George Stinney, the 14 year old boy, i believe i saw a picture of him in the execution chair, tears streaming down his face. one of the absolute most disturbing photos i’ve ever seen. heartbreaking and stomach churning.
Imagine how many wrongfully convicted people we don’t know about
This is why I support the Innocence Project.
This is one of many reasons that I am, and always will be, against the death penalty.
Joe Arridy… I remember hearing about him before. The other convicts treated him with respect because they knew someone like him would never do something like that, because he had a mind of a small kid. His last wish was to have ice cream for dinner but he couldn’t eat it all and wanted to leave the rest for the next day but…that day would be his last. It’s a painful case to know about, specially when the man in question was such a kind soul.
This is my biggest fear in life! Being framed and ending up in prison, can’t even imagine being put on death row.
One thing I want to know, after watching this video, is this: the individuals or institutions responsible for these wrongful convictions and deaths, were any of them ever punished for murdering these people (because that’s basically what it was)?
Cameron Willingham’s case always breaks my heart. I feel like the Texas District Attorney’s office purposely ignored the evidence and set Cameron up to die. I wish people would consider the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”, but that has been lost on our justice system lately. RIP Mr. Willingham
George Stinney should have definitely been number 1 on this list.
This, THIS is one of the biggest reasons as to why I am against capital punishment. I understand forensic science has come very far but still, mistakes DO happen and innocent people have been executed far more often than we would care to believe. And once someone is executed, that’s it. It’s not an error someone can go back and fix.
There’re still some folks out there who still believe that Tafero was in fact guilty—in spite of the flaws in his trial—and that he got exactly what he deserved.
Sad that there is actually a top 10 for this. The gov can be some evil wicked people.
It unfortunately just goes to show: Reality can’t always be forgiven, especially for those who take the fall for somebody else.
Now I understand why the South African constitution doesn’t allow the death penalty, things like these will always happen
It’s SO wrong that most of the time, the innocent are locked up and the guilty roam free
This is why serious cases that involve the death penalty need to be properly investigated to make sure without a shadow of a doubt that the person they’re going to execute is guilty for the crime.. all of these innocent people could have been saved if police and the justice system did their job properly. If there’s doubt then investigate it further..
Now I see why some people is Against the Death Penalty..
So sad. The system is broken. One of my worst fears is going to prison for something I didn’t do I couldn’t imagine being executed for it
I am for the death penalty in extreme circumstances only and where there is no question of doubt.
“Hey! The missing evidence in the Kelner case! My God, he really was innocent!” “He went to the chair two years ago Frank.”
Some people were innocent after all. They didn’t deserve to be executed. 

Todd Willingham was my family. It was very hard on my family. We fought it as much as we could and the Texas senator would not help. Even when evidence was presented. He has been on a few documentaries about it. Hes in a better place now. RIP uncle Todd
I can’t even imagine the feeling of that cell door closing & you know you didn’t do anything but to DIE for it. I hope everyone involved never finds peace
I remember as a kid always hearing no innocent person was ever put to death, now I was about eight years old and I thought how can that be true!!!

I wish I could say I enjoyed this video. It was very informative and I think stories liked theses need to be told.
The number one on this list actually changed my mind about the death penalty years ago. Do the research yourself and you will see that there is no doubt Texas executed an innocent man. Junk science, a false jailhouse confession and he liked heavy metal music. It is so ridiculously obvious that he was innocent. I don’t know much about the young child at number 2; however, that one sounds just as ridiculous. 89 days?!? Jesus… I don’t mean to sound harsh, but, anyone supporting the death penalty at this point is an utter idiot. Innocent people have clearly been put to death and because we will never be infallible the death penalty needs to be abolished. Life in prison without parole is adequate for the worst of the worst. Also, contrary to what many think it is also cheaper on the taxpayers.
Quite depressing to know that there is enough people to make a top 10 list of this. Makes you wonder about who else could have met a similar fate
Imagine the pain of knowing that ur innocent but they are gonna end ur life and can’t do nothing about it
I’m not wearing one but I will say I take my hat off to every single one on this list because it’s just sad that so many mistakes like these have been a constant spot on history and it’s still going like they’re still some people out there that are wrongly being put in the death row and all that it’s just saddening man. I see now why they decided to take away corporal punishment I think anyway it was at least a debate anyway in America I’m not sure if they fully abolished it. Just makes you really think about how broken even before cases like George Floyd Trayvon Martin etc. the system was
George Stinney is probably not only the youngest but also the gruesome as his mask was displaced, exposing his crying face as his body being roasted on electric chair. And it all happens without lawyer or his parent (they were banished from city later) to his death. Probably the worst for me
Thank you for the update, WatchMojo..!! 6:20 I had no idea the wrong sponge incident happened in real life. 

