You have made it possible for me to see things I may have otherwise never seen. Thanks.
It’s so great to see World Trade Center area has come back and things are looking up again. The old World Trade Center was my subway stop when I lived in NYC. I watched 911 on TV in the West Coast with disbelief and sadness. Thanks to human perseverance, we all get stronger when we overcome disaster and adversity. I salute you, NYC!
I was 20 years old at the time, I was working on a whiskey production line just outside Edinburgh in Scotland, I could see people reacting to something but had no idea what, little did I know it was the twin towers attack. At first I thought it can’t be as bad as people said, anyway I finished out my shift and drove home listening to the radio on the way and when I got home I saw the devastation for the first time. My heart goes out to all Americans on 9/11, I traveled to New York in 2009 and paid my respects in person.
Another sad part of this is we were a lot nicer to each other after the attack and now that’s gone away too. just like the buildings and the people.
I look forward to seeing this after I get home from work tomorrow! I lost a friend that day, he was a firefighter with Rescue 1. Another friend lost all of his co-workers on the 69th floor. it is really painful to think about all of those innocent lives lost. I wanted to visit this being the 2oth Anniversary, but am unable to get away right now, so thank you in advance for making this video, AK!
20 years later and it’s still such a shocking experience, remembering what happened that day. We all remember where we were and what we were doing that day, even us non-Americans. RIP for all the people who lost their lives on that horrible day. May the world never lives another day like this, ever.
People always asked do you remember where u were on that day. I remember exactly where I was. It’s something you just don’t forget. And the sad part was my whole family are firemen so it was really hard on our family. My dad fell into a deep depression loosing a lot of his comrads
I was downtown during both attacks in ’93 and 2001. I will never forget. Thanks for sharing your experience.
AK, Kenneth, your presentation of the event had me with 😢 in my eyes & a lump in my throat. Seriously, your video of the horrific event is the only one I have allowed myself to watch. God Bless you, you deserve an award for this 911 remembrance. How can we initiate a petition to have 911 a Federal Day of Remembrance? It needs to be honored 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Tastefully and respectfully shot and narrated. Had to go pay respects at the memorial pools whilst we were in NYC a couple years ago and found it far more moving than we could have imagined. God bless to all affected both then and since.
In spite of its serious and sad subject, your walk was very enjoyable and informative. For people like me unable to get to New York (disabled) your walks are very valuable, showing us sights and sounds we would never see otherwise. Thank you, and keep up the good work.
Thank you for this walk and sharing your story, AK. It’s still hard to believe this happened 20 years ago. I was a freshman in college at the time, and the campus made an announcement to close early that day. I visited the 911 Memorial and only the North Pool because it was already dark outside. Would like to revisit to see other parts of the area. It’s great to see the completion of the Oculus.
As a Belgian, I love the USA. We still haven’t forgotten that the US liberated our country twice from the Germans/Nazis with a lot of lives lost. 9/11 was one of the worst days of my life, seeing my beloved America being attacked like this. On that day I bought myself an American flag and I still fly it at my house every single day next to my Belgian flag 🇧🇪🇺🇸
It’s been 20 years already when 9/11 happened. What if 9/11 never happen? The old Twin Tower will still be stood, the victims still be alive and I’m still paying respect to those we lost that day. 🧐 I want to do a little tour walk at the One World Trade Center area and experience how the things are looking 20 years now. I’m glad you did this tour walk and thanks for taking along with you 🙂
Thank you for this walk to remember the tragedy 20 years ago.
Eternal memory to all those who died on September 11, 2001, sincerely Vladimir from Russia
The architecture of this building reminds me of the remains or the scaling that sat there chard for days as the recovery commenced! It was the skeleton of what was left over of the WORLD TRADE CENTER! It somehow represents the whole characteristics of these once magnificent grand builings! Very beautiful!
20 years goes by fast. I told my kids it seems not long ago at all. I was 14 when America was attacked. We were not allowed to go to school that day. Thank you to all of the people who helped others that day & after. 🇺🇲
The amount of loss in money, lives, time and even freedoms as a result of that day is too overwhelming and controversial indeed. Looking at recent events of afghanistan, it’s especially painful for the victims of 9/11 and the Americans that paid for it for this 20th anniversary. I hope to see better days. RIP to not only the innocent of 9/11, but the consequences people felt after the fact. Especially our military and the civilians of the middle east.
Living almost a thousand miles from NYC, I never really got a chance to visit the towers. The closest I came was on the 3rd of July, at 1 am on my way to Washington DC for the 4th. I looked up at the towers as I drove by on West Street and thought how great the view must be from on top. And famous last words ….. I thought I’d visit the towers my next trip to New York. And exactly 10 weeks later, the unthinkable. My next trip to NYC was six months after Black Tuesday, in late March or early April. Coming up the New Jersey turnpike from Philadelphia at 2 am, when lower Manhattan cane into view. And reality hit. The gap in the skyline. And the next day. Mr and two buddies walked from downtown Brooklyn down to the WTC. And we saw the damage that still remained. The photos of those were still missing (as if anything would have survived two one million ton buildings collapsing at nearly 100 miles per hour). The dust that still lingered on area streets. And the giant gash down the north face of a neighboring tower to the south as part of the south tower ripped through twenty floors of its neighbor on the way to the ground. But fourteen years later, I finally made it to the top of the new One World Trade Center for the view I was looking for that night in July 14 years earlier. It was both exhilarating and depressing ‘ the view was everything that I thought it might be (even if the skydeck operator seemed to be cashing in at every opportunity). But there was also a realization that on a night similar to the one atop the Freedom Tower, the last visitors viewed NYC from the Twin Towers before the all out carnage of the next day. It still seems to be a haunted place, even with the beautiful memorial of the twin reflecting pools, the memorial inscriptions of the victims, and the rows of trees that have been planted. And the absolutely ethereal effect of the twin columns of light that seemed to reach to infinity over that scene if raw devastation in April 2002. On my visit to the observation deck, I talked to some Port Authority employees who were working in the towers either or immediately prior to September 11. The pain of that day is still very real for these people, just as it seemed for many of the other visitors, some of whom undoubtedly lost family, friends or co-workers on that evil day. And two things I learned about those most connected to that day – they don’t call it 9/11. For them it is September 11, or the 11th of September. And it is not ground zero. It is the site. And it is sacred ground to all who were touched by that unforgettable morning. 102 minutes that we would all like to forget but likely never will. Peace to the victims of a day of terror. Closure for their friends and family who will always live the memories of those 102 minutes, and a hope that a day like this never happens again. Thanks for a great tribute Action Kid. Far better than anything that the politicians will likely give us this Saturday. Keep up the great work. Peace, bro. Marcus J. Byrnes (somewhere outside of Chicago )
I’m french and i was a kid when 9/11 happened. I remember what i felt. I understood that this day gonna change the face of the world. I’ve been in Ground Zero when i was older. This place is so emmotional. All my love and thougts to the families who lost relatives, and to the heroes who gave their life for save others. ❤🇺🇲🇲🇫
The Pear tree survivor made me teary eyed
The New design of the Rail Ferry terminal system is good, however, is not very disabled-friendly.. the ESCALATORS have no stairs for those who prefer to walk down or moving pavements or pods for those who find it hard to walk long distances, especially the wide long corridors. Hope there is are good fire exits too.
I was 18 and didn’t have school that day and was woken up by a call from my Aunt, she asked if I saw what was happening, I turned on the TV and watched the 2nd plane hit the tower. It was crazy to see that while half asleep. I also remember how it was the nicest day out too and how quiet it was outside with everyone blasting the news on their radios. It was crazy to think I was just shopping there on the weekend and was planning to go back to buy a shirt I liked. I can still remember the smell though that stayed around months after. I do agree with ActionKid that this country was actually united right after this happened for the 1st year or so and these days this country is pretty much imploding.
2:50 – Where was I when 9/11 happened. I remember that day. I was 12 years old, lived in Russia with mom, just got home from school around 3 pm (we have -7 hrs difference with NYC), was alone, took some food, I turned on the TV and started watching the sponge bob square pants, suddenly the cartoon interrupted the view of a building that was in smoke and fire, I started switching channels, different channels different angles of the building, not even a word been spoken, just a building engulfed in flames, felt very scary, sometimes someone said something in English, but at that moment I did not speak English at all, I did not understand what was happening, but it felt very serious, I switched the single channel that was not broadcasting the same a picture of a burning building where the Russian TV hosts were talking about the situation in the USA, this is where I realized that it’s happening in New York, then after a while me listening a second plane had just flown into the building, they did not show that, but felt pretty horrific, mostly because no one knew what is going on that they were so calm, it scared the heck out of me, then my mom came home, saw what was happening on TV, and asked me to turn it off, but I wanted to watch the cartoons, she replied that it was not known when it would end, so I should go outside for a walk with friends. I went, and we spoke about what happened to the buildings, some boys were watching cartoons too and when the building on fire came up, they just switched to the VHS movies or turned on gaming consoles to play, no one knew anything about the situation, how to behave or what to do, all we knew that it was serious and scary. Days later, we found out that these buildings had fallen and in all the news they talked about Osama. One of my lady friends who moved to New York a few years prior to 2001 said that the father of her friend died on 9/11, he worked at one of the buildings and she said that she saw her friend’s dad the actual morning of September 11 at his house before school, his truck was stolen and he wasn’t even mad. The same day she found out that he is missing and probably not going to come home again.
Must watch “102 Minutes that Changed America” to get the real feel of what went on that day.
When you talk about remembering those “lighter” days when “we” did not need to think about any threats – it just came to my mind that this was not true for everybody around the world. Not seeing this event in a world-wide context was and is part of the problem…
Wieder einmal ganz wunderschöne Aufnahmen 👍🏻 ich mag deine Filme über / durch New York sehr und gucke sie schon tagelang immer wieder. Es macht viel Spaß dich zu Fuß und auf dem Rad und eScooter durch viele Teile von NY zu begleiten. 👋🏻 Danke dafür …
Thanks AK for doing this. Still an emotional scene after all these years.
It’s heartbreaking that when those people decided to kill living, breathing people, America’s reaction was to begin hurting living, breathing people. We have become just like the enemy; and even worse, toward each other. We need to learn and teach the next generation about consideration and compassion after the trauma of that day. We need to remember that an open mind does not require us to adopt different beliefs. But closed minds are filled with darkness.
As a Canadian with no direct connection to 911, I’ve got to say it impacted me in such a way I’m still trying to put in perspective. My heart aches for anyone with relatives involved with that day.
Another thing, I was 1 month away from turning 15. I was born on October 11th and I remember my birthday, it was marked with a 1 month reminder of what had happened. I still struggle with this because I saw everything live on tv. I was home sick from school.
I remember where I was that day. I was a sophomore in high school. I was in math class. Right before the bell would ring signaling us to go to our next class, our principle came on the intercom and said “there has been an event in New York city. The world trade centers have been hit by a plane.” He urged students and teachers to stay calm. Kids with relatives in the city were holding hands and forming prayer groups in the hallways. Even though it was 20 years ago, it feels like it was just yesterday. It’s still fresh in my mind. Never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice to save lives, fought to keep our freedom safe and the victims. Thank you for this video. I had the chance to visit NYC for the first time in 2017, and I made sure to pay my respects by visiting the two plots where the towers once stood.
This was an great video. You did a fantastic job. Thank you for showcasing it so beautifully & sharing your story with us. We will never forget. ❤️🙏🏻
in 20 years I have managed to, move from home and, have got an education. A job and, a girlfriend. But my heart, is still broken. Miss you uncel jerry, i was only 10 when we lost you.
