Child Prostitution

Child prostitution is a very widespread form of modern slavery.

Cambridge Dictionary

2 Forgotten Children (Child Sex Tourism)

6 okt. 2012

3 Sex Trafficking in the U.S.: Young Lives, Insane Profit | Yolanda Schlabach | TEDxWilmington

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17 okt. 2016

This talk is eye-opening and heart-breaking. Yolanda Schlabach shows the reality of sex-trafficking in the State of Delaware, a terribly unrecognized and under-prosecuted state of affairs. She guides us through the process by which girls are trapped, and eventually lose their independent identity.
Yolanda is a Registered Nurse. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Management from Regent University in 2004 and graduated in 2014 from Liberty University with a Master’s in Human Services & Counseling. Yolanda attended the University of Maryland, earning a Certificate in Working with Survivors of Violence, Trauma and Torture. Yolanda is a member of Delaware’s Human Trafficking Coordinating Council and Co-Chair of the Victim Services Committee.
Yolanda has served as Executive Director of Zoë Ministries, Inc. since 2012, when the organization received 501©3 status. For the past few years, she has spent her time engaged in public awareness and professional education to bring the reality of human trafficking to the forefront in Delaware.

4 The Children Caught Up In Cambodia’s Sex Trade (2002)

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Cambodian Girls Who Got Dragged Into Prostitution (Trafficking Documentary) | Real Stories

25 apr. 2018

Against the sordid backdrop of the Cambodian sex industry, we profile the lives of three young girls who have been dragged into prostitution. Srey Leak, Me Nea and Cheata are little more than children. They share the same preoccupations, insecurities and vanities of teenagers the world over, yet nightly make the greatest sacrifices to help their families. Told in their own words, this is a story about redemption, humour and sisterhood in the face of dreadful adversity.

5 Caged until ‘broken’: life for Mumbai’s prostitutes


8 sep. 2014

Girls as young as seven – forced into prostitution: some locked in tiny cages for months on end to stop them running away. This is the awful reality in Mumbai – one of Asia’s biggest red light districts.
Interview with Hazel Thompson:

6 Selling sex: underage victims of sex tourists in the Dominican Republic | Unreported World

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13 mei 2018

Evil in Paradise: In this Unreported World episode, Krishnan Guru-Murthy is in the Dominican Republic. A Caribbean country famed for its pristine beaches and year round sunshine. But the UN has identified terrible crimes being committed against teenagers at the hands of sex tourists.
This episode first aired on 11/05/18.

7 Nepalese Girls Kidnapped and Sold into the Bombay Sex Trade

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5 okt. 2007

Child Sex Workers (1996): A harrowing report on Nepalese children forced into prostitution.

Synopsis: In India, girls cuddle up together on the steps of the notorious red light district in Bombay, India, one of Asia’s largest sex markets. These girls are from Nepal, kidnapped from their villages and forced into prostitution. Back home poverty stricken families are stunned by the loss of their daughters, yet rescued girls who return to Nepal often find that their families won’t take them back because they are seen as prostitutes, and are usually HIV positive. The Centre Director and the Minister for Women emphasize the need for education and awareness. But while the government procrastinates, more and more girls are forced into child prostitution, and are robbed of their dignity.

8 Child prostitution in the Philippines | DW Documentary

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13 jan. 2017

Marlyn Capio was forced into prostitution as a child. Now she works for a child protection agency, trying to rescue young girls who work in the red light district. About 100,000 minors a year are forced into the sex trade in the Philippines.


Exciting, powerful and informative – DW Documentary is always close to current affairs and international events. Our eclectic mix of award-winning films and reports take you straight to the heart of the story. Dive into different cultures, journey across distant lands, and discover the inner workings of modern-day life. Subscribe and explore the world around you – every day, one DW Documentary at a time.

