“Before the rooster crows twice, you will have denied me three times”
This quote is attributed to Jesus predicting Peter’s denial of him, as recounted in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the book of Mark (Mark 14:30).
Peter, also known as Petrus in Dutch, was one of Jesus’ disciples and a prominent figure in the New Testament.
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Learn the biblical story behind
‘Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times,’
a powerful phrase about betrayal and regret.
Betrayal, Injustice, and the Cost of Silence
The phrase “Before the rooster crows twice, you will have denied me three times” comes from the Bible, where Jesus foretells that Peter will deny knowing him. It has since become a powerful symbol of betrayal, doubt, and the failure to stand by the truth when it matters most.
This theme resonates deeply in the case of Anthony Graves, a man who spent 18 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. His wrongful conviction was built on lies, misconduct, and a justice system that turned its back on the truth.
The videos on this page shed light on Anthony Graves’ harrowing ordeal—his fight for freedom, the injustice he endured, and the hard questions his case raises about accountability and integrity.
Verraad, Onrecht en de Prijs van Stilte
De uitdrukking “Voordat de haan twee keer kraait, zul je mij drie keer verloochenen” komt uit de Bijbel, waar Jezus voorspelt dat Petrus zal ontkennen hem te kennen. Het is sindsdien een krachtig symbool geworden van verraad, twijfel en het falen om de waarheid te verdedigen wanneer het er het meest toe doet.
Dit thema is diep van toepassing op de zaak van Anthony Graves, een man die 18 jaar op death row zat voor een misdaad die hij niet had begaan. Zijn onterechte veroordeling was gebaseerd op leugens, wangedrag en een rechtssysteem dat de waarheid de rug toekeerde.
De video’s op deze pagina werpen licht op de aangrijpende beproeving van Anthony Graves—zijn strijd voor vrijheid, het onrecht dat hij heeft doorstaan en de indringende vragen die zijn zaak oproept over verantwoordelijkheid en integriteit.
The phrase “Before the rooster crows twice, you will have denied me three times” is a key event from the New Testament of the Bible, specifically found in the book of Mark (Mark 14:30). Here are the key points related to this statement:
Context: Jesus is speaking to his disciple Peter, predicting that Peter will deny knowing him three times before the rooster crows twice. This prediction occurs during the Last Supper, a significant event in Christianity.
Prediction of Denial: Jesus foretells that Peter, one of his closest disciples, will disown or deny knowing him three times before the rooster crows twice. This prediction foreshadows Peter’s actions in the near future.
Peter’s Denial: Later in the story, as Jesus is arrested and facing trial, Peter denies knowing Jesus exactly as predicted. He denies his association with Jesus three times, just as Jesus had foretold.
Significance: This prediction and its fulfillment illustrate Jesus’ knowledge of future events and Peter’s human weakness despite his strong initial devotion. It serves as a lesson about faith, loyalty, and the importance of humility and self-awareness.
Remorse and Repentance: Following his denials, Peter experiences deep remorse and weeps bitterly, recognizing his failure and the fulfillment of Jesus’ words. This sets the stage for his eventual reconciliation and restoration in the Christian narrative.
Overall, this event showcases the depth of Jesus’ understanding of human behavior and emphasizes the importance of genuine faith, even in the face of personal weakness and challenges. It also underscores the theme of repentance and forgiveness within Christian teachings.
1 Exonerated Anthony Graves Strives to Overturn Wrongful Convictions
2 Remarks of Anthony Graves, Founder, Anthony Believes
3 Gideon v. Wainwright – Speaker Anthony Graves, an exonerated death row prisoner from Texas
Gepubliceerd op 19 jan. 2013
The 50th Anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright – Presented by the American Bar Association Section of Litigation
Friday, January 18, 2013 / 10:30 am — 12:00 pm EST
A program commemorating the 50th anniversary of the landmark decision, Gideon v. Wainwright will be live streamed on January 18, 2013. This decision recognized a constitutional right to the appointment of counsel for indigent criminal defendants charged with felonies. Mr. Gideon was in prison when he submitted his handwritten petition to the U.S. Supreme Court requesting counsel.