Okay, I’ve waited a long time to tell this. I have independently researched faces of murderers and victims for over 25 years exclusively. I now am ready to put my data to work. I can look at an individual accused of murder and say if they did or didn’t do it. I know it sounds unbelievable, but I have had police agencies test my data. The bottom line is this method can be applied to any homicide case no matter how old. Cool thing about it is just like DNA( if not tampered with) it tells the truth. By countless observations their is a pattern of features that make a murderer. I have applied them to every homicide case with no fail.
Damn, I am for the death penalty but the amount of times my state appears on this list is disturbing. Nearly all of them happened in Texas. 

It’s so crazy that you can evidence that could show you didn’t do but yet still get convicted. It’s like once law enforcement makes up their mind they’ll try to force the pieces together.
An interesting statistic. Since 1973, there have been 185 individuals that were on death row that were found to be innocent.
Main reason not to have a death penalty.
my heart breaks for all these people…
What would happen if the justice system was done better and these people won’t have to be executed?
#1 is super arguable. Watch all the investigation discovery type of shows on it. There’s an “evil lives here” in which the wife talks how he beat her, etc. He hated the kids or something too.
It’s common practice among prosecutors to knowingly convict innocent people. The system is so corrupt it’s beyond repair
George Stinney R.I.P 

” It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer. ” – William Blackstone-
Damn talk about a mistake you can’t apologize for

In 1880s Ireland, Myles Joyce (to give his forced English name) and two others were s see sentenced to death by hanging for the murder of 5 people of one family. Joyce, a monoglot who only spoke Irish, was brought before a court that only spoke English – he was refused an interpreter and was forced to go through a trial he didn’t understand. Over a hundred years later, a researcher looking into the hanging noticed something alarming: they discovered evidence to show that the eyewitnesses were paid hefty amounts (equal to hundreds of thousands of euros in today’s money) to place Joyce at the scene. In 2018, well over a 100 years after his wrongful hanging (more like slow torture, according to some accounts), the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, signed a full pardon for Myles Joyce. It is now seen as a gross miscarriage of justice by the English establishment who saw the Irish language and Irish people as less than.
There should be a law to just arrest the victim for questioning and let them go if no sufficient evidence linking them to the murder. Don’t just arrest and incarcerate them for just finding a simple evidence like footprint or a hair and judge that they are the murderer
I live in Texas, and this breaks my heart. Texas’ justice system is fucked up.
Frank Drebbin: ” Hey, the missing evidence in the Kellner Case. My god, he was innocent!” Ed Hocken: ” He went to The Chair two years ago, Frank.”
The scary thing about this is that it could happen to anybody …… even anybody watching this video
Darkest most depressing mojo ever

Remember everyone: the system does not care about guilt or innocence, it cares about charges and convictions….
This is for those who demand the death penalty
While I support the death penalty, I am heartbroken that people are wrongfully executed.
This is why I oppose the death penalty.
Do this list but with more up to date cases. The sheer amount of people shocked that there’s 10 cases. Need to be further shocked that things like this continue to happen.
It’s not the fault of the death penalty, it’s the courts and fault of law enforcement. That’s why the death sentence needs to be handled and given responsibly with proper evidence.
This is why I am.against the death penalty. One innocent person being executed is one too many. It is barbaric.
There should be serious consequences for all involved in legal murders such as these.
Great information and stories, BUT Todd Willingham was as guilty as sin. He murdered his children so his wife wouldn’t leave him.
I don’t know about Willingham after watching his wife on Evil Lives Here and Evil Talks. She tells about how he never wanted the kids and was very abusive.
Putting absolute faith in a system that is not 100% infallible seems like an interesting choice, especially since death penalties pretty much do nothing as a way to prevent murder.
What makes my eyes water is the SLAP IN THE FACE of families, friends, and of course the victim..when the state lifts charges or some other b.s. WHO CARES ABOUT THAT HE/SHE AINT GONNA BE JOB HUNTING ANYTIME SOON! all these types of cases need to be reviewed and the ones that dropped the ball need to be punished STRAIT UP! F*** the color! Just imagine being 14yo and In that poor KIDs shoes! How terrified was he?? He most likely never got to too hug his mom ever again. If he were white, pink, red….it don’t matter he didn’t even experience life! R.I.P. ALL WRONGFULLY ACCUSED N DEAD!
I really hope visual and audio recording technology gets better it seems to be the only quantifiable way of getting any closer to true justice
There’s a movie on George the fourteen year old I’ve done a ton of research on him so sad what happened
What about the Lindbergh kidnapping ?? The man they convicted and executed was later found to be innocent
Stinney should be #1. FULL STOP! If only this Super-Jurisdictional case had been heard in adequate circumstances.
What about Derek Bentley? He ended up being posthumously pardoned. He was wrongfully executed 