9 India: The Child Sex Highway | 101 East

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17 jan. 2020

A notorious highway in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh is the site of a shocking trade. Girls as young as 10 are being forced to work as prostitutes – and it’s their own families selling them to passing trucks.
The girls are from the Bachara tribe, a low-caste community known as Dalits. Most of the Bachara men say discrimination stops them from getting jobs, so generations of girls have supported their families through prostitution. Meneka’s mother forced her into prostitution at the age of 15. She now has a two-year-old daughter of her own, and says she feels trapped. “I feel like I am born in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing. But what can I do? I can’t say much because this is our tradition.”
Filming undercover, 101 East discovers girls as young as 10 are being offered to men. While India introduced tougher child rape laws in 2018, advocates say the laws are not properly enforced.
“The people who are exploiting the child – they are not customers, they are rapists,” says Asheif Shaikh, the founder of a local NGO that frees local girls from what he describes as sexual slavery. “This practice is like the serial rape of the children … They are raped about 10 to 12 times in a day.” Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of reported child rape cases of any state in the nation In this exclusive investigation, 101 East exposes the Indian villages where parents sell their daughters for sex.

10 Nepal’s slave girls | 101 East

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1 aug. 2014

Slavery is banned in Nepal. But hidden behind the walls of city homes, some still keep young girls as slaves called kamlaris.

11 The children trapped in Bangladesh’s brothel village

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Gepubliceerd op 17 mei 2016

Daulatdia is an entire village in Bangladesh dedicated to prostitution. Subscribe to The Guardian ►
Every day, 1,600 trafficked, enslaved and abandoned women and girls sell themselves for £2 a time. In the midst of the trade live 300 children, many born in the village. Some will be groomed to be the future of the business like their mothers and grandmothers. With education and support, a few may find their way out WARNING: Some people might find this content distressing.

12 Inside one of the world’s largest licensed brothels – BBC News

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27 sep. 2019

A BBC investigation has found children as young as seven are being groomed to sell sex in one of the world’s largest licensed brothels. 
Sex work is legal for women over the age of 18 in Bangladesh, but some women in Daulatdia, 100km from Dhaka, say they were forced into prostitution when they were children. 
A children’s charity is trying to help young people escape by offering education from the age of five and a safe house for those who can afford it. 
BBC Education & Family Correspondent Frankie McCamley reports.

Gepubliceerd op 27 jul. 2017

The biggest brothel in Bangladesh – and possibly the world. The town of Daulatdia is home to 1,500 prostitutes, some as young as 10 years old.

13 Children in Brazil Are Being Sold Into Sexual Slavery With Their Parents’ Consent

7 jul. 2016

Children for Sale (2010): The number of children sold into sexual slavery in Brazil is truly terrifying. An exposé of one of Brazil’s troubling sex industry.

Brazil’s many slums are plagued by child sex trafficking, with hundreds of thousands of girls and boys being bought, sold or kidnapped each year. 

Forced in to sex or, unbelievably, encouraged by their parents, these children are victims of severe abuse. “I left home at age 10. My father abused me” explains Juliana who has sold herself since she was 12 years old. Unemployment and poverty are both extremely high in Brazil, when Rosangela was offered a cleaning job by a much older Swiss man, she found it hard to refuse, little did she know she was about to enter the world of trafficking at the age of 17. “He managed to take all my documents, my ID, passport etc, and took me with him.” She became his slave and prisoner. Sex trafficking is an appalling truth to many young people – so why is this allowed to carry on? Could it be because the system itself is crooked? 

Sic TV – Ref. 4799 

Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.

14 Yazidi survivor: ‘I was raped every day for six months’ – BBC News


24 jul. 2017

Nearly three years ago, so-called Islamic State fighters swept through northern Iraq, where the country’s oldest ethnic minority were living – the Yazidis. Many of the men were shot, while the women and children were kidnapped, taken as hostage and raped.
The Victoria Derbyshire programme’s reporter Fiona Lamdin has spent a couple of days with a small group of women who have been resettled in Germany, and are trying to rebuild their lives.

15 Yazidi women: Slaves of the Caliphate

22 jan. 2015

The BBC’s Arabic Service follows a young woman as she negotiates to free Yazidi women being held captive by Islamic State fighters in Northern Iraq.

16 It’s a Man’s World: Cambodia’s Rape Culture | 101 East

8 mrt. 2013

Gang rape hit the headlines last year after the brutal attack of a woman on a bus in India’s capital, Delhi.

But new research suggests that gang rape is a wider problem across Asia – with some of the highest recorded levels of violence against women in the world to be found within the Asia-Pacific region.

Despite years of attention and millions spent on preventing it, there has been little or no measured decrease in its occurrence. And simply responding to the outcomes of violence has not been enough to end it.

