60 Minutes reports on the death of Malcolm X – Blog

Elvree Smith
Malcolm was and still is MY HERO!!
Jans Doe
I feel so sorry for Ms.X and her daughters. Imagine watching your father and husband gunned down. How awful that was. My prayers go out to them.
Denzel should have won an Oscar for his portrayal of Malcolm X
james warner
Malcolm’s daughter still believes Louis instigated her father’s death, you can see it in her eyes, she don’t trust him and you can’t blame her.
Jennifer Blake
Malcolm is one of my heroes and I am not an American. I read Malcolm X at fourteen and it had a profound effect on me. There was and is no one else like Malcolm
Schawnetta Robinson
Envy kills. Malcolm X was handsome, smart, articulate, sophisticated, visionary, and phenomenal. He had everything.
Even in death Malcolm became everything they didn’t want him to be.
I respect her demeanor of looking at him straight in the face while talking to him about being there seeing her father killed, but he wasn’t looking at her when talking about her dad being shot
Z Adrienne Chadwick
I salute her for holding a dignified dialogue with him because that must have been so hard. Peace and healing to the Shabbaz family forever 🖤🖤🖤
Abdulweli Ahmed
Eventually my mother suffered a complete breakdown, and the court orders were finally signed. They took her to the State Mental Hospital at Kalamazoo. My mother remained in the same hospital at Kalamazoo for about 26 years. My last visit, when I knew I would never come to see her again-there-was in 1952. I was twenty-seven. My brother Philbert had told me that on his last visit, she had recognized him somewhat. “In spots” he said. But she didn’t recognize me at all. She stared at me. She didn’t know who I was. Her mind, when I tried to talk, to reach her, was somewhere else. I asked, “Mama, do you know what day it is?” She said, staring, “All the people have gone.” I can’t describe how I felt. The woman who had brought me into the world, and nursed me, and advised me, and chastised me, and loved me, didn’t know me. It was as if I was trying to walk up the side of a hill of feathers.” -Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malcom X believed what he said and as he grew he voiced how his thought and changed and grown. Malcom X from all that I have read was honest. People who were afraid of him gave people who were jealous of him information in my opinion. The way he stood for what he believed and yet was willing to listen and grow has made him a hero to me.
Jennie Hale
Ms. Attallah Shabazz was a picture of class. Peace be unto her.
Marco Primo
Mike Wallace is a legend, he met some of the most influential people to ever live.
Shari Westmoreland
I’m so sorry for the pain and anguish this family endured. Her body language speaks volumes.
Francisco A
As a Mexican American I know there are those from my community to whom I may look up too but none like Malcolm X, TRULY A HEROES HERO!
Stephie Calligraphy
My goodness. It’s not all about looks, but I’ve scarcely seen a more strong, beautiful woman speak so boldly and emotionally. Wow. Wishing her peace. 🙏🏻
Blow Wrd.
The fact that he couldn’t look her in the eyes when addressing her… at what was perpetrated as a genuine moment about her father’s killing nonetheless … You are either guilty of her accusations or something less than a man
Colin Halliley
This was personal for Wallace , he respected Malcolm after interviewing him. Farrakhan must live with his part in Malcolm’s death and for all the good he has done know his part in it will be his legacy too.
Kelvin Fairwell
Her story brings me back to that day. Her pain still evident, rekindle the pain we all felt and still feel by the loss of our greatest warrior. Everyone can remember what they were doing Feb 21 1965.
Ceo founder
Powerful and riveting interview. God bless the soul and rest in glory to the legendary, late, great; Malcom X.
Jealousy is everywhere…Even your closest enemy plays as your friend…
Bing Crosby Edwards-Williams
His daughter is very strong and humble
R P.Johnson
Deep down inside Malcolm was everything Louis wanted to be. And still nothing to compared to Malcolm.
Luis Sandman
Mike Wallace was a Gangster journalist! People feared him cause he asked tough questions
Karen Simmons
Excellent interview! My first time seeing this! Much respect for Malcom X! Man is fallible! Regardless of color, the power of the flesh, or lack thereof!
Jay S
I feel your pain and your father was a great man
Layla Ali
I think he was either involved or he knew who killed him
Jorge Molinar
It’s never your enemy the gets you, it’s always your own people. – Nasir Jones
The Iron Duke
You can tell when Farrakhan smiled when Wallace calls him out on his jealousy you can see he knows he’s been caught.
Joseph Rodriguez Jr.
Malcolm would have turned, 95 years old this year.
“And I have sisters who are spun out into this environment, as tumbleweed, unhealed”. God Bless Attallah Shabazz. This is exactly why I can’t rock with Farrakhan til this day.
Nathan K. Johnson
You give someone 30 minutes to make up a story, and they’ll come up with something. This man had 30+ years before this interview. I don’t believe anything he says.
Young Truth Spitta™️©️
The emotion of disgust, betrayal, anger, and sadness is all foreseeable in this bone-chilling stare 💯🙏🏽 8:08
ramón galbert
This is truly a sad story for his daughters & wife…..on a human level.
Robo Drill Films }JV Harvey
RIP King. I read the Autobiography Of Malcolm X. It literally changed my life. I don’t believe a breath out of LF mouth. He was definitely involved with the placing the batteries in those suckers backs. Malcolm is still more meaningful then this coward would ever be even in his death.
Last Ronin
Miss Malcolm, he was soo incredible. I teared up at the end of the book.
Emmanuel Olande
She is 100 percent Malcolm X, even how Malcolm used to hold his chin when speaking and in thought. Amazing
Malcolm would be so.very.proud of his daughters.
Alan Garner
God bless brother Malcom’s family. Sure could use his lesson’s today.