What do the cops have to say about this? If you’re a cop who was involved in a case where an innocent person went to prison and died, you shouldn’t be a cop anymore
Me and other people i know have plead guilty to things we didnt do just to avoid the possibility and in some cases probability of being found guilty anyway and getting jail time. Till your in the system you dont realize how many flaws it really has and how many cops and detectives can care less if they have the right person and just want to close a case
Death penalty is wrong in so many ways, life without parole is the best punishment for major crimes.
Absolutely sickening
Imagine having the death penalty
Even the best legal systems in the world can guarantee 100% correct findings. If for no other reason, the death penalty should not be used under any circumstances.
All of this is why I’m against the death penalty.
In the case of Willingham, there’s a few things that doesn’t add up though.
imagine living for years in prison and a legal professional approaches you and tells you they can reduce your time and get you special treatment during your sentence and all you have to do is “testify under oath” like they actually expect people to fear the wrath of “god” for swearing on a bible. imagine how many people just make some stuff up to gain leniency.
Definitely George Stinney should have been #1
I wonder how police and courts feel about executing the wrong person.
“Killing innocents is a 1st degree murder”
At this point it’s clear that enough people are wrongfully convicted that it’s not even an rarity or outlier anymore.
I have two reasons for being against the death penalty. One is because of the risk of there being a miscarriage of justice. The second is how you can legitimise the taking of a life of an individual as a response to their taking a life. To me it makes no sense and seems like a form of revenge
Whoever’s in charge of this so-called “justice” system, THEY DONE FUCKED UP. BIG TIME. R.I.P. These poor people who were wrongly accused and worse, executed
Also, my sister was born in 1989 and I 1992 o_O

This is why I support the Innocence Project!!!
Hmm, I was expecting other people like Anne Boleyn to be on this list but instead this entire list is only the ones executed in the United States only.
The case of Ricardo Aldape is an example of wronfull acused people he was saved of death penalty was released but tragically killed in a car accident.
Even a 14 year old get executed for something he didn’t commit? That’s tragic and horrible.
#1 should not have been #1. I would never admit to killing my own children if I didnt do it especially in detail. I think the court got that one right.
No mention of Derek Bentley? His execution and trial was unfair to the maximum.
In Australia this is why we got rid of the death sentence
Emmett Till should be on this list FOR SURE!
Where the hell are Sacco and Vanzetti unjustified executions?
I am sorry but there is no such thing as “rightfully excecuted”. America and China are way behind in this matter.
May the people giving false convictions, judges, lawyers, police officers enjoy the gaping jaws of hell….may the devil have mercy on their souls
This is why, most of the time, the system DOESN’T work

