Integrity in Science

Page Description

Explore the importance of integrity in science,
including the ethical standards,
challenges, and practices
that ensure reliable and honest research.

Integrity in Science: Upholding the Values that Drive True Discovery


1 Kapotgemaakt door je eigen universiteit

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13 jul. 2021

(English subtitles available) We doken in het probleem van wangedrag op universiteiten. Wat maken jonge wetenschappers mee en wat is er aan te doen?

Wangedrag is een probleem waar alle mensen die werken of studeren aan de universiteit mee te maken kunnen krijgen. We focussen ons op promovendi, omdat dit een extra kwetsbare groep is als het gaat om wangedrag: ze zijn vaak totaal afhankelijk voor hun baan en hun promoveren van een onderzoeksleider en krijgen te maken met publicatiedruk.

Over de cijfers:
Via het netwerk van promovendi verzamelden we zo’n 400 ervaringen van studenten die (willen) promoveren en dus als jonge wetenschapper beginnen aan een academische carrière. Ook voerden we achtergrondgesprekken. Dat hebben we bewust allemaal onherleidbaar verwerkt. Daarom zitten er geen namen van universiteiten of specifieke personen in de video. We zien de ervaringen als belangrijk omdat ze inkleuren waar dit over gaat en wat de gedeelde problemen zijn, maar de uitvraag is geen representatief onderzoek.

We hebben gesproken met de VSNU, FNV, WO in Actie, Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, studentengroep Wangedrag, het Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren, Rathenau Instituut, NWO, vereniging van vertrouwenspersonen, KNAW en de LSVb.

In de video noemen we ook een voorbeeld waarbij een promovendus onder meer door een verstoorde werkrelatie zelfmoord pleegde. Heb jij hulp nodig? Dan kun je contact opnemen met Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie via 113, 0800-0113 en 0900-0113 (allemaal 24/7 bereikbaar) en

2 Don’t Talk to the Police

20 mrt. 2012

Regent Law Professor James Duane gives viewers startling reasons why they should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by government officials.
Download his article on the topic at….

3 Defense witness: Don’t put words in my mouth

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3 dec. 2012

Looks like one of the defense’s final witnesses wasn’t ready to play nice with prosecutor David Walgren. During an intense cross-examination Thursday, Dr. Robert Waldman accused Walgren of putting words in his mouth. The judge stepped in and told Dr. Waldman that that’s how cross examinations usually work. Walgren asked the judge to strike several of Dr. Waldman’s responses because he was being “unresponsive.” When Walgren asked Dr. Waldman how many hours each week he did dialysis work, it took the doctor about a minute and a half of back and forth before he could explain.

4 Eight Days of Glory: The Myth of Rosie Ruiz

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Gepubliceerd op 10 jun. 2019

*UPDATE: Rosie had passed away from cancer July 8, 2019. May she have found peace before her untimely passing. Her orbit:
On April 21, 1980, Rosie Ruiz appeared to win the Boston Marathon’s female category with a time of 2:31:56, only to have her title stripped eight days after the race when it was discovered that she had not run the entire course.

5 Why did Rosie Ruiz CHEAT the 1980 Boston Marathon? (JOG ON Running Through History)

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21 sep. 2020

On April 21 1980, Rosie Ruiz was awarded first place female at the Boston Marathon. 8 days later, she was stripped of that title after it was declared that she had cheated, and in fact had only run the final mile of the race.
40 years later, I wanted to understand how and why did Rosie Ruiz cheat the Boston Marathon?
My sincere thanks to writer Will Cockerell and broadcaster Toni Reavis for their authority and input on this fascinating story. More Running Through History videos from JOG ON will be coming.

6 The Woman Who Cheated the Boston Marathon

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Rosie Ruiz was the first woman to cross the finish line at the 1980 Boston Marathon. She celebrated with her gold medal, television cameras capturing her every move. It soon became clear that something was not quite right…

7 Rosie Ruiz, As Mysterious In Death As She Was In Boston History

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This week, the news hit Boston that the infamous Boston Marathon cheater Rosie Ruiz has died. It was a development as mysterious as her ordeal in the city nearly four decades ago. WBZ-TV’s Christina Hager reports.