Wayne Dawson
Hard to watch, we know our history of violence toward each other. Malcolm’s daughter knows who killed her father and our beloved brother. They may have killed his body but they could never destroy his soul and spirit! May God Have Mercy on them! Keep Rising Malcolm we love you!!!
Thomas Hartman
Attilah Shabazz has always struck me as a strong minded, dignified and gracious Woman.
Global Secularism
“He is very dangerous. Let’s nullify him by keeping him out of history books and label him as very violent!” But truth can never be chained and shackled. It sets itself free everytime. RIP sir, Malcom X.
By his facial expression HE’S LYING, when he said he wished Malcolm was alive he showed discuss.
Who in their right mind tells the daughter of the man, your partly responsible for that you carried the photo of your father with the bullet holes in his body. That is almost the most disrespectful and insensitive thing you could say.
Roy Williams
I’m a student of Malcolm X! From my understanding Mike Wallace interviewed Malcolm in 1964! Revealing the reasons his life was in danger! This interview may have revealed to the masses, that the greatest freedom fighter of the 20th century was being hunted! El Hajj Malik El Shabazz should still be around! We’d probably be wisher and more advanced as a people! RIP Malcolm X
Naj Qazi
Malcolm X inspired millions with his wisdom, fight against injustice and total faith in the creator. May Allah give peace to the family of Malcolm X & may he RIP. Amen 🤲
sudley armien
The sweet part is one day everyone will be held accountable for their actions.
Shannon Jackson
We really need him right now 💔💔
Matthew Coolness
It’s fascinating looking at these old photos, and video clips of these men back in day. Isn’t it interesting that everyone knows of Malcom X, but not everyone knows of the spiritual leader of the NOI. Those girls were so young, and having a child outside of wedlock was no joke (especially for young black girls). He took advantage of his power & sexually exploited those who looked up to him.
They were jealous of him plain an simple. Louis is guilty, too many facts against him, even after his death.
Jacqueline Jackson Fabre
Malcolm’s contribution towards Peace has not been forgotten. His death wasn’t because he was a Murderer. God bless his family.
Bradley Holman
Malcom was a good man .
Funky Sound
Rest in peace Mr Malcolm X 🤲🏿
Bill Lozier
I did not know MX wife & children were there. Absolutely horrific. I pray for the survivors that they are at peace. Farrakhan gives me the chills.
So this is what it is like, hearing someone talk himself out of a crime.
Carly Preston
Malcolm X is the revolutionary that truly practiced every single thing he preached.
Michael Holmgaard
Louis literally speaks like a stereotypical villain
RA 1906
This “brother” has the slickest poker face, and a smooth tongue.
Holistic Lifestyle ( the original man)
All of Malcoms daughters are beyond beautiful.
Rolanda Stevens
This is still sad. My thoughts and prayers are for Malcolm X’s family. I pray for healing. And restoration.
Ivalina Passe
God Bless Malcom X ‘s Family and bring Healing to their Hearts for this Tragic Event. They would have Been So much more Powerful if they had United Back Then and Stood Behind Malcom X. He was a Great Leader.
AJ Muzik
Even 28 years after Malcolm’s assassination, Farrakhan did not learn the meaning of the expression “silence is golden”.
MINILIK Theodros
I just watched “One night in Miami” on Prime the other day. Everything Malcolm spoke on that night came true in the future.
Sandra Williams
It be those closest to you are the ones who do you harm.
Magaji Rabiu Saraki
Malcon X is my hero. I indulged his intellectual mannerisms, he was an orator and eloquent. Malcom X was martyrdom. May Almighty Allah blessed his soul in peace.
9:38 Gee, that isn’t damning at all…..Attallah Shabazz speaks very eloquently about who is guilty and who is deflecting blame. She is far more generous with her forgiveness than I could ever be.
Hope Clayburn
All humans were gifted and robbed at the same time during the 60s. RIP Malcolm and we will carry on.
El Tigre
When I watched the Netflix programme Who killed Malcolm X, I was appalled that it was people from his own community – who killed him and who knew the killers and kept quiet. All he tried to do was to help those people, he spoke honestly and bravely for human rights even though he knew his life was on the line. The people in that community were unworthy cowards. Farrakhan was disingenuous during the interview.
Pollard K.
60 minutes is a great program. Continue to do great work!!
Zo Valentine
Rest in powerful peace Malcolm X 19 May 1925 ~ 21 February 1965⚘✊
R&R Reactions & Reviews
He said “ I loved This Man” not Malcom, “THIS MAN” that’s not love. It’s the little things.
Eric Burton
And that is why no one with good sense trust a word that comes out of the mouth of ferrakhan
Peter Mayer
It looks like the daughter does not believe him.
Anika Hope
Malcolm lives on in our hearts
Vincent Young
i have never seen this interview by mike wallace. this is great reporting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the truth will come out no matter how well it can be hidden.
The real evil is not the one who leads but the many that walk among us silent
Arturo Flores
A great man who died 3 years before I was born. However I have studied, watched films and read books on a man I come to love a love as a man loves a brother or a father. Malcolm X was an exemplary man a model man that every man should want to be. I’m not a,Muslim but I respect the issues and what Malcolm fought for. He was respected and loved by many he was a leader a leader every man should want to be a brave honorable man taken way too soon. I celebrate his life today.
Lyndia Black
Malcolm X, changed the course of my life. He stressed the importance of education. I am not going to go into a long statement, because you would not understand. However, I loved him so much, that I went to Malcolm X College, in Chicago. I was in the first building and later, the new school, which is now down torn down. This is the third college, and it is beautiful inside.
