The Unfair Psychology Behind Police Interrogations – Blog

Lucas Gomes

Do. Not. Talk. To. The. Police. Guilty OR innocent. You need a lawyer.
Nějaký Cyp
When they said to that man “We are 100% sure ur guilty”. He could just reply “Then why am i still sitting here? ” Checkmate
“The door isn’t locked and whenever you want to leave Teresa will let you out…” -The ony proper response to this is “Thank you for your time and do you have a to go cup for my coffee.” 😉
Notice the subtle psychological things they do. Put you in a small room, in the corner, table pushed against you, interrogator on each side. You’re boxes in. Wall behind you, to your left, interrogator, and table on your right, another one in front. And they always have more than one, to make you feel ganged up on.
Soul Shart
Haha I like the guy at 1:27 reacting to their lies. “We got witnesses” “Great!” “We got video camera.” “Perfect!!”
Walid Feghali
Props to JCS – Criminal Psychology for shining light on these intriguing stories!
It breaks my heart when I think about how many innocent people are sitting in prison after being tricked into confessing to crimes they didn’t commit.
Nothing boils my blood more than the idea of being falsely convicted. In my humble opinion, 100 true convictions are not worth one false conviction.
Stanislas Kowalski
When someone says “I’m not lying to you”, it triggers an alarm. 🚨
My father is a retired police offer and taught me you never ever talk to the police if you are arrested and immediately ask for a lawyer. Even if they tell you oh you are staying here over night until we get you one. Nope that’s fine I’ll wait for my lawyer.
Not my real name
Remember: the safe word is “lawyer”
Chang Le
I feel like I’m cheating on JCS by being here right now. I’ma see myself out.
I learned from YouTube and tv shows what I have to do in this situation. 1. Am I under arrest or free to go? A: Call a lawyer and remain SILENT. B: Walk away.
I almost got imprisoned for something I didn’t do when I was 11 years old. Don’t talk to cops they don’t care if you are innocent they just want to look like they are solving crimes and are the good guys
Lmao when they say “I don’t believe you…” “That’s a you problem, not a me problem.”
Sebastian Ryan
My dad was a cop for 25 years, and he told me if I’m ever in trouble with the police, don’t talk to them.
Boozy The Clown
If you are EVER faced with this situation, ask, or point, for a pen and paper and write “I want an attorney.” If you are free to leave. LEAVE. Never let these criminals trick you into saying something. Even if they keep you in that little white room for 4 hours. SAY NOTHING. You have the right to remain silent if you are detained. If not. Ask to leave. Never speak without an attorney present!
Adryan Cutty
A fish with its mouth closed never gets caught, and thanks YouTube for taking me to school. Appreciate it!🤙🏼
Samuel Mabey
When I was 14, me and my family were interrogated while being missionaries in China. (China doesn’t allow foreigners to share the gospel without their permission) The techniques used in the video were very similar to what they did to us since we knew they took our phones so we knew they had some evidence of us doing mission work from text messages and photos etc. but we didn’t know how much they knew so it was really intense answering the questions. Especially being in China. We were interrogated for about 10 hours altogether.
If you put enough pressure on someone they will say anything to get themselves out of a situation. People get flustered when being kidnapped and held by a large gang.
“youre obviously not under arrest today. Anytime you feel like you want to leave here, feel free to do so..” “Ok Bye”
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia
Even if u innocent it’s a horrible feeling getting accused of something u never did. I know cause I’m a narc survivor, narcs always lie and gaslight.
Sun Tzu
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. -Sun Tzu
Milli Macro
Just remember: if you’re in the interrogation room, they don’t have enough evidence. If they can prove you committed a crime, you would be in the holding cell waiting to see the judge
Tyler Durden
Torture anyone enough and they will “confess” to anything.
Mr. Divery
When talking to police, all you should say is “I want an attorney” Police: hey how are you doing? Suspect: I want an attorney Police: We just want to talk to you Suspect: I want to talk to my attorney Police: Can I get you a cup of coffee? Suspect: You can get me my attorney
Tone Montoya
This was really informative. Hopefully more people watch it. People act like they’d be confident in this kind of situation despite having little to no knowledge of the sneaky techniques officials are trained to employ.
Jesper Nap
I remember the Chris Watts case…gives me the chills
Alejandro Vallejo
1:53 is the perfect example why you NEVER talk to the cops and ALWAYS should ask for a lawyer, innocent or otherwise.
As someone who has suffered emotional abuse, watching this was so terrifying. The tricks and process is basically the same and I’m many ways, identical
Randy King
If the cops really have enough evidence, they wouldn’t need your confession!
Sagnik Mukherjee
JCS is everywhere. What a legendary channel. <3
Pascal F
The only thing you tell them is “I want a lawyer”. End of the story.
Tyler Durden
“Anytime you feel like you want to leave here feel free to do so, that door is not locked.” Me:
Rowan Melton
If I got wrongfully convicted of murdering my parents and subsequently spent 17 years in prison, I’d be going back 6 months later for murdering the detective who coersed the false confession out of me
Wrongful incarceration is honestly my worst fear.
Everyone should always remember that it’s their job to prove that you’re guilty not prove your innocence
Mall Ninja
My “favorite” thing about all of this is when you lie to the police it’s a crime, but when they lie to you they’re just doing what they were trained to do.
Mike Rutcosky
the generation that watches SVU and Criminal Minds is the same generation that would need this whole video to understand that you absolutely must get a lawyer immediately
“i want my lawyer” That’s the first thing you say in interrogation.
John Chao
Reminder: do NOT talk to police. Ask for a lawyer, and shut up.
Nícolas Campos
In Brazil, confession alone cannot be used by any judge to sentence a person for a crime. The confession can only be used if there is another proof connecting the defendant to the crime, such as witness testimony, fonrensics or videotaping.
Black Out
The best words are : ” We are bandits, not snitches.” Gustavo style.
Andrew Howard
Another tip I learnt is having a loud clock ticking to literally make you think “you’re time being innocent is literally ticking away”
Gary Martin
Everyone needs to study the case of “The Norfolk Four” where four completely innocent men confessed to a murder they did not commit, the police had zero corroborating evidence and they were convicted and sentenced. Eventually all were released and exonerated but they still did prison time and it take an act of the governor.
Quietly Magnetic
As George Washington said ― “It’s better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”
An Sheng
I love the idea of breaking a criminal down to get them to own up to their deeds. But not so much of innocent people. By the way, real evil criminals aren’t that easy to break.
C guy !
Pretty much no matter what you are go “I invoke my 5th amendment and I want a lawyer and a phone call” if they keep talking to you ask them to leave until your lawyer gets there
Frank Anderson
That cop saying “it could have been an accidental discharge” Sounds like a whole threat. I would confess too
Stijn Braam
Remember people, when you’re in this situation: Better call Saul👉🏼
hooligan bubsy
Imagine lying to a 17yo kid who just lost his mother that his own father identified him as the killer. It’s no wonder the police are so rarely viewed kindly in the community. They just want to send someone to prison. It’s a bonus if they’re actually guilty.
Genaveive the bimmer
The moment she said polygraph he should have realized there’s absolutely no evidence full stop
“You can leave at anytime.” Man should have gotten up and left right then and there.
william hummerick
I really would like to see a video game about interrogations. Like Ace Attorney but more realistic, like a simulator, and like an FMV game like Detroit: Become Human
Jordan Womack
If you are bought to an interrogation room, ask for a lawyer. Don’t even let them ask a question, just ask for a lawyer. If your guilt was “iron clad” they wouldn’t need to talk to you. If they have a ton of evidence against you, you wouldn’t be talking.
Ross TheNinja
1. Remain silent. 2. Request a lawyer. 3. If in doubt, see 1.
Nacho Martinez
well. In Canada, detectives can’t give false information to suspects. That saves lots of innocent people going to jail. However they can continue to ask questions even if the suspect chooses to remain silent.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you cooperate with me, I can help you out, but no guarantees.” –every cop, everywhere
When your in one of those rooms and know you haven’t done anything or even if you do is be quiet. Let him speak all he wants and then you say I want a lawyer we are done here.
We were watching the first 48 and I said “get a lawyer!” During a police interrogation. I was asked what do I have to hide. I said “the cops job is to get a confession whether you did it or not.”
Sansar Sah
innocent confessed due to lying of police and spent 17 years in prison .. What a disaster and shame for police.
I’m glad that most of the clips he showed were from JCS so we actually recognize them.
Practical Bible Studies
Four words to say to a cop: “I want my lawyer.”
Would love to see a collab of this channel and JCS. Great work
thank you for this advice and knowledge!
Humbled Panda
From a police officer: “Never talk to the police even if you’re innocent because anything you say can be used as evidence against you. Invoke your right to the 5th amendment (this is not an admittance of guilt) and request a lawyer. I keep that advice to heart
“We have you on video.” “Thank God!” “That’s why we know you did it.” Truly Bewildered “How can that be? I didn’t do it!” Absolutely confident “We have you on video. There’s no question you did it.” Wonderingly to himself “Is it possible I did it and I don’t remember?” To cop: “Are you sure?” “Absolutely sure.” Thinking “Hmmmmm? OK.” This is a PERFECT example of… GASLIGHTING.
If a cop told me i could leave whenever i want. I would literally leave right then and there
Kacey Smiley
I’ll always remember what my lawyer professor said to me in class: Most police don’t care if they convict the person who committed the crime, they just want a conviction for the crime. That’s why you shut up and ask for your lawyer.
I thought I heard somewhere that this was actually very similar to how the British “interrogated” Luftwaffe pilots in WW2. Additionally, apparently they were also put in a fancy hotel with hand picked other pilots that they felt would engage in gossip. The idea was that the pilot will probably lie or be entirely uncooperative in the interrogation room (where tactics like these would be used), but holding secrets can be difficult, and many would chat idlily with other Luftwaffe POWs about their engagements, unaware that the hotel had bugs planted just about everywhere. A lot of information about their aircraft was learned that way, since so many pilots were distracted by the interrogation and had no idea their discussions were being monitered and translated remotely. I vaguely remember something about this from a documentary a long time ago, so if anyone can provide a source or knows the name of the place I am referring to I would appreciate, I forgot so many details. But apparently the idea was basically the exact opposite of torture: create such relaxing bliss that they get careless. It can be hard to stay hostile when everything in your environment is setup to make you feel at ease, your logic tells you “hostile” but your instincts tell you “friendly.” Over time, in many cases instinct will win since it takes energy to continually act on logic despite your emotions and instincts. Edit: Trent Park is the name.
Anon Ymous
“You’re not under arrest, you can walk out any time.” “Aight duces…”
J Nike
Why on Earth is that man, “Chris”, who killed his entire family, being defended here?
Connor White
I mean even if it’s not murder and something small in comparison, one time a few bad kids I hung out with stole someone’s shoes (I was with different people and not involved at all with that crime) and the cops out of nowhere pulled up next to me as I’m walking down the road put me in cuffs and said “you’re friends already said you were there we have video evidence of you being there just tell us how it all went down and we will move on to the next person” LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING, meanwhile I was a just a 15 year old boy minding his own business going about my day to be harassed by some cops. My parents are very pro police, but even after that whole incident my parents taught me to never speak without contacting them or a lawyer first.
i wonder how i’d be in that situation since i’m so hardheaded and believe i’m right all the time
Along with the coffee, bring me my lawyer.