For the first time, researchers have compiled cross-country data from men – those who admit to using violence against women, and those who do not. It is hoped that understanding men’s own experiences will help to target the causes of violence against women and prevent it from happening at all.

Four UN agencies interviewed 10,000 men across seven countries in the Asia-Pacific, with startling results.

One in four said they had raped a woman or girl, while one in 25 admitted to taking part in gang rape.

Men say they start raping early, often in their teenage years and are frequently motivated by sexual entitlement. While the rates of violence are shocking, the variations between countries is giving hope to those working on programmes to prevent violence and rape, because it demonstrates that early intervention can make a difference.

The research confirmed that there is no single cause of violence, but a complex interplay of factors related to individual experiences, community norms, and societal elements.

101 East travels to Cambodia, a country representing some of the highest levels of rape in the region, to speak with men themselves about why they commit these crimes and to find out if the perpetrators can trigger new ideas for prevention.

17 It’s a Man’s World: Rape in Cambodia | REWIND

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12 dec. 2016

We rewind to 2013 when 101 East travelled to Cambodia to talk with men who admit rape and violence against women. Have attitudes changed since then?

Gang rape hit the headlines in a big way after the brutal attack of a woman on a bus in India’s capital, Delhi in 2012. But research showed that gang rape was a problem not just in India but across Asia.

The normalisation of violence against women… is still a common pattern around the world.

Dr Emma Fulu, The Equality Institute

In 2013, 101 East travelled to Cambodia, a country with some of the highest rates of rape in the region, to speak with men themselves about why they commit these crimes against women.

REWIND caught up with Dr Emma Fulu, the founder and director of The Equality Institute, which works to advance gender equality and prevent violence against women, to find out if there has been any progress in changing attitudes since 2013.

“The normalisation of violence against women, unfortunately, I think is still a common pattern around the world,” Fulu says.

But according to her, “the issue of violence against women is on the international agenda in a way that it wasn’t in 2013. In 2015, the sustainable development goals were launched and they now include a specific target on the elimination of violence against women and girls. So countries are required now to report on how they’re progressing in achieving that outcome.

“On the other hand is a pretty strong backlash to the women’s rights movement and to this issue of violence against women. I think you see that in social media, in mainstream media, you see it in the political sphere – I think you see that in the most recent US presidential election, where there was a huge amount of sexism and misogyny that was observed, and I think that level of backlash to the movement is becoming more pronounced. The positive thing about that backlash is what it actually shows, that we are moving forward.”

18 Undercover Asia: Philippines’ children of the cybersex dens | Full episode

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8 aug. 2016

Paedophiles worldwide hunting for children to perform sex shows on webcams are homing in on the Philippines. It is the top targeted country, where children as young as three months old are being abused for money.
In this documentary, the team follows the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), an agency of the Philippine government responsible for cases that affect the nation.

19 Fallen Angels True cost of sex tourism Philippine’s fatherless kids of Angeles City Streetwalkers

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5 dec. 2017

Angeles City in the Philippines is a well-known sex tourism destination. There used to be an American air base here, but now it’s popular among mainly retired men who travel in search of sex for sale. Hundreds of local young women work in the bars and night clubs offering additional services for the money they desperately need to make ends meet and feed their families. The real victims though are the sex workers’ children, conceived by foreign travellers. These children immediately stand out in the crowd, being of mixed-race here almost certainly means a child is the product of a liaison between a sex tourist and a call girl. They may stand out but they’re not unusual, within their communities there are many children of the sex trade. In most cases, the kids have never met their fathers who, after visiting for a brief holiday, either don’t know or care that their own offspring have been left behind. The burden of raising the children rests entirely on the shoulders of the already struggling mothers. An RT Doc film crew visits Angeles City to meet the children abandoned by foreign sex tourist fathers. This programme reveals their lives and dreams and some heartfelt messages for the estranged fathers.