30:21 the mural there says “coexist” in Chinese. One of my favorite artwork at this time. I was in college in Brooklyn at the time. I was at campus. Had I taken a train later I would be stuck underground for over an hour like my classmate. The burning smell was noticeable across the East River in Brooklyn as I walked down the 3rd Ave toward home in that 3 hour trip because the subways weren’t running. I started having allergies shortly after that event and I strongly associate my new illness with that event… It was a sad day for many people… There’s a memorial at the landing of Staten Island Ferry called Postcard that points at this direction. I have found memorials in parks in upstate as well.
Thanks for doing this AK, we will never forget what happened 20 years ago.
This was amazing, hands down one of the best videos you have ever done. This was somber and respectful of those who were lost and have loss during one of the most horrible moments in American history.
Probably one of the best video I have seen about the region. Really appreciate the upload. Still unbelievable after all this time.
You did a great video, love your candid conversation with us. This video is timeless.
I was at home on Tuesday 09/11/01 on my day off. Not long after the television news media began carrying the story that a large jet crashed into one of the World Trade Towers, my brother called to put on the TV news and follow the story. Not long after that, the 2nd plane hit the other tower. Then it hit me that this was not an accident. In early November I was in The City and we went to the area. I felt sick because in early August we were doing the tourist thing and were on the South Tower on top. Still, after 20 years, it’s rather painful to think that we were in those towers many times before. Thank you very much, Action Kid, for this video.
The Wallace family was there on Sunday. Thanks for sharing your experience. It certainly was an emotional experience for me.
I remember visiting ground zero in 2005. That time it was still a very large whole.
Thanks for doing this, you did a wonderful job sharing the sights around the World Trade Center. Your commentary was spot on, not too much, just enough to identify the sights and offer brief personal observations. I subscribed to your channel and look forward to seeing more of your work. All the best, from San Francisco!
Purely amazing! 20 years ago, so surreal… ActionKid, you really have done it all in this video, absolutely amazing work! The Oculus is a stereotypic vision of what the year 2021 would be like from the year 2001. It’s Space age and reminds me of several Science Fiction movies such as Bicentennial Man in a few scenes, 2001: A Space Odyssey ‘the Irony’ and Star Trek.
Action Kid, thank you for speaking of the ongoing health issues of the first responders and recovery workers, my brother is one of them. Thank God, he has a chronic condition he can live with, 9 of the other NYPD officers who were his friends have died of brain cancer! Many have lung issues and rare cancers from breathing in that debris. So the deaths from 9-11 continue… Thank you for your stream it means so much for those who are unable to visit!
20 years later and it still fresh as a former NYer. My family went to the WTC in August 2001 on a trip to visit family there. I still have the picture we took together on the Observation Deck overlooking the skyline unaware of what would happen a few weeks later. Thanks for the tour. I never visited the WTC Memorial or fountains when I lived in NYC since I was worried I’d get too emoitional.
Thanks for helping us tour this awesome memorial ground, your camera is great HD….I am not even American, but I understand perfectly how this affected your lives. So sad how religion can brainwash humans and turn them into beasts living amongst us!
I’m in absolute awe and amazement!! To have all this infrastructure as gorgeous as it is within 20 years of all that destruction. That’s a definite tourist attraction destination. Way to go New York!! Don’t go to Chicago!This freaking mayor has turned our city into a pit.
Thank you AK for this. It brought back so many emotions that I have never felt and will never forget.
54:05 is probably one of my favorite places I’ve ever stood. The water out front, at the rest of manhattan in the back on a sunny day like that… oh boy it was a blessing to be stood there
The first time i visited the Towers It was on Dec 1984. Always in my heart. Rest In Power all the people that lost their lives !!!
Thank you for doing this extremely difficult video. For those of us who will never have the chance to visit in person, this helps us to remember all the people who died that horrific day.
Thank you Ak for this video and how you spoke about it with hurt in your voice. I totally agree with you on how this world is divided and wished it was when we didn’t have to worry about being attacked. I lost a childhood friend who was a fire fighter that day! R.I.P. to all affected by this horrible tragedy.
Thank you so much for walking through this video. It meant a lot to see this area on such a poignant day. I don’t have ability to walk such distances anymore but I felt I was there with you to look at the beautiful memorial area for the 2001 victims. God bless you.
Spectacular! I love this! So happy to travel with you again. 😁
Thank you, thank you for sharing this difficult but meaningful tour with us! We will never forget of what happened on 11/9 & how sad & painful to all of us that day. 😭
awesome tribute! thanks for share, good for us cannot be there
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I was working at ADT security services. I was a supervisor there I took one of the calls from a business in tower two. So I am crying like a baby watching this video so I can imagine how your feeling.
Can’t believe 20 years passed. A former coworker perished that day, so I always look for his name on the memorial. My downtown coworkers had harrowing stories of how they tried to get home, like jumping in boats or walking for hours to the outer boroughs and walking thru the Holland tunnel to NJ… BTW, this is your best narrated video!
Husband and I were there in Sept 2019 . We also went to the museum. It took us back to the same feelings as the day it happened. We walked away feeling numb and very sad! It changed the whole world!
Thank you for sharing your memories and this tour with us!
Nice exploration only if uncle Dewight can be alive to see some changes.
Thank you for sharing your story and it is truly hard to believe it’s been 20 years.
All those amazing trees and plants around… amazing. Thank you for a walk 🙂 That was really cool. Greetings from Czech Republic 🙂
Thank you for this very thoughtful video. Love from the UK. We’ll always be friends with you wonderful Americans 🙏💓
I remember going down to Union Square in October of 2001 (14th street was the closest you could get to downtown back then) and you could smell…cooked meat throughout the city. I will never forget that smell.
Thanks for the great video AK! 💕 We remember! Never forget! 💐
Hello Action Kid! Jose, from Puerto Rico. It’s been quite a while since I posted here, but I remember that day like if it was yesterday. I came home from a third shift at work, and I was texting to a friend who worked at Federal Express here in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Totally ignorant of what had transpired, I asked her how she was, and she said everything is in a stand-still; nothing to do. I asked: what happened? She answered: don’t you know about the catastrophe in NY? I said what? She said, turn on your TV set. The first image I saw was Tower One crumbling. My jaw dropped; it was so surreal. I was in shock. My brain couldn’t comprehend what I just saw. At first, I thought it was a movie short, but realized it was CNN transmitting. I was glued to the set almost all day. My sleepiness went away, and just realized my mother left to NY on the ninth. I tried to call, but no line was available. I called a cousin in California, and she got through and said my mom was ok. It was a crazy and sad day, my friend.
I remember back when I was 10 (back in 2017 or something) when my family first go to NYC, or just the US in general. I remember walking over to the memorial and was looking at the waters when my dad talks about 9/11. I never paid attention to that, the only thing I heard of was something like “two planes crashed two towers” and “this is the memorial for it” and I seriously freaked out, but I quickly forgot about it after that the only thing I really care about back then was cartoons. around 3 years after that, I heard about 9/11 for the first time, in detail, told by my Geography teacher, it felt… weird seeing a place with your own eyes knowing it was attacked, destroyed years ago, way before I was even born at 10:43 , when you walk over to the memorial, I remember standing at the corner, randomly reading names of the victims, not fully knowing what happened. I haven’t visited NYC in years, but I’ll definitely re-visit the memorial, and pay respect to those who passed away in 9/11, if I had a chance to go there again.
Thank you so much for this video it’s the first time I’m seeing all this.
I’ll never get to NYC again, so to get to see Liberty Park and the memorials meant so much to me. Thank you. This time is difficult but this helped a lot.
This is an emotional video. I don’t think I can watch this to the end.
You did a phenomenal job AK. Thank you. That mall was so beautiful!!! The minute you opened the door and walked in I got it, the scripture about dry bones being called back to life came to mind ( Ezekiel 37:1-14 KJV) Brilliant!!! All I can say is God Bless NYC for preserving this memory to those who lost their lives, and those firemen’s photos 🥲 I think you are one of a kind AK. Your words were very touching through out. Very respectful. Thank you, again.
I was 16 when 9 11 happened. I remember vividly the devastating images on the News. I often think of the poor people who lost their lives that day in the most horrible way imaginable. They remain in my thoughts as do their loved ones. I travelled to New York from Scotland in 2014 specifically to visit the memorial and pay my respects.
May these poor innocent people rest in peace, and may their killers rot in the depths of the abyss for eternity.
I’m in Japan. Thank you for taking this video. I’ve been to NY only once. 20 years have passed, NY is changing steadily, but I will never forget the incident of September 11th. I wish all people peace. Someday I want to visit NY again.
Amazing and great views. Thank you for this tour at LM.NY
Thank you for your time and energy in filming. Watching from Ontario Canada
I lost my uncle due to 9/11, I always go to the wtc complex to sit and remember my uncle and the people who’ve died because of 9/11. I can feel there souls every time and it’s cold but a calm feeling. I also love to see the construction of the wtc complex maybe by the 25th anniversary it will be completed especially with Larry Sliverstein up in age.
Walking through this site brings me back strong moments that I was fortunate to have. I took my grandparents to see these wonderful buildings when they were visiting New York from abroad around in ‘997 – ‘998. I had taken them at the observation deck which was at the South tower (2nd tower) mainly because the North tower (1st tower) had the large antenna which can cause disturbance on any electronics because of the high frequencies it emits. That’s why observation deck was at the south tower… When entering the south tower the elevator went up extremely quick and took like a mere few seconds to reach the top floor. I pretty much felt like an angel that wasn’t able to feel the thrust of those elevators. It felt like a quick smooth lift ascending over a thousand feet and not noticing or feel any of it. As we got onto the top floor they had this presentation of showing the entire city. It was a mini physical model of N.Y.C including all 5 boroughs and parts of New Jersey. There was a light display showing all the skyscrapers in Manhattan including all the bridges connecting to other boroughs, and at last finally projecting the lights to display towards the WTC towers. I really wanted to touch that model of those buildings because it looked so real and fully detailed, but my family held me back because that was illegal and I will get in trouble. After the display, we walked towards a theater. They showed a brief film about the history of these towers and how they were build. Then, finally we went up to the roof. I actually went to visit few times again for other occasions. The other time was when a huge convention was held at the Marriott hotel which was a part of the complex in conjunction between the towers. It was a 2-3 day convention and during those days whenever I left the auditorium of that hotel I started touring around the lobby of the towers. They had these secret stairs around the lobby I always like to climb around. At last, the very last time I got to see the buildings up close was at the beginning of September year 2000. My aunt had a marriage ceremony at my neighborhood. After the party, we had a limousine to tour around the city. At first it was Rocefeller, Times Square, and then finally the limousine went downtown and parked at the lobby entrance of the 1st tower of W.T.C.. We got out of the limousine and they had to take pictures of us for my aunt’s photoshoot. As they were taking pictures l looked up behind me and there lies the very large North tower. As I looked up the north tower it seemed like there was a smoke coming out from the roof. It was a purple smoke mainly because it was nighttime. That’s why it was purple… It turned out that it wasn’t smoke coming from the roof as I was stepping away to take a better look, but it turned out to be a small cumulus cloud positioned exactly on top of the north tower and possibly thousands of feet higher than the tower making it seemed to look like that there was smoke coming out of that tower. That was pretty much my last memorable moment by physically visiting these towers up close. Just knowing that exactly one year later something would happen to cause these towers not to be around anymore. It was very impossible to fathom at that moment until the reality kicked in. I went back to the city on Thanksgiving of ‘001. Saw the parade and for the first time I had seen many people in this strange and confused mood… A lot of high rises and buildings in the city pretty much looked different. A lot of windows were open to vent even the larger skyscrapers’ windows were opened. After the parade, as I went to downtown the train had to skip a bunch of stops in downtown. The train stopped at Rector street. As I got out, I headed towards the site I used to visit. There were many barricades and detours. It rerouted towards the Westside highway… As I approached the Westside highway I turned on over my right and there was this scene. On the left side of the scene was the World Financial Centers 3 of them looking pretty dusty. On the right side were the black buildings possibly the bank and extra office, or hotel buildings. Then, finally looking straight in the middle was what seemed to look like a brown metallic skin just lingering about 12-13 stories high nothing inside just that skin and pretty much dangling as I was seeing from behind the barricade on the Westside highway. Just to know and being aware that the brown metallic skin was that same structure I had just visited last year for my Aunts wedding photoshoot, then before touring its lobby while I was at its hotel for the convention, and also had taken my grandparents at the top of its roof pretty much turned into this?. The reality starts kicking in…
thank you for showing the area and refreshing my memories of a friend who was aboard of one of the planes that crash one of the towers……….thank you from australia…
Thank you for doing this. And thank you for panning slowly it really gives you a feel for being there. Seeing all the photos of the Firemen was tough. Oh my goodness, so many. I appreciate your thorough narration throughout.