Matt Romero
This needs to be analyzed on a channel by non verbal experts. His stone face while he is read his own words about Malcolm then immediately after he gives a huge smile only briefly before responding
One of the Greatest Men of His generation.
Amy Anderson
5/19 is a holiday in our home. You are missed Brother Malcolm <3
pariah nation
so sad to take a man away in front of his little girls or from his little ones for that matter. 😥
Papa C
Malcolm is one of the greatest men to walk this Planet and hes is as powerful in death as once with us. i send Peace and Love to his family.
Kenneth Esau Point
Neo Malapane
He actually admitted responsibility for Malcolm’s death in the last sentence.
S. Adam Bernstein
Farrakhan is giving a wishy washy admission of guilt.
Ron Sisk
Miss Shabazz, your father’s life made a profoundly positive effect on our society. I am grateful that he occupies United States history for all eternity. I am confident his legacy will endure the ages. I am confident his, and Dr. Kings, legacy will far outlast their contemporaries. “I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” – Malcolm X.
Omar González Pérez
Malcolm’s daughter still grieve her father ‘tll this day. You can feel it in her voice. But, idk, something tells me that those who killed Mr. X were the closest ones to him.
Caroline Goss
I think Malcolm X had a pure heart and sought truth and exposed hypocrisy wherever he found it. I also think he would’ve gone on to do great things but the good always die young.
The Shabazz family still suffers to this day….
I got chills when she said the list was longer then those who actually pulled the trigger.
Robert Barwick
I would have love to have met this man Malcolm X. Rest in peace brother.
Joe M
I like Malcolm X more than Martin Luther king
Is the full 4 hours of video footage for this interview available for viewing/purchase?
Mo Wazwaz
One tell of lying is when someone gets EXTRA formal like he’s doing rn!
Liyma Sal
Here you have a beautiful Queen sister crying… and you bring up a picture of her deceased father that you carried? Very strange
David Skinner
As I have watched this interview several times.i often wonder why a man who was teaching equality for black people and denounce the same poison that was destroying the community. Men using women and power for self gratification was assassinated and yet all Brother Malcolm wanted people to know that Black lives matter and what we do to each other matters as well
لا ترضى عنك اليهود والنصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم
It’s their guilt that upsets them, not me.” He said another time, “The white man is afraid of truth. The truth takes the white man’s breath and drains his strength—you just watch his face get red anytime you tell him a little truth. Malcolm X
RA Jimoh
Judas was one of Jesus’s chosen. A man’s enemy is from his own house (circle).
Michael Bonner
They should’ve addressed his remarks in the video they showed that was seven years prior to them meeting. I respect Farakhan but it showed he had malice and discuss towards Malcolm even though the allegations Malcolm brought up were true about Elijah. He switches his stance up depending on who is around.
Shuntena Enzor
“I can’t believe what you say because I see what you do”
Dadya Russki
What a beautiful an intelligent woman 🌹 I love her courage 🌹
Erik Sixx
I don’t agree with everything Malcolm said but he was a stand up guy. What you see is what you get. A respected man.
Young Biko
I always followed this Man and i thought he has nothing to do with Malcolm X death, but now i have the second thoughts about this Man bcoz it seems he all wanted the power to him self.
Richard Mccall
Malcolm X is still my hero
Melli B Chanel Ann
He was murdered young but his legacy lives on even much more than those who still alive and are responsible for his death legend always die young ….evil comes in all form ….. they would have killed him sooner or later because he was a man of great wisdom
Why he couldn’t look at her when he spoke at length only for few seconds?
Ivalina Passe
Malcom X always spoke so Eloquently and Made his Point well understood!!!!! They Listened to him because he Touched their Hearts with Truth!!!!!How they say he was Evil and Knowing what he represented was not evil. He was just Speaking the Truth and they Became Jealous of his Popularity on how Got his Message Across!!!!!
Terry finesse anderson
We need more brothers like Malcolm X
I miss Mike Wallace
Sara Rossborough-Muhammad
Wow she is one lucky girl …to have a father like Malcom, he was an absolute hero and definitely a man of Jannah.
Lytia Brooks
He can barely look at her.
Wow, Denzel bodied that role of Malcolm X!
Shak Nur
Malcolm X autobiography one of the best books I have ever read.
Miss Mattie
If you haven’t read “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” please do. It is a great book.
The man who has been said to have killed brother malcom x lived in newark New Jersey for many years and people knew and said nothing. The man died a few years ago. I wish they post the full 4 hr talk I really would like to see it
Keeps your friends close and your enemies closer! RIP Malcolm X. In the words of Muhammad Ali ‘You showed the world!’
Matthew 10:36 – A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household
He was mocking Malcolm when he showed the picture to his daughter.
Malcolm embodies the true essence of CHANGE, this is why he still is being talked about by many til this Day.. In my eyes he is Immortal, I truly LOVE HIM…..FACTS!!!!💯
B0dyP4rtz_ PS4
Farrakhan was such a con man. He had Malcolm killed and he’s too much of a coward to admit it.
It was a great movie and also very sad, and what I read Mr. X was a great leader and was on his way to leading his people to greatness.. farakkan was a earlier version of Don King, except with a perm
Ali Mohammed
له الرحمة والمغفرة ربنا يسكنها فسيح جنات النعيم
Molly Love
He is right the government did had a hand in it. Malcom X was our history books up to this children still want to be like Malcolm X. I get my strength from watching him. There are a lot of things the government do and some of us just have to leave it so
Kodie Wade
My hero Malcolm X
Kemuel Miller
The interviewer is amazing
Mecca Muhammad
A lot of information has been revealed 20 year after this interview that points more to the government
Ardita Elezi
May God make every piece in their life and every step they take in their life lead them to something that will give their soul composure, optimism, rest, stability and to something that will remain their soul free from negative thoughts and feelings. May God bless them with composure, optimism, tranquility, stability, so much joy: mental, emotional and physical health and stability!
