A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

A person with a pleasant and friendly appearance that hides the fact that they are evil

Cambridge Dictionary

Page Description

It is a popular idiom that refers to someone who appears harmless
or friendly on the surface but is actually dangerous
or deceitful underneath their facade

Keeping up appearances

No self-awareness

Beat around the bush


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The Magdeburg hemispheres

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: A Song with a Powerful Message

A wolf in sheep's clothing

A wolf in sheep’s clothing is someone who seems to be a good person but is really a bad person.

For example
  • The priest at our church seemed to be a very warm and caring man, but we later found out that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  • People in our town suspected that Henry was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but I think they were wrong.

Someone or something that seems to be good but is actually not good at all:

My grandfather was a wolf in sheep’s clothing – he looked like a sweet old man, but he was really mean.

Definition from Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing” is a popular idiom that refers to someone who appears harmless or friendly on the surface but is actually dangerous or deceitful underneath. The key points of this idiom are:

  1. Deception: The phrase highlights the concept of deception, where someone disguises their true nature or intentions to appear harmless, innocent, or trustworthy.

  2. Hidden Motives: The phrase suggests that the person in question has hidden motives or ulterior motives, and their true intentions may be harmful or malicious.

  3. False Appearance: The phrase implies that the person is pretending to be something they are not, just as a wolf would disguise itself as a sheep to gain an advantage.

  4. Betrayal: The phrase often conveys a sense of betrayal, as the person’s true nature or intentions are revealed, and they are discovered to be different from what they initially appeared to be.

  5. Caution: The phrase serves as a warning to be cautious and not be easily fooled by appearances, reminding us to be vigilant and not to trust blindly without considering the true motives of others.

  6. Surprise: The phrase often suggests that the person’s true nature or intentions may come as a surprise, as they are able to hide their real self behind a façade.

Overall, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” serves as a metaphor for a person who appears harmless but is actually cunning, deceitful, or dangerous, and it underscores the importance of looking beyond surface appearances and being wary of deceptive individuals.

Gerald Troost – Wolf in schaapskleren

3 apr. 2016

Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS Wolf In Schaapskleren · Gerald Troost

Gerald Troost – Wolf in schaapskleren

veel te lang heb ik geloofd
dat jij doet wat jij beloofd
als een kind nam ik jou hand
en volgde maar jou mooie woorden.
Elke vrucht die jij me gaf
leek zo mooi tot de eerste hap
toen bleek alles rottig van binnen
de pijn kon beginnen
ik was schuldig

Ik word stil als je mij veradelijk kust
ik word stil jij verdraaid de liefde met l***
je lijkt een engel maar je bent het niet
je bent verstoten uit de hemel

Je bent een wolf in schaapskleren
alles wat jij aanraakt sterft
ik lijk me niet te kunnen weren
ik kom niet los uit jou web

onzichtbaar in de media
sta jij met jou leugens klaar
in woord en beeld verleid jij de mensen
en niemand lijkt jou te herkennen

alles wat onschuldig was
en zo mooi als zuiver glas
is nu vernield
met wanhoop bezield
en lijkt nu voor altijd bedorven

ik word gek als ik denk aan wie je bent
ik word gek nu ik jou motieven ken
je lijkt een engel maar je bent het niet
je bent verstoten uit de hemel

Je bent een wolf in schaapskleren
alles wat jij aanraakt sterft
ik lijk me niet te kunnen weren
ik kom niet los uit jou web

ik val neer en schreeuw naar God
dit gevecht maakt mijn hart kappot
vergeef me maak me vrij
want jezus u bent sterker dan hij
Je bent een wolf in schaapskleren
alles wat jij aanraakt sterft
maar ik weet me te weren
iemand is sterker dan jij

Je bent een wolf in schaapskleren
alles wat jij aanraakt sterft
maar weet me te weren
iemand is sterker dan jij

Je bent een wolf in schaapskleren
alles wat jij aanraakt sterft
maar ik weet me te weren
iemand is sterker dan jij

maar ik weet me nu te weren
iemand is sterker dan jij

maar ik weet me nu te weren
iemand is sterker dan jij

Gerald Troost – Wolf in sheep’s clothing

For too long I have believed
that you do what you promise
As a child I took your hand
and just followed your beautiful words.
Every fruit that you gave me
seemed so beautiful until the first bite
Then everything turned rotten inside
the pain could begin
I was guilty

I fall silent when you kiss me mercilessly
I fall silent you twist love with l***
You look like an angel but you are not
You are cast out from heaven

You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Everything you touch dies
I don’t seem to be able to resist
I can’t get out of your web

Invisible in the media
You are ready with your lies
In words and images you seduce the people
and nobody seems to recognise you

everything that was innocent
and as beautiful as pure glass
is now destroyed
animated with despair
and now seems tainted forever

I go mad when I think of who you are
I go mad knowing your motives
You seem to be an angel but you are not
You are cast out from heaven

You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Everything you touch dies
I don’t seem to be able to resist
I cannot get out of your web

I fall down and cry to God
this fight tears my heart apart
forgive me set me free
for jesus you are stronger than he
You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Everything you touch dies
But I know how to resist
someone is stronger than you

You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Everything you touch dies
But I know how to resist
someone is stronger than you

You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Everything you touch dies
But I know how to resist
Someone is stronger than you

But I know how to resist now
Someone is stronger than you

But I know how to resist now
someone is stronger than you

Begging Hobo Drives Off In A Sports Car

18 nov. 2019

This is a reminder to everyone that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a man by how much garbage he eats.

Keeping up appearances

No self-awareness

Beat around the bush


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The Magdeburg hemispheres