Thank you for sharing. It was a very difficult time. Twenty years ago seems like yesterday.
Just wanted to say ‘Thanks’ again for making and posting this video.
Thank you for filming this, it feels that I’m right there behind the camera with you!
Thanks for such heartfelt coverage. To honor the victims I gave up smoking, have not had any since.. We have not evolved. Not very many people are out it seems.
I wanted to come back home to NYC for this 20th anniversary but couldn’t unfortunately. Thank you for doing this 🙏🏼
Thank you for doing a walk-around. I have never been to NYC. I was driving a farm truck in a corn field in Idaho at the time. I listened to the radio all day that day. No music. All news of the event. I hope we can unite again the way we did. But right now, I see no hope for it.
Thank you for walking around and sharing your story with us. Its such a peaceful video to watch. Thanks
Thank you for this video AK, it’s very nice of you to show this shopping center. I must visit this place when I visit NYC
Thank you for a great job giving us a walking tour of the WTC. I appreciate you posting of the memorial. The old and new. I don’t live in NY anymore. So I didn’t pay attention to the rebuilding of the WTC.
Thank you for the video. I got a feeling that I am stepping there. All those trees are beautifully maintained.
Thank you for making this video. Society will never be as it once was. Innocence lost. God bless us all …
I remember watching on tv while my grandma was getting me ready for school. I was only five years old but for some reason I remember that moment till this day.
Greetings from down under Melbourne Australia 🇦🇺 I thoroughly enjoyed this video I was moved with compassion seeing the freedom tower aka the one world trade centre and the memorial just everything was so touching heartfelt and moving thank you 🥰
I was in my 8th grade language arts class and the teacher came in and talked to us about what happened. We watched it on TV and I just remember the feeling of everything was so different. I was sad and heartbroken for everyone that lost their lives that day.
Looks amazing but I can’t help thinking what happened there 20 years ago still breaks my heart to this day
Thanks a lot for making this video and allowing us to see all this from our respective houses. Much appreciated
Thank you so much for showing us the pear tree ( 20.26) !! In my language: Afrikaans.. you will say” kannie dood!” In English you might say: indestructible!
September 7th my birthday! Thank you for taking us on the tour!
Thank you so much for sharing. Most of us will never see past our small towns . Our world is truly beautiful. Im so shocked at things I never knew existed.
Thank you so much for making and publishing this video. You’re easy to listen to and I appreciate all the information you provided as I learned quite a bit. Unfortunately I will most likely never be able to travel to NYC and see the WTC and these areas, so your video allowed me to “be there” and see the sights. Thank you. 💐
Thanks for the video AK. Every year around this time I get caught up in watching 9/11 stuff, and yours didn’t disappoint. But I have one big question… where are all the people? At times it feels like a total ghost town. I know when you were in the mall you said a lot of stores were unoccupied, but there weren’t many people even at the memorials, or outside the Freedom tower. I’m assuming it was a weekend. Of course Covid would have something to do with it, Nice walk 🙂
Hi Kenneth! Good vibes ever!
I respect you Not going on the 11th AK that way there’s as much room as possible for families and friends closest of the victims to be at the memorial. It’s all our day to morn but we don’t have to be right there.
I always get really sad when I go there. It is like they took a part of my heart.
I was 13 as well, in Chicago. We were in home room waiting to get the school day started when one of our teachers ran into the room to tell our home room teacher to turn on the TV, and did so just in time to see the 2nd plane hit the tower. The TVs in the classroom have no sound, and the teachers were panicking but didn’t clarify to the students that what we were looking at wasn’t happening in Chicago. Pure panic, and over the next hour, parents were pulling their kids out of school. My parents couldn’t get my siblings and I, so we waiting in the same room, watching a silent TV until they came. 20 years later…it’s crazy. 🙁 God bless the people we lost that day.
Nice documentary.A thought for all those missing persons ❤️
Thanks for this video, my family and I had the pleasure of visiting this location in September 2019 not long before the world closed down. Visiting New York from another country, we found the scale of the city amazing to behold. Visiting the location where the Twin Towers once stood and that I had only seen on TV and in movies was such a surreal experience and the an amazingly respectful place. Watching your video and seeing places that my family and I had also walked and some places that we missed has only made me long for that moment when we will hopefully return to New York again, some day in the future and adventure some more. One of the greatest forms of respect that we felt that given that we noticed while looking around the memorial pools were the white roses. The fact that a single white rose is placed on each persons name that is inscribed on that memorial on there birthday every year from now and for eternity, is truly heart warming.
Thank you for sharing your 9-11 experience with us. Yes, hard to believe it’s been 20 years. I, too remember where is was and also feeling confused. Take care.
I live in Denmark. I never forget 9/11. Remember the plane fly right into the building. Saw it live on TV. It was crazy. RIP 💚💚💚
Beautiful work. Thank you for this video.
I’m so very sorry that you have had to endure this 😭😭😭 I’ve often thought about the children like yourself . I’ve thought about how many children came home to a empty house and were frighted for their parents that worked in the WTC. May God comfort you and give you strength and peace 🕊️🙏 Gentle hug’s from California
Your film is on just as beautiful a day as 9/11/2001. Haven’t been there myself; so this gave me a very good feel for how it is today. Enjoyed your narrative also. God Bless.
Thank you for this video AK and God bless the families of those who died on 9/11/2001, and let’s not forget the 6 persons who died back in February 1993.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
The firefighters engraved memorial is beautiful
Love from Chicago. Hoping to visit NYC someday. I’ve always said if I could go to one place in the U.S., it’d be NYC.
The first thought that went through my head when I saw the live images on tv was: That´s it, the 3rdWorld War begins. My stomach turned upside down. Thank god that didn´t happend. In the 90ies I have visited New York three times. I was in a Tower(can´t remember wich one it was) downstairs and have buyed me some papaya capsules in a drug store(strange). I was never on the visitor platform because I found it was a bit too expensive compare to the Empire State Buildung. But I have shot some beautiful pictures from the ground, from the ship and from the ESB. It´s hard to imagine that some people at this time are in the buildings who some years later died in the most horrific way. Every time I look at the photos I think about that. R.I.P all innocent people who lost their lifes.
September 10, 2001 and September 12, 2001 were literally different worlds.
Great work bro @ActionKid , I really enjoy your videos as someone who loves New York as a travel destination. Keep up your great content ! 🙌🏾💯🙏🏾💥
hello and best regards from Berlin, Germany😃 for my tenth birthday on September 3rd, 1999 I was on the obversitory deck in the world trade center, I think it was in/on the south tower. maybe i should visit nyc for the second time in the near future. is really amazing what has been rebuilt where the old WTC was before.
Excellent video! Thank you for allowing me to see Manhattan, after having been raised in NYC and left 40 yrs ago! May God bless you and thank God for making it possible for me to enjoy this trip!!! On 09/11, I was working in Lares, PR for USDA, when we heard the news on the radio we rushed to the Conference Room where we watched on the TV all that was happening, I remember leaving the room and going to the restroom to cry!!!
Thanks for sharing . I learned so much about new York. S .C stands with you.
Viewing your video from the West Coast mecca of homelessness and pooh c capital 💩of the world. What amazes me most is the distinct lack of homeless on any street you toured, including the parks. It makes me want to pack my bag tonight and move to NYC, obviously cleaner and with obvious self-respect.
Thank you so much for this video much ❤️🇺🇸🗽love and respect to you from the 🇬🇧
Oh my goodness this is a beautiful video and tour. I remember very clearly where I was, in the UK coming secondary school (high school). I was only 12 years and my friends were so frightened. Honestly couldn’t believe what had happened and I remember seeing the news with the plane’s flying into the WTC. Just to think how scare the passengers were
I visited in July 2018, and I can see some changes in that time in your video. The Oculus looks amazing, we used it most days travelling from NJ to NYC. Would love to revisit next year. Living in the UK, we are unable to travel to America right now. Thanks for sharing.
My favourite city. Seeing this spot a few years ago was special to see in how they memorialised it. I was in university in Australia when this happened and turned off the TV/went to sleep just before the first plane hit. Didn’t see or hear anything until the next morning when our relatives in NY/NJ called us to tell us what was happening. It seemed so surreal even from over here. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks for such a great video – I had coffee once at the top of one of the towers. I was always fascinated by them. The day they fell…. OMG was absolutely so shocking. You’re right – it was a pivotal moment in history. For once at that point, Americans were all united. Don’t forget, Bush had said at that time… any country that harbors terrorists will be considered to be a terrorist country – which is why we ultimately were in Afghan. Dosn’t excuse the following 20 years, but important to remember what it was like immediately after 911
I’m Aussie and I was up late watching the TV when it was interrupted with breaking news about a plane accident. I was 17. I will never forget staying up watching the rest of it unfold. I went to ground zero in 2011 and went to the temporary museum. It was heart wrenching.
Thank you for this video!!I’ve always wanted to see how is the place right now..I hope be able to visit it someday!I was 17 years old back then.
26:02 what a kind moment 🙂
I was 18 at that time. I still remember that day in every detail as if it was yesterday. I was at a friends house and her mom turned on the TV and we all saw the WTC burning. I eminently left and run home to call my birth mom home in Manhattan to make sure she’s ok. That’s a day we all will never forget.
Sad memory. Still remember that day. Respect and peace to all affected. Never again.
too sad, no words…a tragedy to remember
I also remember being confused on what was going on that day as a kid. Crazy how time has passed so quickly. I don’t have personal connections (as in family or friends who worked there), but it’s still an emotional anniversary on one of the darkest days in American history. Seeing the memorial in person made me somber but also put me in awe of how strong and resilient the people of this city are. I especially loved what they did at St. Paul’s Cathedral which is miraculously still standing to honor the brave heroes (firefighters, police) who sacrificed their lives to save others.
I love it the water 💦 is tears of sadness and hope
Never seen what they did as a memorial garden. So nice to see a walk around for all who lost there lifes. Nice video
Great Content Champ 👍
I remember that day very well too, extremely sad, shocking and I will never forget 💔
God bless you young man this is a great video God be with you. Amen
Thank you for sharing this! The whole world was shocked by the Desaster of 9/11. It’ s good for my soul to see this place in your Video in a peaceful new design. Now i can swap the old pictures in my head. By the memorial waterfalls i breathe the fresh air visually. Nice Greetings from Germany, Munic😄
First of all…Thank you AK for sharing your story and taking us along with you on this emotional walk 🙏 I can’t believe twenty years have passed. Feels like it was yesterday, being a 16 year old and coming home from school (i’m in the Netherlands so we have a time difference) and seeing the utter devastation unfolding on television. God bless all who lost their lives and all who have to live with the loss of their loved ones…🇺🇸
AK go back and look, that squirrel was following the rules!! 😂
Thank You for sharing 🇺🇸
I remember flying by ground zero on my way to Virginia Beach to be stationed at NAS Oceana Master Jet Base. I think everyone on my flight was just still stunned and quiet almost like we all had a moment of silence for what happened a few weeks before. I was pregnant as well and was first scheduled to fly to Virginia Beach a few days after 9/11. My command being completely understanding gave me a week more before I left. They also never charged me leave and were so truly understanding. My prayers go out to those who lost a loved one, friend or mere acquaintances. May we remember their stories and the accounts of true bravery and courage in the face of such utter devastation. The victims will continue to live on and remind us that in a split second the world changed. RIP to those who perished. Never forget
I remember September 11th very vividly. I was a senior in high school and I had just turned 17 years old two days before. I was in English class and our teacher wheeled in the tv and we saw the second plane hit the second building. It is still very shocking and very sad 20 years later.
