reis en zoek naar antwoorden die onze aannames uitdagen en ons begrip van wat het betekent om mens te zijn verdiepen.
The Inquiry
The inquiry gives us a window into the heart of the scandal. What did the Post Office executives know, and when did they know it?
POST OFFICE SCANDAL: Ex-tech chief outfoxed by prosecutor
15 okt 2024
Post Office Horizon IT inquiry continues with evidence from Mike Young, former chief of technology and operations services director
Mr Young was pushed on why he didn’t inform the board of the glitches with the Horizon software, when it was his job to do so.
The Post Offfice scandal saw more than 900 subpostmasters prosecuted for stealing, based on incorrect information from an IT system known as Horizon.
A long-running inquiry into the issue has been gathering evidence of the failings of the system at the Post Office, after the convictions of hundreds of postmasters were quashed earlier this year.
The Post Office continues to use the system despite heavy criticism over the issues.
Thousands of Post Office subpostmasters said they have still witnessed unexplained problems with Horizon over the past four years, according to a recent survey.
Paula Vennells breaks down in tears at the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry
22 mei 2024 #DailyExpress #PostOffice #News
Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells breaks down in tears during the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry.
Ms Vennells is accused of overseeing what has been described as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in UK history after subpostmasters started experiencing unexplained losses in their accounts as a result of the faulty Horizon IT system, which they were held liable for under their contract with the Post Office.
How Deception Leads to Wrong Judgments
Pregnant Little Girl – Just For Laughs Gags
A pregnant little girl probably isn’t what you would expect to see while walking through the park. Well, unless you’re in a hidden camera prank.