And this is why you should not trust the justice system, the jury, the witnesses, the judges and everyone else. Not even police officers. It makes me angry knowing that this shit happens everyday. Shows you how corrupt and untrustworthy humans are. So heartbreaking to see or hear what these people had went through.
Wasn’t surprised most of these happened in Texas…
This is why convictions should be 100% without a doubt made decisions. Any doubt in the case, especially when involving the death penalty or life sentence should be 100%. Jury’s today are easily swayed by emotion and social media pressures to base their decision one way or another.
If you support the death penalty I ask you how many innocent people are you okay with executing? If even 1 innocent person gets executed the death penalty should be abolished
I am not completely against the deathpenalty but only for the worst of the worst and after a fair trial. I am in shock that a governor can actually deny DNA investigation. That is just wrong
Hearing her voice talk about this kinda stuff is like the biggest juxtaposition I’ve ever felt
I’m from NC and I have relatives in SC and never heard of this one…….a very big surprise for me
This is the best we can do for now, and also the best system humanity has ever come up with. Unless we find a way to remove and replace the human factor, there’s always gonna be biased and inner agendas causing mistrials like these. As crazy as it sounds, an ideal system would probably be one where computers are in charge.
I didn’t believe anything Cameron’s ex wife said on evil lives here I found her to be very false
Jesse Tafero? While it’s strongly suspected Tafero and his girlfriend didn’t actually fire the gun that killed the two cops they still took part is the crime making them guilty of murder. Tafero’s girlfriend later took a plea deal and confessed and was released with time served. The “I didn’t actually pull the trigger” excuse isn’t going to hold up in court.
“It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer” – Blackstone’s formulation Edit: Before replying, I would highly recommend to check out The Ghey Mantis’s spot on reply about the quote.
You would think that when it comes to something so final as capital punishment, as a judge and jury you would pay attention to evidences like to nothing before in your life…
How can anyone support capital punishment? One innocent person put to death is too many! Edit: The Innocence Project are a Godsend.
Cameron Todd Willingham’s wife has come out and said she now believes he did do it, she is on this new season of Evil Lives Here, I think it’s the very first episode of the new season and she really does believe now that he did it
Well this is reason why in Eu death penalties are banned
How can anyone be a death penatly supporter knowing these situations can happen?
Can’t say I’m surprised at the number of these that were in Texas. In Texas they call fair treatment “socialism”.
Dear whoever is reading this, I wish there was a way for everyone to erase all sadness and stress and just replace it with happiness. You have an entire galaxy and a beautiful life ahead of you. Nothing in life is ever easy, but what’s important is that YOU keep going! And you! You’re different. What sets you apart? what makes you different from the rest? Well when you get knocked down, you get right back up. You figure it out. You do what you gotta do to get back up. Other people, when they get hit, when they get knocked down, they stay down. Because they dont want to get hit again….they can’t take it, it hurts too much. But you…You dont know how to quit. You don’t stop. You are a fighter You are resilient. You’re strong. You are a force to be reckoned with.The enemy has tried to defeat you . Life has knocked you down…and kicked you while you were there. People have hurt you. Circumstances have been a mess and yet, here you are… still going… So in case you forgot who the hell you are… You’re a badass. You’ll Get back up. Keep going! Youre worthy of love and happiness, never allow anyone to tell you otherwise! I wish all of you plenty of health and strenght during these tough times. You are loved, you are strong, you got this! Never forget that! Sending much Love over from Germany

Ten reasons the death penalty should be abolished. Or is it ok to apologise to a dead person and their family when you mess up?
I hope the families get paid millions for their losses.
These are all very sad botched instances of justice gone wrong, no one innocent should ever be executed. George Stinney’s case was the worst to me for obvious reasons, if it proves anything it’s that we need to be EXTREMELY careful when convicting someone and make sure we all know beyond any doubt that the accused is guilty. You simply can’t rush the legal system, it must be handled carefully. Despite all the cases in this video, I do still believe that the death penalty must be retained and used for when we catch the real evildoers.
Stinney’s conviction and trial is the greatest injustice in American history. He was only 14 years old! They executed him 89 DAYS after conviction. Stinney was 5’1″ and weighed just 95lbs. How in the hell was he able to murder 2 girls in matter of minutes? Stinney was coerced into confession when the police wouldn’t allow him to see his parents, eat or drink anything for over 15 hours. His attorney was a tax commissioner who didn’t cross examine anyone who testified for the prosecution and or call any witnesses on Stinney’s behalf. Stinney’s attorney rested his case 2.5 hours after his opening arguments. There was no proof of any evidence linking Stinney to the murders. It’s clear that Stinney was murdered by a biased court system because of his race. That blatant injustice alone should have placed him No. 1 on the list.
Can you do top 10 episodes of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?
Joe Arridy and George Stinney cases are so sad and screwed up
Given how much this issue disproportionately affects Black Americans, I expected to see more Black victims on this list.
Imagine dying because police insisted you murdered someone across the street while you were asleep that night.
sighs How tragic indeed…
Can you do comic book origin of Marvel’s the Protector?
Wow. Who would figure that a native American would/should fight for rights on their land.
The joe arridy one hit pretty hard
This is why I will never support the death penalty
Imagine you get wrongfully accused and you have to sit in jail and killed for no reason….
Frank Aguilar was convicted for the same crime and executed in 1937 but they STILL executed Joe Arridy in 1939?
Yet people still support the death penalty not to mention it’s also hypocritical to in force it even if the person is guilty God these poor people
The system be so fucked up at times 

