Jay, I’m a nurse and I am reminded everyday how different people are. How different their experience is. Thank you for talking about this.
“Do not judge my story, based on the chapter you walked in on.”
When someone judges you it isn’t actually about you. It’s about their own insecurities, limitations and needs.
I have a habit of judging everyone but now I realise what a waste of time and energy to judge someone. Well but the fact is we do need to form deductions from the behaviour of the people before us so that we can protect ourselves and plan our actions better. But we must avoid misjudging anyone on the basis of what others say rather than what we think!
It’s such a beautiful experience to listen to someone open up like a blooming flower, but that’s only when you let them bloom around you 


We only,presume,assume, predict and judge that we know what somebody is going through.don’t mind them its only their opinion, your feeling is unique
“Never judge a book by its cover!”
Even when positive, I definitely auto fill people’s sentences. I hope I can start recognizing this more to make the change as it occurs. I love Jay’s videos, they make me want to be a better person
Everyone goes through tragedies and problems throughout their life. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.
When someone share his feelings and pains with you, it’s important to try to get rid of that wall of “i know what you are going through, i had the same experience before” way of thinking and genuinly listen what the other person have to share. It isn’t a very intuitive behaviour, it takes practice like everything else, but you can make it. Little by little, get rid of all your misconceptions and allow yourself to be touched, moved by other people feelings again. This is the only way if you truely wants to help the other person. There is no shame to have things to learn by others.
One of the most beautiful video you’ve ever made so far!
So true, deep & powerful. Definitely a meaningful message. Thanks for inspiring millions of people out there. David

I’m a fan bro love your content keep going 

Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow.
Amazing message!
I’m a virgo I have always great empathy big or small but this thought me a clear lesson we may all bleed but not at the same volume thank you I like this alot

What you see on others may not be the reality. So never make conclusion for others based on your assumptions. That’s why we should never only focus on the surface and judge. But rather we should look deep into the heart and understand the reality.
This is so useful and thank you so much Jay like honestly I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you literally. So thank you you’ve been there for me posting, and giving me the passion and determination to continue. Thank you! So much!

Wonderful lesson to remember in life. Thank you so much Jay. 

Hey. I just need you advice on this Jay. I’ve always listened to my friends talk and vent but whenever I rant they just blow me off in a single sentence “ get over it”. What do I do further? Always keep being a good listener ?
This gave me goosebumps!! Thanks Jay, you’re such a great person, narrator and speaker. RESPECT
Inside everybody’s… there’s what you can’t see.
I just want to remind you that whoever judges you is also a human being, flawed and imperfect… we are all growing, learning and evolving!!!
The next time you go judging someone, just think about what they’re going through in their life.
️ & THANK YOU for putting this VITAL message out there!!

When two people go through the same experience why do we assume that they are going through the exact same thing . How many times have you been like a Google autofill when someone is talking about their problems predicting what they are going to say because you have heard that problem before. You’ve heard about that challenge before you’ve heard it a million times but guess what the greatest art in listening to someones pain is recognizing their pain is unique instead we often judge assume presume and hope that we know what someone is going through. -Jay Shetty
I think this is one of my favorites you’ve made. Keep up the good work!
Deep. 2 people get hurt in the same way, but their reactions will not be the same. This reminded me of the 2 wolf story. 1 wolf is called hope. 1 wolf is called despair. You only have food to save 1. Which wolf will survive? The one u feed.
No one have ever power to judge someone pain untill he go through the same. Soo never try to judge anyone different person have different journey in their life. “We are no one to judge anyone”
Jay expressions just like wow on his face while explaining. Super satisfying motivational words. I’m sure Jay book gonna be first place in 2020!

Love this message so much.
Before we all judge others let us all ask ourself whether we are perfect or not
Jay. . Right, you’re so right. Everyone’s experience is different from another
I’m glad that I could help her. Now she knows how to succeed without me. Thank you Jay 

Jay, this is a fantastic msg put in a most unique way about listening full heartedly in an unbiased manner. 

Never Judge A Person By Its Cover Because Every Person Have Different Story :-
Meditation is intermittent fasting for the mind. Too much sugar leads to a heavy body, and too many distractions lead to a heavy mind. Time spent undistracted and alone, in self-examination, journaling, meditation, resolves the unresolved and takes us from mentally fat to fit. Naval Ravikant
Listen like you life depends on it. Show you care
Thanks for this share. Yes , when we say , this is a very small issue ( or very big ) , is solely our own assumption and presumption .
Keep it up ,u really r good motivator 

Absolutely Jay!