Mj F
why do cops win? they’ve done this before and this is your first time. Rookie.
Manfred Röper
It also helps that 95% of criminals have an IQ that matches their shoe size. My first response (before I ask for a lawyer, cuz I like to play a bit) would be to state that whether I’m guilty or not is a matter for the court, not the police 🤷🏻‍♂️
When you watch so many JCS videos that you know the footage during pre-explanation
Rial Taf
I love your channel, waiting for another video! Would love to see you do Russell Williams
What a crazy feeling it must be to be sitting in that interrogation room, and be guilty. And then you confess, and then realize, I’m never going to be free again. Talk about a bad day.
Matthew McCord
The Police: “Can we talk?” Me: “Lawyer.”
Confession tapes on netflix is a must watch.
The grey man
If you are on an interrogation, ALWAYS ask for an attorney/ lawyer, they will hold you even if they have no evidence. Or If you accidentally say you committed the crime they WILL hold tou
Maayan Wietchner
The guy in your first clip just got out out the Mirana Warning. I love this video it’s very helpful (I’m writing a confession to the police scene and this is one of my main sources of information) thanks! P.s. I highly recommened researching the Miranda Warning.
Mad Jack Churchill
“the legend of Jeff” taught me to take the soda and shut my mouth.
Brian Brueshaber
How do you know you have a good lawyer? On the way to the interview, she hands you a tube of super glue and says “here, have some lip gloss”
La Mar Waters Sr
Remember, they tell you in your Miranda rights, the 2nd one!! “Anything you say, can and WILL be held against you in a court of law”!! The key word there is WILL.. So, NEVER talk to the police, not even as a witness.. You’re lawyer is your best friend in a court of law
I have watched too much criminal psychology videos on YouTube because I recognized all the real clips he used lol
I’m such a true crime junkie, I know, and have seen in their entirety, every one of the clips featured in this video.
When you get pulled over by the police they ask you all sorts of questions. then if you’re arrested, you’re told you have the right to remain silent. 😂
Evan Wish
This legal lying is evil. Not everyone can afford a lawyer. How often do these lies “accidentally” find their way into the courtroom?
There’s a scene in The Wire where police interrogate a teen by telling him that this (copy machine) is a new lie detector which feels your heartbeat and prints out a “True or False” paper after he answers each question.. “The machine tells the truth son”. He fell for it, confessed as the cops walk away, head high and say “the bigger the lie the more they believe”.
mandy moore
Remember, your 3 safe words are…. “I WANT A LAWYER”.
Timothy Van Der Schultzen
The only things you should say to the police are “Am I free to go?” and “I am not going to talk with you without an attorney. I would like an attorney now.”
Luuki puuk
If you want to go in depth in stuff like this, all of these clips are from Jim Cant Swim. It’s such a great channel and I highly recommend it to everyone interested in psychology and criminology.
Randal Gibbons
My lawyer is a humble guy. He told me if I ever talk to police about anything, without him present, he will kick my teeth out. I think it might be pretty serious advise to not talk to police even when you’re innocent.
Ravishing Rick
When we see all these clips, we often forget that these suspects have been getting interrogated for HOURS and hours. They’re just exhausted
Take this ONE tip: The safe word is always, “lawer”
Jerry A. Brown
The fact they’re holding you in a questioning room shows they have no case. Getting you to confess shortcuts their investigative work. Lawyer up and make them prove your guilt. You are presumed innocent under the law.
Caution-the ‘advice’ given in this video largely only applies under US law. Not the majority of the world.
Hypocritical Nihilist
None of these taped conversations should have ever happened because the only thing you should ever say when questioned by the police is, “I want an attorney.”
I would just burst out crying if they wouldn’t let my side of the story out
john paparella
“I’d like to exercise my sixth amendment right, I need my attorney NOW and will remain silent until I speak to her.”
Ah good old Russell. Lived right behind my high school haha
I’ve never been in trouble but a few words will always help me if I ever need to know how to act during an DeNiro said in “Goodfellas”…”never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut”
Remember.. You have the right to remain silent. When they tell you that you are allowed to leave whenever you want to leave… LEAVE QUIETLY AND QUICKLY.
Thanks for explaining exactly how to deal with the police
Austin Adkins
The case of Lee Rodarte is one I’ll never forget.
Ryan Rich
“I don’t answer questions” – Ray Shoesmith
Isaac Trujillo
What infuriates me, is when they set their sights. That’s it, wether you’re guilty or not. It’s about conviction, and that’s it.
There’s something seriously messed up when you have to tell a person that’s 100% innocent that they have to stay quiet when the police try to talk to them or else they could end up going to prison. Instead of making a confession the goal, how about priortizing getting the truth?
Peter Sommer
When you want to slaught a cow, you will lead it gently to the place. So police friendlyness is butchers friendlyness
Meme God
Nice, I’ll keep this in mind for my upcoming interrogation
If you ever get put into an interigation room your only response should be: “I need a lawyer or an aterny, bye”
What it sounds like to me are the police are well versed in toxic personality traits and manipulation tactics such as gaslighting
george malone
Never trust anyone who’s comfortable lying to your face and when accused tells you it’s just their job oh, I see. You were just following orders
Sean Wilson
Officer brings me cookies. “Oh wow I’m so relaxed and unthreatened!”
Zair Morningstar
Those cops who got those innocents locked up need death this is evil asf and should be absolutely illegal
A Very Dangerous Potato
Watching a good amount of JCS criminal phycology taught me a great deal of tactics used by law enforcement to bring criminals to confess
Debra Blouin
Lawyer lawyer lawyer Even if you aren’t technically under arrest, demand a lawyer for any questioning by law enforcement.
Notice how Chris says: “I dind’t do anything to those kids” instead of “my kids”
Rivia Wolf Edits
This is truly the moment Jimmy McGill became Saul Goodman
Marlana Ferro
I would simply say, Sittin’ on tha bowl, waitin’ for my bowels to move. I gotta doo doo rap. I gotta doo doo rap.” That’s all, folks!
Lucas Douglas
Just say you don’t understand the question to near enough everything they ask and they will end the interview after a few questions and you’ve 100% complied with them
Chris Kokolios
Only one didn’t confess his crimes .He only admitted them 2 weeks before his execution so that he could find a way to save himself or maybe even escape
The four magic steps to not spend the night in jail: 1. Do not talk to the police 2. Do not talk to the police 3. DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE 4. DO ask for a lawyer and to be immediately dismissed
Jacqueline Kjono
I’ve never been arrested but, I did get hauled in by HR over something once. I would have confessed to a triple homicide to get out of that room. People who know what they are doing can really break you down and very few people are tough enough to take it – especially the people who think they are tough enough.
Amber Chaba
I want a layer present. No way im talking to them. This is evil when dealing with innocent people.
Nick C
1:29 is so fuckin perfect, “there’s a number of witnesses” “great” “and one of them has a video camera” “PERFECT”
Sun Flower
Ayyye I love JCS criminal psychology. Great video.
Chris Davis
Whenever a police officer wants to talk to you, remember, it’s STFU Friday.
Kitty paws342
Marty Tankleffs situation was tragic as it was horrific . My God he was just a 17 year old and innocent . It’s enough that you find your parents horribly murdered without being falsely accused and imprisoned for a crime you didn’t commit.
Here’s the psychology you should have: I have a right to remain silent, I want a lawyer.
Yeah, that’s exactly the proof of honesty and integrity in police, fine upstanding criminals with badges.
Angel Melendez
I have not seen thousands of interviews by police , but the one done for the Russell confession was extraordinarily done . I mean it was like listening to a surgeon if that was possible
Zach M
When they say you’re free to go: “Awesome, thanks. I’ll be leaving now.”
Prince L
How much do they get paid for a conviction or a confession. Seems like they’ll force a confession no matter if ur innocent or guilty.
Anthony Andrews
Finan Yemane
JCS – Criminal Psychology, one of my favorite channels!
John Trains
Once I hear I can leave…Byyyyye. I ain’t got no time for a personal class on gaslighting. Why do some people chose to stay? Lol
if a cop told me i was free to go at anytime, i would just leave lol
0:50 that guy is literally giddy when he hears he isnt under arrest
6:03 “he’s already failed a lie detector” This is not true. Why? Because the polygraph isn’t a lie detector. It isn’t admissible in court, it’s not that hard to cheat, the person conducting the test can strongly influence the result, and because of all this, it is a tool for manipulating the suspect, not finding the truth. As such, it is quite a useful interrogation tool, though, hence it is still used. But we don’t even know if he actually failed the polygraph. It doesn’t matter. Police will always tell the suspect that they failed the polygraph test because anything else would be useless to them. Usually they will also say that the suspect is a terrible liar and confirm that the polygraph will yield accurate results on them beforehand. All of this is not to actually confirm whether the suspect is lying or not, but to make them believe that it was confirmed that they were lying, greatly enhancing the perceived inescapability of the situation. Since most suspects don’t know how a polygraph actually works and what it is used for, this is usually very effective.
Lvl 5 Dino
I would just say “show me the video” or “bring that witness
bob cobb
That Martin Tankleff seemed pretty guilty. The fact that he was showered when the cops showed up did look kind of bad.
Daniel Moore
I’ve seen it in movies and assumed it’s true. If they had all the evidence they needed for a conviction, they wouldn’t be interrogating you, they’d simply arrest you.
Antonio Kinsey
I have mixed feelings about this. If someone is guilty, I want them to confess in an interrogation, but if they’re innocent I wouldn’t want them falsely accused.
Jorge Callico
”Officer, I never make statements to the police unless I have my attorney present”. Rinse & repeat!
Jason Barefoot
I once heard when they say, “anything you say may and will be used against you in a court of law”, believe it. Anything you say won’t necessarily help you, but it will most certainty hurt if possible.
Chill Im_Probably_trolling
3:58 Kevin Owens taking this new detective gimmick seriously.
Just remember the one rule that every good lawyer will tell you: DO. NOT. TALK. TO. THE. POLICE. EVER. They are not your friends. Their job is to find someone to put in prison.
after you enter the interrogation room – stretch out, close your eyes and take a nap for 7 hours xD
Cody Blum
Chris Watts confessed when his dad came into the interrogation alone and then his dad walked him through confessing to the police.
A good video. Only thing I’d suggest is to limit the amount of stock/fictional footage between scenes. It was a bit distracting and even disorienting at times when you would say “now these cops think ” and it was from a set of people from some cop drama somewhere. It’s ok to let a still image sit on screen as you set up the scene we’re about to see 🙂
Brian Jadlowiec
I’d confess so I get free food and lodging forever!
Video game viewer
It’s simple. Whether guilty or not. “I WANT MY LAWYER”
Samantha McBride
The best thing to do is never to talk without the presence of an attorney… period.
This is solid, pleas make more videos on this kind of subject matter. how sociopathic behavior can harm innocent agreeable people,
The police are the “good” guys who are actually evil
Once they have their suspect, interrogators will do anything to get ‘the win’.
Zach Prisby
Dude, do you maybe wanna credit JCS for condensing his whole channel for your video??