Fred Fells
The Man that actually pulled the trigger lives a very long time and died recently living in New Jersey. Watch the Netflix biography who killed Malcolm X. He didn’t even spend a day in jail
Marnie Marn
Ms Qubilah Shabazz …your faith, strength and grace is truly inspiring and beautiful.
Geoffrey Sam
Damn…you could see the pain in her eyes..
Maalik Islam
Malik Shabbaz (Malcolm X) رحمه الله was a Shaheed (martyr) insha’Allah. He died upon Ahlul Sunnah’s ‘Aqeedah insha’Allah. If he was allowed to convey true Islam after his Hajj, that would have changed america significantly. He was the greatest leader of the African-American people. All Sunni Muslims love and respect him. He even met King Faisal رحمه الله of Saudi Arabia who was himself assassinated.
Lubasi Nalumango
One of the greatest philosophers ever
Tanisha Hudson
Revolutionary to the end time and you will never be Forgotten rest in peace and power My HERO
Delia Abc
it is so obvious he had something to do with it and the fact that he denies it in front of the daughter of the man he had killed is disgusting. he refuses her any kind of closure in the sleaziest and most horrible way
hai le
Not sure why Malcolm X started getting on my feed but found out his daughter whom was six years old when they killed her father in front of her–Poor little girl who’s 5 and can’t imagine that for her. Poor little girl–must’ve been hard growing up. Malcolm X is a good person in nature–a man with morals that these haters can’t stand. @7:15 Malcolm predicted his death—can’t believe I just saw this.
Had Malcolm X, MLK, JFK and RFK been murdered America would not be in the mess of today. These men had the ability and power to heal and unite. Truly a loss for humanity.
Jittyb Senorita
Malcolm X king of kings
When he says hindsight is 20/20 and he wishes Malcolm was alive. He is looking at George Wallce instead of the deceased man’s daughter. He can’t even look at her because he’s lying through his teeth. Malcolm is the realest black man that I know of, you killed the realest black man ever.
Dilithium Crystals
he’s more guilty than OJ
I am new to the history of Malcolm X, and everything I was taught was a lie. He was an amazing leader and his power is needed now.
Farrakhan couldn’t sound less sincere. How anyone can trust him is amazing.
The Legendary Figure that was hated by his own
Silent Sahara
Our brother’s name was Malik Al-Shabaz Al-Hajji. He disassociated himself from the racist and deviant organization and knew it would likely cost him his life. He did the right thing without fear and died a martyr. We remember him for the great man he was when he died, not the man he was before.
Twin2 Wade
The news reporter knew he was lieing he ain’t give him no brakes
Being Pamela Musiimenta
He outshone Elijah Mohammad in some ways? I say “HE OUTSHONE HIM IN ALL WAYS” Who is here in 2021 as tomorrow marks 56 years since Malcolm’s passing.
That gesture when he said he wish malcolm was alive today👊
God Bless brother Malcolm and his wife Betty Shabazz Spirit well the Minister has said his peace to 1 of Malcolm’s daughters.
Paul Harris
Can you imagine if Malcolm X was still alive what greatness he would have accomplished he’s already has greatness but can you imagine how far he would have bought brought black people today his daughter I like you can see it in her eyes you did not believe Farrakhan and if you watch Farrakhan spoke Softly thought about what he was going to say how he was going to say it but the eyes are the window to the soul and you can see there’s still a lot of Deceit and farrakhan’s eyes
David Ferrara
Incredible strong you lady his daughter is!!
Princess M.
I do not trust Farrakhan. Something about him. He has made some good points, I give him that. But I do not trust him.
Farrakhan thinks talking softly like MJ will make him sound innocent and legit. He has guilty written all over his face.
William Riley
And as elijah will be forgotten by time and only known in the circle that still calls him “honorable” … MALCOLM X will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! A shining Prince who’s charisma, words and power still and will always resonate!
What a wonderful journalist 👌👌👏👏
FE Grace
Farrakhan many not have pulled the trigger but his words were just as deadly and piercing! I don’t recall him directly apologizing (which is different than acknowledgment and regret) for his actions (words and writing etc.) during this interview. Man can fool man, but man will never deceive G-d!
Malcom X, my man,,,,we will meet one day,,God willing.
Joshua Edmond
This makes me sad and angry!
No matter what, Malcolm will ALWAYS be bigger! Malcolm was the truest believer!
papa smack your hat
Can we stop focusing on his death and focus on how he lived and what he stood for
Dyson Golf
Powerful upload. Amazing interview.
Carolyn Harris
We love you Brother RIP
Ricardo TheSoloist Boereau
Louis Farrakhan voice is so fake when he speaks, there’s no way I can sit , listen, and follow this man. Nothing but envy & hate in his heart #RIP Malcolm X✊🏾💯
Lanre Ayo
The greatest American of all time! RIP brother Malcom!
Lanaai Sand
legends leave a legacy till the end of time………alh arxam bro malcom.
Efe Adah
Malcolm X was recognised more than Elijah Mohammed
Chris clay
“May have been complicit” is an easy statement from the coward who gave the order and waited nearby to see that it was carried out. Minister Pure Evil couldn’t even look her in the eyes when he addressed her.