This is simply amazing…… I got divorced in 2018…. And my relationship started from 2012 to 2018… Its a long story…sir…but pain is i waited for my husband…and without any reason he hated me until last i diacovered i was poisoned in 2016..which left me to my home.. I got treated detoxed…and its around 80percent cured.. Now i. Never try to explain this to the world…only few of my friends know.. Rest think i am wasting my time not getting married… Thank u so much for this video… This is for those people who judge others without knowing their story.
@jayshatty I appreciate for the great advices you give us every time. Thanks a lot. Number one Fan always
So true..The same situation can be perceived differently by different individuals.We cannot judge ..really loved this video.As I am still in the process of adjusting to a life in a place which is so different from the exciting life I used to live in the place I love

Everything happens for a reason and the reason gonna be totally uniqe as we say different or anything that perceives our life much worse or worth and that’s life
Thank you, really needed that right now 

So true
we all learn diff lessons

We always tend to judge people without knowing the truth. This video was much needed.
everyone’s pain is unique great lines ..
Every person is having different in their own problems and as jay said they’re unique is absolutely correct! I’ve problems been in problems but like everyone assumes that they get that problem and try to solve it but its very different what they think as we shouldn’t judge others by their problems but help them out in an unique way –
Good wishes you
And about your precious book “Think Like a Monk” would be a masterpiece. From Bangladesh 

I’ve been through this. One of my closest friends judged me. It affected me a lot and I couldn’t trust them again
It’s our humanfolly nature to judge people without knowing their conceal stories. It’s like making a curry without salt.
You’re soooooooooooo….. right I’ve always been doing this unknowingly and felt that I can connect with others more by telling that I know about this but in reality I was being disconnected from them ….
Love the message man . Thankx man !!!!
Thank you Jay Sir …..this was an awesome and very helpful video …..
you are an amazing person 

Very well narrated Very much needed

all we gotta do is to not judge anyone Gos is the judge we dont have to perfect let’s learn from our mistakes
Fresh ears and fresh eyes! Love that Jay.
I absolutely agree with you Jay!
What a beautiful monk!
We shouldn’t invalidate’s people’s feelings. And we shouldn’t put a time frame on healing from a situation. Everybody heals in their own time. Everyone is allowed to feel what they are feeling, regardless of how long it’s been. Never think that you shouldn’t feel a certain way because someone else tells you that you shouldn’t. It took me a long time to learn that lesson.
I subscribed your channel bcos I always get inspiration, and your channel is very encouraging. Thank you.
This is so ture…It is bad to judge someone they can be the same person who can help you become successful in life.
the most effective person
Truly is your artistic creation to conceptualized topics and stories coming from real life experience is really amazing, not only this video but all of your videos..really transforming and i feel massive connection with it…as a Life Coach here in the Philippines i’ve watched many of your videos in fact, your work Inspired me to create my own Youtube Channel out of my own effort to create stories just like yours, local version so i can also connect with all the Filipinos worldwide. I honor you Jay Shetty for your work and your passion.
I agree that it’s not about the nature of pain but some people just tend to victimize themselves and this reasoning provides them with an excuse to do it more. We do need to recognize the pain of others however that’s not always possible since we can’t truly feel anyone’s pain. The best way to help someone is by providing them with a sense of responsibility.
The only video i saw that has no dislikes 

If people at workplace understood this, it would have been a much better place and not so many people would be fed up with their jobs 

Great work man
You are just amazing 

So kind of you.