Beautiful building never saw it that close up .God bless the families and friends in New York City . 🙏🕊️🇺🇸🎼
The mall / subway building looks so much like the collapsed towers it’s shocking, riffing of the death of thousands!
I still remember and can’t watch any thing about it on the anniversary. Once was enough. The World Changed on that day, even the way tv shows we have.
I was there during the labor day weekend. AMAZING
Was actually there on September 7th, so I think you might see me somewhere in this video. I was only 3 years old when 9/11 happened. My dad had a doctor’s appointment that day. He immediately ran back home when he saw the second plane hit.
Sending my love to the American people,20 years have gone so fast.David from cheshire England.
Thanks for the informative video!
Great video, thank you ActionKid🇺🇸
Thank you for your efforts Ser. Sad very sad.
I remember that day too. I was a high schooler at home eating my cereal when I tuned into nbc and saw it. Remember waking my dad to watch the news and he end up yelling at me because I woke him up.
I want to roller skate around there . Everything looks so smooth.
Awesome video man…everything you said was true..I was 17 at the never forget that day the scenes were absolutely unbelievable to see on tv…regards from Dublin Ireland ☘
Quite surprised the comments section is quite tolerant here. Usually I’d see a lot of trolls on 9/11 stuff. But anyways, it was a tragic event that took the lives of many innocent people, destroyed billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, caused Islamophobia across the world, and started a war over weapons of mass destruction, which were never even found.
I was skipping school & got home 1 hour early than I normally would to find my mum sobbing watching it all unfold on the TV my mum explained & at 15 it was the first time I felt numb. My self & my mum sat & watched everything crying. Were in the Highlands of Scotland & it affected us also 😢 😞 . Love to all Americans today your in our hearts & thoughts ❤ 🇺🇲🗽💔
For me and my fresh wife, 2001 was seems to be a happy year.. We have just married and couple months after, this has happened.. World has turned ups side down in one day… Great video.
I’m in U.K. so the dreadful attack happened about 2:30 pm our time i was 20 (sister and I both still living at home) arriving home from my college course and the minute I walked in my sister yelled from upstairs to come see the tv I remember just watching as the second plane hit. My sister said this is actually happening literally right now it was horrible literally watching open mouthed. 😦. So sad 😞
Thank you, for sharing your video. I can’t believe it’s 20 years since that horrible tragedy happened. I’ve never had the chance to visit the Twin Towers. I would probably visit New York but I won’t visit any site related to the tragedy. It’s really painful.
Thank you so much for sharing all of that with us, i relate with a lot of things that you said….
Great video. Thank you! I can’t get over how empty it looks. Where are all of the people?
I’m an Aussie and should I ever want to go and visit New York I feel really prepared. Thanks for the upload really interesting and engaging.
😞😞😞 I was a teaching my Grade 2 class in Canada when this happened. We had an announcement from the principal to say prayers. Our world changed that day. Thoughts to all who perished.
Thank you for this video my friend. I was the window cleaner at the original WTC from 1990 till 2001 lost so many co workers and friends that day and don’t have it in me to go to the area. This is as close to I can ever get and just wanted to say Thank You brother!!!!
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I was at work when my boss called me to come and watch the news. I was horrified when I’ve seen the jet crushed into the Twin Towers, I thought it lost control. I’m so sorry for NYC and all the victims that lost their lives on this horrible day of 911. ActionKid, I can hear the sadness in you voice as you speech of that horrendous day. As a Canadian and have been in NYC, I really like the design of 911 Memorial Park, it’s done in good taste! World Trade Center reminds me of a bird 37:22. Thank you for this wonderful video and sharing your thoughts of the 20th Anniversary of September 11, you did an outstanding job.👍😀
I wish events like these could be avoided, elude all the unfair suffering they leave behind. May they all rest in peace.
That squirrel is a rebel. Clearly the sign says, “Please keep off. Thank you.”
Thank you ActionKid it was a beautiful video and greatly explain every spot of lower Manhattan to the World Trade Center love it’s so beautiful and clean 20 years go by so fast incredible so fast in the memory of the twin’s tower, god, bless New Yorkers so strongly all the time. I miss so much the big apple. Houston. Tx ..
I’m not from NYC, but when I went in 2009. I did not want to go to ground zero at that time. Too emotional. I now feel it will still be very emotional for me. But I want to go for the experience and pay my respects as well.
Love this video and im glad you started by telling us all where you was at that tragic event, it was interesting to to know you was 13 years old at the time, we are roughly the same age, bet it was a bad experience knowing you was dismissed from school that day, but it was interesting to know, Seems to be something always going on when your filiming like people arguing etc lol
Great video. Thanks for sharing. RIP to all those lost.
Watching from Sydney Australia. I remember late on the evening of 11th early the 12th I was watching a movie and it came up as a news flash that a light plane had hit the trade centre in New York. I changed to the news channel and watched in disbelief for hours. A sad day for New York, America and the world. RIP 🙏
My wife and I (from Ulm, Germany) were @ Madison Square Park, when the tragedy happened. It still hurts much, when remembering every year on this day.
I remember watching the attaks live from germany back then. It was allready afternoon at my timezone. I came home from school, made me something to eat. Then the News came up … saw the secon plane hitting the second tower in realtime and everything what happend after that Moment. i use to fly over to NYC every 3-4 years and offcourse this place is a must be, every time. Nice to see, what they made of it
I was probably 5 or 6 when this happened but omg I still remember this day.. doesn’t feel like its been 20 years. I remember going home from school early that day too.
I was working at NYU. It was the morning and I was in Washington Square Park talking to a co-worker on the way to work. We saw a red ball along WTC, we said what is that! We thought it was a movie. We ran to work and my boyfriend called saying get out of NYC! The last PATH Train passed me by at 9th Street, so I walked all the way home from my office to NJ…. long sad story…
It so great to arouse our Memories to The Event sone 20 years ago. Bitter sweet experience. All the Way In Trinidad and Tobago to look at this was so Painful and full of Anxiety . The Next year I visited to pay my Respects to all those that lost thier Lives. Actionkid thank you wonderful video. You walked us through a lot. Beautiful Vid. Keeping Memories Alive.TY.
I was 15 when this happened and was about take a quiz in social studies then history was about to reveal
I am viewing this video you made, muted, as I listen to the reading of the names ceremony today on tv 9/11/2021. Thank you Actionkid for your kindness and generosity in making this and the videos you make. Fan from central Indiana.
I was in hospital recovering from a stroke at the time of 9/11 and I’d just woken up from a 3 day coma my partner at the time had switched the tv on and I saw the planes hit I thought I was watching a movie I’m lucky to have survived a stroke as so many people died on the day I woke up my heart goes out to all the families who lost loved ones in this terrible act of mass murder god bless you all and God bless America
Great video always wanted to visit there. Thank you for being my guide.
Wow I can’t believe how Big it is inside. Thanks for uploading
Shoutout to the time I was freaking out because my cousins attended school nearby the WTC and my dad refused to let me know they were okay till I cleaned my room. Can’t wait till you’re gone, pops.
New subscriber: I’m from NYC. I moved to Texas in 2007. Didn’t have a chance to visit the area after the rebuild completion. Thank you so much for sharing this. 👍🏽
New York looks stunning
Very enjoyable walk. Have a great day!
Thanks for the Video. I still know exactly what i did when the WTC got attacked. It’s so sad what happened to the World. I watched Breaking News until after Midnight
I happened up on ur video & am very glad I did! I’d LOVE to b able to go to NYC sometime, but that won’t ever b possible. Ty so much for videoing all the areas & explaining what buildings r, the sculpture, some other history. The views r gorgeous! Thx for the tours! I really enjoyed it! I’d love to see the Memorial Museum in it’s entirety. I’ve seen vids, but they only show bit & pieces.
This tragedy always brings tears to my eyes. Poor people, poor families. Sending love to all Americans from Croatia. Love New York
I remember that day more than I remember yesterday
I was 13 years old too. I live in Australia and my mother came into my room and told me about it which I didn’t understand as I didn’t know what the WTC was. RIP to everyone who lost their lives on this disastrous day
❤️ Thank You for this video. ❤️
I enjoy your vedio with sad memories. Looks like I visit this place. Gods bless you and thanks alot.
The world changed so much since that day,i was in high school at the time,i could see the smoke all the way in Woodhaven at the time,up to today i can’t bring myself to go around there.Too emotional.
Those trees have grown up so healthy.
I was watching the CBS Morning news in South Dakota. As a Veteran when I saw the second plane strike on live TV I knew we were at war! I just didn’t know who we were at war with at the time. Thank you for this video. Is there any video tours of the 9/11 Museum that we can watch online?
2001 : It was afternoon (Germany) and i saw it live on CNN and german news channels. I can’t beleave it’s already 20 years ago 🤔
Awesome video, and all the info in it. Thanks for sharing. Job well done!!
I remember this happen 20 year ago! I was 14 This day was really really sad!
I can tell you exactly what I was doing that morning 🌄 😭💔 I’ll never forget that day 😭 ….
i think having a memorial for an empty building that fell down would take away from the twin towers where so many people died. Also rebuilding the twin towers as they were may not make sense today…I love the new single tower that is more modern and the two waterfall pools are an incredible memorial.
Thank you for the very wonderful of the new World Trade area, north and south tower pools, other World Trade Buildings, locations, parks, firehouse, Oculus Mall, New Jersey Transit, Yachts, different types of Eateries and stores inside the Oculus Mall It was a very interesting tour and you are an excellent tour guide. Must say, it is much too much walking for me. Thank God for my cell phone. Endless Blessings to you and your family. Linda Beth Lawson, ♥️🌷🌹🥰🥰🥂🥂🙏🙏
Never forget tower 7! The truth must come out soon.
Thanks for the awesome tour.
Thank you so much.Great video.
I remember my school had a huge number of kids with parents who worked in finance in nyc . it was like a collective nervous breakdown in the school. Every student who had a parent working in NYC was freaking out. I remember the first odd thing were the news choppers flying from all directions toward the city. It was a relief to hear my mom was evacuated from her office and was on her way to take me home.
This was your best video ever
God knows what happened on that day and in the end we will probably all be shocked by the truth when it finally comes out. My father was a FF and went to academy with some of those hero’s and had nightmares for quite a long time after that day. God Bless the families of all who died that day and may all R.I.P
God bless America 🇺🇸🙏 And it’s people ❤
Thanks for letting me see the place where my heart was broken 20 years ago. I was in Wellington and my former husband from New Jersey…was … almost fell down from the steps inside the house…because the radio in the kitchen said the news… We need to be united more than ever…and be grateful for everything we have around us. A big hug from New Zealand… lockdown for the Covid.. To day is the 16-9-2021 From Auckland my best wishes
Well Done AK…It would be interesting how people who work @ The New WTC feel about working there.
I was flying when it happened. Got landed in Memphis, had to make my way back to Kansas City.
Many thanks for the video, really nicely narrated and you didn’t rush to show everything. I don’t live in America, but I went in about 1999 and went up the WTC. I don’t remember it too well, but I do remember being at school in the UK and finding out what had happened (I was 15). It’s amazing to see the site now, it’s been redeveloped so well. A beautiful fitting memorial to all the people that lost their lives in the most horrific of ways. Appreciate the video!
