Page Description
Explore injustice.
The British Post Office
derailed justice & truth,
scapegoating innocent Subpostmasters.
A cover-up,
without conscience,
destroyed lives.
A Monster Without a Conscience … A deep dive into the British Post Office Scandal, where the justice system derailed, turning innocent Subpostmasters into victims of a ruthless miscarriage of justice, driven by faulty software and institutional negligence.
It emphasizes the injustice faced by the Subpostmasters and the role of systemic failures in the scandal.
When Power Lacks Empathy: The Destructive Force of Conscience-less Actions
In a world where justice should prevail, there exists a chilling phenomenon: a monster without a conscience. This is not a creature of folklore, but a reality shaped by individuals who wield power without empathy, who manipulate the truth for their own gain. These are the people who, when confronted with the pain and suffering they’ve caused, remain unfazed, unaffected—without a shred of remorse.
This page delves into the heart of such malevolent forces, examining the consequences when those in positions of power lose their humanity and become instruments of destruction. Whether in the courtroom, the boardroom, or the streets, the absence of conscience leads to a terrifying cycle of manipulation, false accusations, and the crushing of innocent lives.
As we explore these stories, we ask: What drives such behavior? What happens when individuals, unburdened by guilt or empathy, are allowed to control the fates of others? In the case of those caught in the gears of injustice, the consequences are devastating. This page seeks to understand how the unchecked actions of a conscienceless monster can devastate lives and bring entire systems of justice to their knees.
Wanneer Macht Gebrek aan Empathie Heeft: De Vernietigende Kracht van Acties Zonder Geweten
In een wereld waar gerechtigheid zou moeten heersen, bestaat er een angstaanjagend fenomeen: een monster zonder geweten. Dit is geen wezen uit de folklore, maar een werkelijkheid die wordt gevormd door mensen die macht uitoefenen zonder empathie, die de waarheid manipuleren voor hun eigen gewin. Dit zijn de mensen die, wanneer ze geconfronteerd worden met de pijn en het lijden die ze hebben veroorzaakt, onbewogen blijven, onaangedaan—zonder een greintje berouw.
Deze pagina duikt in het hart van zulke kwaadaardige krachten en onderzoekt de gevolgen wanneer mensen in machtsposities hun menselijkheid verliezen en instrumenten van vernietiging worden. Of het nu in de rechtszaal, het bedrijfsleven of op straat is, het ontbreken van geweten leidt tot een angstaanjagende cyclus van manipulatie, valse beschuldigingen en het verpletteren van onschuldige levens.
Terwijl we deze verhalen onderzoeken, stellen we de vraag: Wat drijft dergelijk gedrag? Wat gebeurt er wanneer individuen, die niet worden belast door schuld of empathie, de lotgevallen van anderen bepalen? In het geval van degenen die gevangen zitten in de wielen van onrecht, zijn de gevolgen verwoestend. Deze pagina probeert te begrijpen hoe de ongebreidelde acties van een gewetenloos monster levens kunnen vernietigen en hele systemen van gerechtigheid tot hun knieën kunnen brengen.
1 A group that operates with extensive deceit
Justice is a disturbed system, a contradiction in terms; it is used to create an image, the halo of perfection, a rock on which one can build a church. In reality, it has been shown thousands of times to be a farce, a foolish display built on quicksand. It brings out the worst in humanity. It demonstrates a cruelty aimed at utterly destroying the lives of people who are perfectly innocent.
It is the worst kind of evil: using a position of power, like the justice system, an institution of power, to render people defenseless and then accuse them of things completely incompatible with their character, or something utterly absurd. It often happens that someone, due to their minority position, is prosecuted and convicted in this way, sometimes ending up in prison for an unjustly long time.
You are dealing with people within such a system who apparently do not realize what they are doing. Everything is aimed at cobbling together a false or weak case by any means and, in a state of delusion, using it against innocent people.
It is the template of the British Post Office Scandal, where those responsible within the Post Office used this on a large scale, exactly like a system of slavery.
Justitie is een gestoord systeem, het is een contradictio in terminis, het wordt gebruikt om een beeld te creëren, het aureool van volmaaktheid, een rots waarop men een kerk kan bouwen. In werkelijkheid blijkt duizenden keren dat het een farce is, een zotte vertoning, die steunt op drijfzand. Het is het slechtste in de mens die naar boven komt. Het getuigt van een wreedheid die er op gericht is om het leven van vlekkeloos onschuldige mensen tot op de grond gelijk te maken.
Het is de template van de ‘British Post Office Scandal waarbij de verantwoordelijken binnen de Post Office dit grootschalig gebruikten, precies een systeem van slavenij.
