October 29, 2018 : Nasir (19) is a coal scavenger who regularly collects coal illegally from a coal filled truck. Coal is perhaps the most important energy resource that provides for the energy consumption in India as well as a larger share of the world. Jharia in Jharkhand is the most significant coal mine producing the largest share of coal in India and also in the whole of south Asia. Since the days it has come into operation, and from the discovery of underground fires (in 1916), this coal mine has seen a number of deaths. It has been rightly referred to as the death field. The poor lots who engage themselves in the mining activities to earn a living are affected the most. The major reasons of death here are underground fire, suspension of poisonous gases in the air, pollution, etc. Diseases with skin and lungs are thus widespread here. Moreover, extreme conditions of poverty, illnesses and higher illiteracy among the people force the villagers to sell their kids to the coal mining mafias. Nowadays, more are getting associated with this illegal mining activity for less than 2 USD, yet risking their lives a lot more.
Page Description
Understand the causes and impact of child and forced labour globally, and discover efforts to end these violations and protect vulnerable children.
The White Lie – A Child Labour Documentary
25 mrt. 2017

Child labor and forced labor are interconnected issues that involve the exploitation of vulnerable populations, particularly children. The key points of child labor and forced labor are:
Definition: Child labor refers to work that deprives children of their childhood, education, and potential. Forced labor, on the other hand, refers to situations where people are coerced to work through threats or physical violence.
Prevalence: Both child labor and forced labor exist in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries where poverty, lack of education, and weak legal systems contribute to the problem. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are an estimated 152 million children in child labor globally, and 25 million people in forced labor.
Causes: The root causes of child labor and forced labor include poverty, lack of education, political instability, armed conflict, and discrimination against marginalized groups. Children and adults are often lured into labor with false promises of work, education, or a better life.
Consequences: The consequences of child labor and forced labor are devastating and long-lasting. Children who are forced to work often suffer from physical and emotional abuse, exposure to hazardous working conditions, and loss of education and childhood. Adults who are forced to work suffer from exploitation, lack of freedom, and exposure to hazardous working conditions.
Solutions: Addressing child labor and forced labor requires a multi-faceted approach that includes addressing the root causes, strengthening legal systems, increasing awareness and advocacy, providing education and economic opportunities for children and adults, and supporting the rescue and rehabilitation of victims.
Importance: Ending child labor and forced labor is not only a moral imperative but also a global economic issue. The exploitation of labor leads to an unequal distribution of wealth, perpetuating poverty and limiting economic growth. Furthermore, the use of child labor and forced labor can damage a company’s reputation and brand image.
Overall, child labor and forced labor are deeply troubling issues that require urgent action from governments, civil society, and the private sector to protect the rights and dignity of vulnerable populations and prevent the exploitation of labor.
1 Child Labour In India
16 feb. 2009
2 A Documentary On Child Labour
30 jul. 2015
3 UNICEF BT Cotton – Documentary on Child Labour
4 Bangladesh | Too young to work | 101 East
31 mrt. 2011
5 Child Labour in Mexico’s Agriculture Part 1 / 2
30 mei 2012
6 Bolivia’s Child Labor: Exploitation or Tradition? | The New York Times
8 jan. 2016
7 Child labour in Mexico | Talk to Al Jazeera (In The Field)
22 aug. 2016
Child labour in Mexico – Talk to Al Jazeera In The Field
“Education for everyone” has been a popular slogan since the Mexican revolution over 100 years ago.
But according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, eight out of 100 Mexican children who enroll in elementary school, do not show up for classes.
While barely 50 complete middle school, 20 graduate from high school, 13 get a bachelor’s degree, and only two become graduate students.
A study released by UNESCO last year says the children who don’t attend school are mostly working. The report reveals that at least 21 percent of all Mexican youth between the ages of seven and 14 drop out of school – that’s around 651,000 children.
That means Mexico has one of the largest child labor forces in Latin America, second only to Colombia.
Many of Mexico’s youths who don’t attend school work in plantations.
Talk to Al Jazeera travelled to the coastal state of Veracruz to meet some Mexicans who have traded classrooms and pencils for sugar cane fields and machetes.
8 Documentary: Invisible chains – bonded labour in India’s brick kilns
20 sep. 2017
9 Child Labour Best Song
10 Fingers to the Bone: Child Farmworkers in the United States
4 mei 2010
11 A Song against Child Labour – Independence Day – 15.08.2013 – ft. Ragini Sri
15 aug. 2013
Everyday we can see children working as labour and struggling for their survival. Lets join our hands and lift them up. This song will be a Revolution for the Evolution of our next Generation.
Thanks to Green Apple Studios..
Music by- Fred Allen & Vijay
Singers- Ragini Sri, Shoba, Fred Allen
Original Verse by- Nirmala Jeyam
Lyrics by- Sundar
Guitar – Vasant
Programmed by- Sidhartha Mohan & Solomon
Sound Mixing by- Sabin Sangamithran
Director of photography- Alex, Cut Karthik, Prem
Video editing & Vfx by
Anto Clarance, Vishnu,Ganesh
Concept develped by- Santhosh Jeyam & Fred
Special Thanks to Santhosh Jeyam
Concept Supported by- Spellbee International.
For feedback contact:
20 apr. 2016
13 Child labor Mexico
6 mrt. 2013
14 Child slaves – Slavery: A 21st Century Evil
1 nov. 2011
15 Ending child labour in the Philippines
2 mei 2012
16 Child Labour Intervention in the Sugar Industry of the Philippines
29 nov. 2010
17 The Shocking Levels of Child Labour in the Philippines
11 sep. 2007
Children, often from rural parts of the country, are lured to the city with promises of a good job and a decent salary.
The reality however is far worse than they can imagine.
ABC Australia speaks to victims of the Philippines’ child labour culture, and to experts on how the issue can be improved.
18 No Time for Play (Child Labour in the Philippines)
29 nov. 2010
19 Kita; A seeing – The real situation of child labor in the Philippines
20 okt. 2017
20 Child Labor in the Philippines | DW Reporter
21 The Philippines’ child miners risking their lives for gold
12 jun. 2015
The shocking reality faced by children and teenagers on the Philippines’ Gold Coast – who face massive risks such as travelling down a flooded mineshaft with only a flimsy plastic tube to breathe from for hours at a time. Read more: http://bit.ly/1QRSZZF
Watch more on our Dangerous World playlist:
Subscribe to Channel 4 News: http://bit.ly/1sF6pOJ
Filmed, produced, reported and directed by Evan Williams
Research: Hannah Poulter
Field producer: Sol Vanzi
Co-producer/second camera: Ed Hancox
22 Unearthing toxic conditions for impoverished gold miners
18 feb. 2015
23 Peru’s dirty gold – TechKnow
24 jul. 2016
24 A Toxic Legacy: Gold Mining in Peru
3 mei 2013
25 In Peru, Gold Rush Leads to Mercury Contamination Concerns
28 dec. 2011
26 The children who work in India’s rat-hole coal mines
21 feb. 2013
Deep in the hills of northeast India, thousands of children are employed to burrow into narrow “rat-holes” inside the earth and cut coal, victims of a lucrative and unregulated mining industry. Duration: 02:32
27 16479 economics energy Al Jazeera Child labour rife in India’s coal mines
28 Money Rain Prank
12 apr. 2011
Night Light Production
3 jaar geleden