8 Eight Days of Glory: The Myth of Rosie Ruiz

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10 jun 2019

*UPDATE: Rosie had passed away from cancer July 8, 2019. May she have found peace before her untimely passing. Her orbit: On April 21, 1980, Rosie Ruiz appeared to win the Boston Marathon’s female category with a time of 2:31:56, only to have her title stripped eight days after the race when it was discovered that she had not run the entire course.

9 The Models Who CHEATED in a Half Marathon

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Should have ran faster smh

10 This Man Catches Marathon Cheaters And Calls Them Out On His Blog | TODAY

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Marathon runners who cheat have become more sophisticated in their methods – they don’t need to hop on a bus to stay ahead of the competition. See how one man is trying to stay a step ahead of them as a self-styled marathon investigator. NBC’s Stephanie Gosk reports for Sunday TODAY.

11 Onderzoekers over publicatiedruk Pauw & Witteman 25 november 2011

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25 nov. 2011

Voor de derde keer in drie maanden tijd komt onderzoeksfraude bij een universiteit aan het licht. Professor Don Poldermans, hoogleraar peri-operatieve cardiovasculaire zorg aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, heeft op een onzorgvuldige manier data verzameld. Bijna twee weken geleden maakte de Nijmeegse Radboud Universiteit bekend dat een promovendus onderzoeksresultaten heeft ‘verfraaid’.

Hoewel deze fraudezaken aanzienlijk minder ernstig zijn, doen ze denken aan de zaak Stapel. De beroemde hoogleraar bleek jarenlang onderzoeksdata uit zijn duim gezogen te hebben. Hij werd ontslagen bij de universiteiten waar hij werkte, en leverde zijn doctorstitel in. De Universiteit Tilburg doet zelfs aangifte tegen de ex-professor.

De drie zaken doen het imago van de wetenschap geen goed, zeker aangezien het vooraanstaande hoogleraren betreft. Sommigen wijden de fraudezaken aan een structureel probleem in de academische wereld. Door de grote druk om met opzienbarende wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen te komen zouden sommige onderzoekers in de fout gaan.

Yvo Smulders is – net als professor Poldermans – internist. Hij komt samen met psychiater Joeri Tijdink en Robbert Dijkgraaf, scheidend president van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, praten over de grote prestatiedruk bij academici.

Integrity is a multifaceted concept that refers to the quality of being honest, upright, and having strong moral principles. It encompasses several key points, including:

  1. Honesty: Integrity involves being truthful and sincere in all interactions, whether it’s in personal relationships or professional settings. It means refraining from lying, cheating, or deceiving others, and always striving to communicate truthfully and transparently.

  2. Consistency: Integrity entails acting consistently and in alignment with one’s values, beliefs, and principles. It means avoiding hypocrisy and ensuring that actions and words are in harmony, regardless of the circumstances or the presence of others.

  3. Trustworthiness: Integrity is closely tied to trust. It involves building and maintaining trust with others through reliable, dependable, and trustworthy behavior. Trust is crucial in relationships, and integrity is the foundation upon which trust is built.

  4. Accountability: Integrity involves taking ownership of one’s actions and being accountable for the consequences of those actions. It means being responsible, admitting mistakes, and taking appropriate actions to rectify them. It also involves honoring commitments and keeping promises.

  5. Ethical conduct: Integrity encompasses ethical behavior, which involves making decisions and taking actions that are morally and ethically sound, even when no one is watching. It involves adhering to a code of conduct or set of ethical principles that guide behavior and decision-making.

  6. Respect for others: Integrity involves treating others with respect, fairness, and dignity. It means valuing diversity, being inclusive, and being mindful of the impact of one’s words and actions on others. It also involves respecting others’ rights, opinions, and boundaries.

  7. Courage: Integrity requires courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of challenges, pressure, or temptation to compromise one’s principles. It means having the moral courage to do the right thing, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.

  8. Personal reflection and self-awareness: Integrity involves self-reflection and self-awareness to understand one’s values, beliefs, and biases. It means being honest with oneself and striving for self-improvement and growth. It also involves being open to feedback and willing to learn from mistakes.

In summary, integrity encompasses honesty, consistency, trustworthiness, accountability, ethical conduct, respect for others, courage, and self-awareness. It is a fundamental quality that guides ethical behavior and fosters trust, respect, and authenticity in relationships and interactions with others.

12 The Nastiest Fast Food Prank

5 apr. 2016

Welcome to the world-famous Just for Laughs Gags channel, where we pull public pranks on unsuspecting Montreal residents and tourists.