Het is het ergste kwaad: vanuit een machtspositie, zoals justitie, een machtsinstituut, mensen weerloos maken en ze dan beschuldigen van dingen die helemaal niet verenigbaar zijn met de betreffende persoon, of iets dat volkomen absurd is. Het komt vaker voor dat iemand door zijn minderheidspositie op die manier vervolgd en veroordeeld wordt, en soms eindeloos lang onschuldig in de gevangenis belandt.
Je hebt te maken men mensen binnen zo’n systeem die blijkbaar niet beseffen waar ze me bezig zijn. Alles is er op gericht om op het even welke manier een vals of zwak dossier in elkaar te boksen en om in een geest van verdwazing, dit te gebruiken tegen onschuldigen mensen.
Het is de template van de ‘British Post Office Scandal waarbij de verantwoordelijken binnen de Post Office dit grootschalig gebruikten, precies een systeem van slavernij.
2 Excruciating Pain
When you read Nick Wallis’s book, you realize the extent of the suffering that the Subpostmasters have to endure. This doesn’t fully sink in unless you confront the issue deeply. Repeated attempts to take their own lives, the hopelessness of the situation they find themselves in, and the trauma they experience highlight the profound helplessness they are up against.
Materially, there is large-scale so-called fraud: being accused of theft as a cover-up for faulty software. The same problem affects thousands of Subpostmasters. Each of them is told that they are the only ones experiencing this. Imagine that! The result is that you have to pay for something you are not responsible for. You have to cover the shortfall yourself, you lose your job, the business goes bankrupt, and the house is sold.
Wanneer je het boek van Nick Wallis leest, besef je de omvang van het lijden dat de Subpostmasters moeten dragen. Dit dringt niet tot je door als je de kwestie niet diepgaand onder ogen neemt. Herhaalde pogingen om uit het leven te stappen, de uitzichtloosheid van de situatie waarin ze terechtkomen, en het trauma dat ze meemaken, benadrukken de verregaande machteloosheid waartegen ze niet opgewassen zijn.
Materieel gezien is er sprake van grootschalige zogenaamde fraude: beschuldigd worden van diefstal als dekmantel voor defecte software. Ditzelfde probleem doet zich voor bij duizenden Subpostmasters. Tegen ieder van hen wordt gezegd dat ze de enigen zijn die dit meemaken. Stel je voor! Het gevolg is dat je moet opdraaien voor iets waar je geen schuld aan hebt. Je moet het tekort contractueel zelf bijleggen, je krijgt ontslag, de zaak gaat failliet, en het huis wordt verkocht.
Union representing sub-postmasters repeatedly ignored Horizon IT concerns | ITV News
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20 mrt 2024
How was it the Post Office were able to go about criminalising hundreds of innocent people for more than a decade without as much as a peep from the National Federation of Subpostmasters (NFSP), which represents the vast majority of self-employed sub-postmasters?
ITV News can reveal that the union repeatedly ignored concerns over Horizon IT.
Nick Wallis reports.
Vexatious Complaints and how the UK Post Office Screwed Up
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18 okt 2024
00:00 – Start
05:53 – A Proper Complaints Process
06:25 – Fair Process
09:50 – Separation of Roles
14:44 – The Post Office Scandal Connection
This video is one requested by Lynne (thanks Lynne) which is where I explain what vexatious complaints are, what impact they have on people (both those who receive vexatious complaints but also those who are accused of making them), how vexatious complaints can be avoided and how this all connects to the Post Office Scandal. I also spruik my next video on the Post Office scandal with a little teaser.
3 The discrepancy
It’s difficult to understand; the development of the software did not proceed according to the necessary conditions. Structurally, it was not adequate to function reliably. Fujitsu did not have the people capable of developing an IT system of that scale and variety in functionality. Blair, who signed the contract, was warned: ‘not fit for purpose’. The installation in the post offices also did not follow the proper procedures. It was doomed to fail. From the outset, there were problems that were clearly known to be due to the software. That the Post Office then made such a grave mistake by denying this… It raises the question of how such a thing is possible—knowingly placing the blame on such a large group of impeccably innocent people demonstrates malice that exceeds all bounds, and everyone is forced to remain silent about what is really going on.
Het is moeilijk te begrijpen, het ontwikkelen van de software is niet verlopen volgens de noodzakelijke voorwaarden. Structureel voldeed het niet om gegarandeerd bedrijfszeker te functioneren. Fujitsu had niet de mensen die in staat waren om een IT systeem van die omvang en verscheidenheid in functionaliteit te ontwikkelen. Blair die het contract getekend heeft, was het gewaarschuwd: ‘not fit for purpose’. Het installeren in de postkantoren verliep evenmin volgens de regels van de kunst. Het was gedoemd om te mislukken. Van bij de aanvang waren er problemen waarvan men erg goed wist dat het de software was. Dat de Post Office dan zo’n kapitale fout maakt om dit te ontkennen … Het is de vraag dat zoiets mogelijk is, tegen beter weten de schuld op zo’n grote groep vlekkeloos onschuldige mensen schuiven, getuigt van kwaad opzet die alle perken te buiten gaat en iedereen wordt verplicht te zwijgen nopens wat er werkelijk aan de hand is.