Mayam MZC
” I did not hurt these girls”, wow. As if they were not his own daughters.
Vortex MDK
Always keep a rolled £20 in your prison wallet as a last ditch hoop bribe when they search your inner workings
madhatters crafts
I thought, let me just see what this is about. All through the 10 minutes My heart felt like it was beating in my thought as it went on I sware I was having a heart attack. As in each case, I knew that I would confess something I did not do. I wish to be ignorant again, lol.
Falcon Echo
I don’t know if I would survive 17 years in prison for a crime I did not commit… 😭😭😭
Arianna Fiora
I don’t even live in the US but this genuinely scares me. I don’t know what I would do if I ever got involved with the US police. These techniques just feel plain wrong.
Victoria Vogt
Soon, this is gaslighting…. that’s great. Literally making people doubt their experience and reality.
Reminds me of scene in Breaking Bad where the undercover cop/drug buyer tells Badger/drug seller, while they’re sitting on the bench at the bus stop, that “If I were a cop, I’d legally have to tell you. It’s in the Constitution.” LOL. Cops are scumbags.
If there are ANY false positives, you can’t rely on any confessions. A confession should only be used as a guide on where to focus on finding real evidence.
_Izzy _
“We can’t falsify video footage” Haha editing, deep fakes, out of context clips, video stitching and audio swaps go brrrr
The Rage Commenter
I saw that clip from The Blacklist you threw in there. Can you do an entire episode on Reddington please???
danda adnad
More people should watch this. I’m a crime junkie so I had this recommended but people who are oblivious to how the system works can really get hurt even if innocent
David Thomas
I liked the edition of the video, it was so flawless.
V J90
They basically can get you to admit something you didnt do
The innocent guy’s interrogator actually got demoted for his actions during that interrogation.
Dylan Kelley
Damn, that’s one hell of an effective sponsor plug: Do YOU want to be falsely IMPRISONED over crimes you didn’t commit, just because you said or did the wrong thing during an interrogation??? NO? Well then… You’d better buy this book that’ll teach you otherwise, provided by today’s wonderful sponsor! 😀
rick James bitch rick James bitch
This what happens when your interviewed with out a attorney present
Aiman Syahmi
criminals usually confess bcs of tired being held in the room or theres a plea deal
Andre Noble
Saul Kassin has done a lot of work on this.
Cecily 95
Great taktics to make criminals confess but it’s pretty messed up when someone is innocent.
Dennis Anderson
Detective: “You’re not under arrest, you can leave anytime you want.” Innocent me: “OK, I’ll leave. Now.” I’d like to believe I’m mentally and emotionally strong enough to hold onto my innocence (if ever under such interrogation)…but it’s so stunning what the psychology can do, instead of even, “Hi,” the first thing to say is, “I need a lawyer present,” then remain silent. [And that’s if you’re innocent*! Detective: “You want a coffee?” Innocent me: *silence I do know of cases where the suspect was, in fact, guilty and the detectives lying about evidence did reach the conclusion. So I understand the allowance. If you are innocent, the oddly hard thing to remember in the moment is, “I’m not speaking at all an attorney.”
In the interview disrupt the interview in any way, tap your foot on the table, grin, throw the pen at the interviewer, don’t talk, press the stop button on the tape recorder, anything, don’t admit to anything. Make it as difficult as possible, your going to jail so why be cooperative. I would make it as difficult as possible and not answer anything
I don’t get it. If I know I’m innocent, they’re not gonna convince me to confess 🤣 that’s crazy.
TBX12 Frλnku
Thats why you apply the: “I don’t nothing, I say nothing” and you call Saul
D. M. Miller
Never go to the station for “questioning.” If they want you to go, ask: “Am I under arrest?” If not don’t go. Don’t end up in that little room.
stoplooking atmeplease
When I was 16 I was shot at the school bus stop with no warning , never knew who did it, when the italian police interrogated me , they all turned against me with their psychological games , from a victim to the hunted, and in the end they stated that I shot myself with a gun claiming I was a liar If the police chief’s son would of been my shoes the cops would of furiously scavenged the entire city to spot the shooter – scumbags
Ryan Morgan
If ur being questioned they dont have enough evidence… ask for a lawyer!!
cinthia miranda
Plus they have you in that room for hours and you get tired and sometimes you say what they want to hear. I guess is better not talking at all. They just push people even if you are guilty or not that pressure they put on people is very overwhelming.
Steven T
“I invoke my right to remain silent” 🤐
Shelina Doodle
they made the innocent man doubt himself and think that he hurt his parents in his sleep? thats crazy
Keith P
Good video. I’ve seen all the videos of the examples here which are brilliant. I’d love to see a case where a cop themselves was the murderer and was then arrested because they’d know all these tactics and it’d be epic to see how they’d get around them.
Will Richards
It would seem that most of these would fall under the ‘unlawful confession’ category: ‘An involuntary confession that was coerced by a police officer cannot be used against a defendant in court, regardless of whether it was true.’
Leonard Priestley
The Surprising Psychology Of How YouTubers Try To Sell You Things By Pretending They’re Speaking Candidly About Them
Mr. Noob
7:55 didn’t know hank from Detroit become human has been charged with shooting a police officer
All these tactics are easily defeated by shutting your mouth completely.
Crypt Rot
i’m glad i watched this. Now i know how to get away with my texture crimes, which is the crime of breaking into high end fashion stores to feel the textures.. ohhhh
Yes but
Cop: Can I order a coffee to go? Me: My lawyer tells me never talk to police.
Thomas _ TK
As soon as the detectives came into the room I’d tell them I don’t wish to talk about any crimes or anything I’ve done or haven’t done. Then I’d just keep changing the subject or replying with “no comment”.
these are all interrogations that JCS already covered. you can’t come up with your oontent?
john angeloni
“Charisma On Command” AND “JCS – Criminal Psychology” Christmas has come early.
Jezusthebeast 420
Thanks bro. I’ll keep this in mind if I ever commit a crime and get caught.
It’s ironic cuz the advice at the end about always getting a lawyer, every cop show they always say guilty people ask for a lawyer 🤦🏻‍♂️ and that makes up think it’s true, when it isn’t.
How tf is this even legal for them to lie to someone that they have witnesses or evidence against you. I think this is so wrong, it’s beyond comprehension.
Well now we all know the tactics
“I’m not lying to you” – totally not a liar
ホンセン セテへ
Police have done it multiple times, meanwhile you were never, so in order to win get someone who also done it multiple times: Lawyer
Cult Us
One time the cops gave me a Lawyer that works with the cops. This system is so corrupt.
Julien C
at 8 minutes in I wouldn’t even let the police back me in the corner like that. It amazes me that some people don’t see through the tactics and games that the police use. That being said I never knew the police could legally full blown outright lie to you about evidence etc. That’s one thing I will remember for the future should I end up in that situation. I always go no comment anyway as rightly said in the video it’s not down to the police to prove your guilt its the courts job and also that’s the only place were it matters !!
dom uncl
This is why the ONLY thing you should say to the cops is, ” I want a lawyer”.
James Watson
This just shows that slimy tactics and lies, that we are taught to stay away from, are what is used to manipulate and destroy innocent peoples lives.
just be like a broken pokemon called “lawyer” and answer everything with the word “lawyer”
Cole Davidson
Imagine having the last name Watts and becoming a killer instead of a superhero or something
In college I took a job in the electronics lab. One day a professor asked me why I wasn’t these the previous day and left the place a mess. I apologized and spent the day cleaning up. There were two labs that day and the professor decided to publicly berate me in front of both classes for it,making me give a very public apology. Later he found out that I wasn’t scheduled for that day, he came to me and asked why I didn’t say anything and why I would admit to something I hadn’t done. People in authority, who have always had someone looking after them are clueless. If I had a dollar for everytime I was punished for something I didn’t do , my house would be paid off.
John Q Public
Deny everything, demand evidence, and request a lawyer.
Games Cooky
“You have the right to remain silent” “You have the right to talk to a lawyer” These rights are here to protect you no matter whether you’re innocent or guilty. So why not use them?
James W
When I was 2 days into being 18, I was arrested for Possession w intent (marijuana , like a half pound) they tried to get me to confess with these tactics, I’d been told by my dad for years “lawyer up plead the 5th” so I told the cops in the room “look can I stand up real quick, check this out” they said go ahead and I proceeded to dance while singing my lawyers information 😂 my favorite memory.
MexicoAlaska Videos
I would just stare at them right in the eyes, and not say anything at all. Let’s see who breaks first
I’m aware now, never speak without a lawyer.
Edgar Maldonado
“We talk about how hot she was we became buddies And now his still in prison “ If i can’t talk to the police who can I talk too lmfao
Alex Znamensky
Would be interesting to see excerpts from interrogations in the presence of an attorney for comparison
Police: we’re about justice and truth Also police: deception, lies and intimidation. That’s how we get justice
Ive watched these videos, and the techniques are valid. Lawyer up. Thats the message. There is more. Don’t let the lawyer talk you into talking with the police. But these guys except for the one, were guilty.
I learned about not talking to the cops for the first time while taking the class to get my state’s concealed gun license. The guy teaching the class says there is only one way you deal with being questioned by the cops: All you have to do is repeat, “Lawyer. I am fully willing to cooperate, in 48 hours after I have my lawyer with me. Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer.” Repeat as needed till they let you go or get you a lawyer. Do not even give them your name without a lawyer present. Do not tell them how old you are without a lawyer present. Do not tell them what year it is, or who the president is, without a lawyer. Laywer, Laywer, Lawyer.
John A
I feel like there’s a lot of parallels between this and car sells
Vishan Singh
These guys are so good at their job they can get the innocent to confess…. Wait what ?
Michael Thompson
even if you’re innocent, there’s absolutely zero benefit to speaking the police.
Daniel Aramburo
The answer to all police questions is “lawyer”.
Sarah Leyva
OMG. They do this constantly in the court system.
There are mistakes (or at least important omissions) in the video. For example, @1:16 the police can’t lie to you about anything and everything. In the 2012 court case of “Commonwealth vs Baye” the courts put limits on the types of lies they can state. The conclusion of that case was: <> I’ll stop with just that one mistake.
David Driscoll
Here’s what you need to do: ask “Am i being detained?” if they say no walk away. If they say yes respond to everything they say with “Give me a lawyer”. Say nothing else. Do not ‘ask’ for a lawyer. Do not ask if they think you need a lawyer. Do not listen to them tell you what demanding a lawyer means for you. Speak with confidence and DEMAND a lawyer without a single doubt in their mind that you will bend on the subject. NEVER confess to anything. It doesn’t matter if you’re standing there holding onto a knife that is still sticking out of someones chest and they are playing HD video of you stabbing the guy who banged your wife. There’s no need to rush.
Ugly Boy
If they had the evidence they wouldn’t need you to incriminate yourself
The thing is that a lie detector can’t prove you’re fully guilty, because it is very possible that it would be inaccurate.
Blah You’re going to talk shit anyways
If you’d had simply stated that you’re invoking your right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present during any and all questioning, this video would be irrelevant.