25 mei 2016

Angeles City in the Philippines is a well-known sex tourism destination. There used to be an American air base here, but now it’s popular among mainly retired men who travel in search of sex for sale. Hundreds of local young women work in the bars and night clubs offering additional services for the money they desperately need to make ends meet and feed their families. The real victims though are the sex workers’ children, conceived by foreign travellers. These children immediately stand out in the crowd, being of mixed-race here almost certainly means a child is the product of a liaison between a sex tourist and a call girl. They may stand out but they’re not unusual, within their communities there are many children of the sex trade. In most cases, the kids have never met their fathers who, after visiting for a brief holiday, either don’t know or care that their own offspring have been left behind. The burden of raising the children rests entirely on the shoulders of the already struggling mothers. An RT Doc film crew visits Angeles City to meet the children abandoned by foreign sex tourist fathers. This programme reveals their lives and dreams and some heartfelt messages for the estranged fathers.

20 Sex for Grades: undercover inside Nigerian and Ghanaian universities – BBC Africa Eye documentary

7 okt. 2019

BBC News Africa

Universities in Nigeria and Ghana have been plagued by stories of sexual harassment by lecturers and professors for decades. Allegations include a wide array of abuses, from blackmailing students for sex in exchange for marks and admission to lewd comments and grooming.

After gathering dozens of testimonies, BBC Africa Eye sent undercover journalists posing as students inside the University of Lagos (UNILAG) and the University of Ghana to capture footage of the sexual harassment.

Reporter Kiki Mordi, who knows first-hand how devastating sexual harassment can be, reveals what happens behind the closed doors of some of West Africa’s most prestigious universities.

Further information and support for anyone affected by sexual assault can be found through the BBC Action Line:

How have you been impacted by our investigation into sex for grades? If you would like to share your experience with BBC Africa Eye, contact us here:

21 The Senegalese Island That’s a Magnet for Paedophiles

30 nov. 2016

Paradise for Paedophiles (1998):

The Senegalese island of Goree is, by all accounts, paradise. The UNESCO World Heritage Site with a dark history of slaving has recently been blighted by a new problem: it has become a haven for paedophilia.

16-year old Aly has been propositioned for sex since he was a young boy. He’s been tempted by the offers – in return for sex he could perhaps get passage to the West, live his dream of being a rap star and get a record deal. It sounds easy. But the psychologist who runs a centre for abused street kids knows different. “Those kids feel shame about their bodies. They have a feeling of aggressiveness towards adults. It’s a threat to society.” Senegalese law is not on his side though. On paper paedophiles can be imprisoned for 10 years yet they rarely receive such harsh treatment. Last year a Canadian paedophile admitted guilt to the Senegalese police. He was fined $3000. Locals don’t want to talk about the lively influx of sex tourists. They don’t want their beautiful heritage-town to get a reputation. Nor do they want to put off tourists of any kind. It’s a sad indictment of poverty that anyone with money can get exactly what they want. A paedophile victim understands how the bribes work. “He said if I told he’d get into trouble and the money transfers back home would be stopped.” Some Europeans and a South African have been living in Goree for years. Everyone knows that they are paedophiles. But nobody says anything. Silence means more tourism – but for the children it means a destroyed life.

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22 Reporters – Morocco: the hellish world of sex tourism

24 jun. 2011

Reporters – Think of Morocco and you think of palaces, bustling souks and age-old traditions. But the postcard image hides a darker reality: the country is a magnet for paedophiles and sex tourists. Across the country, hundred of thousands are being exploited under the gaze of their pimps. Ours

23 ‘Sex tourists’ duping Somali virgins into marriage


14 aug. 2018

In Somalia, poverty is forcing women into sexual exploitation as men from the country who’ve emigrated to the west return to take advantage of them.
(Click to subscribe for more Channel 4 News videos.…)
Many of the women are refugees who are lured by the offer of a better life abroad. They often go through a fake wedding ceremony. The women are later abandoned as the men return to their families in the West. It’s a practice known as vacation marriage. Jamal Osman has been to Nairobi, where he put together this exclusive report. He was assisted by Nick and Deka Hassan.
Dusty Foot الصومال
As a Somali man I apologise to all our beautiful women and sisters on behalf of these qaashin Somali men who do this kind of evil, it truly broke my heart to see that mother cry this practice is 100 percent xaaram and those found to be doing this should be punished heavily.

24 Students pressured to have sex for grades in Mozambique | Unreported World

21 dec. 2017

Sex for Grades: School is supposed to be a place where children learn and grow in safety. But millions of girls in Africa are subjected to teachers demanding sex as a condition of giving them their exam grades. Kiki King went to Mozambique to investigate the disturbing phenomenon of sex for grades.
This episode first aired on 02/12/2016.