Ahmed abu
May Allah grant brother x a high place in jannah. He is one of the greatest american heros no..the greatest American hero to ever live. Insha Allah I will shake his hand in jannah
Cinzia Silicato
When you right music for all to hear, Their is always those who hear a different interpretation sadly.✊
This guy is 100% responsible, how are you gonna pull out a picture of an assasinated malcom x bloody and full of bulletholes in front of his daughter? Then do speeches calling him a traitor and say he deserves death. That guy sounds like an evil serial killer
Robert Buchwald
Interestingly Mike Wallace was picked to interview. Strong interest
Marcy Brown
I’m so sorry for her pain ~
Denise Milfort
What kind of breed of people will Shoot someone in front of his 4 small Children in such a violent way? May God bless you and your family Ms Shabazz, Your father was a gift to us. I Am eternally grateful For everything he has taught me through his book And his teachings. Blessings and thank you!
6000 Boss
Malcolm X was a great man, a great Muslim and muslims all over the world wherever you are no his story and feel for him. He is definitely one of the greatest Muslim figures of the past century.
I’m sorry, I do not know this man personally… But I believe Lion in Sheep’s clothing. This man is VERY intelligent. He is calculating and moves with Percision. To under estimate this man would be a big mistake. To fear him is to know him.
DavidLee Thompson
Thank you 60 Minutes for putting the date in there so good to have information… YouTube Lacks… perspective& Data
Serena Hardy
Everything about him creeps me out, wow soooo evil
tony england
Mr. Shabazz knew His destiny and his message is as important today as it was back then. His daughter is scared of them. Read about one of America’s most important leaders.
He barely looks at her. Is it more important for Wallace to believe him ?
Your Gurl Ferrari
I see and sense a deeper respect, admiration, compassion and genuineness from the white news man Wallace than Farrakhan and I know at the core of Attallah she does too.
Kingdom App
It always amazes me how the people that suffer the most are the most forgiving. He is guilty af.
Miki Kit
when a man speaks like a snake you must not trust him, Malcolm X was speaking from his heart and soul
mr bezo
Malcolm and Khaled Muhammad, only the”really” true black warriors die young
عبد العزيز اسماعيل
May Allah SWT grant him Jannatul-Firdows ❤ 🙏🏿
A shadowy reflection of her great father and my HERO!!!
Tony Foster
Shame on Farrakhan. He was dancing around on them questions. He was right there saying do it to Malcolm and even mentioned it again years later. But it took a lot to show up to that meeting. I couldn’t have done it if I was her. Farrakhan says a lot that I like but this stain he pulled off is hard to get out. Love Malcolm . Malcolm was the true Messiah out of the whole Nation of Islam.
Santino Williams
Sometimes you have to get away and go your own way
Ed McCaffrey
We should remove the minister and replace it with Sinister Farrakhan. There is nothing minister about Louis Farrakhan.
He would have been one of the greatest men alive, but yet he left great and beautiful things behind
Chase P
Amazing the man abusing his power is skipped over by the one who is now the leader
J Jones
I don’t know who killed this Malcolm X but he had too many against him just like Dr. MLK did and that kind evil usually hit its mark. The fools didn’t realize you can’t stop what these great men had planted amongst the people.
CherylJ 64
Malcolm should have won for portraying Malcolm BUT he also should have won for portraying Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter…that was an phenomenal performance.
Carrie Tezeno
Good Bless Morning Everyone Happy Bless Sunday Malcolm X Was One Of The Greatest They Was Worried He Was Going To Tell What Was Going On In The World About The Nation’s Of The The Head Man Mess
Mohamed Farah
He was legend ifhe was alive could help civil rights more than any one else.
Arkese Gaskins
9:39 tells it all. Louis was Heavily involved.
Dean J. Seal
“Black Revolutionary”? No, he was a Muslim Minister, a holy man. He advocated for his people. So maybe that was revolutionary, then and now.
S. Braxton
Ok, I did not know he was at the Newark masque that same night. So he didn’t just help create a hostile environment, he knew who did it from the jump and probably when it was going to go down.
Jackie Adams
Malcolm little…had to support HIMSELF…he was on his own by HIMSELF in the world as a kid he was out doors he was A homeless child and teen who was lost and probably suffering from PTSD he lost both his parents…His family unit was wiped out…Survival is a B.He Became Collateral Damage…I loved Malcolm X…He loved Black People…He Gave his life,,, lifes Designed struggle for us all over The World and Still is till this Day🙃🙃🙃 RIPerfect Peace💜💜💜💜
Abdou Redjem
Salam alikoum your father is a true sincere special leader gifted by God almighty died as a martyr and a principled man in a world full by hypocrites and snakes. Allah yarhamou.
Mack Regis
He played a part in it. Smh 🤦🏾‍♂
Hisoka Morow
Breaks my Heart to see this Con Man alive today and Malcolms Daughter Lost that Wonderful Experience. Another Display of Religious BS. My grandchildren know Who Malcolm X is and Love Him. They never Heard of Louis Farrakhan, rayray ✊✌💓
Denzel did a great job playing Malcolm
Mj Shakar
I have always admired Louis Farrakhan and his ideologies but to learn today that he allegedly had a hand in Malcolm x death will forever change my perception about him
Sad reading these comments after today hearing how the government played a part,, but been knew that, just hate to see all the convinced hatred toward Farrakhan.
Pepper Gut
We know that Farakan knew who killed Malcolm X. I definitely believe that he played a part in that. Nothing went on that he didn’t know about in the Nation of Islam.
james monroe
Michael Hertzman
Mike Wallace will forever be a G
So in essence, it matters not the color of your skin when it comes to leaders and disrupting their way of life and keeping those “less” then him in the dark on how a leader lives his holy life. Imagine how far Malcolm X would’ve taken his people…
Steve JahGuide
I feel there pain by then as children
Paul Ryan
I’m white, and even I like a lot of what Malcom X stood for. I think if Malcom X would have been able to continue a journey of enlightenment within God, he would have met Jesus here. Unfortunately, his ties to Nation of Islam cost him his life. That’s how you know the Nation of Islam is not of God, nor do Muslims even recognize them per a Muslim source. Malcom could have done a lot, he had potential, charisma. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future…Malcom had friends turned enemies.
