The Negative Side of Stand Your Ground

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Discover how stubbornness can lead to injustice, as exemplified by the British Post Office scandal and the dangers of refusing to accept the truth.

1 Embracing Spontaneity Without Being a Thorn in the Side

The Dutch saying “de luis in de pels”
“a thorn in one’s side” or “a thorn in the flesh.”

Both expressions refer to a person or thing that causes persistent annoyance or trouble, similar to how a louse would be an irritating pest.

Stand your ground

To refuse to be pushed backwards, or to continue in your beliefs in an argument.

The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks.
Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.

Cambridge Dictionary

Stand your ground: To refuse to change your opinion or give in to an argument.

I kept trying to get my grandmother to find a smaller house, but she stood her ground. 

American Cambridge Dictionary
2 Justice Is Life-Threatening
3 Justice Can Be Described as an Unguided Missile

The fact that someone has no awareness or guilt for such profound harm raises the question of whether they have, in a sense, relinquished a core aspect of their humanity: the ability to feel empathy, responsibility, and regret for the suffering of others. By playing with justice and disregarding the immense harm caused, they exhibit traits often associated with psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. (cfr. Unveiling What Really Happened).

Justice has a dark side (cfr.: the intro on the first page of the website).

4 That’s a Bit Oversimplified
5 The Common Denominator

The term “common denominator” refers to a shared characteristic or factor among different elements or groups.

There is something abnormal and completely incomprehensible about how young people can be taken out of their normal lives, completely unrelated to any wrongdoing, and without reason, have their lives ruined. Shocking cases like those of Brian Banks and Ryan Ferguson, who both spent years in prison before being exonerated, highlight this injustice.

Andrew Makinson – wrongly imprisoned for 17 years – unsafe conviction

Raphael Rowe

The Central Park Five

Please listen the video below

Liam Allan – Behind the breakthrough: pressure and trauma


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6 jun. 2019

The publicity around Liam’s case was perhaps the single biggest corner turned so far in the fight against false accusations and police failures.
Liam’s fresh faced appeal gave him a media platform and showed his apparent confidence to the world. Few saw the trauma fears and difficulties that came with presenting his innocent student’s story to TV journalists, and dealing with the reaction.
Now well into the journey of organising a successful series of conferences on the “Innovation of Justice”, Liam’s promise, to never stop fighting to get some return to sanity in the processing of rape/sexual assault cases, has inspired hundreds and made his face well recognised across the world.
pushing this and the main film, “We Believe You” can help the raised awareness and to restore justice

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At minute 9: eventually go to prison
At minute 16:
Gerry Monahan
Well done Liam for working to restore some balance to the current state of injustice for the huge growing number of falsely accused people.
I was falsely accused of rape in 2019 and I understand everything Liam went through
Thank you, Liam. (I can’t say more than this)
Kyle MacDonald
I was accused over 4 years again still a mess with no help
Ophiophagus H.
Why doesn’t this have a million views?
People need to find out who that chick is and blast her name for everyone to see
Criminal Justice Natters
I recently spoke to Liam Allan about his experiences in the criminal justice system, you can view it here:
The police investigate this case for a whole year and fail to find these crucial messages? That says something about what efficient investigators they are.
Patrick Graham
all police forces across the country – still doing this – as Mark Pearson points out – every time they are exposed as criminally perverse, they say “lessons will be learnt” – they never are.
Khan’s Clothing Blogs
Thsi happened to me but hopefully due to new evidence I can atleast press charges and clear my name
Patrick Graham
 @Khan’s Clothing Blogs  I wish you the best of luck – the police are extremely resistant to pressing charges against false accusers – because they are complicit at the very least themselves. and the CPS are as separate from the police as a foot is from a leg.

Kid Disappears In Brick Wall Prank – Just For Laughs Gags

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