Bad Fruit “The Unheard Voice of the Tuam Babies” Full Documentary. A film by Teresa Lavina – Blog

nico jordo
Everyone that was complicit in this needs to go to jail. They are disgusting vile individuals. If they are still alive they need to be prosecuted !!!!!! Disgraceful!
god bless them justice for the survivors and there babies and familys shame on the state and church
No matter how many times you hear its heartbreaking, It is the likes of that particular social worker when the lady was 26 , these are what the state is attempting to bury for 30 years, everyone knows of the nuns who I hope are burning in hell, but there is very been said about the state collision in all its Gardai , judiciary, social & Heath care workers, teachers , st vdp, etc
Dee Cee
Excellent documentary, thank you for the upload. My heart breaks hearing about the mothers and babies, then is filled with rage that the State and Church are not held to account
Thank you for this. You made a great job. This story needs to go worldwide. Ireland not only suffered from the Famine but suffered under the very people we entrusted to care for them.
Sheila Nixon
As an English resident,please will someone explain why the shocking truth about what went on on these homes is still being muzzled and now the files are to be sealed for another 30 years, in an attempt to deny justice to the dead babies and children,and their mothers for ever. A fund should be set up to take the whole matter to the European Court of human rights, castigating the Roman Catholic Church and the Irish Government . It is pay back time ,and pay up time
They can seal the records but they can not seal the mouths of the victims of this abuse. I hope they group together and make their voices heard. I hope they all get justice before time runs out on them.
Patrick Walsh
The Catholic Church should never be forgiven for the evil they’ve carried out in Ireland:(
Lee McGuire
God bless you PJ Harvey. You are in my prayers. I’m praying for you. You are right. About fathers. The fathers are responsible. And the nuns were trained by brutal methods in order for them to lose their conscience over to the darkness. But I love your mother. For 5 1/2 years your mother tried. God bless her. God keep you Sir.
Wanda Wyatt
How evil to do this to innocent children. Priests and Nuns abusing children. God bless the children .
MSM and the Govt had these ladies and gentlemens complete backing to search for the truth back a few years ago. Now that we have it .. our Govt that have locked us down TWICE.. have chosen to seal them all away!
Sally Chandler
Thank you for making these videos. I’ve been following this story for several years now and will continue to do so. Please don’t waste your energy trying to explain things to what we call in the USA “Right to Lifers”. I have yet to meet one who’s adopted a child, especially disabled children. I’ve never met one who’s been raped. They only care about fetuses, not actual children.
Free speech for all
God knows who the evil ones are and those who cover up will meet the same punishment. RIP Gods innocent babies.
Margarita Magdalena
I don’t understand, did a court decide that all information on this history will be classified for 30 years?
Karen Harrington
Many Blessings Appreciate Sharing ❤
Maribel Cruz
Wow. Those nuns gave up salvation for greed and evil. Today, someone charged and convicted of neglect goes to jail. But the church is given a pass. Pathetic. Hope the internet blows them up. You can’t hide from the internet. That’s what we have today that those mothers and babies didn’t have then. Keep pressing for justice!!!
THIS is exactly why I do not trust ANY church!!!!!
leann haup
People still thinking that ” rulers ” of this world want them good…… Nothing changed, same story over and over everywhere in the world. It still continue……
Max Kim Lowe
May justice come to the survivors and god protect the victims who didn’t survive the mother child homes. Shame on the Catholic Church and those in government that colluded with the church on this issue.
emma ransford
Those Children deserved some much better. 😔🤔
Peace Be 2U
How poignant the title of the video! their fruits, ye shalt know them! The first question to ask all these interviewees.. do they still belong to the same evil organization now??? Dont hold your breath for the answer.. I dont doubt they belong to the same faith even now.
sue or unseal that 30 year rule-protest, PTSD. the shock of hundreds baby names at end forever
Eamonn Murphy
Irish government investigation summary: “Ireland was a cold harsh environment for many, probably the majority, of its residents during the earlier half of the period under remit. It was especially cold and harsh for women. All women suffered serious discrimination. Women who gave birth outside marriage were subject to particularly harsh treatment. Responsibility for that harsh treatment rests mainly with the fathers of their children and their own immediate families. It was supported by, contributed to, and condoned by, the institutions of the State and the Churches. However, it must be acknowledged that the institutions under investigation provided a refuge – a harsh refuge in some cases – when the families provided no refuge at all”.
Rachael Courtnell
oh my …talk about masoganey at it’s worst. prayers to all those children and mothers who suffered so much.
John Callahan
From New Zealand Class action of historical abuse in an Anglican Boys School for the defenseless ..Class action launched against Dilworth School over historical sexual offending 10:23 pm on 24 June 2021 A lawyer heading class action against Auckland’s Dilworth School says it should be held responsible for the awful abuse of many vulnerable young boys. Two men have filed a complaint to the Human Rights Commission, alleging staff failed to protect students from systemic sexual abuse at the school for more than 30 years. Other survivors are being asked to join the class action.
Daniel Boardman
Let the souls of each child be released and boycott the catholic church
Miss T
Rotten. I am a lapsed Catholic. For this sort of reason. Just evil.
Revenge is Mine saith the LORD……..those babies are with our Father in heaven and the judgment day is coming…..May The LORD have mercy on thier souls.and the catholic church…….their is none righteous in all the earth no not one.
Angela Himmelreich
So very sad,and to the church shame on you, shame on you
volume is very low
In 30yrs many of the victims will be dead! There is no justice. They deserve to be able to bury their babies.
Coco Ann
So far from being Christians
Aidan Joyce
What about the unheard voice of the murdered unborn.
John Paton
No doubt it’s all the fault of the English.
mary conroy
And their solution?….Abortion! Some things never change.