Just Because
So remember in the US, your guilty until proven innocent 🙂
KC Chiefs
They lie because a confession without enough evidence can promote the officer incredibly fast
Michael S
The fact police can lie about evidence is absurd. This should be grounds for a mistrial
Dom Owen
You should probably use different clips when trying to bring the police into disrepute. In at least one of those clips the guy butchered his whole family. And it’s better for both parties if a lawyer is involved as when it goes to court anything said is more credible.
Michael Katz
IA: there has been so much discussion of confession in this thread. I’d say half my cases i never got the chance to talk to the suspect. That’s why I often got warrants BASED ON EVIDENCE. Of those who I talked to, many wouldn’t talk or lied. A few left confessed. It’s not like confessions are so necessary. They are more like icing on the cake. But they aren’t the cake itself. Confessions do lessen the chance of a case going to trial. The police dept doesn’t keep track of win/losses in court. They keep track of cases cleared by filing of charges, inactive (unsolved), or other clearance. What happens in court or if the case is rejected by the DA isn’t recorded by Investigation statistics. Supervisors review all reports so they know the job their detectives are doing. They have no control over DAs, judges, or juries. Just sayin.
Mad Jack Churchill
Me to myself: everyone should know by now you don’t talk to the police. Also me: this is great content though, so go ahead, chit chat all you want.
P Pumpkin
“Well if you have all this evidence on me, I guess this whole interview is pointless.”
sweedish groove
Dog Dog
Jesus died and rose for you, believe onto Him for salvation know you stand comdemed and be saved. <3
Because they use tactics to seem like you’re winning when you confess.
Ethan Waldron
This reminding me of the exonerated five
My parents always say to me “Don’t say anything to them, just say I want my parents and lawyer.” And I will remember it forever.
First Name Last
Sad part is as an innocent person you think you are talking to them as a witness and trying to help them solve a case with whatever you may know.
Big Dave
i gotta tell ya man these folks are experts, they know exactly wot the hell they are doing
anthony white
In 10 minutes… incredible
Dave Adams
Police – a profession that not only encourages its members to lie but also rewards them for doing so. It’s no wonder they develop a feeling of being untouchable 😎
David Konevky
The second tip reminds me of a judge judy episode: Girl: he took my wallet, my ID, my giftcards, my earpiece, etc. Man: there was no earpiece in there ma’am! Judge Judy: congratulations, you played yourself
Peter Johnson
When they tell you you can leave. DO SO.
J Rena
The title says unfair while having a thumbnail of Chris how ironic can you get?
Michael Katz
My fair Ladybug: i’m not aware of anybody saying it makes you look guilty. Not to say individual cops, or jurors might not feel that way. But care about the evidence. Not how you feel about issues.
Jacob Dorn
I sense a conflict of interest here. I usually exercise my option near expiration.
now everyone who watches this will be immune to these interrogations lol
brittany Bradford
The police are never your “buddy”. It’s not in their job discription. I can’t believe ppl fall for their BS
Hydra zombie
There’s always collateral damage!
I don’t get why people don’t just say that they want a lawyer when told they have a right to have one present.
Nathaniel Whynot
I was once manipulated into admitting to a crime I didn’t commit to protect my family. They will use anything they can to get your confession just so they can complete their paperwork and move on to a new case. Innocent until proven guilty is just a formality to them. The truth doesn’t matter. Your guilty till proven innocent.
Now I can find out who ate my slice of pizza… Thank you Charisma On Command!
Euro Guy 85
OJ didn’t fall for these tactics, because he’s not weak 🤣
Mike Legare
A+ Video. Thank you.
Samuel Jesse Jonah
Right to remain silent often involves a trip to the dentist
why dont you walk away when offered and say you’ll be back once you go thru proescution’s material?
Rishot Nongkhlaw
Oh, so that’s why in the movies they always ask for a lawyer And i thought the characters were just being arrogant
john naile
It’s funny when they catch criminals lying and then they get all hurt by it, but when they lie about false evidence it’s just fine. 😂
Wandering Man
I’ve watched all these videos that this video is based off of.. hell yeah guys.
wayne booker
Jesus. This is where you stand up and say “I want a lawyer”, then walk out the door. If they really want you, the’ll put you in custody to keep you from leaving. I’m all for supporting police, but they don’t have your best interest as a priority. They want to close a case, and if you roughly fit the profile, you’ll do. I know this.
Dechlan Uzabeaga
Using his lawyer skill to make me buy his products 😉
Evyy Smoove
If they had enough to prosecute you, they wouldn’t be talking to you !!!
Qaib Tua Noj
When I was 17, I picked up two friends of friends. They had stolen speakers, we got pulled over. The Public (Pretender) Defender, told me to make the plea of “no contest,” and that it doesn’t mean I’m confessing or claiming, “guilty”…landing me in jail. It stayed on my record and it showed up when I was trying to join the Marines. Public Defenders (Pretenders) are useless. Never hire one, they work with the DA.
Nick Name
Good to know when they catch me killin’.
The one commonality here is not a single lawyer in any of these clips
Matthew Coleman
Id like to see legal eagle react to this
Ashley Thompson
In the wise words of Mike Ehrmantraut: L A W Y E R
In case anyone was interested, the tv show that a lot of the clips are from is called “Criminal: UK” it’s on Netflix and if your interested in this kind of thing, you’ll probably really like it.
Hitch Slap
I love how all of the videos you used are from JCS – Criminal Psychology channel, I guess you too are a fan of it eh?
Prince L
They should require 100% solid evidence like photos, videos or audio recordings. Anything else could lead to false convictions
cezmi kaloie
The only things you should say or ask the police are, ‘i want my lawyer’ and ‘ how about that lawyer?
Rupert Medford
Super interesting. Also, it’s odd that law enforcement is allowed, encouraged, trained to lie, deceive, coerce, mislead…. And they all have “integrity” on their car.
meme is my life
Thank you incase I became a criminal in the future I will remember this
Allan Greene
If they’re allowed to lie in that setting then yes you need attorney.. No exceptions..
Greg Galloway
Witness or suspect, YOU NEVER, EVER GO DOWN TO THE STATION FOR AN INTERVIEW! Witness, you’ll get a written statement as a suspect I don’t say a WORD. AND NO, I’m not taking a polygraph!
Grizzlyman K
Low key I’ve always wanted to get interrogated
Mentally Touchable
Interrogator: “We can’t falsify video footage.” Uhmmm… deep fakes?
Eremias Ranwolf
“I have nothing to say” period.
James Brookes
ALWAYS reply with either silence, or “no ceomment”, as is your right. their job is to get a conviction, whether you are innocent or guilty, always seek legal aid, be polite in your manners but NEVER give them a choesive or constructive answer other than your name and age.
Silvia van Gimst
Serious question: isn’t it illegal to say you have evidence when you have actually nothing? 🙈
8:35 but why doesn’t the guy have a damn lawyer with him who would tell him NOT to tell them anything?
John Walshaw
I learned this the hard way. Never trust CCTV footage, always “No comment” if you haven’t got an airtight story, and if you really feel the need to confess then wait until you’re in front of a Judge. The Police are there to arrest you, investigate you, and give you a court/bail date if the prosecution service wants to take it further, nothing more. They aren’t there to help you or be your friend.
What on earth this is a crazy way of doing interrogations, how can that be legal?
oliver ireland
Woah who has confessed about the origins of COVID-19 😂
Gumnaam Aadmi
Remember Bill Stearn in Billions: ‘Lawyer. Lawyer! LAWYER! Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyerrrr. Lawyer.’
In the clip at 1:40, the man being interrogated was innocent. He was mistaken for somebody fleeing the scene of a bank robbery and was brought in for interrogation.
Max Bushmich
Always always always ask for an attorney. The 5th amendment is such a powerful right
Eddee What
With their 1st question ur answer should always be lawyer. Would u like some coffee? Lawyer. Water? Lawyer. Cigarette? Lawyer
Caz Hickling
Interrogation strategy gaslighting technique associated with narcissist 👊
Christoph Schneeweiß
Easy fix: I will answer any question with one word: Lawyer. We have evidence. Lawyer. We have you on video camera! Lawyer and show me the footage once the lawyer is here. We know you don’t wash your feet regularly. Lawyer. Can’t be that hard.
Luke Mosley
Chris Watts isn’t the example I would have used 😂
remember, the police’s goal is to close cases. And that doesn’t happen until someone goes to jail.
Mr Phatmunkeyspew
Never take the credit or the blame for something you didn’t do
Vanshita Singh
All I can imagine is a criminal watching this lmao
Brayden Dulaney
Good I needed this knowledge for… Stuff
Syrup_in_my_cup 66
Thank you for this information sir
this is because the goal of the justice system is not to catch the culprit, but to find someone to blame
Daniel Lamb
Found my way here through JCS actually. Watching those interrogations made me sick to my stomach but maybe for different reasons. I disliked seeing police officers in what JCS in one of their videos called “an ethical vacuum” and if that meant they had to lie or be cruel, or deceptive, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “does this not degrade the sanctity of the law?” Thinking on it, I tried to imagine a justice system where interviews were not designed to break people (even innocent ones) down psychologically. It is a thought I’ve had in my head a couple of days now and haven’t found a fix, but nonetheless, that “ethical vacuum” just seems so wrong to me.
Just makes me not trust the cops even more, lol.
Benny Goodman
Is there any possibility to ask for a lawyer to be present while being interrogated? How is it a felony if you lie to the judge, police and interrogators can lie?
Infidel Heretic
Did not know they could outright lie to suspects. That is important to remember
*Blue Lotus* Nefertoum
It is never ever to your advantage to talk to the police in interrogations. Everything you say will be twisted that you are guilty.
Cringelord 69 420 haha funny
yo thanks for giving me advice on how to get away with murder my guy
Exit Only
Most detective shows on TV often show the investigators harassing and even physically intimated suspects to get a confession out of them. Somehow this is meant to be treated as commendable to the viewer, “Yeah! They got the bad guy!, so what if they violated his or her’s civil liberties!”. If the suspect in these shows lawyered up , most would never get convicted due to being tricked to give away something based on circumstantial evidence.
First words should be I want my lawyer followed by I plead the fifth.
I didn’t know any of this, now I’m dealing with trouble I feel I’ve falsely been accused of… I dont know what to do.
Britney isallyouneedtoknow
Those false confessions hurt my heart cause really, what are you supposed to do? You keep proclaiming your innocence and they use these methods on you.
Henry Lecomte
I want to admit my Guilt in a crime the year was 1700 and me and my Viking clan have taken over a land far far away
Chris M
first time getting arrested i learned of the 3 D’s Deny Deny Deny
Are there any videos of what happens when people pass an Interrogations both guilty and non guilty?
They like to ask loaded questions. Consider these two examples: 1) Did it rain yesterday? Please just answer yes or no. 2) Did it rain yesterday while you were running around murdering children? Please just answer yes or no.
M.F Heagle
Same tactics as car dealerships, “get you a coffee” “let me talk to my boss”, salesman is bad cop/finance manager is good cop, a simple transaction takes 4-5 hours so you start to get fatigued and give them whatever they ask just so you can get out of there.
Lendav Hobune
almost got sent to prison but i remembered to call my lawyer xd
Will Parker
And this is what needs to be explained to jury members by any defense lawyer when does the police officer taking the stand this officer is trained in how to speak to people like it is a guaranteed fact not that it is a fact but that is spoken that way
mvd 007
If I immediately ask for a lawyer they have to stop the interrogation right ?