Id probably cry once i get to visit that place. Watching 9/11 things is depressing Prayers to all remembering their lost loved ones
Thank U for video…never yet visited this memorial
I think America has done a really good job of rebuilding the area and in particular the memorial to the towers in the old footings of the old towers
I was born and have been raised in Australia. I distinctly remember being 6 years old at primary school and I knew something horrible had happened based on it spreading like wildfire throughout the entire school, predominately among the teachers. I didn’t comprehend all of it, but I was an incredibly precious girl and understood most of it. I was incredibly sad and felt awful watching the imagery on TV when I got home. I just watched a documentary of it and was surprised how much I’d actually suppressed or forgotten as it were. I cried. ❤️🤍💙
We will never forget. Thanks for the video
I was in NY when it happened, just under 3 years old so I was too little to remember what it was like. I didn’t even know it happened in NY during my time so I was always surprised to hear about 9/11. All I knew was that I was in my home in Yonkers when it happened.
Thank you for this walk and sharing your story 🇺🇸 9/11
God Bless from Germany to 🇱🇷
I was 15 in high school when the event happened. I found out around 9 or 10 in the morning right after it happened because I walked to my next class and walked in and it was on the class TV up on the wall (every room at our HS had a little black box TV for watching things for class), it was happening live on TV and every kid and teacher in class was silent trying to figure out what was happening. We watched the second plane hit the tower in real time and it was pretty surreal, it wasn’t long after that everyone was dismissed from class to go home and the rest of that day was pure insanity.
Thanks for this video. A special video, you can say. Thanks. 
R.I.P. from Germany 🙏
Didn’t expect you to make this Video, but glad that you did. I’m definitely in The “Too Young to Remember” Club.
I was there in NY cIty to help a friend of mine who was finishing a very important event for Quebec artists throughout the fall in NYC… One of those events organized by states to attract people in their land. We were among the very few people in NYC who didn’t see any of the planes hit the Twins.. but dawn, we heard the explosions from six to seven streets corners from the WTC..but never guessing the two planes coming into the WTC..Not by a chance… We though silly ideas and when a lady came by telling us that we won’t go to the WTC and telling us the event was cancelled…we though she was joking… But no, she wasn’t joking. We were supposed to be at the WTC, around 8:45 am in order to expect an important group of individuals to start the event with a concert with les Violons du Roy and other artists. As you imagine, we never did go to the WTC. Les Violons du Roy stated in NYC and offered the first concert freely to NY citizens.
Wish we were United like that day !
Thank you Action kid great video that’s so sad terrible 20 years has went by fast. That makes you emotional how the WTC was attacked caused so much chaos. Always love Canada and Israel be loyal to Canada.
I was there at the WTC one year ‘before’ the tragedy. Had ‘The Best’ hot dog ever at a vendor in the plaza. Then I was there one year ‘after ‘ the tragedy…Unbelievable!…the surrounding buildings were still so damaged. This pain was felt by All of us. I will Never forget.
Thank you for sharing. I was only 7.5 years old back in September 2001 when it happened. I wasn’t in America when the tragedy came to unfold and I am neither an American citizen. Yet, everything on that day on September 11th didn’t pass me by. I still vividly remember the huge global outpouring of grief and support. From every corner of the globe. It wasn’t just an attack on America, American citizens and American symbols … but an attack on Humanity. The very core of our being, when we saw the very worst of human nature. But that is why it is so important to never forget … for that on September 11th and the days following we also showed the very best of human nature. With regards to all those brave FDNY Firemen and other emergency personnel going up the stairs and trying to rescue some 18.000 people who were in the towers when it happened at the time. Not to forget, the recovery workers trying to save lower Manhattan for as much as they could. A whole nation and world was moved. It’s nice to see that today, 20x years later, there is life breathing at Ground Zero again. It is no longer a huge pit and that it’s buzzing again with business, commerce and tourism etc. I haven’t been to NYC since June/July 1997, when the mighty Twin Towers were still standing. But it’s definitely on the top of my list to visit the site when I do come there and pay my respect, including to Firehouse Ten. Wanting to see everything with my own eyes, like the beautiful new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church or One WTC that both seem very impressive. I also hope that the unity, love and support on 9/12 and the days following is something that last and never will be forgotten. Neither the spirit and greatness behind the Twin Towers e.g. why they were built and why they were attacked. For that this story of beauty, tragedy and hope will live through the ages.
Thanks for the tour, Man. From Manila
I was only 16 when that day of when 9/11 happened. I remember watching the news and watching those horrific scenes of the first plane hitting the tower. I was in total shock and in disbelief. It was my first day of starting college and I remember thinking to myself my life has just started (new year in college) and those poor people lives have ended. It was very tragic. Unbelievable. God bless all of the victims of 9/11. Thank you for posting this. I just came across this video and subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to watching more of your content! 🙂 <3 All the best! Jenny from the UK.
Quality of your camera is amazing!
Good video. Do you know what the story is with construction on Two World Trade Centre? Where in the complex was it planned to be built?
The tree behind the sign at 30:00 is actually a descendant of the tree outside the Anne Frank House.
The most surreal place I have ever been to. Gave me massive chills, never felt anything like it.
AK! Well spoken, outstanding video. On that morning 9/11 I was home alone, just finish breakfast and where in front of the TV drinking coffee. I started screaming in horror and than the phone started ringing, it was my son at work. My friend where a 20 yr active duty medic in the Navy, as days pass he told me that his squadron received orders to leave for Iraq. United States was going to war. Whoever responsible for this had to pay. Well Done My Friend. Action Kid Thank U. From Ms. Lady in Jacksonville, Florida
At the end of the day we are all one race,the human race. When I woke on morning of 911 and seen my dad watching it on the news,I immediately thought it was a scene from a film
I was 18. woke up to go to work at 830am turned on the news for background, made my tea, and thought I was witnessing the worst film set accident of all time. It was horrifyingly surreal. For me life has been put in two categories for America: life before the towers fell and after.
May God bless all families and friends of our Service men and women, who lost their lives in the last 20 years serving America. 🇺🇸❤
yes very tragic moments we were inflight for Fedex from Tampa to La Guardia when we got the call to land immediately knowing what happened so we landed in Coastal regional airport NC and did not move for 3 days. Yes it did’nt change the wolrd for the best. The way things are going in this country it is bound to happen again. The memorials are very elegant, classy and inspire respect.
People jumping out of the buildings, was scary and sad to watch. Rest in peace to the victims. Never forget.
I was a young woman recovering from surgery on 09/11/2001, I couldn’t believe my eyes or what I was seeing. The world has certainly changed for the worst since then, we are very divided. God Bless us all, we are still one country.
Never forget!🇺🇸
I’m so thankful that you made this video. The picture is crisp and spectacular. I was able to go to the memorial and museum a couple years ago, but not able to spend time in the plaza, 1 WTC and really take it all in. I’m heartbroken that I’ll probably never get to go back with all the crazy going on in the world. I was 22 in 2001. I’m older, hopefully wiser. I hear that kindredness when you wish for simpler, more innocent, unified days. God help us all.
‘I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s – it was like – we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment’ – Pompeo
I was in New York summer og 2001 visiting my grandmother. This was also my first time exploring new york city by myself. I wanted to go to the top of the world trade center when i got there, but didn’t because the line was so long. I thought I’ll go some other time it’s not like the building was going anywhere. 2 months later the tower fell. Just go to show when you got a chance to do something do it. You will never know if you get another chance.
Hi from South Africa. Thanks for sharing and showing us around. Would of been nice to see the old WTC 7 spot. (Then and now). Like you say. Nothing is mentioned about it. Which is still a mistory. One day it will be revealed. Regards
i think its great to see this. no need to reference things that make anybody feel awkward. wtc seven
Thanks dude, It”s hard for me too, Joined the infantry in 2002 and lost a few friends along the way in afghanistan… I can’t believe I’m getting old, I’m going to hug everyone today 🙂
thank you for sharing, amazing
I was 18 and in college living in New York at the time, I worked at a coffee shop that gave me a perfect view of the World Trade Center, when I was working, the first plane flew above my shop and went straight for the North tower which was up ahead, and I saw the first plane hit. Soon, I saw the next plane hit the South Tower. It’s shocking to know that its been 20 years already, seemed like it was yesterday.
Thank u for showing and recording this video. It’s a side of New York I haven’t seen, very interesting. Some people may not be able to get to go to New York so again thank u
I remember that day I was just about to go start technical college I was walking out the door an my dad had CNN on. He had said the second plane had hit I was just so shocked I had spent my summer out there and then this happened. I was taking travel agency for my course I love to travel, but unfortunately that didn’t pan out for me I tried getting a job at like hotels the airport agencies. I believe most of the people that were in my class ended up doing something else. They didn’t get jobs as well my class was full of women it was just me an an older gentleman named Jim. He didn’t finish the course I was just 18 the youngest student an I believe Jim was the oldest student.
They should have just called the new one the freedom tower like they were going to
From british citizen. Beautuful video dude. I remember where i was on that horrible day here in England. I was 29 turning 30 month later. The towers were finally completed in the year of my birth 1971. I’ll never forget the images being broadcasted via CNN sky news. 67 british lost their lives. Hope to visit NYC when i can afford it. God bless America.
One morning remembered for 20 years.Shouldn’t forget.Never forget.
What stabilizer do you use?
Be proud because you making this video shows a lot of life and renewal since the terrible day. You showed me a lot of beauty that otherwise I’d never seen or knew existed! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I was there a couple of times and I wanted to be there again, this year. But we’re still not allowed to enter the US (from Germany). Great tribute, Ken.
Great video my friend!
Do you have one where you go into the Freedom Tower?
Yo son, you should definitely look up the definition of “fondly”
I was living on 14th Street between avenue B and C…I have trouble with the whole thing..I left NYC not too long after this and came back to the UK. I still find it difficult to talk about to this day
You got out of school late. I’m shocked that at 2pm they dismissed you. I was in Chicago at the time and they dismissed me earlier because we went into evacuation and lockdown mode. I’ll say school ended abruptly. I was 8 but what I saw on the TV was unreal. In 2018 I got the chance to go to NYC and the 9/11 museum. Everyone needs to make a trip there.
May I ask what camera you used to film this?
20 years! Wow I feel old!
I am sure right there at the same time you were recording one or a few person’s were there visiting a loved one that passed because they were missing them and we’re wetting all those flash backs also wow it’s just so crazy and sad RIP TO ALL THE SOULS LOST 💙💔
Nice video. thanks! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Wow you were 13 I was 45 in 01. I am (was) a NYr I was born in Queens and raised out on long Island. I appreciate and respect your feelings about the Attack on us. I was really amazed how well done your video is and if you removed your pain and direct remembrances of this day 20 years ago I can see your video being used as a tourist video its that well done. I did not frequent Manhattan when I was younger other mostly to enjoy a NY Rangers game at the Garden. It is amazing how cleaned up the area is and wow two malls attached is something to see. You called it looking like bones and I saw it as spines on a fish there is a modern day awesome architecture. Lol I never knew what PATH stood for TY. I actually learned a lot from your video! I watched this video first thing this morning (9.12.2021) and will watch it again tonight! I will also watch other of your videos! Take your sorrow your well placed somber thoughts of what you remembered of that day as a 13 year old and use it to teach and help others never forget! Of course I knew of the memorial pool never knew there was a north and a south one just one. Do you know if the pools reflect the size of the footprint of the fallen towers? I was at work at a PC Store were we Built, Repaired and trained the use of PCs. I had a radio and then a new flash. If you remember the 100 times you heard of the impact of a plane made it sound like it was a two seat lil plane but when I went home after all the days events I saw the first images and kind of said to myself how did they at first think it was a small plane when the whole and profile was near as wide as the building plus a small plane would not have penetrated the WTC it would mostly have bounced off it! I remember when they said on the radio South Tower had collapsed I did not believe it as no way can the towers have fallen over like a downed tree. Can you just imagine how many hurt and killed had it went down like that! Oh yes you said we are now in a world of germs buddy really its a world of Viruses! It is said that since the day after 9.11.2001 a person has died each approximate 2.5 days to the disease breathing in Asbestos burning of Building materials and Human body parts! So this event is responsible for far more! Add to that over 25k persons injured! My Brother in-law at that time owned a Office Supplies business. He took his entire staff to the Restaurant, Windows on the World. This was the late night of 9.10.2001! As it happens when the waitress that served my Brother in-law’s party got home late and was to open the restaurant the morning of 9.11.2001. Her Grandmother shut her Grand Daughter’s alarm clock and well that saved her life! As you pass the mall (Fish spines 🙂 early in the video what is the building an a severe angle (7:05)? Is this the 911 Museum as I thought that was in the basement floors of 1WTC Be well remain safe!