4 Malevolent Incompetence
The phrase “malevolent incompetence” combines two potent terms to convey a nuanced critique:
Malevolent: This adjective denotes a desire to cause harm or evil. It implies intentionality in inflicting damage or suffering.
Incompetence: This noun refers to a lack of ability, skill, or effectiveness in performing a task or duty.
When Lord Commack described the Post Office’s behavior as exhibiting “malevolent incompetence,” he was highlighting a blend of harmful intent and gross ineptitude. Here’s a breakdown of what this composite term suggests:
Intentional Harm Through Ineptitude: The Post Office didn’t just make mistakes out of ignorance or lack of skill; their incompetence was wielded in a way that actively harmed individuals, especially the Subpostmasters.
Negligence Bordering on Malice: The actions (or inactions) of the Post Office weren’t merely accidental oversights. They crossed into the realm of willful negligence, where the organization either knew or should have known the repercussions of their incompetence but proceeded regardless.
Systemic Failure with Harmful Outcomes: The incompetence was system-wide and had devastating effects, suggesting that the organization, as a whole, operated in a manner that was both ineffective and detrimental to those it was supposed to serve.
In the context of the British Post Office Scandal, this term encapsulates the double-edged failure of the institution: not only did it fail in its duties through mismanagement and poor oversight, but it also allowed (or even facilitated) harm to come to innocent Subpostmasters, whether through negligence, disregard, or intentional malice.
Therefore, “malevolent incompetence” paints a picture of an organization whose lack of competence wasn’t just benign mismanagement but was intertwined with actions (or inactions) that had malicious consequences for those affected.
Cfr. Chapter: Back,to court page 441 in Nick Wallis book
The impact on the lives of the Subpostmasters was so severe that several of them attempted suicide multiple times.
How could the seemingly ordinary people at the Post Office and Fujitsu become perpetrators of such cruelties, by initiating direct prosecutions, fully aware that the software was the cause of the fictitious shortfalls?
Such actions are not justice.
It is destructive behavior.
This is a destructive society being allowed to persist.
“I Lost My Livelihood” Post Office Scandal Victim To Bring Legal Case After ITV Drama
10 jan 2024
A former sub-postmistress who lost everything due to the Post Office’s Horizon IT system says she wants to bring a legal case after seeing the ITV drama on the scandal.
Grandmother Cheryl Shaw says she had to put in her own money after the Horizon accounting software began stating that she was short in her weekly count-ups.
She joins TalkTV’s Rosanna Lockwood and says she now wants to bring a legal case.
Ministers are drawing up plans to hasten the clearing of names of the hundreds who were wrongfully convicted.
Sunak announces blanket exoneration for wrongly convicted in Post Office scandal
10 jan 2024
A new law will wipe out the convictions of hundreds of sub-postmasters who were wrongly convicted of stealing from the Post Office. Rishi Sunak told MPs that the scandal caused by the faulty Horizon IT system is “one of the greatest miscarriages of justice” in the nation’s history.
The Government acknowledged it is controversial to use Parliament to override the verdicts of courts in England and Wales but said it was necessary because it was taking far too long to resolve cases individually.
“Absolute SHAMBLES And Travesty Of Justice” Jake Berry Blasts Post Office Bosses Involved In Scandal
10 jan 2024
Conservative MP and TalkTV presenter Sir Jake Berry has called for Post Office executives to be “stripped” of any taxpayer-backed pensions and bonuses following the Horizon software scandal.
Joining TalkTV’s Rosanna Lockwood, Jake says he’ll also be calling on the Government to ask Fujitsu – the company that made the faulty accounting software Horizon – to pay out compensation to victims.
More than 700 Post Office branch managers were given criminal convictions after the software made it appear as though money was missing from their shops.
There has been fresh public backlash to the scandal after ITV aired a drama starring actor Toby Jones last week about the scandal.
Ministers are drawing up plans to hasten the clearing of names of the hundreds who were wrongfully convicted.
Prime Time with Nick Wallis Post Office Scandal Special | 10-Jan-24
10 jan 2024
Conservative MP and TalkTV presenter Sir Jake Berry has called for Post Office executives to be “stripped” of any taxpayer-backed pensions and bonuses following the Horizon software scandal.
Joining TalkTV’s Rosanna Lockwood, Jake says he’ll also be calling on the Government to ask Fujitsu – the company that made the faulty accounting software Horizon – to pay out compensation to victims.
More than 700 Post Office branch managers were given criminal convictions after the software made it appear as though money was missing from their shops.
There has been fresh public backlash to the scandal after ITV aired a drama starring actor Toby Jones last week about the scandal.
Ministers are drawing up plans to hasten the clearing of names of the hundreds who were wrongfully convicted.