ReaL y Ty 4 Real
The only acceptable answer to give a cop is: “I don’t answer questions” Unless they ask you: “Do you answer questions?” Then just don’t answer.
“Anything you say…. can… AND WILL… be used against you…” Do. Not. Talk. To. The. Police.
Wanted Universe
Damn this video is actually making it look like police are the criminals
One word guys, there is one word “LAWYER”
Javea S
Never forget about the Central Park five case. Imagine doing this to innocent children whose brains aren’t even fully developed yet (i.e. lack no fully developed judgment)🥴
Lawrence Gillespie
What I learned is that in some countries, it’s legal for police to lie to suspects to try and get a confession. That seems a bit messed up.
Activ3 Measur3s
When the title involves unfair police tactics, the last person you should have in the thumbnail is Chris Watts.
Anthony Sanchez
This information is crutial for everyone to know
Gerald Varelas
If this ever happens to me. I’m going to reply with “Ima take a nap 😌”
Max Wilson
You’re essentially just summing up and using the same clips as JCS criminal psychology
SweetDixiePeach 🍑
It really should be illegal for police to lie during an investigation interview.
Ramsay Bolton
There’s a reason even police officers get attorneys when questions, oh yea attorneys too. They get attorneys even tho they’re attorneys. It’s the smart play.
Lolli Pop
2:45 They ARE confident & she’s saying it w/ absolute certainty because she IS.
When a cop or a judge or a prosecutor gets in a jam, they call a lawyer. Let that be a lesson.
Alternate title: why you should never talk to police while alone.
1. Request a lawyer 2. Do not answer any questions 3. If in doubt, see 1
Mad Rush
They’re talented at making innocent and guilty people want to prove their innocence by “helping the police”.
Caz Hickling
These interrogation techniques are traits of narcissism. When manipulation is the way we get the truth. And in some cases false truth. We have to ask the question Is law enforcement using the correct procedures.
Bhavya Jain
Criminals while watching this video:. NOTE THAT DOWN NOTE THAT DOWN
Man the cops tried to get me to confess to a crime I didn’t do, i was at the wrong place at the wrong time and they just keep saying I did it but I never admitted to it and I got let go
They also make you sit in a corner, as you can see. Psychologically you’re meant to feel trapped.
Rosalie Bosma
that innocent man was used in another criminal psychology video to prove that his reactions to those false accusations were highly unnatural
Mohsen Kolahdooz
just tell the police “I’m not ganna lie to you man but I’m not ganna talk to you man!” . that’s ALL
Jay Simon
That’s how they got my father’s murder to confess. They went with it. Accepted a plea deal and only served 14 years.
“Nobody talks…everybody walks”
Sean Singh
The “do not talk to police” advice actually depends on what jurisdiction you’re in. In all of the USA the 5th amendment protects you until you decide to throw away that protection by opening your trap, many other places throughout the world have similar protections. In these places, the rule is simple and ironclad, the ONLY thing you say to the police is “I would like my lawyer”. Nothing else. However, if you’re in the UK or in Queensland, Australia, refusal to answer police questions can be taken as evidence of guilt by a court. So in those places, you need to know what to do and say as a life-skill before you ever get questioned. In other jurisdictions like India, police custody actually accounts for the overwhelming majority of custodial time served (i.e., courts are fairly light-handed but the system is so choked up that plenty of people spend many many years on remand), so in these jurisdictions, the game plan is more about knowing which cop to bribe, how to communicate the bribe, and how much to pay. So here you’d want to keep talking, be likeable, without admitting anything and avoid getting the cops offside.
Julian B
I love videos like this , if anybody knows anything like this hmu
Holy hell, we have literature from 1600 that teach us to NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE. How’s the message not understood yet?
I have the utmost respect for law enforcement but lying and manipulating suspects should be illegal and those who do it should be punished. A person can be charged with lying to police. It should work the other way, too. Also, when a person is falsely imprisoned, not necessarily accused, but imprisoned, those involved in the case should be held responsible and there should be stiff penalties for that. Sometimes detectives aren’t looking for the facts, they’re trying to close a case.
Me: police put that recorder close to me and listen close. Bring my lawyer 👀
Prisons are housing a lot of innocent people right now. The system is so broken and it’s in no small part because police are legally allowed to lie to you. Many people have literally spent their lives in prison for crimes they didn’t commit. Innocent people have even been executed. And before you say it’s the price we have to pay to have a justice system, consider this: When an innocent is wrongfully convicted or executed, there are actually multiple injustices being committed, because a) the original victim did not get justice, b) the wrongfully convicted gets INjustice, c) their families suffer through all of this, and d) the real perpetrator is still at large perhaps even committing other crimes and victimizing other people.
Pixel Issue
Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.
Jason Markos
This is great advertisement for lawyers perhaps that’s why they do this so that you always contact a lawyer which leads to more money for the capitalists
Tanner Lynn
The cop, judge, and prosecutor that put that young guy away for 17 years should all do double 17 years of time too
Would you say this applies for police worldwide?
Professor James Duane also has a fantastic talk here on YouTube about talking to police. Highly recommend watching the entire thing. Valuable content
Hamza Charane
Never talk to police, it will never do you any good. Use the safe word : L A W Y E R
Skeet Svar
I honestly thought this was a video of how to get criminals to confess…this has nothing to do with that. This just a video on how to bully an innocent person into a confession because you’re too lazy to do your actual job and find the culprit.
TrundleForce TV
If you get pulled into a room With investigators you don’t sit down, say i will only Talk with my lawyer present. No matter what!!!
Seronin Aran
If you like these things and want to see long form samples of these interviews, check “JCS – criminal psychology” – its’ insane.
Tihetris Weathersby
The Police have entered the chat: Why are you giving our secrets away? There will be consequences
Chill Dudie
Usually due to narcissistic abuse perpetrated by the law enforcement.
Mrssea Sea
Ya well I pled guilty. When I was 21 we were out celebrating, and at about the end of the evening we were surrounded by like 5 cop cars, they had their guns drawn and we were arrested for armed robbery. During their”interview” they told me that the person I was with had already told them we did it. So I said oh okay guess we did. but the store owner told them we were not the people that had done this to him, we were arrested anyway. a few days later they caught the people that did, but this charge is still on my record 35 years later. The person I was with did not tell them we did this, but I was so young and naive, I just said yes we did commit armed robbery. I look back now and think ….WHAT THE HELL
“I do not answer questions”
Stephen James
Here’s a big reveal.Cops think your smart when you only talk 2 a lawyer.NOT GUILTY.
If you’re innocent don’t talk Get a lawyer. If you’re guilty don’t talk get a lawyer.
Maddie B.
Weird that this video chose to feature so many clips of people who were actually guilty.
Give some credit to Jim can’t swim
Nonin Now
My principle tried doing this to me she is decent at interrogations I bought a vape and the kid I was buying it off got caught he snitched and I played her lol
Laxus Dragneel
I think this info needs to confidential 😂
Let’s put it this way, if they had the evidence you’d be under arrest not being interrogated for a confession. So when they say they got the evidence, they don’t have enough to arrest you on the spot.
It makes me angry to see how police faces minimum to no charges at all for forcing innocent people to confess. On the other hand innocent people who confessed under pressure have almost zero chances to get out of prison after they confess.
Jesus Mind
And while you are investigating and reporting on what you find, compare and contrast US Judicial system with Japan’s or better yet, China, just saying.
most people don’t say “i want my lawyer” because they understand they’re about to clear out their bank account to have a guy basically dodge your calls for months.
Cop: “How are you doing?” Me: “Lawyer.” Cop: “But I’m just…” Me: “Lawyer. And I invoke my right to remain silent.”
I watched this video and I could not go past 2 minutes without having to come comment on this. I am astounded that this can happen in the US… I’m a police officer in Finland and here the police is bound by law to aim be an objective entity that has to find evidence for or against a possible suspect. A confession does little to nothing here, and we are never after one. On simple and clear minor cases we’ll take a confession to sort the case with a direct fine instead of a court hearing, but other than that confessions are not worth a damn. The system described in this video sounds like the police is only after convictions, and not finding out the truth. That’s horrible. Our system has it’s flaws for sure but it is aimed to find the closest thing to an objective truth…
Do Anh
for what purpose and why gorvement allow and trained their departments, agents to be like this???? fight crime??? or just to get as many closed cases as possible no matter what?
Aaro Rissanen
I don’t think lying to suspects is ethically right. They should just use some other ways of determining guilt
People make mistake of thinking they can avoid all this by just asking for a lawyer. They forget about the “and then stop talking” part.
Criminals watching this be like: WRITE THAT DOWN!!
It’s incredible how they can mess up with your mind. Good job Charisma. 👍🏼
I know from personal experience. If police want to talk to you, it is because they want to extract guilt from you. It is their primary reason for talking to you about a case. For the love of God, get a lawyer before doing this. It can be the difference between probation and twenty years in prison. It could lead to dismissed charges. It could lead to charges not even being filled.
Police lying or tampering evidence should face the same prison sentence that they in turn tried to convict someone on.
There are even false confessions where an innocent person confesses to the crime. What do you think about the psychology of doing that ?
Michael Bryant
one time i confessed that i ripped all the heads off my little sisters dolls but i didn’t do it. my big brother did and he paid me a dollar to say i did it. i didn’t hardly even get into any trouble and now i have a dollar. is that a lot?
I hope this doesn’t get removed off YouTube…
Ulfhedinn Norsk
A cop friend of mine said that only scumbag psychopaths that ended up as detectives do that! And I believe him. Met my share of psychopaths as very high ranking officers in a military. Sadly, psychopaths are very successful in anything they do.
Vanessa B.
Wait! What? 17 years for an implanted false memory of the facts?!
merry hunt
Where I live, if you ask for a public defender, you’ll be in jail a long time till one becomes available.
Vador 1385
Remember if you talk to police ask for a lawyer unless you actually murdered someone, then you can easily trick the police
When to get a lawyer? Either 1. You’re innocent or 2. You’re guilty
Jay B.
Police : Can we talk? Me : I only speak Lawyer… And then I get ADHD and become more and more forgetful.
false memories, read up on Laney et al an asparagus love story. you’d be surprised at how fragile the human mind is…
Dos Juguetes Amoso
I hope the other inmates are torturing Watts right now.
Rose Leger
But what about their interrogation of the person pressing charges?
Black Vito - Moneyology
I image it must be quite frustrating getting accused of something that you never did😂
if i get interrogated i’m just gonna start singing and not talk to them
Haaris Khan
In India we have a different version of this… It’s called slapping😂😂
Spy the Lie and Get the Truth are also great books about police interrogation, that go over the techniques, how you can use them, and how they can be used against you
Here in India, in the 90s till the 2010s we had a show called CID where if the bureau wanted the truth, one of the officers, who was real bulky and huge would give a big tight slap to the suspect and the suspect would automatically cry and confess. It was meant to be serious show but man was it a joke.