25 Child sex tourism thrives in Kenya’s port city Mombasa (2015) | 7.30

19 mrt. 2015

As many as one in 10 children are thought to be involved in the sex trade in Mombasa, Kenya, where sex tourists are fuelling a crisis. And a warning: This story contains sexual references.

Read more here:

Paul Adhoch heads the United Nations aid agency Trace Kenya, which battles the trafficking of children.

He believes sex tourists in Kenya are creating a crisis.

“They are not relaxing at some beach or enjoying the wildlife,” Mr Adhoch told the ABC’s 7.30 program.

“They are, specifically, deep in the communities, in poverty stricken areas looking for sex — nothing else.”

The port city of Mombasa has been a centre of trade for hundreds of years and is now a hotspot for underage prostitution.

Trace Kenya estimates there could be as many as 40,000 child sex workers in the city, and the trade extends up and down the coast to the seaside resort towns of Malindi and Diani.


26 Brésil : se vendre aux touristes pour survivre

4 okt. 2009

Plages de rêve, samba et carnaval : le Brésil se vend de mieux en mieux en Europe. Mais l’engouement des voyageurs pour ce pays à deux vitesses a généré une réalité perverse : celle du tourisme sexuel.
Aujourd’hui dans l’actualité : les titres en vidéo…

27 Tourisme sexuel : la face cachée de la Coupe du monde au Brésil – reporter

6 jun. 2014

Derrière les stades qui accueillent la Coupe du monde de football au Brésil, se cachent bien d’autres réalités : parmi elles, le boom attendu du tourisme sexuel fait craindre une recrudescence de l’exploitation des mineurs. Enquête à Fortaleza, capitale brésilienne du genre.
Dans les quartiers défavorisés de cette ville, capitale régionale du Ceara, au nord-est du pays, nous rencontrons Thiago et ses camarades. Ils ont trouvé une planche de salut auprès de l’association Barraca da Amizade en jo… 

28 Busting Varanasi’s Child Prostitution Racket | 101 Underground | Unique Stories from India

20 apr. 2016

Varanasi is one of the holiest cities in India. According to Manju Singh it is also home to the second largest illegal flesh trade in the world. Along with her husband Ajeet, Manju runs Guria, a non-profit organisation dedicated to fighting child prostitution in the holy city.
Guria is a grassroots charity based in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, led by Ajeet and Santwana Manju Singh. Guria’s mission is to liberate and empower women in prostitution and eliminate child prostitution.
101 Underground is part of our ‘People’ feature stories – chronicling the lives of people living on the edge.

29 Virgins for sale in Colombia in ‘world’s biggest brothel’

18 sep. 2014

The barrios of Medellin are controlled by criminals and are full of prostitutes, with virgins commanding the highest prices. Guillermo Galdos meets one woman who fears for her daughter’s future.
Read more here:
Sex trafficking in Mumbai:

30 The Trap: the deadly sex-trafficking cycle in American prisons

30 jun. 2018

The Trap investigates how prisons and jails across the United States have become recruiting grounds for human traffickers, who are targeting incarcerated women and trafficking them out of correctional facilities and into pimp-controlled prostitution

31 Teens as Young as 13 Rescued From Super Bowl Sex Trafficking

W2R Training Video

5 feb. 2014

Sixteen teenagers ranging in age from 13 to 17 were recovered by law enforcement in a crackdown on child trafficking surrounding the Super Bowl last weekend. The FBI said the teens included high school students and young people reported missing by their families.

“It is the most significant operation we’ve had around a big event,” Michael Osborne of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children Unit told ABC News. “This is the most recoveries we’ve had at one time.”

Officials said the vast majority of the rescued teens were girls.

Osborne said he calls taking the young people off the street “recoveries,” because the children are not charged. In child exploitation cases like this, law enforcement officials said operations are designed to remove the young victims from a life of exploitation and abuse.

“These recoveries are victim-focused,” Osborn said. “Many times these young people are kept in this life by pimps using sexual, physical and emotional abuse.”