Toni Ywaya
If you want to know if someone stands for what is right, don’t listen to his words, WATCH THEM and your brain will tell you. But humans wants to listen instead of think. These were just power angry people who preached what is right because of the influence it would get them, not because they wanted the change.
Snake sitting there speaking sweet things. Damn devil!
“Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” This sentence is like a veteran carpenter’s hand skills and a performer who plays both hand instruments, (such as piano and guitar) If the head orders- You have to divide the use of your right hand and left hand separately. It means don’t do it in a symmetrical way. It means not to mix or skip each use. (including all two-handed instruments, farmers, fishermen, soldiers, tailor, hairdressers, boxers, etc.) When you work, when you eat, when you breast-feed your baby. And the structure of the sentence- writing down the thoughts in your head and reading and speaking them are not symmetrical.) Imagine you’re holding a tool. First of all, the right hand- Apply force to the tool and use it at the ‘right’ point. But you don’t use it for the ‘wrong’ point. and then you relax. And the left hand must point to a place where the use of the right hand is better, But if the direction is wrong, you have to fix it. The result of using both hands differently to help each other: The carpenter’s work is intact. The guitarist makes a natural sound. The right hand should not apply force to ‘useless place’ The left hand should not be directed ‘where you don’t know’. ->The carpenter will make a wrong work, The performer will play “dissonance.” There is no one who doesn’t feel dissonance The uncomfortable chair is uncomfortable. Logical Design of Human Intelligence: The power of the right is obtained in the right place, and not in the wrong place. The left’s wish is to head for a better place, but to be honest. It’s ‘different’ and also ‘together’, so it is-‘As one’. This ‘Pureness’ can be seen in your ‘body’ and ‘mind’. You prove it yourself. Also, when there is dirt in your mind, With the “eye” of the truth that we’ve realized, You can see it. I also confess. I looked at the world based on materialism so, Many parts of me were against the truth. Now I can see the shape of our minds. It naturally makes sense why humans, unlike other animals, have been able to achieve the present civilization. The “selfishness” of a human being with the tools of knowledge and information It’s the instinct that no one can deny. It is necessary for the life and satisfaction of individuals and families But the current society has become informative and anonymous. People don’t handle inputs with their own hands on online People don’t have to face the result offline. Everyone is making money and excreting their emotions without having to face each other. It’s full of insensitive antisocial profit-seeking, extreme need for show-off and content addiction. The space that harms others who don’t even know their faces is growing in everyone’s mind. But never get me wrong. Never! It’s not about stopping or not using tools. for a long time, in two pairs of axles: Right leg-left arm// left leg-right arm=X&Ypositioning We’ve been using tools to use both hands separately and together and help each other harmoniously. So we can develop the left and right brains respectively, We’ve reached our present intelligence. Whether or not our own selfishness has stepped on the line can be felt with our own minds. You can manage wisely so that day-to-day developed tools can be used in a beneficial way. If someone’s selfishness is endless, we can stop it together. We can discuss how to become a better society, and the public can easily spread the moment when justice collapses. I hope you wake up. Sooner or later, due to rapid changes in the global environment, All kinds of crises can come. And for a long time, there are people in the world who follow unnatural intelligence. They have a spirit that has become symmetrical with only one axis. (like a bird) If you take after them for the survival of a few, It must be a retrogression of the intelligence and ethics that mankind has achieved. Let’s always check the facts on our own to prepare for a crisis. Let’s not leave our intelligence to any particular person, group, media, religion and scripture, special notions, symbols. If there are reasonable suspicions, let’s take a look and develop our ability to suspect and withhold-judge with diverse knowledge and information. Let’s look into both ‘truth’ and ‘selfishness’ and let the truth control the selfishness. It’s not about being a strict instrument player and scolding a clumsy player. Let’s not criticize and hate each other by using fundamental moral principles. Let’s thank the truth and conscience are breathing in us. If people all around the world join together in ethical and intellectual forces, we can overcome the crisis and move on to the future. Please send this message to the world (regardless of the source) I emphasize again. See the “Truth” from “Self”! (not others) Thank you, everyone.
Monty Montie
He is a liar. You can see it. This man wanted malcom dead
Life By London
Beautiful sister, I hope you read this. I am sorry for your loss. This place we call home now is temporary – your beautiful father and mother are waiting for you and a beautiful light will guide you to them one day. I love you!
Andrews Aninagyei
It’s sad but the truth is that Malcom X made an impact on earth than all his killers and even those behind the scenes of his killing. Goodness will always prevail over evil.
1700 RaH
Wasn’t even the 3 that killed him .. “Shot gun man” never did time for killing Malcolm x he just died recently 2019 look it up
Baltimore Jae
I’m really torn because I am a follower of Malcolm’s teachings but I also enjoy Farrakhan who I believe to be involved with his death.
D Anna Hawkins
one of the oddest moments in my life was when Uncle Mike I was sitting and watching Uncle Mike on 60 Minutes and hearing him talk but behind me sitting in the rocking chair was Uncle Mike sitting there talking only he was talking on TV and he was sitting behind me in the rocking chair talking I think I was only 4 years old and I was trying to put it all together
Bobby boy
He’s lying he need to make peace with the Lord
maureen cora
Heaven is for Heroes, May He R.I.P.