Bob Pitcher
When those “professional” interagaters get you in that room for a couple of hours, you can come out over there believing that you are Moses
Will Richards
Why don’t the suspects just walk out? If I knew I was innocent I would feel like they’re all crazy and leave. If I was gulity, I would leave and get the hell out of town. Either way, the best thing to do is leave.
Because they’re effectively torture chambers.
cattleNhay (aka Eggman)
You need to say “American police “ because how these criminals “work” is thank god not the world standard.
We need pre-cogs.
Mark L
The police want to get a conviction, whether the person is innocent or guilty is of no matter. Always bring a lawyer
CP Savage
So it’s gaslighting. They make your question your own sanity.
This kind of thing is why I can’t completely support law inforcement. I’d rather see 1000 guilty people go free than see a single innocent person punished for something they didn’t do
Ok but that police woman on 3:15 said “it’s totally true I’m not lying like 5 times” and that’s exactly what a lying person would say
you can definitely falsify video footage
There can be no system of “justice” when the primary goal is a plea bargain.
Angst Legion
I murdered my family and now can walk away knowing ill never be covnicted.. You are my own persional-and-portable Jesus Christ!
McChicken Mcflurry
I watch enough video so I know I can outsmart the interrogator
Good cases don’t need confessions.
If you didn’t know this, they will take advantage of truly innocent people. How can you even pursue justice after being falsely accused?
Momchil Anachkov
This is a great piece of content, even though it makes me sick. The fact that police can lie to get what they want is no bueno.
j d
I never, ever will understand why people ever speak in interrogations without a lawyer present, even if no lawyer at least hit them with the “no comment.” jesus.
reminds me of “when they see us”
Rules to follow: Do not talk to the police (even if you are innocent) Do not offer interviews Do not offer alibis If they have the evidence to change you, they will charge you anyway. Nothing you say will help your case. Handle it in court.
Jade Joy
Everyone’s gangsta until a real gangsta watches this video and finds out how to escape interrogation.
I understand why the police can lie but that’s basically entrapment imo.
The police: Masters of gaslighting
Almost like cops aren’t held accountable for questionable legal practices.
Kamesh Ganeshan
Police: Can you come with us? We need to talk to you about something which had happened. Me: Sure, let me just pick up my phone and ring Saul Goodman. Police: You what? Me: Chillax. It’s all good man!
Connor RK800
It would be awesome to see a Charisma on Command video breaking down Neal Caffrey from White Collar
Rose Gunna
“ don’t talk to the cops they not your friend”
Zeph & Xavi
Pay attention to water on shelves. Store water from faucet just in case.
Honestly who would fall for this i am way smarter than that i use these techniques against other people often lol
Nothing good can come out of you talking to police, if they say they have evidence then tell them to proceed with the prosecution
I think I could get a confession out of a suspect pretty easily. “Ok, this isn’t an interrogation, I’m just going to ask you some questions, ok? Now, if at any time you feel uncomfortable just say the safe words ‘Ike Honfess'”
Always “lawyer up!”
Walter Brooks
Me: Never talk to cops. Always ask for a lawyer. You: Even if I’m innocent? Me: Especially if you’re innocent!!!
Zack Phillips
In an interrogation the best way to truly find out whether or not the police have any real evidence against u is to “lawyer up” because immediately after that you’re either gonna be arrested & charged & go to jail or you’ll go to jail & have a temporary hold placed on you for 24-72 hours so they can gather more evidence to convict u & keep u in jail or they will simply let u go….
E.J. Richardson
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”—1 John 1:9. We need to confess of our sins. By His grace and mercy, God gave his only Son as a free gift of salvation for those who accept Him. We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, and we have all gone astray like sheep, but we can reconcile with him. It is time to wake up!! God is calling to the 1 and already has the 99. Are you going to answer??
I wish people would understand to just ask for a lawyer before the games even start. If they had actual evidence on you, they wouldn’t need a confession. Don’t try to play the game, you will lose.
Mahmoud Younes
“We can’t make up that”….you mean “we can’t make that up”? …I can only imagine an interview for these scoundrels.
Step 1. sit down Step 2. I want a lawyer Questions end
Priscilla Nibi
This just makes me sad
Leontief confess to them, even if u did it.
Claire Stark
Remember kids, one simple reply to any conversation line “I want my lawyer.” And “thankyou I’d love a coffee.”
adam brewer
Look I know deep down your a good person, an honest person…so now be honest with us.. Where did you bury the bodies?
I always wonder why people confess, police pleading “do the right thing and confess” would not fool me, right thing for who?? Would I feel better by confessing to a crime and therefor face life in prison???? Wouldn’t I rather feel better if noone could prove I’m guilty??? And letting me go??? Wouldn’t that be the right thing for ME to do?
Yolo Swaggins
I don’t understand the part where they say that you have the right the walk out the door whenever you want to, is that true?? Cuz if so I don’t understand how ppl still get stuck being interrogated for 7 hours or so
Vipul Lal
Brilliant video. Thanks
The best interrogation repellent is to forget how to talk. Very underutilized.
Kokoii _
I would just sleep in that quiet room
UI Shinigami21
I completely lost my faith in humanity
Nicole S
All you need is to look into the Central Park 5
I was looking for a video like this
Jeff Claterbaugh
“It’s not a lie … if you believe it!” -George Costanza
Tell me I am free to leave anytime, I’m getting up and walking out right then.
Joseph Dennison
I want a lawyer. I don’t answer questions. No lawyer , we’re done
Abada Abada
And don’t forget police works for people. But you have to stay away from it the farthest you can.
Kriti Shrivastava
What are the names of the shows whose clips have been used here?
Cal Dean Roe
Can you a do a charisma breakdown on princess Diana? Any video you see of her, the whole world loved her and she had the world and the media in a trance. It would be really interesting to see her charisma breakdown because it seems so magical in a way
FA Barragan
7 hour interrogation? I heard you have the right to leave. Is there any truth to that?
The worst Guitarist
There should be a system to not allow to talk to laywers until there is a really big confusion going on
Police are narcissists this describes the same traits exactly
Shahid Khan
All good for first world countries where there is rule of law and the request ‘I want my lawyer’ is not laughed at by police. In third world countries, police can put you behind bars for hundred of days in piss poor conditions, beating the hell out of you just to get the confession. So unless you’re rich or resourceful with good connections, you’re doomed no matter you’re guilty or not.
“I have nothing to say to you. I want my lawyer.” This is the ONLY thing you tell police if you find yourself in an interrogation.
Zachary Payne
We need to do something about this…there are a lot of innocent people in jail..
Wayne Elliott
Makes me angry that public servants – paid by the public – can lie to you to entrap and chalk up a brownie point for themselves because the crime is ‘solved.’ They don’t seem to care that a wrongful conviction means the guilty is out there free.
Hans Christopherson
Police interrogators don’t get you to admit guilt, they convince you that you are guilty and they already know it
Tristram Coffin
I recommend you DO NOT watch view any video from JCS Criminal Psychology unless you want to form an addiction that consumes your life.
Kenny Kelly
JCS is such a great channel I find integrations so interesting to watch I sometimes feel like I’m the one being integrated it’s also interesting to learn the strategies they use to get you to confess
DoomerGate Blazze
Magic words I want a lawyer
Michael Jffjjde
JCS clips all up in herrrrrr
LewinTheUKGamer Whoopwhoop
Is this the same for the uk aswell with the rules about lying about having evidence and stuff ?
Danilo Brajkovic
1:52 This is not a confession. Quite opposite.
Journaling with Nadia
The show flashpoint shows this really well, it’s about the SRU (Strategic Response Unit) and they focus on negotiating
oB Clutch27
You have the right to remain silent and the right to not have that silence used against you
Vishnu Nalubola
This method can be used during bargaining too
Nina Gabi
Watch “Don’t talk to the Police” James Duane on YouTube! – AMAZING – law Major
Miur Touissi
People will admit to not trusting the cops in interrogation rooms (“lawyers!!!!”) but will trust them blindly in the streets lol it’s the same folks
As soon as you start talking to them, your goose starts cooking. If you’re ever in this situation just try to remember not to say anything but “I want a lawyer” and not to accept anything from them
Just wondering … how much of the videos was STRAIGHT UP ripped from JCS…
Natural Remedy
If you involved with a crime scene, call your lawyer first, let them call the police
The whole damn justice system is a joke. It’s designed so the ones with money get away with whatever they want.
pro katarina
Try that on joker and see how he interograte the policeman
Jolyne Kujo
My first line would be “I took a law class I know my rights and I’m not speaking to you till I have a lawyer.”
Michael Brown
Never talk to the police without your lawyer present – NEVER, under any circumstances. Friendly chat in the park, giving a witness statement, making a complaint, or being interrogated. NEVER.
Akash P.
At 4:16, except the man did kill his entire family and dump their bodies with no regard whatsoever. The video really needs to make a distinction between the people who were actually killers and who were innocent. Mixing the two into a single pot can give the impression that cops are nothing but pure evil and everyone was coerced into confessing.
John Young
Guilty people talk because they feel by not talking and asking for a lawyer makes them look guilty
Rob Leuschke
This video is really disturbing. It’s part of the disconnect between the public and the police. Police are trained to assume guilt instead of pursue the truth. The fact that they can lie with impunity in the attempt to catch suspects in lies. “Anything you say can and will be used against you,” but nothing you say can exculpate you. The prosecutor can claim hearsay— utterly ridiculous. Thank God for the 5th Amendment— Use it! NEVER, NEVER, talk to the police. I couldn’t even finish the video, I was so angry!
JCS really coming through here, giving me context for most of these.
Andrew Benjamin
In general my advice is usually NO COMMENT at the initial interview stage as will most solicitors..the reason being at the initial interview stage the police are only bound to give you what’s known as INITIAL DISCLOSURE. This is only required to provide you with sufficient knowledge to reasonably explain why and what the charge you’re potentially facing. This means they have no obligation to provide all evidence they posses and will often ask questions they know the answers too in an attempt to trip you up. Therefore in general (especially if guilty) provide no comment interview until the police charge you, at which point you will receive FULL DISCLOSURE and can provide a more full defence to the allegations. That being said in a situation where you’re completely innocent and just happen to be there there is nothing wrong with providing a statement explaining your version of events, it’s often helpful to provide your defence at the earliest opportunity(if it’s one you’re going to stick to) as although as everyone likes to explain you have the right to remain silent, and while this can’t infer guilt negative inferences can be made.
Duncan Idaho
If I ever get interrogated, I plan to say absolutely nothing and just sit there until I pass put from low blood sugar.
They only want a scapegoat and move on to the next case. Whether you are innocent or guilty, they don’t care.
2:20 police can lie during an investigation
I a nutshell: Doin’t EVER talk to cops unless you call them to help for some reason.
Amanda Jackson
If I were told I was free to leave at any time, that’s exactly what I would do. Bye!
Inspector Callahan
“I plea the fif, five,….anything you say, FIF”
Do not talk unless you have a lawyer! period. Taking a criminal justice class and that’s one of the first mistakes people make. A confession is an admittance of guilt over a situation and if you falsely confess they can use it
Cristhian Rodriguez
The innocent people that spend any time in prison should be compensated millions, imagine being locked up for years for something you did not do… the people who convicted should suffer and whoever reported them.