The law enforcement effort to help the young victims goes well beyond providing overnight food, clothing and shelter, Osborne said. Over the course of the operation, the FBI’s victim specialists’ provided 70 women and children referrals to health care facilities, shelters, and other programs. Osborne said the FBI works with social service specialists to provide for the long-term needs of the victims as well.

“We provide everything we can to try to pull them out of their situation, like education information and family counseling,” Osborne said. The family counseling, he explained, is needed because many of the young girls who end up being exploited are runaways. “We know there is a very close correlation between runaway girls and prostitution.”

What is striking in many cases, he said, is that the young victims themselves don’t think they deserve the help. “They don’t think they are worth saving,” Osborne said. “Sometimes we are the only people in their lives who haven’t given up on them.”

The crackdown also identified and arrested 45 pimps and their associates. The arrests came in New York, New Jersey and in Connecticut in the days leading up to the Super Bowl.

Osborne said the FBI teamed with state and local law enforcement to develop intelligence about the movement of pimps and prostitutes into the vicinity of the Super Bowl, as they do with any big event, like a big game or convention. That’s because pimps and “facilitators” move girls around from state to state to find a large gathering of potential customers.

“High-profile special events, which draw large crowds, have become lucrative opportunities for child prostitution criminal enterprises,” said Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. “The FBI and our partners remain committed to stopping this cycle of victimization and putting those who try to profit from this type of criminal activity behind bars.”

Osborne said many times, prostitutes are not walking the streets anymore, but rather their services are offered on internet sites by their pimps.

“No doubt about it, we had a lot of internet activity in the past week,” Osborne said.


32 Child sex tourism in Thailand and Cambodia

2 okt. 2008

ALDE Productions
Jules Maaten (VVD, Netherlands) and Sarah Ludford (LibDem, UK), ALDE members, conducted a fact finding mission in Thailand and Cambodia to explore what the European Union can do to fight illegal child sex tourism by European citizens.

33 PHNOM PENH: Cambodian child-sex trade

5 mrt. 2014

Cambodia is expecting an influx of regional tourists next year when the ASEAN Economic Community is set in motion. The integration is supposed to spur connectivity within the Southeast Asia – with a freer movement of people, goods and services. But such freedom is also of great concern to Cambodia’s government, as it fears more sexual predators will be attracted to the country’s illegal child-sex trade. Channel NewsAsia’s Pichayada Promchertchoo has more from Phnom Penh.

34 Innocent children are easy currency in Cambodia’s ‘virginity trade’

11 jul. 2014

Innocent children are easy currency in Cambodia’s

“virginity trade” and prey to adults hungry to escape poverty.

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35 India’s Prostitute Village


29 apr. 2013

Every year, thousands of women in rural as well as urban parts of India are forced into prostitution.
In Uttar Pradesh there is an unusual village where prostitution has been a sort of “tradition” for centuries.

36 Life of sex workers inside Mumbai’s Kamathipura during the coronavirus lockdown | Mumbai Live

In première gegaan op 11 jun. 2020

For many years now, Mumbai’s Kamathipura has been home to thousands of sex workers who have trafficked here from different parts India and neighbouring countries. The residents here live in poor sanitation and together in very small rooms. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has put a complete stop to the daily income, leaving these women struggling for food, shelter and daily living for themselves and their children. Here’s what these women had to say about their lives during the pandemic.
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37 Bangladesh: The Prostitutes of Daulatdia | ARTE Documentary

17 okt. 2019

Girls as young as ten are being kidnapped and forced into prostitution in Daulatdia, Bangladesh.One of the few Muslim countries where prostitution is tolerated, Bangladesh has the dubious honour of having the largest red light district in the world: 3500 clients pass through Daulatdia every day. The only ones who can’t leave are the girls themselves.

38 Ethiopia | Unashamed | Exiting prostitution | Listen Up TV | 435 | 3

25 mrt. 2011 | Listen Up team uncovers the factors contributing to the unusually high rates of prostitution in Ethiopia, and to bring you the incredible rescue stories of women who have found a way out.


16 nov. 2015

‘Posie’, a student sex worker, tells us explicitly about her traumatic first time as an escort and the treatment by her customer. ‘Posie’ is played by an actress depicting a real story.