I remember visiting the world trade center site in New York. Just big empty lots with fencing all around the site. Just a sad sight to see. All the people who lost their lives that day and the families left behind to mourn them. Just a reminder that life is fleeting and to treasure each day you wake up.
I always say 2011 by accident, the different is it was mother nature that was trying to kill us in 2011. Lol. I agree, we can’t say the world actually changed for the better in even a single way i think, because it just always somehow leads to something else devastating. We are forced to find the possible bright side of the situation.
Thank’s for sharing and caring you travel alot and never disappoint I was gettimg ready for work watching GOOD MORNING AMERICA When I saw this happening I’m from California never heard about the twins until happened I felt terrible for the human loss of life for everyone involved stay safe thank you for this video
The shopping is looking much more as a cathedral, to me…but just my thoughts
A 13 year old in high school? You’re very smart, homeboy.
Given that I was overseas I don’t remember hearing about 9/11 around that time even though I do remember 2001 quite well given that I was 9 to 10 years old that year.
I was pregnant at the time and in shock . The world stood still for me
Wow so amazing very much better ….
I’m from HK and I was 20 when 911 attacked. I felt scared and unbelievable in my eyes when I was watching on our local TV NEWS. And now I saw it the memories of 911, many pictures are still being in my heart, upset, horrible, and sad…May God bless America and all. Thank you you made this video because I have not been there.😌
Imagine being able to teleport back to sep 11 2001 and telling security at the airport that in a few minutes some terrorist will hop in those planes and they get stoped! 😲
God bless the beautiful people of new york💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸we stand together has a nation❤from south dakota
I was born in sept 27 1996 and I was 5 years old heading to school in the Bronx when this happened. I remember my mom picking me up from school an hour after she dropped me off since her job said they can have a early of day due to the attack
I was 51 years old and working at the VA in West Haven Connecticut.
Even with the towers are gone…those buildings standing around yet are a close witness of this tragedy.Could still feel the sadness even so many years had past.Bad people just got caught us off guard.Hope we learn from this event and lets all reunite to protect our country.
Thank you for sharing Sir
My late friend who was a travel agent said when you travel, do not book a room higher than the 4th floor. Pass it on.That is all I have to say. Cheers.
Good Thursday Afternoon AK I Was Just Starting My Security Career And I Was Working @ A Office Building IAM From Brooklyn New York I Felt So Sad For Everybody They Are In My Heart & Prayers Much Love Always Ms British Gray From Tampa Florida Blessings
I´m from Chile, and I know I will never be able to get over 9-11 attacks on WTC. …lived the whole thing from here. I was ten years then, and I was to travel to NY to visit the towers cus it was one of my dreams to do so. …it still is, and it will forever be, an unforgettable trauma and wound in my soul. My heart goes to all those who lived it in person, and even more so, to those who lost someone that day.
I was in the USA during years 1995, 1996, 2000, 2014 for 2 years and I had seen WTCs from Empire State Building in 1995. My 2 women cousins had drunk teas and coffees ,had eaten pastries at the top of WTC Coffee Shop in year 1996 while they had studied Mba Finance at Turkey Central Bank in Boston and Brandeis Universities. My radiologist German Gymnasium alumni from Istanbul, Munich University Radiology Alumni cousin had visited NY , lower Manhattan during 2000 while getting his docent and profship from Missouri State University St Louis 6 years time. My bachelor only management alumni woman cousin had visited NY while working as CFO at Procter and Gamble Cincinatti General Maragement dealing with east Asia and Asean region for 4 years in USA during 2006
Thank you AK..
We’re giving those who did this 20 million a day and they’re flying in without visas, and more, INSANE!!
am Egyptian and i still remember the day i saw it on the news and i was just a child just sitting in front of the tv soooo sad
You are soo right AK!! It shouldn’t be divided. We have to try to unite one another! Hope I make it to NYC one day WTC is a sleek design, I want to go to the top! thx for sharing
Great video, thank you for sharing. No one perished in the 7WTC collapse but the head of security died when he rushed over to help in the other towers. 😔 I used to work in 7WTC but the company moved a mere 6 months before 9/11. I shudder to think what could’ve happened to us had we stayed. I also lost about a dozen former colleagues that worked in the North tower. Still can’t bring myself to visit the museum. 😥 God bless us all.
I responded to Sept 11 from upstate NY with a friend on an ambulance squad. The experience was one of the most traumatic of my life and I hadn’t been back to NYC since I had left, after having had helped at ground zero for three days. This year I went down for the first time in the 20 years and I sooooo missed Manhattan. I had to sit and cry a long time before I built up enough courage to actually walk up to the reflecting pools; it was incredibly hard. After that I saw how the area had been rebuilt and was amazed at it’s beautiful and the level of thought put into everything. Simple amazing, thank you for sharing your experience.
I remember I was in California starting 9 the grade in high school and first I heard it in the radio then seen it in tv I can’t lie when I got to see the videos I had night mares I cried I can’t believe it was really happening I though it was just a night mare it still scary and hurtful
Thankyou very much
Nice video and sound.Would you say what camera used?
I’m 77, so of course I remember 9/11. No matter how long I live, I will NEVER FORGET that day!! I’m also a Vietnam War Veteran, so I know exactly how our troops feel leaving Afghanistan the way they did.
You are a wonderful, dignified human being, AK Ken. Thank you for sharing your intelligence, curiosity, and emotion. Finding you on YT has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. You are treasured… by myself… and, clearly…. thousands of others. Please continue to be safe and keep up the excellent work. Bless you and Thank you. ❤️
awesome narrative.
The sky looked exactly like it did on that day 20 years ago. We will not forget 9-11-2001
I gotta go back to New York and see the freedom tower it wasn’t finished when I went my 2nd time gonna go a 3th time and see all of this ill go for my 40th
Jersey City has a legit skyline.
I’m older and probably more “aware” of some things, but the anthrax scare came right after this.
A lot of people forget that the site was a whole neighborhood before it was demolished to make way for the WTC.
I actually went there!
I remember watching it on tv in the uk thought world war 3 was starting
World’s most expensive graveyard
I agree with you that the Towers should of been built up again, but am glad that loved ones can come and see their loved ones names as if they would ever forget.
🗽”Bro. you don’t mind if I share this to my Media Pages?(FB or IG)..’I’m your fan/Subscriber, More Power & GBU”!🗽
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing👍
Awesome vid!
Normally with me being a southerner I wouldn’t go up north to New York but I am planning a trip to the big apple to visit the World Trade Center to pay my respect to those who lost their lives on that day. RIP
Yes Life has changed for every one . It only seems like it happend 15 secs ago .So many deaths that should not have been
I like the graffiti of the beer garden.
Flight 93 was Hyjacked folks started talking they knew their lives were ending! so they took back the plane and landed away from any town or a home . they are our heroes . that plane was headed for the White House
I was 11 years old when it happened everyone was so shocked 😲
Remove my comment if appropriate Trusting everyone knows the truth as to what happened that day. Greed, power and control
I have never seen NYC. The tour the great
Today is September 11, 2021. 20 years after the tragedy took place. My dad worked on Windows On The World. He was working there when the towers hit. I was currently in school that day, and we all gathered in the gym to see the tragedy unfold. It took second for me to realize that my dad was working there. I was so shocked, and really worried for him. It was like my biggest fears were coming true. And when the North Tower Collapsed, I knew he was dead. When I got home, my mom told me that he jumped, and that he was no more. I was so sad, I spent hours crying for him, and didn’t return to school for a week. We will never forget the day when the tragedy unfolded, September 11, 2001. the tragedy really changed the world forever, and we will always “God Bless America”.
And what a life on Planet earth!
Hopefully at some point, I can get up to New York and see the World Trade Center. Hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since that terrible day.
building 7 was part of the twin towers. It was the counter weight/balance!
😓💔🥀 🇺🇸 Remember and never forget 9/11/01!! 🇺🇸🥀💔😓
There’s no memorial for 7WTC for the same reason that there aren’t any for 3/4/5/6WTC.
The new building is nice but it’s not those iconic towers.
Yes its a sad day but what makes us all angry was the failure of the security which failed the country on that day !!
Beautiful New York, will go there one day.. Thank you for the video 🙏🏽❤️
My high school was just a few blocks from the WTC, but I was already in college by then.
I’d be scared to go in any of those buildings. Just saying.
Good morning All 🙏
We will never forget.
Great Video. I want to wake up one morning and find out that my portfolio is $1,000,000 . I know it’s possible
We ll never forget
What are they building next to the one wtc?
47:42 the most amount of escalators ever seen next to each other. Also, why is it running on the left side? They should always run on the right side as it is in a right hand drive country
I was born and raised in Toronto but despite being Canadian I still remember everything about that day… I was 11 and found out when I had gone home for lunch and seen the attacks on tv, couldn’t believe what was happening. Our school didn’t announce anything to anyone until around the end of the day when they sent everyone home with news letters for our parents. And you are right life before 2001 was a much simpler time, and today the worlds a sad and complicated place compared to back then.
I was also 13 years old when this happend. Very sad day.
The problem I have with theSeptember 11.2001 attac is ,why was there no defence.Why was knowone able to reconize the incoming threat in time so they would had been able to avoid it.?
I did electrical work in the transit hub back in 2014
I visited this area in New York City June of 2021!
I was 11 years old when the events of 9/11/01 took place. Here in the UK it was between 1:46pm & 2:10pm. It was my second day of senior school (high school) and one of the teachers (I can’t remember which lesson) had told us students that something devastating had happened in America. We didn’t know which. 3pm is home time, I get home walk into the living room and I thought my family and a few neighbours were watching a film. Then my dad said “No. This is happening right now in New York.” I was only 11 but I distinctly remember thinking that the world was forever changed that day.
Still the happenings that accure .Huge monements of steel or beton and other factors ,to overcover the happening ,instead of giving recoery and heeling prozesses a chance,like developenting forces like forgiveness and development.
I remember it like it was yesterday .We were just sitting down to have breakfast I’m from New Zealand and then the News bulletin came across The TV the first Tower had already been hit and smoke was billowing out of the building very high up and then all of a sudden the 2nd Tower gets hit and there’s a massive fire 🔥 ball and that’s when we all jumped out of our seats as we first thought this was a terrible accident but we all screamed out and said this ain’t no accident New York is being attacked dam we were all crying we had to remove the children from the room as we saw innocent people falling from the towers we were devastated and crying uncontrollably we could feel from that moment when the president came to ground zero that America was going to hunt these evil people to the ends of the earth and we were all for it I love the American people I have many friends who are from the U.S and they are wonderful I pay my respects to all who passed away on that sad day along with the families who lost loved ones May God bless the United states of America you are all in our hearts and minds take care friends ☮️🙏 Amen
“Science,” as they call it?!!?
Thank you!
Hay Action Kid I was 33 and working on Water Street on 9-11-2001 was those real palm trees inside.
Nice. Went there in 2003 it was still a big hole then. Got laser glass souvenir.