John Carruthers
NEVER , EVER talk to the police except to say the following : ” I am exercising my right to silence . I want to speak to a lawyer .” That’s all you should EVER say to them .
Jeff Grey
I just don’t trust the police. People who have the ability to take away another persons freedom should be treated more skeptically not less.
Elrayah Elnour
If you know that you are innocent have strong character and ignore whatever they said, talk to your lawyer before you say anything because there are so many dirty cops around.
SkullTag Films
Never waive your rights and talk to the police, that’s their golden ticket. Lawyer up and don’t say a word.
Krissy K.
I see somebody’s watching JCS 🙂
I'm too stupid to pour piss out of a boot
The funniest part about the guy at 0:40 is that he actually wore the boots into the interrogation were the same boots he wore to the murders. And that guy is Russell Williams a high ranking colonel in the rcaf
Mike Smith
hey guys if you’re interested in this case and want to learn more check out the “Chris Watts Tapes” podcast its a 10 part series, really enjoyed it maybe you will too!!
Obakhan Jones
The “police” who lie to get false convictions need to be charged with a crime.
Edwin Mejia
Interrogations are not to see if you’re guilty. Their goal is to make you confess
light bulb
I had no idea I was going to listen to some goof sitting in the basement somewhere and trying to analyze Psychology when I was just randomly looking up a topic lol
“I invoke my right to remain silent.” Repeat after me. Until you are a free man again.
edgar benitez
863 people who disliked this are police 😂
Ben Torrey
Never talk to the police, end of story
leo green
Why can’t these police be charged with perverting the course of justice
Sam Smith
“Here is my statement , officer. LAWYER!!!!!! LAWYER!!!!!!!!!! LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am really glad to live in Germany where a police officer making false claims in an interrogation makes any evidence optained unseless. It’s really heartbreaking to see unguilty Americans getting locked up in prisons that basically rid the of all human rights.
Can you name the documentations those interrogation are from???
RedWhiteand Bluebonnets
Certainly the fear of the unknown outcome is an issue – here’s a cop telling you they know you’re guilty – so you want the best deal you can get, but I think the fear of regret is another. The fear inside telling us, “Man, they’re telling you they’ll go easy on you if you ‘help them out,’ if you don’t, and they give you 20 years in the electric chair, you’re gonna spend the whole time regretting not cooperating, because who knows, maybe they would have let you go instead?” This fear of regret must be ignored. If they have the goods, they’ll convict you. Even if they don’t have the goods, they might convict you. It is a crapshoot, regardless of your guilt/innocence. But if you confess, you are 100% convicted. No possibility for a new trial, appeal on any grounds, nothing, you are F’d.
Michael Telzrow
Never, ever talk to the cops. Ever. Get a lawyer.
Quint Ork
having a photo of chris watts doesnt help your case sir! but great advice for the innocent mate x
Ross TheNinja
Was just about to recommend JCS when you did.
Shawn Michael
I love how police tell everyone not to LIE however they are the LISTS AND MANIPULATORS
The Swedish Chef
Am I the only one who watched all the JCS-Criminal Psychology, and recognizes almost all these cases?
Yebo Screbo
These tactics wouldn’t work on me
robert redmon
Moral of the story never speak to police without an attorney
King Ali
Or you could just dangle them over a roof and go “Where is it!?”
Evan Gelist
You have the right to remain silent, don’t do their work for them the burden of proof is on them. Just say “Lawyer” and then keep your mouth shut. Having said that I am glad Chris Watts was screwed hard to confess, his was particularly evil and he belongs in Jail for the rest of his life.
Rowan Melton
Polygraph tests are notoriously inaccurate, all they do is measure your heartbeat, a fast heartbeat means you’re nervous, which to the genius behind the equipment means you’re lying. In reality anyone would be nervous if they’re being questioned by the cops over their families murder.. Doesn’t mean they’re guilty
saim AZ
Lmao I finna keep my mouth close
Naresh G
this video has some miss guiding clips. The situation in the first clip of a tall black guy is not what is shown here.
8:50 forget the sponsor. There’s a free lecture on youtube, search “never talk to the police”.
Dark Soul
You have the right to remain silent. Use it.
I am lucky that I learned to never talk to the police. My brother blew his brains out and I was the one who found him dead. Because of the odd way he shot himself (in the forehead holding the gun towards him) as well as I found him almost immediately, and he used MY GUN (we lived together) they were convinced I shot him. I got interrogated for hours, and just kept repeating “I did nothing to him. I will only speak to a lawyer,” after I figured out they weren’t just asking questions about his suicide. Had I not known about how police interrogation works, I would be in prison for murder.
Professor Cube
Bruh this whole system seems beyond broken that’s just gonna get innocent people thrown in jail for things they didn’t do
Elaine Gibson
Interesting but also problematic. The tactics are so similar to the crazy making, dismissive comments narcicissts will make to their victims. Even if you know reality, you doubt yourself and can give in just to win peace or in these innocent cases, they just want it to stop, they may doubt themselves after enduring hours of manipulative tactics.
My dick is unbelievably small, But
Another thing to note is that although the officer says you are free to leave at any time they will sit between you and the door making you subconsciously think there is no way out and that you have to talk your way out.
Orlen Espinal
Great now If something happens I’ll shut down and say two word. Lawyer now
The big lesson here? Never talk to police without legal presentation. Get a lawyer, before talking to the police whether you’re guilty or not.
Tim Tighe
Hire a lawyer even if you have to make payments for years most public defender’s will get u convicted
paul petoletti
How can they legally lie? Isn’t that a type of perjury? Cops should have to take an oath before questioning anyone, in turn reducing false convictions to some degree!
Lillian Linton
Do not start watching JCS – Criminal Psychology if you don’t want to get addicted and binge your brains out until 4.30 am
Eric 0000
Not every interrogation ends up in the innocent getting incriminated
Lynx Firenze
The obvious is don’t talk to the police. But beyond that the immediate reaction I had to claims of video proof etcetera was “Show me”. If they won’t that’s an immediate sign to me at least it doesn’t exist. Ofc I’ve never been in such a situation
If they’re interrogating you it is likely they don’t have evidence
Markey Westskies
Is the goal of the investigators to trick the interviewee or to find out the truth?
Nicole on EQ
Understanding the patterns of the human mind can either be utilized for good or for bad.
Never let them in, Never talk to cops…never, never, never
Does anyone else think these tactics are unconstitutional?
You can teach a cop to literally play with the human psychee… but refuse to teach them how to handle a gun.
Are all cops trained like this or just interrogators? It isn’t exactly a good look for the police Force knowing they can legally lie to you without concequence. I know that it is important to always get a lawyer but this makes me never want to talk openly to a policeman even in much lighter circumstances.
Luiz Lopes
Amazing video. In my first job as an 18yr old I fell to this trap and “confessed” to a minor crime that I never committed and ended up being fired. I’ll teach my girls about this early in their lives.
I have been interrogated before and I never felt compelled to admit to something I didn’t do – I enjoyed talking w/ police and was not railroaded, falsely accused, or disrespected. We were both respectful and I did not let them tell me that they “knew” something happened that didn’t. When I got tired ….I simply left the interrogation room – I told them that I would be happy to return and discuss the matter with them …… I wasn’t called to come back (I was kind of disappointed!) …. sounds like it doesn’t always go this way but I would still always talk to police ….. If God Forbid I somehow commit a crime, I am not sure what I would do …..probably get an attorney and expect consequences (?)
Growing up my mum always told me. Never admit anything to the police. True story and she’s a criminal psychologist for the ministry of justice in nz.
Zac Adam Morrison
In an internet age, where rich get richer, companies profit off the small people, It is hard for many to trust the legal system that has kinda fail them. I see it getting ugly knowing that i don’t support BLM but the society don’t have answer is the reason why people are pissed. Because perception and then authority z@c+
Victor Hyde
In most European countries it’s illegal for the cops to lie to you. Weird, isn’t it? It’s almost like the people who are charged with keeping you safe are supposed to be honest and trustworthy as well :O Mind… blown…
Gøth Førest
“you’re free to leave” and the guy is still sitting there???!!!!
Mr K Lakhan ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Buddy, this is what damaged Society today…. especially on the internet.
Tyrell Wright
You’re downplaying how much this can affect people that are actually innocent.
Robel Ab
if i ever comitted a crime im gonna think of this video.
Don 22
“I’m not lying to you” then why did those words even come up in your brain?
Michael Idarecis
Just keep telling the interrogator “thou shalt not bear false witness” and then tell them their spouse is lying to them
Thereis Nopandemic
Why sometimes people confess? Simple Romans 2:14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.
Can’t Say
Isnt that thumbnail pic of Watts who cold bloodily killed his whole family. Included 3 children? What are you saying here exactly?
Jhonny 2 chains
We serve and protect… OURSELVES
Michael Katz
John, the Relevator, actually you are wrong on civilian review. If it’s as simple as determining if there are policy violations, the police supervisors and internal affairs already do that. ( i was found guilty of a policy violation because i “was on the fringe” of the policy. The chiefs words). If a policy says you can’t use excessive force, a civilian review board would have no clue at what point the force became excessive. Use of force is authorized. Is one punch or arm twist excessive over another? Is one ok, but 2 are not? Police must check out suspicious persons when citizens call. When the person refuses to stop or cooperate, policies are general. What specific acts did both parties do? Who reacted to who? Juries have sometimes said “i can’t believe anyone would do THAT!”. A civilian review board has no clue how irrational some people can be at times. How people sometimes DONT act in their best interests. If a written policy says you can use reasonable force to make an arrest, the review board would have to determine the exact thing or time any force became excessive. If they haven’t done it, they have no clue. Reactions to tv video of use of force is a good example. If it’s not pretty, many think it’s wrong. Civilian review of volatile situations doesn’t make sense, except as a public appeasement method.
Justin I
White Elephant Theory
The guy at 4:22 killed his wife and two small girls so I’m missing your point.
Emmett Kasey
people either confess because: -they feel guilty -they feel deep down that morally it is the right thing to do, -they feel the victim/victims family deserves closure -they are tired of the interrogation and just want it to be over -they are tired of the interrogation and just want it to be over except they did nothing wrong and just falsely confess out of pressure or because interrogation has been so long they are starting to question whether they did do the crime and they remember it incorrectly and they are guilty – and if you’d a psychopath-> they confess so they become insamous/can brag about their crimes
Stanislav Zaverukha
The 1st guy was Russell William’s, he was evil, glad he went to jail
Fiji Will223
Why does everybody keep saying “lawyer up” like that shits not expensive as hell 🥴
7:47 after 7 hours? He should have asked for a lawyer after 5 minutes.
Jake Martin
We already kn- Lawyer Buddy, it’s too la- Lawyer C’mon man, we know where yo- Lawyer Look, a lawyer is just goi- Lawyer We’re on your side he- Lawyer We just want to he- Lawyer
At 4:21 he actually did murder his entire family. Documentary on Netflix called “American murder” I think. Crazy documentary. Didn’t realize you mentioned this until I watched the rest. Sorry, lol
Never talk to a cop with no lawyer
Sarah Jacobs
this is why there has to be laws against lying to the accused or innocent people. Hell, fishing for evidence at a place or location should’ve been scrutinized.