40 Maid in Singapore | 101 East

30 sep. 2016

There are more than 200,000 foreign domestic workers in Singapore. Under the law, they have to be at least 23 years old. 
But one NGO says it is seeing more and more minors at its shelter for abused maids. 
Most of these girls come from Myanmar, where investigations reveal a web of deceit and corruption in the recruitment process, and immigration officials are regularly bribed to doctor birthdates on travel documents. 
Because of their youth, the girls are often easy targets for abusive employers and sexual predators. 
101 East investigates.

41 Subic Bay’s Sex Bars | The Children Of The Sex Trade (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

16 dec. 2016

This exceptional film follows two young sisters in the Philippines who help former Australian police and Special Forces officers rescue underage girls from sex bars.

In the Phillipines, over 800,000 women and children work in the sex-trade. Police corruption makes local law enforcement ineffective in protecting the most vulnerable groups from abuse. 16 year-old Michelle and 19 year-old Marisol were both abused by foreign men as children and had also worked in Subic Bay’s sex bars. They now work at PREDA, a human rights foundation set up in 1974 by Fr. Shay Cullen, an Irish Catholic priest. Together, with former Australian Federal Police officers, the group sets out on a sting operation to bring child-abusers to justice.

With exclusive access, this is a gripping investigation into an urgent crisis led by the brave, teenage sisters who sacrifice their own safety to save others from the same fate.

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Content licensed from TVF International. Any queries, please contact us at: Produced by FairTrade Films

42 Innocence for Sale: Kids on South Africa’s Streets (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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10 mrt. 2020

We speak to girls as young as twelve whose childhoods are being spent working the streets of South Africa’s capital.
Content licensed from Journeyman Pictures. Any queries, please contact us at:
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here:
Brandi TV
WTF is this music?! 😭 This is beyond heartbreaking, I feel sick and so sad for these beautiful children…SO MANY SICK MEN OUT THERE!!! I am so upset, I cannot finish this, I hope they were all saved from this horrible life. How can men do this to children? And go about life with the guilt not tormenting them? Hopefully it is!!!

43 The Catholic Priest Uncovering Filipino Sex Rings

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16 jan. 2014


Priests and the Sex Mafia (2007): Watch the brave priest who has gone undercover to expose the sex trade in the Philippines.


Posing as a sex tourist and trying to buy children is one of Father Cullen’s tactics for rescuing child sex slaves in the Philippines. But locals, including other churchmen, accuse him of going too far.

“They’re sold like chickens in a market”, laments Father Cullen. “We’ve rescued children as young as 13”. For decades, Father Cullen has posed as a paedophile in the Philippines, trawling the internet and going undercover to get evidence no court can ignore. But critics accuse him of ruining lives and coaching children to lie in court. “He’s out to make money”, alleges Father Duffin. Despite the controversy, Father Cullen is determined to continue fighting against what he calls the Sex Mafia. “We won’t give up. There’s still so much to do.

ABC Australia – Ref. 3483

Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.

The Catholic Priest Uncovering Filipino Sex Rings – Blog


44 STOLEN: A Year-long Investigation Into Child Sex Trafficking & Exploitation | NBC 7 San Diego

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4 okt 2023

From NBC 7 comes STOLEN; an expansive documentary series about sex trafficking and the exploitation of children in San Diego County and beyond.

Told from multiple perspectives, STOLEN explains why the illicit child sex market thrives in San Diego County and across the U.S., while chronicling the strength of survivors, their families, and advocates working to break that destructive cycle and reclaim their stolen lives.

Understand the issue in a new way by hearing the jailhouse recordings of a convicted trafficker manipulating two teen girls into selling themselves online. The tapes led to an NBC7 investigation exposing gaps in the justice system that allow people who pay to sexually assault children to face little to no consequences.

The documentary is the product of a year-long investigation that includes exclusive interviews and, for the first time ever, substantial proof of the scope of the problem in San Diego County schools. And as a global pandemic shifts the education system into a virtual space, experts warn of exploiters targeting children online, now more than ever before.

45 Cop Locks Strangers Out of Their Cars

12 okt. 2018

Woah, this cop needs to pay more attention where he leaves stranger’s keys. He just locked them out of their car!
Filmed in Montreal, Quebec
Welcome to the world-famous Just for Laughs Gags channel, where we pull public pranks on unsuspecting Montreal residents and tourists.