Karen Simmons
The silent GRACE of a daughter!
Kafeel Nazar
Mal colm X was a special man,a clever man peace be upon him. Who ever was responsible may get his or their cumuppence.
Monie Mone
He was in on it! Jealousy is a monster!
Halimah Halima
I guess this guy had a hand in Malcolm X death. Never trust anyone even those close to you.
It’s time we do what we need to do. The enemy comes in all shapes and forms. Time is up!! We Are Ready!!
To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, Louis Farrakhan served with Malcolm X. He knew Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a friend of his. Minister, you’re no Malcolm X.
Stuart Ewoldt
Malcolm seemed like a sincere man. Farakan sounds like a con artist.
I wonder if Ms Shabazz saw the excerpt at 9:33 in this video of Farrakhan in 1994, just six years before this interview. By the look on his face in this 60 Minutes interview, he doesn’t look like he’s telling the truth. I find it interestingly also that Farrakhan also does his best to blame the FBI (or white man) more so than who was really responsible, the NOI. I would like to believe he is remorseful, but I don’t believe him. Yet, I hope that I am wrong.
We always make haste judgements when the Control Media say something!
Doron munair mohinder Wright
Yes Farrakhan knew who killed malcom, but I honestly believe that he had nothing to do with it. Malcom’s daughter kinda have that feeling after he mentioned the feds.
Maurice Gatdula
This was pretty damning of Min Farakkhan. I admire him, but damn this is bothering me.
Praiseworthy Supreme God
Crazy thing is that those same factions of government still exist to this day
“Preaching that the white man is evil” What a representation of Malcolm X’s ideology, totally unbiased.
no heart. no compassion. only ego. unrepentant. a true villain of humanity. we shall ask him and do the opposite.
adel ahmed
Malcolm was a Giant amongst men
SmutnaJules007 rychwalska
“My name was not among those, at that time, who were considered the players”. This was his RESPONSE when asked if he was responsible for Malcolm X’s death. Anyone else who wasn’t would have said: I didn’t do it, and/or, I had nothing to do with his death, period! smh, AND he had a smile on his face when he said it! Looks like ‘a tell’ to me. LIAR.
Suga Raye
i hope she knows how the devil works….and sees through his long poetic answer and fake righteousness. i hope she knows what demons sound like and look like.
Tay Ray
Nobody knows how many lifes this man would have saved, its a shame. God have mercy on those people that had a hand in this.
Spring Washam
Louis Farrakhan is responsible and that is just so sad😭
AAB 777 Barry
Cheryl Nance-Ali
Although they were not a members of the Nation of Islam my parents would go to hear Malcolm when ever they could. They also had records of some of his speeches.
D 1
Betty was so beautiful n well spoken. All the while standing by her man til the very end! We love u Malcolm n Betty Shabazz!!! God bless ur beautiful souls!!!
Thomas Deaton
The body language of Miss Shabazz screams skepticism
The sad truth is, it was his own black people that killed Malcolm, people he loved and trusted, killed him. That’s a damn shame smh
Jessica Benavides
“Those in the circle that……” look Farrakhan just cut the crap and say “I was a jealous, disloyal, Judas.” It takes less effort than lying.
This is what holds me back from believing in farrakhan’s Word
Roy Williams
Another thing I believe Mike Wallace went to his grave with a lot of information on the killing of brother Malcolm X!
Mr Herron
It’s sad Ben X defends this man
Malcolm was WOKE twice, 1 by the white man and the other by the black man who he put his trust in. Its many of days that I think about him and TUPAC in a special way. Many people said I have ways just like them but I just continue to speak from the heart of passion for not only black but human life PERIOD
Jadakiss: Why Denzel had to be crooked before he took it? now I understand what Jadakiss meant… after all these years.
Ja 😆
Even the most powerful leader from a church …I believe you
Ernest in town and Jack in the country
I just finished the great documentary series Who killed Malcolm X? on Netflix and it’s odd that Farrakhan is hardly mentioned. I had no idea his family blamed him for instigating the assassination. Is there a reason for this? Is that theory still current?
Ben Keel
Malcolm X was a cultural icon. As American as a cheeseburger. His death triggered change. It did.
Vaunell Evans
I can wrap my mind around the fact that after all these years Louis Farrakhan won’t admit he had a hand in the killing of Malcolm! Smh
I would love to see Louis Farrakhan take a lie detector test!!! And he has yet to this day,to even agree to do that!!! I wonder why!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 On tha real!!!👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿
Lisa Spikes
I never trusted Farrakhan. There’s something not right about him. And if he did have anything to do with Malcolm’s death, he’s even less in my eyes. Malcolm X was one of the greatest men in history. We missed out on a lot losing him so early. 😢
Christopher Baranet
Farrakhan is a Scientologist. When I was a Scientologist, I used to see him and all of his followers and bodyguards at the Scientology center in Clearwater Fl.
Though the Nation of Islam may have pulled the trigger, I do believe there was a bigger hand involved in this. My guess was some deal was made with Nation of Islam for the life of Malcolm. It never ceases to amaze me how manipulative covert operations are and how they truly excel at being an invisible force.
chuck frost
Watch the Denzel Washington film, “Malcolm X “.The film is accurate for the most part.
Marice Dixion
Malcolm x would be 75 years old if he was still alive
Happy Vegas
Farrakhan gives slime ball energy, he is a tap dancing hypocrite. He’s still jealous and I wonder what happen to Malikah Shabazz ?
Phony Mike Wallace hated Malcolm’s guts. Don’t be fooled thinking that because he covered Malcolm several time’s on his television show that he had love for Malcolm, it’s the complete opposite.