Damn shame
….. I love your videos 

I can see if there’s substantial dna or video evidence but it shouldn’t be used otherwise
I would rather see 100 guilty people go free than one innocent man be put to death wrongfully.
Number 6 just sounds like regular American History Edit: so does #2
WTF, they wrongfully executed two people for the same crime? How? European countries’ justice system isn’t perfect, but at the very least we don’t have the death penalty.
God help the innocent
Am I the only person that noticed that everybody on the list except George was….never mind 

Posthumous pardon is a synonym for BS
To be clear, MAY have been wrongfully executed……one is too many……but, in some of these cases, even with questions, they were probably still guilty…..
I’m not sure if anyone is aware of a sad miscarriage of justice that occurred in the UK in 1953 the victim was called Derek Bentley and was involved in an attempted robbery of a confectionery Storehouse in which a police constable was shot dead not by Derek Bentley but by his accomplice, Christopher Craig, between the shooting and the trial at the old bailey in London Craig was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to be detained at her majesty’s pleasure because he was sixteen, Derek was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death even though he didn’t shoot anyone and that he had the mental age of 13 the Bentley’s couldn’t get the sentence commuted Derek’s father went to every MP to plead for clemency, the solicitor for the Bentley’s obviously didn’t think to question the validity of the account of the police on the night of the shooting,derek was under arrest before the PC was shot dead, the 4 words that doomed Derek,let him have it, that’s all Derek had said,he meant give them the gun Chris, look it up,
I’m glad she says “killed” instead of “executed”…
It’s eerie how many of these cases are from Texas…
Don’t agree with the list, but still RIP to the Innocent Men.
There are still more people who are wrongfully acusse of, but we don’t know how many there are.
People just want someone to blame. Victims, police the state. Anyone will do. What happened to better to let the guilty free than to convict the innocent?
I believe in an eye for and eye. But this is why i don’t believe in the death penalty.
Y’all missed Sacco and Vanzetti
I love WatchMojo
At this point I need to get an application cause whoever do yall research needs to be fired immediately. My name is Isaiah Shepherd I’m in Ohio email me Watchmojo trust me I got you
I love this channel
Image you in prison and yon on death row and you know you innocent I would be having a heart attack and it seem mostly of these case was done by either lazy and Corrupted office who just want the case over or get a promotion and by witness who try get back at someone or avoid jail time
This is why the death penalty should be abolished.
What a terribly timed video. Crime is burning out of control in America, and the police have stood down and we need to immediately bring back mass incarceration, and here you are worried about a few people who might be, but probably arn’t, wrongfully accused…
What does No 10’s “testified for leniency for another case” mean?
Ok who else got “Green Mile” vibes when hearing about the man who got fried to death in an electric chair called Old Sparky?
I’m atheist but something I always hear people says that God has a plan for everyone maybe God planned for these people to end up like this
The law sucks sometimes.
Abolish state sanctioned murder.
Now compare this to Japans’ justice system.
The Defendant Was Not The Imposter
this video is an obvious example of why the death penalty shouldn’t exist
LOL I’m from Texas and if you so much as trespass on my property, you won’t even make it to the executioner’s chair. pumps shotgun Gotta keep ’em separated…
Most these guys where from Texas. Damn.
This is why the death penalty should be abolished. What good is a pardon after you have been murdered by the state? For those of you who don’t know homicide is the cause of death put on an executed person’s death certificate.
Next do a global list including Witold Polecki. Auschwitz prisoner 4859.
Justice in America needs an overhaul.
Wacth Mojo Please Do Top 10 Non-Diseny Movies With Peter Pan 1924,Aladdin 1917, Tazan 1918, Mowgil 2018,Pinocchio 1911,Cinderella 1911 & More
This is just one of the reason’s that we should abolish capital punishment second only to Human life isn’t our’s to take.
George stinney jr better be in this list
I think this list should be Top 50
It not fair that they die not doing they crime but some of murderer that prove guilty not get executed like furuta junko case
So many Texas executions on this list
WatchMojo: 10 People Who Were Wrongfully Executed. Soviet Russia: Those are rookie numbers.
I was expecting to see Leonel Herrera on the list.
You forgot John Coffee
Crime against humanity and the world
Might be wrong to say but does the man in the thumbnail look like he could be related to Pete Dunn