Thank you for saving me from am argument or potential break up.
The more colourful and helpful judgement is one that’s also more open to nuances, anomalies, the individual, the complexity, the unknown, the potential, the search for moral and virtuous change, responsibility… rather than the more closed, cynical, dismissive, (too) simple, uncompassionate, stereotypical, the collective, and the general, and irresponsibility and blame. This is because there’s also much more in this existence than what we think and know… there’s seemingly no shortage of the unknown and what’s beyond… we’ve barely scratched the surface and we probably may always will because our minds are limited to what we know so far. Nothing is ever a totality. And that’s the journey – the struggle towards accuracy and truth… it’s when, what, when, why and how we get there, not only about WHAT WE GET (ie. The result or outcome) when we get there – whether the result/outcome is wanted, unwanted, intended or unintended – they’re all feedback and information for improvements and growth. You don’t stay there forever or you naturally stagnate and suffer more than is necessary. We can rest for a bit and be grateful for the desirables – we need to settle down as well because that’s how we recharge and refresh and not burn ourselves out from working for too long. But then we gotta keep going and moving on as we learn from that experience. Starting points aren’t the end point. I say, do not mistake them as places to settle into for long or indefinite periods, no matter how convenient and effortless it seems. Because it’s easier not to think, to not do the work… and that’s a detrimental idea. The key is balancing settling down, to close shop and open up shop, and move forward again by taking stock of past experiences and aiming for achievable but challenging-enough ideals for the future. From there, through listening openly, you can learn something useful/helpful for yourself whilst simultaneously then learning how to help the person learn by formulating new and potentially better ways in helping themselves as individuals in their own personal, responsible and suitable way; such that it’s intended in figuring out what’s good/helpful for them to grow stronger and wiser for now in the present, by learning from the past and fleshing that out into the present as they forge a more stable and balanced ideal future… and same can go for the listener too in their own way. We’re here to help each other out as individuals, rather than write it off and leave stones unturned… that is, for the people that actually genuinely want to help. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself… what do you prefer? A short slogan/statement? Or a story? I prefer the latter. There’s more to it and there’s greater reasoning and explanation behind it. That’s where the wisdom can be found. And you don’t find that in a sprint because that finishes quick. You’re more likely to find it in a marathon because there’s more in it. You just have to be open to complexity. I think it’s fine to predict and judge from what is commonly known… as long as you admit that it’s just the start or in-progress and not the end, that there’s a possibility that it’s not accurately and helpfully true, and understand that there’s always a possibility that there’s more to it. For me, I always try to leave the door slightly ajar, even if I sometimes prefer to have it closed. Because you just never completely know.
Perfect advise.. Fresh ears and eyes..
Want to buy your book in India but it’s too costly. Will buy when the price will drop. And thanks for your wisdom 

Very apt. I seem to auto fill from my cache and it sure has led to misinterpretetions. By the way, I seem to have missed part 1 of the series. Let me look it up.
Breathing pattern changes the way of living.
Me who listen to people on DMs know how deep this is.
thank you for sharing 

I understand completely. Then articles that say “How to _________” should then say “How I ________” in order to give consistent content.
Jay you are great…its very true..
Man I love ur videos they help me alot but something that I’m tryanna figure out is how do I know I love someone and I really would like ur help x
Best video ever watch
Awesome advice so I will never judge
Yes you’re right the pain is different and unique tho it may be the same situation but the experience and hurting inside the heart is the most unique thing but few understand that.Me I lost my Mom and I always knew people die and other people I know they lost their Mummy’s and it was so bad and sad moment but when my beloved Mom died it was like she was the first person to die on this planet till now I can’t believe that she’s gone yet many people die and I know I too I will die but her living me without even seeing her I find her already buried yesterday I reached the next day because I was very far from my country it hurts only me I feel it tho there others passing through the same thing but we all have a unique way in hurting God heal our hearts Amen.Great message brother I hate it when someone say you will get used to it you are not the first one I feel more pain

Who we are to judge someone else? No one has right to judge someone. Secondly, wasting your time for thing about someone else,,, that is creepy.
Thank you
Awesome Video!!!!!!
Presume, predict,assume,judge Not at all good before you know them well
Pre-ordered already 

Wow.. that’s great..!!!
Tq for the meaningful msg
I wish someone can understand my pain now its hurt like shit 

Thank you sir……..
Self-harm please make a video on Self-harm 

Like damn without love life is just pain. The chain of my circumstances is not breaking I’m gonna cut my leg. Jay help

Hey jay shetty..I wanna ask a small question..Hope you read this comment..Don’t you face any problems in your life..
I need this book…. link please
Wow …this hit me hard
Thank You man
Exactly why some of us can’t get help..
Un judgementally 

Please jey. I have alot anxiety and panic attacks. Please
make video on that.

Your experience is never the same either
Wow.. that’s great..!!!
Well bro my girlfriend. Was at the hospital last week. She had passed out. Well she lives miles apart. I’m worried. My angel needs me but I’m not with her. I’m so hurt 

.. I hope she is okay… 

JAY <3
Exactly.Its so true.we assume no not we I yes me.
Very good point!
Love Jay
This s so true
Thanks jay from 
Anyone know the background music please?!
so nice video
yes it helped
Man…I love you
What should I do to control my anger as in I don’t get angry that much but just like today I was in class n seriously hate when someone touches my face with dirty hands so I shouted like hell only two sentences and even scared my seniors away I don’t like such situations can you help me with this 

We shouldn’t even judge anyway..
Excuse me sir…!! Will u plzz tell me why should we think like a monk when we can eventually think like a human we are a normal humans n we have ability to think differently n that’s what is our power then why do u want us B think like a monk…????!!! When u urself is not a successful monk…!!!
Thanks thanks again
Anyone know what the background piano music is please?!?!
Please suggest how to not bother of being judged.
Inner Vision
2 jaar geleden