The reason why he was killed is bc most of Americans would have followed his way. He was another level of brilliance, charisma & leadership. Died a Martyr speaking the truth, his time was up in this temporary abode.
Darnell Alexander
What a snake Louis is my blood boils every time I hear him speak he’s fully responsible for Malcolm X dying
L Ariza
This is good journalism. I miss those reporters.
marfelli Guzman
He couldn’t look her in the eyes for more than a second.
Gary Pennyman
I’m so tired it took me 3 hours to watch 60 minutes.
chuck lacey
This guy is the Godfather of trolls he’s been a pro since the 50’s.
Mary Tate Moore
Why would the order to “leave him alone” even necessary if the notion of killing him had not been discussed
United we stand divided we fall
When Malcolm X was talking about division and hating the other camp he was fine, when he changed his mind and heart he became a problem? I used to know a old guy who told me about all of it. Says he was a young man when Malcolm, MLK, Elijah, around.
Mic Dynasty
Mr. F. Is intelligent articulate and motivated. I don’t know him well. He will tell you what he thinks you should know. It’s complicated.
The Ghost
Unfortunately….Louis X definitely was directly or indirectly involved in Malcolm’s demise.
Brian Joyce
It is known who killed Brother Malcom. Are there any in the streets that know, or address it if they did, what that means, and still does to the misled BLM? A complete revamping of position, not perfect, should be on the horizon. The sooner the better, with the rarely spoken, a brother killing a brother, as one of the healing gestures. This church of Islam minister could, and did.WORD PEACE
Karamba Fatty
Where Is the full video or where can I find it?
Jesse H
His legacy lives on. Death, hatred, division, anger and violence. Racism is alive and well.
Godwill Akuphe
That was an intense interview. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife.
Ask McKenzie Friend
Based on Louis Farrakhan’s comments and showing congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard for brother Malcolm X, I would say he is telling the truth.
3 Slick
Mike Wallace be stirring the Pot up in these interviews🍿RIP X
John Nelson
So I used live in Philadelphia… back then one of my sisters operated a daycare… I used to help out from time to time… I recall taking one of the children for a brief walk.. very talkative boy…in our conversation he kept saying that his Grandfather was Malcolm X… I brushed it off..but it intrigued me how this young boy who’s name happened to be Malcolm would even know about Malcolm X I met his mom once or twice…quiet unassuming…she went by the name of Quebee… I think… it wasn’t until after the young man left the center that I found out the truth… The Shabazz family has definitely been through some heat aches… missed opportunity I wish could’ve spoken to Betty to let her know what how inspired I was by her husband.
You can see, when watching Farrakhan speak, where that great character from Everybody Hates Chris – Mr. Omar – was born out of. “Tragic.”
Juan Serrano
That’s what I heard farrakhan say, just saying
Beautiful daughter!
Dre Bishop
They interview you and then dissect the video how they want to dissect it. Editing it so that they can portray the message how they want to portray it, leaving the viewer with a bad perspective of the truth.
John X
I wouldn’t have been able to sit with the man who is responsible for the death of my parent.
John Duerk
The Autobiography of Malcolm X has been in my top five most important books since 1995. To me, it should be required reading in our nation’s high schools. Is Louis Farrakhan deflecting with his references to the FBI’s COINTELPRO? He appears almost uncomfortable in his explanation here.
Wouldbe Assasin
I want the 4 hour unedited tape
My left ear really enjoyed this video
Antony Ogwo
Farrakhan is simply living in denial and yes, the US govt may be involved, that doesnt shift the part Louis played
E P P.
Farrakhan begged for God forgiveness 11:25
2K Gz
If I was at that table that man would be 💀 already. I don’t trust snakes. He looks really responsible for Malcom’s dead. They will always try to get rid of you when you know a lot.
Steve Rangel
Just looking at his body language indicates that he’s guilty the way he’s squirming around guilty guilty guilty
Will Drucker
@6:55..listen carefully…when Farrakhan tries to weasel out of this by blaming someone else, Malcolm’s daughter is overheard saying, “Don’t, Don’t”……watch her body language…she KNEW then and there that Farrakhan had his father killed…
Tauran P
Peace be unto you both*
Pierre Lamarre
I mean listen to this I believe you know who did it I can’t speak on it but what I see and hear he’s guilty on when you are younger you’re mine it’s different when you are older
Malcolm Is The Prophet! Still got love for the NOI!
Dr. Camale D.
Malcolm did nothing wrong by exposing the truth about Elijah Muhammad and his false teachings. Malcolm was a hero!
Lee Smith
He didn’t do it of course but he knows who did it I bet smh 🤦‍♂
The Truth
If he were around today, Malcolm X would probably be a victim of cancel culture by the radical left today and not the role model he should rightly be. Malcolm was a great man with even greater vision.
A b
He’s vile and sly,I’ve heard some of his hateful speeches about Malcolm X,he called for his death,and when he said about the bullet holes in Malcolm chest it’s like he’s rubbing it in, Malcolms daughter knows he was a key antagonist in his death. R.I.P Malcolm X.And please stop calling eachother brother cuz that doesn’t stop the killings of these brothers.much love from England U.K
Malcolm X: surveyed by the FBI, assassinated at the age of 39. MLK: also surveyed by the FBI, assassinated at the age of 39. “Prevent the rise of the black messiah” – J Edgar Hoover (Former head of the FBI)
All the more reason why we must support Dr. Gabriel Audu Oyibo, who is right here in America fighting the battle of hatred and self-hatred.
D.N.A DatNiccAleXXX
It turns out Farrakhan was telling the truth with new information came out that we already knew