Speakers include:
Professor Bruce Jacobs, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Criminal Law at Stetson Law School, Anthony Lewis, Journalist, Author, and Academic, the Honorable Carlos Martinez of the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida (Miami-Dade
County and Anthony Graves, an exonerated death row prisoner from Texas. Moderating will be Joanne A. Epps, Dean of Temple Beasley School of Law.
4 Freed Texas Death Row Prisoner Anthony Graves on Surviving Torture of Solitary Confinement
22 jun. 2012
To watch the complete weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit http://www.democracynow.org/
Anthony Graves is a Texas man who was wrongfully convicted and spent 18 years in prison, including 12 years on death row, for a crime he did not commit. Here are the key points about Anthony Graves’ case of wrongful conviction:
Background and Arrest: Anthony Graves was accused and later convicted for the 1992 murder of six individuals in Burleson County, Texas. The victims included a grandmother, her daughter, and four grandchildren who were brutally murdered.
Trial and Conviction: Graves was convicted in 1994 primarily based on the testimony of Robert Carter, who initially implicated Graves in the crime and later recanted his testimony, stating that he had falsely accused Graves under police pressure.
Recantation of Witness: Robert Carter, the key witness against Graves, recanted his testimony multiple times, stating that he had been coerced and threatened by law enforcement to implicate Graves in the murders. Carter’s admission of perjury cast significant doubt on Graves’ guilt.
Inadequate Legal Representation: Graves was provided with inadequate legal representation during his trial. His defense attorney did not effectively challenge the evidence presented against him, nor did they adequately investigate the case or call witnesses that could have corroborated his innocence.
Long Period of Incarceration: Graves spent 18 years in prison, including 12 years on death row, before his conviction was overturned. During this time, he maintained his innocence and fought for his exoneration.
Overturning of Conviction: In 2006, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Graves’ conviction, ruling that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence and used false testimony. The court ordered a new trial.
Exoneration and Release: In 2010, all charges against Graves were dropped, and he was released from prison after spending nearly two decades wrongfully incarcerated.
Subsequent Legal Actions: After his release, Graves became an advocate for criminal justice reform and worked to raise awareness about the flaws in the legal system that led to his wrongful conviction. He has also been involved in efforts to prevent wrongful convictions and improve the criminal justice system.
Anthony Graves’ case serves as a poignant example of the flaws and injustices within the criminal justice system, highlighting the critical importance of fair trials, competent legal representation, and the potential for human error and misconduct to result in wrongful convictions.
5 Anthony Graves on Overcoming a Wrongful Conviction
20 jun 2018
After spending nearly two decades in prison—12 of those years on death row—for multiple homicides he didn’t commit, Anthony Graves was finally exonerated and released in 2010. In this episode of the State Bar of Texas Podcast, host Rocky Dhir talks to Graves about the details of the crime, his experience in the courtroom, and what should have been done differently, including properly informing the jury about their role and the case background. Graves discusses whether or not his case has brought about positive change within the criminal justice system and shares what he is doing to fight for criminal justice reform.
Anthony Graves was wrongfully convicted of multiple homicides in 1992 and spent nearly two decades behind bars, including 12 of those years on Texas’ death row. While still in prison, he co-founded Join Hands for Justice, a France-based activist group that led global efforts to prove his innocence. Graves’ conviction and death sentence were overturned in 2006, and after four years of legal wrangling, he was fully exonerated and released in 2010. Since then, he has become a full-time advocate for criminal justice reform, testifying before the U.S. Senate about the harms of solitary confinement, serving on the board of directors for the Houston Forensic Science Center, and working with the ACLU’s Campaign for Smart Justice. Graves speaks widely and runs the Anthony Graves Foundation, which works to draw attention to problems within the American criminal justice system. He lives in Houston.
