Post truth

Page Deception

Understand ‘post-truth,’
a term describing a situation where emotional
or personal beliefs often influence public opinion
more than objective facts.

Relating to a situation in which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotions and beliefs, rather than one based on facts:

The referendum was the first major vote in the era of post-truth politics.
He dubs the current administration a ” post-truth” White House.

Cambridge Dictionary
More examples

In this post-truth era, science is needed more than ever.
The world has entered an era of post-truth politics.
His lecture was entitled “Fake News in a Post-truth World”.

Cambridge Dictionary

Sometimes we come to the wrong conclusions because we are not asking the right questions

Post-truth: ADJECTIVE

Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.

‘in this era of post-truth politics, it’s easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire’

‘some commentators have observed that we are living in a post-truth age’

Oxford Dictionary


To represent something: The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.

Cambridge dictionary

“Post-truth” refers to a cultural and political phenomenon where objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion, personal beliefs, and subjective opinions. It is often characterized by a disregard for facts, evidence, and rationality in favor of emotional appeal, confirmation bias, and the prioritization of personal beliefs and opinions.

Key points about “post-truth” include:

  1. Emphasis on emotions over facts: In a post-truth environment, emotional appeal, personal anecdotes, and sensationalism often take precedence over factual accuracy. Appeals to fear, anger, and tribalism can be more influential in shaping public opinion than objective evidence.

  2. Reliance on subjective opinions: Post-truth often involves the prioritization of subjective opinions and personal beliefs, regardless of their alignment with factual reality. Opinions are often given equal or greater weight than facts, leading to a blurring of the line between fact and opinion.

  3. Disregard for evidence and expertise: Post-truth can be characterized by a dismissal or rejection of evidence-based information and expert opinions, particularly when they challenge existing beliefs or ideologies. Expertise and authority are often questioned or undermined, and conspiracy theories and misinformation may gain traction.

  4. Confirmation bias and echo chambers: Post-truth can thrive in echo chambers, where people are more likely to be exposed to information that confirms their preexisting beliefs and less likely to encounter diverse perspectives or contrary evidence. This can reinforce confirmation bias, leading to a further entrenchment of subjective opinions and beliefs.

  5. Influence of social media and digital technologies: Social media and digital technologies have facilitated the spread of misinformation, fake news, and sensationalism, contributing to the post-truth phenomenon. The rapid dissemination of information without proper fact-checking or verification can exacerbate the spread of post-truth narratives.

  6. Sociopolitical implications: Post-truth can have significant implications for society and politics. It can erode trust in institutions, undermine the credibility of media and journalism, and polarize public discourse. It can also shape public policy decisions based on subjective opinions rather than evidence, leading to potential consequences for governance, democracy, and public welfare.

  7. Need for critical thinking and media literacy: In a post-truth environment, critical thinking skills and media literacy are crucial for navigating and evaluating information. It is important to fact-check information, critically assess sources, and seek diverse perspectives to guard against the influence of post-truth narratives.

  8. Ethical considerations: The spread of misinformation and the erosion of truthfulness can have ethical implications, including the potential harm caused by false information, the erosion of trust in public institutions, and the undermining of democratic processes. Ethical considerations should be taken into account in addressing and mitigating the post-truth phenomenon.

In summary, “post-truth” refers to a cultural and political climate where emotions, subjective opinions, and personal beliefs can override objective facts, evidence, and expertise in shaping public opinion. It has implications for society, politics, and governance, and highlights the importance of critical thinking, media literacy, and ethical considerations in addressing this phenomenon.

Alan Rusbridger: Fact vs fiction

HARDtalk 11-01-2021

Stephen Sackur interviews Alan Rusbridger, former editor of The Guardian and now a member of Facebook’s Oversight Board. The Covid-19 pandemic is a test of global public health systems, but it also presents a profound challenge to our media and information networks. How do we ensure that fact prevails over fiction?

1 Salman Rushdie on gender, fake news and Trump – BBC Newsnight

7 okt. 2017

In his latest book, The Golden House, Salman Rushdie describes an Indian family fleeing to a new life in America. It’s a novel that explores and explodes identity – of race and gender, and it’s a novel that begins in the era of Obama and ends in the era of Trump. He speaks to Emily Maitlis.
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


7 sep. 2017

Renowned author Sir Salman Rushdie needs little introduction as we enjoy his latest novel The Golden House early September 2017. His twelve novels include Midnight’s Children (1981 Booker Prize winner and winner of the Best of the Booker—a public vote for the best in the award’s history), Haroun and the Sea of StoriesShame, The Satanic Verses, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, Luka and the Fire of Life, Shalimar the Clown, The Enchantress of Florence, Luka and the Fire of Life, and Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights. He has also published non-fiction works and a collection of short stories and has co-edited two anthologies. 
Sir Salman is a Fellow of the British Royal Society of Literature and the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He holds the rank of Commandeur in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France’s highest artistic honour). His numerous awards and honours also include honorary doctorates and fellowships at six European and six American universities. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1997. He is an Honorary Professor at M.I.T and a Distinguished Professor at Emory University. He is currently a Distinguished Writer in Residence at New York University.
Please see his full bio here:…
It is an honour to share my conversation with Sir Salman Rushdie.
The Ethics Incubator website: []

3 The Real Cost of Conviction | James Moody | TEDxMarthasVineyard

Gepubliceerd op 30 sep. 2015

In this harrowing tale of crime and punishment, public defender James Moody describes the devastating consequences of being convicted for something as simple as driving with a suspended license and what we can do about it. 
James graduated cum laude from NYU School of Law and became a public defender in Miami, Florida. After litigating hundreds of cases at the trial level, James found his home in the appellate department, where he focused on sentencing proportionality issues, specifically related to juveniles convicted of murder. His case regarding the imposition of sex offender status upon defendant acquitted by a jury is currently under decision by the Supreme Court of Florida. 
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How Murdoch’s Fox News allowed Trump’s propaganda to destabilise democracy | Four Corners

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23 aug. 2021

How Fox News promoted Donald Trump’s propaganda and helped destabilise democracy in the United States of America: the first of our two-part special on Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News.
Fox News is the brash cable TV network that has dominated both the ratings and the headlines in America, delivering revenue and power to the Murdoch family empire.

For decades its catch cry was “fair and balanced.” Then along came Donald Trump.

Four Corners investigates how Fox News went from a conservative voice to a ‘propaganda organ’ for Donald Trump that some former reporters say they’re ‘ashamed’ to be associated with.

Fox and the Big Lie: Trump returns to campaign trail amid ‘stolen election’ lawsuits | Four Corners

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30 aug. 2021

How Fox News promoted Donald Trump’s propaganda and helped destabilise democracy in the United States of America: the final instalment of our two-part special on Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News.
On the night of the US presidential election, Donald Trump declared the vote was a “major fraud on the American people.” Rather than face defeat, he and his allies began a campaign claiming the election had been stolen.

In the aftermath, high profile Fox News presenters gave a platform to Trump’s campaign pouring fuel on the already ferocious political divide.

Now, their words and actions are under scrutiny in multi-billion dollar lawsuits.

In an exclusive interview, Trump’s former lawyer and advocate of the ‘stolen election’ conspiracy, Sidney Powell, is asked to justify her claims.

4 Crushed Pearl Necklace Prank

6 apr. 2011


Woman asks for some help with her pearl necklace which breaks and is then crushed by the jerk worker and his crush machine. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!