NEVER JUDGE ANYONE BECAUSE You never know how their life is & what they’re going through.
Page description
Discover the importance of empathy and understanding.
Learn why it’s crucial to consider others’ experiences before passing judgment.
Understanding Before Judgment: The Power of Empathy
Before we judge, how often do we stop and think about what the other person is going through? What if we took a moment to walk a mile in their shoes?
Empathy is not just about understanding another’s perspective – it’s about uncovering the complexities behind their actions and choices. It’s about acknowledging that we don’t always see the full picture. We often make snap judgments, without realizing the weight of the circumstances others are facing. This is where true justice begins: not in judgment, but in understanding.
Take the case of Liam Allan, a 22-year-old criminology student, whose life was nearly derailed by a justice system that almost failed him. His case collapsed not because of his guilt, but because of a simple act of disclosure – text messages that revealed the truth. In his case, empathy was not just a virtue, it was a lifesaver.
This page invites you to think differently about judgment. It challenges you to see beyond stereotypes, beyond the surface, and to embrace the full story of a person’s life before making a decision. Because, as we all know, things are not always as they appear.
Begrip Voor Oordeel: De Kracht van Empathie
“Wat betekent het echt om een mijl in de schoenen van een ander te lopen?
Het betekent ontdekken wat er misging.
Een rechtssysteem dat bijna faalde voor de 22-jarige criminologie student Liam Allan.
De zaak tegen Liam Allan werd geseponeerd nadat sms-berichten werden ontdekt die zijn onschuld aantoonden.
Deze website gaat over een paradox in het rechtssysteem.
Dingen zijn niet altijd zoals ze lijken. Soms maken we snelle aannames over mensen, omstandigheden en situaties. We oordelen, labelen en stoppen ze in een doos, zonder te erkennen dat er een veel groter plaatje is. Soms ontmoeten we iemand op een bepaald moment, fase of periode van hun leven en stereotyperen we diegene als een bepaald type. Wees niet zo snel om te oordelen.
Oordeel nooit over iemand, omdat je nooit weet hoe hun leven is en wat ze doormaken.
Wat ging er mis in de zaak van Liam Allan? Openbaarmaking
Het onderwerp van de website gaat over de video van anderhalve minuut (hieronder).
(‘In de schoenen van iemand anders lopen = Ik doe mijn best zoals altijd…’)
What does it really mean
walking a mile in someone else his shoes?
It is finding out what went wrong.
A justice system that nearly failed for the 22-year-old criminology student Liam Allan.
The website is about a justice paradox.
Things are not always as they appear.
Somtimes we make quick assumptions about people, circumstances and situations.
We judge them, label them and put them into a box not recongnizing that there is a much bigger picture.
Sometimes we meet someone paticular, stage or phase of their life and stereotype them to be a certain way.
Don’t be so quick to judge.
Never judging anyone because you never know
how their life is and what they go through.
What went wrong in the case of Liam Allan? Disclosure
The subject of the website is about the one and a half minute video (below).
(walking in someone else his shoes = I try my best as I always do …)
1 Before You Judge Someone, Walk A Mile In Their Shoes | Think Out Loud With Jay Shetty
12 dec. 2019
If You Could Look Inside Behind People’s Facades
Open letter to the convicted members of Reuzegom
by Guillaume Van der Stighelen
Father of Mattias, deceased in 2011

There is the universal question: is something unclear? This applies throughout the entire website.
Just honesty in a pure and simple way
Gewoon eerlijkheid in eenvoud
… unless you really HAVE walked a mile in their shoes!
The above 10 words are pretty much something of the content of the ‘searching talk’ by attorney Adam Foss (webpage “You cared about me” …)
Notice a file is fragmentary and can be coloured.
When you feel the burden of something and this is difficult for you, then you realise what is happening.
Then there is no purely rational approach.
Notice you cannot deal with something unworldly, i.e. talk about something you know nothing about.
… unless you really HAVE walked a mile in their shoes!
When in the fibres of yourself, the whole thing passes through you, you can realise what it is.
Thinking about it or sympathising with it is not enough. More than thinking about it, it confronts and impacts you.
‘You really have walked a mile in their shoes’ is feeling the weight of the world in which the event occurs, in length of time and with the same intensity.
… unless you really HAVE walked a mile in their shoes!
Bovenstaande 10 woorden zijn zowat iets van de inhoud van de ‘searching talk’ door procureur Adam Foss (webpagina “You cared about me” …) onder het menu Preface.
Bemerk een dossier is fragmentarisch en kan gekleurd zijn.
Wanneer je de last van iets voelt en dit moeilijk voor je is, dan besef je wat er gebeurt.
Dan is er niet louter een rationele benadering.
Bemerk je kunt niet wereldvreemd met iets omgaan, m.a.w. spreken over iets waar je niets over weet.
… unless you really HAVE walked a mile in their shoes!
Wanneer in de vezels van jezelf, het hele gebeuren door je heen gaat, kun je beseffen wat het is.
Erover nadenken of meevoelen is niet voldoende. Het is meer dan erover nadenken, het confronteert en het heeft een impact op je.
‘You really have walked a mile in their shoes’ is het gewicht voelen van de wereld waarin het gebeuren zich voordoet, in lengte van tijd en met dezelfde intensiteit.
2 Before You Judge Someone – WATCH THIS | by Jay Shetty
Please Enjoy
Before you judge someone,
walk a mile in their shoes
The phrase “Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes” is an old saying that conveys the idea of empathy and understanding. It suggests that one should not pass judgment on others without first understanding their perspective and experiences. The key points of this saying are:
Avoid hasty judgment: The saying reminds us not to rush to judge others without taking the time to understand their circumstances, emotions, and motivations. It cautions against making snap judgments based on appearances or limited information.
Empathy and compassion: The saying emphasizes the importance of empathy, which involves putting oneself in someone else’s shoes and trying to understand their feelings and experiences. It encourages compassionate understanding instead of harsh judgment.
Perspective-taking: The saying highlights the need to view situations from different perspectives. By imagining oneself in another person’s situation, we can gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, and challenges, which can help us develop a more nuanced and empathetic understanding of them.
Cultivating understanding: The saying suggests that taking the time to truly understand others can lead to greater compassion, tolerance, and acceptance. It promotes open-mindedness and a willingness to suspend judgment in order to gain insight into others’ experiences.
Avoiding bias: The saying serves as a reminder to be mindful of our own biases and prejudices when forming judgments about others. By walking in their shoes, we can challenge our own assumptions and preconceived notions, and approach others with a more objective and fair-minded attitude.
Overall, the key points of “Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes” emphasize the importance of empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness in our interactions with others, and discourage hasty and harsh judgments. It encourages us to be more compassionate, considerate, and tolerant towards others, and promotes a more inclusive and understanding attitude in our relationships and interactions with others.
3 Too Quick To Judge (Touching Short-Film)
30 aug. 2014
4 Filipino children driven to the streets by crushing poverty
7 okt. 2009
5 Bert Keizer – Studium Generale – Universiteit Twente
27 mei 2014
6 JFL Hidden Camera Pranks & Gags: Free Car Scrubbing