A black-and-white subject or situation is one in which it is easy to understand what is right and wrong:
Disarmament isn’t a black-and-white issue for me.
Cambridge Dictionary
Page Description
Understand the metaphor ‘black-and-white,’
its meaning, origins,
and how it represents clear,
absolute distinctions
in various contexts.
Black and White: The Stark Contrast of Justice and Injustice
In the pursuit of justice, clarity often emerges from the stark contrasts of black and white. This theme resonates profoundly in two distinct narratives: the Post Office Inquiry involving former union leader George Thomson and the historical struggles depicted in the film Daens.
During the Post Office Inquiry, George Thomson, the former general secretary of the National Federation of Subpostmasters, faced intense scrutiny. Accused of being “aggressive and belligerent” during his testimony, Thomson was challenged by lawyer Sam Stein KC to provide straightforward answers regarding his role and the lack of support for subpostmasters wrongfully convicted due to faults in the Horizon IT system. Stein’s insistence on “black and white” answers underscored the need for unequivocal truth in the face of systemic failures. The questioning became so unruly that Sir Wyn Williams, Chair of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry, was forced to intervene. Thomson’s responses consistently avoided the core of the questions, skirting around the issues. It is rare for the chair to step in, but on this occasion, he firmly set the record straight. His intervention served as a wake-up call with real significance.
Similarly, the film Daens portrays the stark realities of 19th-century industrial Belgium, where the working class endured severe exploitation. The film highlights the sharp divide between the laborers and the bourgeoisie, emphasizing the clear injustices faced by the workers.
Both narratives illuminate the enduring struggle between systemic authority and individual conscience, where the delineation between right and wrong becomes unmistakably clear.
Zwart en Wit: Het Scherpe Contrast tussen Gerechtigheid en Onrecht
In de zoektocht naar gerechtigheid komt helderheid vaak voort uit de scherpe contrasten van zwart en wit. Dit thema resoneert diep in twee uiteenlopende verhalen: het Post Office-onderzoek met voormalig vakbondsleider George Thomson en de historische strijd zoals afgebeeld in de film Daens.
Tijdens het Post Office-onderzoek stond George Thomson, de voormalige secretaris-generaal van de National Federation of Subpostmasters, onder zware kritiek. Beschuldigd van een “agressieve en vijandige” houding tijdens zijn getuigenis, werd Thomson door advocaat Sam Stein KC uitgedaagd om heldere antwoorden te geven over zijn rol en het gebrek aan steun voor subpostmasters die ten onrechte waren veroordeeld door fouten in het Horizon IT-systeem. Steins nadruk op “zwart-wit” antwoorden benadrukte de noodzaak van ondubbelzinnige waarheid in het licht van systemische misstanden. De ondervraging liep zo uit de hand dat Sir Wyn Williams, voorzitter van het Post Office Horizon IT-onderzoek, moest ingrijpen. De antwoorden van Thomson draaiden steeds om de kern heen en weken af van de gestelde vragen. Het is uitzonderlijk dat de voorzitter ingrijpt, maar dit keer zette hij de kwestie recht. Zijn tussenkomst was een betekenisvolle wake-upcall.
Op vergelijkbare wijze toont de film Daens de harde realiteit van het industriële België in de 19e eeuw, waar de arbeidersklasse werd blootgesteld aan ernstige uitbuiting. De film laat de scherpe scheiding zien tussen de arbeiders en de bourgeoisie en benadrukt de onmiskenbare onrechtvaardigheden waarmee de arbeiders werden geconfronteerd.
Beide verhalen werpen licht op de voortdurende strijd tussen systemische macht en individueel geweten, waarin de grens tussen goed en kwaad onmiskenbaar duidelijk wordt.
Post Office Inquiry: former union boss branded ‘aggressive and belligerent’ during tense exchange
21 jun 2024
George Thomson, former general secretary of the National Federation of Subpostmasters was accused of being ‘aggressive and belligerent’ during a tense exchange with Sam Stein KC.
He also denied lacking sympathy for those who were wrongfully convicted as a result of faults in the Horizon IT system.
Mr Thomson, who served as general secretary between 2007 and 2018, gave evidence at the Post Office inquiry on Friday.
Post Office Inquiry: Alan Bates delivers brutal assessment of bosses
Today was the moment for the real Alan Bates to stand up, as he was sworn in at the Horizon inquiry, delivering a brutal assessment of the Post Office bosses who hounded him and his colleagues, then tried to cover it up.
Alan Bates says he was fired because the Post Office ‘didn’t like me standing up to them’
9 apr 2024
Alan Bates says the Post Office terminated his contract as a sub-postmaster because “they didn’t like me standing up to them”.
The inquiry hears he received a letter terminating his employment in 2003 in which no reason for his dismissal was given.
Mr Bates founded the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance, and led a group of 555 sub-postmasters who took the Post Office to the High Court over the scandal.
His story became the subject of ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, starring Toby Jones.
The expression “black-and-white” can refer to several different concepts or meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some key points that may be associated with the expression:
Contrast or dichotomy: “Black-and-white” is often used to describe a clear contrast or dichotomy between two opposing viewpoints, concepts, or perspectives. It signifies a binary or polarized view where things are perceived as either right or wrong, good or bad, without much room for nuance or gray areas.
Monochrome or grayscale: “Black-and-white” can also refer to a monochrome or grayscale color scheme where only black and white are used, devoid of any color. This can be used in reference to visual art, photography, or design.
Lack of complexity or simplicity: “Black-and-white” may denote a simplistic or straightforward approach to a complex issue or problem, often overlooking nuances or complexities that may exist in reality.
Morality or ethics: “Black-and-white” can be used in the context of moral or ethical judgments, implying a clear-cut right or wrong distinction without considering contextual factors or shades of gray.
Certainty or definitiveness: “Black-and-white” may imply a high degree of certainty or definitiveness in a statement or decision, leaving little room for ambiguity or doubt.
Legal or contractual terms: “Black-and-white” can refer to the exact wording or interpretation of legal or contractual terms, often denoting a strict and literal interpretation without room for interpretation or negotiation.
Traditional or classic: “Black-and-white” can also refer to something traditional or classic, often associated with a sense of timelessness or simplicity.
It’s important to note that the meaning of “black-and-white” can vary depending on the context in which it is used, and it’s always best to consider the specific context to fully understand its intended meaning.
1 Filmfragment Daens verschillen arbeiders-burgerij
2 Cop Shoots Cat Off Of Tree
20 jun. 2019