6 When the Justice System fails – The Anthony Graves Story
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This is the true story of Anthony Graves’ first night on Texas’s Death Row. Anthony spent 18.5 years in prison before being exonerated for a gruesome crime he didn’t commit.
Thank you to Anthony Graves for sharing his plight and chilling story with the world!
Here’s Anthony’s new book!
Infinite Hope: How Wrongful Conviction, Solitary Confinement, and 12 Years on Death Row Failed to Kill My Soul by
http://a.co/5iK1VZG Anthony Graves Foundation https://www.anthonygravesfoundation.org
7 Anthony Graves Story.mov
(This is my Oprah impersonation) Here is an interview I did with my new hero Anthony Graves about his unjust incarceration. Anthony was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to Death in a Texas prison. Mr. Graves spent 18 years on Death Row before being released after the truth came out. God is still in the blessing business. B-Roll Footage courtesy of ABC/Grave Justice.
8 HCCLA Reasonable Doubt – Anthony Graves
HCCLA’s Reasonable Doubt is a TV show produced by the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA).
HCCLA is the largest local criminal defense bar in the country and is comprised of over 800 criminal defense attorneys. The show features relevant topics and guests from the criminal justice community. We broadcast LIVE every Thursday from 8-9p CST so send in suggestions & questions via Facebook or Twitter. @hccla_tv.
9 Death Penalty: Former Death Row Inmate Says It’s Inhumane
Anthony Graves spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. In this Sky News Tonight interview, he reflects on his time on death row in Texas, and how he adjusted to freedom. Read more: http://news.sky.com/story/1437348/exe…
10 Death Before Dying: Death Row Exoneree on Solitary Confinement
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23 jul 2013
From 1994 to 2006, Anthony Graves spent at least 22 hours a day locked alone in a small cell waiting to die — all for a crime he did not commit. During those years, 400 other prisoners were also locked alone on Texas’ death row. Watch this video to hear Anthony’s story.
– Solitary confinement is driving men crazy. I don’t understand how someone can subject another human being to this type of punishment and think that it’s justified. It is totally inhumane. There’s no way around it. You know, you really don’t truly understand the impact of removing someone from human contact for years. It can even be for weeks, but it has a– it has a negative effect on that person. So the human contact, as I said, we’re built for that, and it’s so important. And it’s like– it’s like totally removing someone from society and putting them in a dark hole, right? And everybody’s walking over it, and he’s shouting from the bottom of that hole, but nobody hears him, you know? And it’s dark down there. It just drives you crazy. And I experienced that so many times, where I’m shouting; I’m there. I want– I want somebody to just, you know, come talk to me, you know, just shake my hand. Something, you know, because you urge for that. And I couldn’t get it. You know, so you have to start playing tricks with your own mind, you know, just to try to survive this here thing. I feel that I went through this to be here to share it with you all and let you all know that what we’re doing to prisoners and to guys in solitary confinement is totally inhumane. We’re driving people crazy. And this is our criminal justice system that’s supposed to serve and protect us. But we are literally driving men insane. And those that are already insane, we’re just putting them in the casket. That’s all we’re doing. There’s no rehabilitation. There’s no such thing as justice in an injust environment. You can’t get that.
Inequality and the Criminal Justice System by Nicole Bremmer Casarez and Anthony Graves
9 mei 2018
This talk is part of 2015 Spring Lecture Series: INEQUALITY, November 10, 2018. Event sponsored by Scientia Institute, Rice University.
Nicole Bremner Casarez, Attorney, Communication Professor at the University of St. Thomas will be speaking about Inequality and the Criminal Justice System.
Anthony Graves, Death Row Exoneree 138, Founders, Anthony Graves Foundation will be speaking about Professional Ethics.
11 Caught Cheating With Sexy Girl Prank – Just For Laughs Gags
For once it’s actually the “It’s not what it looks like” excuse is actually the truth. Innocent men looking for a new shirt get more than they bargained for when their wives and girlfriends notice some red lipstick on their neck. Things go from bad to worse when a sexy girl comes out of the change room with a satisfied look on her face.