Fast asleep here on the Left Coast only to be awakened by a phone call from “Back East”, “Turn on the TV! The World Trade Center got blown up!”. I couldn’t go in to work that day. 🗽
Thank-you for sharing you did and awesome work, good job keep up the good work ,god bless 🙌
Very well said actionkid. I’m a lot older than you, and you are right, we had problems before September 11th, during the 70s and 80s but all we really worried about was just going out and dancing and having fun. The world changed forever on September 11th. I was with two dear friends of mine house hunting who lived in Manhattan when we heard about the attacks from my family who lived in Upstate New York, where I used to live. We all spent the next 24 hours together in deep sadness and shock, we didn’t want to be alone because we knew the world had changed forever. My best and oldest friend was there yesterday the same time you were so I’m hoping to see him in this video. I’m halfway through. Anyway, excellent job is always really like your content.
my children come home for lunch told me dad turn on tv I was very shocked what happen there. our world has changed
Damn that’s another tall building and one that could be a target ag for terrorists
Very sad too see all the lives that were loss!!!!!
Indeed that is where in cosmoses many in human life believe will be the second of our lives as we all try hard to live, learn and understand this short time gift of life. God bless.
That true life 🧬🧬 had changed so must 9 11 People was so close to each other’s it free like we are their again covi 19 is like that feeling we fell then so many life 🧬🧬🧬 that we or other lost life 🧬🧬🧬💖 is point only God now way love 💖😘💝💕
Friend, Building 7 was the Marriott Hotel and was destroyed by the collapse of the other two buildings. A lot of people, including firefighters, died in the Marriott.
20th Anniversary Of September 11 : Walking Welcome To The World Trade Center Grounds In September 2021
And the whole World still think it was an Attack instead an Autoattack.
I was also 13,when this happen. Be positive world is better now. You live in this beautiful city, why you are still worried. I don’t know.
Why do you believe that it would’ve been better if the towers were rebuilt? Would it be like some memorial towers?
When that terrible tragedy happen I was working in one of those buildings that’s in the back not the very close ones and my wife was working very close by J&R music world and she was 8 months pregnant with our first daughter it was a very scary day may all the people who died keep on resting in peace I was 25 now I am 45 time flys
Are they building another twin tower?
That was so devastating so horrible when everything happened like that it made you upset I don’t blame you.
I was just seven years old and I remember. My dad was picking me up from a child teater and said something about airplanes and Villains. Then we come home and I saw I burning WTC at television. My brother told me what happend. I was ju seven but I understand. So long time ago.
Bet most people remember exactly where they were when that horrific day happened. I was in class getting my Travel Tourism certification……it is as clear in my mind today as it was 20 years ago! Without a doubt the most shocking day I will probably ever see in my lifetime, hopefully. The shocking choice that those innocent souls had to face, either burning to death or jumping ………footage of people having to end their lives by throwing themselves out the burning buildings will forever be something that won’t ever be forgotten,
1:42 nice, NYC people fighting. What else is new? Oh did you guys ever clean up that shit fest that ensued after you defunded the police?
Am from Trinidad and Tobago and i I remember being at work on the upper floor show room with a client and seeing the first plan hiting the World Trade Centre and we we lamenting that “movies are made to look so realistic” then the NBC news caster came on saying that NY has been attacked and then the other towr as hit along with the Pentigon in DC. My fiance at the time just minutes before droped of a friend at the train station heading to long island. He lots 2 members of his family in that attack, Fire officer from emgin 1 and his nice a officer stationed in DC. I visited thee memorial for the follen. So sad and the world is worse off.
i was 9 yo and not even from NY nor USA in general. I’m italian and remember that as a little child every single channel on tv broadcasted live everything that was happening since the first mintues of the tragic event. Still today i feel the shock i had just knowing what was happening to the USA , to all the innocent people… felt like my parents were there. the western world changed forever.
A nice fluffy video..
Who noticed the Ryder Truck 🚚 and what images come to mind in connection with terrorism?
Biblically speaking who is Saint Nicholas ?
do you need a passport to go into nj
Pairs well with yakkity sax
Are they building 2 world trade? I just saw construction work being done.
20 years indeed because my son is 20 years old now.
Y sí, era muy joven
are you using 4 k camera looks really so nice ?
Thank you
Hmmm… interesting observation there is no mention in the park of building 7.
Those pool foot prints. Are supposed to be the exact foot prints of the towers. Seem small actually to me. I never see them in person or the towns Always wanted to. But I always thought they were bigger in foot print.
The world has not recovered from 9/11 .. we were much more united spiritually in the 90’s …
Yes those towers should have been put back exactly how they were but with better security measures💯
Why they not rebuild the Twin Towers? For me it was the symbol of NY
Ahora mismo me digo a misma…. Porqué no morí yo, allí? Porqué no me tocó????
I was 13 and was taking care my little brother sister mom dad was on work… It ws 17:10 in Holland and watching cnn or bbc world… 😔
Its called the Freedom Tower, by the way are you old enough?
you were just young. There has always been a threat. World is divided and the country is divided. i’ve learned to hate back.
This time they should put at least hundreds of parachute in the top floors of the new world trade Centre, I’m just saying.
I was 22, newly married, new baby, living on a Marine Corps base with my husband. Overnight, the entire town became a ghost down. Everything shut down. No one allowed on or off. We lost a lot of friends over a few years. The ones who did come home were changed forever. They were all so young. My daughters age, today.
Thank u
I remember it well l miss the twin towers. I’m a health care worker & my kids was in school. Close 2 the world trade center. I loss family members & l’m still ill from the World trade.
The true division is the jab in the and jabbed, kind of funny how that building looks like a big needle and I could go on but I won’t sorry for all the lives lost that day unnecessarily thank you to all the first responders and heroes and people who helped
Very painful time Sept 11 2001 😢😢😭
those two big pools seem odd to me, one nice fountain and a plaza for sitting would have been good enough or even better, what a waste of space, 911 memorial sucks
I can understand that this will be a very difficult video that you had to make,, but you did a great job telling viewers your personal testimonials of thatg day and afterwards! I lived through it too, after dropping my kids off at school in Ontario, Canada, when I heard about one plane hitting the North WTC and then the south tower too being hit by another plane! It was very hard to live through that considering my brother’s family lived there and my sister was there visiting. My sister and her daughter had gone up the WTC on the Monday to eat at the restaurant and on the Tuesday, it had gone down! My parents were even going down there that next weekend too… So that is my story, but I was at home and saw all of it unfolding on the tv….I had friends who had just returned from NYC too…..
I cannot understand why people were told not to leave the building, some stayed for an hour! WTF. God Bless America x
building 7 was an inside job
I was about in my late twenties or 30 yrs old. I had 2 children not far from the airport Bradenton and etc in FL.
I agree with you about the twin towers being rebuilt. One WTC is a beautiful building but hasn’t got the presence or charisma of the old WTC. The twin towers could have been rebuilt utilizing modern technology to make them stronger.
Тот, кто видит этот комментарий: УДАЧИ ЕМУ И ВСЕЙ ЕГО СЕМЬЕ!
Jamais oublier ! Ne plus permettre qu un tel malheur arrive jamais . Le temps passe, d autres generations vivent et visitent les endroits ou des gens ont perdu leur vie. C est douloureux mais il faut respecter le travail et les efforts pour construir des batiments et des jardins merveilleux sur les lieux du desastre. Merci pour nous avoir montre ces endroits. Amities !
20 years after the 9/11 tower want down by to airplanes the was sad to see people die, proud to said the i would be honoring those hoers in my own way, god blessed those who lost a love on when the happens.
Visited NYC in 2005..and Visited Ground Zero as it was then , we walked in total silence while paying our respects. Will definitely go back , the memorial garden is truly a fitting tribute to everyone involved on that awful tragic day . Much love from S Wales UK 🏴 ❤
Are the pools exactly where the WTC buildings were standig?
What frightens me most about stuff like 9/11 is that such an event will probably happen again somewhere, somewhen and we can’t know when and where. It could happen tomorrow or in 10 years from now.
I thought this was live because it said premiering but it was prerecorded a couple of days ago(?) I’m confused.
I felt sad to all American people of 9/11 incident, unbelievable! the world trade center got attack from terrorist for 20 years, at that time ,the world got lots of impact from it, the twins tower still is in my memory , it’s as the icon’s one of NYC! R I P.😔❤️🗽
what is in a name. those victims’ name are stamped on the pool? do we mean the memorial to be a recollection or dynamic repetition as Whitman used to recommend….
Very nice.
Welcome back trade center
Thay should update those subway station thay are too old. What about handicap parking and elevators. When you try to rent a shopping space in a mall or shopping center it’s very high. Thank you for sharing and caring 😀
Started in 1968 , ended in 2001 33 years of major planning and 2 empty buildings pre wired for demolition!
Crazy man at beginning of video
I was only 2 when 9/11 happened. But my mom was driving me to day care when she heard about it happen. After she dropped me off, she rushed home and watched it on the news. It wasn’t until I was in the 6th grade (age 11-12) that I actually learned what 9/11 was. In 2017 I was able to visit and pay my respects. I cried when I went through the museum and it took me 2 hours. I know more about 9/11 than any of my friends and all i have to say is: if you know someone that was near or in the buildings and lost them, I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry for your loss. And my heart goes out to you. I know the pain of losing someone suddenly, and it is awful. We will NEVER forget this day.
I’m also 13yrs old when world trade center attack happens. Sad day’s 😔
ActionKid Do you know what happened to the building WTC6? Did you see video?
Hi Kenneth … I am Peter, living in a small town Genk in Belgium, Europe. We watch your very nice video about “Ground Zero” you made 2 days ago. Congrats !!! And thanks for showing us around. You have a very steady hand. In 1989 I was in New York and visited the Twin Towers. And in the year 2000 we went to L.A. and Arizona. We love the US. Our hearts and thoughts are with the many victims of 9/11 today. For the rest … keep up with the good job of making excellent video’s !!! Many greetings from us.
It’s a memorial for the LIVES we lost on 9/11 not COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS that we lost.
20 years later and as a canadian i will never forget this day this is the day usa begged canada for support and as a good allie we supported but 20 years later when covid pandemic hits and canada needed your support usa told us to f off this will be the day and reason if i become leader of canada canada drops allies with usa next time let them all fall
You bring up WTC 7, but every building with a WTC named with destroyed. No other building was completely destroyed except the Greek Orthodox Church
💖🌹From. New Zealand
I was 13 too in 2001
Hello AK, I have a question for you if you don’t mind. Looking at the locations of the memorial pools…is that the actual location where the towers stood ?. Such a terrible day filled with horror. Sending my love to you and all of NYC, god bless you all and I pray you never face anything like that again .
Was this flooded when the storm Ida hit?
You are 33 years old, how old are your kids?
Nato members must wish to construct and open up world trade centers like those in Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Mersin cities and let companies give similar wages to employees of those companies in that area like in NY lower Manhattan District’s skyscraper workers wages.
Where’s the 2ed tower
Good video unfortunately 😕 I think one world trade center good usa got be careful again should stay away from building high towers 👍
Make no mistake – we are divided because the LEFT seeks power by dividing us. The best thing we can do is stand strong, love one another, always speak up for freedom, and only care about the content of each others’ characters. Don’t let the marxists that have temporarily taken over this country win – STAND STRONG FREE AMERICANS!
Respect to all the Firefighters, the first responders and all those people who have to deal with having lost their loved ones. We all have the feeling that everything changed after 9/11. In fact nothing changed. This world is still a mad place, even worse. No easy time for Ladies or Gentlemen. Todd Beamer from flight 93 said “Let’s roll”. We all should take his famous line to our hearts and make this world a better place. Whatever we give from our heart, how we communicate, how we respectful we are with people around us, can make a difference. Let’s not lose hope, Ladies and Gentlemen. Against all odds: “Let’s roll!”
at 12:00 you say you have a family video showing the twin towers still standing. what is the title of the video? I am at your youtube channel and don’t see or know what to look for to find it. you have a lot of videos and i have not seen one dated 20 years ago.