Ajay Kumar
Police of some other countries : Too much work , let’s beat and toture him into confession😁
Sofia Smith
Anyone know what show was playing in the background
Plead the fifth and I want a lawyer 💯 even if UR INNOCENT LAWYER UP NO QUESTION OR STATEMENTS OF ANY KIND 💯
Quyết Lê
Nasty job. I thought they were something like “true detectives”. Meh
Arlene Whiteswan's Mysterious Domain
If police know when someone is guilty, can’t they tell when someone is innocent? And isn’t it entrapment to trick an innocent person into a confession? Imagine losing 17 years of your life because of this!
There’s only one thing you ever need to tell the police: “I want to speak to my lawyer”.
It always shocks me that these people blab on like they do. Were you out that day in kindergarten? Everyone knows there’s only one thing you say in a situation like this. “I need a lawyer”
Ian Wheeler
JCS – Criminal Psychology alot of the clips in this video are on this channel and the processes the police use are broken down and explained check it out its a great channel.
Travis Isle
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.!!!
Rudy Schwab
The best way to avoid getting hemmed up by the police is to avoid committing crimes.
Christian Jenkins
This needs to be taught in school
i have interrogated several guys and many have confessed in when pressed during interrogation. however in my country that confession is not valid unless done in front of a magistrate. and most who confess usually plead not guilty in court.
That poor kid’s parents were killed and then he sat in prison for 17 years? That’s his whole life all over again in prison.
Name Rank and Serial number THATS IT
Now everytime one of these videos comes up the first comment is always about JCS. Seriously the best channel on Youtube.
Bill Buyers
So seeing that police do not stop crime before it happens, and they want to send innocent people to prison, Police are completely useless 😒
brittany Bradford
An interrogation is someone trying to prove their innocence
NATHAN Umphreys
Always Lawyer up… if they have the ability to make a innocent person think they’re catching a murder charge then that same person thinking there is no way out of it will plea down and admit to what they didn’t do
This video is a prime example of the “lies” police tell during interrogation. It’s called backing yourself into a corner. This video provides brief information without much context. “This video shows police “lying” about the camera.” Yet the camera was real. They saw the girl heading towards his vehicle. They gave their interpretations of the facts. They are allowing you to either clarify the situation or dig yourself a hole. Yet this video has you believing they are pushing people towards confessing. In a way, yes they are. They just say “we know this” which actually means “we believe this.” Your actions and words are what creates any evidence against you. It’s pretty straight forward. It’s videos like this that ironically make you believe that it’s something more devious. One of those pots calling the kettle black moments.
The Heretic
The officer in the beginning that “you would not believe already has hard evidence?“ Yes I would. You can hear the tension in his voice.
Sevar S
I guess I know what to do now ? Lol
Thanks for making me hungry at 0:28
Stephen James
Best way 2 end an interview, call 4 lawyer specially on tape.Interview ended.
Eli of Earth
back the blue though, right? lmaooo
this is how king von was able to avoid jail time for an extended amount of time. he stayed silent the whole time. RIP KING VON
That lady cop rubbing his (Chris Watts) back is just creepy. Guilty or not, I don’t want a cop, male or female rubbing my back, pretending to care. I would ask for a lawyer right then. “But we’re just asking you about jaywalkin.” Lawyer…… and I need a shower
Roz Sa
Long story short, don’t talk. If you’re ‘unfortunate’ enough to end up in that interrogation room, call for a lawyer and don’t say a word. If you’ve done something wrong, enough circumstantial evidence might have you found guilty anyway. But its certainly much harder.
Mom can we get Jim Can’t Swim? No we have Jim Can’t Swim at home Jim Can’t Swim at home:
Naresh G
In a way this video is helping culprits get away with the crimes they are going to commit
Don’t get cookies from strangers… specially if they are the police!
‘Legally lying to you about evidence[…]’ Well, not in any country, that’s for sure. Probably not in most first world countries either.
I will never confess Even under torture. Evenen if they tie my shoelaces together I will not talk
Innocent or Guilty: Never talk to the Police. I respect their job and the position they are in, but my Rights are far more important and I dont trust anyone.
you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you, AND NEVER FOR YOU
Matty K 414
“You’re not a monsterrr! Tell us your side of the storyyyy!” 🙄
Charlie W
Why not just plea the 5th every time? Why play the game?
Great Sage
They force the confesions That should be ilegal
Wyrd Holmes
I just ask for a lawyer right away
I hate deodorants
So they interrogate you for hours and hours and you keep saying no but the second you say yes after being tired and unware and shocked of the whole situation they immediately lock you up without evidence.
The Survivor's Sanctuary
This is called FORCING your reality onto others, and the interrogators do it with: gaslighting, confusion and disorientation, and mental torture! POLICE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LIE!! Confessions under duress and torture cannot be trusted! This is both historically and scientifically true!
Michael Katz
To Engineering Geek: im sorry. I’ve posted so many responses. Which ones are you asking about documentation?
The cup of coffee was to get his DNA
17 years lost due to a police lie. Police shouldn’t be allowed to lie like that when the evidence is in doubt. They should be looking for the truth not a promotion. Or rather the promotion should be for getting the truth, not convicting on lies.
Justin Credible
Overhere in the Netherlands it’s illegal for the police to lie to you.
Juan Marcos
In Spain there’s been a wordwide famous case of two people who confessed an assassination to police because of continuous pressure and torture. Finally they were found innocent, since the supposedly killed guy was indeed alive, showed up a few years later, he had just gone on its own. That was called the Cuenca crime
I feel like the cops will try to convict you even if you are innocent. For example let’s take a polygraph and then the cop will rig it against you and falsify the reports.
James Dean
1:40 guy knows he’s lying and his speech glitches
JCS Criminal Psychology is awesome, BUT he posts so infrequently…he’s only posted twice in the last YEAR 😕
Michael Zomsuv
Why does people keep talking to the cops when the cops say, you’re free to leave right now? Or is that a lie too? lol
Inge nious
The Chris watts one is so sad for the victims I don’t even know why you chose it to use as analysis. (Others might be victim-tragic too but I am not versed enough in them)
kontor sik
3:15 ehmm she doesnt look sure in anyway skilled guy definately would see bluff, she is basicly questioning herself not him
Rick Terrance
Yall are just capitalizing on JCS…
Gary Drumm
Never talk to police without a lawyer. PERIOD! Not at a traffic stop. Not when they’re at your door. And DEFINITELY not in an interrogation room.
Donavon Seibert
Michael Crowe is another wrongful conviction case that is absolutely heartbreaking. There’s a movie about it called Interrogation.
Amie GEE
Refuse to talk, tell them immediately that you want an attorney, keep repeating that as often as necessary.
I love the click bait for this video very clickable
dr cuyo
Right , because it was so unfair to poor Chris Watson being interrogated for hours in a row in a room without windows … Poor guy, he didn’t deserve it at all (sarcasm).
Karthik S
Rule 1: Better Call Saul! Rule 2: Rule 1 is the only Rule to follow.
Nick Friend
….“You have the right to remain silent.“ Do just that, even hold up a paper sign to them resting on your knees facing them staying “right to remain silent.“ saves you talking, if they carry on, just fall asleep in front of them, this will really piss them off.
Flakky Has ran out of ideas
Thanks bro I’m gonna commit a crime and no longer confess
If a cop pulls you over ask him to shoe his id, thrn whrn he does try and take it to get a better look. When asks for yours, do up your window and slap it against the side
Mother of Kittens
Crazy how many people don’t ask for a lawyer
It’s a bit strange to be making the police out to be the bad guys and the child murderers and serial rapists to be the innocent victims of their “dirty tactics” .
Seth Braun
This is America. You have the right to remain silent, and to an attorney. So if you’re innocent, and police think otherwise, shut up, and let your attorney speak for you
norman no
how to defeat interrogation psychology in two simple words – no comment
Dale A
People confess because they are tiered of the situation.
Prismet P
Of all the times you see parents telling their kids to confess to police – kid gets 40 years or life in the slammer instead of 15-20 with a deal. Just sad.
Jack Reisewitz
Police are not your friend, they are never your friend. Always remember: anything you say can AND WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU IN COURT. Their job is to present suspects to the court. It’s the jury’s job to decide your guilt/innocent. So police don’t care if the person they charge is guilty or not.
Can you talk about Frank Underwood? He’s a very interesting character, and personally I believe there is a great deal of things about him you could analyze
Margarita Romero
Everyone on the comments is like “get a lawyer, don’t confess”. Nah mate, tell the truth, you might be free from the law, but your conscience will kill you eventually. I don’t want murderers roaming around looking to kill someone: me or mine.
Caleb Ferguson
New title “tl;dr of JCS Criminal Psychology”
There are only two situations when you don’t talk to the police – when you are innocent and when you are guilty
These tactics don’t work on every one, you have some hard core people who have no remorse for whatever they have done good or bad,and will sit there and look at the police and yawn 🥱 and tell them to hurry up so they can go back to the cell and sleep.
Andy Nowicki
I don’t even think they care if you’re actually guilty or not… They get plaudits and clout and rise through the ranks by manipulating people (including innocent people) into confessing, not by getting criminals off the streets.
Shahab Mos
what happens to good old beating ? or gulag .
The police can’t lie to you by law in the uk.
Zacharion Tab
I also feel bad for police officers for doing a lot of paperwork than being that cool cop at cop movies
why are these so interesting
Emre Duygun
This needs to be taught to boys at secondary and high schools …. so important to understand this mindset and techniques and build confidence
John Doe
Anything you say can “and will” be used against you in a court of law they kinda tell what there going to do before you’ve even stepped foot in the station say no comment even if you’ve got nothing to hide!
Alex P
The only thing to say is im not saying a word till a lawyer is sitting next to me. The end.
Now I get why people say stuff like ACAB and such
Jaikant Shikre
The way Indian police interrogates, everybody confesses. Sometimes they get 5 people to confess a one man crime.
Blunt Man
Stories like this are why when police wanted to question me about something I didn’t do 10 years ago, my first reaction was to get a lawyer!
These clips made me disgusted of the police
lee Roberts
He was accused of killing a cop give him. Medal
trap ross
I think that one guy really was guilty of murdering his family. No matter what a cop tells me, if i know I truly didn’t do it, nobody can get me to doubt myself to the point that I think I blacked out and did it. Absolute nonsense. That guy is guilty
Lea Shimanek
“Never Ever speak to law enforcement without an attorney. Also, don’t kill people.” -The State Sketch Show 1994
The Great Dear Leader Jim Pickens
“Remember, don’t drink and drive, but if you do call me.” -Saul Goodman
Shishi Sonson
Nash’s equilibrium
Santosh Sharma
Good to KNOW THE LAW & ur human rights N how u can be treated all cz of …):
Mark Czarny
I don’t mind if there guilty as in the case of Chris Watts but there as been some real travesty of justice in the UK,Barry George . Stefan Kishco .No evidence whatsoever
coding channels
All the footage you used showed male suspect, why? Do female suspects confess less than men?
Ivan Ditlopo
Notice also, how the size of the room makes the suspect feel cornered. Especially when the police get closer to them. Sort of like hypnotising them
Ray Finkle
You are free to leave at any time…. that door is not loc– *gets up and walks out the door* …… Sh!t!