This is why I don’t support the death penalty don’t get me wrong plenty of people deserve it but one it’s risky and two it’s hypocritical because you will get arrested for killing your friends murder but when someone is wrongfully executed it’s just labeled as a mistake
…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, What big joke !!
10 reasons why the death penalty is wrong.
from what i’ve gathered from this list is don’t get arrested in Texas.
Half the ppl on this list were from Texas!
This is exactly why people hate the police.
Good list tbh
How is the number 1 sadder, worse, or more evil than The George Stinney case? He was a child. WatchMojo are very often full of shit but this was inexcusable. Shame
No one is really innocent
It’s unavoidable.
The case of George Stinney is disgusting. He was only child.
I love this video
Why are you ranking the deaths of innocent people? This feels really immoral and gross. It’s okay to talk about them but why rank them?
No 1) Ahsoka Tano
This terrifies me. The fact that you can get wrongfully convicted and killed by doing nothing.
6:59 idk why but that pic somehow gives me the willies
Emmett Till should be on this list.
A word saying if you didn’t do anything wrong don’t accept the punishment. Sadly this is not the case
My owner will put me to sleep when I’ll get to old.
Hmmm why sacco and vancetti were not included???
the world we live in is very uneven.. its not ment to be pure, no corruption etc.. in this flawed world.. anything can happen.. all we can do is wish nothing happens to us (me)
There’s crowded in hell when all those people who are somewhat responsible to these 10 innocent lives to be killed wrongfully, end up in there 😉
I’ll be honest I was expecting all black men here and the only was a boy
I love this all videos
The possibility of false judgement alone should b enough to end death penalty. Better safe than sorry. Where is the moral authority of ppl judging u, when they basicly have the right to accidently (or even purposefully)kill u , as punishmrnt fo murder? Also based on christian values, shouldn’t federal institutions b above “eye for an eye”?
The Justice doesn’t exist.
No Haymarket Seven? No Sacco and Vanzetti?
5 out of 10 for texas.
Number 1. Lincoln Burrows….Oh wait

Lets goooo baby Texas all over this list Texas #1!!! 

no Richard Hauptmann?
14 years old smh
Not surprised about Georger W Bush
Couldn’t help but notice most of these are from Texas…
So many in TX.
So many false testimonies.
Terrible. I can understand why some people want the death penalty banned because of this reason but on the other hand truly guilty people shouldn’t live off of tax payer’s money. There’s also the story of the man who claimed his innocents of killing the Lindbergh baby but was still executed. They didn’t have enough evidence of him doing it and I still believe the true killer got away.
Aye corpus Christi made the list 

Wow most of the people on this list are from Texas.
That’s crazyyyy
Texas. That’s all I’m going to say.
Posthumous pardon?
Devonlarratt vs michael todd
liberal watch mojo back at it again
Why are like all of these in Texas?
Texas is very trigger happy smh
Why were half of these entries from Texas what the fuck is going on down there
This is why Capital punishment is stupid
12 is stupid af
And this is why capital punishment is stupid.
Not even a mention on emmit till
Wheres White Boy?
That’s so sad evidence needs to be assured before execution.
don’t back the blue
Top 10 hey arnold episodes
You’re so sexist, watchmojo – no women on the list? Unsubscribe!
And this, children, is why the death penalty should be abolished.
Top 10 hey arnold episodes
Angel Nieves Diaz?
Emmit Till
What’s up with the reporter guys nose for #7
I thought that what I created would have disappeared but it didn’t and now I am stuck here in this void of infinite darkness I should be dead by now I lost oxygen a while ago so how am I alive is this what would happen if I go past the event horizen I wish I was dead but my will to live is still intact it feels like physics is being warped here like metals can be bent like plastic and it feels like I have been floating and falling at the same time. This is screwing my head because I can’t stop think about my hands and how weird they are but other than that i’m pretty normal. I think my body feel like gush but a solid at the same time I feel pain but only for a few microseconds. Man how long have I been here I feel like time is slowing speeding and stopping all at the same time like a merry go round. I can’t tell if my mind is gone or not I feel normal but at the same time like my mind is a new paper that is constantly being written on then erased and written on constantly. I don’t feel like I am the same person I am so confused. I’m going insane no i’m not yes i am aaaaahhhh THE SCEAMING IN MY HEAD was this once a normal person was I once a person of that statue. HA HA HA THIS IS IT IM NOT NORMAL, no its not SHUT UP SHUT UP I’m normal am I not I would like to think I am HAHAHAHHAH I think I am starting to like it here the sound of the universe is chorus it plays the sound of #######$%^& am I not normal.– a dude thought I was mental when I posted this in a comment section
Lots of Texans
This sucks…
Rest in Peace men. This world is complete shit anyways!
According to those horrible human garbage, if you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to fear. Well, these innocent people died. Logic fails miserably.
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