How you’re school didn’t tell y’all what happened I live in dc and they let us out rite wen it happened and told us
Because you were only thirteen years old the memories you have are going to be very unreliable. They’re mostly going to be memories of how the adults around you were handling it. I was only 13 when John Kennedy got shot. My memories of that weekend are all of the hysteria of the adults. Listening to them you would think the world as we knew It was ending. Like no president had ever been shot before. On Sunday when Oswald got shot on live TV my sister went berserk. She ran around the house screaming and screaming and screaming. It wasn’t until much later that I could deal with what happened on an adult level. I was a kid did not know how to react so I took all my cues from the adults around me. Somebody being shot was no big deal to me because I saw people being shot every day on TV. But the adults around me we’re going crazy so I probably went crazy too..
AK I don’t think they should have built that back those two towers and most people don’t want that. They want that memorial to honor and pay respects to their loved ones. The only thing to do is for the USA to make sure nothing like this or the first bombing that occurred happens again. Sadly I don’t think we have learned anything and afraid something like this will occur again.
I feel bad for the kids today that will never understand what it was like to live in a pre-9/11 world. That day killed the innocence of America. Since then it’s been a never ending cycle of war, terrorism, mass shooting, political division, class divide, misinformation, and corruption. Believe it or not, these weren’t things that were always on the forefront of our mind. I was a 13-year-old in my 8th grade English class in rural Michigan. Our class watched live as the second tower fell. I remember it like it was yesterday. The world I fell asleep in that night was completely different than the world I woke up in earlier that day. Never forgotten.
when will the twin tower be built? then New York would be the same again. and you show strength.
its a shame they put a shopping center into it…
Que Centro comercial más impersonal y frío han echo ahí , no me gusta.
There reason there is no mention of Building 7 is because the memorials are for the buildings, they are for the people who died in the buildings. The footprint of the buildings for the pools aren’t because the buildings fell, but because people died there when they did. Those pools are their grave sites. Very nice video though. I was there in 2019, before the worldwide bug and spent the afternoon.
Those are scary
Was hoping to see the 5 WTC and 2 WTC sites.
You was 13 years old in high school in algebra class?
I was for 20 years in Manhattan holyday and good im not Inside world Trade im this time
It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years. Like everyone else, I have a vivid 911 memory as well. But mine goes back to about 10 days before, on Labor Day weekend 2001… I can’t remember if it was September 2nd or the 3rd. But I believe it was Sunday, September 2nd. My older brother and I were checking out the new MBNA America business complex in my hometown of Rockland, Maine. It has a boardwalk that wraps around the shore, and that’s what we were there for. Rockland is about 80 miles from Portland – where the September 11th attacks originated. As we were looking around we noticed two Arab looking men and a woman walking along the boardwalk. They stood out because the woman was wearing a burka. In all the years I lived in Rockland I had never seen anyone wearing a burka before. Not once. In fact, I hadn’t seen any Muslim women prior to that at all. And I haven’t seen anyone wearing a burka since. So it was an unusual sight, to say the least. That’s why I remember it so well. They got within four or five feet of us as they walked by. As they approached, I tried not to stare. So I never got a good look at the men. But I was blown away by that burka! She was covered head to toe with only her eyes showing. In the following weeks after 911 there were reports in the local newspaper that Mohammed Atta had been seen in the area. Several eyewitness accounts were reported, one by a woman who worked in a convenience store. She said she had looked Atta squarely in the eye, face to face as she waited on him. Another report was from my barber at the time. He said he’d spotted him walking along Main Street. So, I do believe it must have been Atta that passed by us that day. My guess is that they were scouting possible alternative locations to launch their attack from since there’s a small airport nearby that has, or had direct flights to Boston. But I’ll never know. Can you believe this? It happened, but I’ll never know if it was Atta for sure or not. I do think it was directly related to the attacks, however. What are the odds of seeing this 10 days before the attacks, after never having seen anything like this in nearly 30 years prior? I’ll never forget it either way. Conspiracy theories don’t mean much to me. This actually happened. Too close to the events in NYC to be a coincidence.
It definitely changed the World…and yes, for the Worse for sure. We used to get loads of Americans in Bath, UK, but after 9/11 they never came. We missed them. It seemed so different not hearing American accents everywhere. I couldn’t believe it ..It was a grey overcast afternoon here when it happened, and I heard of it in a friend’s Crystal shop in Bristol.. She had the radio on, and she said as I went in…”A plane has hit the WTC.. and another is on it’s way to the Pentagon?!” I was like ”Not possible, how? why? an accident?…but of course, it was Terrorism. Walking home, people were clustered in shop doorways watching the images on TV {Not many people had the internet then}. A ghastly thing to see, even on TV. Must have been a thousand times worse to have been there in person. So awful so many Innocents were killed by this event. Even years later they are dying of cancers &c from the toxic dust. Respects from UK.
Anybody knows why the building No.7 collapsed also? The plans didn’t hit it. And how aluminium plans penetrated thought tank armor of Twin-towers structure?
My neice where the president was that day ,was in that school he went to.
Building 7 ???
Today September 11th 2021……New York and those around the world mourn also today Taliban are making their government. …..
Dang I was about 19 or 20
Plane go boom
I only found out today that a 3rd building fell during the attacks (World Trade 7). It feels really eery just being on the other side of this video, knowing that at that very spot nearly 3000 people died! I really want to visit this the area, it must be very surreal! – The whole area that had been rebuilt looks incredible and a fantastic memorial to all those lives lost! May they all rest in peace
I agree they should have built them the same as they were as a big middle finger to the terrorists.
It was a special event wym lol
I like how you mentioned Building 7 … not many people know about it.
What is wrong with parents not shutting up their screaming child?
Seems quiet. Not a lot of folk about? Jon, Scotland, UK.
The day it happened . I live in australia i had just come home from band practice and i was watching a late night variety tv show then it suddenly cut and a special news report ….. this was just after the plane went in to the second one, i think thats when they realise OH shit this is news. So i ran in to my parents room and woke them up , they turned on there tv and it was being broadcast live to australia … then we all watched the towers come down live .. we only had had 5 tv channels back then and they were all on what was happening in america . … it was crazy even in australia .
still wearing Masks fo what? eijeijeijei
Off topic but what’s up with the angry face chick at 26:31. She must think actionkid is recording her.
Still would like sum answers and were did all those toilets go? Dr. Judy Wood!
Santiago Calatrava?
building 7 came down by controlled demolition-i researched it for many years! WAR ON TERROR!? WAR IS TERROR!
rebuild the twin towers? thats like bring the pass back. that´s not nice. imagine the familys that lost that family members seeing that every day.. my opinion. Building 7 wasnt the target.. and no one die. that’s why it wans’t on the park.
I Was Also 13 But How Were you in High School That is Just Not Possible For Me I I was in Middle School But I Just Know There is No Chance In Hell You Were In High School Hell No Hell No
Before 9/11 the place was a concrete jungle, with little grass and people.
Must be horrible see a name of a person you love written on the memorial, it’s like the humanity remember of you and respect the way you were killed but you just don’t want to see your name in there or someone you love you just want that person alive…But i agree with the boy that filmed this video we are living dificult times and i miss the days before 9/11. I was 21 on that day, now i have 41
Fate bene a commemorare i vostri morti .. ricordatevi anche quelli che nella storia passata e recente avete ammazzato voi ! Americans …
I’m from india
tomorrow is sep 11 2021.
What Israel always went through war on terror America was supposed to be Israel’s best friend ally. The Americans were supposed to be Israel’s best friend ally support Israel.
I’m assuming the 2 World Trade is that little building with the graffiti on it?
20 years
Esto fue horrible…. Sigue siendo horrible… Años antes, estuve ahí. Me saqué fotos con mis amigos. No era mi tiempo.
Whats up? Talibs not flying planes…
What the hell did they build next to the site? Cartoon Network headquarters? That building in the first part of the video looks very inappropriate for the area.
For those of you below who still believe the govs idiotic story that 19 arabs with box cutters who could hardly fly cesna’s….directed by an elderly man in a cave in Afghanistan…..defeated the most HIGH PRICED defense system in the world GOD HELP YOU……you are totally naïve.
If americans don´t wanna be attacked it would be a nice strategy to stop destroying countries all over the world.
Its only divided because of the democrat scums
Its called the freedom tower now so stop callin it the world trade center tower cause there gone thats a new tower
That new tower is so ugly. Sorry! 20 yrs after the Saudi attacks. Yet, that country still stands. I wonder what Saudis would do if 15 Timothy McVeigh Fascists had gone to Mecca and Riyahd and done something nasty?
Reasons that Trump isn’t at a 9/11 memorial: 1. He would have to wear a mask. 2. He’d have to stand in solidarity with people that he’s outright attacked with multiple lies. 3. He’d have to be silent and respectful to the dead 4. The ceremony isn’t about him, so why bother.
Building 7…..
fot last 20 years, sorry.
what could convince anyone to do this horrible act
They shouldn’t have put those trees there. Let it be open.
Ils ont pas compris cela leur a pas servit de leçon pour recontruire ces tour faut detruire toutes ces tour et contruire des maison avec jardin et planté des arbres les tour ces moches
I thought Action Kid didn’t like getting political. Wha?
Did you know what happen in 28 october
Im german Boy 39 age
Transit mall,
Hey AK, the monologue in the beginning that you gave was very profound and introspective. Perhaps a bit personal too, in that the world had changed in comparison to your younger life. Because plagues have always been a part of our world, and history. Wars too. And the divisiveness in our country dates back to the Civil War, up to the racial tensions of the 60s, which have improved. I think the widespread access to media today allows us to see way more negative stuff and it can really make one think that the world is burning.
The biggest blunder that US did was to invade the wrong country, it is Pakistan and not Afghanistan which was and still is the root of terrorism. But US played up to Pakistan’s hypocrisy by supplying them with arms and money although they were supporting and arming terrorists all the time. Even the discovery of Osama bi Laden hiding in Pakistan, did not teach US a lesson. That is why, even after 20 years, the Pakistan-backed Talibans are still going strong and celebrating!
😎I can’t even comment sorry😐
Vladimi Putin menolak I s l a m dicap sebagai Agama teroris. Karena itu politik propaganda buruk yg sengaja dibuat .Diciptakan Amerika dan blok barat sekutunya guna memecah belah d u n i a!!. Terorisme misalnya.Kapan Islam mulai diindentifikasikan sbg agama teroris.usai setelah perang dingin berakhir? Ujarnya. Usai perang dingin, blok timur dinyatakan bubar.pertanyaanya mengapa NATO masih dipertahankan, malah diperluas. Bukankah skrng Rusia bukan lg musuh AS. Lalu siapa musuh NATO sekarang ??.. lanjut beliau: AS memang slalu tdk konsisten dg ucapanya berbuat sesuka hati.itulah bahayanya negara adidaya. dan Rusia dan blok timur sudah biasa dg ketidak konsistenan mereka itu. Yg ironi nasib Islam saat ini mengalami nasib sama sperti nasib Sovyet dan blok timur dulu. Sering dipropaganda dg hal2 buruk.Dan media masa mainstream yg ada dg semangat mensuport terus menerus dg propaganda beritanya memfreming Islam dg semua keburukan. Apa lg saat ini ditambah dg kemenangan pejuang talibhan bagi negaranya di Afghanistan Smoga semua elemen masyarakat sadar dan move on. Akan dibagaimanakan negara besar ini .Negara Republik Indonesia kedepannya . Bentuklah persatuan yg kokoh.. Boleh/silahkan di copas…
It’s all bullshit!!! Bush was involved and he’s the one who should be apologizing to all the families! I will never set foot anywhere near it!
1 week geleden